At home at my desk and studio where I do everything from.
I don’t receive any payments or royalties for the work I do (and neither does my husband), but am supported entirely by voluntary donations.
My videos are available completely free of charge. The price of our books is set only to cover costs. The money received from their sale pays distributors, like Amazon, and the rest goes to our non-profit publisher who uses it to pay for their printing and any other expenses involved in producing them.
If you think this information is important, and would like to donate towards supporting us directly so that we can continue our work, you can do so here. If you do, thank you very much for your support!
Donations can be given through my Buy Me a Coffee donations page. USD $5 is the minimum amount that can be donated. You can choose a one-off donation of one or more “coffees”, or alternatively can subscribe as a member if you would like to send us a monthly or yearly donation.
Please note: Donations are not tax deductible. The Buy Me a Coffee page will open in a new tab.
Why we give freely
We work in the time-honored way that teachers and monks have always done, by receiving voluntary donations only.
Charging for spiritual knowledge means that only those who can afford to pay money can gain access to it, but that has never been a requirement for receiving it. Instead it comes to those who earn and make themselves worthy to receive it.
Yet as we live in a material world, even giving freely costs money, along with day-to-day living. That’s why we have a facility for donations here – they go directly to support us so that we can devote ourselves to this full-time. Our only income comes from donations, and from no other source. They pay for the equipment I use to produce videos, support me to research and write books, and be online. They also pay for our living expenses, such as our food, accommodation, up-keeping our car, paying our phone bill etc. (everything we get we use to look after the basics of living and to enable us to continue our work – we only buy what we need and don’t take holiday trips). Our printed books are set at a price that only covers their cost (i.e. the administrative costs of submitting them to the printers, the cuts that Amazon and other distributors take). Any money made from their sale goes to our non-profit publisher to pay for the cost of their production, and no money from them reaches us.