I finally got this video out! It’s one hour long, and has taken a lot of work to put together. I wanted to give a big picture overview of the theory I present in my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun. It was so hard to decide what to include and what to leave out while still keeping it a reasonable length, since there is so much to cover, but I hope this is about right.
Here, I present my theory of a lost global religion that spanned all the way from Atlantis to paganism – based completely on evidence (using genetics, linguistics, indigenous histories, and archeological finds).
Many of the things I learnt about as I put this together totally blew my mind. You’re probably going to hear some things about ancient history you’ve never heard before. There may even be things that shock and challenge your preconceptions. They certainly challenged mine. I hope it will help enable the re-examination of ancient sites and religion with fresh eyes.
I trace not only a lost global civilization, but specifically their lost religion – which spread all over the world, and influenced many practices of paganism still current today, like that of the Maya, Inca, Celts, Germans, Greeks, Persians, Native Americans, and so many others.
Thank you Dara at Sura Ondrunar for the beautiful images created just for the video – check out her recreation of the winter solstice alignment at Karnak Temple in Egypt, and the many composite images that reveal so many of the cross cultural similarities between ancient sun worshiping civilizations. And a big thank you to Jon for his editing and production on the video – seamless as always.
I’m going to move on now to making videos about some stand out subjects from the book where I will go into much more detail, like on Easter Island, Atlantis, the Celts, Odin, ancient Egypt, Shambhala and more!
Atheist nature worshiper
Hey Sarif, I think the Religion of the Sun is everything but atheistic, as it reveres the invisible creator behind all creation, whose nature is spiritual Light, and is visibly represented by the Sun and the stars, as these are the celestial objects of light that we can directly perceive and therefore, they form a visible representations of this invisible creator. If you would like to know more about the principles and nature of the Religion of the Sun, you can have a look here: https://sakrosawel.com/about/religion-of-the-sun/ , especially at the section called “Why did they worship the sun?” , which may answer your questions.
Rewatching your video has certainly been worth every moment. Personally I believe that the amount of information and evidence presented surely can not be challenged. I found Monica Matamua’s vidéo regarding the origin of her ancestors quite fascinating and definitely worth watching. It would be amazing to see this information make it to historical books and especially to see/reintroduce the spiritual practices so that they are available to anyone who may chose to connect with this ancient wisdom. I totally agree, the Religion of the Sun has been the greatest religion in history. Thank you Lara, it’s very much appreciated.
Thank you John, my aim is absolutely that this makes it into history books one day.
Imagine growing up and learning about this as history – our perspective of life would be so different.
For the last few days I’ve been trying to find or get my head around something. Based on what I’ve learned and read in the past I’m trying to put a picture together. I’d like to reach a point where it comes together better, so I felt I wanted to put this out there.
It’s about the North European Bronze age.
In the early neolithic, basically all along Atlantic Europe, I see in the stone constructs a deep spirituality embedded. (5th to 3rd Millennium BC roughly)
On another side of the spectrum of dating, the Viking age (800-1050 AD) hasn’t impressed on me the feeling of a deep spiritually. But over the years I’ve had dreams that showed ‘spiritual-vikings’. But I didn’t quite know how to place that, was there some select brotherhood amongst them that did possess it?
Another thing shown was how a big spirituality did exist there in the north, hidden to our comprehension now — but that there was something very major.
Besides this of course there is Wodan, and his whole impact on that culture. A big question has often been for me about his dating, when was his time. Obviously well before the transcription of the Edda’s, so at one point I was looking at the first few centuries AD or those 500 years before our current era.
But, as Bogdan wrote about, Barry Fell shows a great Wodan-legacy, a cultural imprinting visit on the northern American continent. A key bit of information there is also the dating, by matching the object finds and petroglyphs to those in Scandinavia its shown that it’s around 1700 BC.
Extremely amazing as well is that the same type of dolmen structures, cairns, mounds, standing stones, everything … are encountered in northern America. As well as the carvings which match – or are of – the Nordic Bronze age culture and its sun worship.
Even more amazing, to me, is again finding the exact same style of structures, massive and very specific types of dolmen, in Korea. These, apparently, date to a time of late second or first millennium BC. Years ago I also had one simple dream with the notion that Wodan had also ventured to Korea. I dismissed it (“too far”.) But now I’m starting to wonder. And as mentioned, skeletons found in these dolmens were of long-headed Nordic people, tall and Caucasian. (How did they get there? By land, from the Black Sea, a European Aryan wave through India. Or in fact by sea?) (Btw. that dolmen-linked culture there is not to be understated with its 200.000+ megalithic structures. I also realise Korea has other cultural connections, like north east Asian ones.)
Someone posted this article ‘Was there a Viking Age in Norway — 2000 years before the Vikings?’ which I actually found very informative. (Certainly, like Thor Heyerdahl says, they were absolutely a maritime people.)
Generally speaking, in favour of the deep spirituality I saw within the Neolithic, I haven’t considered and looked into the Bronze age period much. (On a separate note I’ve also personally wondered a lot about the correctness of current views on the dating periods of the different types of dolmen as I also believe, at least in the case of some ‘rough’ big early dolmen, that they were constructed by giants and are very ancient.)
But if in northern America, according to Barry Fell’s work, these same enigmatic type of stone structures were put together, there, in that time around 1700 BC. Then would this more clearly show that, though its types originated in the Neolithic, that still these standardised forms of megalithic structures continued to be built in the Bronze age? And would the Korean dolmen’s dating also be accurate, 1000 BC or so (rather than a 4-3 thousand BC for example.)
Basically I want to put this picture out there, put it to the test a bit.
Were the sacred Neolithic structures’ forms still being made and propelled by the Bronze age people. Was this Northern Bronze age culture, in its religion, the one engendered by Wodan? Was it in fact much bigger, more spiritually grand up there than we realise? And did it globally spread out? Not only having many connections all through Europe (see article) but also across the Atlantic to northern America, even all the way to north east Asia/Korea?
These are only limited puzzle pieces that I’m working with. But I’m sure there’s already enough known currently out there, if put together properly, to come to form an amazing picture. I think the stones have the answers.
That’s interesting Akira. I was thinking, if these ancient maritime people theoretically came from the Northern Europe, then they could come through the Arctic Sea, via the Bering Strait, and then settle on the east coast of China, Japan, Korea, and also possibly down to the Indonesia.
There may have also been a current of people coming from the Indus Valley/India or even Egypt in the ancient times though, so its hard to say who came from where, and at which point in history. In any case, in my look into the ancient China, it does look like the East (especially the Shandong peninsula, but also Shanghai and Zhejiang areas) have been the areas of the most advanced cultures in the Neolithic times, corresponding at first to the Dawenkou, Liangzhou and Hemudu Neolithic cultures, and continuing after that through the Bronze age, eventually culminating in the Erligang culture identified with the Shang dynasty near the Shandong, and the DongYue kingdoms in the Zhejiang area. Also speaking of Dolmens, the area of Zhejiang has some 50 of them too, and they have also been found in Japan.
Regarding the Bronze age further south east, some time ago I came across the so-called Dong Son culture of Vietnam, some images of which really impressed me, as they are full of solar symbols, beautiful spirals, boats with many people in them, as well as the birds. They are also the originators of the so-called Dong Son drums. Here are some images that I thought would be relevant to the discussion here:
1. Bronze age drawings of a ship from Denmark and Dong Son (Vietnam):
2. More Dong Son ships:
3. Ships with the flying birds above the sailors (when reading Lara’s book, I learned that these are often identified as the “land-searching birds”, which may indicate that these people could have actually come to Vietnam from somewhere far away…)
Anyway, not sure if it added anything to your search for Wodan during Bronze Age, but just thought I would share. :-)
Hey Akira,
Your comment has been stuck in my brain like a thorn… I’ve been reading Hugh Newman’s latest book (The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain), and what I find striking is how giants are often subtly associated with dolmens, mounds, and with the Norse. For instance, dozens of mounds/long barrows are named “giant’s grave” or “Wotan’s grave”, sometimes even both at the same time. Some places are named after Thor. Of course stories of giants abound in Norse mythology as well. It seems there’s a secret history of the Norse in England that’s been paved over by other stories, possibly including Arthurian tales. In one instance, there’s a myth involving the Celts, a migration of Norse, and then an invasion by a wise giant king to the Isle of Man.
The distinction between long barrows and dolmens (or quoits) is sometimes difficult to find, some dolmens having obviously been long barrows before, possibly all of them (one just needs to cover them with earth). I was surprised to find that the long barrows have a profound spiritual feeling to them, more impactful (to me) than more well-known sites, even Stonehenge (although I have reason to believe it may have been a long barrow once ;-)). I found it interesting because I had thought of long barrows as nothing more than burial mounds… It’s possible there’s even a connection with mounds in the US, as excavation notes describe stone chambers at the base of some mounds.
Hopefully things can become more clear. It’s obvious there were multiple migrations, some of them over massive distances, but it’s very hard to untangle, especially when history has been purposefully wiped out more than once.
Thank you Julian. It has been the same for me this month, in search of something to be discovered up there involving a specific megalith tradition of importance, most likely I believe in Denmark. But I did not manage to find it. What I did come across on my search though were giants. So I found your mention of them in your look around at this same time an interesting coincidence. I look forward to things eventually coming to light even more fully down the line.
Hi Julian and Akira,
Your talk of giants here reminded me of something… When looking into the traditions of the people of Northern Caucasus and the Nart Sagas, I found some references of the people called Sarmatians migrating from Caucasus to Europe (a tombstone of Sarmatian cavalryman has been found in England for example https://www.bbc.co.uk/ahistoryoftheworld/objects/0LuhzbMCTgWE6kzMB3n79w), and some academics also propose a connection between the Nart Sagas and Arthurian legends https://www.jstor.org/stable/1259982 ).
Now the people called Alans (whose only living descendants today are Ossetians of North Caucasus) were the descendants of Sarmatians and practiced artificial cranial deformation, and are also known to have migrated far and wide, mostly to the Western Europe and Northern Africa.
So basically here we have people from Caucasus (where the high occurrence of giants has been well documented, and of course, the Narts themselves were if not giants, then semi-giants) migrating to western Europe in successive waves.
And here is what Lara writes in her book regarding Odin (even though not the original Odin, but one of the successive people called by that name, recorded in the Norse sagas):
“In one of the Old Norse sagas, Odin is described as a king from Asia who had many possessions in what has been identified as Caucasus Mountains – the same place where Ossetians now live. He was said to have fled Roman conquest by migrating to Northern Europe with “all the gods and many others”. There he established kingdoms and temples, and taught the arts and runes. Its therefore possible that “Odin” was already a title by this time held by a king of Caucasus who migrated to Northern Europe and that he and his company were seen as godlike to the native Europeans. Thus, perhaps the Alans were identified as Aesir gods.”
Moreover, the fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that nearly all the Alans were “of great stature and beauty, their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are frighteningly fierce”.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarmatians)
So, to make some kind of conclusion/working theory from all this, it seems quite possible to me that there may have been a culture of approx. 1-st century CE (plus minus few centuries? :-O), whereby some very tall people with special skills (so they would be considered “godlike” by Norse) came from Caucasus and settled in the Northern Europe. They may have been led by the “Odin” Lara describes in her book, and could have also built some of the dolmens in Northern countries, as there are many dolmens in North Caucasus too, even though its hard to estimate the date of those structures and they also look somewhat different. But the tradition of building these structures was certainly there…
This is an amazing video. Such incredible wealth of information is presented in a very accessible way. I found watching it very uplifting and reigniting my curiosity about the mystery of sunlight and of our origins, and ultimately, about our destiny. Thank you very much for freely sharing the fruits of your extensive research with everyone.
The video was so interesting. You revealed new things about the very old history of earth and humanity. Generally, all this religion of the Sun is so inspiring and hopeful. I feel, in these difficult times we live, it is that we need more than anything else.
There is this longing I feel when I watch your videos, that I’m sure arises for many, for that long lost time of purity, spirituality, the solar kings, leading the world with truth and wisdom. When the wisdom bringers were with us. Like a recognition in my heart, wistful sadness but at the same time excitement because of its revival and this wonderful, wonderful chance to be part of it.
You and the team are outdoing yourselves with each production, and it’s such a joy to see it being done so carefully, with love and wisdom. Your way of working is also a way of teaching.
I’m so looking forward to the upcoming videos! Sounds very cool and I’m eager to learn more about everything :)
Thanks for this new video, Lara!
I really admire the amount of organization and understanding it must have taken to summarize your ~400 page book into a 1-hour video synopsis. The presentation was at a high level but you provided enough detail and examples to drive home important points and raise interest in the many topics. I hope it inspires many people out there on YouTube to look into the Religion of the Sun and take it up.
I also admire you not backing down when presenting some controversial ideas like black and white people having been part of ancient history of the Mayans, there being some anomalous DNA in the Paracas people, and records of giants. These ideas need to be discussed as their implications for humanity’s history are truly profound.
Thanks Mike. I know many of the things I have said are controversial, but I am committed to the truth. The light is found in truth, and in truth only. You said it so well “these ideas need to be discussed as their implications for humanity’s history are truly profound.” I couldn’t agree more.
I feel like even basic obvious truths are being bizzarely and alarmingly twisted in the media narrative these days so that one would just wonder why. There seems to be a big effort going into doing that. Let alone the truth about our ancient past; by now so many generations have grown up where it has been hidden and obscured from us. So it reminds me of that quote attributed to George Orwell: “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” That’s what I feel you are doing Lara. And I think people will recognize it and resonate with it, like this relief of ‘finally, I see’. It’s like by virtue of itself truth gives strength and protection, simplicity and peace, and that’s what I feel coming across in your work. “The light is found in truth, and in truth only.” That is actually really powerful, and deserves reflection. I think it should be applied in all areas of life.
Yeah, that’s a powerful quote worth reflecting on. I couldn’t agree more about the media. It is so destructive: not only is the truth often hidden or misrepresented, but even common sense things we’ve collectively understood for thousands of years are being cast aside as society must adapt to “new truths” or face consequences. Orwell was right!
I think the world would be so very different if the truth were more widespread: sinister groups wouldn’t conceal their intentions, people wouldn’t lie to take advantage of each other, society wouldn’t be brainwashed by dangerous beliefs… hard to even imagine what that would be like!
It also gives pause to reflect on the standards of the light. When we aren’t truthful in some situations — perhaps out of convenience or trying to be polite — we are not acting with the light but are bringing darkness to ourselves and to others. It takes courage and tenacity to seek the truth and speak it, regardless of the cost and the reactions of society.
OMG…this is so well-made Lara! I am finally able to get back on Youtube and saw this video. First when I saw it was one-hour long,I cringed because I tend to fall asleep when someone is giving a super-duper long presentation or speech that lasts more than 20 minutes because just hearing them talk and talk can be boring. But you presentated the whole thing in a very interesting way that just seems to get my attention and I can’t get enough of hearing about it. This video also answers a lot of the questions I had about the Indo-Europeans as I am still trying to get over myself about the “White-supremacy” issue…Btw Lingling has been talking to a bunch of people about her experiences with the Foreign Old Man,but very few seem to take her words seriously and call her crazy. She was also asked why it was a “foreign” old man instead of a Chinese one since he looked like a Westerner. Lingling answered, “It also puzzles me why he looked like a Westerner…,he appeared to be a really wise person and what he said was really enlightening to me,but his appearence is something I cannot understand.” Others are firm in their belief that she made her experience up. She became truly puzzled about the Foreign Old Man’s appearence. She told me that the Foreign Old Man came to her again in a dream and explained to her why he was Western in appearence. The Foreign Old Man used his psychic power to lift her up from her bed and transported her out of the room through the glass of her window,and took her to different times and places which she didn’t even know existed. He said something similar to what you mentioned in your video,and that was a pretty long explanation of why he looked Western in appearence. She was very surprised by the the things that she was told,and refuses to reveal the details regarding it,as well as the Foreign Old Man’s name,which she has been acknowledged of this time in fear of being ridiculed again. The Foreign Old Man showed her that there was indeed a group of people whom she described as “having the height of a building and as pale as snow”. She was also informed that these people lived in China at some point in the past. And this was a way to show that her concept of foreign and non-foreign is really relative in nature and that she really should not have called someone “foreign” solely based on the way that person looks. I was actually thinking about what she meant by people “having the height of a building and as pale as snow”,and I tried to find some information about this,but didn’t find anything helpful until I came across this video. It’s very unlikely that she made this one up since she doesn’t have access to Youtube as most people here do and she knows almost nothing about cultures in other parts of the world,there is really no way she could gotten this information somewhere. She was also being shown by the Foreign Old Man a city that fell into the bottom of the sea which looked like a round target. Lingling refers to this city as Target City since it was shaped just like a round target as she described. I think it is very possible that this city that she saw was Atlantis. I asked whether she knew about Atlantis,she said the only thing she knows about Atlantis is the hotel. She has never heard of a sunken city,let alone an adavanced civilization in the distant past with the same name. But she was able to describe what she saw in a way that is very easy for people to visualize. She is not sure of where exactly Target City was located,but she is pretty sure that it really did exist. The Foreign Old Man also warned that if humanity as a whole do not change the way they behave,they will eventually suffer from the same misfortune as Target City. The Foreign Old Man also told her this time that this was the last time that she will see him and hear him speaking to her. But he will always be with her,as he has always been with everyone else and everything. Lingling actually remained speechless for a long time after she woke up from that dream,and she is still trying to make sense of what she experienced in that dream until this very moment. It’s interesting that this is a recent event which occured around the same time that this video is being uploaded,and how Lingling was being given similar information as the content of this video. Lingling has truly experienced the divinity of the Foreign Old Man this time and said his light and warmth are not so different from that of the sun. Even though refusing to reveal his name,Lingling did say that he was one of the Wise Ones,a term which she did not give an explanation. But in anyway this was a really inspiring and miraculous dream of hers. Again thank you Lara for putting in the effort into making these videos and I’m really happy to see your videos getting better with every upload! Keep up te good work!
WOW… I got tingles reading this. What an amazing confirmation, both for Lingling, and for the information about the snow/moon colored giants and Atlantis. And what a profound experience for Lingling. It’s a shame the people she has spoken to her are not taking her seriously. I hope she doesn’t get disheartened, because I take her experience very seriously, and find it extremely valuable, and I’m sure many other people that post here would agree. I hope she continues to share whatever she feels she should because Foreign Old Man told her for a reason. A lot of what we are saying might sound crazy at first, but we have proof it’s true, and it’s so important to speak the truth.
I loved the video Lara especially the part about giant beings. I think the whole of life once existed on a gigantic proportion and the evidence is striking too.
Just wanted to add that you were very articulate and your voice was so pleasing to listen to. Look forward to the next one.
Wow Emily, what an unforgettable and live-changing experience for Lingling! And so auspicious to hear about it around the same time of the upload, and when you were reflecting on similar things. It sounds very genuine and full of intent and purpose to me. The target symbol could be connected to another commonly used symbol of the sun as well. See the concentric sun symbol used here in this native rock art found in Arizona: https://rockartblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/meteorological-model-for-concentric.html
Its amazing how much we don’t know (or has been intentionally hidden or obscured from us) about the history of our planets’ many civilizations. I always like how Graham Hancock called us a “species with amnesia”.
I sincerely believe that Lara and this revival of the religion of the sun is such a huge and important feat that will help us understand our past, and hopefully not come to the same mistakes that our ancestors did at the fall and destruction of their civilization. I cannot help but feel the grandeur of the wisdom bringers/sages and beings/extraterrestrials that came down to guide and bring humanity in the right direction in terms of morality, sustainability, and spiritual growth – how sad that so much of this has been lost, forgotten or distorted, but how truly lucky (if I can call it that), that this relationship had been forged, and hopefully again rekindled and honored.
Thank you Lara, for laying out the history and research so clearly, and for all your dedication and determination to leave no stone unturned.
Spectacular.! Thanks so much to Lingling because she must’ve made sincere efforts at some time or way to deserve to recieve such valuable guidance. Very exciting and I also know such dream revelations are real and that with historical research we can then- sometimes to our own great surprise! – come to confirm what we have had been shown. Reading Lingling’s further experiences just now also makes me think that just so much more yet is waiting to be discovered, so far there’s already been a whole new dimension to Earth’s past which I wouldn’t have believed, but maybe there’s even more than more, perhaps these things are going to come reveal themselves in the next decade.
Thank you Emily. If I may add one little suggestion. If she’s not already done it I would highly recommend carefully writing down all the details for herself of these important dream experiences.
Definitely Akira!
Lara already mentioned the point she takes these experiences seriously. Just to personally add one point to that. With so many people nowadays unable to tap into this other side of life, closed off and brought up atheistically – if you have profound experiences you might be singled out as the ridiculous one. Like being in primary school and all 30 other kids in class, and even the teacher : (, deny something you know to be true. The society and culture you grow up in project the same, until you start to sort of believe there is indeed nothing else. Anyway to keep this short, I just want to say quite strongly that it is in fact exactly the other way around. Our personal experience of divinity is the real thing, and in fact the people closed off to that within themselves are the ones unable to know what’s going on. What makes it so peculiar is that in current times on this planet such a majority is cut off from it and even raised without many concepts about it – but even if a thousand people share the belief in a lie doesn’t make it true-. People are ignorant of something that is a natural part of us, our link to the divine. This upside down stuation is in fact the weird thing :- )!
Some (me in some ways still too) might also have an underlying view that some religious events and beings were real, but only in the past, only to characters far away somewhere, untouchable experiences, and the height of them not to be trumphed. etc. But to stick to the main point, such experiences as Lingling is having are the real deal.
Hey Emily, thank you so much for sharing this incredible experience with us! Your friend Lingling is soooooo fortunate and blessed to have been given this first-hand spiritual experience with the ancient wise man, and to even know his name now!!! And what a great confirmation of Lara’s painstaking work this is! To see those ancient, tall, and moon-colored people with her own (astral) eyes, without knowing about them before, and even being told they also used to live in China! So amazing… And that “target city” definitely sounds like the famous Plato’s description of the capital of Atlantis, as you can read about in this article for example (https://atlantipedia.ie/samples/concentric-rings/). Also it looks like this design of the concentric circles (or “target city” as Lingling called it) was quite popular in the ancient times, which makes sense as its a powerful design with spiritual symbolism, and also very practical for a city. For example the ancient city of Arkaim uncovered in Russia back in 80-ties has a similar design, as do the other ancient cities scattered in the area (https://ancients-bg.com/arkaim-the-ancient-aryan-city/).
Thank Lingling very much for allowing you to share her experience with us, she really feels like a part of our “spiritual family” now, even though her face is Asian. ;-)
BTW, I also find it incredible that the “Foreign old man” first time appeared to her after we had that talk about “white supremacy” thing here, and now after the release of this video he appeared again, giving her more details. Very happy for you guys, looks like even though you may feel alone there, with people ridiculing or even straight attacking you, you are being supported and watched over by some amazing spiritual beings.
Thank you Emily for sharing Lingling’s experience, it resonated with me that the beings were as large as buildings, and I think they were large buildings too.
I would love to say to Lingling don’t feel disheartened by people in her landscape not believing it, and that there are I think other parts of China that she would find people would be inspired by her account especially in the Xian province.
Thank you once again, Emily, for passing on your friend’s profound spiritual experience. It’s such a shame your friend is thought of as a liar by those she shares her experiences with — and she is lucky to have you as a very open-minded and encouraging friend :)
How exciting it must be for your friend and for you to hear about her experience with regards to the ancient history that Lara is presenting here… Having that firsthand knowledge of events so remote they are only “myths” to us in modern times is incredible.
It sounds so sad that the Foreign Old Man said she won’t be able to see or talk to him again. I like to hope they will meet again — perhaps if Lingling learns to have conscious out-of-body experiences?!
Anyway, I really appreciate your passing on the experience. I wish you and Lingling much light and guidance in discovering and uncovering the solar history of China!
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to add something that I forgot to mention about Lingling’s experience. Her first encounter with the Foreign Old Man actually took place a LONG time before I shared her experience here since I have always known that her experience is worth-sharing,however she remained hesitant about giving me permission to share her experience since she had already been criticized by many that she explained her encounter with the Foreign Old Man to. The time I wrote about her experience here was the time where I finally got permission from her to do so. She has been known as someone with radical ideas since childhood,she has told people that when she was in elementary school,she had asked many questions that even amazed her teachers at the time where most of her classmates would never ask. One teacher described her as “an girl with really good imagination,and interesting views about the world” in front of her parents in a meeting at her school. But the teacher was quick to then say that, “But know this. Even though your daughter,being the way she is now,is not necessarily a bad thing,this is not really going to help her much when she grows up and goes out into the world.” This could be the reason why she is one of the few people that I meet who are willing to learn about the Religion of The Sun here. Throughout her life she has been pretty much always been labeled by people that she meets as “radical”,even at her workplace she would frequently make suggestions about plans that could improve one’s project,but hardly anyone listened,even though by following her plans her boss would often find her work very impressive. But her radical ideas do get her into trouble sometimes in her social life,because people would say something like,”That is just crazy,Lingling,it can’t be right.” Perhaps this is the reason why she is hesitant to share her experience with others. She did try to tell a few people about her second encounter with the Foreign Old Man,and to test if they were willing to hear about it,she would start the conversation by asking them if they believe people that had the height of a building and were as pale as snow once lived on the surface of the planet. And almost everyone she talked to said that would be close to impossible for that to be true. And she felt she shouldn’t continue the conversation and tell them more details. She was also very surprised to see these people walking the surface of the world in the distant past,if she had not seen them for herself,she would not believe that they existed either. And I also shared what I learned from Lara’s video about giants with her. She now believes they were real. For the most of her life she only thought they existed in fantasy novels. As Lara has mentioned in this video,there are many legends about giants in many different cultures around the world,and since Lingling mentioned that they used to live in China too,I decided to see if I can find any record of them in ancient Chinese writings. Unsurprisingly,there turns out to be many mentions of giants in the mythologies of the Chinese too,and I came across one article online that talks about giants interbreeding with people that were shorter in stature in a mythology book called Shan Hai Jing,or the Classics of Mountains and Seas as translated into English. Here is a direct quote from this article which I converted into English using Google Translate since I’m just too lazy to translate it myself,the wording and grammar from this app may seem a little weird as many of you who may have used this application would know,but it goes something like this:
“According to the “Shan Hai Jing” records, the Lei Ze clan and Kua Fu clan with relatively pure giant bloodlines. Among them, the Lei Ze clan lived near today’s Shandong Heze. They were burly, brave and belligerent, and now they are in Northeast and Shandong. The race is relatively tall, which has something to do with Reize’s bloodline and genes.
Speaking of Leize, we have to mention Fuxi. Legend has it that Fuxi was born on the footsteps of giants by a girl from the Huaxu clan, which confirms that Fuxi is a descendant of Leize. Fuxi, who has the lineage of Lei Ze, is both tall and smart, and has become an outstanding leader of tall stature.
Later, the Fuxi family married the Baihu tribe in the Kunlun Mountains area and gave birth to the Ba people. The Ba people lived in the Cuban Shu Kingdom, which is now Chongqing and Sichuan. The Ba people inherited the characteristics of the Fuxi family’s tall and intelligent body and the Baihu tribe. He was brave and good at fighting, thus gaining a place in the southwestern part of China.”
Notice that the Ba people mentioned here could be another name given to the people of Shu,as they lived around the same region that the people of Shu did,plus an interesting fact is that this region today is sometimes being called the Ba Shu Region,which further indicates that the people of Ba and Shu may had been one and the same. Among all the theories that I have found so far with regards to the origin of the People of Shu,this one appears to be the one that makes the most since to me. Since this theory shows that the people of Shu were related to the giants lived in the past,which could explain why they followed a solar-oriented religion. The book called Shan Hai Jing,or the Classic of Mountain and Sea is a really profound Chinese mythology book,as it contains the stories of many legendary creatures,people,and events in the distant past. The Tree of Fusang,a bronze tree found at Sanxingdui appears to depict,also appears in Shan Hai Jing. I actually have this book in handy but still haven’t finished reading it,since the ancient Chinese language is so hard to understand for me and I would get confused from time to time trying to interpret the texts. I heard there are English translations of this book out there,but many suggest that if you can read the text in the original language(even if you may not understand it completely ),it’s better to do so than to read a translated version of it due to the “lost in translation issue”. Many Chinese today think of this book as nothing more than a story book written by their ancestors,but just like Lara said in her video,the very ancient history tend to be remembered by people of later times only as legends and myths,and are not taken seriously enough. As a quote from LOTR perfectly puts it,”history became legend,legend became myth…” Even though it’s just a movie trilogy,this is one of the most beautiful sayings I’ve ever heard.
Hi Emily,
The area around Shandong peninsula of China is definitely interesting giant-wise, as this archaeological find shows: https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/newsrepublic/2017-07/05/content_30008829.htm.
Also apparently, there was also a Chinese-Japanese genetical study made on the remains in the graves of the ancient city of Linzi in Shandong, which showed greater genetical similarity of these ancient people (approx. 2500-year-old) to the current Europeans rather than Asian populations. This study was later retracted, and called “errorneous”.
Also thank you for sharing Lingling’s story with us, it sounds like you two were meant to meet! :-)
Hi Lucia,
It’s actually quite well-known to the Chinese that people in Shandong are taller than those from many other parts of China. But who could have thought that their height might have something to do with giants…Also I wonder what exactly did the genetic study that got retracted reveal exactly…sounds like it may provide more evidence to the theory that Lara talked about that has to do with Indo-Europeans…I guess findings that tend to shake the worldview of people tend to be hidden away by those in power. As for Lingling,I think she might be one of those souls that are on sort of a mission…she just revealed to me more about the “radical” stuff from her childhood. While she doesn’t even seem to remember this herself,but her parents told her that when she was very young(I don’t know how young exactly),she said to her parents that she used to live in a lotus-shaped city,and had come to this place for a specific reason. That sounds to me like one of those cases with reincarnation where young children remember their past lives. Her parents asked her where that lotus-shaped city was,but she couldn’t point it out on the map. Also since she did not give out a name of the city,they couldn’t look for information about that city either. It is said that Lingling used to be really eager to “go home”,but because that lotus-shaped city was not a real place,her parents dismissed her claims as nothing more than the products of the wild imagination of a child. As time went by she brought up the topic regarding the lotus-shaped city less and less,and by the time she started school,it was apparant that she had forgotten about it completely. Now,as an adult,she cannot even recall the slightest of it. But her parents are very certain that she indeed said something like that and that is something they would never forget about their daughter. No one,not even Lingling herself knows the whereabouts of this mysterious city,or perhaps she used to know,but has now forgotten about it. But since it’s shaped like a lotus,I would guess that this could have been something spiritual in nature(the lotus is seen as a symbol in many Eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism,might also have some connection to the Religion of The Sun). And combining that with the other stories from her life,I really think she could be a special soul on some sort of spiritual mission. Of course,I’m no psychic so I don’t know anything for sure,this is just my guess.
Hi Emily,
Here is a link to the genetic study: https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/17/9/1396/994964
In the ending discussion, it says: “The similarity between the genetic structures of the 2,500-year-old Linzi population and the present-day European populations indicates that there was a genetic shift in the Linzi area from a European-like population to a population more like those found in present-day east Asia, probably caused by migration.”
I may have used a wrong word, as the study does not seem to have been retracted as such, but when you go to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Linzi), it says that the Linzi genetic testing was “erroneous”, and suggests that the sample may have been contaminated… It is interesting though that the second study was done by different researchers, 3 years after the first one.
And what an amazing story about Lingling, thank you for sharing! It sounds like she has some nice, supporting parents that listened to her when she was small. I know there are many children who remember their past lives when they are small, but later on they gradually lose those memories. My nephew also once told my mom (his grandmother) how he used to be a pilot “before”, somewhere in America. Interestingly, he has already visited the USA in this lifetime as a teenager, which to me seemed like a sort of re-tracing his past, even though just in a brief way.
The “lotus city” Lingling kept mentioning as a child may have also been on a different planet, who knows… In any case, it seems to me that her mission could have something to do with the revival of the Religion of the Sun (The “foreign old man” appeared to her as a face in the Sun, and later on his message coincided with the video released by Lara), which in China would be no small undertaking…
Wishing you both a lot of spiritual strength!
P.S.: I ordered the Shan Hai Jing (in English of course), just to see what’s in there. :-)
We did do a little bit of research trying to find out where this lotus-shaped city could be. Since this city is unnamed we started by searching for “cities shaped like a lotus”,and found many cities that appeared to fit this very general description around the world. However we were clueless as to which city could be the one that Lingling talked about when she was little. I asked her if she felt any connection to any of the places we’ve looked,and Lingling said no. There does seem to exist the phenomenon with past lives that one may feel a deep connection to a specific place upon hearing its name,even though one may not retain the memories of it. So this was a way that we thought could be helpful for finding out where this city is. With Lingling’s permission we were able to reach out to her mother over the phone,who had written down a few things that Lingling said as a young child. Her mother told us that Lingling described the lotus-shaped city as “a very beautiful place,where people lived very long lives. ” And her mother gave us just a little more detail regarding its shape which Lingling did not mention. From the written record Lingling apparantly said that the city was shaped like an eight-petaled lotus flower. Upon hearing that,Lingling seemed to get a chill and said,”I don’t know why but that sounds just about right to me.” Her mother didn’t provide us a lot more clues beyond that,but the fact that she brought up the city was shaped like an eight-petaled lotus flower actually helped us more than we thought it would. After hours of doing the painstaking work of searching throughout the web without really knowing what to look for exactly,Lingling and I took notice of an article that talks about a mythical city said to be located near the Himalayas called Shangri-La. Shangri-La is said to be shaped like an eight-petaled lotus,and legend has it that the inbahitants of Shangri-La have a very long lifespan,they hardly ever get sick and are very spiritual. Shangri-La appears to match the descriptions of the lotus-shaped city that Lingling believed(and still believes to some extend now)that she came from. We were very surprised to find this and could not believe that there really IS a city,or at least a legend of a city that is just like how Lingling described it to be. And the location of Shangri-La is also very interesting. The Himalayas,on one hand,is a place filled with many political controversies,but also a place filled with many great spiritual mysteries. Lingling did say to me before that she has a strange feeling for the Himalayas,she feels as if she lived near there at some point in the past,even though she has never been there. She has also told me that she doesn’t feel that she has always been Han Chinese,even though her official documents show that she is and both of her parents are Han Chinese. She said that if reincarnation was indeed real then she probably lived as someone belonging to a different ethnic group at one point. Putting all of this together it is likely that Lingling probably has some mysterious connection to this mythical city known as Shangri-La. I’m not trying to convince those who do not believe in reincarnation to believe in it,but just want to say that sometimes the discoveries we make can make us find ourselves relating to them in mysterious ways. And while I have only learned about Shangri-La recently,I think it is possible that there is more to this city where spiritual practitioners live than just myths. A British explorer is said to have been to Shangri-La,and even Hitler tried to look for it at one point…really makes you wonder how much of what we consider as myths and legends have basis in history and how much are nothing more than stories passed down from generation to generation as many believe. Not sure if this Shangri-La has anything to do with the religion of the sun,but every new discovery we make really tends to turn our view of the world directly on its head.
Hi Emily,
As I am reading Lara’s book now, I stumbled upon a really beautiful passage where she writes about Lotus as one of the symbols of the Religion of the Sun – I thought you may like it:
“The lotus is an ancient solar symbol. In ancient Egypt it was a symbol of the sun and of resurrection, as a certain species (the blue water-lily, which was used most frequently in ancient Egyptian art) opens only during the day – closing, and sinking beneath the water at night, and reemerging in the morning – just like the sun. The yellow center of the flower, set against its blue petals, looks like the sun in the sky.
In Maya culture, it likewise represented the resurrection of the sun from out of the underworld. In Vedic religion, the god Brahma is said to have emerged from a lotus to create the world. he is depicted as seated in the lotus position upon a lotus, just as Buddha later was.
In ancient Egypt, the lotus was also the birthplace and throne of the sun god Ra who created the world.”
She also quotes some related passages from the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Upanishads to illustrate this, and closes this chapter by saying:
” The lotus was clearly associated with the sun god and creator, and I believe the sacred kings, who were considered its emissary upon the earth, seated themselves like the sun god upon his lotus throne.”
PS: The Ba people also reminded me that the word Bha actually means “light” in Sanskrit,which is an ancient Indian language. I wonder if the name Ba actually comes from Sanskrit or not,I haven’t found any evidence to suggest that it is so,but I think it would make a lot of sense for those people to be called “the people of light”. And from a comment that I read earlier on,the word Shu could mean the sun. If all of these were put together than it cannot make more sense that the people who built Sanxingdui were known as the People of Light and the People of The Sun. That basically explains everything they believed. And the Ba Shu region would actually mean “the region of Light and Sun”. It’s so interesting as I meditate on the information I find,I can come to very shocking realizations.
You might be onto something. I find that too. Sometimes it can feel as if you are guided in the right direction.
Hi Guys,
Just wanna give a quick update about myself and Lingling. I have recenty been caught in sort of a tough situation in my personal life,I wouldn’t say that dealing with it is stressful or painstaking,but it clearly comes with quite a lot of difficulties and dealing with it has taken up most of my time. As for Lingling,she’s been having kinda a hard time as well. After doing tons and tons of self-talk,she finally decided to tell everyone about her dream. And unsurprisingly she recieved even more ridicule than before,this time mostly from people who are actually really close to her. She gave a speech using logic and evidence,but still failed to convince them about the truth of the Religion of The Sun. And one thing I didn’t mention before,is that her boyfriend,whom she had been dating for years,decided to break up with her after she spoke out about her dream. Everything was going well between the two of them before she came to know about the Religion of The Sun,her boyfriend even took her to a jewelry store to look at engagement rings(they probably had thoughts of marriage)but that started to change when she began to commit herself to the research and practice of the Religion of The Sun. Her boyfriend became suspicious of her that she would become less interested in him and eventually go and become a nun(there exists a belief held by some people here in the atheist society that if you are onto spirituality,then it is possible that you will eventually leave the life of a lay person and become celibate to commit yourself completely to spiritual practices,i.e becoming a monk or nun). Lingling explained to her boyfriend that one does not have to become a monk or nun to pursue spirituality,and plus she has not lost interest in him because of the Religion of The Sun. However,her boyfriend remained skeptical. And after she spoke out about her dream her boyfriend was like,”Ok,this is it,things cannot go on like this,it is apparent that this girl is more interested in spirituality than romantic relationship,it is probably time for me to move on.” He dressed in very formal attire that was usually reserved for special occasions and knocked on Lingling’s door to show her that he was serious about ending his relationship with her. She asked him to stay,but he walked away and was never heard from again. Lingling felt very heart-broken,and at times she almost had mental breakdowns and had doubts whether she should continue her journey on the path of The Sun. She finally got over her heartbreak,when,one night the Golden Sun Bird told her in her dream that she should continue her spiritual journey at all costs,for delving into the Religion of The Sun in the modern age can be very difficult,and there is a thick layer of dark clouds that is hovering above the world we live in,blocking the Spiritual Light from reaching us,and to break through that layer of dark clouds is anything but easy. There will be something that she would have to lose in the process,and that something could be what she considers to be important to her. She woke up from that dream,and decided to move on. She says there is no denying that a breakup can almost make one feel like the end of the world,but she shouldn’t let the loss of her relationship be an obstacle that stops her from working for a greater cause. There is something that is far more meaningful to the world at large than her relationship with her ex,so she must keep herself commited to that. Now she must let go of what is already lost. She joked that she is kinda living like a nun now,since she is single now and is still a virgin(Because this is a relatively conservative culture,over the years she dated her former boyfriend,who just broke up with her a while ago,they never had any kind of sexual relationship,as in the minds of many Chinese,that is still reserved for after marriage),and she is commited to spirituality. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing,she told me,because she convinced herself that it is more important for her to keep working for a greater cause than grieving over a lost relationship. So she picks up her research and practice of the Religion of The Sun just like she did before.
I am so glad to hear how you and Lingling are going, though you are experiencing difficult times. A loss like the one Lingling has just experienced is very hard to cope with, but life always renews itself, just as in the cycles of nature. I’ve seen that for those who keep working and creating, new and good things come to replace the old. I hope something very good is in store for Lingling, and for you Emily.
What another amazing experience for Lingling. It is remarkably similar to an experience the author Andrew Tomas had while at a monastery in India, which he writes about in his book ‘Shambhala: Oasis of Light’. He had a vision where he saw the Earth covered in thick dark clouds, particularly around the most populated areas. The Lama with him explained that these dark clouds were created by the negative mental and emotional vibrations of people on Earth. Every now and again, small rays of light arose to brighten the darkness, which were the spiritual aspirations of the minority of people, but these were swamped by the dark aura around the planet. The lama claimed these dark clouds had been built up over thousands of years.
No wonder our work is difficult, but what choice do we have? Who would want to stay down in such a darkness?
This is amazing, thank you Lara for this clarification about the dark clouds meaning. It does make a perfect sense what the Lama explained about our negative thoughts and feelings accumulating over the centuries and covering the Earth as a dark cloud in higher dimensions. Just recently, I had a kind of personal revelation, where I felt I have understood on a deeper level the saying of Jesus where he said that if we don’t know ourselves, we dwell in poverty and we ARE that poverty. A situation arose where I felt really strong negative feelings to the point of feeling really bad about feeling that way, as I felt it was pushing me down and poisoning me in some way. I understood that by feeling that way (even though not necessarily expressing it outwardly), I BECAME that darkness, just s Jesus says. So I made a strong determination to not feed those feelings ever again, and always remember what it is, in its deepest sense. And now knowing about the dark clouds issue, I certainly don’t want to contribute to that!
Thanks again for sharing Lingling and Lara, and so happy for Lingling that she didn’t betray her inner voice in her tough life decision. Wishing both Emily and Lingling a lot of Divine support and strength!
Hi Lara,
Very well said about the dark clouds that surrounds this planet. Looks like there are people in this world who don’t know each other that are tapping into the same thing. I can clearly tell that our work is not easy,and recently unfortunately for Lingling,she apparently has gotten herself some new enemies–a few Chinese Buddhists by speaking to them about the Buddha’s heritage and a figure they rever named Vairocana(which I think talked about in another comment). While the Buddhists don’t really do anything that try to disprove her claim or anything,they are clearly not thrilled upon hearing what she said. She had been friends with these people for a while but now it looks like they may not want to befriend her anymore. I don’t know how she feels about it since she hasn’t told me about that,but she seems still pretty determined to continue her work. I am not sure about talking to people of other faiths regarding the Religion of The Sun,especially if their religion had at least been partially influenced by the Religion of The Sun,if I told them”This is what I think your religion came to be”,they may feel offended just like Lingling’s friends.
A head’s up as to Lingling’s, plan for the near future: she will be moving to a place near Sanxingdui where it would be better for her to do her work,namely finding out more about Sanxingdui. Even though she is not a research or a scholar by profession,she has taken the research and practice of the religion of the sun as an important part of her life. As for me I really could have moved with her but I’m still in a financial situation where it would just cost me too much to move to a different city. However,I will be supporting her in every way I can as she continues her work there. And people there still don’t know a thing about the Religion of The Sun apparently, maybe they will be more open to it than the guys living in my city.
I really wish Lingling the very best in her research and potential move. May she be guided and protected every step of the way by the Sacred Sun. If it’s possible Emily, please pass my wishes on to her. I also wish you the same Emily, in your continued research and efforts.
Hi Emily and Lingling. I find it very heartening to hear about your dedication. I think a dedicated focus like that makes things happen within.
I know it’s not just in a moving of locations, but rather that the decision to make such steps, that such a ‘move’ is good and hope it will lead to many new revelations and divine messages coming Lingling’s and your way.
Maybe it’s also further away from the density of city energy and a bit closer to nature, which is helpful to tune in to divine reality and by that route connect to the Religion of the Sun. As I find doing a lot of reading research only can glue me to thoughts and keep me in my head a lot, so it’s good to good to get the balance.
Thanks for these updates you write, it sounds very good to me. Make sure to look after yourselves too. And I hope you’ll both be able to see the Sanxingdui bronzes in person, when the time is right.
Hi Lara&Akira,
Thank you so much for your wishes. I am sure there are still a lot more to be discovered about the religion of the sun in my country,this is one of the forces that is keeping us going in our mission,which Lingling and I have referred to as “the journey towards the sun”. Even though we have faced many difficulties along the way,and certainly do not expect it to get any easier in the future. While Lingling is busy packing up getting ready for her move,the student who I met on a quite regular basis while I worked as an English tutor at a small college who had doubts on the religion of the sun at first, but later changed his mind sent in something very interesting. He did not find this on purpose but came across it by accident while he was doing research on Medieval European alchemy out of plain curiosity, he came across a text that the alchemists of Medieval Europe were obssessed with which was supposedly being inscribed onto a green tablet initally, but the green tablet was never actually found,and is said to be of mythical origin. This text says something like this(this is only a rough English translation I made of the already-translated text he sent me): That of the above does not differ from that of the below,and that of the below does not differ from that of the above…all things came from One. ” This is intriguingly similar to what is said in Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu,the famous Chinese philosopher. He told me he was not expecting to find something like this in alchemy at all,since Medieval European alchemy was all about finding a way to turn any metal into gold,which involved tons of pseudoscientific concepts and theories. Rather than a recipe on how to make gold, this seems to be more like a text that contains deep spiritual wisdom. This has caused him thinking if it’s possible that there is some truth to alchemy after all instead of being the pseudoscience that most people today assume it to be. And I found this text interesting for the same reasons he did and wonder if the alchemy of Medieval Europe was more than just crazy pseudoscientists dreaming about turning random metals into gold and getting rich. If that was really all that there was to it, then why does it contain verses that describe such profound spiritual wisdom? Could this text be related to the religion of the sun? And alchemy of Medieval Europe having something to do with it as well? It is often noted by netizens(Chinese Internet users) who are into mysticism that it might not be a coincidence that there are similarities between the alchemists of Medieval Europe who attempted to turn lead into gold and the Taoists of ancient China who worked hard to make elixirs that would allegedly grant anyone who takes them immortality(it was them who created gunpowder by accident). Even though their experiments with substances throughout history failed many times and have been cited by critics as evidence of their pseudoscientific nature, there is a chance that achieving the goals they claimed to reach is possible,the only thing is that reaching such goals can be extremely difficult for the people of this era and those very few who did succeed chose to keep quiet about their achievements for various reasons. It may be that these supposed “crazy” ideas of turning lead into gold and making elixirs of immortality are not what they appear to be, rather they are practices which involve highly esoteric knowledge which only a few could truly understand.
It’s great to hear that your student friend, and possibly more people, are starting to see the reality behind what you are saying.
The Emerald Tablet is indeed related to the religion of the sun. The very last line says that everything explained in the tablet describes “the work of the Sun.”
It’s very important that you, Lingling, and your student friend remember that what you are doing is uncovering the ancient religion of China. The Religion of the Sun may be the oldest religion of China, and its origins look like they even go back to Chinese prehistory, to the time of the giants (as Lingling saw in her dream).
I have learned that in Taoism, there exists a concept called Yu Hua Deng Xian(羽化登仙). It is a very fancy Chinese term that is hard to translate into the English language,but you can understand it as ascension. It is said that when a spiritual practitioner has reached a certain level of cultivation, he/she will attain immortality and ascends into the higher realms without experiencing physical death. Numerous cases of this kind of ascension can be found throughout all sorts Chinese myths and legends, and it is a quite popular theme in many Chinese TV shows and video games today that use ancient Chinese mythology as their basis. But while many Chinese today are familiar with the term Yu Hua Deng Xian because of its prevalence in pop culture as I have observed,almost nobody understands what is the true meaning of it,let alone considering if it’s really possible to be achieved through spiritual cultivation. I cannot describe how much the younger generation I’ve came into contact with, the so-called more educated, more scientific generation, especially Gen Z are obssessed with the concept of Yu Hua Deng Xian in TV shows and video games, however they think of it as nothing more than the product of the imagination of their ancestors blended with the creativity of modern screenwriters. While many older people,who are often deemed by the younger generation as superstious and outdated,are more likely to believe that this kind of ascension is indeed a real thing. And today, although it is not well known, some Taoist practitioners still see Yu Hua Deng Xian as their ultimate goal,even though they themselves have never seen another practitioner ascending into the higher realms of existence. To me, this shows that such kind of ascension is possible indeed, even though it can be extremely difficult to attain. The minds of the younger generation holding on to a materialistic worldview may be a sign that there is a great chance for further spiritual degeneration in the future for a culture with rich history and profound spiritual heritage,but I do believe not all hope is lost. That student who sent me the text from a. green tab had doubts regarding the religion of the sun upon first hearing about it,but eventually he managed to change his mind. He told me he is now trying to persuade his friends. I felt really happy to hear about this, and we shall see how he does on doing his part of acknowledging people about ancient spirituality.
Hi Emily,
It is really nice to read about your former student being so enthusiastic now about the Religion of the Sun! I guess it is the one with the Shu ancestry, right? If so, his ancestors would be happy to see him now. :-)
Regarding the green tablet you talked about, it sounds like the Emerald Tablet to me (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Tablet). Its been attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (a Hellenistic figure that is being be associated with both the Greek god Hermes, as well as the Egyptian god Thoth). The text on that tablet definitely seems to be alluding to the practice of alchemy, which, as you rightly pointed out, was not just some materialistic searching for the creation of gold, but instead, an inner spiritual pursuit, similar to the golden elixir of the Taoists.
Alchemy is called “spiritual birth” in the Religion of the Sun, and it is a spiritual practice with the aim of crystallizing something spiritual within us. Mark writes a lot about the spiritual birth in his book The Ancient Path of the Sun, especially in the chapter dedicated to the spiritual meaning of the
Winter Solstice, as on the cosmic level, it is during the Winter solstice that the Sun is “born” again, after a period of growing darkness, and starts to grow from then on. That is why the different cultures celebrated this time as a birth of the Sun, or birth of the Christ as a Divine savior. This process is also reflected on an individual level inside of a person who walks the Path of the Sun.
Regarding your culture, a lot is written about this process in the Taoist writings, especially in the Secret of the Golden Flower book (where it is called the “circulation of the light” or “turning the light around”, or “the backward flowing method”, depending on the translator), but also in Hua Hu Ching. Here are some nice excerpts from The Ancient Path of the Sun:
“The first integration of yin and yang is the union of seed and egg within the womb. The second integration of yin and yang is the sexual union of the mature male and female. Both of these are concerned with flesh and blood, and all that is conceived in this realm must one day disintegrate and pass away. It is only the third integration which gives birth to something immortal. In this integration, a highly evolved individual joins the subtle inner energies of yin and yang under the light of spiritual understanding. Through the practices of the Integral Way he refines his gross, heavy energy into something ethereal and light…”
– Lao Tzu in Hua Hu Ching
“When one begins to apply this magic, it is as if, in the middle of being, there were non-being. When in the course of time the work is completed, and beyond the body there is a body, it is as if, in the middle of non-being, there were being. Only after concentrated work of a hundred days will the light be genuine, then only will it become spirit-fire…”
– The Secret of the Golden Flower
And a nice quote from Mark, about the influence of this spiritual Sun inside of a person:
” The influence of the Spiritual Son within a person’s psyche gradually develops as the person progresses along the path of the spiritual sun – just as the sun’s influence upon the Earth does from the winter to summer solstice, until eventually fully merging with the consciousness of an individual. Then he is the world teacher, a light unto the world, and the teacher of teachers.”
I wonder if this concept of ” ascension without physical death” could be a part of the Religion of The Sun or was it later added to Taoism from practices of other traditions? From my research on Taoism I am convinced that the ascension mentioned by numerous Taoist sources is clearly real,at least it is something that could occur in theory,if a spiritual practitioner reaches an advanced enough of practice and passes the test that comes before his/her eventual ascension into the higher realms of existence. It appears to me that Jesus underwent something similar to this, that he rose into the heavenly realms while his body was pretty much alive and well(even though he had died in this world once,could that be interpreted as a test that came before his ascension? ) And could it be possible that ascending into the higher realms while the physical body is intact is one of the ways for one to become a Son/Sun of the Sun? The Taoist practitioners who aim to achieve this goal do not seem to do this out of a merely selfish desire to reach immortality, but have made vows to return to this realm of existence to help in the future. And to eventually ascend one must also accumulate an enormous amount of merits along one’s way of practice. One of the theories regarding what eventually became of Lao Tzu also suggests that he ascended into the higher realms without experiencing physical death this way. (his eventual whereabouts has been a fascinating mystery to mystic enthusiasts and historians alike. One of the Chinese sources states that after he passed on the well-known Taoist writing of Tao Te Ching,he rode on a qing-colored bull and went westward beyond the borders of China,and no one knew what became of him afterwards). So is it possible that while the Wisdom Bringers who are at an advanced level of spiritual development are able to ascend into the higher realms without physical death,ordinary people,through extremely dedicated spiritual practices, can be capable of doing the same?
These comments about dark clouds over the earth are very interesting. Certain places, such as places with an obvious spiritual past, have an opposite, uplifting effect. This conversation has helped me understand why it’s so important to visit them.
In Peru, a spiritual feeling emanates from Cusco and the Sacred Valley and draws people to it like a magnet. The mountains in the sacred valley emanate love: one feels hugged by them in a loving way. I often speak to spiritually minded people about Peru, and they inevitably say “I’ve always wanted to go there…” When my dad first went there, he felt he had come home, and had an experience of “the mother he never knew he had”. When I went it filled me with wonder and reverence in a way I’d never experienced before. Tiwanaku has this incredibly divided energy, both very spiritual and ancient, and very dark, highly contested.
Similarly in England, there are sites like Glastonbury, Avebury, and Stonehenge (although it’s a bit disney-fied) that draw people to them. Glastonbury in particular calls lost souls to it, and has a very interesting past that’s been “Christianized”. Avebury calls practitioners to it, people who want to practice their faith, whether Druid, Faery, Christian, or Wiccan. It’s almost like some sites have a life and will of their own… Even London… I had a dream that I was walking along a path in London with flowering bushes and a monument, and I could feel there was a positive energy that was not in any way explained by the city. When I visited London, it did have this positive vibe to it that made people want to stay, although it was mixed up with other energies, and very subtle. I found the same place from my dream in an inconspicuous neighborhood in back of a church. There’s also a prominent hill called Primrose hill, which now unfortunately is a bit of a party spot and trash dump, but that has a deeply spiritual feel to it, not unlike Glastonbury. There’s a small grove there where some people tie ribbons into the trees, the Druids celebrate sunrise every summer solstice there (except this past one on account of lockdown), and at the top is an oval with a memorial to Iolo Morganwyg, and a quote from William Blake: “I have conversed with the Spiritual Sun, I saw him on Primrose-hill”. There’s definitely also darkness in London, as I once visited a temple of darkness there in the astral plane.
In the US, Sedona has the same magnetic effect as the sacred valley of Peru and Glastonbury, and one feels in the presence of ancient gods. In Colorado, the Puebloan site of Mesa Verde has an intense spiritual silence to it, creating a feeling of awe similar to the redwoods of California. Chaco Canyon gives one the sense of a mysterious and spiritual culture that was highly developed.
Based on stories people have told me, the Himalayas also have a spiritual vibe to them, and of course Egypt and the pyramids, Easter Island, even Greece and Rome… probably any site of pilgrimage is that way for a reason, and in some cases we may not even know why we are drawn to a place. I sometimes wonder if large cities became that way because of the magnetic draw of spiritual forces that were once dominant, perhaps like Mexico City, for example, which stands on the ruins of Tenochtitlán. It could also explain why you can find sacred geometry or solar alignments in some cities, and often find religious buildings at the center, whether of light or darkness.
It feels essential to go on pilgrimages to sacred places, as essential as breathing, as the darkness in the world can be so stifling.
Interesting comment Julian. I have always felt particularly drawn to Glastonbury Tor. I would like to visit other sites in the UK as well, eg. Stonehenge, Castlerigg and some of the stone circles in Scotland / the Orkneys look amazing, but even though I’d like to visit them they don’t have the same kind of pull for me that Glastonbury does, and I can’t explain why I have that affinity to Glastonbury. I had assumed it was something to do with a past life, but maybe there is more to it than that.
It could be a past life, perhaps it was an important spiritual center to many people, maybe some of us were there :) A lot of people feel that same draw to Glastonbury, and on the surface it’s not much more than a hill!
I had an interesting dream last night related to places and energies. I was in a small town with an awful vibe, pretty run down… There was a movie theater where a dark society met. Around every corner, hoodlums and dangerous characters lurked, with ugly and distorted faces, barely human. I wondered why the town was so terrible? I walked into a shop of magical things, looking around and trying to understand what was going on, I got a glimpse into the past, when as a Roman village they worshipped two dark owl gods, which I see statues of. Not ugly or stern figures, but striking, in a dynamic pose, as Roman sculptures are. The sense I got was that dark forces had a hold on that town from ancient times, and the modern state of things was a result of the continuous occupation of darkness in it.
The dark clouds around earth experience has been on my mind for a while now. It describes accurately my day-to-day experience of life, as well as the impact breaking through my psychology has on others. The rarity of this occurrence is lamentable as is the weakness of the emanations – just like in the experience. Looking further into the book (thank you Lara for providing the reference!) I can now see it for a teaching of the Religion of the Sun as well as psychology. The main experience is found on Chapter 13. Here it is for reference:
“The first scene was our planet in space with its great oceans, continents and masses of cloud formations like a NASA space television broadcast. In a minute or two the appearance of the globe began to change radically. Heavy grey, black, brown and red clouds covered the more populated parts of the earth. Occasionally this mass was pierced by fiery red flashes as if from explosions. At times light blue, rose or golden rays and stars arose from the dark background to brighten it. But the whole planet was swamped by an enormous aura of dark ugly colours.
‘You are observing the mental and emotional vibrations emitted by mankind and, as you can see, their quality is low – look at that grey fog of selfishness. The blue sparks are spiritual aspirations of the minority, blotted out by the mass thoughts of passion, hatred and greed which have formed this gigantic aura around the planet in the course of thousands of years. It is just like the ionised layers around the earth which reflect radio waves,’ explained the lama. It was a startling disclosure to see with my own eyes the extensive mental shell surrounding the earth.
‘Our planet is sick due to man’s wrong thinking,’ I whispered. At times the dark clouds protruded far out into ;pace reminding me or the tentacles of an octopus. This dark octopus flying in interplanetary space was not a beautiful sight to behold and the sensation that I lived on its back made me shudder. At that moment brilliant rays of blue, rose and snow-white flashed like lightning through the dark conglomeration.
‘Are they positive mental emissions of groups of people?’ I enquired of my instructor. ‘They are, and you can see how the dark aura of the earth can be cleansed by them if man could only try to broadcast thoughts and emotions on that wave-length. This is what people should do systematically and by synchronisation so that the whole planet would emit fine spiritual vibrations,’ the lama commented.
‘Tara has cried long enough, Mother Nature may one day decide to shake off those shortsighted minds which have created this horrible shell around the earth. Mankind must purify and disinfect its planetary home. The Arhats are doing all they can to neutralise the evil but it is more important to stop the constantly created new negative emissions and only man can do that,’ mused the Tibetan lama as I was watching the pool before Tara and the images that became visible in so strange a manner. Gradually they began to fade and soon there was nothing but the surface of the pool with the intermittent drops falling from above.” (Tomas 1977:144-145)
After the experience Andrew Tomas and the lama talk. The lama recounts a story about the fall of the angel Mara around the time of the creation of man, saying that man now has a choice:
“‘…This is our Planetary Ultimatum and mankind will have to accept the Commandment of the Heart or else it will destroy itself. In breaking the Karmic Law of the universality of life with his destructive behaviour, man will be judged and punished by Nature. Whole cities might be washed away into the oceans and great continents crack in volcanic cataclysms. After the Year of the Arhats the Planetary Ultimatum has to be brought to the attention of all the peoples of earth. This message should be delivered with kindness and compassion, yet very firmly because it is a warning. And warnings are brought only by well-wishers. Man will then have to make his supreme choice – Light or Darkness, Peace or War, Heart or Fist, Wisdom or Ignorance. (Tomas 1977:147)
I have to confess that I am amazed at the correlation of what Mark and Lara are doing to what the lama said is needed to jolt mankind, including the following:
“‘But there is something which is liable to make the mighty Karmic Lords and ourselves, their servants, heard. As the guardians of the cultural legacies of vanished civilisations, we shall open secret vaults in Egypt and demonstrate the existence of a high science and technology in the remote past. On your television screens people will see artifacts of a bygone age. The moral of this discovery will be this – what happened to them can happen to you! You can also become a vanished civilisation and a legend which no one will believe ten thousand years from now. That will be the principal message of the treasure – do not follow Atlantis!’ said the lama with emotion for the first time.”(Tomas 1977:149)
Lastly, I am really impressed by the undertones of the Religion of the Sun in the experience, especially considering it is coming from a Buddhist monk from Tibet. Solar imagery is used almost matter-of-factly with regards to the city of Shambhala as well as the Arhats (eg. Lord of the Sun, exalted beings of the sun, Radiant Ruler of Shambhala). There must have been quite a bit of common knowledge in that society related to the spiritual nature of the sun and of gods (or god-men and god-women) linked to the sun, for these references to be so commonplace.
Thanks Aleks! That was a very inspiring excerpt indeed! I have to say I have also got my hands on this book, inspired by Lara’s post here, but haven’t got to study it yet. :-)
These dark clouds, and the overall state of humanity on this planet is a real tragedy I have to say… But what I would like to know is if its just humanity’s fault, or if there are maybe some other dark forces at play that have been enslaving humanity for a long time, keeping it in the dark, and therefore hugely contributing to the state of affairs now. There are many “conspiracy theories” floating around regarding what’s going on on this planet, but its hard to say what part of them may be true, or if there are even aspects of it that are not mentioned anywhere, etc… Just yesterday, I somehow ended up watching this video for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z6waqOj-bE&list=LL&index=2
It is an interview with a Dutch guy who says he has been having different levels of contact with extraterrestrials for about 50 years now. He says they have been helping us for a while, and that they find it hard to look at how oppressed we are here, and how much inequality there is, which is something they can’t comprehend. The thing I also found interesting were the comments to the video, as instead of the usual negative, belittling or ridiculing comments I actually noticed many down-to-earth, positive and realistic comments, which was very nice to see.
Thanks for sharing those passages, Aleks. I think, like you, and for many others here, the description of the dark clouds upon is and the small glimmers of light really resonates.
It also gives some hope: a little bit of consciousness goes a long way. And as more people have access to this profound, ancient wisdom, perhaps communities of light can be formed.
There was an experience I had many years ago when I was talking with a supervisor. It was a pretty typical conversation and they were being nice, but quite out of the blue, the conversation took a very dark tone and this supervisor made a criticism of someone else (not me, thankfully). As it happened, even before the words were uttered, I swear I could see darkness, like a cloud, forming around their head. It happened for a split second and maybe it was all in my mind, but it gave me something to reflect on. I’m sure I’m like this, too, and that’s a scary realization: that we literally bring darkness upon each other! But at the same time, we also have the capacity to change that :)
This conversation about the dark clouds is brilliant, it’s something I’ve thought about since living with two English back packers in a beautiful sea side city.
They claimed they could see the clouds and said: ‘When you look at the sky you see a beautiful blue sunlit sky; but when we look at the sky; we can see the dark clouds that cover this city’.
Thanks to every one for your contributions, it’s wonderful to read.
“We’re now in 5045 AD, archeologists have begun digging. They’re uncovering similar symbols, artifacts, and legends, all over the world, and are wondering why… For example either identitical, or near-identical churches, crucifixes, and statues of Jesus are being unearthed in almost every continent and region. They conclude that they could not possibly have been connected, and that everyone had invented them independently.”
Me: No, that doesn’t quite make sense…
” Seriously now…”
That made me laugh :)
The thing that’s really remarkable to me is that you’ve assembled evidence from such vastly different areas of study and brought them together in a way that elevates each field of study independently, giving them purpose and sense in a wider context. You’ve made the analogy of having a puzzle with many pieces missing, and it’s like you’ve found a large percentage of the pieces and put them in their correct place, which I believe allows others to start filling the missing spots. In an ideal world, History 101 would use your book as its textbook. I also appreciated how you identify where your work fits in with Martin Doutre, Graham Hancock and Thor Hyerdahl, it’s helpful to understand what’s the same and what’s different, as there are similar ideas.
What I think makes your work very unique, is how you came to study this in the first place, that is, with a spiritual focus, seeking to make ancient knowledge practical today. I’m sure that’s why it’s opened up for you in such a magical way (I would still love to hear and know more about your personal journey and growth through the process of researching, as I think a lot is communicated by the way in which someone learns information; in fact I would love to see a video on that topic alone!). Because of your focus, your work solves the deepest of historical questions: “Why?”
Many people feel called to study and learn about ancient cultures and phenomena, and become entranced and mystified by them for reasons they can’t put into words… and they usually can’t answer that most crucial question of “why”. The results is theories about ancient cultures framed by our own modern culture and values, which as you point out, is not what we’re going to find in ancient history.
Explanations of the ancient people tend to focus on lost technologies, capitalism and labor, reproduction and fertility, worship of the elements of survival, ancient calendars, avoiding cataclysms, etc… As a result of your focus and background, you’ve put a meaningful framework around the study of ancient history, one in which spiritual aims were the most important, one in which we can actually learn something useful from ancient cultures, today (where we might not learn much technologically, for example). Not only that, but it’s the framework the ancient peoples and cultures claim for themselves, via oral traditions and surviving texts, unlike other explanations which are–when you get down to it–made up!
This is a very well-done summary of the main points of the book, and at the same time I noticed a few new additions for the next edition :)
Thanks for putting this together, I know how important it is to condense information into a short, understandable presentation, to make a good case. I think you’ve done it :)
Thank you Julian, exactly. You noticed the few additions :-) I will be including those and more into yet another (small) update, as there are quite a few important and exciting new finds.
What a wonderful, inspiring and very clear overview of your book Lara! And even though there is SO MUCH more in your book of course, this video gives a good sneak peak of it I think, and especially explains the importance of the religion that this lost civilization and its wisdom bringers carried with them. Once put together like this, with corresponding images and concepts from so many seemingly disparate cultures, one wonders how come this was not known before! I guess any connections or similarities between the cultures have been deliberately muddied or belittled before, artifacts destroyed or hidden, and the divisions of humanity encouraged. I can’t even imagine what a power would arise if people all over the world united around this ancient religion of Light, and recognized their common spiritual heritage. I can also see how much there is still to overcome for this to happen though, as there is so much hatred and division in the world, which some encourage from behind, like the racial divisions for example. But it is my hope that the spiritual light of this religion can no longer be hidden or suppressed anymore, and that many people will recognize their ancestral connections to this beautiful creed, expressed through their respective cultures.
Also kudos to the video creators, the images really captured my eye on the very beginning of the video, that Karnak temple image with the sun in the middle is amazing, as is the Machu Picchu with the white stream of light, and many more beautiful video sequences too. Since I made a small video for personal purposes, I find I can appreciate the video work more, like when the level of background music is just perfect or the gentle movement and blending of the images. Great work overall, very enjoyable to watch!
Also really looking forward to the selected topics videos you are planning on, as I imagine there was only so much that could go into the book, and I am sure you have so much more to share about the deeper aspects of certain topics.
That is my hope too.
And in case anyone was wondering what the celebration of people in white at the very beginning of the video (00.16) was, it is the annual summer solstice celebration held at Yakutia in Siberia – the coldest city on Earth! Apparently it’s been celebrated continuously for the last 1,000 years. Absolutely remarkable. When I first saw it, I thought it was Slavic, maybe somewhere in Russia, until I looked closer and saw they all have black hair, as there are Asians living there. It has to be one of the most beautiful celebrations I’ve seen.
Wow, what a wonderful find Lara, I saw that beautiful sequence, but thought it was Slavic too! Interesting they also use the Tibetan-style prayer flags. Searching for them a bit online, it is so intriguing to see this blend of Slavic and Asian (I guess Mongolian in this case?). I also noticed the women like wearing lots of silver jewelry there, similarly to some Chinese tribes. The name of the republic – Sakha/Yakutia is also telling, maybe pointing to their connections to the ancient Saka people that used to live there?
Russia (Russian Federation) has more than 100 of different ethnicities living on its territory with more than 100 of different languages.
Many of them preserved/revived the ancient worship of the sun in so many ways, yet having similar elements with each other and with ceremonies in Europe, Middle East, etc. In Sakha (Yakutiya) the main ceremony is for the summer solstice, called Yhyakh; Ohuokhai dance is their version of what is usually called ‘khorovod’ in Russian language.
In general, the people from Yakutiya have similarity with American indeginious people, yet they got their own Republic within Russian Federation and not just reserves/reservations…
They are known to be sincere, simple, child-like, courageous, close to nature… and so their sacred holidays reflect that spirit.
That’s so interesting. And it’s wonderful they got their own Republic. I wish other native peoples could be given their own independent nations. I wonder how it came to be that their ceremonies are similar to those of other peoples.
Could Sakha be another place where Aryans went thousands of years ago?
Russian scientist Vera Fefelova studied Yakuts that were not mixed with Russians and compared them with other native people, and surprisingly (as they look so Asian) the ancestors of Yakuts have a very high genetic similarity with Aryans (their HLA-A1 is higher than in Russians). So she believes that Yakuts originated from Aryans, who mixed later with Turko-Mongolian tribes.
When Aryans reached Baikal lake (that is an amazing natural sacred site), they could interact there with the ancestors of Yakuts who lived in that area, and later migrated North. Aryans influenced the religions of that region that adapted Aryan solar religion to Tengrism/Shamanism, and later mixed it with Tibetan Buddhism.
Therefore, the similarity in ceremonies.
There was a discussion here about the Solar Japanese Goddess Amaterasu – interestingly – the religion of Sakha also has a Solar Feminine Deity and many other similarities with Shinto religion of Japan.
One of the core concepts of Sakha religion is the World Tree that unites 3 worlds, the same concept as Yggdrasil Tree, or the sacred Dub-Starodub World Tree of Slavs, or the World Tree of Mezoamerican traditions (such as depicted on the sarcophagus of Pakal in Palenque). It seems like all of it originated from the same ancient Aryan source.
Well this Sakha topic send me down an interesting internet rabbit hole :)
One thing I came across that might be of interest is their ancient epic poem, the Olonkho. Not sure if you’ve come across it already? I saw in one article on the summer solstice celebration the following quote which made me curious, as it seems the solstice celebration is referenced in it:
““Yhyakh is first and foremost a celebration of the blessing of life, the spread of goodwill onto all humanity, and of giving thanks to the Sun,” the permanent representative of the Sakha Republic, Yuriy Kupriyanov, told M24. “It survived 1,500, maybe 2,000 years, through our epic tale – the Olonkho, which our ancestors have preserved through word of mouth.”” (https://www.rbth.com/arts/328601-yakutia-sakha-russia-holiday)
2000 years of oral tradition is certainly quite epic and might contain some interesting gems. I tried to track down an English translation, but no luck so far in finding an online version. Apparently it’s quite a challenge to translate from the Sakha language and not many versions abound. Might be interesting to track down a copy and see what else it has to say in there….
Hey Jenny, thats amazing about that oral tradition being passed down for so long. Maybe that’s what Lara meant when she said that Yhyakh has been celebrated continuously for the last 1000 years? I haven’t looked more closely into them, but one thing that I keep wondering about is the Scythian/Saka question. Like some researchers claim that those are the same people, others say that Saka were living more to the East, while Scythians inhabited the western part of the steppe. To me it looks like they could be the same people though, even though differentiated later based on where they spread to live. Their connections to Sarmatians are also interesting, and subsequently to Alans and Ossetians. Lots of questions indeed….
Here is part of an article about Vairocana I found on Britannica,only here his name is spelled as Vairochana instead of Vairocana,but they both refer to the same figure that is revered by Buddhists, especially those of Vajrayana and Mahayana traditions. “Vairochana, (Sanskrit: “Illuminator”) also called Mahavairochana (“Great Illuminator”), the supreme Buddha, as regarded by many Mahayana Buddhists of East Asia and of Tibet, Nepal, and Java…Among the Shingon sect of Japan, he is the chief object of reverence and is regarded as the source of the entire universe. In Japanese he is called Dainichi Nyorai (“Great Sun Buddha”), or Roshana; in Chinese Piluzhena; in Tibetan Rnam-par-snang-mdzad, or Rnam-snang (“Maker of Brilliant Light”).” It does seem that the Chinese translation of his name isn’t actually that far off from the original Sanskrit. I can now see even more signs that the reverence of Vairocana might have had its origins in sun worship,and it would make sense for him to be called “the Great Illuminator”,”Great Sun Buddha”,and “Maker of Brilliant Light” this way. Because those terms do sound like terms that are used to refer to the sun,and given the fact that Vairocana is held as a quite important figure in many of these traditions,he is in a position that is similar to the sun in many more obvious descendants of the Religion of The Sun. It’s also very interesting how Shingon Buddhists of Japan view him as the source of the entire universe and consider him to be an important object of reverence, while Shintoism,the indigenous folk religion of Japan considers the sun goddess Amaterasu to be the most important deity in its pantheon. Amaterasu and Vairocana have something in common that the majority of Shintos and Buddhists do not recognize,and ever since Buddhism arrived in Japan,it has been in a constant competition with the native Shinto religion to gain more followers. There was never really any major acts of violence that broke out between the followers of these two religions,but they were,and still are definitely not fans of one another. I remember from another article that a Western missionary who tried to spread Roman Catholicism in Japan once used the term Dainichi,the Japanese name for Vairocana to refer to God,but later changed it to Deus. I am thinking that it is more likely than not that all of the three religions I’ve mentioned above have been influenced at least in part by the Religion of The Sun that once spread across the globe,and it would be a ridiculous thing for the followers of these faiths to want to “beat each other out” so to speak. I never really expected to find Buddhism having a connection to the Religion of The Sun,but after learning about the name of the Sakya clan that the historical Buddha was born into and a cosmic Buddha named Vairocana whose name means “Illuminator” in Sanskrit,I have started to rethink. While Buddhism may not be a direct descendant of the Religion of The Sun like Hinduism,it clearly has absrobed elements of it into its own belief system. And obviously most Buddhists probably do not want to accept this as truth,since they are firm in their belief that the Buddha was against Brahminism(later known as Hinduism). I am really starting to wonder just how powerful an influence the Religion of The Sun once had on the surface of this planet…and it is really a shame that followers of different faiths do not recognize their common spiritual heritage
Excellent find. There is also a great teacher called Virochana in the Hindu tradition of India. His name means “the bright/illuminating/shining one” in Sanskrit, which are terms also used to describe the sun god. He was said to have been a teacher of the asuras, who I believe are related to the Aesir of Europe (with Odin), and the Saka Scythians. I write about this in my book, including his possible connection to Viracocha of Peru, but I had no idea about Vairochana of the Buddhists, and that his name is almost identical, has the same meaning, and is connected to the sun! What an amazing find. Is there any indication as to when Buddha Vairochana lived?
The fact that some Buddhists still revere him reveals that Buddhism likely has it’s roots in the Religion of the Sun; it also clearly contains knowledge from it. But at some point it changed and took a different direction away from it. Instead of the goal being enlightenment, it changed to attaining emptiness and annihilation (which seems very dark to me). I wonder how and when this happened. Maybe it started with the historical Buddha, and that Buddhism’s roots are much, much older. Or maybe it started long after the death of the historical Buddha with different groups forming and creating misinterpretations.
I also wonder if there would be Buddhists who would be interested to know the true origins of their religion.
I’m not sure if I am the first person ever to suggest a connection between Amaterasu and Vairocana,even my Japanese friend,who is now in Japan again for personal reasons,find it hard to believe when I told her about my discovery. She simply replied to me “It can’t possibly be true. ” Then I explained to her how I came to this conclusion,and she said,”I will have to digest that for a while. ” Also I forgot to mention that the names of both Amaterasu and Vairocana have something to do with “illumination” in their original languages,and could that be nothing more than a coincidence? I doubt it. There are too many similarities in the world that have been dismissed by the so-called experts as merely coincidences,and as someone who is looking into things with an open mind and trying to find out the truth about everything,I really don’t think it would be right for me to just dismiss or ignore these so-called coincidences like they do. By dismissing similarities as coincidences we are missing out on a lot of important clues to uncover the whole picture regarding our past,and it really the time for the “coincidences” to be taken seriously. Just like how Lara said in her video,if archeologists centuries later found signs of Chrisitianity all over the world and dismiss them as nothing more than coincidences,that would be really problematic. We are really starting to look at the world we live in in a new way,from a new perspective as the Atwoods began sharing their findings with the world via books and the Internet. As for me,I’ve decided to partake in the mission of reviving the ancient religion of the sun myself. So any new discovery,no matter how small or insignificant they may seem,like the similarities between the names of the Sakha people and the Sakya clan, Amaterasu and Vairocana, I find them hard to ignore. Even though Japan and Buddhism are not the main subjects of my research currently, I do take note of them as they may contain the missing pieces of the puzzle that the world needs.
I am now beginning to wonder if all of the world’s major religions have been influenced at least in part by the ancient religion of the sun. I did not expect to find a potential connection in Buddhism,but that is just how it turned out for me. I looked a little bit into Islam as well and even visited a few mosques in my area,but no luck so far when it comes to traces of the religion of the sun. I haven’t read the religious texts yet since the Quran and the Hadith are written in Arabic,Muslims prefer to read them in the original language so that it won’t cause confusion among them,and that is a language I don’t know at all and I don’t think I need to start learning a whole new language just for reading religious texts. I am still teaching myself classical Chinese,but that’s really just an archaic form of a language that I already know.
I just wanna add that I just noticed that there is also a similarity between the names of Vairocana and Virococha. I’m sorry if it seems like I just keep going on forever,but I do come to realizations by just thinking about things in my head.
This is an interesting topic indeed, when you look into ancient Buddhist sites, they often have the 4 Buddhas facing 4 directions, each showing a different mudra and representing certain qualities, and Vairocana Buddha is the Buddha of the center of all… like the illuminating sun being in the center.
As we know, early Buddhism continued as a new development of Hindu schools, both Vedic and Tantric traditions, being a new branch of the great ancient tree… The connection between Buddhism and earlier schools becomes so obvious in old Buddhist sites, one of the caves that I saw in the northern area of Aurangabad in Maharashtra, had a beautiful carving of Ganesha and female Deities facing the entry on the East, the Buddha facing them, was depicted in the other part of the same cave (they looked like the work of same artists, not that the Buddha was added later on).
The historical Buddha was one of numerous Rishis/Siddhas of India… but for some reasons, while most of them remained little known, or worshiped in small sects, Buddhism developed as a separate mainstream religion, and even Hinduism started to revere the Buddha as one of the incarnations of Vishnu, etc. Could it be because of the simplicity of the main message of the historical Buddha, that became so easy to broadcast to the mainstream?
There is something else, that is not widely known…
When the Buddha left his kingdom and wondered around in the search of the true way of life, he is known to encounter two wise Brahmins, who passed him the Vedic teachings, the techniques, the mantras, etc that he based his practice upon. When he reached his “enlightenment”, one of his great insights was about his past lives, remembering them and having the further insight about the nature of suffering caused by our ego developing through many lives, and the 8 folded Path out of it, all based on the concept of reincarnation, that is such an essential part of Hinduism.
But let me draw another parallel – is it not interesting that similarly to the Buddha, Moses also was known to be raised as a prince?
One of the names of the Buddha that was mentioned, is Roshana, is it just a coincidence that it sounds so similar to Hebrew Rosh Hashanah? Roshana means the “shining one”, “the illuminated” and Rosh Hashanah celebrates the creation of the world and the humanity by God, the source of light.
According to the teachings preserved by Rosicrucians, Moses lived during the time of Amenhotep 3 (not Seti 1) and was the disciple of legendary Akhenaten – the mission of Moses was to bring the teachings of the sun to Hebrew people. Other references to Moses, also preserved in Rosicrucian archives, say that Moses was the priest in Heliopolis, the City of the Sun, his Egyptian name was Osarsiph but when he went to Hebrews, “his name changed and he was called Moses”,
And now, we can look on evolution (and in other sense, devolution) of both Buddhism and Judaism looking so different that for most people it would make a little sense to look for their similarities and the possibility of common origins.
This is indeed a very interesting addition to the Religion of the Sun history Emily! I find it intriguing that just by using different keywords, or having a different cultural background (like you do), one can find things that other people would not be able to stumble upon! It indeed sounds like this mysterious Buddha Vairochana could be, in fact, a representation of the Sun. In my quick look online just now, found that he is also sometimes depicted as being surrounded by 4 other Buddha figures in 4 cardinal directions, which reminds me of the solar cross.
Regarding Buddhism, I feel like there is a lot to uncover there, how and why it was established, and how it seems to have absorbed into itself different aspects of other religions. In my look into the ancient Tibet for example, I found that after its arrival (which some say was actually a kind of invasion) to Tibet in 7-th century, Buddhism is said to have absorbed the elements of the local Bon religion into itself (like making the local Bon deities into the Buddhist “protectors”), and in that way made itself more appealing to the local population over time. Borrowings from Buddhism to Bon have also happened over time, so that as one author commented, “today’s Bon feels more like a Buddhist sect”.
The original religion of Tibet, though, seems to have been a solar religion, and may not have been called Bon at that time, even though its aspects have been preserved in some Bon writings. For example the fabled founder of the Bon religion called Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche also seems to have the attributes of an enlightened wisdom-bringer who forbade animal sacrifices, “cleared the environment”, exorcised the evil spirits (reminding me of what Osiris is said to have done in Egypt) or teaching people different rituals or dances. The only problem with this figure is that people can’t seem to agree on the time when he supposedly lived, the time-frame ranging from 18 000 – 4000 years ago. :-O Today, this blend of Buddhism and Bon on a more esoteric level can be seen in the practice of Dzogchen, which has as its ultimate goal the liberation or attainment of our “true nature (haven’t looked into it deeply enough to really understand how they go about that and if it has anything to do with the Religion of the Sun).
Hi Lara,
I didn’t know there was a figure in Hinduism named Virochana as well,that is very interesting for sure. I haven’t found any information as to when Vairocana Buddha lived exactly,but here is some information which I found about Vairocana that describes him in a manner similar to that of the sun from a website I believe called Antique Buddha(I don’t remember exactly):”In Brahma Net Sutra, it is written that Vairocana Buddha is seated on a top of a lotus pedestal and surrounding of that lotus there are thousands of flowers. These flowers are the Sakyamuni Buddhas, which supports a hundred million worlds. It is also mentioned that Sakyamuni Buddha is born in each world. They all attain Buddhahood at the same time under Bodhi tree. All these Sakyamuni Buddhas have Vairocana as their original body.
In Flower Garland Sutra, also called Avatamsaka, Vairocana is presented as the ground of being and the matrix from which all phenomena emerges. He is regarded as the Dharma Body of the historical Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama).
In Samantabhadra Meditation Sutra, also called as the “Sutra of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal Virtue”, Vairocana is mentioned as a Buddha who has similar characteristics as that of Sakyamuni Buddha. And he roams around a place called “Always Tranquil Light”.
Lotus Sutra, also called Saddharma Pundarika Sutra, is composed in the first century B.E.C. In this sutra, it is believed that Buddhas are said not to die even though their physical bodies degenerate. It is also mentioned that Buddha has explained that he has always lead the beings to their salvation and will always continue to do so. Therefore he is considered as the most sublime or truest reality in the universe.
In Mahavairocana Sutra, Vairocana is depicted as the universal Buddha from whom all other Buddha are originated. He is also represented as the source of enlightenment who helps others to be free from causes and conditions. It is also mentioned that Vairocana taught about the Dharma to Vajrasattva but it was incomprehensible to learn for them. That’s why Vairocana provided esoteric techniques and rituals to help Vajrasattva to conceptualize the Dharma beyond verbal form. Therefore, Vairocana is also referred as a teacher, without whom there would have been no Buddhism, and also there would not have the path to enlightenment.”
I have noticed that in the Avatamsaka Sutra,Vairocana is being described as “the ground of being and the martix from which all phenomena emerges”. Which reminds me of something that you said in an earlier video about the Spiritual Sun and the Electric Universe theory,and it seems like to me that Vairocana Buddha is more of a representation of the Spiritual Sun than the physical one. As for the notion of emptiness,different schools of Buddhism have slightly different ways of defining emptiness. In Theravada Buddhism, emptiness is basically the non-self nature of the five aggregates,which to understand it may require doing a little bit of Google search. But in a nutshell,it states that what we normally consider as The Self,like our thoughts, feelings,and emotions,are not actually part of what we may consider as The Self. In another word,what we usually associate as The Self is nothing more than a false ego that is made up of thoughts,feelings and emotions. And through doing meditation,one can actually realize for oneself that these thoughts,feelings and emotions are not really The Self that we may think exists, therefore weakening the false ego. Realizing emptiness is essentially destroying the false ego that is made up of mental afflictions,it is not exactly about annihilation as many may think,that is a misconception about Buddhism. In Mahayana Buddhism,the form of Buddhism that is prodominant in East Asian countries like China,Korea and Japan, emptiness can be attributed to all phenomena that exists,all phenomena are empty in nature,which means that similar to how thoughts,feelings and emotions make up one’s false ego,the cells in the human body make up an illusionary entity that is called the body. The body is empty by its nature because it is not what it seems,it is not the solid and firm thing that it appears to be,rather it is made up of many different parts that by themselves are not the body,the same can be said about the cells themselves,if you remember anything from high school biology class then you might know that cells are made of different parts called organelles,and organelles are made of even smaller things…and you could just keep going down the scale until you reach the level of an atom,even then you can still find the nature of emptiness. Atoms are also made of different parts called protons,neutrons and electrons. When you take them apart there is no longer such a thing as an atom. So in other words,”everything is empty” means that all phenomena that we can perceive in this reality that we’re in are illusionary in nature. They are not as solid,firm and real as we may think they are. It is also interesting that Mahayana Buddhists consider their form of Buddhism to be the most advanced level of teachings delivered by the Buddha,it is also within the Mahayana tradition that Vairocana is being revered. I’m not sure if any of what I’ve said above makes any sense,all of the explanations are according to my understanding. And I’m not sure whether I got them right or not. I’ve only tried my best.
Hi Emily and Lara,
Your discussions regarding the nature of Buddhism seemed to get stuck somewhere in my deeper mind, as today, while researching something else, I came across some leads that led me further down on the path of searching for a crucial difference between Buddhism and the Religion of the Sun (I am sure there are more specific differences between the two, in regards to the practices, but the one I investigated today seems to be a major doctrinal difference to me). It also strangely explains why Lingling’s Buddhist friends seemed to be so triggered (maybe subconsciously) when she talked to them about the “Sun Buddha” Vairochana. :-O
Now I am sure Lara is aware of all this, but for me it was quite a revelation today! :-) Anyway, let me share:
I started by exploring the Buddhist term “Anatta”, meaning “non-self” or “substanceless” (in Sanskrit anatman). The Buddhist doctrine of Anatta basically states that there is no permanent, underlying substance in humans that could be called the soul. Instead, the individual is made of different factors that are constantly changing, similarly to what Emily explained. The concept of anatta, or anatman, is therefore the opposite of the Hindu belief in atman (which in Hinduism refers to the Higher Self that has actually nothing to do with the egos).
The atman is variously translated into English as the eternal self, spirit, essence, soul, or breath. It is the true self as opposed to the ego. The concept of the atman is central to all six major schools of Hinduism, and it is one of the major differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. Buddhist belief does not include the concept of the individual soul (imagine how Christians must feel about this!). https://www.learnreligions.com/what-is-atman-in-hinduism-4691403
The concept of atman was first proposed in the Rigveda, and is also mentioned in the Upanishads. For example Katha Upanishad starts with stating its objective as follows: … this is the investigation whether after the death of man the soul exists; some assert the soul exists; the soul does not exist, assert others.” At the end, the same Upanishad concludes with the words, “it exists.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adi_Shankara)
There are over 200 separate Upanishads. Many address the atman, explaining that atman is the essence of all things; it cannot be understood intellectually but can be perceived through meditation. According to the Upanishads, atman and Brahman are part of the same substance; atman returns to Brahman when the atman is finally liberated and is no longer reincarnated. This return, or reabsorption into Brahman, is called moksha. https://www.learnreligions.com/what-is-atman-in-hinduism-4691403
While the atman is the essence of an individual, Brahman is an unchanging, universal spirit or consciousness which underlies all things. They are discussed and named as distinct from one another, but they are not always thought of as distinct. https://www.learnreligions.com/what-is-atman-in-hinduism-4691403
In general, atman is understood to be:
Separate from ego or personality
Unchanging and unaffected by events
The true nature or essence of oneself
Divine and pure
So, as I can see, the different enlightened Beings like Odin, Jesus, or Osiris (or many other enlightened beings, the names of which we don’t know, often called “Gods”) are the beings that have dissolved their ego and merged with their Atman/Higher Self, becoming a self-conscious part of Brahman/Universal Self.
Buddhism seems to acknowledge the existence of Brahman/Brahma (as a sort of unchanging ultimate reality), but denies the existence of Atman – an individualized part of Brahma with an autonomous existence. Interestingly, while there seem to be some deities described in Buddhism (like Avalokiteshvara, Amitabha or the so-called tantric deities), they seem to be regarded just as some temporary manifestations of the Universal reality, without being considered as having their own individual life within that reality.
On the contrary, as far as my understanding goes, the awakened individuals of the Religion of the Sun are considered Individual Beings (Individual Suns or Sons of the Sun) within the Universal Sun, on different spiritual levels, who can also continue to raise in their spiritual level and experience as individual Beings (for example Jesus is said to have come to Earth as already enlightened being, in order to give a teaching to the humankind, but also to further his own development). In his book The Ancient Path of the Sun, Mark describes how this “inner sun” is born within a spiritually prepared person at a certain stage of the Path of the Sun, and then continues to grow until it finally ascends to the Father (Brahma?) at the end of the Path. Buddhism does not mention this process of growth of the Sun/Son within, and therefore IMO seems to be lacking something… From this point of view, that video, which Lara shared some time ago of a Chinese guy talking about his out-of-body experience where he met Buddha seems very important, as in it, Buddha is acknowledging his mistake of ignoring the reality of the Spiritual Sun (shared here: https://sakrosawel.com/spiritual-experiences-religion-of-the-sun/).
That’s a very helpful explanation Lucia. There is no Spiritual Son/Sun in Buddhism neither on a personal or universal level. So despite all the spiritual looking ceremony surrounding Buddhism, it is very seriously lacking. The Spiritual Sun brings light; without it there is darkness, especially when it is rejected. The fact that there are branches of Buddhism that still revere the Sun Buddha Vairochana indicates to me that there must have been a split within the legacy that Buddhism draws upon. I wonder whether that occurred with the creation of Buddhism, or during the development of Buddhism, or even multiple times.
Hi Lucia,
I think you made a good point about te difference between the Buddhist notion of non-self and the Spiritual Sun that the Religion of The Sun teaches. I wanted to talk about Buddhism here because I found what I consider “elements” of the religion of the sun in there and from the name of the clan that the Buddha was born into I think there is a possibility that he might be related to the Sahka/Saka people being discussed above. Buddha Vairocana is clearly one of the elements of the religion of the sun that I’ve found, but actually that is not the only one. For example the Religion of The Sun talks about the rise and fall of civilizations throughout the ages and periods of spiritual ascension and spiritual decline, while numerous Buddhist texts also speak of similar things and mention that there was a time in the distant past where humanity as a whole was a lot more spiritual than we are now and at the time of greatest spiritual purity the maximum human lifespan was 84000 years,and overtime people slowly became less spiritual, their morals degenerated, and they became increasingly materialistic and greedy,as a result,their lifespan also decreased. Buddhist texts speak of a time in the future where there is great chaos in the world that even families and friends would fight against one another,and their degree of corruption is beyond the imagination of any of us today. And the maximum lifespan for them is only 10 years. From there people will slowly realize the cause of their suffering is their greed and their corrupt morals, and they will disgard their wicked way and things will start to the change for the better until human lifespan reaches 84000 years again,and the cycle repeats. We are now currently living in the period of decreasing human lifespan, and means we are also living in the period of spiritual decline. This is similar to what Hinduism and other branches of the Religion of The Sun teach, that we are living in the Iron Age/ Kali Yuga. While Buddhists do not use these terminologies, their idea about spiritual ascension and spiritual decline is similar to that of the Religion of The Sun. Their texts also speak of periodic catastrophs. These are all important parts of the Buddhist cosmology which I think is clear that was influenced by the Religion of the Sun to say the least. And the Buddhists we’ve met are really proud of that part of their religion as it teaches something profound that is hardly ever heard of in other parts the atheist society outside of the Buddhist community. So I am convinced that Buddhism was at least partially influenced by the Religion of The Sun and the historical Buddha himself may be related to the Aryans. I have discussed this with Lingling,who decided to give a presentation on this matter at a Buddhist gathering,after which she was being politely asked to leave. She also got removed from several Buddhist group chats created by her Buddhists friends on a few different online platforms after she gave that presentation. Some of her former Buddhist friends blocked her from contacting them as well. But we have been certain that what we’ve talked about are indeed. elements of the religion of the sun that somehow got into the Buddhist belief system even though Buddhism may not have been a direct descendant of the Ancient Religion of The Sun. Despite not being a branch of the religion of the sun, elements of it that was incorporated into its belief system really shows how much of an influence the Religion of The Sun once had in this world.
I agree Emily. I think Buddhism was definitely derived from the religion of the sun and preserves a lot of knowledge from it. The way I see it is that Buddhism had its roots in the religion of the sun, but split from it in a big way with the teachings of the historical Buddha, while still maintaining a connection to its earlier origins. It is known that Buddha was a prince of the solar dynasty in India (likely of Scythian type ancestry) and was considered a “son of the sun” who was trained as a Hindu priest to a high level, but who broke away from the priesthood and attempted to reform Hinduism. That is at least partly why Buddhism contains so much knowledge from Hinduism. But is also why some very important parts of Hinduism, like the spiritual sun, were left out. Apparently Buddha was opposed to the extreme dogmatism and elitism that had developed in Hinduism, and had wanted to simplify it so that it helped the common person. It seems that despite his good intentions, he didn’t have enough understanding to teach the whole knowledge. This wasn’t the end of the misunderstandings though. Buddha’s teachings were apparently only written down hundreds of years later, so it’s possible they could have been partially lost or misconstrued. There also seem to have been later changes that essentially turned Buddhism into a form of atheism. Some of the old knowledge and symbols of the religion of the sun are still there within it though.
I also think that another transfer of knowledge from the religion of the sun into Buddhism occurred in Tibet, which is why Tibetan Buddhism seems a bit different. I think that ancient archives kept in Tibet were somehow absorbed or taken over by Buddhists along with knowledge from the practitioners of the religion of the sun in the historical (not mythical) city of Shambhala.
And just a further comment on that. I think that some of these Tibetan Buddhist monasteries have done an amazing work in preserving the ancient records, but since they don’t publish them (for the benefit of humanity), then I don’t see how their archives are that different from those kept by the Vatican.
Please don’t feel worried about Lingling and I because of what happened between Linging and the Buddhists. Unfortunately they were not pleased upon hearing about what she had to say,and said to her that what she did was “very disrespectful to the Dharma” and asked her to leave the gathering that she was originally being invited to attend. Not long afterwards she was also being removed from several group chats created by her former Buddhist friends,who took her in because she expressed her interest to learn more about Buddhism. She got blocked by the Buddhists likely for the same reason…I was actually also a little bit worried about how she might feel about this at first and thought about ways of comforting her, but she said this doesn’t really bother her a lot, even though she might have felt differently if something like this happened to her at an earlier time. She said,”I have gone as far as losing my love interest whom I considered to be my entire world because of what I believe,what more could I possibly lose if they never contact me again? ” Recently we have slowly gotten used to all of the ridicules, slanders and what not that have been thrown at us by the people around us. For a long time actually we weren’t really sure how to deal with all of the negative comments that we’ve been getting,however knowing that there is this darkness that is surrounding this world and when light makes an attempt to shine through it, darkness would certainly tremble gives us the confidence to continue our work without fear or worries inspite of all of the negative comments that we’ve been getting. This is not the first time that something like this has happened to us,and it would not surprise us if it happens to us again in the future. I think now we truly understand what Lara said about Light and Darkness during one of the interviews she had with one of the Youtubers out there(It was Grimerica I believe? ) that the Religion of The Sun is the religion of Light,and Darkness does not like it when there is Light. I have been foretold by the Golden Sun Bird(a being that appears to me every now and then in the form of the Golden Sun Bird symbol from Sanxingdui) that getting negative reactions for promoting what we believe is true is not going to end anytime soon, and it is important to stand strong against the darkness that is trying to defeat the light. Now that we understand this is true,we have developed the courage to continue our spiritual journey towards the Sun without the slightest of fear. I do feel that personally I have changed a lot since the overcoming of the fear and anxiety which lurk around the back of my head during and after I tell people about the Religion of The Sun. Now all of that are gone. I guess you could say this has been a process of overcoming the inner darkness on one’s path towards spiritual enlightenment,like how the Sun descends into darkness after the Summer Solstice to confront the growing darkness.
Just wanted to say that the religion of the sun has changed our lives in many ways, while it has also caused some of us to lose what we consider to be really important to us. But the reality is just that sometimes you have to lose in order to gain.
Maybe you can also find insightful, looking into the Pure Land Buddhism.
I can’t speak for the whole tradition, but in the school where I studied, we were taught that Amida (Amitabha, “Infinite Light”) Buddha is the center of the Universe, it is ok to see Amida as God, this is just another name…
We were taught that there are 9 levels of the unconscious (we can become aware of them with practice):
5 senses,
6-“mana” – the mind, the realization of our existence,
7-“ego” – the self separated from others,
8-“amala” – collective unconscious, the connection with all beings,
and finally,
9-“alaya” – non relativity, Buddha consciousness.
The goal of life is to be reborn in the realm of Amida Buddha, in other words, in a spiritual high-dimensional paradise of awakened beings.
That resonates with the formula of Vajrayana teachings that the BUDDHAHOOD (Awakening) = CLEAR LIGHT + ILLUSORY BODY.
From what I saw, the main problem with Buddhism is that on mainstream level, it became not only very much pseudo-esoteric (lacking the keys to enlightenment), but also atheist. Many believe that everything is impermanent to such an extent that there is no permanent soul, spirit or God (but some Buddhist schools may prefer to be seen as atheist, in order to adapt/function in countries like China and Vietnam.). On the mystical level, at least from my experience, the most well known Tibetan tradition, got severely infiltrated by the dark. I tried entering it in 3 different countries and every time, experienced deep darkness.
Just to add more to this topic – another interesting look at Buddhism, is the symbolism of the birth of the Buddha.
It is said that the God Brahma entered the body of his mother Maya in the dream state as the white elephant. The name Siddhartha Gautama means “He who has attained his goal”. And after being born it is said that the baby Buddha walked on 7 lotus flowers towards each of the 4 cardinal points…
Could it be interpreted in the same way as the Birth of the “Spiritual Son?
Thanks Vadim for that insight into Buddhist philosophy. I have heard that this move towards an atheist form of Buddhism occurred sometime after the historical Buddha, but I haven’t looked into it.
It’s very interesting to hear about your experience of Tibetan Buddhism being connected to “the dark side”. I have also heard of this from other sources, though it seems, as in other religions that are of darkness, that there are still many well intentioned, genuine people in them. Perhaps you were more able to pick up on the darkness having some understanding of the religion of the sun, whereas most people aren’t able since they are completely immersed in the darkness of their own subconscious anyway.
Buddha was believed to be a “Son of the Sun” since he was part of the lineage of the solar dynasty. So perhaps his birth symbolically reflected the old knowledge of what a “Son of the Sun” really was in a spiritual sense (not just by ancestry).
Haha Lara… :-D That last sentence on the secrets hidden in the monasteries was spot on! When looking into Ancient China and Tibet, I also came across a couple of testimonies about the mysterious happenings in these monasteries, like incredibly old ancient texts held there, as well as the lamas astral projecting and investigating places and events far away, even a mummy of supposedly extraterrestrial awakened being being kept in one of the chambers of a monastery in Mongolia, etc… If only a fraction of all that was made public, how much more Humanity would know about not just their ancient history, but about the nature of reality in general!
Yes for sure, having at least some understanding of this religion of the sun is so essential when meeting the dark side. I really hope and pray that your project will keep growing and prospering, because it can help so many people around the world to stay with the light during these challenging times.
The way I see it, just like Buddhism itself, the Tibetan tradition is very diverse and accumulated a lot throughout time. It was meant to be mystical and esoteric from its very start when Indian Tantric Buddhism took over traditional Tibetan shamanism. (In accordance to the insight of “Dancer in the Sky” translated by Keith Dowman, it was known from the very start that things will greatly degenerate in the future.)
Yeshe Tsogyal, “the Dakini Queen of the Lake of Awareness”: “The Guru made this pronouncement: “At this moment the Tantra has the vital potency of youth. In the future its promise will not be fulfilled. Its practice will be confused and perverted.””
You know, even in quite recent times, famous mystics like Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Roerich, etc all turned towards Tibet as a place of great wisdom and knowledge.
Some secret services and secret organizations of different countries made much effort to study the mysteries of Tibet. (Could they play a role in making the Tibetan tradition dark?)
On a more “simple practitioner level”, there are many great basic practices preserved there, for example one can chant OM MANI PADME HUM and visualize being a wonderful being of love and compassion shining to the world from the very heart, the 5 Tibetan Rites done with a spiritual focus can be a great way to stay in health and boost mindfulness (you can do it before or after your set of Yoga Asanas), if you want to learn more about their astral practices, look into “The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep” book by Tenzil Wangyal Rinpoche, etc.
The dark side is a relatively small part of the Tibetan school, but is very powerful, with its roots deeply in infra-dimensions, mastering dark powers to such a degree that it has a very powerful effect on their tradition in particular, and the world in general. Some very sinister things keep happening, while the Dalai Lama is like a front man, giving a nice image worldwide.
From what I saw, while there is a lot of darkness everywhere, it is really not the same with Zen Buddhism of Japan, or Forest tradition of Thailand and Myanmar, or with Daoism of Wudang, or even with Hinduism in general, or even with so called “Left-Hand Tantra”.
If you try to really put efforts to awaken within the Tibetan tradition, you can get a guidance in different ways and pass esoteric tests, developing your mindfulness together with your ego side, you get amazing psychic powers as rewards, people naturally follow the Tibetan adept because they feel like following, it feels compellingly right, etc.
I can’t put in words how much power it could be, there is much more to it… but for a specific example, Tibetan mantras/visualizations/symbols that are meant to connect one with “Yidams” (that people assume are spiritual Deities), can connect one with negative beings, and channeling them can be done as a part of long practices with many steps… all that keeps strengthening that connection with the dark side, that is very hypnotizing and can “feel good”.
The deeper you go into that darkness, the harder is to break out of it.
Thank you so much for your help dear Mark and Lara to make the light shine.
Your explanation is very interesting Vadim. I had the impression that Tibetan Buddhism led into darkness (partly) in this way. It has certainly gained quite a large influence in the world too, though definitely not as large as some other religions. I hope one day the Religion of the Sun can have its own influence of light; we shall see.
Wow those Yhyakh celebrations are wonderful! Such beautiful dancing, sincere reverence and celebration among so many! Thank you Lara and the team for bringing all this new information to my attention and to a wider audience. This presentation just grabs the mind and shakes all the social conditioning and false history lessons from it momentarily, snapping it into seeing a greater reality.
I love how after all the compelling evidence that’s provided to support such an incredible theory, you just bring it back to how we are being led by the same spiritual forces in the natural world around us to this eternal connection to the light, the same journey as our ancestors. It’s humbling to reassess our position in history to become inheritors of such an incredible civilization, and to realise we are walking among its vestiges even today.
Amazing presentation, it gives me hope that a different future is possible, with a different past supporting it.
Hi Lara,
a great video and one that provides a good overview – with enough detail and references – to a different history of our humanity and that of the Religion of the Sun. I hope many get to watch it and ponder on it’s content, especially on the similarities between cultural practices of ancient times, the intercontinental travel by reed boats before our recent explorers and the common racial characteristics of blue/green eyes, red or fair hair in unexpected locations around the world. From your research, it seems there are others who have also been collating evidence and noticing similarities across the globe, pointing to a Golden Age, a more spiritually focused time in human history and one that was connected in reverence of the Sun – The Lost Civilization of the Sun an you accurately describe it. .
I’ve read the book, and have been studying along and looking into the different topics. However one thing that occurred to me from this particular video, bit of a penny drop, is that Lara – in combining all the finds and putting it together – is successfully presenting a whole new view of history. It reminds me a bit, for me, of how I once read Mark was able to completely give anew from his experience the way for an individual to walk the ancient spiritual road. It seems to me Lara’s research is starting to reach the point of being able to give a whole new view as well – that within the field of human history. What could that come to mean?
@this video. I can see how this video must’ve taken considerable time to make. In editing with finding the most suitable images each time for example. But also on the transcript side, summarising a 350+ page book like that :-)! haha. But I’m so glad you got the job done and that this is out there. Because now, together with your last one of why the sun was worshipped, a really important base is there I feel, which can be built on further. Future episodes on specific topics would also need less explanation of the major themes and so can focus on their own subjects. I know it’s small thing on the whole, but what a perfect thumbnail image on Youtube. I did miss the magical music a bit as it a major contributor to the emotion a video conveys, but understand that for an hour long content intensive presentation like this it might become a bit much so would make the same choice myself. I just saw the added video ‘chapters’ to the Youtube description, great idea, shows more clearly too how much is packed into this one video. It is all very serious, yet I’ve loved the little humour in a few recent comments on YT and at the start of the video.
I’ve been thinking about your question Akira. It seems the understanding of the past is the foundation that we build our lives and civilizations upon. If our foundations are made of lies, then our whole way of approaching life is distorted. I think that is why knowing the truth about the past is so important.
Having at least a more truthful view of history (if it were taken seriously) could alter a person’s perspective of life and affect the ways they approach it in ways that we might not be able to imagine.
Just look at how sick and materialistic our civilization has become through having such a false view of the past. Now start to reverse that.
This is a great comment Lara and I fully agree with you. I have felt this first hand in my own life, when I made wrong decisions based on personal ignorance and based on a wrong view of reality that was taught to me through so many channels of society. The pain and the realization of my ignorance have pushed me on an ongoing longing to find the truth and to question almost everything. I have seen real evidence that all branches of life that I have investigated have been infested with lies, from science to archaeology, history, the educational system and many others. What chances does that give us to make good and helpful decisions? I have come to learn also that the biggest lies are the ones that reside within, in the form or fears, angers, prides, negativity and so forth, which seem to propagate the lies and which also seem to be drawn to more lies. If I could clean up those, I sense I could see the world more objectively, closer to truth and let my intuition and consciousness grow. That is also why I am tremendously thankful for your work which cleans up history and gives humanity a new chance to look at the world from a wholly new perspective and also, perhaps…to look within.
When reading your comment I tried to imagine myself back into that perception, without this more actual picture of history and without the deeper purpose Mark has given, wanting to see how that felt again, but I couldn’t.
However I felt a little glimpse of it in another way recently where in a waiting room I was forced to listen to a radio station for some time. I don’t do those things any more, and so the commercials, lottery money emotional bait ads, what the host was spewing, the pop songs themselves etc. felt it was dragging me down and emotionally imprisoning me. I know that if being in such environments for long enough it will make our spiritual side become lost, regelated to a memory only.
The point being that I feel what you’re presenting is not just ‘a’ different view of history which someone can adopt mentally, like a switch of theories. But that the limited materialistic perception most people are in nowadays forms a prison which is an energetic one.
It is also hard to imagine what it would be like when many more people would come to take on opening to this side of their past and to their own wonderful inherent connection to the spiritual, hopefully it will not have to be imagined but can become seen :- )!
Wow what a great work, very interesting indeed, totally resonates and makes sense…
I have just happened to visit again the Petroglyphs site in Ontario, Canada a week ago, where we have potentially the biggest collection of spiritual teachings of Native Americans of the region of the Great Lakes recorded in stone.
The symbol that attracts people’s attention right away and seems to be the main focus of the site, is the depiction of the human being with the sun instead of the head, the being “enlightened by the sun”. The image nearby appears to show the ship with the sign of the sun on top.
I was told that in Native American tradition of that region, the sun is believed to be their Grandfather, and also, their “home”, and so the Petroglyphs rock is slopped towards the East and most of its figures appear as walking from the direction of the rising sun…
For me, the practical aspect is always the most interesting, I understand that the theory/philosophy should go before the practice, but it could be so interesting to learn more about the actual practice of this Religion of the Sun.
Hey Vadim!
That is so amazing that you have been to Peterborough; I am really happy for you. That site is really a historic treasure. If you want to know more about it, Barry Fell in his book ‘Bronze Age America’ has completely deciphered that site. It turns out to be an incredible account of a journey by a Nordic King, who was called Woden-Lithi (which means ‘servant of Woden/Odin’), who left behind a legacy of Odin in America and indisputably shared his knowledge for future generations. It also seems that he had a close relationship with the local indigenous people for various reasons. His journey has been dated 1,700 BC by what was written there and the celestial phenomena that have been described at the site. This date obviously crushes many of the main-stream dogmas and opens up a chance to reconsider America anew. The figure with the Sun-head holds indeed much knowledge and even the linguistic script of the site is connected to so many more things, which left me flabbergasted.
Hey Bogdan!
Yes, this is actually the 3d time I go there, this is such an amazing place.
Every time I learn something new… I was told that whatever attracts most of your focus right away out of the symbols, is the personal teaching that is meant for you to learn at that time.
Thanks a lot for sharing about the book by Barry Fell, I remember seeing the reference from it in Lara’s new book and it was one of the reasons why I decided to see the petroglyphs again. What he says sounds very interesting and quite possible (but besides the Vikings, also the Templars and the Phoenicians could get there too).
I have another book that mentions this site, called “Discovering Rock Art” by Thor Conway. Something very interesting that I found there is that in Canada there are at least 2 depictions of a similar Solar Deity, one located on Scotia Lake Northwest of Sudbury, another one on Annie Island in Lake of the Woods area in Northwestern Ontario.
I found that there is another ancient sacred site, located not very far from Peterborough, called Serpent Mound, a giant 60 meters long serpent mound, aligned with the summer solstice sunrise. You can find the free pdf online called “Serpentine, An Ancient Solstice Monument in Ontario” by Andrew King.
Besides Nordic version, I also look into a possible Extraterrestrial influence… that solar figure with the sun-head has a long neck and looks like a very different type of a human. Also there are flying objects depicting on the rock, as flying from the above, usually interpreted as “the spirits”, but nobody knows about their original meaning. Those could be the ET vehicles, just like there are so many rocks depicting the Extraterrestrials in places like Mexico and Peru.
After I made this post yesterday, when I went to sleep, I got my astral lucidity and was walking for some time in a mysterious place where the big rocks clearly showed Extraterrestrial Beings… When I woke up, I just got this understanding “yes, there should be the ET influence too”.
Oh waow Lara, this was truly an amazing video. And to be clear, the hour long felt short! It is a bit hard to put into words what it gave me and how it affected me. But one thing feels clear though, that need to feel, understand and know the Sun in my heart gets ignated and reignated with each post and video you produce, so I just want to say thank you, to you and Mark.