I just sat down for a chat with Graham and Darren of The Grimerica Show. Nice guys, really interesting questions. We covered ancient religion, lost civilizations, giants, jesus, the end of the world, and more.
It was live streamed on YouTube, but something happened with the audio, which doesn’t start until 1.57
Finally got through the whole interview. Interesting stuff, and interesting hosts as well. Also a lot of parallels with the more recent video that just came out.
I wanted to share this short clip from Welsh TV that just aired about a theoretical connection between the Welsh language and the Hieroglyphs. I would have totally dismissed this years ago before I learned about the ancient Egyptian-British link! A new book has been written on the subject, ‘Cymroglyphics,’ by Ross Broadstock, (Cymraeg is ‘Welsh’ in Welsh, and the Cymru are the people of Wales, pronounced ‘Khumri’). Ross is a historian with an unusually open mind at the helm of ‘Britain’s Hidden History’, a collaborative project which aims to unravel the truth about ancient British migrations and historical events. I’ve been participating in some of their meetings and went along to the book event where this was filmed – the back of my head features about 1:30mins!
It was great to meet Ross in person and to realise there are so many people out there searching for the truth of our heritage. As we chatted outside the venue I mentioned I was interested in star mounds – there’s quite an active group researching them in Wales – and he told me to move a few steps to look between two houses and there I could see a mound on the hill line. It was one of three – Orion’s Belt!
I have skimmed through the book but because I don’t speak Welsh I couldn’t personally confirm that the languages share a clear link. Again I’m amazed that I grew up with such a sense of coming from a nothing-culture, just the product of gradual development from savage cave dweller. Nothing could be further from the truth and I’m sure it’s deliberate that we are kept from knowing our origins, it seems such an effective way to create a diminished sense of self in people.
Wow, I’m so happy to see something like this get serious airtime on Welsh TV. I recognized your head :-) It’s great you’re digging into your own culture and learning about such important pieces of the puzzle. Welsh is considered part of the Indo-European family of languages and there are other researchers now also recognizing Indo-European as a possible sub-stratum of ancient Egyptian. This would make sense, given the connections between ancient Egypt, Mexico, Peru, and China, where Indo-European language is also turning up. We always hear about places like Peru and Sumer, but now Wales is also becoming part of the story of the Lost Civilization of the Sun. So interesting too about those Welsh Orion star mounds – I had never heard of them before.
Wow Ella, that’s fabulous! I’m going to watch this a bit more in depth, but I wanted to mention that I noticed that the word for Star in Welsh is the same word in Assyrian. phonetically its kikhwah and I think he said kikhwen – maybe a shared language, since its guttural too.
Hi Juno,
Yeah it’s great this idea has got some publicity! Actually the word for star is seren in Welsh, which is quite a popular name too – you can see the young girl called Seren explaining how to use the method to spell her name in the vid. It is a very guttural language, lots of hissing and throat clearing!
I had no appreciation of the antiquity of the language and how it might be a ‘living fossil’ when I was in school. Maybe if I was told the theory of the Cymru being a people that originated somewhere in Anatolia that migrated west and that the language has been preserved in Wales, I would have made more effort in class!
I recently found out there was a totally different history of Wales taught in schools up until about 150 years ago. People grew up being told that it was Brutus who led the Cymru to Britain a few generations after Aeneas set up Rome. When leaving Italy, Brutus was said to have gone to Anatolia to lead a collection of the people there to Britain because there was already a strong link between Britain and the Near East through an earlier migration under Assyrian Albyne. This may be where the archaic name for Britain, Albion, comes from and ‘Alban’ is the Welsh word for Scotland too.
I don’t have a good picture of how this fits in to the bigger picture of ancient migrations and it’s quite recent and maybe not very relevant at all, but it’s still interesting to me that we had a totally different cultural identity up to just a few generations ago that’s been totally wiped through ideas of ‘progression’ – it was removed from the syllabus because it was ‘just a myth’. With Aeneus being a semi-divine figure, son of Aphrodite and a mortal Trojan prince, there must have been some sense of a lineage from the gods, or at least some sense of greater wonder about our origins, a very different kind of wonder than, “what would it have been like when we all just lived in caves!”
The tale of a goddess mating with the mortal seems it may be a story about the forbidden mix between the ‘gods’ and man occurring. It’s not the same as an origin story of being ‘sons of the sun’! But it’s still incredible to think our mythic history has been removed from our awareness, and I believe this could be a contributing factor to our materialism today.
This it what a German scholar, C.C.J Bunsen, said in the 1850’s: (Christianity and Mankind)
“The Khumric language prevailed in the different dialects over the whole of Europe and a large part of Asia. It is the sub-structure of all Keltic tongues and the archaic element in the Greek, the Sanskrit, and the Hieroglyphic Egyptian … all the other languages can be traced to an alien source – this alone cannot. It is certain that it was brought into Britain, as it was spoken by their forefathers in Armenia in 1700BC, and that its purity and integrity have been guarded by them in all ages with jealous care. It is the witness, above suspicion and corruption, to the extreme antiquity of their nationality and civilization.”
One last small bit of supporting evidence, maybe, is that the Welsh national anthem ends with, “O may the old language endure!”
‘I recently found out there was a totally different history of Wales taught in schools up until about 150 years ago.’ I was very surprised to learn of the same for Scotland and their previous prevailing view of history. In the Scotichronicon (“probably the most important medieval account of early Scottish history”) and a preceding work it mentions how: “The Scots derived their origin from Gathelus, … who, in the time of Moses, went to Egypt, where he married Scota, a daughter of the pharaoh, after which he led the Scots to Spain. From Spain, several groups went to Ireland, … , the Scots went to Albion, renaming it Scotia.” ( wiki page Chronica Gentis) as an example. Author Lorraine Evans researched this seriously and published a book about it, ‘Kingdom of the Ark’. She identities that bronze age migration princess – Scota – to be Meritaten, daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten (coincidentally).
I believe I read that such origin ‘myths’ were used at the time as a validation of ancestry and thus a right of rule parts of Britain. For example the 1320 AD ‘Declaration of Abroath’ starts its lines with the same history when trying to persuade the pope to have England leave the Scots and their land alone.
But I think there is much more truth to these histories than is now recognised, even if medieval placement of those myths into history was not always accurate. With modern genetics and archaeology I’m sure links can be made that align to the ‘myths’ if they are indeed correct. I also don’t know if this is worth chasing up in relation to the religion of the sun, but it would be nice to know the full correct origin story of Britain’s people at some point, which still has veiled parts to it.
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the interview. Two points really stood out for me. One is that temples of the past were aligned and build in a particular way to let sunlight in, principally at key times of the year, so that sunlight itself was being appreciated and it was at the centre of the temple, unlike manmade images and sculptures that are commonly placed at the central location in temples these days. I read about this in your book, but I got a wow moment during the interview.
The second thing that stood out for me was, in general, how totally different mainstream history is, such as taught at schools (which to me focuses primarily on dates, places, events and names) from true history of the civilisation of the Sun, which is magnificently rich in wisdom, is exciting, magical and most importantly very inspiring to work on oneself.
Thank you Lara for sharing the interview and for sharing fruits of your unique and extensive research.
Great segment. Really enjoyable discussion. Those guys are good listeners, and don’t interrupt their guests. Really nice to see this information getting out there. It is nothing less than super impressive just how much work has gone into the study and compilation of all this information and to see it now getting more notice and the attention it deserves, truly great.
Such an interesting interview. Thanks so much for sharing. So many great topics covered! Gave me a much better understanding of the Religion of the Sun. Very grateful and look forward to hear more
I have read some years ago an esoteric book that gave detailed description of life in Atlantis (Atla, Poseid), based on someone’s past life memories… According to the book, it was passed on telepathically (not to be confused by channeling). Watching these videos made me interested to look again into those descriptions…
Interestingly, that book also mentions that Atlantis followed “the religion of the sun”… here is a short quote:
“Is there,” I asked myself, “a more glorious belief than this which my country-folk hold? Are not all Poseidi worshippers of the Great God – the one true Deity – who is typified by the blazing sun? There can be nothing more sacred and holy.”
– A Dweller on Two Planets or The Dividing of the Way
This was a great interview Lara ,very helpful and you interacted with these two men in a very nice way explaining everything very clearly and with ease ,about the Sun and how it relates to life. These men seemed very interested in your knowledge of this work and you did very well speaking in such a relaxed way.. It was good to watch
I really enjoyed every moment of this interview . Thank you Lara. The information that you’ve provided made a lot of sense to me and every part of me would love to know more. What a great journey it must be for you to unearth the great mysteries of our spiritual origin. The book certainly shows clearly the endless hours of research and an amazing result overall. And I really hope many people will realise it’s true potential. I’ve found that this information leaves no doubt in my mind that the ancient religion of the Sun once flourished all over our planet and people understood the path required to discover true wisdom and real peace happiness in their lives. Clearly this ancient knowledge is desperately needed in our world today.
This was such a nice interview. In just about 1 hour’s time, you covered a lot of ground and I’m sure it inspired many people.
Of course you have dedicated many years into this research so it is not a surprise, but I really enjoyed your calm, clear, and immensely detailed answers to the many questions, covering everything from Atlantis to genetics. The time really flew by.
Thanks for sharing this, Lara. I hope we can look forward to more interviews and media appearances as the Religion of the Sun is unveiled to the world! :)
Great to hear an interview on this subject material and your latest book. So much information to unpack and the interest of the hosts helped to bring it out. You wrapped it up fantastically really drawing a line under the mystery of history and our own personal development which both culimate in a pursuit of Truth.
This is the link to the edited interview with the missing 2 mins audio from the start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7Q6iKbYjOY
Hi Lara, this was a very nice live interview. The time flew by fast, and I wouldn’t have mind listening in for longer! I can imagine it would be quite easy to get lost in details as you answered every questions so it was quite the task (in my opinion) to be able to give clear answers without falling into ‘unecessary’ details; yet to keep the conversation flowing and to the point. I also found very helpful to hear how you described the solar religion in terms of the path of the light, how the temples were built with light being an active and alive part (not just a figure or representation) and aim of the worship; but also with the last question and what you answered. It was really helpful on a personal level, so I would like to thank you for that.
What a great interview Lara…! What a fantastic opportunity to share the content of your work and Marks’s work on the airwaves. A well suited platform by the sounds of it too. The hosts seem to be open minded and to ask relevant questions, a sign they were able to grasp the core content of the historical information and the spiritual significance and content of your research. They tried to tie it in with other schools of thought and presenters they have had on the show, perhaps a way to make listeners consider the authenticity of your book, the broader perspective of human history, the significance of the Sun/son and the purpose of life on earth. There is definitely a review of human history emerging and a reflection into the ancient traditions as being more spiritually inclined, rather than minimise their traditions as merely being ‘pagan’. Hopefully more people will become drawn to this emerging and expanding history of mankind on planet earth.
Sonam – a wonderful idea to get Lara and Mark some airtime…!
I really enjoyed this interview! Thanks, Lara!
There are so many people and groups around the world who’d been dwelling on these topics for so long but never got a clear picture of what really happened and why. These guys remind me of those kinds of people, really interested and wanting to know more and deeper information about things. So it is great to see that a clearer understanding is emerging that not only provides an answer to what happened but also pulls all the missing threads together in a whole new perspective of life,
What a great interview for this specific time of our lives, both challenging and compressed with the false authorities. It touched on so many subjects and I was happy that you were able to speak openly and freely, which is unheard of these days.. Many thanks for sharing and for providing a beacon of light during these dark times.
All the best.
When I saw you share this on twitter I was shocked and so excited . I am a long time listener of Grimerica and love their show , its mainly conspiracy based with a lot of interesting and credible guests from all backgrounds of society. I knew they would find Mark and Lara”s work fascinating so I reached out to them and shared Lara’s books and website links and gave a brief description and they said they would look into it. this was a month or two ago. And today I get such a pleasant surprise to see this interview happen and lot of people got exposure to the religion of the sun , its a really happy moment for me!
So it’s you I have to thank :-) Thank you Sonam – Graham mentioned a listener had asked to have me on. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to chat to them – I’d never heard of their show before, but it’s actually really interesting. They interview a lot of people on subjects that normally get no airtime.
Hey Sonam,
What a beautiful gift. Thank you that you have made the effort to ask for the interview, which turned out to be such a wonderful discussion. I am sure lots of people had the chance to learn a lot from it and gain more understanding of our ancient past. It may seem as a small effort, but I sense such a small act of kindness can have huge spiritual benefit for so many people.
Well done for sharing the love of what you love Sonam! Thank you very much from me too as I learnt so much from the chat on Grimerica – which you made possible!
Great job Sonar – Im sure many people got a lot out of hearing the interview, and learning about the incredible contents of the book.
I definitely believe this was a great interview! Glad to hear that more people are coming to know about the Religion of The Sun,and there is hope for its revival in the modern age. I believe I could have had that stubborn student who keeps saying to me this whole idea about sun worship or whatever spirituality I am trying to promote is just crazy and nonsensical watching this interview(he doesn’t know English very well,that’s why he comes to see me for tutoring,but I can act as the interpreter),this could perhaps soften his heart. But since my VPN is broken I no longer have access to blocked websites like Youtube and Twitter,so I can neither watch it myself nor show it to him. However, I would like to share one of my latest discoveries regarding Sanxingdui. Recently it has been revealed that the archeological site of Sanxingdui actually contains an underground drainage system,which may indicate that it may not had been merely a place of worship for the people who built it,but someone actually lived there. And as far as we know today underground drainage system is a pretty recent invention,so Sanxingdui was really ahead of its time. From this we can conclude that the people of Shu,who likely built this site,lived in an advanced society,that was the kingdom of Shu. I did talk to that student about the drainage system found at Sanxingdui,and he was shocked and said that was indeed very advanced for a supposedly very primitive society that existed very early on in the history of China. He went on and said,”I did not know this,there is a lot more to my ancestors(the people of Shu) than I previously thought. But how would it make sense,for a society that was so advanced,to hold primitive beliefs? A motif featured found among many of the artifacts unearthed at Sanxingdui is a celestial object,so did these people worship it? But how is that possible since they were so advanced? Didn’t ancient people just worship random things in nature because they were superstitious? If they were advanced,then they should be less ignorant and thus less superstitious. It is impossible to ignore the big bright fireball that lights up the sky every day,so someone who doesn’t know nothing and living in a primitive tribe will label it divine. Because it lights up the earth and gives people warmth. Not too surprising for hunter-gatherers that would shiver to death in the cold of the night,but an advanced society with an underground drainage system would do this? Doesn’t make sense,I don’t get it. I don’t know my ancestors very well. ” He mentioned hunter-gatherers because it is believed that China had not yet become a fully agricultural society at that time,which gives a clue to how far back in time it was. However it was just around that time that the people of Shu built the site of Sanxingdui with a drainage system. And this can make you think that the kingdom of Shu was not just advanced,but super advanced for its time. How would it make sense for them to be so advanced,yet have beliefs that would only make sense for ignorant hunter-gatherers to have? This was a question that the student posted on Chinese social media after hearing about the drainage system found in Sanxingdui. He still didn’t give me a chance to talk about the Religion of The Sun though,as he kept telling me he does not want to hear about it,and if I bring it up he will tune out and not listen to me. Interestingly there has been a dust storm in my area where everything in the sky is blocked out,and it can get chilling and windy. When I was about to leave work and heading home,the student sent me a message saying,”I wish there was more light and warmth today,but the very thing that brings about light and warmth is nowhere to be found. It feels like as if an apocalypse is coming. I hope things would get better soon. ” Even though he is still reluctant to hear about the Religion of The Sun,I do think he is starting to change in a way. He is now really amazed by the fact that Sanxingdui contained a working drainage system and is awed by the work of his ancestors. And due to the weather in recent days,he also says on social media a lot that he craves light and warmth,in fact the term equivalent to “light and warmth” in Chinese language has came up quite frequently in his posts. Maybe it’s better for him to come to some sort of realization on his own than someone teaching him about spirituality against his will. When he speaks of warmth I am also reminded of something I learned in science class that I may or may not have remembered correctly:infrared waves,which is part of the electromagnetic spectrum,can be felt by humans via the sense of touch as heat. Electromagnetic spectrum,which describes electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths,covers everything from radio waves to gamma rays,among those EM waves there are infrared and visible light. Visible light is the light that we can see,and what most people refer to as light when they speak. EM waves that cannot be seen by the human eye are not usually being called light,but other than the differences in wavelength and the amount of energy they carry they are not very different from visible light. The human body gives off heat and thus emits infrared waves,does that also mean that we are mini-suns in a sense since we give off light,even though it’s in a form that our eyes cannot see? And I said before that body heat is created through the metabolising of food,more specifically a process called cellular respiration which chemically resembles combustion and it’s like a fire that is burning within every one of our cells which keeps us alive. And now thinking about this process gives off infrared waves,does that mean that the human body has a fire burning within it that sustains it and gives off light? I don’t even know where this is going as I’m talking about it…
Hi Everyone,
I think it has been about two months since you guys have last heard from me. Unfortunately I am still unable to access Youtube to watch this interview that Lara had due to technological issues,but just wanted to give a little update about myself. As you may know yesterday was Summer Solstice,the day of greatest light in a year. I was initially planning on doing some form of celebration with the research team into the Religion of The Sun I kinda established unintentionally which the girl I mentioned before named Lingling is in. However things did not go exactly according to my plan. Even though the Northern Hemisphere,which I’m on is experiencing the period of time with the greatest amount of light in the year,there isn’t as much light in my personal life currently. I lost my part-time job as an English tutor at the college and now being unemployed I have no choice but to move in to a relative’s basement since there is no way for me to pay rental fees myself. And this relative that I live with is really against me doing my research on Sanxingdui because she thinks this site was built only recently as a tourist attraction so there is really nothing about it that is worth looking into(which I strongly disagree). I am also suffering from minor yet unpleasant health issues. It is for these reasons that my research and practices have come to a halt. I have had thoughts of returning to the States,however the voice from the Golden Sun Bird symbol which I encountered in my dreams once or twice would pop up in my head and tell me that my mission here in my home country is not done yet,and I seem to have been told that my task is not only to research and finding more about the Religion of The Sun in my native culture,but also to acknowledge people on this land about this ancient religion,which I have been trying to do but haven’t been very successful at doing because a lot of people that I talk to have this very firm opinion that “sun worship is stupid”,and they are not even willing to open themselves up to all the evidence that I want to present to them. So before I could start to talk to them about it they would just walk away. So it’s been quite a difficult work to do. There’s no doubt that I’m facing a lot of these hardships in my life,but until I believe I have found enough missing pieces of the puzzle,I must stay where I am and continue doing what I have been doing throughout all these times to the best of my ability,as I believe this is what I had been called to do. Also by experiencing the difficulties in life,I think I have gained a deeper understanding of Yin and Yang,on a very personal level. It is only when you have witnessed the Yin aspects of life that you appreciate the Yang more.
The only thing that I do on a regular basis now is to sit under the sun and meditate on the Spiritual Light and the Higher Self/Sacred Sun. Due to my current situation I just feel that I don’t have enough energy to do more complicated practices. It’s kinda interesting how this year the trend of my life went the exact opposite way as the change of the amount of light during the day…as the weather gets warmer and the day gets longer gradually my life went downhill with that…since now we have already passed the longest day in the year things may start to get better for me as this has been the trajectory of my life since early 2021. I’m not going into the details since I would like to keep what is personal personal,but that’s basically what is going on with me. Who knows,maybe there is a spiritual lesson to be learned in this as well. I should look into myself and reflect on myself more…Before the trouble came I think I might have put too much focus on the exoteric aspect of solar spirituality,but have neglected the esoteric aspect of it. Everything is centered around researching,conducting ceremonies,doing rituals,overtime I have sort of forgotten the purpose of doing all of these. I hardly ever reflect on myself. Even though what I’m doing now by meditating under the sun is really simple,I do feel that it offers a good opportunity for me to reflect on myself. If nothing else,that could be the one thing that I learn during my times of suffering. Of course though,I am planning on picking up where I left off on my research once things begin to change for the better,and yes,an actual trip to Sanxingdui to investigate is still on my list of to-dos,even though that has been postponed indefinitely due to my financial situation. I am considering alternative options to pay visit that don’t involve as much matters in this physical reality such as astral projection,but I don’t really know how to do that,I’ve had several attempts but have never succeeded even once. Nevertheless,once the circumstances are right I aspire to keep on looking into the connection of the Religion of The Sun to my culture,and bring more insights on the mysteries of Sanxingdui to the world,and some day,they will be shared in an organized manner(perhaps in the form of a book)
PS: This solstice I did no celebration whatsoever,not even a solar meditation since I had an appointment for treatment of chronic pain…even though things are not going so well with me I do remind myself that I must stay strong and not forgetting what I had been called to do
Hi Emily, I’m glad to hear from you again, as I was starting to wonder how you were. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been unwell, I will pray for your healing.
At the moment, it is hard to explain the religion of the sun to people, as there is not much happening with it, but with time, as more things are published about it, it will become more apparent and understandable to people. These are just the small beginnings.
We just have to keep going as best we can so that we can make some headway. I echo your sentiment to stay strong, and to not forget what you have been called to do.
As for how to astral project – Mark has a book on how to astral project that is not very far away from being ready now.
Hi Emily,
I have seen your comments on here before and have found them very inspiring. I’m glad you popped in to touch base and I will pray for your healing.
Lara, ooh…. excited to hear about an Astral book in the works!
Hi Aavya,
I’m glad you found my comments inspiring,I’m really just doing my part on finding the missing pieces of the puzzle in regards to the Religion of The Sun and I believe I have been called to do so and that I have to finish it. I’m sure that there will be light ahead of me when all the darkness have come to path.
Thanks very much, Lara. Your comments make a lot of sense and they are also very encouraging.
Best wishes to everyone in the team and a special thanks to you and Mark for making this community here possible and for sharing the Religion of the Sun with us all.
Hi Lara,
Thank you very much for responding to me! Yes I can tell it is really hard to explain the Religion of The Sun to people. I have written on a few local websites and social media platforms about the Religion of The Sun as part of the work that I’ve been doing,now that I have stopped doing all of that due to what’s going on in my life,the relative that I live with has now started attacking me by writing on these exact same platforms trying to debunk what I have mentioned about the Religion of The Sun. She would spend a good amount of time in front of her devices doing just that,and because many people these days do not even want to think about sun worship or spirituality in general,she has gained a lot more followers than me to the point where some of these platforms have started paying her for writing these articles debunking my theories. It has almost become a second job for her. While she doesn’t do much research on these matters and does not make a lot of strong counter-argument,rather simply calling the factual evidence that I provide coincidences and the belief in the Spiritual Sun nonsensical. Even though she has made one or two original claims. Like she believes that Sun worship goes back even further in time prior to the Agricultural Revolution since the sun doesn’t just make crops grow,but it’s also very important to human survival. During those times when early humans were living as hunter-gatherers,the sun already played a major role in their lives. Unlike some other animals where they are able to see in low-light conditions,humans are basically blind once the sun goes down. Before they learned how to use fire when night fell they had no choice but to go hide in their caves or wherever they might had lived. Because there would be predators that come out during night times that our ancestors could not fight themselves against. So when the sun comes up and the day’s anew they would feel as if they had found their savior. She also included a picture of cave paintings somewhere that depicts the sun. As for the reason that fire is sacred,it’s because it provides light in the boundless world of darkness during the night and it’s simple as that. She then goes back to her mumble about what I’m trying to promote is nothing but the religion of primitive hunter-gatherers,which contradicts the worldview of modern humans who know about science. I’m not sure how she gained so much followers but the thing about the sun,fire and hunter-gatherers are amongst the very few counter-arguments she made which I find sort of logical. She told me in person that this is not against me personally,I am free.to believe whatever I want to believe,but she is worried that I will mislead more people in the country to believe what the cave men believed. She has perhaps deliberately ignored the scientific evidence I provided and hardly ever mentions them in her articles demystifying the Religion of The Sun,to put it simply,her articles are heavily-flawed yet more people chose to follow her simply due to their own ignorance. I do not care much about views and followers since the Internet is hardly ever a nice place to be,and if my relative wants to keep on debunking me and make money from it,she is free to do so. But that just further shows how most people in this day and age are unwilling to learn about the Religion of The Sun. More effort is needed to get this message out to people indeed. And anyone from anywhere in the world can contribute if they feel passionate about it. Unfortunately things still haven’t gotten better for me so I have not yet resumed my research and practices;(
Hi Emily, It must be very hard to have your relative do that. Her arguments might sound a bit unsettling at first, but here are a few things to think about.
– The sun is not just a source of light, it is the GREATEST visible source of light (along with other stars). Ancient texts explicitly state that this is why many ancient people venerated it, and not a firefly for example, or today a lightbulb.
– Many ancient people venerated the sun, not just as a physical object, but as an object that has an origin in higher, spiritual dimensions. This is where its light is said to ultimately come from, and so its light is the most potent visible manifestation of the divine. Thus people were venerating the invisible, supreme creator that is the source of the sun, not just the physical form of the sun.
– Electricity, while also a source of light, is manifest because of human intervention. The sun, stars, and fire are of natural cause, which, for those who believe in a divine creator of the universe, means that they are of divine cause. This is why even people today who follow forms of the religion of the sun, like many pagans, don’t go around worshiping their laptop. It is true though that electricity is a manifestation of an energy in the universe, but it is not the same as the source of that energy.
– Although we have electricity, we are no less dependent on the sun than ancient people were. We need it to grow our food, and to sustain life on Earth, and we do not worship it. Nor do we worship electricity, even though we are very dependent on it. So the argument must be that we don’t worship the sun (or electricity) because we understand reality better now because of science. That is simply a belief held by atheists. It also assumes that our science has given us a better understanding of reality than any people who have gone before us had, but I think there are many indicators that show we do not understand reality better, even though we might understand matter better in certain ways.
– The people who most venerated the sun were the most advanced ancient people on the planet. Take the builders of the Great Pyramids of Egypt – the Great Pyramid is the most precise building in the world still today. There are feats of engineering at the Great Pyramids and elsewhere in Egypt that our modern civilization would struggle and even find impossible to replicate with our level of technology. Such advanced people capable of planning, engineering, and building the Great Pyramids were not simple-minded. They were the greatest scientists of their day.
– There is no doubt that the sun is essential to survival. This is because the principles of spirituality are imbued in creation. Of course the greatest manifestation of the creator is going to satisfy our greatest material needs, just as it provides for our greatest spiritual ones. But this will always be a circular argument, in which an atheist can always say that people only saw the sun as divine because it was essential to survival. So it comes down to people’s experience and worldview – are they an atheist, or do they know that there is something spiritual.
– If you follow the logic through that ancient people worshipped the sun because it allowed them to see, then really they should have been worshipping their own eyes, as even when the sun is risen or they are before a fire, if they closed their eyes, they couldn’t see. There must have been people who lost their eyes, or were born blind, and so then we should see eyes painted on caves not suns.
– If venerating the sun is just about some primitive human impulse, then we should see every primitive peoples venerating it, but we don’t – neither in history, or today (there are still primitive tribes living in the world that have no contact with modern society). Instead, wherever I have found ancient peoples venerating the sun, I have found that their religion was influenced by the same ancient religion. This alone stands in contradiction to the idea that people venerated the sun just because of how important it was to their survival.
The idea that ancient people venerated the sun because of its importance to their survival is just a theory. It is not a fact, and anyone arguing it needs to prove their theory as they would any other.
To add also – just because later people or the majority interpreted the veneration of the sun in a more simplistic way, doesn’t mean the original knowledge of the religion of the sun was simplistic. An example is how most Christians follow Jesus in a fairly simplistic way, even though he taught far more profound and complex knowledge. That there are people who follow a more basic version of Christianity, doesn’t mean that a deeper version doesn’t exist, and nor does it change the truth of who Jesus was/is and what he taught.
Just reading the Upanishads at the moment, and came across this quote:
“That which is the source of the sun
and of every power in the cosmos, beyond which
there is neither going nor coming,
Is the Self indeed. For this Self is supreme!
[…] There shines not the sun, neither the moon nor star,
Nor flash of lightning, nor fire lit on earth.
The Self is the light reflected by all.
He shining, everything shines after him.”
~ Katha Upanishad, translated by Eknath Easwaran
Again this shows how the sun was viewed by many of the ancient peoples who venerated it – they realized it was the outpouring of the source. Certainly not a dumb worship based on the seasons etc.
Hey Emily,
It must be pretty disheartening seeing your relative get more followers, so I just wanted to mention something about that. It’s possible that some (or maybe even a lot) of those followers are not real (ie. fake accounts) or not legitimate (eg. they have an ulterior motive for posting). There is a well established propaganda machine over there, and people are often paid a very small amount for each post they make online that voices an opinion that supports the official government narrative.
In relation to religion, the narrative is that only certain religious denominations are officially allowed (Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism) and even those that are “allowed” are very heavily controlled and infiltrated to the point of having their religious doctrines re-written by the authorities and having religious figures removed and replaced by government approved ones.
Given that people have started paying your relative for their opinion, it wouldn’t surprise me if the followers they’ve gained are not all what they seem.
Sounds like a difficult time you’re going through, wishing you all the best to get through it to the light on the other side, and just so you know I’ve found your posts very inspiring too :)
How beautiful Lara, thank you for sharing that excerpt from the Upanishads. The source of all the lights… It makes me reflect on the nature of Light as such, like what is the Light? Its something that makes everything to be seen/understood clearly, without any murkiness or uncertainties, kind of like the ultimate truth of things.
There is a physical light which reveals physical objects and shapes, and there is also a mental/intellectual light which allows us to understand and see the truth. The famous phrase “to bring light into the matter” expresses this well too. The light of understanding has a power to dispel the darkness and suffering, no matter how deep they would be, as once the higher truth is revealed, the suffering based on the lower level of understanding becomes pointless. I have seen this in the past, where I was given a sudden understanding of some higher principles, and as soon as this was granted to me, in an instant I stopped suffering from a situation that has lasted for months, it all lost its significance in the light of the newly discovered truth.
So this great Self described there in the Upanishads must be the ultimate truth of things, what they are and where they are coming from, maybe that which has also been described as “the light that casts no shadows”?
Dear Emily, I want to add that I also found your posts inspiring and your presence here very moving.
Hi Lara,your quote from the Upanishads is really beautifully put! It does sound like it talks a lot about the Spiritual Sun in relation to our true nature,or the Higher Self if you will. It appears that Taoism talks about pretty much the same thing,like how the Tao/Dao is the source of all things in nature. I also remember from when I still had access to Youtube I watched your video on why ancient people worshipped the sun,in it you mentioned that one of the Native American tribes called their creator Taowah or something,which I found sounds interestingly similar to Tao in Chinese. Who knows?Maybe there could be some linguistic connection here. From my reading of ancient texts in Chinese I found a not very well known myth that suggests there was someone who brought Taoism to an unknown land across to the Red People,who may very well be Native Americans. Also there is a reference in Chinese mythology of Atlantis and its destruction too(I forgot where I saw it,have to go back and check in my books). All I can say is that I have found a lot of surprising discoveries that I never expected,and most of these sources I refer to are not available in the English language,in fact most of them have never been translated into another language and told to people outside of the country so I really believe I’m onto something big here. As for the archeological site known as Sanxingdui,its name also points me to something too. The term Sanxingdui translates into English literally as “three star mounds”,from three mounds near the site that form a straight line,resembling three stars in the sky. One of the most famous asterisms in the sky is the Orion’s Belt,which is basically three stars in a straight line. So I wonder if it’s possible that those mounds were built by the same people who built the archeological site of Sanxingdui in alignment to Orion’s Belt,and at least one of the mounds looks a bit like a small pyramid. I think I’ve sent you a picture of it via email since I cannot attach files to my comments here. I would love it for the picture to be seen by as many people as possible though. So if you want to use it in any of your projects,please feel free to do so.
Hi Erik,
What you said about fake accounts does sound interesting. I don’t know much about that. But from what I have observed about religious demonstrations here, it may not be the exact same way you think. The official statement may be one thing,but they are actually NOT that strict about religious practices. There are religious groups here that are pretty much left alone by the government,such as followers of traditional folk religions,as well as a small number of Wiccans and Animists. There are also those who are obssessed with Shamanism. But religious groups like Wiccans and Animists are small in number not due to anything that has to do with the government,but because of
New Age beliefs that started in the West never got popular with Asians,since they are a lot more familiar with many of the concepts than Westerners,who have been exposed to Christianity for most of their lives. So this type of idea just doesn’t sound very amusing to them. Those that tend to get in trouble are often the ones that straight up question the authenticity of the socialist regime,and spread their ideas among people using their religions. So you should not make it obvious to others that you have a mind of your own when it comes to politics. As long as you’re not doing that,it’s more likely than not that you will be just fine. The Western media likes to twist up facts as well,many of the “destruction of churches” cases are really just about rebuilding them since many of these building are old and there are cracks on them. But you don’t hear about the reality of them in the West. The truth is that propaganda exists all over the world,and all governments and medias have something that they want to feed their people,the only difference is that some set more rules and regulations than others. That is something I’ve realized only after I came here. As for the fake accounts,I don’t know much about it so there is a chance that you may be right. But no matter what it really is it does make me feel very uncomfortable to see her followers grow almost day by day. I’ve also talked to a lot of people about the Religion of The Sun in person,so there is no way they could be fake. And at the end of every talk,there are only very few in the audience that are convinced the Religion of The Sun really did exist,even after hearing about all the evidence that proofs its existence and learning about its beliefs and practices. When they listen to me I could see shocks on their face,but they would rather just hang on to their prejudices and calling everything I’ve said nonsense. So while my own work of research has really paid off, I haven’t been very successful at acknowledging more people about it. And I would say at least some of my relative’s followers are real,since she got in touch with a few of them,and videochatted with them talking about creating an online forum that is dedicated to debunking the Religion of The Sun. I really think those beings who informed me were right,there will be a war waged against me in the form of words. And now I’m only seeing the signs of it starting. I’m not sure how to prepare for it,what they say definitely don’t take anything away from me. But there will be mental pressures on me for sure.
Also Erik,
I am glad you find my posts inspiring! I am really just sharing my findings from my research accordingly as doing this research is something I believe I’ve been called to do. This is only reason why I do what I do. I’m completely self-supported in the work that I do,not being funded by anyone and buying all the books and ancient texts I refer to myself. That had been a big part of my budget. Since now I am unemployed I would not spend any more money on new books,so that’s preventing me from continuing my research. But I am considering going back to the texts I’ve read before and reviewing the notes that I have taken,since I have forgotten about many of the info I found.
Hi Emily,
It’s quite concerning that your relative would like to create a forum dedicated to debunking the religion of the sun. Especially when you are essentially on your own there, without a committed team of Chinese speaking researchers, authors, or academics who can defend it.
I’d say that you living with her is causing her to carry on, and that if you weren’t there, she would lose interest in the religion of the sun very quickly.
The trouble with her writing things online is that they can stay online forever essentially, and what she writes may harm future attempts to establish any kind of information or practice of the religion of the sun in China and among Chinese speaking circles.
It might be time to start thinking strategically about what to do. Returning home in order to fully research the religion of the sun and to prepare a strong return to China at a later well planned date seems like it could be a better option.
Also I have accidentally discovered a correlation between the 24 solar terms which I have learned about after my arrival here that have played a very big role in the life of Chinese people throughout history and even to this present day and the movement of the sun throughout the year. I’m not sure how to put it into words in English since it’s quite complicated and I have not spoken the language in a long time. But that is something that came as a shock to me. Also there have been some people in the country that have noticed this correlation way before I did,but the only explanation I can find anywhere is unsurprisingly,for agricultural purposes. I have also learned something from a video made by someone you might call a Chinese Youtuber. Since it’s a video made by an average video maker with no citation on the source of information I don’t know how credible this information is,but this is basically what it says. It is possible that the people of Shu who built Sanxingdui may have traveled to Southeast Asia since similar artifacts have been unearthed in countries like Vietnam,Laos and Cambodia,and even on an island. There are some who suggest that the people of Shu moved from Sichuan Province (where Sanxingdui was discovered) to Southeast Asia for unknown reasons,but back then it was very hard to travel from where Sichuan Province to Southeast Asia,so no one is sure of how they traveled that great of a distance. Given what I figured out about what happened the people of Shu after Qin Shi Huang established a unified empire,if what was said in that video is true,then the people of Shu may have fled to Southeast Asia as a result of the crackdown on them by the Qin Dynasty. I do not know what happened to them,could they have continued their lineage there? Since I don’t know much about the Southeast Asia there isn’t much I can say. I do not consider this as part of my research since I did not find these info intentionally,but only from the videos I got recommended by the algorithm of a video site because I have searched for related contents before. But true or not,it’s good to know about it.
Hi Emily,
Just wanted to comment on what you said about the people of Shu possibly migrating to the Southeast Asia. I’ve had a look into the ancient civilizations of the Southern China some time ago, and it surprised me to find many connections to the Religion of the Sun there, especially in the symbols on the traditional textiles, embroideries, headdresses, some dance patterns, etc. The most common cultural symbol that repeats over and over on the ceremonial drums in these regions (including Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia or Burma/Myanmar) is the sun encircled by 4 or more birds, very similar to the “sun bird” artifact from Sanxingdui (or Jinsha archaeological site to be exact). Here is an example from the Nanyue kingdom (204 – 111 BC): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LBW-M1-bronze_disk.jpg or from Vietnam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dong_Son_drum#/media/File:Co_Loa_bronze_drum.jpg. The Bronze Age Dong Song culture was especially famous for these types of drums, as well as other solar artifacts, and its influence is said to have spread all over the Southeast Asia from about 1000 BC to 1 BC, which is a time-frame during which the Shu people could have also possibly moved to these regions.
Also interestingly, while reading Lara’s updated book I have found that there may have been two major waves of Indo-Europeans coming to China, mixing with the natives and establishing the advanced civilizations there, one being the Huang-Di civilization in about 2300 BC, and another wave happening even further in the ancient past around 5000 BC, where some astonishing similarities have been found between the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture of Eastern Europe (the first culture known to have used Yin Yang symbol) and the Yangshao culture of China. In my small research of the South China regions I have also found solar artifacts from the Neolithic cultures of China like Hemudu or Liangzhou, which show that even back in those times, people may have practiced a solar-oriented spirituality.
Hi Lara,
I completely understand the concerns you’ve mentioned. It is a lot more difficult to do research back home on the Religion of The Sun and its connection to my culture though due to the many useful information I’ve collected can only be found in this country and have never been translated into other languages,so returning home would cause me to lose access to many more useful information that I may be able to find in the future. Since the Religion of The Sun is still largely unheard of in this country,and I have only started to introduce it to people,it will be a long time before my theories get the attention of authors,researchers and academics. The same goes for my relative,if she wishes to have more people who can help her proof that the Religion of The Sun is false,she would need to find more evidence to support her claims,since most of her claims are not supported by evidence. Her articles hardly contain any powerful argument,expect for calling the alignments I’ve mentioned coincidence and the beliefs of the Religion of The Sun superstition repeatedly,without really explaining how it is so. She would say things like “there are many coincidences in the world”,without providing any example of how such alignments can come into existence by chance only. In fact,she has gotten herself into some trouble lately since her account got suspended temporarily likely due to the fact that she made one of her non-evidence-based claims which states “Sanxingdui is nothing more than a tourist attraction created by the local government”in one of her latest articles. These platforms have an algorithm which automatically looks for “sensitive” words like “government” in the texts published on them,and that is just how the socialist rules are here. If she wishes to create a forum afterwards she would have to submit an application that include her personal information to be granted permission by the platform to start a forum since her account has a history of being suspended. Obviously,she also lost her privilege of being paid by the platforms for writing articles. I sat down with her and had a talk on why she was writing these articles all the way until the moment her account got suspended,she explained that a die-hard atheist she would try to debunk any new spiritual belief that she comes in contact to. She actually doesn’t know for sure how could ancient sites be built to be aligned to celestial bodies,but as an atheist she would naturally try to come up with a mundane explanation for it. Her theory about the veneration of the sun,fire and light regarding primitive humans was also a theory she made up about solar worship,as she believes that could have been the case. And also the money that comes with publishing the articles can be tempting. I don’t think she is going to create a forum anymore since she has said she does not want to give her personal information to the platforms. Probably ain’t gonna be any new articles anytime soon either,since she decided she would focus solely on her work instead. There may very well be others that will come out and attempt to debunk me in the future,since I was informed by the beings,but I should do at least what I can. I’m currently reviewing and organizing the info I found in my past research. And with a new internship opportunity coming(after being umemployed for this long),I think I may be able to have my own basement soon where I can do my research undisturbed by anyone. My health issues have still not resolved,but I don’t think they will get in a way of me doing my new job. Here I would like to thank all of you who have sent me prayers,and I think the Divine surely did listen to them and responded:)
Thanks for the explanation Emily. That’s good news she’s decided to focus on work again and against starting a forum. I found it interesting to hear that she was aware how unsubstantiated her theories were, and what her motivation was for making them. And also how it ended up going so far as to become destructive towards what she was doing. The situation certainly had a “strange” way of resolving itself :-) As long as we research well, and are able to present facts based on reason and evidence, the religion of the sun is not so easily dismissed. Like you, I suspect there are going to be many more people who take a similar approach to her, so it’s good to be prepared. I’m very glad to hear there are new opportunities opening up for you. And I just hope your health improves soon too.
Hi Lucia,
It’s very interesting you’ve mentioned remnants of the Religion of The Sun that still exist in Southeast Asia and the resemblance of the ceremonial drum to the Golden Sun Bird. To me that just sounds like yet another piece of evidence that the people of Shu really deed move to Southeast Asia to avoid crackdown from the Qin Dynasty. As someone who feels a deep spiritual connection to Sanxingdui and the people who built it,I have always wondered what became of them after they went to Southeast Asia. I assumed that their lineage probably continued for a period of time in history but they likely assimulated into the local population since accordingly to my knowledge,Theravada Buddhism has been the dominant religion in Southeast Asia for a long time. But it’s really good news to hear that at least some remnance of the Shu culture has survived until this day. Maybe I should look more into this when I can.
As for Indo-Europeans migrating into China,I have not done much research on that subject matter but the idea of Indo-Europeans moving into different parts of the world and spreading their beliefs has always made me feel a little disturbing since it evokes the idea of White-supremacy,that there was this “master race” who held profound knowledge on everything and they went around the world to enlighten everyone else. Since I am not of Indo-European descent myself and my language being classified as Sino-Tibetan linguistically,I do feel that this idea sounds a little bit racist and discriminative towards people of other races and skin colors on this planet,as well as those that do not speak an Indo-European language(at least not as their native language,myself included. Inspite of having lived in the States for most of my life,English is not my first language. I was actually reluctant to learn it at a very young age) I have also noticed that many of the Wisdom Bringers were being described as Caucasian in appearence(i.e. being blue-eyed). While Indo-Europeans may have contributed a lot to the spread of the Religion of The Sun after the Great Flood,there were probably other groups that practiced it and taught it to others as well. And Huang-Di has been a somewhat mysterious figure in the history of China,there has been on-going debates regarding who he really was,both inside China and abroad. So far very few have come out and suggested that he could have been Indo-European,and Huang-Di is also said to be one of the great ancestors of the Chinese people. The statement that Huang-Di civilization may have been Indo-European also shatters my worldview in a way. Because I am one of those people who believe myself to be one of the descendants of Huang-Di. If that statement is indeed true,then I would have to completely rethink about reality as I know it and my own identity. When it comes to the topic of race and ethnicity I know that can sound sensitive and some people may feel uncomfortable to hear about it,but the idea of Indo-European migration is something that has been keeping me awake at night,because it raises questions about reality as I know it,and about myself and my culture as well.
Hi Emily,
I thought to write down a few things I came across previously which might have some minor clues to the question of what happened to the Shu/Sanxingdui people.
I’ve learned that the Shang people towards the east were very warlike. “…, there were frequent wars … . The army became an important tool used by the Shang kings to expand their territory. The oracle bones record numerous military campaigns. During the reign of Wu Ding, the Shang royal family fought with more than 40 alien states and tribes.”
“We know from oracle bone inscriptions, as well as excavated evidence, that there were many slaves in the Shang-dynasty society, mainly prisoners of war. … and the majority were used as sacrificial victims.” ~The Formation of Chinese Civilization.
This made me think, in relation to your dream of a people being attacked, that it could for example have been by the Shang at the end of Sanxingdui culture in 12th century BC. However that’s likely just an incorrect thought as: “Shu was at least at times an ally of the Shang, … , in the absence of any record of hostile military action against Shu, and in the fact that Shu is never referred to as a fang, a term reserved for often-hostile states … .” Terry F. Kleeman, 1998
So maybe that dream did indeed refer to the Qin conquest moving into Sichuan in 316 BC. But still I’m curious how the SXD culture ended or transitioned at around the 12th century BC, plus what things looked like until the Qin. The same book also says “For most of the Zhou dynasty we have no reliable historical records concerning Shu.”
I have wondered previously whether at least ‘one’ of those “hundred” Yue people of South China shows clear descent from a religion of the sun culture and that enough evidence remains in the modern day for that to be demonstrable.
If there was indeed a migration south by some of the Shu (and SXD seemed to already have strong links with their imported ivory and sea shells) I wondered if they would be the origin of that ‘one’ descendent culture. Some of the characteristics of those Yue people that Lucia pointed out seem to have a similar flavour to that expressed in some SXD bronzes, like in the ceremonial clothing and fire ceremonies (and dances?).
Another line of inquiry, perhaps, are the Eastern Han period bronze “money trees” (a modern term for them, but the coins on them are more likely auspicious symbols as the coins “usually radiate rays of light, suggesting that the original significance of the coin shape derived from the sun.” and “… decorated with large, iconlike, divine images, …, a ‘divine tree’ (shen shu) probably better reflects its nature.”)
The locality of their finds is Sichuan, the time period 2nd and 3rd century AD, Eastern Han period. So geographically they’re found in the same place, also in their material, form and symbols they obviously share a connection to the late SXD holy trees. But the Han money trees also feature other
figures added, like the Queen Mother of the West, as well as other symbols. These same symbolic scenes are also characteristically found in a specific set of cliff tombs and stone sarcophagi ‘unique to Ba and Shu’ of which “the richly and decorated examples were limited to the core area of Wudoumi Dao and to the period in which Wudoumi Dao reached its greatest prosperity in this area.” ~Wu Hung These cliff tombs in their imagery and archaeological finds suggest a connection to Taoist practices.
I really cannot say whether that would indicate some continuation of an esoteric knowledge from the late Sanxingdui culture that stayed in the area through a class of people, Wu priests?, and became one of the streams that went into the pool of early Taoism. They feel different to me, but maybe there’s some connection. Julian also mentioned some possible link there.
A complete separate thing I thought to mention. It seems when certain religious movements or philosophies are of more recent times then a current political government might more likely see revivals of those (even if harmless and well intentioned) as a potential threat, if those movements had previously been, to their current governing. However if there has been such a significant time, such a gap, then I think a revival of a religion or philosophy – if harmless in its practice – wouldn’t be regarded in that way.
Hi Emily,
Thank you for your sincere answer. :-) I noticed the so-called “white supremacy” is a popular topic today, as if somebody deliberately kept adding the logs on the fires of inter-racial hatred. To say the truth, I was even thinking what a coincidence this is, right in the times when the mission of the wisdom-bringers is coming to the fore (who were described in different native histories as tall and white), somebody is pushing this “white supremacy” narrative, and therefore making people more negative towards their mission.
Now I think Lara is more competent to answer your questions, especially in regards to the Religion of the Sun, but the following is just how I feel personally about this matter.
First of all, I think the idea of “white” is a bit questionable nowadays, as over the ages, people have mixed in different proportions, and nobody is truly “white” anymore. In Kolbrin, there is an advanced race of ancient people described, called “Children of God” who are said to have lived on this planet in a very distant past, alongside with different kinds of less developed humanoids. These Children of God were described as having “moon-colored complexion”, which however completely disappeared after they started mating with those less developed humanoids around them (which was forbidden to them, but they eventually transgressed this law). Over time, this trait of “moon-colored complexion’ completely vanished from Earth, as well as their advanced spiritual faculties, and, according to Kolbrin, “only men remained”.
When you look at the people today, you can see nobody is as white as a moon, and there exist different shades of skin among different people, even in Europe, together with different eye colors, or heights. In fact, some Chinese people are whiter than many so-called “white” people of today. But that does not mean anything. What matters is the spiritual level of each person, and his sincere desire to find out the truth (even if it may challenge some of our beliefs, stereotypes, etc). I personally think that the different races mixed many times in history, and there is no “pure” race as such. What does exist though, are cultures, and those carry the traits of the Religion of the Sun. Wisdom bringers traveled all over the world, and taught people of different races, therefore this religion exists among different tribes all over the world. The Hopi people of the Southwest of the USA for example specifically mention in their oral histories the so-called “Wa-gas”, which were very moral and civilized white race that inhabited their continent before them. When Hopi arrived there, these people became like older brothers to them, teaching them things, and living alongside in peace. Here is a quote from Lucy Thompson, a Hopi woman who has written down the oral histories of her people on the beginning of 20-th century:
“…the white people ruled with a beacon light of kindness, and our people still worship the hallowed places where once they trod. Their morals were far superior to the white people of today, their ideals were high and inspired our people with greatness. After we had lived with these ancient people so long, they suddenly called their hosts together and mysteriously disappeared for a distant land, we know not where…”
Therefore, I think if people can somehow swallow the fact that an advanced race with very white complexions once existed on Earth, without feeling negative or personally attacked by the idea, then we have made a progress as a humanity. After all, you don’t know if in the ancient past, some of them were not your ancestors too. ;-)
Hi Lucia,
I think what you said here does make a lot of sense,and people have intermixed with throughout all of human history(i.e. different tribes & kingdoms) and everyone’s skin color do vary. However,there is no denying that the majority of people living around the same area usually share some common physical features. Like most Europeans have light-colored skins,hair and eyes that make them make them look different from people from other parts of the world,and most Asians have slightly flatter faces than people in Europe,and they have dark-colored hair and eyes instead of blond hair and blue eyes or red hair and green eyes. I’m not saying these features make anyone or any group of people better or worse than another in any aspect,we just look different. And there is a tendency we have to associate the way we look as part of who we are. People that live around the same part of the world tend to have this collective recognition,and they could identify themselves with that. Deep down inside I do feel that this tendency to associate who we are with the way we look based on physical features may be problematic,since many ancient spiritual teachings tell us that our physical body is but a shell which our soul resides,and many religions,including the so-called narrow-minded monotheistic religions,like Christianity and Islam,suggest that the soul continues to exist after the death and decay of the physical body. Many Eastern traditions goes even further on to say that we live many lives,and that we can take on bodies of many different forms,sometimes even the body of a non-human being like an animal or a plant. And yes,I am talking about reincarnation. So the theory that one could have one skin color in one life time,living in one part of the world and reincarnate to a different part of the world and to be reborn with a different skin color is almost a certainty according to those beliefs. I myself is also a believer in reincarnation. However I just cannot help myself getting rid of the attachment that I have to the way I look,and identify that as part of who I am and my cultural/national/ethnic identity. So when I hear someone says an important figure in the history of my culture/country was different from the majority of people in this area that share a common cultural root,I just cannot help myself but cringe and think,”Woah,how could this be possible? This important figure in our history must had been the same as us.” And hearing about a group of people that looked a certain way went around the world to educate everyone else makes me think,”Hmm,so they went around the world,spreading their knowledge,sounds like as if they were an enlightened master race or something,that can’t be right.” Again,I haven’t done much research on this subject matter so I must admit that I do NOT know much about the Indo-European migration and how it is related to the spread of the Religion of The Sun. If there turns out to be factual evidence supporting this theory then I will accept it as truth. It’s probably my problem then that I identify too much with the features of my physical body,like the colors of my skin,eyes and hair. I really should NOT cling so tightly to these things since those are only the features of my physical body,and have nothing to do with my Higher Self on a spiritual level,in other word,those are NOT part of who I really am on the deepest level. Our True Self has nothing to do with the features of our physical bodies,such as the colors of different body parts and gender. There was a case of reincarnation where a Black woman came back as a White boy. That case explains it all. I have known about these for quite some time yet I still cling so much to the way my physical body looks and consider that as a part of who I am. As I am writing this comment I’m starting to think more and more that this is where the problem lies,that is my attachment to the features of my physical body is what makes me feel unpleasant about this theory that Lara mentioned. I really wanna give a big thanks to Lara as she made the existence of this online community possible,and communicating with everyone here has been a way of self-realization for me as well. Before I started typing up this comment I hardly thought I could have had this issue with myself:o Thank YOU Lucia too for your very enligtening comment that have caused me to realize my own problem;)
Hi Emily,
Thank you very much for your kind appreciation. I feel driven to find the truth, no matter how it sounds. I really believe that the truth is in everyone’s best interests, even though it might not seem like it at first. I’ve found though, that if I stick it through, sometimes it can turn out to be something far more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. But it is hard, because we have been brought up with and continue to create so many illusions. Although it has felt sad sometimes, even disappointing to let certain ideas go, once I have there is a real sense of freedom.
In terms of Chinese civilization… In my book and my next upcoming video, I talk about how some of the pharaohs of the earliest dynasties in Egypt were clearly Chinese. There are definite links between ancient Chinese and Egyptian civilizations, which Chinese scholars have discovered. I also talk about how the ancient Chinese Shang dynasty is connected to the ancient Olmec civilization of Mexico. To me, China and the Chinese people were not isolated in ancient times, but were involved with the Lost Civilization of the Sun. This requires some foreign influence to have come into China, but it also meant Chinese influence spread to other foreign places. There was a lot more movement of people in the past than we have been led to believe.
I agree, that our physical body is not the most important part of who we are. What’s most important, I believe, is our spiritual Being. Our physical body is what our spiritual self expresses itself through, and I think it is an important part of our learning here, and has been given according to what we need to learn in this life. So I think the best way to look at things is to see and understand all parts of ourselves for what they are.
Hi Lucia,
Also regarding your comment on astral projection,I have looked up instructions on how to astral-project countless times and I’m sure I can memorize the main idea of them by now. However there is a difference between understanding something interllectually and mastering it on a practical level. Despite having practiced numerous times,I have still not mastered the practical skills of astral projection. Lately there have also been factors that prevent me from practicing in the first place,which I am not willing to discuss here for personal reasons. I’d love to be able to do it some day,but just like any other skill,to be a pro at it requires tons of effort. And it’s easier said than done. For me now I think it is actually easier to travel with my physical body via all the means of transportation that we have in this world. I have gathered some more information on the history of astral projection in this country though. In an ancient Chinese mythology book I’ve mentioned earlier that contains information regarding the Tree of Fusang,there are also numerous descriptions of people go outside of their physical bodies through a process referred to translated into English literally as “spirit-out”,the means which they do so is very similar to that of astral projection. I think they just used a different name for it there;) The texts are written in an archaic form of Chinese language,which I do not understand very well though I gave myself a few lessons on it;( Secondary school students in this country do study this old form of Chinese language for years until they graduate,so I’m sure they would know it better than me. But here kids are told from a very young age that mythologies are just stories made up by people in the past and have very little basis in reality,and mythology books are only studied as works of literature and nothing more. I do know a bunch of young people from the college that I used to work as an English tutor,but from what I know about them I don’t think they will think about the subject of my research with an open mind. The student that I mentioned before did eventually change his mind about the Religion of The Sun but he doesn’t like reading ancient texts. And I don’t know anyone who is an expert on ancient Chinese language so I have only myself to rely on to interpret the texts. If I didn’t get it wrong,it is said that through the process of “spirit-out”,they were able to foresee upcoming disasters from the flood to obstacles lying ahead of someone’s personal life. They couldn’t just travel through space,but time as well and see into the past and future. How amazing is that? I cannot even imagine if I were to be able to do it some day…
Hi Emily
Don’t let it worry you about what background they were or were not, just keep looking for the truth and focus on that, as the saying goes the Truth sets us Free, and it really does. As Lucia pointed out there is a hidden agenda to the white supremacy campaign as they target both sides to cause division and feelings of victimization and feelings of rival supremacy, which only serve to hinder everyone’s spiritual wellbeing no matter which way you look at it.. I think its very important for your research, and everyone else in theirs, to look and go beyond the limitations such campaigns impose on our way of thinking and to keep pushing forward to discover the truth, which is the most incredible thing to discover and gives so much joy and inspiration!
Hey Emily, thanks for expressing the difficulty you’re finding with this part of the theory of an advanced civilization. It’s great because I think all of us who are not tall, light-haired, fair-skinned and blue eyed would have gone through a similar sense of disconnect between our physical appearance and this image of the wisdom bringers and their tribe! I do agree that truth must be pursued beyond all costs, and that it’s important to allow ourselves access to confronting information; I can remember many times feeling quite ‘righteously offended’ because my own sense of morals had been impinged on by certain ideas, in the end I usually realise I was just carrying ideas of morality from the social conditions I’ve grown up in. And I’m probably still doing it!
It seems one of the main objections to the idea of the Wisdom Bringers, especially in the case of Thor Hyerdhal’s work, was down to political and intellectual paradigms, which is a real shame, and shows what a barrier they are to uncovering objective truth.
I also believe in reincarnation, and though I’m enjoying this present encouragment to delve into my own heritage, it’s in part because so far I’ve felt more of a connection to other cultures in my life. I’ve had more of a spiritual connection to, and spiritual nourishment from, Chinese and Hindu religions than anything from my own country – the experience of feeling sure that my soul knew something of those religious practices was something that helped me confirm reincarnation is true. It’s a really interesting mystery to me what part our heritage plays in our own spirituality and how the seeming ability of our eternal self to move between cultures works with that.
Hi Emily, just wanted to say how great you have managed to gather some info on the history of astral projection from your culture! I think people can relate to this practice better if they see its been a part of their ancient spiritual heritage too. Also now I understand why the famous Japanese cartoon was called “Spirited away”. ;-)
I agree Lara with the Shang Dynasty having similarities to the Tolmec people too. In this video about Sanxindui ancient site of the Shu people, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teCKq6AJtP8, the artifacts which show eagle features closely resemble the Mayan art too, as per this image https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itzamna#/media/File:WLA_metmuseum_Maya_Double_Chambered_Vessel_5th_C.jpg . In fact people commented on their similarity as per this comment by Sasachimenish, “The same art style appears everywhere from Polynesia, to Melanesia, Austronesia, SE Asia, right up through all of East Asia, across the Bering Straights and down the coast across Northwest America, and down through the Andes. You can find the same grimacing face in all these places, the same swirling patterns, etc. There is clearly diffusion of art and culture through all these places, Also Celtic and Nordic Europe has a variation on those patterns, which should not be too surprising, since Indo-European folks wearing plaid felt tunics, based on horse and cart culture just like Celts appear 8,000+ years ago in Turkestan/Xinjiang. So, yeah, we are very connected.”
I also agree with Lara that there were many ancient civilizations that have travelled through China as it is such a vast country and so accessible from the areas of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well. In the video they draw a brief correlation between Egypt and this location due to the gold covering the bronze masks found there which are not of that location. The same commentator I mentioned above adds to this too by saying, “Sanxingdui is not “Chinese” in origin. The whole area is historically Tibetan-speaking peoples, right on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau, Qinghai, and next door to the Ngawa Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The whole of Sichuan is ethnically not Han, or Chinese in origin. Tibetan peoples and Daic peoples are the historic peoples of Sichuan, as well as Austronesian peoples. Sichuan is home to several non-Chinese kingdoms and even empire. China only acquired SIchuan relatively recently. 3,000 years ago, Sichuan was not part of China, and would develop separately until the Middle Ages.”
The link between Sanxindui, Tibetan and Mayan culture maybe present in language as well,as per this research article called, “Mayan: A Sino-Tibetan Language?A Comparative Study” http://sino-platonic.org/complete/spp130_mayan_language.pdf which is a detailed comparison between these two languages. Mandarin being a Sino-Tibetan language would then mean that it is a very ancient language or at least a derivative of one, that goes back to a lineage of other ancient cultures.
Though I think the diversity of cultures that have traversed China may be many, their commonality was embedded within the Religion of the Sun which is traced by Lara in The Ancient Religion of the Sun book and so clearly explained too. We have to bear in mind also that our current world view of countries is relatively a modern configuration, as recent as the 1900’s, which saw countries divided, given to other nations and renamed as well, thus creating a disconnection with ancient roots of the land and with its people.
From the information I can find I can be sure that what happened to the people of Shu in present day Sichuan Province of China is similar to what is going on with Yazidis today and what happened to those followers of the Religion of The Sun in Europe and the Middle East when Christians and Muslims took over……it is sad,but the crackdown on it does appear to have started a lot earlier than I have initially anticipated in recorded human history. It is perhaps just like Lucia said in the comments,the Religion of The Sun is indeed the Religion of Light,and darkness of the world would want get rid of it. There was one night while I was drifting.off I saw people were.doing.some.forms.of rituals being suddenly confronted by the armed forces. They were scared,screaming in pain and agony. They cried out for help,interesting in Mandarin,which is considered the standard form of Chinese language today but developed much later on after the Qin Dynasty. It is also the variant of Chinese that I speak. That is the only thing that puzzles me since I’m sure whatever language/dialect they spoke.if I were to travel back in time I certainly would not understand. So why did I,in that vision,heard them crying for help in Mandarin? Was it being.revealed to me.this way since this is how I can.understand.what they said? My relative even laughed at me saying this was only a product of my imagination since Mandarin Chinese didn’t exist back then yet this is what I heard the language that they used to cry for help in. I woke up feeling a sense of dread as if I was going through.of that myself. Though I didn’t see them clearly I am.sure they were the people of Shu,the ones I had been doing research on.That just made my already-wrecked-up life felt even worse. I heard a voice in my head telling me as I was lying in my bed staring at the ceiling,telling me that the same thing won’t happen to me,the current government will not be in my way of reviving the Religion of The Sun in my country,however doesn’t mean reviving it would be without challenges. There will be a lot of people who disagree with me,and even try to prevent my theories from being accepted by the masses…sure enough,not long after that,my relative started writing her articles debunking my theories and publishing them online. I forgot to mention in her statement about sun,fire and hunter-gatherers,she also mentioned why light is considered spiritual in nature,”…because light is what the hunter-gatherers needed to see. Of course anything that gives off light will be worshipped. The sun,fire,you name it. Even if they saw electric lights that their descendants use or even the glowing screen of a smartphone,they would have considered them sacred. If you think solar religion is legitimate,then you should consider all things that give off light sacred. That includes electric lights and all of your screens. Would you venerate them? Just like you worship the sun,considering fire sacred and light as a manifestation of spirituality? You may say electric lights and screens are man-made,but by their very nature they are not different from the sun and fire,because all of them give off light. If you worship some of them but not all of them,then you are just lying to yourself as modern humans.” This claim sure makes me feel very uncomfortable,yet despite being without a point in most parts of her articles,this one does appear to make some sense. As a matter of.fact humans aren’t able to see clearly when there is little light around,while cats and other felines can. The darkness of night was extremely scary for people back then. However I’m certain there is a much greater reason the sun is venerated. Her statement that the Religion of The Sun is just a caveman thing does make feel very uncomfortable…
One more thing. This has nothing to do with my country my culture whatsoever,but with the Catholic faith. I have recently learned about Our Lady of Fatima,where it is recognized by the Vatican as a miraculous event in the history of the Catholic Church. It is said to be Virgin Mary’s appearence to a few children first,then to the crowd of people of all ages in the countryside of Portugal. Virgin Mary told them to pray the Rosary,and also made some revelations about the future to the children. What’s interesting is that when the crowd gathered to see Virgin Mary,interesting things happened with the sun. If Christianity has nothing to do with the sun,then why did the sun change? It’s just another indicator that Christianity,more particular Catholicism,despite haven been manipulated and used as tool of control,has a deep connection to the Religion of The Sun.
Hey Emily, hope you find a solution to the difficult situation with your relative. The guidance will come if you keep turning to the light :-) It sounds like you’re doing your best to practice a solar spirituality and I think for you and all of us, learning how to face its opposition well is a big part of it! I had some tough times recently with family members who really changed the way they saw me because of some of my views. It wasn’t really religion based, but still stuff that challenged their atheism with its worship of modern science.
I recently met someone who was spiritually aware and very able to perceive the struggle between the light and dark in the world and who had started to realise more deeply how the darkness operates. They became incredibly distrustful of anything ‘esoteric’, thinking that anything that’s attempting to make contact with other dimensions is dangerous. It was sad to see them getting lost in a maze of historic information about the history of religions, mixing all the good and bad together and labelling it ‘do not touch’, but in a way they made some important realisations that moved them away from practices often embraced by the ‘new age’, like chanelling.
Here in the UK the government have been timing their different important political announcements and changes on solstices and cross-quarter days, and it doesn’t go amiss to many that there’s a reason other than practicality behind it.
Hi Lara,
I think what you said really does make a lot of sense and I totally agree with you. I was a bit shocked at first and still do not want to believe(even though I have to admit them as a result of what I have seen and experienced myself) just how many people in the world who would turn a blind eye on the Religion of The Sun as it is being introduced to them,even after they have learned about the spiritual aspects of it and how it’s more than simply superstition as many who might think. To explain the wisdom that is in the Religion of The Sun I used the concept of Yin and Yang as that is something the people here are familiar with,and compared it with similar concepts from other cultures that are far away from the Middle Kingdom,as a way to make them think and question what could have caused such striking similarities. But someone was quick to debunk that as “Since all ancient people,Chinese or not,were humans and they must have had similar ways of thinking,it’s not surprising at all for them to come up with similar ideologies.” And many in the audience cheered and applaused. By then they had already heard about ancient sites around the world that are aligned to the sun on solstices and equinoxes,their alignment to other celestial bodies,and their alignments to each other;as well as how the strcutures these ancient people built are among some of the greatest works of architecture and enginnering in the ancient world. Which includes the pyramids of Egypt. And in some way I believe the artifacts found at Sanxingdui and the drainage system discovered underground can also be examples of how advanced the followers of the Religion of The Sun had been. They said,”So it’s definitely not known how exactly these ancient people built these things,and it’s clear that they venerated the sun,but that doesn’t mean anything and the alignments that you discovered are nothing but merely coincidences.” So they would not believe it even after learning about all these facts,likely due to all of this information they have received shattered their worldview in a way. It was clear that they expressed a sense of shock on their faces while they were listening,but they refused to accept what they have been told as the truth. And these were only among a few who refuse to believe the Religion of The Sun is something that is worth looking into and does have its significance today even after learning all its whereabouts. I kinda feel that I am doing similar work that te Wisdom Bringers used to do,except that they had succeeded in bringing many around the globe to the Religion of The Sun,while I,on the other hand,have only been able to convince a handful of people. My research had been ongoing and I definitely cannot say I know well enough about it. But I’ve been trying my best to explain it to people here since I feel that this is part of my mission alongside of researching and practicing. I believe the situation will remain this way for some time to come since I believe I have just been informed by the divine the following night after I sent my last comment on this website. I heard a voice(again while I was drifting off) that said there will be people who will wage a war against me in the form of words. This is how I know the current situation I’m facing is not going to end anytime soon. I had been informed before my relative started writing her articles disproving my theories,and this is the second time that I have been informed this way in at least several months. Since life starts to go downhill for me I hadn’t had a spiritual experience for a long time,and these experiences should be a good sign. Even though I haven’t received any good news at least now I know what’s lying ahead of me and I can do my best to prepare for it. I do have a kind of feeling towards it but that is beyond my scope of discussion here as I think it would be better to keep it personal. This is just something I have to deal with and there is nothing I can do about that. But no matter what happens,I will remind myself to stay strong and continue my mission. Now I’m still suffering from health issues and unemployment so I simply don’t feel like doing any work. But if these things still don’t get better after a period of time I may as well pick up where I left off in my research and resume my practices in spite of my personal situation. Jesus,for instance,knew that he would be crucified if he preached to his disciples,but he did that regardless and was eventually being nailed to a cross and died. He obviously resurrected afterwards,that as is a sign that the light has defeated darkness and symbolizes one’s spiritual journey. It is also clear to me that he didn’t do it for himself,but out of a kind of great selfless purpose to help enlighten others. If he could have endured such sufferings,there is no way to assume that I cannot do what I had been called to do while facing my personal problems in life. Yes,that is not easy. And yes,there will be obstacles to be overcome but it is for sure possible. I look upon the Wisdom Bringers for inspiration and learn from them how to lived their lives. They are.amingst the greatest teachers of mankind and from their life stories one can learn how to live up to the principles of the Religion of The Sun in one’s daily life.(aside of rituals and spiritual practices)
It does not seem fair for the central funds to be used in support of a chosen viewpoint.
In relation to the sun. Maybe a narrowing down of the discussion solely on the sun might make it more easy to shove aside the fact that it constitutes a whole body of connected knowledge. Yin and yang, sky and earth, the world tree, dragons and golden birds, veneration of the sacred mountain with the understanding of it etc. Basically it is… the understanding of life and showing of the road to its higher destination. And the argument is also not decided in a cave, as there are so many instances of high cultures of the sun across the world. Even the Sanxingdui museum itself puts some them side by side in a beautiful way.
I think you’ve discovered so much in your research in the last year and half Emily, yet in general there is still much to cover in research to give the fuller picture of the presence of the religion of the sun within China. What is also not in existence yet is a presentation that would do those findings justice. Without that I can imagine it would take a lot of work to help people get a picture of it all and more yet to reach points of understanding within themselves.
Your personal situation seems quite extreme actually, such peculiar circumstances, reading about it and considering it from a distance it definitely seems set up from above to create personal learning conditions for you. I’m impressed with your ability to let go, “she is free to do so.”.
Experiencing people’s choices can be demotivating I find. I also see good signs, a director of the Sanxingdui dig said: “In my opinion, with the development of our national economy and the improvement of living standards, people will inevitably seek a richer spiritual life.” I think there are those who seek real substance.
The established narrative has strongly confined certain truths of the past for sure, but China is just brimming with ancient mystery after mystery that I was thinking I’m not sure if it will even be able to be contained!
Nice to hear from you Emily, I have also been wondering how you were and how things were going in your country. Sounds like some challenging times are upon you, but that may sometimes be a good thing actually. To step back and reflect can lead to more clarity and new discoveries. And happy to hear you are considering astral traveling too! It definitely does not cost any physical money, but its not for free either, as we need to pay by our efforts… I am sure with the Divine help, you will succeed sooner or later though, so fingers crossed for that!
Wishing you a continuous strong connection to the Sacred Sun and a speedy recovery.
Hi Lucia,
Thank you for your wishes! I am doing my best to stay strong and remind connected to the Sacred Sun. Things still have not improved for me and worse yet,my relative has started writing articles online as an attempt to demystify the Religion of The Sun as nothing more than what the caveman believed based on what was essential to their survivial as the sun,fire and light. She has gained a lot of followers and the platforms which she publishes her articles on have even started to pay her as a result. Now she would spend at least half of her spare time sitting in front of her computer drafting,it’s unsual for her since she is a computer programmer by profession,she would stare at her computer screen writing codes for almost the entirety of her work hours. She used to to complain to me about her eye stings,but now looks like she doesn’t care about her eye stings anymore. After finishing her work,she would often switch to writing articles right away debunking my theories on the Religion of The Sun. That is something that has gotten onto my nerves lately. I was foretold by a voice in my head that this would happen,but I still cringe every time I see her writing articles. Whatever happens though,I will always remind myself to stay strong and pray for Divine Guidance. I know that astral projection is not an easy thing to do,I have not succeeded even once. I have found tips on how to do it and all I need to do is working on it. Would really love to be able to do it some day,and astral travel must be a really wonderful experience. I do believe there lie better times ahead and my spiritual journey will ultimately be complete. I try to think about the Yin and.the Yang,like now I’m at the place of increasing Yin,and after the most Yin have passed Yang will emerge. I believe darkness is something we all have to struggle with in one way or another in order to reach spiritual enlightenment and unity with the Higher Self. So there has to be some purpose to the hardship and difficulties that I’m going through. The spiritual journey is never easy,and I cannot remember how many times I had to struggle with myself to continue on this journey that I have been called to partake in. It is really easy to have thoughts of quitting and going back to where I came from,but I just remind myself that I have to go on until I finish what I’ve started. I have no idea how long that will take,but I’m sure this is an opportunity for me to grow spiritually and in the end(whenever that could be)I will get so much more out of it than I could even expect!
Hi Emily,
Good luck with that issue with your relative “debunking” the Religion of the Sun and even earning money on it! Sounds like quite a challenge especially as you are sharing a living space with her. On the other hand, it shows you are on the right track, as the Darkness is fighting back, interestingly through a person close to you. From what I have learned so far, the dark forces have a power to stir up people’s weaknesses in order to cause troubles. But the people have to have these weaknesses within them in the first place, otherwise there would be nothing to stir. It also sounds like you have a good approach to it, as it may be counter-productive to try to change the minds of the people who are not open and don’t wish to learn. On the other hand, it may be good to lay the facts clearly sometimes in a discussion in order for those who are maybe searching and are undecided to have a chance to learn about things. What Erik mentioned in his post also rings true, as I have seen these types of paid trolls in other online discussions too. They basically just enter the discussion to push the “official narrative”, often not even reacting to the replies, as they have already moved on to “debunk” other posts.
Regarding astral projection, I started by learning to have lucid dreams, as that is easier. Similarly to you, I gathered different tips online that sounded good, made a list of them, and started practicing them, and in about a month I managed to induce my first lucid dream after about 20 years (I used to have them spontaneously as a child). I still remember this first lucid dream that I managed to induce through my own effort, the clarity and realness of it, and the spiritual flavour. In fact, I think it was a Divine gift after my efforts, as there was this inner voice that clearly guided me through it, even telling me that on this occasion, I would only have a short time to be there consciously. I found myself in the place where I grew up, perceiving all the familiar details of things I already forgot about, the smells, the worn-out button of the old lift (we lived in a block of flats with a lift), the typical sounds of the place, etc. It was so amazing to be there again, fully conscious, guided by this invisible guide.
Later on, I learned that lucid dreams happen in the same dimension as the astral projection, the only difference being that in lucid dreams, we have missed the initial point of the split of the 2 bodies (physical and astral), and only gained consciousness after already previously dreaming. Astral projection is therefore more difficult to achieve, because you need to be conscious through the whole process, since going to sleep, perceiving the separation of the 2 bodies (which is really cool BTW, similar to ‘taking off the gloves’), until finding yourself fully conscious in the astral plane without previously dreaming. But even if you are trying to practice astral projection, you may still miss the initial stages of the bodies split, and only become conscious a bit later, already feeling yourself in your lighter astral body. In any case, its definitely wonderful as you said, and the whole new world to explore!
Hello Emily, I have not taken the time before to greet you . My name is Paty and I live with my husband Tony in Brisbane Queensland, Australia. I have found your contributions here truly inspiring and I really do appreciate your openness and transparency around your personal struggles of late. I admire your strength to continue on in your mission to discover the links between the Religion of the Sun and your own culture; I have no doubt you will be successful. I sincerely wish that your health improves along with your employment prospects. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us,it is very inspiring and encouraging. Much strength and protection for you and take care!
Hello Paty,
It is my pleasure to know you;) I’m glad that you find my contributions inspiring,as I am only doing my part in finding the missing pieces of the puzzle and I believed I have been called to do so. I would not say that I’m super transparent on my personal struggles,since there are actually a lot of details which I have not shared that I’m only willing to share with those who are close to me that I know personally. There have been countless times where I had thoughts of quitting and go back to where I came from,but I just keep reminding myself that I cannot stop doing what I’m doing until I have finished what I’ve started. I do believe there lies light ahead of me and I really have no reason not to stay strong. I believe all the struggles that I’m going through are part of my spiritual journey that I was meant to go through. I believe everyone of us has to struggle with darkness in one way or another in order to develop and grow spiritually,so there is a purpose for me to go through all of this. And in the end,I believe I will get a lot more out of this than I’d expect! And although I never anticipated this to happen,if my story can be inspiring to others,I would also feel really happy about it! As of now,my research and practice on the Religion of The Sun still have not resumed due to the fact that I’m still going through the struggles and lack the energy to do everything. In fact someone has started writing online articles that attempts to debunk my claims about the Religion of The Sun and has been relatively successful at doing so and have even made a few bucks out of it. This person’s articles actually contain very few powerful arguments against me and I could publish articles that explain why she is wrong about the Religion of The Sun word by word. It is clear that this person does not have a true understanding of the Religion of The Sun and is either consumed by arrogance or clings to the prejudice that the Religion of The Sun is something primitive,not compatible with the worldview of modern humans. However I see no reason for doing that since it is not necessary and it is obviously not my duty to tell others what they should and should not do. Lastly,doing that would just make me feel worse. If she wants to continue write and publish,she is free to do so. I just need to get over myself every time I see her typing on her computer when she’s not working(she is a computer programmer by profession and she would spend time coding). Now I cringe every time I see her doing that,but it’s really all about getting over one’s self and coming to term with it. Once everything change for the better though,I will get back to what I was doing before,and continue on on this journey to.find the missing pieces of the puzzle here. By then,I’m sure I will have a lot more to share with the world and those who want to debunk my findings would find it harder to do so. I don’t do what I do to prove them wrong,that’s just something I believe will happen as the mysteries of the Religion of The Sun continues to unfold and there are people in the world who contribute to its revival. So it’s only a matter of time for the truth to come into light. Until my struggles come to path though,I will be constantly reminding myself to stay strong and not forgetting about the Spiritual Sun;)
Please do more of these type of talks, it was very insightful and heart warming, I especially liked how in the end of the talk, you really explained what the spirituality of the sun is about, and what it means to you. Reading your book is certainly interesting, but as you know, it is a bit like encyclopedia and these talks bring life to it and show so clearly its relevance.
It’s great to see a full length interview. In this kind of setting of a casual talk you also get to learn new things.
It struck me how carefully you replied to each question, making sure to put it in the right context, and give an indepth, clear, and well-rounded answer every time, and that in a skillful way.
It was really helpful to hear your response to the question of what do we do not to be dragged down by the negative response to what’s going on in the world. That you just focus on what _you_ need to do now, in your life, and what you need to change. Takes the focus away from the overwhelming situation around you that you can do nothing about, and puts it toward what you can do, and that’s really motivating. Seeing you live that principle as well, being fully and peacefully focused on your mission, backs it up beautifully.
That part stood out to me, too. It gave me the feeling that we each have a purpose, and can fulfill it if we’re honest with ourselves.
Loved this interview! It really helps to understand the topic a bit further to hear it discussed naturally like this, new things pop up in conversation and concepts get expressed in new ways that help it ‘click’. I think that’s why podcasts are all the rage now. It was great to hear you explaining the overall timeline (which I still get confused on!) and then to bring it back to how an individual can find their place in this vast picture, and in this dark time, by just focusing on their own spiritual work and what they’re here to do – really inspiring. It’s great to see the book take its place among other great works in its field as ‘part of the puzzle’. Hope to see more interviews like this in the future!
What an extraordinary interview. So many topics and so much information that I really want to listen to it again. Lara’s knowledge is just amazing, and all delivered in such a down-to-Earth and interesting manner. I hope there are lots more interviews to come in order to bring the truth of history, and its relevance to today, to the world.
What a great Interview I really enjoyed it, what a wealth of information really helped me to understand the Religion of the Sun in more depth. I found it interesting how you mentioned about the darkness and how it does all it can to stop anything to do with the light, particularly how you mentioned it tries to erase the history of the light, it makes sense why this information has been lost. Thanks again Lara very inspirational
This was such a great interview Lara, and it is so amazing how people are getting interested in this topic (and the related ones like Atlantis, “cataclysm geology”, etc.) today. The interviewer was very nice, and apparently has read the book, if not all of it, then looks like a bit part of it at least. Very pertinent questions and great clear answers! I really loved the part starting at 59:25, where you explained how the Religion of the Sun was, in fact, the Religion of the Light, and not just some form of celestial bodies worship. And how you explained very clearly how the Light itself was venerated in those ancient sacred monuments. I think I gained a new level of understanding from your answer, because even though of course I knew that the Light stream would come into those mounds and people celebrated those times, you somehow made it clear with your answer how it was some kind of Living Entity/God-like presence, that entered those structures and was venerated directly like that. How amazing is that, it makes me even more inspired to build something where “the Light would come and visit” on our own property. :-)
And the part on the “Pagan Jesus” was amazing too. I wonder what the Christians of today would say on that! :-O Most would probably reject the idea, even though the wrongdoings of the Church, and especially Vatican today are becoming more and more apparent. That’s not to say all Christians are involved in something evil, of course not, and many are actually doing a great job in combating the Darkness today, but its such a shame they are missing the bigger picture and mostly unwilling to look beyond the official, narrow-minded explanation of Jesus’s teachings. Looks like there is so much more out there for those brave enough to search for the truth…
Thank you Lara, and I hope more of these interviews will happen in the future!
You may be surprised Lucia to find that its already there, found beautifully created by the divine in nature!
I was surprised to find such a place near my home beautifully capturing the essence of the spring equinox and another area imbuing the essence of the Autumn equinox. I also find Sunday’s very inspiring and having a mystical quality about it that helps to open my perception.
I think for Christian people, who I believe really do wish for that divine love, would be open to the Religion of the Sun because it also relates to their ancestry and their heritage. I believe the yearning to belong is not only an element of nature, but also of a spiritual and ancestral need we have. This connection has been broken down over time to the nuclear family, but now that is broken down too and that is one of the reason we find so many people suffering as we move further away from the origins of our source, beginning with the divine. We also see how big ancestry has become and it covers many religious beliefs, so it shows our sense of connection to our past is important to us. Imagine how it must be for people to find their ancestors were part of the Religion of the Sun and how Jesus was also part of it too? Both their ancestors and their faith coming together….
This is so beautifully put! After learning about the religion of the sun and my spiritual ancestors, I had a lot more understanding about ancestor worship, tradition, etc… It also became clear, like you said, how each of these things has been systematically destroyed, especially in the US, where the culture has become essentially satanic. Not in the sense that satan is worshipped, but in the sense of the philosophy of satanism, which puts the individual and individual fulfillment above everything else: family, god, tradition, traditional values… Capitalist ideals and the “American dream” of personal fulfillment (at the expense of everything else), have progressively destroyed everything, cleaning up every fragment of light. Even small things like Thanksgiving, a day where we just give thanks, is now followed by the aptly named “black friday”, a day that’s literally the antitheses of giving thanks.
Yes, that’s right and thanks for bringing that up, the BFsale day never felt good to me and I think you have helped me to understand why, and found a correlation that to many may seem hidden, but could explain why Thanks Giving is followed by BF sale day.
In ancient cultures, eastern cultures and even in ancient Norse times, the day was counted from sunset to sunset. So that after sunset it was the considered the evening of the next day. This is how it was back in the times of Jesus and for some cultures this is still how the day is seen https://chasingalion.com/a/21-timing-of-the-last-supper-crucifixion).
I mention this to provide a background understanding of what I discovered with the Thanks Giving Day and the BF sale day.
In the story of the Passion, the Last Supper, which has also been referred to as a ‘Thanks Giving’, took place on Thursday and was held before sunset on that day, and in Christian tradition that day is called Maundy Thursday https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Supper. In those times and in some cultures still today, the day was counted from sunset to sunset – perhaps symbolically referring to the extracting light from darkness. So our current Thursday evening would actually be counted as part of Friday in those older times.
It is after the Last Supper, after sunset (that is, Friday), that Jesus is betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver. As we know through the ‘Gospel of Judas’ and the book ‘The Flight of the Feathered Serpent’ Judas was asked to fulfil this role by Jesus, in order to portray this symbolic role https://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/national/judastxt.pdf and as one of his most advanced disciples of Jesus he didn’t in fact betray his beloved teacher (Rabbi means Teacher in Assyrian), he only portrayed the betrayal. Mark Atwood in the book ‘The Ancient Path of the Sun’, explains this best, “Judas symbolizes the traitor which exists within every person, who betrays the forces of the Sun – all the love, wisdom, happiness and treasures of the spirit – in return for thirty pieces of silver, which are symbolic of the desires of the egos and the pleasures of the material world, which seem a pittance by comparison.”
The crucifixion of Jesus took place on the Friday day, and within three of the Gospels of the New Testament it is said that the day turned dark, perhaps the correlation to black friday.
Comparing this with today, we have Thanks Giving Day on Thursday, and then shortly after the Black Friday Sales begin, actually many times they begin on Thursday night near midnight and continue through to Friday. Similarly to the Passion story, which some may call coincidence, but it helped me to understand why I never felt good about the BF sale day. It seems to me a celebration of the forces of darkness that is baited through the desire for material things.
So in my opinion, I think it’s probably not a coincidence that the ‘sale’ day was made to be on a Friday or even calling it Black, nor a coincidence that it follows Thanks Giving day on Thursday. Its like a trap hidden in the mundane, unknowingly being bated and unconsciously choosing to partake which contributes to the spiral down of our current civilization through such hidden influences.
I echo Lucia, it is one thing to read and read, and digest, but it is a wonderful feeling to get a new level of understanding unexpectedly in a real life conversation such as this one.
I really loved it Lara, ( pronounced, Lara or Lara?! ;) )
That was great! It’s amazing how these ancient subjects feel so current. Great genuine questions, but great answers too. I wasn’t familiar with the phenomenon of a decline around 1200 BC, though that certainly seems the case among some cultures in China. Wonderful topics each really and, like I mentioned, they feel so relevant to understand now for us as a humanity. You dealt with the subject very nicely Lara, with some questions there’s a whole world behind it that you could probably get into so I can imagine I might have a ‘where do I even start’ sense, but I guess just natural is the way go. Great work and I very much look forward to seeing you featured on more shows!
I agree Akira, I think these interviews are excellent to hear Lara speak about this truly beautiful Religion of the Sun I loved how the discussion evolved from a broad interest to a personal interest, which is really quite reflective of the Religion of the Sun as it always gets to the heart of it and to our hearts too.
I look forward to all your other interviews Lara, they are awesomely inspiring and your breadth and depth of all your research which was great to listen to. I think it was well described by the gentleman on the right at 1:12.
Thanks to Graham and Darren for this interview and for their great questions and keenness which explored the topic really well!