Just did an interview with Jim Harold on his podcast ‘Ancient Mysteries on the Air’. This is the official listing, though Jim’s producer kindly sent me a link to share around, so you can listen to it freely at https://content.blubrry.com/paranormalplus/Ancient_Solstice-Ancient_Mysteries_on_the_Air_86.mp3
We spoke for 30 minutes about ancient religion, sun worship, sacred sites, the connections between ancient civilizations, Atlantis, the great flood, and more.
Jim has had so many interesting guests on the show – lots of names I recognize as people doing great work and research, like Brien Forester, Jim Vieira, Robert Schoch and many more.
Jim and his producer Madelyne were super organized, friendly, and professional, and it was lovely to be their guest.
Hi Lara,
a great interview with Jim. Very succinct and informative even though short. The information around the flood and dates with ice cores very revealing too. Myths may not be myths after all. It is a wonderful coincidence how science is verifying ancient information/knowledge at this point in time. How timely it all seems or is it another timed/ planned event?
I think if we even take a practical perspective to life we see that the knowledge we have today espouses from an ancient knowledge given to humanity rather than one that humanity created itself, and I say this because it mirrors how children learn from their parents and their parents learnt from their parents and their parents from their parents etc… its always given to us from a parent and we always start out like babes. I think the spiritual knowledge was given to humanity, as you describe Lara by Ancient Wisdom Bringers, and their role was very much like a parental figure, as we see Odin was called the All Father, in ancient Assyria the parental spiritual figure was called Baba El (Babel) (father God) and in times of Ur, there was Abraham, the Father of Many, and he’s name in the beginning was Abram meaning High Father in Assyrian/Aramaic, which was a similar term that Odin was also known as.
We look for so many facts and figures, break things down into complicated parts, and seek expert academics to explain it all to us, however we can experience the reality more simply and see it through our own personal experiences of a human existence. I feel we have lost trust in the very basic and simple truths and I see how it causes us to be lost in our ways and how we don’t see the very things before us. I hope that more people find this Religion of the Sun as it is so beautiful, loving, caring and it is the source of all the love that we seek in our lives and in the depths of our hearts, and finding it here I think people will naturally seek the path of transformation as it is not external to them but is all within and it lies waiting for them to be uncovered like all good treasures do.
Thanks for this interview Lara and I hope there will be many more!
Very nice to see more of these interviews Lara.
What really spoke to me in this one in particular was the contemplation of the spiritual Sun and the notion of worship/relationship to/with it. In exploring practices related to the Sun, I often wonder how to continuously develop my connection with the spiritual Sun. My connection with other aspects of divinity have grown over time, and over the years, like a growing relationship with the divine and spiritual, where I have felt a reciprocal type of connection in return.
With the spiritual Sun, I often wonder about building that relationship more and more as well. For example while chanting mantras to the Sun in homage. Sharing my prayers, my hopes, my aspirations. Is it my Creator? Is it an Omnipotent mystery? Is it my hope, my salvation .. my goal etc.. that I draw my attention without too many prominent labels. Do I allow the mystery to naturally unravel… as nature itself unravels around us to reveal her mysteries. It was interesting to hear you talk about it as a place, and final abode. A destination one can aspire towards.
Would love to keep exploring this, and appreciate all the insight.
That was a great interview. A really nice casual walk through of the significance of the sun. Jim has such a nice calm voice and seem to hone in on some good questions and observations as he processes the information. Thank you!
It was wonderful to hear your personal motivations Lara for your diligent research into the past. I specifically liked the part where you mentioned your quest for spiritual wisdom and how it would be relevant to you personally and how you can benefit from that. I really loved that
It was really nice to hear this interview, I felt uplifted. I thought these interviews are a great opportunities to reach new audience who may be interested in the religion of the Sun but never had the opportunity to hear about it.
Also very generous of Jim and his team to provide a direct link to the interview! Thank you.
That was a really nice talk! I’d been having many of those omens in my environment lately that pave the way for a greater understanding of the physical and spiritual realms and this interview is one of them. It is great that this information is available to the world, especially at this time.
These are wonderful subjects, I think many more people would become curious if they’d come to be introduced to this unfolding of ancient history that is taking place.
Nice host too, with each of those questions he posed I thought there’s just so much one could bring up! (because the knowledge was so widespread) But I really liked how Lara directed the attention towards the evidence and worked from that. 👍
Hope more interviews will follow, maybe even some on specific subjects too? However even getting the general picture of the Religion of the Sun out there is so important because it helps put the puzzle pieces people already know of in their place.
Tell me about it Akira! Each time I answer a question I have to think about what the most important thing to say is, because there is just so much more I could go into.
Every topic unfolds into 20 more, which unfold into another 20, and so on! I feel like I could talk for a week solid about what has been covered by our research so far.
But it all has to start somewhere, and that is at least with a clear, evidence-based understanding that the Ancient Religion of the Sun existed, and it was not a primitive form of sun worship, but something extremely profound.
I have noticed that too, Akira, how Lara backed up most of her answers with evidence. I thought how difficult it must be to always remember all those “backing up evidences” when you are talking, instead of chatting freely like we do with friends, but then I thought what a tremendous responsibility there is for Lara to present this revived ancient religion in the proper and objective light, not as something that is just felt (by people intuitive enough to tap into it), but also something for which there is a lot of solid evidence left throughout the centuries (and even millennia!).
Fantastic really great to see more videos coming up, really enjoyed listening and once again cant say enough how much I appreciate this valuable information that yourself and Mark are sharing with the world Thanks again
Hi Lara,
I’m glad and thankful to Jim & Madelyne for being able to listen to the podcast. It was a sweet and short interview, yet delivered much food for thoughts in this under 30min interview.
It was very refreshing to me to see how Jim was so open to the information both spiritual and academic research / information you were providing, but especially his keeness to learn about how to practice it.
I also feel that because of your book which provides such solid and concrete evidence for the presence of the religion of the Sun worldwide, this yearning to practicing it is definitely growing among the people who are learning or just finding out about the ancient religion of the Sun, because it is real, it’s not an imagined fantasy but is actually the true base of our civilization, and the connection to who we truly are and why we are here on Earth.
May the Light of the Sun keep growing in our hearts..
Congratulations on the interview and I hope many more will follow! Your and Mark’s work certainly deserves a lot more attention than it’s getting. I liked listening to a conversation with you. This format is different than a presentation and has its own advantages in being more common, so-to-speak. It is a shame Jim did not give the correct name for your book – it definitely took away from my listening to the interview.
I really liked hearing your perspective on what is sun worship. Jim described the common understanding of it, which is so lacking. I think, he could not relate to your response because it was so far from his own understanding. It would be good to hear more about personal practice of the genuine Religion of the Sun today, and how one can reach the same experiences as the advanced cultures depicted in their teachings in the past.
Thanks Aleks, that is going to be the correct name of the book very soon ;-) more news on that shortly!
I always seem to learn something new from listening to your interviews Lara, whether it’s gaining a fresh perspective or a better understanding of the topics you cover here that I may have missed while reading your books or forgotten. Thanks for the clarification and the reminder.
That’s what I think too Patricia – exciting to see what am I going to learn this time. So what stood out or was kind of a reminder was when Lara said this was a religion of light. We are coming up to the winter solstice here and isn’t it a big part of it, putting up a lot of beautiful lights, and burning candles. It seems so natural but yet maybe it’s also a symbol of that spiritual light whose birth we await at Christmas. That’s always why this season has been special for me, the magic of the light in the deep darkness. Even in this material age we seem to be really drawn to it – my culture is pretty atheist but I think we still strongly feel, honour, and celebrate the sacredness of Christmas. Anyway, thanks for the lovely interview Lara!
I agree Laura, Christmas magic is the best! :-) Its a lot of snow where I live now too, which makes me feel very Christmas-y already… And what a beautiful picture/painting you have as a thumbnail, is it possible to see a bigger version of it somewhere?
It’s ‘Silent Night’, 1891 by Viggo Johansen. How funny I didn’t know the painter was Scandinavian. It’s that Nordic love of Christmas again :)
That is a spectacular painting! (https://www.flickr.com/photos/eoskins/23651149811) Those children’s faces and postures are amazing, so well expressing their sincere awe of this occasion. :-) Here is another one from him connected to Christmas: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Viggo_Johansen_silent_noght.jpg
Totally agree !
Thank you Lara, I really enjoyed the information in this interview. The research that you and Mark have brought forward is quite special and yet very unique, not only from a historical point of view but especially from a spiritual view. I find myself completely inspired and driven to know more about the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. By far, I find that your information in your book about the Spiritual Sun has revised a deep yearning to understand who we really are and our journey to return to the source. Hopefully the Spiritual Sun can reach many who are longing to connect the dots.
Wonderful talk, great intro and explanation.
Loved the parallels made to modern day beliefs (e.g the sun as heaven above). So obvious once they are made.
Thanks for sharing
What a lovely interview. It flowed so nicely and so many important points came up. I really appreciated Jim’s enthusiasm for ancient sites and his interest in Serpent Mound. LOL at his going to school in 1912!
It was also refreshing to hear how open some people are to uncovering our true history as a humanity. Jim just sensed that the “myth” of a flood was perhaps not a myth at all! And the commentary you made on the accuracy of Plato’s dating of Atlantis and its accordance with modern geological evidence really hit me. I was impressed before with the dating, but again felt a sense of awe.
I hope the Religion of the Sun can get more interviews like this. It’s also exciting to see people taking an interest in the practice of the religion, too! Thanks for posting this, Lara, and to Jim for sharing the link!
Have finished recently reading your updated book, this talk was quite a good summary!
Yeah it is so interesting to realize that Christmas, the most celebrated holiday, clearly, has very ancient solar origins!
Great talk, Lara!
Concise and it boosts interest!
Thanks for that 😊
I agree whokeheartedly. It’s wonderful Lara, that you’re doing interviews to spread this special knowledge. I wish there were more of these, but I understand that everyone is really busy uncovering this information in the first place.
It’s also very timely with the next solstice just a Few weeks away. Maybe more people will become interested enough to add some historical approaches to their christmas celebrations, rather than the modern commercialised version.
Very nice interview, and Jim seemed to be genuinely interested in the Religion of the Sun and even how to practice it. I hope he can find out more about it in the future! :-) I also loved what you mentioned at the end about nature, and how one can observe and connect to the eternal spiritual principles that are imbued within it.