Krishna teaches his disciple, the prince Arjuna, whilst he is out of the body.
We have the potential to travel to other dimensions. We’ve always had this ability – in fact, it’s just part of what it is to be human. This should be the discovery of the century, if it hadn’t already been known for thousands of years.
Some ancient people used out-of-body experiences to write their sacred texts
Throughout history this latent potential has been alluded to by mystics the world over. Many divine visions, accounts of being caught up in the spirit, and journeys through heavens and underworlds, were actually the accounts of people who had out-of-body experiences and traveled to other planes of consciousness.
These other dimensions have been described in Hindu, early Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, Hermetic, Egyptian, and Mayan sacred writings as vast regions of both light and darkness, where the journey of our consciousness progresses through its various stages of learning—with the stage we’re in now being just one.
Science theorizes the universe may be multidimensional
Science now too is investigating the existence of these alternate planes of reality.
Today, many physicists openly admit that it is entirely likely that multiple parallel dimensions exist—in fact, some firmly believe it—the latest theory now being called the “Many-Interacting Worlds interpretation.” This is because at an atomic and subatomic level, all matter and energy is able to occupy multiple locations at once, and if we’re essentially made of the same stuff, then so can we.
It’s the same particle, it’s just that different parts of it occupy different places. Likewise, it’s the same us, but there are parts of us occupying different dimensions. And although this can be measured in experiments, it is not observable to the human eye—thus we have the seemingly finite, material universe in which we live, whilst at the same time being permeated by vast, parallel dimensions.
This is also being confirmed by the ever growing number near-death experiences. These accounts are corroborating concepts long held true in many sacred and religious texts—that essentially state we are multi-dimensional beings consisting of different parts, some of which exist and continue beyond the body in other planes of reality.
We only see a tiny fraction of reality
The frequencies of light and energy that make up our universe stretch infinitely, and yet our physical eyes perceive just a teeny, tiny smidgin of them we call the spectrum of visible light. “Ordinary matter,” which is the kind we see, is estimated to make up only 4.9% of all matter and energy in the universe—the rest science has dubbed “dark energy” and “dark matter,” because we can’t see it.
And if that isn’t small enough, even the estimated 4.9% of matter that we can see is made up of 99.99999% “space”—or so-called “vacuum.”
But this “vacuum,” which accounts for almost our entire universe, according to physicists, is infinitely dense—it’s just that we can’t see what’s in it using our physical senses or technology.
As Nassim Haramein, Director of Research at The Resonance Project, explains:
“Imagine that you took all of the stars we see in the universe—there’s billions of galaxies, there are billions of stars in them… and we took them all and we squished them all into a centimetre cubed of space with like this huge trash compactor or something. You still wouldn’t have the energy density of the vacuum… So to think of empty space as empty, is incorrect. Space is full… It’s full of this energy density…”
This basically means there is an inconceivably massive amount of room for other realms of reality to exist in our universe, right here and now, teeming with other forms of life operating in higher and lower frequencies of light and energy beyond our range of sight, which we are all connected to.
It’s natural – we don’t need drugs or technology
There’s been a big movement towards using drugs like DMT to explore these other realms of consciousness.
However, we don’t need outside stimulus—whether it be drugs or technology—to create an access point to reach something that is already a natural function of our body. If it required technology, then people from the past would have been shut off from it; or if we needed drugs, then our ability to explore other realities would be entirely dependent on their availability.
Instead, we’ve got all the tools for inter-dimensional travel within us, because as we have been fundamentally created with the purpose of spiritually awakening, everything we need to do it has been inbuilt into the human design. It’s simply a matter of practice.
Dreams – our natural connection to other dimensions
Inter-dimensional travel is literally as natural as sleeping. Every night as we drift into sleep, we go into dreams and enter an alternate reality where we are no longer constrained by physical laws—being able to fly, pass through objects, and sustain huge injuries without dying. 1
It is possible however, to step out of the physical world consciously, instead of in dreaming, and also to become conscious of being in another dimension whilst dreaming. It’s this connection that each of us has, which has allowed people through time to interact with spiritual beings, and receive knowledge about the process of life and awakening. 2
Taking a step to explore more of reality
There are lots of exercises to safely have out-of-body experiences, but there is a very simple way to start developing and learning about our connection to other dimensions straight away. As you go to sleep tonight, or any night, you can simply try and stay aware of the process of going to sleep. With a bit of practice, it’s possible to start noticing sensations you would have otherwise missed, and even eventually, feel yourself separate from your physical body. 3
Discovering that it is possible to travel inter-dimensionally is really just a first step, and opens up a raft of questions about ourselves, our potential, and what to use our time in other dimensions for.
What we are able to see and do in higher dimensions however, depends much on where we are on our spiritual journey, which is why out-of-body experiences are just one part of a much greater toolkit we’ve been given to use in the quest for spiritual awakening. 4
Dream world is indeed a window to other worlds and lucid dream even lets us to interact with people on that dimension. But i suppose obe or astral projection doesn’t exist to a substantial degree,or else we would know the mysteries of moon and mars or aliens.
Hi Vivek,
Just wanted to mention that while there is definitely a lot of subjective content in our dreams and astral experiences, there are also real, objective experiences, which can happen if somebody is clear enough internally, so that they can see and perceive the actual reality of that other dimension (so-called astral plane) clearly. This can be achieved through a spiritual practice of meditation, astral projection, or even prayer. Then what you saw during such an experience could be verified back in the physical dimension to see if it was real.
It has happened to me before, that I saw something during an OOBE/astral experience that I didn’t know existed, and after waking up in the physical world, I verified it was real. I believe that the upcoming book/s by Lara and Mark will talk a lot about this topic.
Regarding extraterrestrials, life on other planets, etc., I recommend you read this very informative article written by Lara, which is based on her own experience: https://sakrosawel.com/making-contact-with-extraterrestrials-through-other-dimensions/
Wishing you all the best!
Hey Vivek, this article might be of interest to you, it talks about OBEs with extraterrestrials: https://sakrosawel.com/making-contact-with-extraterrestrials-through-other-dimensions/
There are ways that you can prove astral projection is real, eg. getting someone to hide an object in a place in your house you don’t access often. Through lucid dreams / astral projection you can then try and see what that object is, and if you manage to see it in the astral you can then go and check the next day when you are awake to see whether what you saw in your experience was accurate.
Lots of people have been able to see that OBEs are real and exist substantially either by doing this or through similar experiences.
Hi Vivek narain,
From my experience, once you are conscious of being in the “dreams world”, either through astral projection, or missing the moment of split, but becoming lucid later, you can communicate with the beings there.
Some could be other people dreaming, or also being lucid, others – deceased, others – beings of different types, such as the extraterrestrials.
The more you become advanced, the more you can learn, but many things become too esoteric to share, or pointless to share with those who would praise you or judge you, but not really understand, neither learn from your experience, so what is really the point?
And these experience are quite precious really, in many cases requiring much inner work to “deserve them”, so whatever mysteries are learned there can be also shared with others, but in more “limited way”.
There are some real mysteries to explore out there.
Isn’t it true that it is possible to encounter malicious beings in out of body experiences as well? I’ve seen tons of accounts of people describing how they encountered those beings that emitted a sort of dark aura and those experiences have greatly impacted their quality of life. I’ve tried several times to have an out of body experience consciously, not while I am asleep and in an unconscious dream state, but all of my attempts failed and I ended up either falling asleep or being jolted awake by a muscle twitch. I thought about keep trying and thought that I must at least have one out of body experience in my life, but then I thought about the accounts of people meeting evil spirits in out of body experiences and I got really scared and thought maybe I should just stop trying for my own good. But I think I can be sure that I have traveled to other dimensions while I’m dreaming because I’ve had other-worlds experiences while I dream. Last month there was a night where I had a dream where I heard a voice telling me about the year 2020, what all the crazy things that have happened around the world mean and humanity must change or else this will just be the start of something even worse. I don’t remember much about exactly what that voice told me but what I just said was basically what it said and I woke up feeling a sense of unease. Since the beginning of this year I’ve noticed crazy stuff happening around the world that flooded the media and I had a feeling that this was going to be a very unsettling year for all people around the world. I knew this was true but I didn’t expect another being or something to come to me and confirm that to me. I had questions in mind but didn’t expect for answers. I was shocked when I heard that voice and it said I was absolutely right. I wanted to tell others about this but the voice warned that I need to be careful if I do decide to tell people about the message I received because I will be ridiculed and very few people, if any, will believe me. Since I don’t remember much about what I heard from that voice I can’t really say that I have much to tell people. But that dream is definitely the proof that I had traveled to other dimensions and spoke with spiritual beings, and that dream is the one that I can remember. I don’t know who that being was or what it looked like because it just appeared to me as a voice, an auditory entity.
Thank you Emily for sharing your dream, it definitely sounds like its related to what is going on right now… I also had a dream related to what is going on right now, and it had an “open end” so to speak, so I agree with what you mentioned that humanity needs to change, or things will be even worse than they already are. I have been following the current events too, and I think on a positive note, amidst all this darkness and destruction, there are also more and more people waking up to the reality around them, preferring clarity and wisdom instead of raw emotions and anger, which has been nice to see. I only hope that there will also be some willing to look beyond the mundane, to change spiritually and refuse the evil inside and outside, as they say that a society is usually just a reflection of what the individuals making it have within them…
Now regarding your attempts to astral project, I just wanted to say that “conscious astral experience” or “conscious out-of-body experience” does not mean that you stay awake during it. You actually do need to fall asleep during it (your physical body needs to fall asleep), but your mind needs to stay in an alert mode. This is done by different techniques, but mostly by focusing on one thing as you are falling asleep, in order to have your mind focused and not day-dreaming (jumping from subject to subject), as is usually the case. You can focus on anything as you are falling asleep, it can be a mantra, an image, or your heart-beat, etc… But once you decide what you are going to focus on, don’t allow other thoughts to enter, and just focus on it until you fall asleep. In my first conscious astral projection, for example, I just focused on “getting up from my body”, as I knew that at some point, our astral body naturally separates from physical as we are falling asleep, and I really wanted to catch that split. And so I asked the Divine for help and protection, and then went to sleep, focusing on catching that point when I would feel that my bodies separated. Then a point arrived when I felt like I should try to get up (I was probably helped by the higher beings at this point), and I started moving on my bed, but the movements felt different than my normal physical movements, and I also heard the sound of the blankets being so loud! Then I sat on my bed, feeling a bit dizzy, and then got up, walking a bit around my bed in this new dimension, before waking up back in physical shortly afterwards. It was an amazing experience, after which I had many more, as it was easier then to recognise how this feels afterwards. Regarding negative beings in the astral plane, they are there just like negative people in physical, and they can not do you any physical harm as they are in different plane, they just try to play on people’s fears to scare them from exploring this new dimension of life. So, I would say go for it if you feel inspired, it will make your life feel more magical and connected to the spiritual.
Hi Lucia, it’s true that more and more people are waking up spiritually but our society at large is still pretty material-driven, everything from political decisions made by country leaders to the things that people do to their daily lives are mainly material pursues. Even those who have spiritual beliefs may not practice accordingly and still spend a huge chunk of their time indulging themselves in worldly affairs. I guess I am one of those people and I need to change, I’m not saying things in the material world are not important but they shouldn’t be the only stuff that we focus on. Not only we should learn about spiritual wisdom and do certain rituals we should also incorporate the spiritual wisdom into our daily lives, into the things we do. To me the material and spiritual aspects of life are not mutually exclusive, but rather they both play an important part in one’s life that would give one experiences and eventually leading one to find his or her Higher Self.
As for Astral Projection I think I learned that I need to focus my mind on one thing, but for some reason I could never do that as I fall asleep. I would start with random thoughts in mind and as I fall asleep those thoughts would slowly fade as I feel more and more,well, asleep, and I would enter an unconscious state until I start dreaming. Focusing on one thing would keep me awake and prevents me from falling asleep. So I’m actually not sure how can that exactly work out even though I know intellectually how the process works. Maybe it requires more practice, as I have stopped attempting to astral-project for a while now and I now rely completely on my dreams to receive messages from the universe. It may be distorted by my unconscious mind to a certain degree, but I do get surprising messages from time to time, even though I don’t often remember them. As for asking for protection I know about many spirits from different cultures and traditions but I don’t know which one to call upon as I haven’t found one that seems to resonate with my vibration. And I am someone who can get overwhelmed by fear quite easily so I may scare myself out if I see a negative being. Many people can get scared very easily, even if they don’t see something that is truly malicious. My Japanese friend whom I’ve mentioned a few times here have recently told me about an encounter with what she perceived as a being from Japanese folklore that looked a little bit intimidating but actually harmless when she lived in Japan as a child. I don’t think there is a name for that being in English. She told her parents and friends about her encounter but they didn’t believe her, that memory still haunts her to a certain extent today. And she did not encounter it in some out-of-body experience but in this reality as she was playing hide-and-seek with her friends in a normal afternoon when school was over. I imagine it would only be easier to get freaked out in the astral plane since everything there is different from this dimension.
She didn’t mention specifically what that being looked like since it brings back that memory, and she said she had nightmares the following nights, and woke up yelling “tasukete” (call for help in Japanese). Even encountering a being that looks somewhat intimidating in this reality can give someone nightmares I suspect it could be even more so in the astral plane. I really wish I could astral travel but the only thing that is holding me back is my own fear.
You can always ask your own higher being or divine mother for help, they’re always ready to do so :) With awakened beings you have to know if they are awakened (as your friend may have discovered), and you often have to earn an experience through effort.
I can relate to the fear thing… asking for protection and courage helps, but if you focus on the technique, it’s not really an issue, and you’ll probably have a degree of fear the first few times, as it’s a very different kind of experience than we’re used to.
Hi Julian,
Thank you for your advice, I will try that sometime.
The friend of mine recently has also had an experience which she could not determine whether or not it was an OBE or just regular dreaming. She described that she was taken to a place between the our planet and the moon and was being asked this question, “What do you see on Earth?” She looked down on Earth and answered, “I can see my home country Japan, that island.” Then she was asked, “Have not you told that island was your home country, would you have recognized it as Japan? ” She said, “No, I would not have recognized it as Japan.” Then she was asked, “Have not you told about other nations on the planet, would you point them to me as you are looking at them?” “No,I wouldn’t.” She said, “All I can point out are chunks of lands and oceans.” “That is really all that there is on Earth.”She heard. She was then given a vision of all the kingdoms and empires that existed in human history, they all had their own borders and their territories have expanded and fallen apart. She quickly realized something and asked, “If countries don’t last, what is the thing that is unchanging and ever-lasting?” She then saw the Sun, so she asked if the Sun could be that thing. “It is the light from the Spiritual Sun that is unchanging and ever-lasting.” She heard. She does not remember what happened afterward, but that experience shook her. She drew out the shapes of some of the empires that she saw existed in history, and she looked up the maps of past empires on the Internet, and was surprised to find that some of them matched up with her drawing! She never studied world history in detail so she didn’t know the shapes of these empires, so that was very impressive. She never had an experience like this before, she wasn’t thinking about anything like that, it happened very randomly. Due to her own request I cannot reveal her name that’s why I’ve never mentioned her by name, but she thought she should share her experience with as many people as possible.
Wow, just wow… Please thank your friend very much for sharing her experience. It sounds like she was shown the borders of those kingdoms (that she had never seen before), so she could later verify them and thus prove the reality of her experience. Divine beings often do things like this. Does she or you have the Ancient Path of the Sun book, as that is all about the spiritual sun.
I would also like to see her experience reach as many people as possible. I’m thinking of putting a page together on this website of people’s experiences with the Religion of the Sun. Is she ok for me to put her experience on there?
Hi Lara, please by all means share her experience with as many people as possible. Ever since she had this experience she has been trying to tell as many people as possible about her experience. She feels it’s an important message that people need to understand and as countries are fighting with one another right now over short term political and economical gains it is important to realize that we are not doing the right thing and let go of our materialistic desires and instead seek our inner light.
In addition to the visions of past empires and kingdoms that she received she also told me she was being told about the the future of the coronavirus. She was struggling to make a decision on whether or not she should share that part of her experience. Now she has decided that she will share the following parts: she was told that the coronavirus will be around for a long way to come and that the overall situation is not looking good. Also there is important information regarding the nature of the virus that is being suppressed by authorities in many countries(the names of the exact countries are not mentioned).
I am glad, since she would have been told about coronavirus for a reason. Did she say anything about what that important information is? Or have a feeling about what it is?
Great – please thank her again. I hope to publish the page with her experience, and those of many others soon.
Hi Lara,
She was not being told about the specifics regarding the important information, because it is not the time to do so. However when the right time comes she will receive another revelation. That is what she has told me. She personally feels that when the important information is revealed, it will come as a shock to everyone though.
Hi Emily, thank you for sharing! I know you don’t like the idea of the virus being potentially artificially created, and that’s probably true that it was not made “from the scratch”. However, I have seen several suggestions by different scientists that it looks like the virus may have been manipulated in a lab, as it usually takes a very long time for a virus to “jump” from an animal to a human carrier. The scientists in Australia seem to be even more specific, you can read it here: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/may/21/australian-researchers-see-virus-design-manipulati/ or here https://au.news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-scientists-say-virus-designed-specifically-for-humans-234837177.html
That may not even be everything (and your friend may have more to say later), but I thought it was interesting as different scientists seem to be reaching this conclusion that not everything is “kosher” with this virus so to speak…
Thanks for sharing that Emily, and to your friend. It’s really uplifting to hear this message being echoed. I’m also very curious about the coronavirus and all that is being suppressed regards it – I have a feeling there is an awful lot of untruth and manipulation riding on top of this virus.
Sounds amasing! Thanks for sharing it!
Your friend is just fine, hope won’t let people’s opinions get on her way.
Lara, that’s a great idea about this page for people’s experiences.
Please thank your friend on my behalf for sharing this experience Emily.
Haha, “chunks of lands and oceans” indeed! :-) How wonderful it would be if all the planet became united under the Eternal Light of the Spiritual Sun, wouldn’t it?
It looks to me like the way is being made for that to happen in many ways, whether people take it up is another question…
Thank you and your friend for sharing this amazing experience!
What a fantastic experience Emily. Please thank your friend, because even your retelling of the story clearly leaves a strong impression, delivering a timelessness that we just don’t typically appreciate in ordinary life. It is fabulous that it had such a strong Solar message.
She is being criticized for telling her friends about her experience and some said to her that she was pretending to be a prophetess or something. She insists that she is no prophetess, she is just an ordinary person who had this extraordinary experience. It is up to each person what they think about it, but she just felt like she had to tell people about it.
Hi Emily!
Very interesting, what a profound experience! Thank you for kindly sharing it!
Clear dreams are pretty much the same thing as OBEs, we are out of the body but are simply not aware of the fact that we are… Sometimes, you can learn much more from a clear dream than from an OBE. And yes, like you know, for so many people, these type of experiences are a bit off so they judge and criticize.
May it not put down your friend, may she keep sharing whatever feels right and helpful, and God wills, let her have more of those amazing experiences and keep learning and growing in this school of life!
Hi Vadim,
Thank you for telling me the similarities between OBE and clear dreams! It is clear that she was out of her body when she had this experience. While the majority of people we’ve talked to about her experience(mostly friends and family members) don’t believe in her, there are a few that do take her messages from this experience seriously. However, even they are divided on the true nature of her experience. Some believe she was abducted by aliens and taken into space via an alien craft, because she chose not to reveal any information regarding the being that took her up there. But we are sure that her experience was not an alien abduction because in cases of alien abduction, the abductees are being taken on broad a spacecraft with their bodies intact and the extraterrestrial beings usually do so to perform medical examinations on human bodies instead of giving important spiritual messages. In her experience she saw no spacecraft but only herself and the being floating in the emptiness of space, with our planet and other celestial bodies in view. She also saw herself with no visible body of any kind, it was only her consciousness that was taken into outer space, so she was clearly out of her physical body. She has been trying to tell people that you don’t need a spacecraft to travel through space, our consciousness is capable of doing so all on its own. If you want to travel with your physical body that is a totally different story, since the physical body needs oxygen to survive and there is no air to breathe in outer space without the assistance of technology.
You are so welcome, Emily!
Yes, from her description, it definitely looks like your friend have had a genuine, out of body experience and her revelations have a great value.
It is possible to travel out of our planet with an astral body, at least for some people, who developed these skills and are divinely helped.
As for the extraterrestrials, this is a whole other topic! I believe you might be interested to see the article written by Lara some years ago, called “Making Contact with Extraterrestrials Through Other Dimensions.” From what she described, the extraterrestrials are benevolent and helpful, and are on a higher stage of the development, both in terms of technology and spirituality. They can contact us in our dreams too and help us move out of body.
So sometimes, it may be not clear, what is the source of a teaching that we receive out of body and out of planet… is it a benevolent extraterrestrial being? Can it be the teaching of an ascended spiritual master? How about someone living on Earth and capable to teach in the astral and wishing to show things from the outer space perspective? But also, what about the teaching received from one’s own Divine Spirit?
You can tell your friend to try to remember ask next time, who gives her the teachings… that could be quite interesting to know and give her more insight!
Hello Vadim, thank you for all of your insightful comments and I have read the article you’ve mentioned. Perhaps there are a few things I need to clarify: my friend was certain that the being who lead her out of her body was not an alien but rather a purely spiritual being. She just chose not to talk about what the being looked like for her own reasons. Neither me or her is a pro in astral travel but her experience seems to have occurred randomly and completely unexpected. Nevertheless her experience brings a very important message. This particular time period seems to be a very special time for her since she has received more than one divine revelation. A few days ago she told me that she met some Japanese kamis in her dream and they told her and many things written in the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki are not true. They also said her people(Japanese) have misused the name of Amaterasu during WWII for “unforgivable reasons”. Amaterasu sent her decadent to rule over Japan so that the Japanese people can abandon the old ways that was “backward but which they did not realize and have overtime returned themselves to”. She doesn’t really understand what did the kamis mean by that since Shintoism was about living in harmony with nature. She didn’t see Amaterasu herself, a figure which she has been researching. They explained that this was because the light that Amaterasu has can be blinding to those who haven’t realized who she really is and who they themselves are. My friend, upon hearing this got worried and was afraid that Amaterasu has abandoned Japan. But then the kamis said that Amaterasu has never abandoned Japan, in fact she never abandoned the world, it’s the darkness within the people themselves that have blocked them from seeing her. She will be found if Japanese today are willing to seek her. She woke up full of confusion, she understood how her people misused the name of Amaterasu in WWII, but she doesn’t really understand what “the light” means and what is the old way that Japanese people were asked to foresake. She also doesn’t understand why should they “seek” Amaterasu since they’ve always known her. She can’t really tell if this dream meant anything and she has more questions than answers. She also wanted to ask if Shintoism has anything to do with the Religion of The Sun but also didn’t get a chance to ask. She has been conducting intensive research these days and feels the urge to collect as much information as possible just so she could publish what she was find and share it with the world to get attention. She thinks perhaps this is the reason she didn’t get to ask her questions and didn’t see Amaterasu because her motive of doing the research has turned into pure self-satisfaction. She says she may need to pause her research and reflect on herself.
Hi Emily
Thanks to you and your friend for sharing the message given so that we can also reflect on its meaning. Its difficult for people who have vivid out of body experiences or any personal experience to share these days as people are very locked within the system of material thought these days.
I once had a vivid dream experience where I was shown a past life experience of a relative and I saw in this one scene a young Japanese lady who was a devout wife. I was only wondering last night who she was and where did come from in Japan and the name Okinawa came to my mind. I looked up this name today and found that its an outer island of Japan sadly known for one of the bloodiest battles of war and the needless loss of so many lives. I have only read the Wikipedia account of it, and I think sometimes there is more to the story than what Wiki gives since its created by many views or singular views of the event, but thought I’d share it in case it helped your friend, in her search of the ‘unforgivable reasons’ she may be looking for. So here are the two links https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Okinawa and this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_Japan_during_the_Second_Sino-Japanese_War_and_World_War_II
Best wishes to you both.
It sounds like the things just unfold the way they should, Emily.
Hopefully your friend will find the best way to go deeper with her research…. it could be great to take a pause and deeply reflect on everything and really make sure that her research is what is really needed at this time, for her own spiritual growth, and to help the other people.
There is a lot of evidence pointing out that there were times when Gods walked on Earth, and when the saints lived and governed the civilizations based on harmony and justice, the times of peace and wisdom… and nowadays, everything is so different, as our humanity separates itself more and more away from the Divinity, and even from the Nature itself.
I remember being in Beijing few years ago, entering the Sun Park from the Western Gate and following the road where the Emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties walked on equinoxes towards the rising sun. But when I reached the place where they used to have their ceremonies, it was all surrounded by the fence…
So what could it take, to remove that fence that we had created, not just physically, but psychologically, spiritually, and really reconnect with our ancient and timeless spiritual roots, on the levels of the mind and the heart, experience and action?
The sun shines in the sky and gives us its warmth and the capacity to see… a lot of knowledge was preserved till our times, and we have the capacities to connect with the Divinity inside ourselves.
That’s quite an intense learning experience, thank you for sharing Emily! You prompted me to quickly look at what happened in WWII and how the Japanese misused Amaterasu and Shinto for their own purposes, and it looks like it was similar to what happened in Germany at that time. A good thing (for example being descendants of Amaterasu) being used for evil purposes, just like Hitler used the word “Aryan” in an evil way, and as an apology for mass slaughters of people, together with staining the sacred symbol of swastika. In this new light, it looks to me like WWII was more than we may have thought, it looks to me now like a massive attempt of darkness to pervert the teachings of Light on a global scale. :-O
That having said, I feel its also for these reasons it is so important to genuinely research these things, with an open heart, humility, and dedication. Looks like your friend is doing just that, and it may be at least a part of the reason why she is getting all the help… The end of your post is interesting too, as it indeed looks like maybe some self-reflection would be helpful for your friend to move forward in the right way…
Thank you for sharing again, its amazing how these Beings from other dimensions are contacting different people in these times!
Wishing you both a lot of strength and love, and hope your friendship may help your friend in the way she needs most. <3
She was told in the experience that information about the true nature of the coronavirus that authorities in many countries are suppressing will be revealed to her when the time is right, though there is no guarantee that it will be revealed in the same way as this time, but she would know it when it is being revealed to her. So who knows, maybe she will have more to tell us in the future!
This is good to know, last night I had a dream where i traveled to another place, it was a room where I had lived in but it wasn’t my room, I wasn’t familiar with it at all and I went out to my room into a hallway and saw two people magically appear in the hallway. I don’t remember the conversation but all i know is they gave me a spell and told me how to travel through dimensions. I forgot the name, but I traveled to about 3 places. The only place i kind of remember traveling to is one where I was in a jazz club or bar. I had no control over my walking it was like i was spectating through another persons eyes and i helped escort ladies to my house than I said the magic words and woke up from my sleep.
Thank you Lara for this article. I have just started researching out of body experiences relating to other dimensions. About six years ago I had an experience that I haven’t found duplicated in any of my research. While walking and talking with my friend in the middle of the day, I found myself in a room preparing to pour myself a drink from a crystal canister that was on a table with a white table cloth on it. Although I didn’t see anyone else in the room, I felt the presence of many other people. I was just getting ready to say something to these people, when all of a sudden I was back in my body with my friend. The first words from my mouth was “WOW”. I then asked my friend if she noticed anything different about my actions while I was out of my body. She said no. Have you had any contact with anyone who actually traveled out of their body during the day?
It’s certainly worth verifying and learning from other dimensions through an out of body experience and through dreams. 17 years ago I was a skeptic on this topic but thankfully I was open to give it a go, I learnt how to and why from Mark and I’ve never looked back.
I highly recommend investigating the information in this article.
Thanks for sharing Lara.
Thank you Lara for this interesting article. It’s really strange to reflect on how little we actually see of reality. It affects us in so many ways, from how we perceive situations, understanding the thoughts and emotions of others, our relationship to our physical body and how we perceive our existence in the physical world itself. And because we see so little, we basically make these limited interpretations, which become assumptions, which go on to define what we believe our reality to be, and which most people then agree upon. I remember specifically one time I had an out of body experience, and noticed the phenomenon of being able to see a great many more stars in the night sky that what our physical eyes can see. It was really encouraging to confirm that the limited capacity we experience here in the physical world is not a true reality. Therefore being able to explore further into other dimensions is essential for us to gain a proper picture of what really exists and eventually come to know truth.
Those are good observations Lauren. I’m glad you were able to verify there is more to reality through your own first-hand experience.
Very well put and reflective Lauren. In my opinion, exploring the reality of other dimensions is just as important as exploring the reality of what is right in front of us: in the assumptions we make upon others, in the interpretations of so and so’s actions and demeanor, and in all the clouded misunderstandings in between. Your living examples sadly ring true. Once these limitations are gone, or to what ever degree reduced, our ability to ‘see’ truly, increases (in this world, and the worlds beyond).
As Jesus says: “Come to know what is in front of you, and that which is hidden from you will become clear to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest.”
Thanks Lara found this article very interesting and travelling to another dimension is always something that I have found fascinating, when I start to hear about light, matter and space the mind boggles, very interesting how limited we are in the physical dimension and how little we can see and perceive
To be able to DIY is so important to be able to verify this for yourself changes everything.
Thanks so much for sharing.Take Care Be Aware.
A very interesting article – thank you Lara. As you have highlighted above, it is possible to experience the greater reality with just a bit of practice. All it can take is an open-mind and some level of concentration
Since we have just had a summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, I was exploring the OM mantra – I found even a few minutes of chanting helps to clear my mind and it makes me feel more peaceful. Last night I decided to wake up a few hours before sunrise, and to chant the mantra for a while, until I gradually started feeling sleepy again. Even though I did not project directly during the practice, later, after falling asleep, I woke up in a dream. I feel that having a clearer mind and a heightened level of awareness was a result of the mantra and because of that, I was able to question what was happening in a dream and consequently wake up in a dream. What a joy it was to be self-conscious in the astral plane, to feel everything being so alive, to sense beautiful aromas and to experience more freedom and happiness.
It certainly was an uplifting experience that gave me strong motivation to better myself as a person and to be kind to all living things.
Thanks for sharing that Slawek. It’s really good to hear you were able to get such an inspiring result from a simple mantra practice. It shows that any attempt to increase our level of consciousness can be beneficial.
Thanks for the inspiring comments Slawek. Although Astral Projection has always been a weak point for me, I’ve found that making “super efforts” such as getting up a couple of hours before you normally wake can make all the difference to gaining conscious experiences. This time of morning (before sunrise) has a wonderful mystical feeling to it.
It’s unbelievable how more energy there is in the vacuum than the visible material. So, the vacuum is much more important than material.
The main and non-negotiable strategy of science is to accept only the results of experiments that everybody (the scientists) can confirm. So, according to this strategy of science, it is out of sense and discussion about the personal experience of others realities, if the scientists can’t see and experience themselves (always only through their physical senses and their experiments) someone’s personal experience.
As in the other dimensions, there are other laws, it seems impossible for someone to enter or to see the realities of other dimensions through the technology of material and physical senses. So, the strategy of science to explore the other dimensions is condemned to end up in a big failure and deadlock at all levels in the most important area of research about the other realities, and dimensions.
It is as someone just wants to buy knowledge (mathematics, physics, or biology and medicine) for himself without personal effort and studies. How much effective or clever is this even if he can afford huge amounts of money and advanced technology for this purpose?
The fact that the forefront of scientific investigation is basically in agreement with a mystical understanding of the world that has underpinned so many religions worldwide should be enough to make any spiritual skeptic sit up and take notice. I find it so sad and strange that people can dismiss the existence of spiritual worlds so easily, and so live a life blind to them, especially as actually verifying their reality is simply a matter of earnestly attempting to investigate. These people often use science as a crutch and aid to their material world-view, without knowing of the accord between physics and mysticism!
Thank you Lara for reminding us of the immense mystery of life and that its exploration is as open to us now as it ever has been, and for bringing up-to-date scientific support for the value of mystical investigation.
It’s great that you mention that you don’t need DMT or technology (I presume you’re talking of binaural beats as an example?). I feel exactly the same way.
It’s a shame that there is such a push to consume external/ material, things in order to walk the spiritual path. I see it as another form of shackle that binds us, forcing us to live an inauthentic spiritual life.