Sakro Sawel means “sacred sun” in Proto-Indo-European. On this website I explore the history and practice of the ancient religion of the sun, which was the largest religion for thousands of years across the world.

The Ancient Religion of the Sun

This book details the history of the ancient Religion of the Sun, based on historical, archaeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence. The rediscovery of this lost global religion has the potential to cause one of the biggest shifts in our understanding of history. Essential reading for those wishing to understand ancient mysteries and religion.

Ancient Solstice

This book explains why so many ancient peoples had aligned their ancient sites to the solstices and equinoxes – revealing it wasn’t simply to do with agriculture, but a profound spiritual belief that saw the journey to heaven and enlightenment written in the sun and stars.

Latest Posts

Sacred equinox

March 18th, 2025|25 Comments

Wishing you a sacred equinox. These times of year pass unnoticed by most people, but in the ancient world were the most holy of the year. They convey profound truths about creation, and about the [...]

Have a Blessed Solstice

December 16th, 2024|141 Comments

Wishing you all a very spiritual solstice time! It's one of the four most holy days of year for those of us reviving the ancient Religion of the Sun. It's an important time for reflecting [...]

Ancient Spiritual Meaning of the Autumn Equinox video

September 19th, 2024|180 Comments

Here is the video we've just released about the autumn equinox, which is in a few days (in the Northern Hemisphere). It takes a visually rich deep dive into the traditions, ancient sites, and myths of the fall / autumn equinox to uncover their deeper spiritual meaning and relevance today.

Interview on the Broader Lens Podcast about out-of-body experiences

August 15th, 2024|16 Comments

Here's the interview I did just a couple of days ago with host Booboo Garcia of the Broader Lens Podcast. We chatted all things out-of-body and ancient religion - including what out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are, the different types of OBEs, astral projection, lucid dreaming, near-death experiences, how to remember dreams better, OBEs in ancient times, ancient OBE techniques, the differences between psychedelic experiences and OBEs, the origins of ancient religion, giants, the different types of beings in other realms, alien abduction, and how to use OBEs for a spiritual purpose.

Out-of-Body Experiences in Ancient Times video

July 5th, 2024|115 Comments

Take a brief guided tour through the ancient accounts of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) found in spiritual texts, legends, and folklore from cultures around the world, to discover how widespread their practice once was. These accounts include astral projection, astral travel, and lucid dreaming. This video is just a small summary of our research, which we present in our book The Spiritual Out-of-Body Experience.

The Spiritual Out-of-Body Experience book now available

June 27th, 2024|314 Comments

After nearly three years of work, our book The Spiritual Out-of-Body Experience is now available. It covers all sorts of topics related to OBEs, including astral projection, lucid dreaming, dreams, and near-death experiences. It gives the historical background of OBEs, looks at what they are, covers scientific evidence for them, and includes practical sections on how to have them based on ancient techniques. You can learn more about the book and find out where to get it in this update.

Spiritual Meaning of the Summer Solstice video

June 19th, 2024|103 Comments

Happy solstice! Here's the video we've just released on the ancient spiritual meaning of the summer solstice. In it I explore the celebration of the summer solstice throughout history, discussing ancient myths, traditions and the symbolism contained in some of prehistory’s most amazing ancient sites aligned to it, as well as its symbolic relationship to an epic spiritual journey that begins in darkness before returning to the light.

Spiritual Meaning of the Spring Equinox video

March 17th, 2024|180 Comments

Blessed equinox! I've just released a video about the ancient spiritual meaning of the spring equinox. In it I discuss how ancient sites across the world, that were aligned to the spring equinox, encode the spiritual meaning connected to the theme of spiritual resurrection. I talk about the ancient sites, traditions, and myths of the spring equinox to uncover their deeper spiritual meaning and relevance today [...]

  • Image description: Winter Solstice video announcement thumbnail

Ancient Spiritual Meaning of the Winter Solstice video

December 17th, 2023|58 Comments

Happy solstice! I’ve released a video for it, about the ancient spiritual meaning of the winter solstice. I talk about the ancient sites, traditions, and myths of the winter solstice to uncover their deeper spiritual meaning and relevance today. It’s amazing to realize that the winter solstice was the largest religious occasion in ancient times, and still is now [...]

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What’s Happening

I’m taking a break from making videos to focus on finishing work on our books. At the moment, we’re working on an update to our book Ancient Solstice. We’re also working on a new book that we’ll release sometime this year.


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