Here is the song called Odin being performed live by the band Faun, featuring Einar Selvik from the band Wardruna and Martin Seeberg (a Danish musician).
Since I’ve just made a video about Odin, I thought I’d share it.
It’s sung mostly in German. The song lyrics include a lot of mythology about Odin, and also a particular verse from a text called the Hávamál (meaning “Sayings of the High One”), which is a collection of Norse poems from the Viking Age, in which Odin speaking in first person recounts his self-sacrifice on the world tree. The Hávamál is sung in Icelandic, which is the language that much of the surviving mythology about Odin is written in. Here is the excerpt from the Hávamál that is sung:
I know that I hung on a windy tree
nine long nights,
wounded with a spear, dedicated to Odin,
myself to myself,
on that tree of which no man knows
from where its roots run.
No bread did they give me nor a drink from a horn,
downwards I peered;
I took up the runes, screaming I took them,then I fell back from there. 1
Odin’s sacrifice shares many similarities with the crucifixion and self-sacrifice of Jesus. Both Odin and Jesus hang for a time associated with the number nine, both are pierced with a spear, and both descend the underworld after their self-sacrifices – Odin on the world tree, and Jesus on a cross, which are symbols of the same thing.
The self-sacrifice of Odin (and Jesus) represents a stage on the path of the sacred sun in which someone makes a self-sacrifice for the good of others, goes through a form of inner death, and then descends into the darkness of the underworld (the womb of the earth) within their psyche, before spiritually resurrecting.
In Odin’s case, he descended into the darkness of the underworld in order to obtain knowledge, which is one of the purposes descending into darkness serves. The number nine represents the nine regions of the underworld. The tree and cross represent the world tree, axis mundi, and the sun crossing the equator at the spring equinox. Odin’s screaming in the excerpt above represents the agonizing pain it takes to obtain knowledge (which is symbolized by the runes), and the falling back represents the pain being so great one ceases any wish to identify with their worldly ego or personality, which is what dies.
This stage is tied to the time of spring equinox, when the days start to become longer than the nights, and therefore the light can be seen to overcome darkness, and the wintery world of death and decay is overcome by the eternal life of the spirit, symbolized by spring. It’s why many deities in the ancient religion of the sun were said to die and resurrect at the spring equinox.
What I like about this song is the atmosphere and feeling it conveys about the event. Many songs on spiritual themes are nice to listen to, but on the path of the sacred sun, there are not only times of light, but also of darkness, just as there are in the year and the sun’s annual cycle. This song in a very gritty and real way captures the epic psychological struggle and sacrifice someone goes through, and the darkness of the underworld they need to face on the path of the sacred sun, which both Odin and Jesus represented.
Thank you to Faun, Einar, Martin, and everyone involved in making this song. You have really conveyed something spiritually powerful and timeless, and breathed life into one of the great spiritual figures of our age – Odin.
I have the possibility to go to a concert by one of the lead singers of this song, Eiar Selvik, from Wardruna. Does anyone have any comments on whether the singer’s other music teaches about darkness (as it exists in creation) or if it is to do with dark forces (i.e. evil)? I have a hard time telling between the two. Also, if anyone listens to the music seriously, how do you extract wisdom from it?
In my opinion, a lot of these pagan bands slip back and forth between the 2 – between light and darkness.
This is because there are influences of both light and darkness in ancient European paganism. Sometimes it is dark, with human sacrifice and blood rituals etc. At other times it is light, with awakened beings and knowledge of the path of the sun.
Unfortunately, because of the state of the psyche, it’s far easier to connect and resonate with darkness. Northern Germanic peoples particularly are more prone to melancholic and heavy states, which easily become dark. Some of the latest videos from Faun I’ve seen, for example, have a nightmarish quality to them and are very psychologically disturbing. Whereas Celtic peoples tend to be more high-spirited and gentle, but they have lost track of their traditions much more, and in Britain, seem far more prone to personal degeneration and pride.
But despite all this, sometimes the esoteric messages of light and high wisdom that have been left behind in ancient texts are so powerful, they break through in the music when they are spoken about, as in the song above.
Sometimes it’s easy to tell whether something is dark or light, but other times it’s hard, because the boundary is not clearly de-marked.
All that said, Einar strikes me as someone who is genuinely interested in reviving his ancient tradition, so he is not in the same boat as other musicians who simply enjoy dark energies, though he often still expresses his spiritual longings through his low states. Going to see him perform would be an interesting learning experience.
Lara, those are some great insights about the mixing of light and dark in European paganism and music. I hadn’t really thought of it that way or seen it clearly before. Thank you.
I have been wondering about the proneness to heaviness and melancholy in Northern Germanic peoples, as well as the Finnish. I find that it pervades if not characterises my country and society, making life and interactions burdensome and unpleasant, weighing down on everything. It is sad that it usually doesn’t cause us to look for the light but be attracted to darkness instead. Like a modern series of art I found not too long ago from Finnish artists who had focused solely on depicting dark beings of the Finnish ethnic religion in nightmarish ways.
The Nordic countries consistently rank very high in the global scale of how ‘happy’ a nation is, which I think means the standard of living. So it’s the harsh climate and lack of sunlight in winter that is suggested as the cause of the melancholy. I don’t know enough about other native northern peoples like those in Siberia, Canada, and Russian Slavic pagans to know if it’s the same for them living in similar climates and latitudes.
All that said, Faun’s recent song about Väinämöinen really touched me. It is gentle, and beautiful. I don’t think it conveys anything profound but it is more like a respectful remembrance of and tribute to him and his power of magical singing and music. I have hardly found anything in modern music or other art depicting him. For whatever reason, he is fortunately not seen as a dark god; he is primarily nowadays associated with Tolkien’s Gandalf.
It’s so true what Lara said about the different national ‘vibes’! When I first read that, I thought of the British and Irish like the Hobbits, merry and a bit silly and simple, but with a sweetness too. I have found other Northern nations of the same latitude to be much more sombre, stoic in a good way, depressive at the flip side. It’s curious to ponder why we’re incarnated into different places among different people – is it the inner resonance? I can see that my psyche has been imprinted by my culture, but did I come to my culture because of my psyche?
I also went to see Wardruna and overall found the experience positive and moving. I used to listen to this kind of music when I was younger because it connected me to the kind of discontent with the material and frivolous that goes along with the often lonely search for the spiritual, and I think generally this music attracts people who have a more serious mindset than popular music. But I can see there’s a lot of darkness and angst that can be twisted into some very heavy, negative states.
Einer seemed so genuine, and when he spoke at the end, very gentle. Overall it made me realise how much power there is in music and performance and how these can be sacred arts, or vehicles for expressing higher principles. But with the amount of focus given to performers from so many hundreds or thousands of people, it’s like a spell is cast, or a trance created. If this power is used for darkness, then my gosh, music performances could be incredibly disturbing, dark and destructive.
I just stumbled upon this video of Einar talking about his spiritual beliefs and practices He talks about one of the surviving practices from Northern Germanic religion, which is “Utesia” or “sitting out.” Very interesting how he talks about going within to gain inner knowledge. So there is that current in his music. I just wish he would be able to reach further, to connect with and express that light within him.
I went to the concert and found Einar’s music to range from spiritual longing to abysmal experiences. The abysmal songs (loud, drums, flushing lights, and so on) made me think of power, pleasures of ego with occassional hints of darkness. They were followed by songs related to the longing of the spirit, which were inspiring and uplifting and that are carried the message of the video you posted. I found myself able to be detached from the songs played, and overall going to the concert was a valuable experience that evoked longing.
I think Einar is exploring his heritage with his music, the good and the bad. I don’t get the sense he has a path that’s he’s chosen (like you and Mark teach), but that he depicts experiences and rituals from different paths. I may be wrong (as the difference between darkness and evil is not obvious to me). I also wish Einar focus on the genuine wisdom bringers of his culture. As a bit of advice, the performance would be much more impactful for someone who understands the lyrics. It could also be vastly improved by being combined with story telling or even handouts of translations of the songs with some background.
About the practice of Utesia: interestingly, the word Utesia is very similar to a Russian word утешись (uteshis) which tells someone to take solace or be comforted. In difficult times it has brought a lot of value to me to sit quietly in nature, particularly close to water. I find it helps to quieten the mind and allows me to slowly peel off that which burdens my heart and takes my peace away. It is interesting to see this practice from perspective of gaining knowledge, as I have not thought of it that way.
One a last note for anyone who is having doubts about going to a concert like this. You may want to look on Youtube for videos by the band and sort it by date added (or else look at videos with relatively few views). You’ll find there are videos added by people from the audience and that give a good idea of the atmosphere of the concert. You can find videos of the most recent Wardruna performances like this as well as Einar’s speech toward the end with rendition of Snake Pit Poetry.
Good advice.
Abysmal certainly describes a lot of the music in this genre. I don’t know if it’s just me, and I haven’t been following it much at all, but my impression generally is that it’s getting darker and more abysmal overall. Germanic pagan bands have recently performed mock human sacrifice, blood ritual, demonic style invocations etc. in very popular music videos.
My questions to you who are doing this – Where are you going with this? What affect do you think this is having on people? Whom/what does it serve? If you continue in this way, what will you become?
So much has been said about the dark, hidden influence on pop music with its Satanic style rituals etc. But these bands do it of their own accord, and serve the forces of darkness by bringing their influence into the world.
Please call upon Odin; please return to the ageless path of wisdom and light.
I find myself listening to Wardruna especially when I’m going through my own pain and darkness. The music, and the longing Einar put into his voice inspires me to not be afraid to look at what’s inside of me, but to go deeper. It also inspires me to go outside and connect with nature. Seek guidance near the mountains, rivers, lakes etc.
Vikings are so popular right now, but it’s mostly about violence and darkness. I find it upsetting. I’m so hungry for something else. Whenever I watch The Lord of the Rings I fall in love with the Rohan people all over again. They remind me of the Norse culture, but shown with people choosing honour, love, courage and beauty. Why can’t we have more of that?
What you said Lara – about calling upon Odin….it holds such power just that sentence. Odin feels like love and sunlight to me. Strength and ageless wisdom. Someone who has walked a long, hard path and endured.
By the way I think it’s spelled Utiseta, which I also love to practice :)
I would like to clarify the meaning of this passage, which I have deduced from List’s note that nights often refer to time by the moon, i.e. months, and so 9 nights refers to pregnancy. With this meaning in mind, the correct interpretation of the passage becomes clear:
“I know how I hung on the wind cold tree, nine eternal nights”
[The tree of life contains all those living and dead. The “wind cold tree” refers to those in flux, those in between, waiting in the womb for their (re)birth]
“wounded by the spear consecrated to Wotan, I consecrated myself to myself”
[The spear refers to the penis, the tool of the Father (symbolized by Wotan) used to create a sacred copy of himself through fertilization.]
“on that tree, which hides from every one the stead from which its roots grow.”
[Everyone alive today is a branch-tip on the tree of life, the roots of which are hidden in the unknown distant past.]
“They offered me neither bread nor mead;”
[A child in the womb goes without eating for 9 months…or so it would have seemed to ancient peoples.]
“then I bent myself down peering”
[Birth! Head-first, of course.]
“with a lamenting shout the runes became known to me”
[With the cries of the newborn child comes the meaning of all life to the father, and thus the hidden meaning of the runes.]
“until I sank down from the tree.”
[The child finally emerges from the branch-tip, as if a fresh hanging fruit.]
So we see that the ancient people viewed parent and child as a unified organic being undergoing a sort of periodic birth and death.
To those who are attached to the Christian interpretation, I encourage that, but know that children bring the meaning of life. This has been true throughout time, in every culture and religion, to all peoples. Therefore you will find the same symbols and themes woven throughout the Bible, if you look for them (tree, seed, father, son, etc.). The eternal life described in Christianity is in fact the eternal life that one attains through bearing children.
I’ve felt the return to this song again today – maybe it’s because we’re shifting towards the autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere or maybe it’s something more personal for me. Either way, listening to it again seemed to help me to tap into a kind of courage. Like Lara says, it “captures in someway the epic psychological struggle somebody goes through, and the darkness of the underworld they need to face.”
I also read the translated lyrics – (taken from the ‘Sayings of the High One’ – (if I were more of a musician I’d try to compose something of a song for the season!) but something I’m confused by is the mention of the ‘sixteen magical signs’ in the refrain. At first I thought this might be the runes, but it seems there were 24 of these. Any insights or ideas on what this means would be greatly appreciated!
In icy past you once guarded
You threw Gungnir, you were a spear in the battle
You wandered the nine worlds as a wanderer at night
You found Mimir’s well again
Nine days you hang
From Yggrasil’s twigs
Nine long nights
For 16 magical signs
Magical sings to invoke death
To heal the ill and disturb the enemies
To hold flames, to control the swords
To catch ghosts and to lower the spears
Hávamál, verse 138, 139, 144
I know that I hung
On a windy tree
Nine long nights,
Wounded with a spear,
Dedicated to Odin,
Myself to myself,
On that tree
Of which no man knows
From where its roots run.
No bread did they give me
Nor a drink from a horn,
Downwards I peered;
I took up the runes,
Screaming I took them,
Then I fell back from there.
Do you know how to write?
Do you know how to interpret?
Do you know how to color them?
Do you know how to consider?
Do you know how to consult?
Do you know how to sacrifice?
Do you know how to send?
Do you know how to kill?
I know that I hung
On a windy tree
Nine long nights,
Wounded with a spear,
Dedicated to Odin,
Myself to myself,
On that tree
Of which no man knows
From where its roots run.
No bread did they give me
Nor a drink from a horn,
Downwards I peered;
I took up the runes,
Screaming I took them,
Then I fell back from there.
Do you know how to write?
Do you know how to interpret?
Do you know how to color them?
Do you know how to consider?
Do you know how to consult?
Do you know how to sacrifice?
Do you know how to send?
Do you know how to kill?
Thank you Ella,
I love those questions they ask; although I ‘m not sure why they ask: do you know how to colour them?
Another translation is “Do you know how paint them?” (translation by Jackson Crawford). All of verse 144 seems to be referring to runes, and in Crawford’s translation he has each line as “Do you know how to ___ them?” So it makes sense in the context of runes (the previous two verses, 142-143 lead into 144 regarding Odin and runes).
Also note Crawford’s translation is somewhat different, e.g. “sacrifice” is instead “bless” and “kill” is “offer.”
Thanks for those clarifications Jon. As has been mentioned in other comments, it’s a real pity that Norse figures are being used out of context in violent computer games, which distorts the public’s perception of the spiritual principles these ancient people sought to portray in their own lives.
As the public perception of the Norse Vikings is already of violent invaders, I think Crawford’s translation removes the possibility of confusing an internal battle against darkness with external physical battles against enemies, in the same way the term “holy war” has become distorted in people’s perception.
I think the choice of “bless” and “offer” puts Odin’s life into a more spiritual context of battling the enemies within that take away peace.
Thanks Jon,
That’s very helpful.
Thanks Jon, it sounds like the runes contain a lot of esoteric wisdom – I’m drawn to understanding more about what the symbols mean.
It seems that all these questions refer to the runes as tools for divination, rather than as their use as a simple alphabet. This makes me think of other ancient tools of ‘consulting the gods’, such as the I-Ching and the Tarot. I wonder what emphasis ancient people put on omen-reading and using physical tools like this for communication with the divine. In my experience, though I’ve had clear omen-messages in the physical, it often feels like they’re harder to perceive because the senses can be more dampened here, compared to receiving messages in dreams where feelings can be much clearer and symbols are accompanied by a stronger internal intuition.
I wonder if anyone has come across evidence of how the runes were originally used or would like to share their experience or understanding of using similar tools for ‘consulting the gods’. Though it seems secondary to receiving a clear message in a mystical experience it also appears it was such common practice in ancient cultures that it’s worth considering as another way to develop the communication between us and the divine intelligence that’s always ready to respond to our prayers, thoughts and feelings.
I was also curious about some of the questions asked in that part of the song Martin, including “Do you know how to colour them?” I also wondered about the significance of “Do you know how to send/ kill?” In an esoteric context, to kill would refer to destroying the darkness within, which I’m assuming is the case here, rather than an external physical battle.
Hello Michael,
I thought of dying within as well with the ‘Kill’ question; ‘Send’ got me thinking of telepathy although taking the Runes and sending them could obviously have other meanings.
Yes, I think there can be multiple interpretations to those questions Martin. Thinking about their meaning reminded me of how open to interpretation ancient texts and oral histories are. It’s little wonder that the meaning behind many traditions has become obscure over time, due to differences in interpretation, or vital fragments becoming lost in time or deliberately surpressed by those in power.
I’m so grateful that this and other websites are available to fit together the many pieces of the puzzle and make a coherent picture. They really provide a vital service in giving a clear picture of humanity’s shared spiritual history.
I’m not sure Martin, though all the questions make me think of how there are higher ways to perceive meaning within life and to communicate with hidden forces of light. Many of these questions seem to elude to their being a deeper significance to things that we might only understand very superficially usually – for example, writing. Do you know how to write? makes me remember that there can be spiritual power in writing, in yielding words, as well as it being useful for creating shopping lists :-)
Colour is interesting though – I recently listened to a lecture about the meaning of colour in Vedic astrology and how each colour is linked to a certain house (section) of the zodiac and that planets either energized or pacified by certain colours.One example that stood out was orange, which is said to placate Mars and is the sign of Scorpio. It was explained as the colour of the life force withdrawing from the physical world to another dimension (the astral?) and that this is why Sadus in India wear saffron robes – to signify their identification with the non-material. It occurred to me that orange is the colour of dying leaves and then a friend pointed out it’s the colour of fire too.
Thanks for your insights Ella,
I’ve always associated orange with the astral from personal experience.
It’s a bit off topic but colour does seem to be important with the fourth dimension as well. Particularly with individuals auras and vitality.
I love listening to this song as well Ella. Especially around the Equinoxes. To me, it also inspires strength and courage and being able to face the darkness.
I’m not sure what those sixteen magical signs would be. I did a quick google search though, and it seems that there are two runic systems. The younger variation has 16 characters, and the older 24.
I visited a stone circle in Norway a few years back that had sixteen stones. I was wondering if that number had any special significance.
Thanks, Ella and Jon for the translation :)
Interesting coincidence Ella, as I also felt drawn to listen to this song a few days ago. I’d gone to a countryside park, initially I felt very weighed down but through persevering there for a long time with meditation practices I managed to break through. Afterwards in the evening sun in the forest, I felt like listening to this song.
Following that afternoon my state of inner energy was good, and I noticed I had to be very careful not to let the sounds of the song drain that energy by allowing the emotions to go ‘over the edge in the emotional centre, neither allow a ‘fall’ of energies to happen released on the upper back— by pride’s goosebumps.
Yet I find the song, especially Einar’s part, has a great deeper emotive strength to it. I tried to wield this and feel its meaning within me in the right ways.
I was thinking of the autumn and dark half of the year ahead, with all it’s possible personal hardships. The song helped to bring about an insight that ‘going down into darkness to extract light’ is really such a (or even ‘the’) prominent theme of life. Those lines that are sung about, and explained more in this post, of the sacred sun’s descend into darkness to extract the light (and this for the benefit of others too). Although this happens in a great way on a specific point along the path of the sun, I think its principle is something each person can apply.
The song somehow reminded me that a descent of this type, so very tough as it may be, and during hardship you’d virtually forget it— is voluntary. Remembering this brought a strength and resolve.
Thanks again Lara btw, I would’ve never known about this song if you hadn’t brought it up.
Ha that’s funny Akira, maybe there has been a certain shift in the seasons to make us think about the autumn equinox. But it’s a good point that the symbolism of the time of year when we descend into the darkness is actually also the dominant theme of the struggle of life itself!
I’m curious about the specific identification of the ‘fall’ of energies to happen released on the upper back – by pride’s goosebumps; can you elaborate more on this physical sensation of the egos?
I was also drawn back to this song today, as mentioned by Akira I’m especially touched by Einar’s part.
Thanks for sharing this song, it was very power full and it felt meaningful.
I looked up the lyrics to the song and discovered that they first start singing in German then change to Icelandic when the singer does the solo at the back.
The translation is very interesting and mentions the number 9 several times in Odin hung for 9 nights.
The link is below:
The more I listen to it, the more I like it. It is so refreshing to see very skilled musicians sing about important themes such as these instead of simply
playing and singing in worship of our emotions.
thanks again :)
Faun has recently become one of my favorite new bands. They have a lot of great music, and I think their efforts to revive more ancient sounding pagan music should be appreciated.
I had also come across their Odin song but hadn’t saved it as I thought it was a bit too dark. But with the explanation by Lara now, I can see how it does fit the subject quite well. And really, spirituality isn’t all nice and rosy, there are extremely difficult aspects, so in that sense music should reflect that too.
Note it seems the middle parts sung by Einar Selvik (from Norway, of the band Wardruna) are in Icelandic (from the text Hávamál), while the rest of the song is in German sung by Oliver s. Tyr, the leading member of Faun (the band is from Germany).
The full original lyrics and translation are here:
Thanks Jon
I checked the band Wardruna you said and found this song
which talks about Yggdrasil the mythical tree from the Norse cosmology. It sounds like a call for strength and protection against what is threatening this tree. The music is epic again like this one for Odin, but with such lyrics, I think matches very well.
I recall meeting Oliver a few years back in Crete as he was picking up a Cretian Lute. He was very sincere about using traditional instruments, as you can see in the various Faun videos.
Small world, eh.
Thanks for bringing his music to this website Lara.
When Einar began to sing I felt very connected to this music. Even though I didn’t understand the words I felt the song from within.
Very powerful, loved it. Thanks Lara
Very beautiful song. The lyrics are very meaningful.
The image you posted Lara with odin crucified is very interesting. It really is very close to the crucifixion of Jesus. And the context is similar if not the same.
I saw this image recently that I found very interesting. It is a crucified person which could be Jesus but the inscription on the bottom says “OΡΦEOC BAKKIKOC” which means something like “Orpheus Dionysian”. The item was in the Bode museum in Berlin but is now mysteriously lost and there is a lot of controversy around it. I wonder how many other such images of pagan or other ancient gods being crucified have been lost in (maybe) an effort to not question mainstream beliefs.
and more clear in this picture:
Thank you Lara for sharing this song and explaining the meaning behind it. When listening attentively, I pick up a similar drama representing spiritual struggle and facing darkness face on in some of Beethoven’s music.
Thanks Erik and Juno,
two very interesting version of the same song.
Thanks for that explanation Lara. I had come across this song earlier but skimmed right past it – I had no idea there was this meaning behind it!
Lara, I wouldn’t have come to understand that song without your dear hearted explanation and I think it gives this song a more powerful meaning than just the amazing piece of music it is.
Thanks for sharing that Lara, it’s a very powerful song. There’s something really special about the types of harmonies they are using.
I came across this song which I also really like, a Song to Odin:
I was looking up some of the references from the mythology and was amazed to find that info about Odin entering the underworld and then emerging 3 days later. Interestingly it talks about how he enters as a serpent and leaves as an eagle, I wonder if that’s a veiled reference to the feathered serpent!
Great song Erik, thanks for sharing. I really like how the singer was able to create it just with his own voice. It shows it is possible to create songs even without needing to know how to play an instrument.
That’s a fantastic reference you found about Odin; there must be so much more to discover. It is yet another connection between Odin and the Central/South American wisdom bringers like Quetzalcoatl. The Norse also believed there were nine layers of hell, just like the Maya did, and had nine chambers in their esoteric rites. Both Odin and Quetzalcoatl were said to have descended into the black sun (which is the dark sun in the center of the earth that is the antithesis of the sun in the sky). There’s obviously a lot to research and uncover here.
Thanks for sharing that, it was beautiful and the words are amazing. Here is another version of it –
That was really beautiful, Erik. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, great song Erik, and very clever harmony.
It’s so wonderful to hear the similarities among these great Beings. It’s also quite amazing that information related to them is still out there to be found, rather than lost to time.
Thanks Lara and Erik.
Thanks Erik, that’s a powerful song.
Love that song Dave, thanks for passing it on.
Nice to see people writing and creating music today based on that knowledge of the past and try to connect to it now. This song was also cleverly and well done.
Thanks Lara for sharing this music – this was in many ways a very powerful song and while I don’t speak the language, the way the words were sung, it gave me a sense of feeling of the struggle, the pain, the difficulties, the loneliness and at times despair that Odin must have gone through, yet without giving me this heaviness or negative feeling about it. The man with the lyre, his singing definitely felt like a plea to the light to be rescued. The setting of the whole show was really good too, portraying that darkness around him as he sang.. What a wonderful way to portray and interpret this stage in Odin’s life. Nice to see modern music like this, and I like the more traditional clothing they were wearing as well as the flowers in the women’s hair. It all had a really mystical feel to it.
Powerful song and performance – it’s rare to be pointed towards something like this to connect with the spiritual, but really valuable. Really valuable to realise something of the pain and struggle that is needed on a true spiritual journey. Thank you Lara. You and Mark continue to expand my horizons in unpredictable ways!
It’s an epic tune indeed! Thank you for your review Lara, I would be confused between the dark and shining part of this video/song but what you said make sense to me.
The band uses medieval instruments, the singer wears the sun wheel, the band’s name is Faun and they have this song dedicated to Odin… It sounds interesting.
I was a bit wary at first seeing the youtube image of the song, knowing there’s a lot of dark music with unpleasant vibes in scenes that appear similar.
But as I listened on I didn’t detect what I would’ve perhaps expected. Although it seemed a bit dark, the staging and some of the appearances, it become clear or I felt that the intention behind their expression and song was in fact not. Rather, like the description on this page says, it seemed to convey that message found in the lyrics/ancient text. And a sort of persevering and holding on through the suffering.
I found that the guy with the traditional type of lyre, that he was singing with great devotion and heart. Very beautiful voice. Wonderful.
Inspiring to read more about the events of self sacrifice as well. The spring equinox time and its deeper meaning are so powerful and really resonate.
What an interesting song.
I also find myself often drawn to music that expresses the difficult and painful aspects of spiritual experience, for the reasons you mentioned Lara. However even with that predisposition and even after reading the preface, I was surprised at the dark feeling this song conveyed in the beginning. The dissonant melody and the orchestration not only evoked the atmosphere of darkness but made me feel a bit unpleasant. I suppose that is part of the point.
My feeling changed about half-way through when the blond fellow with the harp began to play and sing (I think that is Einar). He has such a powerful voice, and the way his part was presented reminded me of ancient Skaldic/Bardic traditions. Also the music changed at that point and seemed to express not just the darkness but the suffering one of one who is in that darkness and seeking for light and has been brought down to their lowest point. It captured a sense of yearning and a plea for the light.
The song seemed to take a different turn after this and had a redemptive quality that was very moving. It also put the earlier part of the song in a different perspective for me, as it was clear that it was not celebrating that dark feeling but had created it as a contrast which gave meaning to the yearning and the struggle against it expressed in the second half.
Taken as a whole I can see how it expresses and captures something spiritually meaningful as you said Lara and evokes something about what it means to fall into darkness.
I also love the part when Einar sings. It sounds like a crying out in the darkness, and a longing for the light.
I’ve been a bit unsure about listening to music like this, but I’ve also been drawn to it. There is something about it is that is strengthening, and inspiring. I’m not sure how to explain it. I suppose it’s how I like darker weather, as well as a sunny sky. Both have their qualities that touch me. Perhaps sometimes we need inspiration to go into the darkness and look for the light.
Thanks for sharing this song, it’s very very nice. They’ve done a beautiful job at framing the story musically, it really does convey that struggle you described. It’s inspiring to hear modern music like this that hearkens back to ancient traditions, especially that conveys messages about the path of the sun and is also really well put together!
Thanks Lara for sharing. I really liked how you have brought light to these similarities between Odin & Jesus, representing a stage of the spiritual path, which is also represented by the sun’s annual stage of the spring equinox.
We are very fortunate to receive this timeless knowledge.
Beautiful song and presentation!
Thanks for posting.
Thank you, Lara. What you write is so interesting to me. It’s putting meaning to something I grew up with, but that was treated as a fairytale. I’m eager to look around me now to find meaning in things that were there the whole time, but that I didn’t know was important.
The song is also interesting. It feels dark and painful, full of agony. It’s inspiring in a way. I wonder if music like this can help ease our pain, in the way that uplifting music uplifts. I recently discovered Wardruna and they have many songs inspired by Norse mythology.
For some reason this kind of music makes me think of the cold north, where the landscape can seem very dark. Black mountains, black lakes, stormy skies.
What a great song. I agree — the powerful atmosphere it conveys and the significance of the lyrics is quite special. Very nicely interpreted by Faun.
Thanks for explaining some of these connections too, Lara.
Lara, you are right. The song is really powerful and its rythym and beat do give a certain atmosphere. I cannot even imagine the pain and sacrifice made by the people that have reached this level of spiritual progress. How fortunate we are to have this guidance.
thanks so much for sharing this. You are enabling us to learn so many new things, I really appreciate it.
Will have to check this song out, thanks for the heads up.
It sounds amazing that that reference to that stage of the path is in that old Viking poem, what an incredible find, thanks for pointing that out as well!