Sakro Sawel means “sacred sun” in Proto-Indo-European. On this website I explore the history and practice of the ancient religion of the sun, which was the largest religion for thousands of years across the world.

The Ancient Religion of the Sun

This book details the history of the ancient Religion of the Sun, based on historical, archaeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence. The rediscovery of this lost global religion has the potential to cause one of the biggest shifts in our understanding of history. Essential reading for those wishing to understand ancient mysteries and religion.

Ancient Solstice

This book explains why so many ancient peoples had aligned their ancient sites to the solstices and equinoxes – revealing it wasn’t simply to do with agriculture, but a profound spiritual belief that saw the journey to heaven and enlightenment written in the sun and stars.

Latest Posts

The Lost World Religion – from Atlantis to Paganism

August 3rd, 2021|93 Comments

I finally got this video out! It's one hour long, and has taken a lot of work to put together. I wanted to give a big picture overview of the theory I present in my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun. It was so hard to decide what to include and what to leave out while still keeping it a reasonable length, since there is so much to cover, but I hope this is about right. [...]

Interview on the Grimerica Show

April 14th, 2021|80 Comments

I just sat down for a chat with Graham and Darren of The Grimerica Show. Nice guys, really interesting questions. We covered ancient religion, lost civilizations, giants, jesus, the end of the world, and more. [...]

FAQ on the Religion of the Sun

March 4th, 2021|46 Comments

I've just written a Frequently Asked Questions about the Religion of the Sun. It answers (what I think) are the most common questions about it, but I'd be interested to hear if you think there are any I've missed! [...]

Why did ancient pagans worship the sun? video

January 31st, 2021|32 Comments

The sun was venerated as the greatest symbol of the divine by pagans across the ancient world for thousands of years - including the ancient Egyptians, Celts and Druids, Persians, Aztecs, Inca, Maya, Hittites, Hindus, Germanic and Slavic pagans, Phoenicians, and many others. It was not about growing crops, but has a far more profound explanation... and led to the construction of the most advanced and enigmatic ancient sacred sites on the planet. [...]

Interview on the Voice of Islam radio station

January 31st, 2021|5 Comments

I just did a live interview on the Voice of Islam Radio station, which broadcasts out of London. I chatted with Sammar Sheik on the  Drive Time show, which was a two hour long discussion about the topic of heavenly bodies with different guests. [...]

Experiences with Odin

August 25th, 2020|36 Comments

Since I first posted a video on out-of-body experiences and dreams with Odin, I've been taken aback by the number of people who've replied to share their own experience with him - almost 70 people now. So I decided to bring them together in one place.These experiences happened in waking life, dreams, meditation, visions, in answer to prayer, and out-of-body experiences. Some people were even visited and helped by Odin during near-death experiences.They reveal that Odin is indeed a real Being, and in my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun, I trace his origins back to one of the wisdom bringers who taught the Religion of the Sun. [...]

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What’s Happening

I’m taking a break from making videos to focus on finishing work on our books. At the moment, we’re working on an update to our book Ancient Solstice. We’re also working on a new book that we’ll release sometime this year.


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