Sakro Sawel means “sacred sun” in Proto-Indo-European. On this website I explore the history and practice of the ancient religion of the sun, which was the largest religion for thousands of years across the world.

The Ancient Religion of the Sun
This book details the history of the ancient Religion of the Sun, based on historical, archaeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence. The rediscovery of this lost global religion has the potential to cause one of the biggest shifts in our understanding of history. Essential reading for those wishing to understand ancient mysteries and religion.

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I’m quiet again working on another book
I have been very quiet again these past few months - working on making what has turned into a big update to my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun. It has been unavailable for some months while I've been doing this update. Quite a few people have been trying to get hold of it. It will be available again within the next 6 weeks, I'm pretty sure. And I will let you know when it is.I keep thinking I'm close to finishing, but then something else crops up that I really need to address. But I think it REALLY IS getting close now, and I will post updates about it here. [...]
New book released – The Ancient Path of the Sun
It's been a long time coming - here finally is the book The Ancient Path of the Sun by Mark Atwood (my husband), which I helped co-author. It's a huge book - 590 pages full of hundreds of illustrations, diagrams, excerpts from sacred texts, and quotes from experts.The book The Ancient Path of the Sun: Uncovering the Spiritual Meaning of the Solstices and Equinoxes is now available - find out more about it and where to buy it here. [...]
I’m quiet at the moment because I’m working on a book
Sorry I've been quiet these past few months! It's because I've been working on a book. I expect I should be finished with it in December, and my publisher will then take another month to format and produce the book, so that it will be out at the beginning of January 2020. In January then, I plan to be back into making more videos. [...]
Religion of the Sun began 36,500 BC ?
Evidence is mounting for the Pyramids & Sphinx of Egypt having first been established around 36,500 BC. Ancient Egyptian records state that their civilization began tens of thousands of years ago, as far back as 36,500 BC, and that these beginnings were a "golden age" when their solar religion was established by the "gods in human form." [...]
Stonehenge winter solstice 2018
Great to see people out at sites of the ancient religion of the sun at the solstice, but sad to see a sacred place treated like a fairground. What do gyrating women, African drumming, and people in costumes have to do with Stonehenge? Absolutely nothing. No one would consider doing this at other ancient sites or sacred places. Will some of the British remember their roots enough to restore dignity and meaning to the solstice at Stonehenge? [...]
Tiwanaku winter solstice 2018
Perhaps my favorite solstice celebration - it's done with so much heart. Attended by the Bolivian President, conducted by the indigenous Aymara, held at the sacred site of Tiwanaku in Bolivia. Someone filmed this in a hotel as it was being aired live on National TV. Will peoples in other parts of the world also remember and return to their sacred roots that tap into the ancient religion of the sun? [...]
The Ancient Religion of the Sun – video
This video gives a very simple run down of the basic premise behind my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun. [...]
Out-of-Body Experiences with Odin
Well, it's been a long time since my last video, as I have spent the last few months working on my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun. Now it's out, I've turned my attention back to making videos. Here is the first one I've made since the book - more are on the way.A number of people are having experiences with the being known as Odin or Wotan in Germanic and Norse mythology. These experiences include dreams, out-of-body experiences, and even near-death like experiences. In this video, I share some of these, as well as my own out-of-body experience with Odin/Wotan. [...]
Interview with Jennifer of SOLove Inner Radiance
An interview I did with Jennifer of the Facebook page SOLove Inner Radiance was just put up today as part of the 'Sol2Soul Global Summit 2' Jennifer is hosting, in which she focuses on topics related to the sun.I think it's a great overall summary and introduction to the ancient religion of the sun, and to ancient sites and religion in general. [...]
New book just released – The Ancient Religion of the Sun
Today marks a pretty special day. For the first time in a very long time, and possibly ever, there is a book that traces the history of the ancient Religion of the Sun throughout much of the world.The book, The Ancient Religion of the Sun: The Wisdom Bringers and the Lost Civilization of the Sun, is now available - you can find out more about it and where to purchase it here. [...]
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What’s Happening
I’m taking a break from making videos to focus on finishing work on our books. At the moment, we’re working on an update to our book Ancient Solstice. We’re also working on a new book that we’ll release sometime this year.
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