The sun was venerated as the greatest symbol of the divine by pagans across the ancient world for thousands of years – including the ancient Egyptians, Celts and Druids, Persians, Aztecs, Inca, Maya, Hittites, Hindus, Germanic and Slavic pagans, Phoenicians, and many others. It was not about growing crops, but has a far more profound explanation… and led to the construction of the most advanced and enigmatic ancient sacred sites on the planet.
After a very long break (while I have been working on books), here finally is a new video, which gives an overview as to why ancient pagans worshiped the sun. It is based on the research and work that Mark and I have put forward in our book The Ancient Path of the Sun, and in my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun. Those books contain all the background information for what I present in this video, across their nearly 900 pages and over 2,000 references.
Hi everyone,
I have been re-watching this video, realising how profound it is in its explanation of the spiritual nature of Light, and thought to share something that I have read a long time ago, which reminds me of this.
Its the work of Persian mystic and philosopher of 12-th century called Suhrawardi who is said to have founded Iranian school of Illuminationism, which today is considered to be an “Islamic philosophy”. However, Suhrawardi’s ideas and teachings don’t seem to have much in common with Islam, in fact, he was murdered for “heresy” when he was just in his late 30-ties, as he had tried (according to his own words) to reinstate the ancient Persian tradition of wisdom and encouraged direct spiritual experience.
I have first read about him many years ago, when just starting to search for spirituality, and his “Mysticism of Light” really spoke to me, and this Lara’s video reminded me of him. Based on his spiritual experience combined with philosophical knowledge, he has established a sort of “emanational cosmology”, whereby the supreme and immaterial Light of Lights emanates the successive levels of lights with ever-diminishing intensity, through different planes of existence, until the most “dimmed” lights that are present in our bodies, and the bodies of all living beings. In his famous book Hikmat al Ishraq, meaning “Wisdom by Illumination” (the translation is just approximate, as the word “Ishraq” literally means “the beauty of the rising sun”) Suhrawardi says that Light operates at all levels and hierarchies of reality, producing immaterial and substantial lights, including immaterial intellects (angels), human and animal souls, and even ‘dusky substances’, such as bodies. (
Suhrawardi therefore says that every soul started off in the angelic realm, before its descent into matter and the material body. He also mentions that each soul has its Divine counterpart in the heavenly realms. Therefore, the human soul is always sad because it has been divorced from its other half, and so it aspires to become reunited with it. The soul can only reach felicity again when it is united with its celestial part, which has remained in heaven. He holds that the soul should seek felicity by detaching itself from its tenebrous body and worldly matters and access the world of immaterial lights. The souls of the gnostics and saints, after leaving the body, ascend even above the angelic world to enjoy proximity to the Supreme Light, which is the only absolute Reality. (
Except of his spiritual experience during which he saw many illuminated beings, he also had an experience, during which he met Aristoteles who told him (among other things) about the importance of self-knowledge, which had become an important part of his teaching, together with perceiving life through the conscious awareness of the self, and everything that this “self’ experiences.
Suhrawardi further mentions the world that enables the communication between the spiritual and earthly realms, called Malakut, the existence of which can be discovered by creative imagination, and is the world where the initiation experiences happen (which sounds like a description of the astral plane to me).
Here is a video which I think does a decent job in explaining things about his life and philosophy if anybody is interested:
I found this animation so inspiring that I couldn’t not to share it somewhere here, even I don’t agree with everything Audrey Marcus supports and doings. Hope it’s okay
It’s beautifully done. I remember feeling like I belonged to another distant spiritual realm, and that this wasn’t my real home, and many other people do too, and I think the animation tries to make sense of that feeling.
Now that I’ve done more research though, and have a bit more experience, I believe that all people (and beings) ultimately originate from a higher spiritual realm, but the intuitive memory of it is stronger in some people than others. And that we come to Earth not just to help others, but to progress further on our own journey of learning and transformation.
Thank you, Oliver, so inspiring, beautifully done and makes you think…
I stumbled across this thread and decided to re-watch this video which provides some sort of explanation for our daily struggles, our attempts to re-unite with the Divine and to remind us of a higher purpose to all this. I decided to send the link onto others who are struggling at the moment who might find it helpful – as well as the information found on this website.
Like so many of us here, there is this feeling that earth is not quite home, but there is a purpose for being here and the need or urgency to remember what that is.
Thank you so much for this magnificent video and narration of this beautiful knowledge, this research is like its topic ever shining and giving light and warmth!
I was wondering if the word pagan was a recent term, perhaps since the advent of Orthodox / state determined religions,, when I was reading its definition here . It appears that it was a term given to the people who didn’t conform to these (state) established belief systems. I also read somewhere that the word pagan comes from the Italian word pagani, meaning villagers, and so it seems these people were those who retained their life and spiritual faith in closer proximity to nature and also to spiritual generations of lore that would have been passed down to them and which they also kept since they were outside of the regions of established beliefs.
I have also been wondering if the antithesis between monotheistic and polytheistic is not so much about a belief in one god or many gods, but rather about the opposition between the two towards the question of spiritual transformation.
I think that in monotheistic beliefs there was/is a belief in only one God which oversees people and a belief that a person could not aspire to godhood, and could only live or aspire to a ‘saintly’ life and the promise of heaven through belief and good actions – but not transformation. This perhaps stems or is a continuation from the days of Jesus, who also suffered under this belief system as it oppressed the teaching of spiritual transformation which he exemplified through his existence and trials, and the meaning and significance of the Solstices and Equinoxes that you and Mark explain in ‘The Ancient Path of the Sun’ book.
Whereas polytheism, I believe, relates to an ancient form of spirituality in which many gods exist through and because of a spiritual transformation of a person into a divine being, and therefore the potential for there to be many gods. So rather there being one God overseeing the people, the people could undertake a spiritual work to reach godhood and join a universal godhood, that has also been known as a brotherhood through ancient mystery school. Therefore polytheism, I believe is not a belief in many gods but that it terms a process of spiritual transformation that allows for many gods to actualize and form a union with the divine unity of creation. As you highlight Lara, the sons of the sun and the children of the sun.
Interestingly I wanted to add to that this perspective of polytheism is shown to us in the Pyramid Texts, in which Unas is described having died and resurrected and joined a spiritual brotherhood of divine gods.
“212: You have come into being, you have become high, you have become a spirit! ”
“221: How pleasant is your condition! You become a spirit, o Unas, among your brothers the gods. How changed, how changed (is your state)!”
Unas also seems to me to mean brother, because in Assyrian, the word for brother is Khuna, and perhaps this shows the connection between spiritual transformation as a process of attainment of godhood, known as a kinship of a brotherhood? This could also show a relationship between kingship being ordained by the divine.
I feel that drawing the above distinction between monotheism and polytheism is important, as I feel it can help us overcome the ambiguous explanation we have been given about i t as a belief in many gods, in contrast to one god. And perhaps the opportunity for self spiritual transformation for humanity has been oppressed through a misunderstanding or misappropriation of what polytheism could really have meant in ancient times and for us today. I also think that a better understanding of monotheism could be expressed in terms of its true essence as a ‘unity of divinity’ (brotherhood of gods), which unfortunately has been lost through historical semantics (as well as persecutions of the ancient cultures who practiced the religion of the sun), causing us to have lost understanding and our innate ability to connect to what is essentially an integral part of our life and our existence.
I hope as this Religion of the Sun continues to grow and shine it will help to lift the veil that has obscured our vision of our true potential, and why our past means so much to our present and to our future.
Thanks ever so much Lara for inspiring the light within us through these wonderful videos.
Very nice, professional and inspiring video with a very beautiful and serene music. It gives an unique and brilliant perspective about the spiritual perspective of the Sun and the Light. I felt that it also gives an impulse to activate your own consiousness!
An incredible, beautiful video that inspires so deeply, helped me feel peace and hope, made me wonder about life and everything, it reached so deeply my heart.
Thank you profoundly Lara and Mark for this wonderful made video, for this strong help, for inspiring so much.
Dear Lara,
an absolutely remarkable accomplishment, to connect the dots and pull together mankind’s ancient history and the significance of the sun in such a way. It makes more and more sense as the pieces come together, linking the wisdom of the ancient people to a far greater and advanced intelligence than our modern world and civilization could ever achieve, despite the technology advancements, the information highways created and the vast array of consumerism that has been created as a core concept for today’s society. The purpose of living seems to be withering away, or become more and more consumed by the mundane and the physicality of living. The simplest of tasks such as accessing clean water and food, seems to be tampered with. The ability to worship or honor a higher aspect (no matter what faith system has become redundant and frowned upon as though it is superstition or fantasy. It would seem we have drifted further from the truth of our existence and the core of the source which has allowed this realm to be experienced. Our modern lifestyle is going as far as to influence our ability to connect with higher realms and to experience them by influencing the quality and purity of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and, to even attempt to block the sun with satellite signals that interfere with the sun’s rays from reaching the earth;s surface.
Hi Dimi,
I think you summarised the situation quite well. The Sun blocking experiment sounds especially sinister to me. I have seen the articles on this topic being around for a while, but it looks like now they may try to really go for it. As far as I understand it, they will try to spray tiny particles into the stratosphere, in order to reflect the sun rays, so they don’t reach the Earth. They say they are planning to do this partially, but how partially is the question, certainly an experiment like this may get out of control, and cause the inability of people to grow their own crops for example. Not talking about what blocking the Sun like this would mean spiritually… :-(
Hi Lucia,
in my part of the world, I have noticed a change since Nov 2019 with increasing effects since then, noted in the physical and Astral. It is concerning – the experiment seems to be unfolding in small increments, so that it is not felt or noticed too much by most people. I have noted changes in the plants and wildlife too.It is concerning. Perhaps our fate is like that of Atlantis,…
Welcome back, and well done on a fantastic video! Presentation is better than ever, and the quotes are fantastic. Mark’s quotes in particular stood out for their depth and modern communication. I am guessing they are from the new edition of the book. As I watched the video I could not help but wonder about the importance of the feminine in the ancient religion of the sun. I think you only mentioned the Great Earth Mother once toward the end. I ask because I see the feminine everywhere (living things are mostly made from water, we are 60% water), and yet the feminine is not the end goal nor the ultimate beginning.
I forgot to mention that cellular respiration takes place in a part of your cells called mitochondria,and that’s also how warm-blooded creatures like us generate our body heat. There are animals on this planet like reptiles and insects that cannot generate their own body heat,they’re known as cold-blooded animals and they rely a lot on external heat sources raise their body temperatures to fuel their metabolism,and that heat source is usually the sun. The science educators when talking about warm-blooded vs cold-blooded,they would say that warm-blooded creatures do not need the sun to move because we can generate our own body heat. But what does our body heat come from? Ultimately it still goes back to the sun. And it’s kinda cool to think that when we are giving off body heats,we are re-emiting the energy from the sun that got into our bodies through food. After making all of these connections I have definitely came to a sense of realization that The Sun is like a mother to us in both spiritual and material sense.
That’s right, well put.
Hi, Emily. I read your posts on cellular respiration and I really like all the thought you put into it. It certainly makes a lot of sense that we have fire within us, just as the sun and stars, although on a much smaller scale. We then really live up to that “Children of the Sun” title.
One of the problems that may arise from a scientific viewpoint, though, is that we scientists can get too hung up on a definition… I think when people normally think of fire, they think strictly of a reaction where a substance reacts with oxygen to produce heat/light. With cellular respiration, sugar reacts with oxygen but instead of producing heat/light, our body produces a molecule called ATP. ATP, through its chemical bonds, stores energy. The cells of our body can then break the chemical bonds of ATP and release energy to do work.
For both the fire and cellular respiration, the reacting substances already had that energy stored within them. But the “fire” brought it out. So if we relax the idea of fire a little to be the consumption of reacting species (wood and oxygen or sugar and oxygen) to release energy, then our cells have fire in them, as does a candle, and even the sun (although the reactions are a little different).
This naturally leads to a more esoteric question and one that likely takes us beyond the physical plane of existence: where did all the energy of our universe come from? If that energy itself was released from some fire (the Big Bang), how did that happen? What Great Sun/Fire brought this all forth?
I just read up a bit on mitochondria to check if I was right in thinking that they have their own separate DNA (they do!) and came across:
“Mitochondria gave cells the gift of fire, and this surplus of energy allowed them to become much larger and more complicated.” :-)
I might go on a tangent here, being not-a-real-scientist (though I love science, I can’t enjoy it when it’s separated from spiritual principles, and you rarely find them taught together anymore) but it seems quite incredible to me that the very organelles that create the energy for us to live are these micro, benevolent life forms within us, with their own genetic make up! That sounds like a place where science and mysticism might overlap …
This topic led me to remember a description in a book I recently read about electricity, comparing the way our own cells are structured to how space organises itself. I’ll post the excerpt below. The book is The Invisible Rainbow, a History of Electricity and Life, by Arthur Firstenberg which I picked up to understand more about how electricity effects our health and highly recommend it. He’s one of those scientists that hasn’t lost touch with the magic of life and explains like a poet how fine-tuned our bodies are to the electrical environment that we evolved with and how scientifically we are microcosms of the cosmos, a very ancient and mystical perspective of the body. This means that any major disturbance in our environment (such as a change in the electrical atmosphere we live in, something happening more and more nowadays with the electric grid, electric devises, satellites in space, etc) creates disturbances in our body.
I also found it interesting how Firstenberg states that the substance of our cells, ‘plasma’, is a better conductor of electricity than metals even, and how the sun is made of this ‘plasma’ too: (“Our sun, also made of plasma, sends out an ocean of electrons, protons, and helium ions in a steady current called the solar wind. Blowing at three hundred miles per second, it bathes the earth and all of the planets before diffusing out into the plasma between the stars.”) This to me speaks of how connected we literally are to the sun and how, if this plasma we have in every cell basically makes us powerful living conductors – with electricity as a form of fire – that we can are walking balls of invisible fire, and can be instruments of the divine fire.
“Almost all of the matter in the universe is electrically charged, and endless sea of ionized particles called plasma, names after the contents of living cells because of the unpredictable, life-like behavior of electrified matter. The stars we see are made of electrons, protons, bare atomic nuclei, and other charged particles in constant motion. The space between the stars and galaxies, far from being empty, teems with electrically charged subatomic particles, swimming in vast electromagnetic fields, accelerated by those fields to near-light speeds. Plasma is such a good conductor of electricity, far better than any metals, that filaments of plasma – invisible wires billions of light years-long – transport electromagnetic energy in gigantic circuits from one part of the universe to another, shaping the heavens. Under the influence of electromagnetic forces, over billions of years, cosmic whirlpools of matter collect along these filaments, like beads on a string, evolving into the galaxies that decorate our night sky. In addition, thin sheaths of electrical current called double layers, like the membranes of biological cells, divide intergalactic space into immense compartments, each of which can have different physical, chemical, electrical, and magnetic properties. There may even, some peculate, be matter on one side of a double layer and anti-matter on the other. Enormous fields prevent the different regions of space from mixing, just as the integrity of our own cells is preserved by the electric fields of the membranes around them.”
Hi Ella,
Thanks for sharing this. I’m also blown away by the structure of life. Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated by the idea that we, as living beings, are made up of smaller living things, i.e., cells. And later on I learned what you are describing here about how the mitochondria within cells are themselves alive! With their own DNA, too!
Scientifically, the word “plasma” can mean a variety of things depending on whether one talks to a biologist or a physicist. The plasma in the sun is mostly hydrogen atoms that are heated up so much the protons and electrons are no longer bound to one another. Within our cells, plasma often refers to the plasma membrane, the “skin” of the cell. It uses lipids (chains of fatty acids) to form a protective barrier called a phospholipid bilayer. When you put a drop of oil in water, a similar thing happens in that the oil drop protects itself from the water by forming a monolayer around itself to make contact with the water and retains a bubble-like shape. There’s also blood plasma, which is basically what remains of our blood after taking out the cells and platelets. I wouldn’t be surprised if that stuff was highly conductive as it would mostly be water plus some proteins.
The Firstenberg quote is quite interesting and I like the parallel he draws between cells and what takes place on the scale of the universe. It is especially interesting that within the universe, there seems to be a structure based on the very large galaxy filaments astronomers have found. Maybe there really is some invisible set of barriers, behaving like cell walls, that keep things ordered that we can’t observe here on earth. I especially liked his idea on matter-antimatter barriers and I seem to recall other physicists talking about this, too.
From the largest of scales down to the smallest of scales, there is a mysterious and beautiful structure to it all.
Just found a video which shows an experiment done by a scientist named Joseph Priestly in 1770 which really demonstrated how important oxygen is for both a burning candle and a mouse When placed inside of a sealed jar, the flame of a burning candle would go out quickly, and a mouse would suffocate due to the lack of oxygen. But when a small mint plant is added into the jar, the situation changed. The candle burns significantly brighter and the mouse is also able to live and breath as if nothing had happened because the mint plant is producing oxygen through photosynthesis. A really simple experiment but beautifully shows that in the same way a candle needs oxygen to burn, living beings like the mice and humans need oxygen to sustain the burning-like chemical reaction that takes place within every one of their cells from moment to moment which keeps them alive. This is really a very easy way to see how we really do have fire burning within us that is keeping us alive(Literally the Fire of Life!) When I meditate and focus on my breath I like to think about the oxygen that we breath in and the co2 that we breath out, how all of that are related to the fire of life within me, and how the energy which made these reactions possible can ultimately be traced back to its origin in the sun. Contemplating on these things has been a constant reminder to me of just how deeply connected we are to the sun, and what does it mean to be “a child of the sun”.
Wow, what a beautiful and lapidary experiment, thank you for sharing Emily!
Just watched your video on Youtube Lara! I was surprised by just how it was nicely made with the detailed yet easy-to-understand information being presented and the use of graphics. For some reason Twitter is still not happy with me and even after I contacted them they still refused to unsuspend my account unless I give a legitimate reason as to why they should allow me to continue using my account because they claimed that I violated some of their rules and that’s why they banned me. But all my posts were about my own discoveries about the ancient mysteries and I don’t see any reason why would these posts would violate one of their policies. People have been posting about this type of stuff for years to spread awareness regarding the truth about our past and I only decided to join this movement to make my very own contribution to it. But I don’t really know,recently Twitter has been banning people for apparantly no reason. Due to this situation I am not able to share my findings with the world via the Internet. But while I was reading about ancient Chinese beliefs I came across concepts similar to those that Lara mentioned in the video,like light and fire. For some reason the word “sun” isn’t mentioned frequently but what I think is the word that’s used in its place is Yang. In the Chinese language the same sound can have many characters corresponding to it with very different meanings. However the character Yang that is used in this context is the very same Yang that is used when people talk about Yin and Yang. . The sun is often used as a symbol that represents all aspects of Yang in the universe,in fact,”taiyang” is still used today in Chinese to refer to the sun,and this term contains the word Yang. Some texts should say things like “It is the light,earth and Yang that gives rise to all the living beings between heaven and earth. ” The exact wording may vary from text to text,but they all seem to send a similar message. When it comes to the Fire of Life,when Lara was talking about it in the video what came into my mind was cellular respiration,the process which most living things on Earth,including humans use to make the energy needed for vital functions. When you look at the process of cellular respiration from a chemical perspectice,it bears a striking resemblence to the process of combustion/burning. In both cases some kind of hydrobarbon is reacted with oxygen and energy is released,the one major difference is that in combustion the energy is released rapidly,whereas in cellular respiration the energy stored in bonds between molecules are released in a controlled and step-by-step manner with the help of certain enzymes. I’m not a scientist by profession or anything,but overtime I have learned about bits and pieces of it from here and there and that gives me a better understanding of the physical world that we live in. Because cellular respiration is similar to combustion,you could say that we do have a kind of fire that is burning slowly within every one of our cells at any given moment that is keeping us alive. If there is a material fire that is literally providing our physical bodies with energy,then it would also make sense for there to be a spiritual fire that sustains our spirits. Apparently very few people have compared these two processes and taken notice of how similar they are and what this could mean. I just wanted to bring this up because when talking about the Fire of Life,I have always thought about cellular respiration as a kind of vital fire in a way,even though it doesn’t really produce any visible flame and occurs on a microscopic level.
Hi Emily, I’m so surprised that you’ve been banned from Twitter, as I can’t see why – did they say which rules and how you violated them? Very interesting observations you’ve made about the correlations between fire and cellular respiration. It seems some of the ancients understood this, as in the Vedic texts of India, like the Upanishads, it says there is a fire (like the fire of the sun) that burns within living things and consumes food. It seems quite obvious when you think about it, since living things produce heat and energy, which is what sustains them.
Hi Lara,I did find it very strange for Twitter to ban me. I asked them what policy did I violate and they didn’t give me a very specific answer. So I don’t know what do those people that run Twitter have on their minds. Twitter has been known to ban people for apparently weird and vague reasons,it’s clear though that they are trying to control what information is being spread on their platform though. I’ve heard that there are some “conspiracy accounts” that have also been banned,and those who are trying to raise spiritual awareness such as my own. Given the fact that throughout history people who have tried to spread real spiritual knowledge often faced everything from being ridiculed to being straight-up persecuted,I was not entirely surprised that there is someone who is trying to go after me to censor this type of information. I have known about the correlation between fire and cellular respiration for many years,I first discovered this correlation when I was in high school while learning about them in science classes,I just didn’t know what I could make of this information. Now I have forgotten a lot of the stuff I’ve learned back then,but this correlation between fire and cellular respiration is something that I would never forget. The moment I realized that these two processes were very similar,something inside of me just turned on,I thought,”Does this mean there’s a fire burning inside all living things? ” I asked my teachers if I could think about it this way,but they just said they didn’t think this was the correct way of thinking about it,because “many chemical reactions look alike”. That explanation didn’t convince me and I held on to this idea that there is a kind of fire burning inside of me to keep me alive. In a way it’s like how burning gasoline inside a car’s engine gives it the energy it needs to move,it is the tiny microscopic fires that provide living things with the energy of life. The energy inside gasoline,along with many other fuels that are essential for powering our modern world,can be traced back to the sun. However it is said that living things can harness this energy that came from the sun more efficiently than any machine that is a product of modern technology. The reason for this is not clear,scientists can only explain this fact as it is due to the complexity of life. But why are living things especially good at harnessing the energy that came from the sun? It would only make sense if we were literally the Children of The Sun,that we have this unique ability. If we can harness the material energy from the source of light and heat on planet Earth,then we must also possess the ability to use the spirutual energy of the Divine Sun efficiently. All of the things in the material world do seem to point to that we have a deeper connection to The Sun than we may realize,not just in a material sense but also in a spiritual sense. Most people in this world today are not spiritually evolved to realize that we do have a connection to the Spiritual Sun,and they even failed to notice our connection to the Sun in a plain physical sense. It’s interesting that the Vedic texts of India like the Upanishads mentioned this fire that is burning inside of us,they are definitely works of ancient wisdom that describe the truth of existence at a very advanced spiritual level and they are for sure not the so-called dumb-dumb texts that many people today like to think of them as. Hindu texts even discussed some of the principles of quantum mechanics,which have only been discovered by modern science recently. The followers of the Religion of The Sun likely knew these facts about our universe,like the Hindus,that’s why they talked about them in their scriptures,there is no way they just made them up out of the blue. When you actually go learn about them it is indeed really shocking how they knew so much about our universe,even more than we do today. We absolutely can learn a lot from these ancient wisdoms,they have a lot to offer to our modern world that focuses so much on the material aspect of existence while largely neglects the spiritual side of it. Underneath the appearence of material development,the economic prosperity of the modern society,there lies a lack of spiritual advancement. It is a very said thing to see happening,but it was predicted by many ancient sages and brilliant minds,they have forewarned that there lies an age ahead of their own,which is characterized by worldy pursuits and people no longer cared about the spiritual aspect of life and until they have completely forgotten about the Spiritual Sun and the religion of truth associated with it. In some cases the Religion of The Sun may be eradicated by warfare and persecution,in other cases it may just have died out in an a lot more peaceful,but equally devastating way. There used to be a time in China’s history where Taoism flourished despite all the political turmoils that went on for decades,but when everything settled down and social stability was established Taoism just died out “naturally” and went into obscurity,and it never regained its popularity sense. This may be a case where following the spiritual decline of humanity at large the Religion of The Sun became harder and harder to practice,although elements of it,like the principle of Yin and Yang remained a central element in many Chinese folk religions.
I asked a 3 year old once, where is God and he said ‘in the fire’.
Your presentation rings true to me! Thank you Lara and husband for bringing it all together so nicely, like I am sure, has never been done before, your connections made between many faiths in time is irefuitable to me.
I had many visualization of what life in Muchu Pichu was like after being there in person, they make me intuitively understand how awesome life once was high in the Andies.
Great work, well done!
Wow. That was truly epic. Thank you Lara and team for all the work done in making this masterpiece. I felt like a kid again in awe of the great Sun. The reading of the passages from a variety of people, the countless images of sacred sites, and pictures of solar celebrations brought about such a profound feeling of “universality” and the supreme significance of the Religion of the Sun. I hope this video reaches millions. Just… wow!
Wow what a truly exquisite video! It conveys so beautifully the essence of the aspirations of ancient peoples and civilizations. Lara, I sense this is one of the best videos you have ever done with regards to professionality, beauty and presented profound knowledge. This video also connects the Ancient Religion of the Sun to various cultures of our present time and offers an invitation for them to explore deeper into their ancient roots. The readings of the various people are really ingenious and respectful. Also a big compliment to especially Jon and the rest of the team who have done such a tremendous fine job in editing this great video! It is truly a delight to watch it…and then some more times! I can only be sure that more of these gems will follow in the future :)
You guys are getting better and better with making videos and this one looks epic!
Hope/wish that will send your powerful message across and further.
Thank you! and Sun bless you!
Again just want to say what a fantastic idea to invite/commission people to read those excerpts of sacred writings. I thoroughly enjoyed that. In fact the whole of the beautiful video seems to do a work of humbly creating the elevated throne, the honoured place, from which the sacred words then proceed to resound.
Apart from when hearing them read during actual ceremonies, I haven’t been able to get their sense and appreciate the depth of such written sayings so fully as you guys have managed through this video. This is a great thing as I’m sure the many others who will watch this will feel and connect to those words too, and so a Youtube video becomes a way for people to taste something of that, it’s not just information to be used later but already a bit of a practice or ceremony experience.
The work of Sakro Sawel is able to great justice to the ancient knowledge texts.
So good to have you back… Enjoying your books and the hidden (esoteric) truths they contain a much needed path for a planet gone astray…
An aura of the gentle sun seems to shine through this video…
The ancient words, read out by the native speakers, made me feel the universality and brought home the reality of our human inclination to turn to the sun and wish for all that it emanates, and to rise up to it.
In clearly seeing the ancient global prevalence, in hearing the wisdom of Mark which allows you to understand and feel it, and through those voices uttering ancient words — it really felt like the spiritual sun itself was present, introducing itself and saying hello, smiling, and silently speaking. A work composed physically here, but transmitting something higher.
What a wonderful reignition and strong base for the many more videos to come! (thank you Jon for what must’ve been a lot of editing.)
Great work Lara and indeed the ‘picture’ put together has reached a new level of structural clarity imo. What a great time :-)!
This morning I was praying to my higher Being as the rising sun, and his spiritual light and love touched my soul and lifted me up. Watching your video brought that feeling back to me.
I don’t have the words to explain but I want to say how I thought this was so extremely beautifully done, with warmth, peace, so much wisdom and understanding, and a tremendous love. Such a comprehensive explanation of the often asked and simple question that I don’t think anyone has been able to give before.
I will be watching it many more times to fully take everything in. Thank you!
Ps. I love, love love the native people reading out the quotes from their sacred texts with such beautiful reverence. Gives a wonderful sense of the cultural variety within the Religion of the Sun.
Pps. I love the clip of you watching the sunrise. Adds a really great touch.
That was an absolutely brilliant and inspiring video. The contents made so much sense of who we truly are, and It has certainly given me hope for the future of humanity.