Since I first posted a video on out-of-body experiences and dreams with Odin, I’ve been taken aback by the number of people who’ve replied to share their own experience with him – almost 70 people now. So I decided to bring them together in one place.
These experiences happened in waking life, dreams, meditation, visions, in answer to prayer, and out-of-body experiences. Some people were even visited and helped by Odin during near-death experiences.
They reveal that Odin is indeed a real Being, and in my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun, I trace his origins back to one of the wisdom bringers who taught the Religion of the Sun.
Below are many of these experiences. Most of them were posted in response to this video in which I share an out-of-body experience I had with Odin, along with experiences others have had, but some were also posted in response to an alternative perspective I give on who Odin is:

These experiences have been shared for educational purposes. If your experience has been included here and you would prefer it not to be, please send me an email through the contact page and it will be removed asap.
Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences. If you’d like to share yours, feel free to post it in the comments on this page.
Near-Death Experiences
First comment: It was Odin who led me out of a coma I had been in for two weeks, I felt his presence strongly along with my ancestors. This has not yet left me.
Second comment: I have been led to connections ever since. Although I was a practicing pagan well before this incident occurred it has pulled me full force into the Norse aspect. I wouldn’t be able to make a video, but I’m not afraid to discuss it (and have mostly with the doubters I’m surrounded by). I’m unsure what role I have been given but time will tell.
Third comment: I enjoyed this video, my connection is still very deep and I seem to have found myself since my experience somehow being drawn to others of similar paths though not in an ordinary way of meeting as I’m very isolated. Some of my meetings have been astral and manifested themselves later. Walking between worlds is something we all do because we exist on many levels at once is what I was taught during my time with Odin. He carries a strength that is silent support but is not like the weak Christian figure he’s been diluted into over time.
~ Crowsbaneful
10 years ago I was attacked in a knife frenzied attack and wounded a number of times. As I was losing consciousness I prayed to Odin to help me or guide me in death, he walked towards me and placed his hand upon my shoulder. As he did so I was awakened by three paramedics over me trying to keep me awake. I had a fast recovery in hospital — less than a week — and was able to recover at home.
~ Anthony Howard
Ok I have a story, normally I’m not a religious person in fact I believe there is a scientific reason to explain most things but there’s been a few instances in my life that really made me question my views on things. Just this past Christmas I was really ill, without doubt the sickest I’ve ever been in my entire life. It got to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed and I was so weak that I slept for most of the day only to really wake up to force down some water. Towards the end I think I slept for at least 30 hours straight and I had the weirdest dream I’ve ever had In my entire life. It’s a bit fuzzy now but the parts I do remember are very vivid like a memory I’ve experienced in real life. Right so I was in a dark area at night time that kind of looked like a graveyard and I approached this old man that was sitting under a very large tree he had a large white beard and a hood over his head. I talked to this guy for a long time but the whole time I felt like he was someone I always knew, it gave me a warm feeling. After we were done talking he told me that it wasn’t my time and he would come back for me, then he put his hand on my shoulder and I woke up to paramedics in my bedroom and apparently I almost died. Honestly I think it was a just a dream and nothing more but it’s been several months and that dream is still bugging me. Not saying I saw Odin, because I never asked the person who he was, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
~ The Legend
Holy geez. Normally I don’t ask others about there experience but when you where on the grass field was there an ocean just over the hill but it was silent and made no noise as Odin spoke? I’m sorry, your experience is the closest I have heard of too mine. Just a few differences. But not only that last year when I tried to end my life and drove my car into a tree, after hitting the windscreen and being knocked out I remember a “being” picking me up and sitting me back in the car seat properly and said wrong tree to die on! After that I kind of started coming back to myself and remember seeing a tall person what looked to be in a coat or something walking away and kind of just vanished and not long after police and ambulance were with me. I am sorry to ask but I feel I have to due to pure compulsion. I feel I need to know for I dream with him a lot but I don’t want to ask him because I’m sure it will be another puzzle or I’ll get yet again “the look” like I should know not to ask.
And could you remember a smell of pine, sea salt or a certain weird but calming smell standing next to Odin?
~ Harley Braddock
I did some research and his name has been interpreted you’re right. I will openly say something that will get a lot of people saying I’m crazy or I need help but I do not care.
I have said prayer to Odin and Thor and fight and my prayers were answered. It was in a life to near death experience that my gf experienced and I prayed to the Norse gods and they answered.
~ Shaun Mc
Out-of-Body Experiences
G’day! I have suffered from sleep paralysis throughout most of my 37 years, but two years ago it reached a crescendo. I had a paralysis with the works!! Ravens squawking, force of wind then Odin appeared!! He spoke to me saying everything that I was going through would be ok etc.. It was so calming and enriching.
This was very profound for me because I’m from a Catholic background and I was going through the death of my Grandmother. So a long story short, I’ve taken a different route in my spiritual journey, privately since.
I’ve had many sleep paralysis events in my life, some the same manifestations of the “old hag”, to having a “presence” behind me (I sleep on my side), to a hot hand pressing on my face and a cold being hugging me.
It all changed when Odin appeared though. It’s almost as if it has given me clarity.. Definitely a moment I’ve cherished privately.
The only person I’ve talked about it to is my wife, and the only reason I’ve come across this thread, was a Google search on Odin, lead me to this thread.
So thank you for talking about it. Explaining sleep paralysis to family is difficult, this makes it a lot easier. Cheers
~ James Connellan
After some dreams had taken place, and after making my way across a bridge, all of a sudden my lucidity was raised a lot and I found myself in a small room in front of a mirror. As I looked in I saw that my right eye was missing. There was no scar, in fact no eyelid, lashes or brow even – just skin over the skull bone. I was looking at myself only with the other eye. The limitedness of sight was quite scary, as the situation felt entirely real. I then looked at my left eye and it looked quite strained, having to look here, there and everywhere. And even though in that back of mind way; I knew it was the astral dimension, because it was so real, but there was still this unnerving sense thinking about having to go through my whole life like this. It felt natural to call for help and in that moment I knew who to.
But as I think the exact correct form of his name is not known, I tried instead to feel it out through my calling. I started with Oeden, and with Wuotanas, and perhaps Wotan. But then through this calling, in which I felt in that moment that I could sense what was right, I came to his proper name: Wodan. I finished my calling out from within with three times Wodan into the heavens.
(Earlier on too, but now more consciously) I felt a connectedness and became strongly aware that these lessons I was in and was made to wake up to were his doing, were of his teaching.
Then I found myself in my family home, feeling clear and fully aware I was out of the body. I went down to the living room, which was entirely empty of items apart from the curtains/drapes. These however went all the way around the four sides of the room, not just the side that is windowed. They started moving around on their own in a circle and had some empty spaces between them. So now and again sunlight was let in, shining into my house. At other times it was entirely dark. Only to momentarily let light in again (a bit like how fast moving clouds can cause this on-off effect in a space, or a bit like the illumination by sheet lightning). When there was light I could feel it and it was nice, when it was dark I had to look for it — and thus learn and acquire knowledge. It was this way of alternation/combination which apparently brought about the creation of self knowledge.
*In relation to the pronunciation of Wodan; the most important point is that the dan was a short version of a sound not in use in English. It is like the dan in German dank.
~ Akira
Hi Lara, I just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing your experience with Odin. I was so inspired by your video that I was able to have my own conscious astral experience with this Being (or who I felt was Odin anyway). I also had to overcome a couple of hurdles in order to find this Being in the astral.
During the day I had been really trying to focus on this divine Being while also attempting to remain in a clear, present state. One night after I had fallen asleep I realized that I was in the astral. I remembered what you said about calling out to Odin using three different names (Odin, Wotan and Votan), repeating each name three times. I felt a genuine yearning to meet this Being and could feel the vibration that each of the different names made. When I had finished pronouncing each name three times, I found myself in a corridor of an unfamiliar building in the astral, with doors on either side of the corridor. After going through multiple doors I realized I wasn’t getting anywhere so I jumped up through the ceiling and eventually made it onto the roof.
Another couple of challenges presented themselves and I had to fly over a huge fence and wander through a dimly lit park (I asked a man where I could find Odin and he pointed towards the back of the park). I’m sometimes faced with a terrible fear of the dark so had to really push through.
Eventually I came across a small group of people who seemed to be surrounded by a soft light. I asked where Odin was and someone replied ‘Over there’. I looked at each person closely and felt drawn to a blind old man sitting on the grass and felt that maybe this man was really Odin in disguise. A lady beside the old man struck up a conversation with me, asking for my name and where I was from. I answered her questions but I really just wanted to speak with Odin.
When I turned back around I couldn’t see the blind man but was met with a very tall Being wearing a long, golden cape/cloak. I felt that this Being must be Odin. He had a strong presence about him and his height made me feel like a small child! I felt very safe around this Being. He indicated for me to walk with him, so I followed him away from the group through a corridor of trees. As we walked I told Odin that it was an honour to meet him and he then said something that seemed important for me to remember.
We hadn’t walked very far when I started losing lucidity and ended up back in my physical body. It was a pretty inspiring experience – I don’t think I would have had it if I didn’t watch your video.
~ Elise
This happened to me last night.. an Out of Body Experience. When I found him through this Cave like Crevice. He was sat in a massive Chair. He asked me what I wanted from me. But before you answer… what are you living for? What is your PURPOSE? I told him my answer. And he replied with.. he asked me why I have allowed people to change me? I said. Am I Weak? He laughed. And said.. fasten up. You need to speed up to get your wish. I have no idea what this means yet. But I’m sure I will find out. What a great vid. Thank you.
~ Karen Davies
As a child I was able to astral project, between wakefulness and sleep. I was taught TM at age 5/6 and was able to see guides. At age 8 I was visited by a man impeccably dressed in a black suit and wearing a black hat and topcoat. He had silver cufflinks and carried a black walking stick with a silver pommel and silver tip. His beard was white and trimmed exactly like that of Carl Jung’s. He performed some incantation over my body on the second night. When he touched the window pane with the tip of the walking stick I was able to go through the glass. He taught me how to fly in the astral plane that first night.
The second night I was sent alone to meet a being in the sky with a long white beard and a long cloak. He was ancient. And tall. He carried a tall staff with a giant red stone on top. I was shown many things. And taught how to see in the world. He told me how he had walked among men long ago, that he’d been sent to be a teacher to man, to show them the way of things. And that there were others. I understood at once that he was separate from them and was an actual piece of the creator that willed the universe into being. He is more than a seer or a saint.
My ancestors are the believers of Scandinavian Odin. In fact, my grandmother’s father was an illegitimate son of the king of Sweden. The royal families of Denmark, Norway and others were all married back into the Swedish royal house after Napoleon’s general took control. Those Scandinavian houses are as ancient as they get. Perhaps I was gifted the time with this great ancient being for a reason. I saw him many times over several months during the winter of 1976/77. He is busy protecting the dead. Tirelessly working in faithful service.
~ Jason from NYC
First comment: Wonderful video….YES! I felt Wōden’s presence in a sort of out of body experience… because I had no body, just consciousness in the void, that I believe was Ginnungagap now while in a “dream like” state. But there was no form of the High One, only a feeling of a presence and heavy breath, is the only way to describe it, along with vibration surrounding me and everything in the universe… the breath was all encompassing, as the vibration grew louder and louder….I awoke to a barely discernable scream of the name Wôden.
Second comment: This experience was around 10yrs ago, unprovoked and hit me completely by surprise. Since then I’ve done my best to learn about the older gods, like Wôden, and the practices of my ancestors and their heritage better. I just happen to be 4th Gen German/American. I have asked many times, why did Wôden come to me, was it really him? And I have yet to find myself back in that state. Not from lack of effort. But it drew me into a new journey from that moment, I’ll never forget it. Even now, it is still so vivid and real.
~ D Seelenmagie
A few years ago around December time I had an experience. In it I was flying above my home town through the starry night sky. As I was I felt a very special sense of joyous giving, and I was able to do this and give gifts and spiritual gifts as I flew from person to person. It was so wonderful.
Even though it was me, the person, flying around and getting to feel and act on that in the experience, actually that special sense was one inherent to and belonging to the Divine Father.
Towards the end of that scenario a connection to Wodan was alluded to. That experience, the performing and embodiment of that role, was connected to him in his personification as the Father God figure.
While in the astral I hadn’t considered it, because I was merely in the wonderful nature of the experience and going through it from that angle, yet upon waking: the flying through the night sky with the Father’s spirit of giving, in December/winter solstice/Christmas, actually bestowing gifts from call to call, and seeing an image of Wodan with the sense of an older bearded man (I saw this in my own mind’s vision, though not brought about by myself). I didn’t need to do much figuring out to see the obvious connection to the Santa Claus figure, though it felt a bit awkward as I didn’t see that modern figure as something particularly spiritual.
I hadn’t, and still haven’t, looked into it but I’ve heard that Wodan also had a special place in the Winter Yule celebrations. I had previously wondered why that was the case, as I’ve learned a bit about the significance of the spiritual child and that sense being present at Christmas for example, but how was it that Wodan as the Father God figure was connected to the meaning of winter/Christmas time?
It seemed to show that the original joyous giving of the Divine Father is an inherent aspect of winter time. That Wodan embodied that too in the past as the Father Christmas figure and that remnants of that manifestation still echo within even the modern Santa Claus that everyone is familiar with.
The original meaning or pristine sense behind all that, the joyous giving, was amazing though. If I may describe it: it is like the Spiritual Father has the ability and wants to fully give us all the good things, always. But here in human life it’s about learning and for that purpose there’s strictness, work, each thing needs to be earned fully. We’re in that all year round. But during those special moments in winter for a time it is like it is allowed to be lifted, a pause from it all. Imagine the joy of finally, unconditionally and without restrictions, just being able to give.
~ Akira
I tried this I meditated called his name and waited. 3 weeks later I meditated for bed and was woken. I couldn’t move but was looking at the ceiling and see ravens circling in a gray sky.
~ Andrew Skahl
I too ran into Odin in a dream some 20 years ago. I was walking on a road on a coast somewhere. I had a loud voice call my name from the clouds. I was so shocked I fell to the ground ….in a few moments I crawled up on a large boulder and could just sit and wonder what happened. The voice, very Germanic, began talking to me again…. just words of encouragement and I felt very comforted. After a few minutes…. he was gone and I continued on my journey. Before this dream, I did not know of Odin or the Norse gods.
~ Blade Honer
That second dream from the enlighten channel (where Nicholas called on the Norse gods as he was being attacked by a dark and negative being and the negative being was sucked away in a great storm, leaving him in peace) was me. Seeing the power of the Norse gods in my dream have helped me in my life and I’ve never had a nightmare like that since.
~ Nicholas LeClair
I am Muslim but last night without calling his name I have seen a old man in dream. He called himself Odin and he was telling me something strange……. I just remember his appearance. He was old with white long hairs and beard. Also he was blind with one eye it was high mountains touching the clouds…. I don’t know why and what he was telling me.
~ Kids Fun
I saw Odin in a dream which led me to search this. I saw his face very clearly with a golden knot-work style pattern floating in front of or flowing from his missing eye. He didn’t say anything, just looked at me, but I remember it so clearly, more than any of my other dreams.
~ Louis Frost
My experience with Ódinn was almost identical to this. Also I had sworn all religion away about a week before. I ended up really sick, flu like symptoms but way worse. My entire life I’d say that’s the second time I was truly sick. First when I was born. Anyway, the third day of the sickness either I was dreaming or hallucinating from the fever but I went outside and an old man exactly as described here came up and said…. “There’s more, there’s much more” then he turned and walked away. At that time I had no knowledge of Ódinn at all but he had kind energy, yet I didn’t say a word because I felt I really needed to respect this man.
~ Steven Wiese
Thank you, for this wonderful video. Odin also came twice to me in a dream. It was strange, it was as if we were drowning in the sea. We were the same person. And we helped each other from drowning. I was so confused, when I asked him who he was and he said Odin. Because, he didn’t look like the pictures I know of him. He really looked like the young Norse man with long blonde hair and a beard as you mentioned in your video. I felt such a strong connection to him. He also came in shamanic journeys to me. But because he didn’t look as the person everybody is painting him to be, I started to doubt myself and the experiences I’ve made. You are actually the first person, who saw him the way I saw him. And felt his kindness. Greetings from Germany ;-)
~ Ravencry83
I have a little experience to share – I went to Peru a few months ago [prior to the COVID-19 outbreak] (inspired by your book ‘Ancient Religion of the Sun’!) and was trying to understand the connection between Odin and the wisdom bringers of the Maya and Inca legends. On one of the first nights in Cuzco, the ancient sacred capital of the Inca Empire, I met a man in my dreams, who was also young and beautiful rather than old and bearded (actually he may have still had a beard!), but generally ‘golden’, and I knew he was a talented seafarer He had a ‘oneness’ with the sea I wrote in my dream journal; there was a sense that his great talents weren’t understood in the world but somehow I could see him for the divine being he was. Then the dream shifted to include other people who had been very benevolent and spiritually guiding in my life and I was shown something that made me feel a deep connection to the spiritual quest that is woven like a continuous thread in me from this life to all my previous ones. I didn’t get to speak to him but still the experience was incredibly uplifting.
~ Ella Klyashitsky
I had a dream of Odin. My husband and I were looking at Tarot cards and they were of the Norse Gods. Odin was on top of the pile and he was depicted bright and wearing a cream like colored robe. Several days later after my dream, I came across an article referencing Odin as “The bright one” and that is how I saw him in my dream on the card. I am new to this religion, having grown up Christian and now as an adult learning different. I feel drawn to Odin.
~ Crystal Day
Since it’s you guys, here, on this topic :D :D :D
I had a dream, not random I’m guessing. Because, we can say that Odin is one of the things in my RAM, so, I’m guessing it had something to do with it.
Anyway, the dream – standing with someone, forgot who I’m with, somebody tells me: “Odin is Light”.
Before that, don’t know, several days, few weeks, doesn’t matter, I saw this.
~ Dusan Dragovic
I remember that before falling into the dream (some of you may know this stage followed with noises and vibrations), instead of rumbling and random buzzing as usual, I heard the sound of hooves coming from the distance. Everything was pitch-black and my field of view was made up of grids going seemingly endless. The sound of hooves sounded like a whole cavalry approaching all of a sudden, and before I knew what was going on, a great figure stood before me. A giant horseman, holding his spear above his head and looking at me as two ravens flew down to his spear. His presence simply radiated with power and wisdom, and I woke up full of energy and some things I needed to figure out were suddenly so clear. Also, this happened in the early morning after a series of weird lucid dreams. However this was way different than lucid dreaming or astral projection. I can’t explain why with words, as the rules of our material or astral world simply could not be felt at that moment.
~ 04
One amazing thing that happened to me is that I was laying down in bed one night and I closed my eyes to sleep but opened them again after two seconds. All of a sudden I saw a flash right in front of my face and it was Odin looking at me and he had only one eye. However, this vision disappeared after a few seconds.
Also, one night I was dreaming and I had a dream of seeing Thor’s hammer (Mjölnir) and as I saw his hammer I woke up and then thunder and lightning blasted outside of my house.
~ oScubaGamer
I just described my experience with Thor on another channel via a vivid “dream”. I am just floored by the comments with so many people having similar experiences. All these years, I was dismissive of my experiences, thinking they were isolated dreams. Lol, I am pleasantly surprised by how wrong I was.
~ Torsten Wyrmsblood
A few nights ago, Odin came to me. I had recently left the Catholic faith. I have prayed and begged for God to visit me and help me for years, but I was answered with silence. Odin came to me in two weeks or a bit more.
The area was dark as night with a faint starry sky. I was looking at Odin. He stood in front of a dead oak tree, looking into the darkness. I felt power from him, ancient, old power. I felt safe, curious and a bit intimidated. He didn’t look at me but knew I was there. I have no idea what he was staring at in the darkness because I have no clue. I would love to get in contact with him again but I don’t have the faintest clue.
Before this dream I saw two crows (not ravens) chasing off a hawk and one of my co-workers is named Odin as well.
Yesterday I was really down, I was having an inner struggle with myself and my thoughts were getting dark. Come to find out, Odin also deals with depression and himself.
~ Winter Heathen
I too had an experience with who I believe was Odin. He took the form of an older man, kind of looking like Gandalf and in the experience he helped me to learn something about my own inner work. It was interesting because it was very similar to what Lara describes in that he didn’t tell me outright what I needed to know, but was able to help me to see it and learn it for myself. Throughout the experience I could feel that he was a very loving, kind and supportive being. He felt like a kind and supportive father figure. After this experience I felt really connected with the Being Odin.
~ Vida
I had an encounter with Odin. Face to face. It started in the dream world. I was in a neighborhood I grew up in. To my left, a portal opened up. At first it was as if the galaxy was at view. Then a fence came out. It was made out of battle axes, linked together. Next a portal opened above me. There were a few of them opened up above each other. I was lifted up through them. Then I was looking at a bright wall of light. A man started to form in it. Long white hair and long white beard (possibly Heimdall). I freaked out and shot plasma balls at him. But he simply absorbed them.
The next thing I see was a man sitting down. White background. Long silver gray hair and beard. His left eye had a soft beautiful light. He did not name himself. I recall him telling me that I am ignorant. I asked him where my powers come from. He replied “from your soul which lives within you.” Then I’m looking at a board, with three downward rows of runes. I asked him if these are the traditional letter but was quickly shot down through the portals back to where I first was.
This happened in prison almost two years ago. One month from this experience I was placed in the SHU (special housing unit) for three months then shipped to another prison across the country. There was an outdoor alter at this prison for us Odinist. The rest fell into place.
I have been seeing the runes in my dreams, flashes of them in my eye sight, and more dreams with other gods. Thor, Forseti, Frigga, and recently Odin’s face in the clouds with lightning.
I’m currently in a halfway house. I’ve been trying to find people with similar encounters. I just came across a story about Zalmoxis. Who was a man then god from the Dacian people where Romania is at now. He looks like Odin and I think he might just be this man too. Since I am from this Romanian blood line, I thought it must be a blood line thing. I don’t know, but I don’t understand why me of all people. I’d like to find help and someone to work with that can enlighten me.
I love your videos and how you speak calmly. I want to thank you for putting out videos with your knowledge. I hope that one day we can meet and share stories and advice.
~ Teo B.
I am Black. When I was young I thought Odin would rescue me from people who I was told hated me. I saw no difference between him and Jesus. I even had a dream that a handsome old White man with long gray hair saved me from someone trying to kill me. I associated the man with Odin. He felt more like an ancestor than a god. This was many years ago well before the Marvel movies. He was protective. I have had many other experiences. I have natural runes on my body but I am told that Odin doesn’t like Black people.
~ Cosmic Hope
I had a dream recently that I was hugging a massive tree, standing on top of the root system which stretched a great distance beneath me to the ground. Creating cavernous voids in the roots. A horse with its legs shrouded in mist was climbing the roots up towards me. Strutting to get my attention.
It was not until I told a friend about it that he illuminated Norse mythology to me and that the tree was very much like Yggdrasil and the horse appeared to be Sleipnir, Odin’s Shamanic horse. I was ignorant to Norse mythology before this.
~ Zayne
I had a little dream experience last night. I was awake for most of the night so thought I would focus on Odin and his name as I went to sleep. I realized I didn’t have any genuine questions, which was fine. I did have some seriousness in my focus because I was feeling ill, not that I was pushing myself but there was also no space for wasteful thoughts.
In a big grassy plain I saw a whole line of people, next to each other in a row. It was sunny. Every few moments someone would disappear from somewhere in the line. I knew they were going somewhere where Odin was, who was somewhere in a hidden place/realm and granted each of these people their own particular experience. When the person would be back and excited about their experience they would relay it to Lara for interpretation. She would give it and most commonly this would contain an air of encouragement in it.
Another little experience I had a few months ago was that the night after genuinely trying to find out more about the meaning of Odin/Wotan/Uotan’s name. In the astral I was doing the same and feeling a sense of inspiration. There was a spiritual being there observing me from a little distance. He had the pleasant sense, that familiar nature, of a spiritual being. I hadn’t called anyone, more often for me they appear to me when they decide. I hadn’t mentioned it at the time because I perhaps expected more of a big thing, so not sure it was him, and still not entirely. But in hearing the way Lara described him made me think my earlier preconceptions might be off.
~ Akira
You were gifted not everyone has the privilege to meet the all father himself. I myself met the all father in a dream. In my dream I was with my father-in-law in his truck and we stopped at a store to get fresh bread and my father told me to wait in the truck so I did. Minutes later there was a fight in the store so I got out of the truck and was going to check on my father that he was ok. So I got out and I see a big shadow that passed on top of me. I look at the sky and see a huge black bird — it was the size of a pillow. I realized that it was a raven and it was wearing a hat and got a bit scared of it and the bird landed on my head and I tried to scare it away. So I was going to go away but he started talking so I told him “don’t go, come back”. So he landed on my head again.
As soon as he landed on my head all the people disappeared and time froze. This time I asked the raven where are we going and he told me “don’t worry, just walk”. So I started walking. I don’t remember to much what we talked I know it was about the all father I knew for a fact that the raven was leading me to him. So we crossed a street and I see a pharmacy so I entered and saw someone sitting in a chair and got closer and saw the all father himself. He was a old man very happy and I hugged him and told him I know you’re Odin and he smiled at me. We talk for a while and he told me “I am as real as you” and I told him “I know you are I remember the day that I first meditated in your name your power and your presence was amazing”.
From that day I became a pagan and follow the all father that was my story and I’m sorry if some things I wrote are a bit wrong spelled it’s my English is not to good ❤❤❤
I’ve had just one dream of him a few years back but it was recurring for about a month and then never happened again. He appeared in his hermit form in a forest I was lost in and guided me out with a lamp light and his two blackbirds leading the way then cycling around us whenever we were moving too slow. He emanated wisdom without speaking and a protective Father like vibe. Similarly the message he gave didn’t make sense until much later but now whenever I think of him and the dream it makes me smile and feel protected.
~ Stephanie Chateau
Interesting. I’ve had a fondness for crows most of my adult life, and just recently, I had a vivid dream where one landed on my back, and two more guided my hands in their beaks. They were large though, and very ruffled, more like ravens. I get chills thinking about that dream.
~ Jason
I think one of Odin’s ravens visited me in a dream a few months ago.
~ Hylke Heidinga
I had a vivid dream with Odin, where I travelled all over the cosmos in his chariot.
~ Jorge Pontes
I’ve had two dreams. Each one his eye is glowing bright white. He never talked. The first one he sat down beside me on a bench and was about to speak. The second he was standing in front of me I don’t remember where, all I seen was that bright glowing eye.
~ Why So Serious
I had an experience like this around Samhain. I stood at the gates of Valhalla speaking with Odin. I cannot remember what was said between us but I knew it was him. He appeared to me much like the Odin in the Benjamin Thorpe translation of the Hávamál. Including his missing eye.
~ Arron Riggs
I am so glad you posted this. I’ve had a similar (and different) experience. Similar in the aspect of making contact with Odin. Different in the aspect of how and what was said.
~ Jeremy Permenter
I had a dream that Odin called me home to Valhalla. I’ve been researching him today, and I offered him some tobacco and alcohol as I did so. I’ve been asking questions and finding the answers immediately. Watching your video I felt an overwhelming sense of calm and safety and I broke down and cried towards the end of the video. Thank you… thank you so much.
~ Karma
So I had a dream, this man visited me I couldn’t see his face all I could see was an outline of him and an incredibly bright light. It paralyzed me and I felt completely at peace, it was like the ultimate rush I swear I could of died in that moment and I would have died a happy person. I don’t know whether I was dreaming/hallucinating in a dream or what but he said to me ‘everything is gonna be ok’. I am convinced it was Odin appearing to me in a dream…. Hail Odin.
~ Tony Butler
Odin and Freya are the only gods I’ve ever met while dreaming. He put sage in my mouth and I had a vision in the dream, I was also lying naked in the mud – thus very humbled, nothing scary though.
~ Adjacent Door
I had a dream with two eyes. He came to me and I hugged him crying for my grandpa. Because he passed away due to cancer and I have never gotten over it.
~ Ragnar Darri
Wow. Honestly I’ve met Odin in my dreams so many times and he was trying to talk to me but I didn’t understand what he want to tell me. And sometimes I think Odin is my spiritual guide.
~ Luna
I had a visit from Odin on the Autumn Equinox in 2019. The dream started out with my wife and I talking, then it turned into an argument, which never happens. In the middle of our argument it’s like all volume was muted. And everything went black. I could still see my hands as before as if they were still in light. When I looked up a black bird flew into my face forcing me to close my eyes. When I opened them I was standing in a thick bright fog trying to focus on a figure before me. It was Odin. Dressed in dark armor with gold underlay holding his spear with a warm smile on his face. He said “I’ve come to collect for you”. I immediately became hesitant and asked “How I am to know this isn’t some trick or Loki?” He got a good chuckle and said “You are very wise to question but you already know the answer.” He then half turned and held out his arm. I explained to him that I’d very much like to stay behind. I have a family to provide and care for. His brow raised with a big smile, put both hands on his spear and leaned in toward me and said “So you shall”. He stood upright and said “Know when the time comes, I’ll send for you”. He smiled. I woke up.
~ Zach Plank
I had a dream that I think Odin visited, I want to talk about it so maybe someone can interpret what it means. It started with me crying at a fire pit with my friends who were also crying. I was leaving to go on a voyage to an unknown place. Keep in mind one of my goals in life is to travel the world by ship, which is what I’m assuming that was where I was going to be going in the dream. He was only ever in the background, from what I remember I don’t think we ever spoke, he was kind of just there, I don’t know if it was him because he didn’t have any thing else that Odin has, but a part of me believes it was him in some form.
~ Deven440
I just found your channel. Thank you for crossing my path with the Gods. As a brainwashed Christian I had a dream that me and my co-workers who were pagan died and were standing in a grassy field and a large man with long red hair said “You go that way, but you two come with me”. I was left out. I started studying things like I never have. That was the beginning of my path with the Gods.
~ Patriot Wolf
I had a dream where I was informed how the whole practice and tradition of sacrificing, of animals for example, was already a thing firmly in place and generally practiced. Wodan had to then work in that environment, with that situation, and see how to turn things around or make the best of it on his arrival to that place (no exact location was given, but I felt it to seem in Germanic lands and at the time when he imparted his main teaching there).
No information was given on the specific ways he’d bring about a change to that. But I could get a sense of how incredibly hard that must’ve been to work in.
It answered a question for me personally. Because there is much historical and archaeological evidence of ritual sacrifice, even in the Norse literature. Because of this I speculated that, like some other cultures, the negative practice only came around at a later time of decline from the original. However with references of Wodan sacrificing himself on the tree, and lines like ‘do you know how to offer/sacrifice?’ I hypothesized the practice of offering/sacrificing, in a warranted sense (plant, food, drink), did in fact start from him.
But no, this dream said the negative practice was simply already widely in place when he came to bring his mission.
~ Akira
I have met Odin and he is an amazing deity and I had an amazing conversation with him.
Today I have had a dream, I was holding an old book with so many pages and illustrations, it was a story of Odin.
I saw someone who looked like you in that dream, and said that I always try to understand the underlying scheme of things, and here it is about the progress of Odin. I showed to her the illustrations in that book, they seemed to clearly indicate that Odin passed through a great darkness, he was fallen, before reaching to Light and doing what he had to do for “Odin to become Odin”, that was the phrase that I used (it sounded like the phrase from the tradition of Tamil Siddhas – “Jiva to become Siva”). I gave that book to her and she was really touched by it, like it really meant a lot to her.
~ Vadim
I dreamt of Odin last night. We were waiting in line for a guillotine operated I think by Crusaders. I spoke to him and helped save him. He grew four more arms and climbed out of the town square the Crusaders were beheading people in. The next thing I know I am free walking in a field with my family. I call Odin’s name but he doesn’t appear. I wake up.
I can only imagine that it has something to do the current ‘witch hunting’ of masculine / conservative energy on Twitter by social justice crusaders. Odin represents that masculine energy to me and I made my peace with it once I saw I was on my way to the gallows or fascism. This act saved me.
~Joe at Oak Pixels
First comment: This is fantastic, this night I dreamt of a black beautiful raven, first time in my life. I have been waiting for a long time for you and your new video.
Second comment: Soon a year has gone when the fire burnt my hand and arm, I am healed and my hand looks a bit funny :) I have been thinking a lot of the dream l had two days before the fire. The dream I had of the black beautiful raven. It did descend into something, and I came to the conclusion that the raven did descend into a well.
~ ᛃᚨᚠᚾᚺᚨᚱᚱ
I often talk with Odin.
But my first true encounter was in Midgard (the physical plain of existence).
He appeared in my room. The entire corner of the room was distorted as if heat was rising off of Asphalt.
Asked “Who are you?”.
He told me to pull Runes.
I pulled The Blank (Wyrd or the Odin Stone) and Ansuz.
He then told me to walk into his presence and all of a sudden I was enveloped in light and I felt weightless with nothing under my feet.
Odin is Real.
~ Kova Therion
I too have met Odin, he was covered in golden light. Hail Odin.
~ Rickey Russell
Waking Life
My brother crashed his car the other day, he was traveling very fast and he flew out his windshield flipped and landed standing on his feet, looked up and Odin was standing in front of him. So it took me about four years to convince my brother of the gods,,…… Well now he’s sworn his life’s deeds to his heathen path.
~ Bosco Sun
Last year I contemplated the existence of these gods, even said it out loud when I was alone in the quiet streets… but then a flock of crows came and went along with a crack of thunder…
Sounds crazy but at that moment I knew there was something.
~ Supreme Snek
When I was in Iceland, I felt an urge that lead me to a store, there was a wearing chain with the Laguz viking rune. I was a skeptical person, but I always felt the energy of the universe flowing through me. The knowledge of the runes opened my eyes to the spiritual realm, that I was ignoring, and my life changed. Now I’m on a beautiful journey, only possible because of the guide of beings such as Odin.
~ Solano Aguirre
Odin is European. How do I know? Heard his voice once. A spirit. He is ancient based on the sound of his voice. He introduced himself as “Odin”. He said he was my “father.” I am black/Indian. Of course I did not believe. My thoughts are his statement is the origin to the prayer in the New Testament…The Holy Bible.
~ Felicia Harris
What you say here about Odin being the seeker and bringer of knowledge is absolutely spot on. He has been teaching me now for just over two years and I’ve never looked back. What a teacher! As you say he absolutely respects your free will. Sometimes when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the sheer pace of the learning he brings, all I have to do is ask him for a break and he duly complies. I urge anyone who calls themselves a true seeker of knowledge to strike up a relationship with Odin. And try not to read too much about him before you do. Just experience him as you would a new found friend and be confident in the knowledge that he will always have your best interests at heart.
~ Simon Trent
Odin gives his children signs all the time and he wants nothing more than that we see them. Raise yourself to the highest frequency and you will receive divine consciousness. I’ve had signs from Odin as well, that is why I know it’s real.
~ ᛃᚨᚠᚾᚺᚨᚱᚱ
Only experiences I’ve had is I was walking with my friend and I saw two ravens and decided to tell him about Huginn and Muninn and about Odin and trying to explain to him that he’s not a marvel superhero. I was telling him how my ancestors claimed to descend from him and telling my friend of all the famous warriors I myself are descended of such as Ivar the boneless. Then I showed him a picture of Odin to turn around and see a man with a walking stick, dressed in dark clothes with a long gray beard and some sort of hat on his head walking behind me and it was just creepy how I was looking at my phone at a picture of Odin and turn around and see someone who looks a lot like the picture I was looking at. He kind of looked like a biker. Could easily be a coincidence though.
~ Bretwalda
I have prayed to Odin asking his blessing and felt his hands on my head and chest, as the clouds parted and the sun shown down on me.
~ Jnipper81
Every time I hear experiences with Odin I cry and get chills. I’m going to try and connect with him soon. I asked for him to send me a sign that he is with me, to send me a raven and he did just that. While exiting off an exit ramp a raven came flying directly at my windshield feet away. The raven looked to the left then made a sharp right turn when I looked back there was nothing there.
~ Kai Chan
Beyond the crows reminding me of awareness in very apt times, in one instance at 4AM on a very silent night, I wondered what practice I should try and a bit hesitantly I thought of Odin, to try to pray and communicate with him. Exactly at that moment a crow called just outside my window! I was like: OK, that answers it haha. It had been silent for hours before that (I know because I was awake the whole time). On a second occasion I was specifically considering the exact idea whether there was more behind these caws from crows. Again right at the moment of that question in my mind another call! It felt like it was answered my very thought.
I’m not entirely unfamiliar with the reality of higher forces talking to us through phenomenon in the outside world. Also this was only a fairly subtle, yet encouraging help I felt during those days. It does make you consider how close higher forces in reality are to us, and very aware of what we’re up to during our day, our thoughts etc.
~ Akira
This… is amazing to hear. My very first experience with any of the Nordic Gods was with Odin in a trance state. I was once Christian and was extremely dissatisfied with it. I never got what I sought from it. But with my very first encounter with Odin, it was a beautiful experience. I started off in a darkened room. But in front of me was a stained glass door. All greens and yellows. With a tree carved in wood around the glass panels. As the door opened a warm, welcoming bright yellow light engulfed me. His presence was welcoming and almost grandfatherly. Someone very familiar and calming. Someone who would teach you or tell you anything but never talk down to you, always explaining things so you understood them.
~ Anira Seraug
Recently Odin came to me during a meditation. I asked who he was and he said Odin. He also wanted me to do research about him and retrieve lost knowledge. It is interesting that this video would pop up in my stream since it was not one to which I had subscribed. He told me who I was many years ago and to research that being. Thanks for sharing your story.
~ Beverly Lawrence, PhD, LAc
It happened to me, as well! I met Odin and I could feel his power, that was 25 years ago during a meditation, I didn’t know that was Odin until twenty years later, then I became devoted to Him.
~ Carlos Filho
Very inspiring and another indicator that we’re tapping into a Collective Unconscious. There is definitely a return to our ancestral Paganism and I’m one of those who returned! Although Wotan – being continental/south Germanic in heritage and not Norse/ Scandinavian, I call upon him through that name – does not bodily appear to me, I’ve noticed that on Wednesdays when I go to a local mountain and forest to do a blot to him or otherwise meditate, I see two ravens – never just one or more than two.
Meditating on his qualities, I usually invoke him for “the enlightenment within”, because he seems to most represent our own internal vision / wisdom / insights / clarity / discernment / memories of who we are. Appearing in me through moments of inspiration, overwhelming feelings of entering another space and time yet still firmly rooted here on Earth. Your point elsewhere that links Wotan / Odin to the Viracocha among the Inca and Votan among the Mesoamericans is very uncanny and makes complete sense when we know that he is The Wanderer while also looking at the qualities attributed to Votan and Viracocha.
~ Sean Jobst
I saw Odin while I was meditating and he had both eyes. It confused me when I was researching him, but what you said really made sense.
~ Epikk Gaymer
I just had my first experience with Odin, timed nearly perfectly with the winter solstice.
I was staying with some friends. Around 7am (just before sunrise), I became aware of my astral body separating and lifting out of my physical body. I found myself standing in front of an open window in what seemed like the room next to where I slept. This was interesting in its own right because, at the time, I didn’t know there was a room next to where I was sleeping (first night in the house).
I stood there probably 80% fully conscious, with just a little subconscious haze. I tried to be aware. Then, very calmly and humbly, I called Odin. I had actually forgotten the pronunciation of his name, so I called him with both the “Odin” and “Wotan” pronunciations (not sure how to better describe my pronunciations). It’s hard to know with certainty, since I used the two pronunciations in rapid succession, but I think the second pronunciation triggered something quite unique I’ve never experienced before in calling a spiritual being…
I was hit with an explosion of energy. It was as if something invisible with immense power exploded an inch above my head. The wave of energy/vibration knocked me back and passed down my body and to the surroundings. I even heard an electronic sounding reverberation. It didn’t hurt at all and I wasn’t afraid, but there was just tremendous power.
I was really curious to investigate further, so I called again a few more times. Through my calling, I heard a very strong wind and some trees outside shook violently. Despite the strong wind and violent shaking, this wasn’t menacing. It was kind of refreshing and comforting (I sometimes enjoy a walk in a strong wind). With the winds, a large tarp-like structure blew over to the window and I couldn’t see anything outside the window besides the warm light of the sun.
I was then back in my physical body, yet again aware of separating. This time, when I tried to get up, my legs got stuck and my trying to get out resulted in waking up my physical body.
This was an incredibly inspiring experience. I got a sense of the tremendous power of Odin, and his association with the natural world and the sun.
Wow Mike, what an experience. I felt a very powerful energy with Odin too, but what you describe sounds amazing. I found it interesting that a strong wind blew, as he was associated with storms. Sometimes I wonder if these associations ancient people made, that now seem childish to people, were actually based on experiences like these. I also felt like he responded to the name Votan/Wotan (which I pronounced Uutoan) more than Odin. Amazing experience – thank you for reaching to it, and for sharing it with us.
That’s really neat. I didn’t remember/know about Odin’s association with storms, but it makes sense that these associations could be based on experiences out of the body, rather than physical encounters. I think my second pronunciation was somewhat close to the one you gave (maybe if I was more accurate, the effects would be even greater). I definitely hope to have more experiences with him.
I’ve been wondering why he responded to the name Wotan more. I thought it might be because the name Odin became associated with some many horrible things through so much storytelling.
That’s an interesting thought. Would be sad if it were the reason, but with the decline of societies and various negative associations, I can understand perhaps not responding to “Odin.” Or maybe he was responding to both names, but I only became properly aware after using “Wotan.”
Wow, sounds so powerful Mike, and how great you managed to be so conscious, surely you must have deserved the experience. Have you been trying to contact Odin for longer time?
For quite some time now, I have been feeling like connecting to Perun, but as he is not talked about much in the Religion of the Sun (not as a wisdom-bringer at least), I was not sure if it would be a good idea. He is also associated with the forces of nature, storms and power, and is a very old Slavic deity, corresponding to the Scandinavian Thor.
Yes, Lucia, I’ve been trying to reach Odin on and off for quite a while. After some recent struggles/efforts on my part, I think this experience was given through divine mercy, as a form of encouragement.
I just did a search on “Perun” and it sounds like he would be an incredible being to meet. Based on your research/intuition, you probably have a better sense, but I wonder if perhaps he was known by a different name historically or in earlier offshoots of the Religion of the Sun.
If you’re feeling drawn to him, that seems like a great astral goal. I’d love to hear more about what you discover. Wishing you lots of strength and success in your investigations!
Thank you very much for your encouragement Mike. :-) I think the way you did it is the way to go, to backup our efforts to contact a certain Divine Being with the inner work on ourselves and helping others if possible. I definitely don’t want to contact a Divine Being “just because”… Actually, the first time contacting Perun came to my mind was back in 2022, when we had a drought here in Slovenia, and the gardens were really struggling. I thought of making an altar to him, and asking him for help with rain (since he is said to be in charge with all those natural phenomena.) But then it eventually rained a little bit, and I was also not sure if I should bother him… But he still does come to my mind here and there, I guess I am intrigued by this god/Being for some reason, especially the beauty and power of lightening and natural forces he is in charge of, but also how he can supposedly help us in a “righteous battle”. And also, it would be nice to know if he is actually a real Being, like Odin, because Lara does not mention him much in her writings, so I am not sure.
That sounds like a profound and memorable experience. Thanks for sharing it Mike.
I hope you had a peaceful solstice and Christmas time Mike. It’s interesting what you said about your experience being almost perfectly timed for the solstice itself. We tend to associate certain spiritual beings like Jesus with Christmas of course and rightly so. But the Odin experience you described neatly demonstrates the commonality of these various divine beings and their connection with the procession of the solstices and equinoxes, as Mark and Lara describe in their work.
It certainly sounds like an unforgettable experience and it seems you were left in no doubt as to its authenticity. I sometimes doubt my own dreams, which could be of significance, but with the astral split you described and the intense energy you felt, this seems to be an experience that will stay fresh in your memory for a long time.
I’m glad you were able to feel that connection with Odin and I think it’s something that can give a real boost and a reminder of the spiritual, which can continue to carry you forward in everyday life. I hope you’ll be able to have other similar experiences in the future.
Likewise, I hope you had a peaceful and inspiring solstice and Christmas time, Michael.
I know what you mean about dreams where you doubt their authenticity. I’ve got a whole catalogue of dreams where there seemed to be something more to them, perhaps symbolic/esoteric, but where I’m not entirely sure. I imagine that with enough progress, our intuition becomes strong enough that we can better discern — and we probably also just have more spiritual dreams in general.
Wishing you lots of strength and clear dreams and astral experiences!
Thanks Mike. It’s funny what you mentioned about how the invisible explosion of energy nearly knocking you out piqued your interest as a scientist! :) But it must have also been a powerful experience and one that defies any other conventional scientific explanation.
I also tend to have a more scientific approach of looking for down to earth explanations before considering other worldly ones. But your experience reminded me of something I mentioned previously that also seemed to defy the laws of physics, where I saw 3 lights moving in the sky, which then lined up precisely in the formation of an equilateral triangle. I thought it was a highly unusual phenomenon to see in the three-dimensional world, as the lights each resembled stars and stopped once they’d reached their chosen position, which seems very peculiar within the realms of astronomy.
My mind went to planes, but these were not continuously moving aircraft with flashing landing lights, but instead seemed to be exactly the same size and brightness as any other star in the sky. I also thought satellites don’t normally slowly move into the position of an equilateral triangle and then just remain stationary, so it did make me think there may be some kind of other worldly explanation, perhaps in the form of ET crafts.
I think these kinds of surprising experiences can provide a lot of inspiration and a feeling that there’s more to life than just the confines of everyday society.
Exhilarating Mike!
Happy to hear you had that OOBE and thank for writing it here so it can be learned from. Very inspiring.
Do you have any idea why you were shown that energetic side particularly? Like some lesson or message.
I like that strong wind through the trees. I’ve felt at times, in being close to rough parts of nature, in a forest-y bit at night for example, that the inclination to reach out to him feels very natural. Almost as if he is able to move in those elements, or that somehow communication ‘through it’ to him is possible. What’s that about.
Wishing you continued experiences
As to the energetic side, I’m not entirely sure. But I am a scientist, and I can’t think of anything that would have piqued my interest in reaching out more than having an explosion of invisible energy nearly knock me out :)
In Lara’s experience, she described how the nature of his being seems to bring about curiosity and questions. Perhaps that was the best way for Odin to inspire me and instill curiosity.
It really seems that the natural world can be a vehicle of communication between us and spiritual beings/forces. I wouldn’t be surprised if Odin were somehow present in those beautiful gusts of wind and other natural phenomena during nature walks.
This is a joy to read, thank You for sharing your experience.
It’s interesting how you mention the wind and Lara’s response. I associate Odin with wind based on an experience I had in the physical dimension. After doing the invocation of Odin a powerful wind blew. What was interesting was that in the area I was in (outside on the coast at a beach) I knew the direction the wind would be blowing, if any, at that particular time. I knew the area well and the locals even have a pet name for that wind as it always comes at that time. The wind that came after invoking Odin blew in the opposite direction for a short time. There was no wind from that direction either before or after the invocation. I go to that area regularly and have never experienced wind blowing from that direction.
How cool Matin, thank you for sharing that! I really like how sometimes the messages from the Divine beings can be just subtle like that, making us wonder… This Christmas, I watched a movie from 40-ties, about an angel who visited people in human form, and he always did these gentle tricks that people thought could possibly be just a coincidence, but they were not. Now of course, it was just a movie, but it felt like there could be a truth in it. :-)
Hey Martin. Thanks for sharing that experience with the wind and Odin. It really makes you wonder about the influence the divine has in our lives, even in this physical dimension, even when the presence can’t be “seen.”
That sounds like a very interesting experience Martin and must have made you ponder on the possibility of divine influence on physical phenomena. Thanks for sharing it and I hope you had a peaceful solstice time and have a good year ahead.
While going through the darkest and most traumstic time in my life I started trecking an ancient creekline in the near unexplored bush, , while exploring I found a huge beautiful old tree who’s roots held rocks in her grip and held up the whole bank of the creek, Ive never been religious but straight away I said she’s like mother tree it’s like place of the gods, I made her my shrine and protector I hung strips if cloth in her and special things I brought I used to sleep there and playy my flute to her I started seeing symbols in imthe rocks there , religious symbols, ancient writings , sanscriot, Japanese, running writing, bubble writing, lol non pregedios also numbers that looked like typewriter printed, pictures if ancient villages and people and animals of he world , , I became obsessed I couldn’t stop trying to work it all out ,, down further was s waterfall I called kavorta falls, I would shout from the top kavortaaaa and found human footprints and dinosaur pri t’s at same spot, down from there it got dark, on the bend everything changes , Huge bolders line the canyon and ancient e durrasuc plants Grew from the giant rocks , creating snake looking roots intwining and a dark cave that made me feel sick in the stomach, something bad happened or was going to , I called this place land if the giants , dark demons came from the cave and I mapped the creek over and over and over , until I did my runes one day and I got the blank, Odin , then I read the page with the poem of the higher self Odin hanging from the tree reachine for the runes , that was me, hanging from that tree that no man knows , I looked up yhgrasdil tree and there it was, my map same names, same feelings, same words as I realised they weren’t stones they were ,,,,
it was written in the stars , and there it was ,,, I turn to the last page if my journal about this place and last page my friend who gave me the book years before had written ,,, it was written in the stars long ago
I believe this place is a portal to the underworld can anyone help me understand more please I have many photos maps etc , so many questions and my quest for knowledge will never dim
So interesting that your search for knowledge has led you to symbols of Odin’s quest for knowledge.
I feel Odin shows that knowledge and the quest for it is never-ending, and that our suffering and dark times are part of what gives us knowledge.
I’ve found that ancient people all over the world saw this quest written in the stars. You have tapped into an ancient belief; they also saw caves as portals to the otherworld. But these were not portals in the way we think; they were not used as portals to physical places, but to another dimension, to the spirit world. They believed in a higher world and a lower world. The lower world/underworld is the place where demons and the dark parts of us reside (our fears, malice, and desires etc.). It took courage to enter upon the path through the darkness, the womb of the Great Mother, but the reward was spiritual rebirth.
Why did Odin cast his Eye into the Well at the Foot of The Great World Tree?
Maybe it’s simply his great desire to Know Water, and / or the Creatures that Dwell Within.
The two “Raven Men” of the Bible, Elijah and John the Baptist, One Wonders if they where indwellings of the All Father, John is said to have had a lot of Water Wisdom.
Perhaps Dan, the symbology lies in the meaning of water, the primordial source of our existence.
Hi Lara,
Today I have had a dream, I was holding an old book with so many pages and illustrations, it was a story of Odin.
I saw someone who looked like you in that dream, and said that I always try to understand the underlying scheme of things, and here it is about the progress of Odin. I showed to her the illustrations in that book, they seemed to clearly indicate that Odin passed through a great darkness, he was fallen, before reaching to Light and doing what he had to do for “Odin to become Odin”, that was the phrase that I used (it sounded like the phrase from the tradition of Tamil Siddhas – “Jiva to become Siva”). I gave that book to her and she was really touched by it, like it really meant a lot to her.
A few weeks ago, on the autumn equinox, my husband and I did a ceremony from the book The Ancient Path of the Sun, adapted for my Finnish tradition. I followed the basic ceremony outline from the book together with the amazingly beautiful ceremony for Odin, modifying it for Väinämöinen’s mythology. Having read quite a bit about him, and many scholars having found amazing parallels between him and Odin, I had been wondering if he was a real divine being like Odin, or even the same as him. Though not knowing I wasn’t sure if I should try to connect with him.
So this felt like a chance to see. Not being in Finland, we chose a local Thracian ancient sacred site to do it in. There were many delays and problems however, so when the time was getting closer to start the ceremony, I had all these worries and bad feelings, though the place, ancient rocks, nature, clear sky and golden sun, were so beautiful and peaceful. But after the ceremony, it was all gone. We all of us shared how we felt a strong, unexpected peace that seemed to come from outside of ourselves, that wiped the bad feelings and thoughts away. Our cousin was there too and she felt the same, though it was her first time and she had never even heard of Väinämöinen before.
I’ve done ceremonies before, but this peace was unique, and I feel that Väinämöinen gave it to us. It confirmed to me that he is real. I realized that I now feel a strong connection and love towards him (and I’m not someone who feels this easily) – for what he is, what he did for me, and for the Finnish people.
What a special experience. Maybe your efforts in researching and bringing the identity of Väinämöinen to light (for the Ancient Religion of the Sun book) were noticed/rewarded.
Oh thank you so much Lara.
I do feel like this connection was built by my drive and longing to go very deep and find out everything I can about Väinämöinen, in order to understand him and know who he is. Interestingly, just like with Odin, the deeper I go, the more questions I have.
The joy and gratitude of it can’t be put into words. But if it wasn’t for you and your magnificent work, I would never have got there. All thanks are due to you and Mark.
Thanks, Lara for compiling these experiences – they are all very inspiring.
After watching your video about your experience with Odin I thought I will pray to him and ask for his guidance in relation to find my missing cat. I especially asked to be given a sign that he – the cat is fine and happy as that was what would put my worries to rest. So I went to sleep praying to Odin and in the morning just as I was waking up (being in between sleep and awake state) I saw my cat happy and just waking up at the same time as I was in my bed. Although the cat was missing for 6 days by then he looked as if nothing happened – he seemed to be well fed and taken care of. Then I fully woke up and felt a sense of peace and didn’t feel the need to look for the cat that day. That happened on a Saturday – on Monday I was called to my old place by my previous neighbour who told me that my cat was there. When I saw him – he looked exactly the same as in that early morning experience. I felt so grateful to Odin and had this sense of great connection to him.
Some time after that I was in Italy where I met a man with a long beard and some tatoos on his arms. We were part of a group that was harvesting grapes – so after the work we all sat at a table for lunch. I asked him about one tatooed symbols on his arm and he said it was a symbol of Odin and showed me other tatoos which were all celtic symbols that relate to Odin. Unfortunately we couldn’t communicate as he only spoke Italian and Furlan as he said – but I felt that he must have a deep connection to Odin in order to dedicate all the tatooes to him and to even wear so long beard in likness to him,. He seemed so calm and peaceful. I thought how strange to have met him after watching this video and after my experience – it really felt that there is a thread that connects and guides our lives sometimes in this amazing way.
Hey Tina, thank you for sharing, that is a cute experience indeed! To me it shows that when a prayer is sincere, in his busy schedule Odin can also find some time for finding lost cats! ;-) Also an interesting coincidence with meeting that Odin-worshipping man. Wishing you many more special encounters!
Dear Lara,
Thank you for another very nice article. I wish you happy Autumn or Spring Equinox, to all of you guys.
An experience in relation to Christmas/winter solstice time.
A few years ago around December time I had an experience. In it I was flying above my home town through the starry night sky. As I was I felt a very special sense of joyous giving, and I was able to do this and give gifts and spiritual gifts as I flew from person to person. It was so wonderful.
Even though it was me, the person, flying around and getting to feel and act on that in the experience, actually that special sense was one inherent to and belonging to the Divine Father.
Towards the end of that scenario a connection to Wodan was alluded to. That experience, the performing and embodiment of that role, was connected to him in his personification as the Father God figure.
While in the astral I hadn’t considered it, because I was merely in the wonderful nature of the experience and going through it from that angle, yet upon waking: the flying through the night sky with the Father’s spirit of giving, in December/winter solstice/Christmas, actually bestowing gifts from call to call, and seeing an image of Wodan with the sense of an older bearded man (I saw this in my own mind’s vision, though not brought about by myself) – I didn’t need to do much figuring out to see the obvious connection to the Santa Claus figure, though it felt a bit awkward as I didn’t see that modern figure as something particularly spiritual.
I hadn’t, and still haven’t, looked into it but I’ve heard that Wodan also had a special place in the Winter Yule celebrations. I had previously wondered why that was the case, as I’ve learned a bit about the significance of the spiritual child and that sense being present at Christmas for example, but how was it that Wodan as the Father God figure was connected to the meaning of winter/Christmas time?
It seemed to show that the original joyous giving of the Divine Father is an inherent aspect part of winter time. That Wodan embodied that too in the past as the Father Christmas figure and that remnants of that manifestation still echo within even the modern Santa Claus that everyone is familiar with.
The original meaning or pristine sense behind all that, the joyous giving, was amazing though. If I may describe it: it is like the Spiritual Father has the ability and wants to fully give us all the good things, always. But here in human life it’s about learning and for that purpose there’s strictness, work, each thing needs to be earned fully. We’re in that all year round. But during those special moments in winter for a time it is like it is allowed to be lifted, a pause from it all. Imagine the joy of finally, unconditionally and without restrictions, just being able to give.
Dear Lara, I am really glad you put all these
people’ experiences together here in this post, (as well as the other post on people’s experiences with the religion of the Sun). It’s one thing to read many of them in comments under your video on Odin, but it is another to see them all clearly one after each other and grouped by type, as they can get almost ‘lost’ among YouTube chatter. Out of them comes a clearer picture of Odin as someone real, a divinity, who interacts with people at various important points in their lives or at a times when they seem to be searching or questioning their lives, and while never imposing or forceful gives them some needed guidance, helps them or makes himself known. It also gives this sense of closeness and reconnection from the ancient past but that is ever present and not just for one type of people. I find it quite personally amazing how each of these experiences seemed to have left a profound (at times) mark on these people too. And I do believe it is because of the source of the experience, like how near-death experiences can have an ever lasting impact on many people, I do believe spiritual experience can have the same level of impact or can be a nudge toward understanding/knowing there is so much more to life than meets the eyes. There are several otherworldly experiences (unrelated to Odin) that have truly helped to shape my life (one as an out-of-body experience, the other through prayer and the miracle that followed), when at a times I considered myself atheist (in the sense that I thought I couldn’t know about God/spirituality while alive and needed to wait until death to “know” for real if there was such a thing as divinity/spirituality) that showed me how wrong I was, and that instead I could know/uncover while alive. One thing that really lasted with me was how real these experiences felt, and how that misconception of waiting until death to know was so wrong because of how I knew these experiences were real. I get the feeling from reading that it is very similar for all these people’s experiences, they know how real their experiences were too. For me it was just so different in terms of genuineness, of really seeing, hearing and feeling, and having a certainty in the ‘connection’ with the event while it is happening (hard to put into words) and then later on as a clear recall when I remembered, a recall that I don’t have with my usual memories of life. But at the time, I wasn’t really able to share or speak about it with people as one happened over 15 and 25 years ago. Anyways, I’m really glad these people shared what happened to them, and it is quite amazing how so many of them did too, that it wasn’t just a few either but people from all over the world too.
Hi Lara, Thank you so much for posting all of these comments, I found them so moving and important to read, thank you!
I have had a real desire to listen to traditional nordic folk music recently and found Myrkur – just today I was listening to her whole Folkesange album including “Leaves of Yggdrasil” –
Here is an instrumental version also in case anyone enjoys it:
I’ve been watching her sing in the forest with birds and storms overhead on YouTube, wishing I could hear more of this music!
There is quite a lot of nordic folk music on spotify, including lots of playlists if you search for “nordic folk”. I’ve come across quite a few new artists on there I’d never heard of before :)
Thanks Erik for the suggestion, I am really enjoying the Nordic folk on Spotify, much more choice and great authentic sounds. Listening to it feels like I’m in another time :)
Wodan and relation to sacrifice.
I had a dream where I was informed how the whole practice and tradition of sacrificing, of animals for example, was already a thing firmly in place and generally practised. Wodan had to then work in that environment, with that situation, and see how to turn things around or make the best of it on his arrival to that place (no exact location was given, but I felt it to seem in Germanic lands and at the time when he imparted his main teaching there.)
No information was given on the specific ways he’d bring about a change to that. But I could get a sense of how incredibly hard that must’ve been to work in.
It answered a question for me personally. Because there is much historical and archaeological evidence of ritual sacrifice, even in the Norse literature. Because of this I speculated that, like some other cultures, the negative practice only came around at a later time of decline from the original. However with references of Wodan sacrificing himself on the tree, and lines like ‘do you know how to offer/sacrifice?’ I hypothesised the practice of offering/sacrificing, in a warranted sense (plant, food, drink), did in fact start from him.
But no, this dream said the negative practice was simply already widely in place when he came to bring his mission.
That’s interesting Akira, it reminds me of what I have read in the Kolbrin about Osiris, who came to a land with some of his helpers, and had to make his way through a thick net of harmful beliefs, degenerated practices and violent customs. Its written that he didn’t abolish the customs of the people that were more or less harmless or untrue, and let people continue in them in order not to stirr up too much reaction. Here is what he told to his followers regarding their approach in these lands:
” When we come into this new land, all things that the people who dwell therein hold sacred you will neither defile nor mock. Neither shall you stir up strife with any man, for we come to them as friends not foes”.
However, with the habits that were really wicked, he was very fierce, like the following quite shows:
“In those days the people of Earth united themselves with those who were in the land of Morning Light by the powers with then body of a womanchild, seeking in this manner to preserve the hokew of their kindred. When Yosira saw the wickedness of the custom, he placed a great curse upon all the land and upon those who split the body of a womanchild, so that her flesh cried out from within them. Therefore, the land became stricken with a great plague. Since then never has anyone in the enlightened lands eaten the flesh of man or woman, and no womanchild is violated in the great wickedness of ignorance. The people of Tamuera greatly feared the curse of Yosira.”
It also made me think we could definitely use Yosira and his Divine powers in these times…