Evidence is mounting for the Pyramids & Sphinx of Egypt having first been established around 36,500 BC. Ancient Egyptian records state that their civilization began tens of thousands of years ago, as far back as 36,500 BC, and that these beginnings were a “golden age” when their solar religion was established by the “gods in human form.” This site has then added to and renovated over the passage of at least thousands of years, right up until today. And just as the site was honored and preserved, so was its ancient religion and the story of its founding. I believe that the Giza site is the oldest evidence for the ancient Religion of the Sun.
Religion of the Sun began 36,500 BC ?
About the Author: Lara Atwood

I am a practitioner and researcher into the ancient Religion of the Sun, and most specifically the Indo-European branch of it, which is my own native tradition. I am author of the book 'The Ancient Religion of the Sun,' - a religion that I believe is one of the most ancient in the world, and the origin of many spiritual traditions and sacred sites around the globe. I run the YouTube channel SakroSawel and the website sakrosawel.com ("sakro sawel" means "sacred sun" in the Proto-Indo European language).
You may have already noticed this, but there is a significant interaction with Orion at around 36,500 BC in the northern hemisphere. It correlates very closely with the main aspects of the spiritual journey described in the ancient Religion of the Sun.
Winter Solstice – Orion appears above the horizon, just at/before sunrise, thus Orion is “born”
Spring Equinox – Orion appears in the east ahead of the rising sun, “resurrecting” from the earth in anticipation of the sunrise. Orion is visible almost exactly half the night.
Summer Solstice – Orion is visible for the whole night, achieving dominance over the heavens
Autumn Equinox – Orion is visible after sunset for half the night, until setting into the west, entering the underworld
Because it’s been ~1.5 precessions, it’s an interaction that is currently reversed, and thus appears in the southern hemisphere now. This also means that it could be a symbol that originated in the southern hemisphere 2 cycles ago (around 50,000 BC), possibly from a civilization even before Atlantis (Mu), for which I’ve found some scattered bits of evidence.
Hi Julian,
This is quite amazing. It seems like Orion has a special place in many ancient civilizations, because it is one of the brightest constellations in the night sky. I’m not sure what do you mean by interaction though. Do you mean the interaction between Orion and other celestial bodies or the interaction between Orion and those ancient civilizations? It does look like that you are talking about how the position of Orion changed throughout the year around 36,500 BC. The path of that constellation in the sky today is clearly not how you described it here. I used to be a member of the astronomy club at my school and I used to talk to people about how the path which Orion takes to travel through the sky changes throughout the year as I have observed. For example it is visible throughout the night in winter times but is not visible during the summer. I haven’t paid attention to Orion particularly on solstices and equinoxes, but from what you said it looks like how Orion traveled on the celestial plane was the complete opposite of how it does today! I wonder how does that happen since the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky is really just an illusion caused by the rotation of our planet. Does that mean the stars that make up the Orion constellation have changed their position in the last hundreds to thousands of years? I didn’t do the calculation so I don’t know exactly how many years have passed since 36,500 BC, but since Orion wasn’t visible in winter back then but is right now, it does mean the stars have changed their positions, right? Also I think Atlantis and Mu are two separate civilizations, with Atlantis most likely existed somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, and Mu likely existed in the center of the Pacific Ocean. I’ve read that there was a chunk of land in the Indian Ocean as well that was home to an advanced civilization, although I have forgotten its name.
PS: The name of the civilization in Indian Ocean was probably Lemuria, a civilization that existed around the same time as Atlantis and Mu, and the 3 of them probably had contacts with one another. It is theorized that those civilizations destroyed themselves in a nuclear war because there have been radioactive debris found on the bottom of the ocean floors.
Some Tamil writers have associated Lemuria with Kumari Kandam, a mythical lost continent with an ancient Tamil civilization located south of present-day India in the Indian Ocean.
Hey Rustia, I just noticed your comments.
What I mean by interaction is the symbolic story that is presented in the night sky as I described above, with Orion and the sun being the “actors” in the stellar drama, the sky and horizon being the stage, and the solstices and equinoxes being different acts
The stars change positions over long periods of time due to the “precession of the equinoxes”, basically the stars shift 1 degree approximately every 72 years, completing a precessional cycle in about 26,000 years. It’s kind of hard to wrap your head around at first, there are some good videos on YouTube that explain why/how it happens.
So when I say 1.5 cycles ago Orion looked this way, I mean to say that 36,500 years ago the stars were rotated 180 degrees from where they are now, and Orion would have been visible from sun-up to sun-down at the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere (instead of winter, as it is now), thus mirroring the meaning of the summer solstice, in which the cosmic son, symbolized by Orion (and the sun) comes to dominance. Lara and Mark’s book explains the meaning of the solstices and equinoxes, and it seems that Orion’s journey matches the meaning.
Just want to say that I may look like I haven’t watched the video because of the questions I’ve asked, and that is true because I have some technical difficulty on my side with loading videos.
Thank so much Lara for sharing this information. I have always been drawn to understanding the purpose of the pyramids, sphinx, and temples. The magic of these monuments is clearly greater than we can comprehend. But when pieces of information such as this start coming together there is a greater sense of truth to it. It resonates snd the dots start to connect.
With regard to the deliberate destruction of history, it seem quite apparent here in South America. There was definitely a mostly successful mission to wipe out evidence of the Incan and Pre-Incan history.
What I have discovered in two out of body experiences that some physical locations seem important to both good and evil forces. In Tiwanaku there were very mixed energies of dark and light including lots of attacks out of the body when we were there. In the plaza de armas in Cusco, (which is currently a central square, not an archeological site), I experienced a great battle between good and evil. It was surprising to me that there was so much power for the light in a place that had become somewhat of a circus, with shops, salespeople, tourists, etc. But the power of the good side was strong there. It really made me wonder what was so special about these particular places. Is it something physical about the earth, a power place or was the energy somehow imbued into these places by humans through meditation or unkown technologies?
In the physical, I noticed a very strong energy at Machu Picchu and the same thing at a particular ruin in Isla del sol which made it easier to be aware. It made me wonder the same thing… what is it about these places that give them this “power”?
Hi Michelle, that’s nice that you were able to explore these locations also out of the body, in addition to the physical visits. Recently, I came across some online articles (like this one for example http://greaterancestors.com/tiahuanaco-made-by-giants/) mentioning that Tiwanaku had been built by giants, or maybe to put it in a less dramatic way, by people who were much taller than us. I especially liked the last quote:
“When the first Spanish chroniclers arrived with the conquistador Pizaro, the Inca explained that Tiahuanaco had been constructed by a race of giants, called “Huaris”, before Chamak-pacha, the “period of darkness”, and was already in ruins before their own civilization began…“
Even when watching videos of Machu Picchu, I was wondering if the people who originally lived there (those who built those precise-fitting walls) were much bigger than us, as the whole proportions somehow feel bigger than for the humans of our current age. Similarly, from my research into the ancient myths of Caucasus, it is stated there that a race of much taller people preceeded the current humanity.
Any alignment with the processional cycle can be repeated very closely 25,920 years earlier or later, as it comes full circle, 10,500 BC was just the most recent time the alignments would have happened. I like that Armando Mei looked at the alignments in more detail, to see the date that fits them best, instead of the one closest to accepted chronology. I think that attention to those kind of details can reveal interesting things.
Looking at a span of 35,000 years, however, is a little overwhelming when trying to understand what really happened… so much missing history, so many civilizations come and gone. Even 100 years can contain huge amounts of history, as one many can change things so drastically.
With reference to South American history, I had an out-of-body experience where I saw a beautiful white glowing wall, and understood that it was the “Way of Wiracocha”, which physically is a description of a geographical line which Wiracocha supposedly traveled, but in this experience I understood it to mean the history of Wiracocha, like the passage of his legacy through time. In the middle of this beautiful wall was a ruined section, just rubble, which I understood intuitively to mean the time between when he actually arrived, and the more recent history, such as that of the Inca. It helped me understand that much of what we really need in order to understand what happened, is lost… and if I can find anything to piece those times together, it will help to understand his legacy. It seems that some people understood this, and consciously worked to destroy this history.
Interesting experience Julian, and a lovely one too it seems to me. Thank you.
I also once had an astral experience about a particular site which basically told me, (rather than simply tracing back further and further in time with the currently available historical or archaeological material in order to find out the great truths of what happened there) that in fact the thread of history had been wiped/completely cut at one point and was simply lost. Furthermore I saw that in such cases the original deeper meaning and the site’s use needs to be completely rediscovered anew.
I hope that in the future more people will be able to carry out an inner work to the level needed where they, with help from above, are capable of uncovering the lost true esoteric meaning of many of the vastly ancient sites on our planet.
Of course those insights will have a need to connect to at least something tangible ‘on the ground’ in order to point others to the deeper meaning. Some monuments and histories are in a better state than others, some have remnants but have lacked the proper archaeological attention (like many in South America). Bringing this back to Egypt, also interesting because it certainly holds a place in peoples picture of history and has their interest, study and excavations have also been done plenty over the centuries but it seems a narrow view of it (mummies, their beliefs’, dynasties… and more mummies :-) ) has become the established one. But its depth holds so much more, going unrecognised.
It would be just such a warm and joyful thing if the lost knowledge of sun would return to people’s understanding on a big scale. Like a whole ‘world of knowledge’ up there in the dimensions coming down to earth, or like a knowledge asleep in the sacred sites that will awaken— waiting to return and spread across the world.
Here’s to hoping, and working!
Interesting both you (Akira) and Julian had very similar experiences, but at completely different sites. Perhaps you were given those experiences so that you don’t have false expectations of what you may find by researching what’s left of the past. Shows how important this revival is, and how much our actions here count.
I think that’s definitely true. There are puzzle pieces that don’t seem to fit, it’s been very helpful to know that some just won’t, or that some information doesn’t exist (yet).
When you say it shows how important this revival is, what do you mean? Do you mean that we can piece together parts of the past that are broken?
That is a very meaningful experience Julian. I was struck by your last sentence – did you feel that in the experience itself, or was that something you understood after?
It’s a feeling that came separately from the experience. One book I read described the conquest as the tip of the spear, the implication being that someone’s holding the spear. There are suspicious things that a friend told me about, regarding certain branches of the catholic church taking an interest in specific areas with archeological significance (not only in South America, but also at North American sites that may have had connections to giants). On top of that are the political and archeological interests, which work together to maintain the status quo, for different reasons, and are happy to sweep things under the rug.
I did have a dream in which covert groups were confiscating archeological photographs, which made me feel some urgency in uncovering and documenting things before they’re ‘lost’, or even before they’re discovered.
Thank you for sharing Julian (and Akira). This looks like a sad situation indeed. :-( Its actually unbelievable how such a great legacy that was once spread all over the world could be just wiped out like that… As I was reading your account of the “rubble”, I was wondering what that could potentially refer to. Was it the deliberate murdering of the practitioners of the Religion of the sun, the remnants of which have been recorded (like what happened with Anasazi people for example)? Or could a natural disaster play a part too? Or something else?
While studying the cultures of the people of North Caucasus, I have also encountered a strange feeling – like my intuition is telling me clearly that there is something hidden in there that would explain some of the bigger picture, but the cultures that are remaining there have been so deliberately targeted over the centuries, through wars, stirring up ethnic conflicts, genocide and forced expulsion of the original population, plus introducing the new religions, that it is really almost impossible to figure out what has been happening there in the bygone days…
As you mentioned Akira, it looks like the only way out of this situation is really for us to do our part in changing ourselves internally, and then hopefully, with the help from the spiritual realms, to rediscover this lost legacy anew.
The rubble in my experience represented the state of history, not a particular event or action.
What caused the rubble is unclear, but Incan legends speak of the times before the Inca empire as one of primitive hunter-gatherers, clothed in leaves and animal skins, without language, agriculture, or really any way to pass on information. I’m not sure if that’s entirely accurate, or exactly what time period it refers to, but many people point out that after catastrophes (such as the younger-dryas impact and the following flood, of which legends corroborate both), civilization and culture could be completely wiped out, which is perhaps what happened to cause the rubble.
However, I definitely sense that a concerted effort has been and is being made to erase the bits which remain, which is why what Lara has done in her book is so remarkable.
Gosh, it’s hard to imagine a time that long ago, especially given that we think today that 2000 is “ancient” already! I found the section in your book where you discuss the Egyptian and Vedic dates really fascinating. I already knew the dates derived from the writings of these cultures were ancient, but didn’t realize just how ancient they truly might be.
Thank you Lara for sharing this incredible video. When I was a kid I learned about the theory of Hancock and Bauval that put the pyramids to 10,500 B.C. and it resonated very much with me and gave me a whole new perspective on Egyptian history. This video has given me a new perspective on history again with very compelling evidence and a seemingly much more precise description of the Precessional movements and correct alignments of the stars and constellations on the ground. I fully agree that it is very much incredible that we are connecting in to very ancient legacy and sacred times of the first men, when gods governed the earth. What a magnificent time this Golden Age must have been!