Well, it’s finally here. After nearly 3 years of work, our book The Spiritual Out-of-Body Experience is now available. You can find out where to get it here.
It covers all sorts of topics related to out-of-body experiences (OBEs), including astral projection, lucid dreaming, dreams, and near-death experiences. It gives the historical background of OBEs, looks at what they are, covers scientific evidence for them, and includes practical sections on how to have them based on ancient techniques.
It’s illustrated with hundreds of photos, and artwork both ancient and modern.
About the book
We start off by presenting all the surviving accounts of OBEs we could find across ancient texts and traditions. These accounts come from Egypt, India, China, Tibet, Persia, Europe, the life of Jesus, and more. We were astonished to discover how widespread the practice of OBEs was in ancient times. In the process of trawling through ancient records, we came to discover that many sites had actually been used for OBEs, including some of the most famous in the world.
The book then delves into what OBEs are, based on some of the latest scientific theories and evidence, and Mark’s more than thirty years of out-of-body experience.
Dreams, lucid dreaming, and near-death experiences (NDEs) are also covered in detail, and all manner of OBE phenomena are explored, such as psychedelics, sleep paralysis, nightmares, ghosts, alien abduction, encounters with demonic and angelic beings, and the existence of other dimensions.
Perhaps one of the most unique features of this book is that we reconstruct a number of ancient techniques for having OBEs based on the surviving ancient accounts of them. As far as we know, this is the first time some of these ancient techniques have been brought back to life after hundreds of years. We also describe how to use them for a spiritual purpose, just as ancient peoples did.
There are also chapters on how to lucid dream, interpret dreams and dream symbols, remember dreams better, incubate dreams with an ancient ritual, protect oneself from negative influences using ancient methods, and more.
This book contains, what we feel, are numerous groundbreaking discoveries that have the potential to change the way we understand OBEs, as well as ancient history, religion, sacred sites, and psychedelic experiences. We propose several new theories, these being our Giza OBE Theory, Pyramid Portal Theory, Ancient Europe OBE Theory, Jesus Twice Born Theory, Ancient Portal Site Theory, Brain Limiter Theory, and Psychedelic Brain Barrier Theory.
Thank yous
A lot of effort over years has been put into producing this book. There are a massive number of details, which all needed making, going through, checking etc. Thank you so very much to the publishing team at Sura Ondrunar for helping make it possible. You have done an absolutely fantastic job, and we are so grateful for it! Every detail has been handled with careful attention. Thank you to Jon and Jordan for your tireless efforts in going over the book and its many additions over the last nearly 2 years. Thank you Jenny for all your work on formatting the book. Thank you Jenny and Priya for the admin work involved in publishing it. Thank you Jordan for the weeks of work just to format the references. Thank you Dara for the beautiful cover. Thank you Erik and Dara for producing the many amazing AI images in it, which have brought so many lost practices back to life.
And thank you to all of you who continued to support us and the publisher during all these years to help realize this book.
We feel it contains such important information that can contribute to the understanding of ancient religion, and to our incredible potential to experience other realms.
If you are in Canada and Australia – Amazon.ca and Amazon.au are selling the book far above the recommended price. In Canada, we expect the price to drop in a couple of weeks. In Australia, the price is likely to remain high, although we don’t know why. This is out of our control. We recommend exploring other booksellers (there is a list on the book page here), or buying from the US or UK.
Recently I had an experience where I was shown the power of the Sun recitation.
In a dream I was lying on a bed trying to get to sleep then I saw a table cloth moving and immediately knew that was a demonic attack.
I wanted to recite the Sun recitation but felt blocked all the way from inside my chest to the mouth. I guess to stop me from reciting it.
Nevertheless I started to pronounce the recitation somehow and just carried on until it became a bit unblocked and as I continued the feeling in the chest and mouth was slowly fading.
I stood up and hit my fist on the table and kept repeating it, not angry but like a full of determination and like saying ‘the light is stronger and it will win,it is the only authority’
I felt the whole space being imbued with the Sun’s energy, so incredibly dense.
It’s good to know that this recitation is now written across my whole being and I how immensely powerful it is.
That’s wonderful Tina! Great to hear that the recitation of the Sun has become imprinted into your memory and you have been able to draw on its power. This is encouraging.
I’m finding it a bit more challenging to get a powerful effect consistently. I find myself going back to recitations I have used successfully in the past and ones that seem to flow more naturally. I am still persisting though. I can feel an internal shift towards the new recitation, and the gradual increase of ‘power’ behind it, but it is not integrated as yet.
That’s fantastic Tina, very strong! and it feels relevant.
Even if we can’t feel it so much currently, there’s a knowing it is there and right now we need to practice and make the effort to reach to it.
Hey Tina, what a powerful experience with the recitation, thank you for sharing! Like Dimi, I am also having some problems with it now, as if it was not yet very strongly written in my memory. I had one experience where I tried to use it, but could not remember the words (even though I am using it every day before going to sleep), then another one where it didn’t seem to work, after which I resorted to an older recitation, but woke up shortly afterwards. There may have been some dark influences and blockages involved in both cases, as well as me being in a more subconscious state and lacking the clarity needed for it to work efficiently, but its obvious that this is a process that needs to continue until it is “fully integrated”, as Dimi says. 🙂
Hi Lucia,
I’ve even changed a couple of words in it in case it helps me to recall it, or to draw on it’s power. I did this in an attempt to personalise it a bit more for myself at this stage. I’m trying the word ‘sacred sun’ instead of ‘spiritual sun’ and sometimes I say ‘protection’ instead of ‘repel’. I guess I’m looking to create a connection that speaks to me innately and can bridge the old with the new.
I have found that if I use the recitation in the day often, like before a practice and when driving as it is mentioned in the book that it can be used while in a moving vehicle, I see that over time doing it it became stronger in me and perhaps that’s why it comes out of me when in dreams(astral).
In that experience there was also a feeling of acceptance of the Religion of the Sun. Still not sure what the deeper meaning of that is.
Hello friends, I hope everyone is doing well.
I looking for some tips on the astral projection practice, my main stoppage is that when I reach a certain level of relaxation, concentration, and stillness I all of a sudden feel a discomfort growing in my body; I start feeling kind of desperate to move. I don’t know if anyone can comment on this and how you managed to overcome it if it has happened to you.
I know is not my body because I’m reasonably fit and healthy and this sensation doesn’t happen to me in any other circumstance than the astral practice at night and I also know I can reach a good level of concentration with my mind over a period of dedicated work and purity. I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Blessings to everyone 🌞
Hi Marco,
I don’t have the clear-cut solution from experience. Just to say there was a time when I also often ran into the same.
When thinking back on it though I did have in me a certain push or forcefulness (and reaction when ‘it’ wasn’t happening.) This made me do the relaxation but not really fully doing it, to that super enjoyable state. And the practice was to get to the result rather than enjoying the magic of it. So there was some emotion pinning me, and at some thoughts (analysing why it wasn’t working for example). Paired with that restlessness and agitation of the body I would be out of it. And had already passed that window of sleepiness (when maybe those chemicals are released by the brain too.)
Also it might be a case of building it up, training. And if gets uncomfortable currently maybe just stop for the practice. I would do it lying on my back. At times I would be able to relax again and fall asleep. But most times from that discomfort state it wouldn’t lead to success.
Relaxation might be key.
My own current obstacles are different ones. But good luck on exploring it💪🏼 and keen to hear what you learn and how you’ll make it happen! 🙏🏻
Hi Marco, it sounds like you are putting some serious efforts in! I, like probably many other people here, can relate to your “discomfort sensations”. A compulsive urge to move, a sudden need to clear the throat (without really having a flu or something that would objectively require this), a horrible itch, which is getting worse and worse, and seems to “threaten your whole existence” if you don’t immediately scratch it, etc… all these are the tricks our egos play on us in order to disrupt our practice (as all this spiritual work threatens their very survival). And unlike some real, health-related issues, these urges and temptations seem to miraculously disappear as soon as you break the practice… I am sure that there will be a lot written about them in Mark’s upcoming book on self-knowledge, so you will be able to study this more deeply then.
Regarding the solution in the case of an astral practice, from my experience it is best to just ignore them, and just focus on relaxing even deeper, until they vanish. As one friend once funnily told me, “you have to ignore an itch even if it feels like a hole is being dug into your leg”! 🤣 The egos really are that persuasive.
Thanks, Karin, I will look further into the relaxation part and not forcing myself. The expectation part is a strange thing for me because, although I might be deceiving myself, I don’t have it much, in fact for a long time I kind of didn’t see the purpose of getting into the astral, not like I didn’t wish to know what it is all about but I just had a question of “What are you going to do there, what purpose does it really have for you?”. I still don’t know what I will do there but I need guidance.
I mean, I try, Lucía but I always fall short in one way or another. I appreciate your insight into this, I can totally relate to those sensations of itching, wanting to clear the throat, swallowing saliva, etc. jaja
Like all of you, I’m looking forward to that book. I will explore the practice with a focus on ignoring these sensations knowing that it most likely isn’t something wrong and I hope to have breakthroughs. I know the technique works, it’s a bit ironic to think about but I achieved the OBE to the source, as Mark refers to it in the new book, I shared a few weeks ago with a “variation” of the concentration in the heart I came up with and I will share it in case you guys wish to try it out.
This happened after a few weeks of dedicated practice and discipline, In my concentration/meditation (I was mostly doing concentration on the heart) practices I noticed I could reach a state of calmness with the mind more easily each time and in this calmness, I started talking to the mind and I would say that it started to listen, like taming an animal of some sorts and gaining its trust to lie still and rest beside you. One day In this calmness I felt like telling her (I think/feel the mind is female) “Wouldn’t you like to help me reach higher states, wouldn’t you like to serve a higher purpose than being busy with the never-ending desires of the egos, don’t you prefer being calm?” and then I started “improvising” saying this to myself and to her over and over again “I am not this body, I am that which inhabits this body, I am that which gives life and animates this body, I am the light that gives life to this body, I am the fire that keeps this heartbeat going…”. I noticed a sort of fear in my mind, like it didn’t knew what to do or make up with this information, but I remained calm. I continued this practice for a couple of days until that Monday morning I irrupted into the clear light of the void.
This experience has changed everything, I feel I’m still processing it but my perception of life and existence will never be the same again, even the sacred texts read differently.Of course, darkness continues dragging and it seems with every little improvement comes a stronger pull-down but I’ve come to realize that this might is the way it’s going to be. I need guidance.
I will finish up by sharing a quote from The Kolbrin:
SCL:21:9 “Having an affinity with You, my soul knows You and rejoices in the knowledge. It hears You and is at peace. It opens in response to Your warmth as the lotus, and awakens softly as the day opens its eye to the night. My soul knows what I know not. It sees into hidden places and understands deep mysteries. Let me know its nature better, that it may instruct me in wisdom. My soul swells with gratitude towards The Bounteous Being who causes all things to be which fulfill all desires. My God is not graven in marble or stone. He is not shaped in wood or cast in copper. He has neither offerings nor ministrations. My God is a god of quiet places and silences. He is found where the wild winds blow and the gay flowers blossom, away from the habitations of men. He is not worshipped in temples and His praises are not sung by the unthinking multitude. My God is a constant companion, He lives quietly in the homes and hearts of men. His true abode is unknown. He has no painted shrine, no building fashioned by the hands of men could contain Him. Hail to The Supreme Power and Spirit!”
That’s really interesting what you discovered, Marco, about ‘with every little improvement comes a stronger pull-down’. In the past I felt quite disappointed about this wave like movement of the work but now I came to accept it.
The more intense work becomes the more intense the force opposed to it is it seems like. I understand that the light and darkness are an essential part of this dance and if it wasn’t we would stay where we were without having anything to push us even further.
It’s like once you enter this realm of light and darkness there’s no choice but to push forward, following this flow that is set in motion. Just like the waves of ocean, another symbolism of the work found in nature, just like everywhere if you look closer..
Hi Marco,
Thanks for sharing your experience of the void. It sounds like your tenacity and perseverance really paid off.
All the best.
Hi Owain. thanks to you and Karim for sharing your experiences with the dream incubation practice. It’s very inspiring.
All the best, brother.
Hi Marco,
I can relate to your current experience, the one which seems to interfere with your ability/success with astral projection. I have been there myself. It seems to come in waves, possibly related to inner effort, understanding, inner drive/motivation for outcomes, expectations, disappointments, and so much more. And, yes, it seems that itch, tickle in the throat, twitching toe, crawling feeling on your skin seems to appear out of nowhere, and get stronger and stronger. I’ve even had a body part fling for no reason. I know this to be an ego state that wants to create a “distraction”, or generate annoyance/frustration, and a sense of ‘what’s the point?’, to make me give up. These ego states could be in the mind, the emotional area, the motor area, etc and go unnoticed too.
I have found the following to be helpful – 1. continuing to focus on relaxation, and go deeper into that relaxation. I look for tension areas and tell myself to relax . 2. focusing on breathing or the heart – thus giving my mind a ‘job’ while my body falls asleep. 3. doing a mantra, to help with the vibration/calibration effect. 4. turning my attention to the itch, or the tickle in the throat, etc. I have found that turning my attention to it can diminish the sensations or impulse to react to it. 5. If I have lost the focus, or the relaxed feeling or the mental calmness because of an intruding thought, I simply pick up at that point and keep going.
Astral experiences can also be influenced by tiredness or illness. I’ll recount one astral experience that I now find quite humorous and was quite a learning opportunity. It revealed or gave me a ‘clue’ about what could hinder my astral experiences and I have been mindful (so to speak) about it since then.
This is what happened – I felt the sensations of the ‘pre-split’ and knew I was close to projection, yet the experience was taking longer than usual to achieve. I was as relaxed as I could be, I was a clear as I could be, I was concentrated and focused too. I started to peel out of my body, section by section, slowly slowly, starting from my feet and moving upwards. This caught my attention. this was different, but I remained calm and allowed the experience to unfold. As I got to my head, I started to feel stuck. I couldn’t complete the split. I felt attached to my physical body at the level of the head, more specifically, my brain/mind area. I remained calm despite what was going on. I intuitively decided to roll my body to one side, as though preparing to get out of bed, with feet about to touch the floor. I was hoping this move would allow my head to separate, thus completing the split. This did not happen – I was still stuck at the level of the brain/mind. I put my astral hands on the edge of the bed to help me pull away in an attempt to separate from my physical body. I finally managed to complete the split, but I was stuck there for a little while. I had to do another ‘body scan’, to reveal that my busy day still had a hold over me, even though I felt calm, relaxed, etc. My mind was still holding tension, a lingering effect from my overthinking day, hence the ‘stuckness’ at that level of the split.
There was still a lingering or subtle influence left over me, one that I hadn’t thought or considered would impact my astral experience. It is true that the mind and also emotional states, no mater how subtle they are, can interfere with an astral projection practice/experience and that relaxation is key – as others have indicated – but so is inner readiness, willingness, etc to challenge ourselves past those ‘stuck’ points. There is always more to learn about our own inner states and how they interfere with our spiritual aims/goals. It can seem harder and insurmountable at times. We might even have to shift our focus and strategy for a little while, in order to regain momentum and clarity.
I hope this helps.
Hi Marco (and everyone)
I had started to put my thoughts into this thread but seem to have lost the content. Sorry if my response appears twice.
I can certainly relate to the comments posted by others. Relaxation being key, persistence also key. Resistance building up as we put more effort/focus into astral practices (or any other practices). All this aimed at becoming obstacles to our progress.
I find certain practices useful in achieving astral experiences (eg concentration on the heart or breathing, or mantras or koans). They help me to prepare or ‘calibrate’ the body and mind for an astral experience. And yes, that itch pops up out of nowhere, that tickle in the throat gets stronger, that uncomfortable feeling in the legs or arms increases, that noise in the background seems to get louder, etc. It all seems to serve as distraction and hinder the experience. It can create tension, frustration, annoyance and impatience too.
I have tried a couple of things to my surprise, that have worked, so thought to share. I have turned my ‘attention’ to that itch, to that tickle in the throat or that twitching muscle, or uncomfortable feeling and I have relaxed into it. It’s as though I have acknowledged its presence and have allowed it to be there, without judgement, prejudice, thoughts or pre-conceived ideas about it’s purpose, Just letting it be there, easing into it being there. It’s as though I am relaxing into it more and it suddenly it disappears. – to my surprise.
I’ve also tried a slight variation to the one above, where, once again, I turn my attention to that sensation but this time, I maintain my focus on the practice I am applying and simply filter its presence, as though it is melting into the background, but no longer competing with my focus. It’s as though I have 2 things going on at the same time but they are not competing. It is hard to explain, but it is a mental state that I manage to get to as a precursor to the split, that is part of the process for me, that allows me to maintain my focus, clarity of mind, and allow my body to fall asleep.
I find that tiredness and an overactive mind or even a stressful day can influence my astral experiences, their clarity and success too. So I try to ‘check in’ on my inner state – emotional area, mental/mind area, motor/movement area – as there can be subtle states that I was not aware of. I also find that it can take me a bit longer or a lot longer to achieve the split. I started to do this moreso after a particular experience in the astral that became a learning experience.
I was in the process of the astral split, but this time, it was happening a little differently. It caught my attention, but I did not allow it to hinder the experience. My astral body was separating from my physical body. I started to ‘peel away’ from my physical body, starting from my feet and moving upwards, in sections, until I reached the area of my brain/mind. I got stuck at that point. I remained calm, but nothing changed, I decided to roll my astral body over onto my side as though rolling out of bed, with my feet eventually touching the floor. I continued to remain stuck at the brain/mind area. I continued to remain calm as I placed my astral hands on the edge of the mattress and started to push away from my physical head in an attempt to complete the split. This helped me to complete the split but it made me realise that, at some level, I was sill engaged in my mind, a remnant of the busy day.
Since then, I make sure I have prepared myself enough, without preconceived ideas about having an astral experience.
I look back at this experience and giggle to myself these days.
Thats a really funny dream you shared there Dimi, about fighting hard to pull your astral head from its physical counterpart! 😆 I agree that a “mental relaxation” is at least as important as the physical one, if not more. To “leave the world behind” so to speak, to make sure we are in the right state to explore the spiritual, without any mental fascinations still lingering around, even if just in an underlying way…
Hi Lucia,
it was an actual astral experience. I vividly recall the event, and how I could not complete the split at the level of the brain/head. I even recall the ‘problem solving’ required without engaging the mind, or becoming caught up in the problem (not identifying with the event) as it would have brought be back into my body quite quickly. I recall having to stay calm, and clear so that I could complete the split and get on with being in the astral. I even recall the furniture in my room, my feet touching the floor, my hands on the edge of the mattress and the gentle push I was doing in my attempt to separate. I could see my physical body lying on the bed, asleep. My room looked almost the same as it did in the physical, with all the furniture pieces where they were, but they did not look as solid as they tend to do in the physical. Also, their colour tone/hue was slightly different.
Hi Dimi, really sorry for the confusion! It was actually clear to me from your description that you were describing an astral split, and I have absolutely NO IDEA why I used the word “dream”! 😯 I guess I was too excited to reply to your funny experience to check after myself what I wrote. Thank you also for the further, detailed description of the atmosphere of your astral experience, sounds magical and very realistic at the same time!
Thank you for your thorough insights, Dimi 🙏🏽 This is very helpful.
Best of luck Marco…
Lucia, not a problem, I have done similar…
Has anyone listened to the telepathy tapes? I’m listening to them, they provide basically irrefutable evidence that non-verbal autistic children have telepathic and spiritual abilities. The stories are so moving, I find myself weeping in sadness and joy. They have been trending on X lately, and could turn into a strong cultural force against materialism. The podcaster interviews Rupert Sheldrake, and ends up going in various interesting directions, such as the ignored but irrefutable evidence that exists for psi abilities, the nature of consciousness, spiritual dimensions, and the connection between the body and spirit. It seems, actually, like it may be a very good example of the brain-limiter hypothesis put forth in the book. One example stands out, where a therapist was seeing a young autistic boy, and she saw a glowing body hovering over his physical body, and then heard the boy’s voice telepathically say “that’s my spirit body, you need to help me integrate it into my physical body”. Many of the subjects of the podcast don’t have good body awareness, and are at times even unaware that they have physical bodies. There’s a ton more interesting stuff, but just posting this here to give people a taste and start a discussion.
These are incredible Julian, thanks for sharing. Just started listening and it’s hard to stop :)
Episode 3 from about 13.05 – 14.00 is really interesting where it’s talking about stones having a frequency and “good energy” after being prayed upon. I wonder if people in the past were more in tune with frequencies of natural things, and somehow the stones in chambered mounds as well as the infrasound frequencies inside them contributed to the ability to project inside them.
I also wonder if it’s why stones with high quartz content were often used at sites.
The telepathy tapes overtook the Joe Rogan Experience as this month’s most popular podcast 😳
People’s minds are opening. I don’t think I’ve seen something like this on this scale in my lifetime. Things might get interesting, especially if people like Steven Greer are right about what can happen with a 1% change.
Thanks Julian for bringing attention to this.🙏🏻
I’m surprised at how plainly real and demonstrable it is. It is amazing they have this psychic sense and that it wasn’t known about. So it’s great this effort happened.
I listened to about half of the podcasts. A little recap if people don’t have time:
– There are people with a condition with an inability to control their physical bodies, unable to speak, and often autistic. To such an extent that it is often deemed ”there is ‘no one’ in there”. However with aid and practice they learned to communicate, through typing words for example.
What became apparent and is being revealed now is that many* can read minds! (*one even said that every non-speaker has this ability). This is demonstrated again and again in the podcasts and the extent of it explored.
One with this condition even mentioned that he wasn’t aware of having a body, which to me gives an idea of how severe the lack of connection/control of the physical ‘vehicle’ is. One says about telepathy ‘in my world, this is how we communicate’. Incredibly some are able to tune in/’go’ to what one has dubbed ‘talk on the hill’, a metaphysical ‘chat room’ where they meet, communicate and share information. This is crazily incredible.
The higher senses seem to also not be restricted to telepathy, some can see other people (such as deceased) present in the room for example.
Towards the end it gives incredible and wonderful testimonies and knowledge from ‘the other side’ and of a universal love kind.
(But I’ve only listened to half myself.)
The podcast also has a focus that this misunderstood condition is also mis-treated and to raise awareness on this.
Like Julian said this could really help with a bit of a shift in regards to the reality of telepathy and more. (Outside of personal experience) NDE accounts can give glimpses to people here of the other side. This also one such crack into the other world from the confinements of physical perception, and in real time.
For me I knew all these things were real but the normal human psyche and brain only allow it, mostly, in hints and on occasion. But this is full on active for them and the norm, but then again they are extremely limited in properly physically manifestating and communicating (though the spelling/typing has helped). That must be so tough for them. One said:
“My voice has been set free and wanders the Earth searching for the key to unlock the rest of me.”
I can certainly vouch for these type of occurrences from my own personal experience over the years.
Thanks Julian, that sounds interesting. I thought you may be interested to hear about Murray Bruce, who is non-speaking, but clearly very intelligent and writes beautiful poetry, despite also having apraxia. Sadly, he had no effective means of communication until he was 9 years old, when he was found to be literate during an assessment, after teaching himself. I thought you or others may like his poem Understanding, as it centres around the sun:
I dearly have the priceless admiration for the Sun in the evening.
It seeks respite from the fast pace of the day
And yearns to rest its weary head on the pillow of the sky.
I’m a person who wants to be in the presence of the Sun
Likening myself to the people who ever try to be better.
The Sun with its energy must rest
Even if it has the power left to illuminate the World.
I just want to have half of the Sun’s power.
But it is not seen by people on my Earth.
I have to shine brighter.
I liken my ability to the Sun’s rays.
They bask in my yearning to be understood
Now and in the future of all people like me.
Let the Sun rest and give me the energy to make a difference.
I’ve still to listen to the Telepathy Tapes podcasts, so can’t comment on them yet, although they sound inspiring. But I’ve known various people with autism throughout my life and helped care for non-speaking people for around 10 years.
Most I supported also had co-occurring profound learning disabilities, which were very apparent in their behaviour. I also helped a non-speaking guy who had high support needs, but was literate. I think he may have also had a comorbid (but much less severe) learning disability, but we communicated adequately by writing (as he preferred to not be spoken to directly).
In my experience, it would be quite a stretch to say that every non-speaking autistic person has psychic abilities. Although there may be a subgroup of non-speaking autistic people who have special abilities, just as in the general population. But irrespective of whether they do or not, I agree with the principle that everyone deserves appropriate care and support, and for those who are non-speaking but able to use language, it is vital that they’re provided with tools to communicate through other means. Otherwise we risk suffocating their longing for human expression and losing the contributions of sometimes brilliant minds, such as Murray Bruce’s.
I’ve had brief glimpses of what it would be like to live with dysphasia, during episodes when I’ve been unable to formulate words. It’s odd to experience, as when it was at its most severe, I could think perfectly fine but not verbalise what I wanted to say, as that part of my brain was somehow disrupted.
It’s fortunate that well known figures like Stephen Hawking and the writer, poet and artist Christy Brown were provided with the means to communicate and express themselves and contribute to society in meaningful ways, despite their medical conditions, which would’ve otherwise remained only as thoughts.
I listened to a couple of episodes, thanks Julian. I was a little hesitant because I feel like the current approach of accepting “neurodiversity” as a thing to be celebrated also conveniently sweeps a lot of questions about why children are getting sick under the carpet. This is probably largely unintentional by well-meaning people, but I think there’s also something awful going on behind ignoring the fact that something is increasing the amount of neurological illness worldwide. Hopefully this realisation of the telepathic abilities some of these children have will be a silver lining to what’s actually quite tragic!
Now that it’s around Christmas time, I’m watching one of the classics, “Jesus of Nazareth”. Watching it this time, based on the insights from the Spiritual Out of Body Experience book, I think I have a greater appreciation for what Jesus did! I used to believe Jesus came to earth enlightened, all-knowing, and all-powerful and his mission was a piece of cake for him given his advanced spiritual stage…
Coming to appreciate that Jesus may have relied upon other people to do their parts in his mission correctly and that angels couldn’t just fly in to do everything really humanizes him. He had to have faith and at some points take steps in the dark, while at the same time carrying a tremendous responsibility in his teaching and going through unspeakable suffering. You then throw in the fact that having a human body and brain may have limited his abilities to access the astral and higher realms at will (since it seems many enlightened sages in the distant past sought after experiences in heaven by extreme means, perhaps including Jesus), and what he did sounds next to impossible.
I think you summed it up very well Mike. It has also made me appreciate what he did so much more. Doing advanced stages of the path in these human bodies does become next to impossible.
Yes, some good points there Mike. Jesus would’ve been limited according to the constraints of his physical body. As you also said, his level of suffering would’ve been unspeakable.
As I shared before, medical findings based on the Turin Shroud are covered in one of Dr John Campbell’s videos and the level of injury is horrific. I summarised some of the details in a reply to Marco in this thread: https://sakrosawel.com/spiritual-meaning-of-the-autumn-equinox-video/
In case you or anyone else missed it, here’s the YouTube video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT1R2kDPHFA
It’s good you revisited Jesus of Nazareth with fresh eyes and insights. I hope you had a peaceful Christmas time and I wish you a happy new year.
Thank you, Michael, for pointing me to the video and your previous comment on the Shroud of Turin. While it is good to see modern science being used to study such an important historical and religious event, the details uncovered actually make the suffering Jesus went through sound even worse than some of the accounts. We all owe a great deal to Jesus: the world profoundly changed through his sacrifices.
Wishing you a happy and healthier 2025!
Thanks Mike! Yes, that’s right, humanity does owe a great deal to Jesus’ sacrifices and the impact he has had on societies over the last 2 thousand years is profound.
I wonder if you’re familiar with the Christmas poem “Love Came Down at Christmas” by Christina Rossetti? The poem’s title made me think about how within the context of Jesus’ birth and the other spiritual beings born at the winter solstice, love really did come down at Christmas, as this is the core principle of divinity:
Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, Love Divine,
Love was born at Christmas,
Star and Angels gave the sign.
Worship we the Godhead,
Love Incarnate, Love Divine,
Worship we our Jesus,
But wherewith for sacred sign?
Love shall be our token,
Love be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and all men,
Love for plea and gift and sign.
You’ll probably also know the carol “In the Bleak Midwinter”, based on another of Christina Rossetti’s poems. But as today is the last of the twelve days of Christmas in the northern hemisphere, I thought it’d be nice to share this lovely version by the choir Tenebrae:
Thank you for that beautiful poem, Michael. I hadn’t read it before, but it really speaks the truth. The music is also beautiful :) Thanks for sharing.
I agree with all comments under this thread.
It would have been a tremendous effort and an incredible feat to complete, requiring much courage, faith, dedication, etc to achieve or push through. A true sacrifice for humanity.
I am inspired by those who have committed their life for spiritual purpose – I struggle to do this for myself, to such a degree.
I find the information about visiting heaven whilst having an out-of-body experience so inspiring. Though I wonder what dimension the heaven referred to in the book is located? Is it in the superior astral or another dimension above? Does anyone know?
Hi Anthony,
Your question made me think to share one astral experience I had while in a mound out of the body. I’m not sure if it’s going to answer the question, but it was something of a different kind.
In the experience I was inside a mound in Ireland, I don’t know the exact one, but I felt it was in one of the satellite mounds at the Knowth site. In the experience the interior ceiling followed the shape of the mound more, like a dome. There was one very small passage way out but I felt that in the dark I was losing sight of it and it was closing. With my hands I managed to find it. I crawled through it, it was like an unworked stone cave tunnel, narrow and pointy and really way too small. It was unbearably painful and and I felt stuck, but I had to go on. To stop meant to be stuck in there forever, in the darkness and its fate, and all that mounds represent symbolically, as the books describe.
It took more strength than I had, demanded me to tolerate more than I could, but there was no choice. Both in the emotional sense in inner weight, but also exceedingly much so in the physical sense (though in the astral) it was so real the pain, the inability to breathe properly, to see, the harsh cold, the pain in my whole body. It was an incredibly raw experience. Primal. Nothing like what we experience normally physically. Like the cicada nymph having to escape and break its way out of its own shell.
(To quote what I wrote down at the time:)
“I persevered on. And just as I experienced the seriousness of the darkness, the seriousness of not making it and remaining stuck there and everything that that meant rawly experienced – so too the coming out “into the light”, (all around), the expansiveness of the heavenly realm, the Freedom feeling (opening one’s arms), the beauty of reality free to be perceived expanding all around, the whole of life out there to be experienced and explored in freedom. With the whole of life, and the whole world being ‘out there’ and the darkness of the dome and the dark passage out only having been a tiny small part in this whole wider world out there to explore.”
I also wrote at the time specifically, the entering of the ‘World of life’.
When someone says heaven I imagine it to be this higher vibration, loving, cozy, free, spiritualy warm place.
And perhaps the best source for reference are NDE’s, and there it does often sound like that.(? Does it. I haven’t seen too many accounts to be honest.)
However here it wasn’t like a cozy higher dimension. But instead in that realm it was overwhelmingly real, my senses and feeling them amplified. Like as adults we’ve become numb, but as children we can feel, the beauty of water flowing from a tap in sunlight, the intensity of sounds deep in your ear. When I got out… the air.. the Life, my god the green was so green!
Later I actually took a photo in real life (in another valley with cairns) that was similar to my view in the experience. Photo
The experience was a given one and orchestrated. I don’t know if that was a heaven. Or if the astral dimension was used still, as a lot of experiences can be created within that dimension I believe. Although what I was seeing was a realm beyond the ‘mound’, the real world, of life, existence beyond it.
What was that place.
Another question is to what extent can someone transform themselves spiritually and biologically to perceive like that, while still in this dimension. If as children we were much closer to that.
But to get back to the question of what place the higher portals in OBE’s lead to.
On page 291/292 of the book reads:
“The tunnel that many travel through in an NDE to go into the light and heaven is the crossing through this gate/portal to the place of light. This place was given many names in ancient traditions; today it’s most
commonly referred to as heaven and so that’s the term I use for it, … . I don’t know whether this first heaven beyond the portal is still part of the fifth dimension, but a higher aspect of it, possibly being another plane, or is another dimension entirely (making it the sixth). I’ve never seen anything definitive that would indicate it’s another dimension. Whatever the case, I suspect that above it there are other more heavenly dimensions as ancient accounts indicate, but I can only speculate.”
That sounds like a very profound experience, Akira. Wherever you were, you really had to fight and use all your strength to emerge in the World of Life, but I can only imagine how rewarding and freeing that must have been. I’m glad you got out; I would probably have gotten stuck in the mound.
I also wonder if we can ever enter heaven — or perhaps a higher part of the 5th dimension — unconsciously?
Many years ago, I had a few experiences (separated by months to years) in a realm I would describe of as heavenly. The experiences were short: I would find myself in a lake in the woods, floating peacefully on my back in the water. Everything felt so alive, even the water itself. I felt so happy: so profoundly happy that even remembering it now brings tears to my eyes.
I was not conscious of being in this place. I mean, I felt very aware, but I didn’t think I was out of my body, for example. Waking up from those experiences felt like a vacation for my soul.
I seem to recall these experiences being tied to doing concentration/visualization on/of my heart.
Hi Akira and Mike, thank you for sharing your experiences with “heavenly regions”!
@Akira – Wow! That experience of yours really sounds like a painful and narrow “birth canal” that you had to make your way through, just like what Mark and Lara mention in their videos about the “birth canal of the Goddess”, symbolised by the passageways that lead out of the mounds to heaven. Your experience also adds another layer to it, which is that the painful Path to enlightenment with all its tests and requirements is indeed that symbolic “canal”, which requires extreme perseverance and strength to make it “to the other side”, to Life. And how beautiful you were given the taste of how it may be after making it through… 🌈🌞
@Mike – Thank you for sharing your experiences of the higher-vibrational realms! It sounds like some of those I had, also long time ago. Beautiful regions where the colours were more vibrant, and the feeling exhilarating… I remember one forest, mostly coniferous forest, that I was walking through, guided by a being, and it was just sooo beautiful I wanted to stay there forever. Another time I was on a shore of a lake, the violins were playing, and I saw on the other shore of the lake people walking peacefully in a beautiful park. Then yet another time, I was shown a countryside while travelling on a train. The terrain the train was travelling through had amazing colours and atmosphere, the birds, and all of it had this incredibly beautiful vibration that would bring you to tears, and I was told it was Love that made it look and feel that way… Nowadays, I don’t see these beautiful regions that often, I think those must have been some gifts given to me on the beginning of my spiritual journey. I still experience a beautiful moment or a landscape here and there, but its less frequent than before, and I have to work for it. 😳
It sounds like you’ve also visited this special place, too, Lucia. Maybe these were indeed gifts given early on to us to inspire us. I would love to go back again, if only for a few minutes. There are such beautiful mysteries beyond this earthly realm.
These all sound amazing experiences and remind me of some of my own too! Thank you for sharing guys!
I did a sweat ceremony once. There’s a lot of symbolism in it:
The form is low to the ground, like a turtle and/or a womb. Round of course, with a space in the middle for the hot rocks. Rocks are brought in in 4’s, once for each direction (N, E, S, W, up, down, inside), for a total of 28 (which is also one for each day of a lunar month). Each round of rocks involves a focus on the particular element associated with the direction, prayer and song.
The most remarkable thing is how much it feels like what you describe. It gets unbearably hot, humid, very cramped, and at the end you have to craw through a narrow opening through the mud, emerging into the sweet clear air, then bathe with herb water, which felt and smelled incredible. It’s a pretty ubiquitous Native American practice. I wonder if practices like that were ever done in European mounds? Or even Native American mounds.
WOW, all this sounds so so symbolic – like other components are hidden within the experiences in the physical which then translate to spiritual or metaphysical ones…
These practices and possibly initiations being related to hidden aspects of the human spiritual experience and growth.
The parallels becoming more evident/obvious…
Hello Lara, I would like to ask a practical question about one thing from the book if you find time to answer at some point… On page 514, Mark shares the experience you had with an attacking witch in the astral, and how he managed to help you there, as he “stood an open pair of steel scissors in the ground”, which made the witch to disappear. He also mentions that you have since kept a pair of steel scissors for protection, and how its actually an old folk custom for disempowering and keeping witches away.
Now I just wanted to clarify how exactly to keep these scissors. Mark says he “stood an open pair of scissors”, but does not specify if he stood them with the spiky parts pointing to the sky or to the ground. Then also, if I keep them somewhere nearby for protection, should I also stand them somehow on the ground of the bedroom (with the spikes up or down?), or is it enough to have them lying on the ground?
Thank you very much in advance!
Hi Lucia, Great question. The scissors were open with both blades planted in the ground. I’ve kept a pair of steel scissors just hanging on the back of the door in the bedroom, and haven’t been troubled by witches since. I don’t know if that’s coincidence. If I did get attacked again, I would plant them in the ground outside as close to the bedroom as possible beneath the window.
Thank you very much for the clarification Lara! I think it is good to have this extra weapon available just in case…
I have read a story about the scissors being used against a witch before, so it was interesting to find this bit in this book.
It makes me wonder though, why exactly scissors? Mark writes that this works, because the steel scissors ground the electrical current from the air to the earth, and because of that, witches can not harness it and are deprived of it, which makes them disappear, similarly to how the lightening conductor works. However, for this purpose, any iron/steel rod should suffice, but why exactly scissors are used for this purpose? Does the fact that scissors are used to “cut things” have a special symbolic/esoteric significance here? Like “cutting the witch off her sustaining power”? ✂️
Hi Lara and Lucia,
thank you so much for posting this information about scissors. It came very handy and timely! (I’ve been searching for it to post and finally found it!)
I’ve been having some ‘attacks’ lately, they don’t feel to be internal in origin (ie my own egos). They feel to be external and dark in nature. I’ve had some clues about where they are coming from and have attempted to deal with them in the usual ways – recitations, circle of protection, etc but this force feels stronger than me.
I am somewhat familiar with such experiences too, but this one felt more overpowering and malevolent in it’s intent and intensity. It has bothered me in stages lately. One of the nights, it kept at me, and my friend who was visiting me at the time, even felt it. She asked me about it in the morning. This was further confirmation for me that it was an external force.
I have searched for a pair of metal scissors – I knew I had them somewhere. A remnant of my past, a belonging of my grandmother’s and my mother’s and now mine. A bit rusty but a good clean will fix that.
After reading this post, I also started to wonder why my grandmother and my mother kept such scissors (I know they were the way scissors were designed back then) but after reading this post, and reflecting on my childhood – growing up with my grandmother and my mother both having premonitions in dreams, sometimes scary ones – I am now left wondering if they knew something but didn’t pass it on…
Come to think of it, there were many stories of fairies, nymphs and other such creatures that would come out at night or be seen at night too…
Nonetheless, this information has come very handy!
Thank you again.
Hi Lara,
This is very interesting… any idea on how does it work to repel the dark? Could it be because of making the cross shape and directing the powers of the Mother Earth in a spiritually aligned way?
Thanks for this question Lucia, it brings up one of the most fascinating parts of the book! Does steel have any significance @Lara? The fact that scissors are used to cut things? I imagine standing up they act as a kind of ‘lightening rod’, but seems people would just hang them in the house as you do Lara – that might be easier Lucia! I’d never heard of this folklore but a little research brought up quite a bit – I read that forged metal was repellent, making me think of all those images of metalworking gods. Also, if female energy resonates with negative charge and is manifest in lightening, what would an example of a positively-charged natural phenomenon be, if that’s a thing? Scissors are also meant to half the pain of a women in labour, or people that are ill…very curious!
@Lucia – I don’t know why scissors. Theoretically you’re right, a metal rod should also work. It could be that scissors were shown to me because of how they were used in the past, and so would ensure that I understood and remembered. Perhaps steel scissors were used in the past because they were a common household item. Or, it may be that there is something special about scissors. I haven’t been bothered by witches since I simply hung them on my door, which indicates there could be something about steel scissors they don’t like. It would take some research into old records and folktales to see if there is any explanation as I just don’t know.
Whatever the reason, they work – and so this might be how these old superstitions are born!
@Vadim – The steel scissors repel witches specifically, which are a particular type of female demon. Witches can harness and direct electrical energy from the atmosphere. The scissors act as a kind of “earthing” device that deprives them of that energy.
@Ella – Wow, how strange scissors are said to halve pain. Maybe this is somehow to do with their conductive properties, though the energy being used to help the nervous system somehow? I experienced the opposite in the encounter with the witch, as she used the electrical energy to cause excruciating pain. In the experience I did feel that the scissors being made of steel was significant, but I don’t know why. As for a positively charged phenomenon, the first thing that came to mind was something to do with fire perhaps, but I have no real idea as I’ve never looked into it.
Next we’ll be hanging garlic :-)
Thank you so much, this is very interesting. I have just read the part of the book that describes the use of the scissors.
Perhaps this is something about the electricity being related to energy/intention and acting differently in the astral plane, as it is hard to imagine how a mighty witch is able to take the power from air and fly and cause harm to people working on themselves spiritually for a long time, yet losing all that power in an instant, because of a tiny metal object.
My Grandmother in Russia used to hang scissors close to the window and when I asked her why, she simply said “for practical reasons, in this way you will never lose scissors”, so I liked that idea and keep hanging scissors close to my door…but only now, I feel that there might be more to it than “practical reasons.” :)
I looked into Russian speaking sources and yes, there seem to be a belief around it, people describe it in different yet similar ways…
-“Scissors is a symbol of 2 crossed swords”
-“Scissors can be used to draw the Sign of the Cross for protection”
-“Walk around and make with the scissors a protective circle around the car to be safe during a trip”
” Place the open scissors under the bed to be protected at night from bad influences.”
I feel like there is more to look into it… maybe the Dark Withes see it as the instrument that the Divine symbolically uses to cut the threads of life, you know the story of 3 Norns weaving the threads of fate?
Hi everyone,
I thought to share another experience with the incantation of the Spiritual Sun. This time I tried it with calming inner negative states during a challenging, emotionally charged situation. I kept my focus on the words, and it helped me to clear my mind, but also to calm down some inner negative states that were increasing around me. It helped me to ‘stop feeding’ the energy in the room, to get some distance between me and the emotive vibe in the room, and to feel a more calm inner state. I repeated the incantation 3 times and felt the change gradually increase by the 3rd time.
I also repeated the incantation after a little while, once I started to feel the negativity in the room increasing and my inner state becoming clouded (particularly over the emotional centre and around my head) and kept saying the incantation whenever I felt the need to.
It really helped me get through a really tricky and difficult experience!
That’s good to hear Dimi. I’m glad the incantation helped.
Incantation of the Sun
Incantation of the Sun recording
Hi everyone,
I felt like doing a recording of the incantation of the sun from Mark and Lara’s book, so I created this one, with some added visuals. It’s been such a nice thing to have this prayer.
I hope to do more versions as well when there’s some more time. Kept it simple but good sound recommended. I did a vertical video for phones.
Another link if the other ones doesn’t work.
Incantation of the Sun recording
That’s really beautiful Akira, love the visuals and gentle sounds!
Personally, I trained myself to use the longer version of this incantation though, so I kind of missed the last line there (“and repell all demonic attacks”), as I thought the incantation was quite short already, and I better make sure no evil influences linger around… 😮
Thanks Lucia 🫶🏼
Hi Akira, (and Lucia)
effective! Thank you.
I found the video (visuals and voice) helped to solidify the incantation and intent. It helped to make it stronger or more real.
I’ve been saying the whole incantation, to include ‘repelling all demonic attacks’ (as this is a likely possibility when in the astral for me!) and saying ‘Spiritual Sun’ not only ‘Sun’, when reciting it. By saying ‘Spiritual Sun’, it reminds me of the deeper/true purpose of why I am trying to be aware/lucid in the astral, that I am striving for spiritual experiences/truth/growth/ opportunities, beyond this physical dimension and into other, higher ones.
Thank you, Akira, for sharing your recording. The visuals you chose are excellent—they really help to focus the mind and provide a sense of perspective. I agree with Lucia and Dimi about the value of the entire incantation—anything that aids in keeping external interference at bay is invaluable.
Yes, nice visuals Akira. Thanks for sharing the video.
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to share an experience that unfolded in the astral the other night. I didn’t quite get the new incantation right, but the intent was there and it helped. What unfolded became quite ‘a scene’ in itself. It didn’t involve demons but other shady characters.
I was dreaming, but during the dream I became aware that I was dreaming – in other words, I became lucid (as we would call it). This instantly made my surrounding characters aloof. They were weary of me, they put distance between me and themselves, they seemed to be alarmed and on edge. This made me feel even more lucid, as the hypnotic effect of sleep seemed to be more distant with these characters keeping their distance. I started to look into their eyes – I do this a lot in the astral- and noticed they were vacant, or hazy or unclear. Even the facial features can sometimes be like this. It’s as though I know these characters but they are elusive at the same time.
They act as though they mean well, but in reality they cloud my clarity, and can keep me locked into dream states. But, at this point, they are weary of me, alerted to the fact that I am lucid (it seems they can tell the difference before I can at times!). Sometimes there is an attempt to entice me back into a dream state or to intensify their efforts into blurring the lucidness (it’s like reinforcements are being called upon to get me back into the dream state). But not this time.
This time, they take a few steps back, they put a bigger gap between me and themselves. I found this more affirming of the experience I was having and realised there was less effort on their part to capture me back into a dream. I then started to say ‘I am lucid’ and kept repeating these words. Each time, they stepped further and further back as though they didn’t know what to do. It was at this point I tried to make the lucid experience more clear, so that the dream scene could fade and reveal what was truly there in the astral, but I couldn’t quite remember the new incantation, mixing it up a bit but still trying to use it. (I had been repeating it internally before falling asleep that night, I think this helped with the experience overall).
I noticed at this point that the characters around me started to make me feel as though I was doing the wrong thing, that I was doing something terrible and that I was to be shunned for resorting to an incantation. They even turned their backs on me as a way to reinforce their message. I persisted, clumsily albeit but the end result was a relief and a welcomed surprise – they scattered! I woke up in the physical after this, but felt reasured about using incantations. They definitely work.
I’m sure others have had experiences where something like this has unfolded for them!
Thank you for sharing your experience, Dimi. I find it inspiring that you persisted in trying to vocalise the incantation and focused on clearing the astral for an objective experience. It’s intriguing that the company seemed to distance themselves as you affirmed your lucidity—perhaps it was the increase in the light within you that caused them to move away.
I sure hope so Slawek…
There is light in all of us, may it become stronger in each of us!
Yay, well done Dimi! It does seem like the light of your consciousness, combined with the light of the incantation kept those characters at bay, and even scared of you! The zombie-like nature of them sounded like the egos to me, and I also found it interesting what you said about them, how they “appear to mean well, but in reality cloud your clarity”, and also how you kind of know them, but yet they are elusive… I think that’s quite a good summary of these kinds of entities/psychic forms…
Regarding the incantation, I agree, it takes some time to remember it well in the astral! The first time I used it, I also kept messing up the words before finally getting it right. :-) I guess it takes time to write the words firmly into our memory to have them “on the tip of our tongue” in the astral.
Wishing you a continuous lucidity in the astral and physical world alike.
Hi Lucia,
I keep practicing them, each night as I prepare for sleep.
Yes, they are egos/subconscious states and they know me well enough. I think willpower and intent can be powerful tools in moving such states on, so that lucidity can be achieved more easily.
Hi Dimi,
That’s very good you were able to verify the effectiveness of the recitation on these vacant looking “frenemies”. You can do without the approval of these kind of characters in your dreams, so the fact that they moved away and later turned their back on you is a good sign, as you became more lucid.
I’m sure many will relate to your description of how these characters appear to mean well, but have a negative impact and how they seem familiar, yet elusive. It made me think of a few lines in a song by the group Mercury Rev: “angry jealous spies…come to you as friends…they make me laugh and always make me cry”. That’s how it seems with some of these sneaky characters we encounter in dreams.
Hi Michael,
it also reminds me of the words in a book (The Flight of the feathered serpent) which describes it as follows:
” if you have evoked your friends, you have also put your worst enemies on guard. The one and the other will appear within you, and in front of you, in a thousand different forms…” There is more profound content in this section of the book which describes/alerts to inner subconscious states and how they influence the psyche or spirit of a person. I refer to this section of the book (or letter) often.
Oh thanks for reminding me of that quote Dimi! It’s been years since I last read Flight of the Feathered Serpent, so I’d completely forgotten about that part of the letter. As I recall, the letter appears at the end of section one of the book, doesn’t it?
My copy is packed away at the moment, as I have had difficulty organising my living space, but I’m keen to look at it again now.
Hi Michael,
yes, the letter is towards the back section of the book (section 3). In my view, it contains many pearls of wisdom. Whenever I gravitate to it, I find different sections of that letter stand out, and reveal themselves in deeper, more profound ways. It’s as though hidden truths are embedded into the words. I find the same effect whenever I read books from known Masters, their words seem to be alive, to reveal deeper insights and wisdom each time I read a section, or chapter, or page. This of course, also applies to the work Mark and Lara do.
Yes, I agree Dimi. These spiritual texts can covey deep wisdom, which has many layers to it, as well as providing inspiration and insight.
Hi all,
I thought I would share another experience with the new Incantation of the Spiritual Sun from this book, which happened to me tonight. It was an active night overall, with different symbolic scenes, which I suspect may have been a result of a certain understanding about a particular ego that I acquired during the day… So after all these different scenes, I found myself in a room, laying in the “astral bed”, realising I was in the astral and starting to get up from that bed. I felt really drowsy and it was hard to move, and I also became aware that this is not my real bedroom, so I tried to remember my real bedroom, so that I can have a “real” astral projection so to speak. (dream reasoning 😃). But as expected, these efforts to remember my real bedroom started to bring me back to the physical body, so I quickly stopped those attempts and decided to just go with the “astral room environment” instead, even though I knew it was not my real room. I got up from the bed, flew through an astral window and asked my Divine Mother to take me somewhere to learn. As I was flying, I tried to see if I can see the Sun, and finally I could see some pink horizon where I hoped the sun may stay rising…
Then suddenly I felt 2 people holding my hands (one on one side, and the other on the other side), and I also could not see very well. That prompted me to start reciting my usual recitation (which I still tend to use by default). After 3 rounds of it, I started to see and saw 2 men that were holding my hands – one was an older guy, and the other one younger, but not too young, maybe in his 40-ties, with a bit darker complexion (like an Indian guy or so). Soon, all 3 of us were sitting on a bench, with them still holding my hands and preventing me from moving. I unleashed some more rounds of my usual recitation, but nothing changed. Interestingly, these guys were not doing anything too bad to me, they just held my hands and I was stuck, but other than that, they were not nasty or anything. I started observing them better, and thought to myself “who knows what made them into negative entities in the first place, like what did they do in their lives to end up like this…”. And as I looked into the eyes of the younger guy, they somehow came to life, and I saw some kind of a magical quality to them that tried to drag me in, so I quickly stopped looking and started to think what I can do since the recitation didn’t work. Then thankfully, I remembered that I had another ace up my sleeve, and decided to use the new incantation, not sure if it would work on them, as the previous one didn’t. I recited it in a heartfelt way, with my eyes looking towards the sky, and after only the first round, these 2 guys stopped holding my hands, got up from the bench and quickly walked away… I was surprised by the speed of it, and just in case finished the whole 3 rounds. After that, I could not but ponder how “peaceful” those two negatives were, almost as if they were brought to my presence “providentially” (as Emmanuel Swedenborg would say), to show me the power of the new incantation.
I then found myself somewhere in a fancy restaurant, but I wanted to go outside to see the sun, so I opened some pretty, well-made windows and saw that the countryside there was lit by the sun. I started flying in the hope to see it, but shortly after that I woke up (or so I thought) in my real bed.
I started pondering upon the experience, especially on the quality of that guy’s eyes, I wondered what kind of power made them like that, if maybe it was some kind of lust, or some dark powers, etc… and as I was pondering on it, I suddenly found myself somewhere in a basement of some building with lots of metal, and generally unpleasant environment. I thought to myself “oh no, I don’t have time to explore these low dimensions now, I need to get up and start working, as its getting late in physical!” So I tried to bring myself
back to the physical by forcefully opening my eyes (something that usually works), but this time somehow I could not come 100% back, and was stuck in-between, seeing my physical hands (which were on the pillow in front of my eyes), but still being able to move my astral hands and feeling my astral body. Then I felt an unpleasant “nerves sensation” to my kidney area, which definitely didn’t feel “providential” any more, and then woke up fully.
To sum it up, I am very happy to have verified the effectiveness of the new incantation again, as I have not been quite sure about it before. The reason why I was not sure was that while with my usual incantation, if it works well, the whole environment gets cleared of anything negative, while this new one only causes those entities to leave me in peace, but they don’t necessarily disappear from the environment. But the old recitation is too long, and I usually don’t have much time in the astral, and after thinking about it, I don’t need to be clearing everything all the time, when its more practical to just block these entities from doing me any harm, so I can explore. As I was reciting it today, saying “to expel all demons”, I thought to myself – “that’s for you guys!” (meaning those two), haha… 😊 Anyway, hope my experience encourages others to use it and have faith in it! Would love to hear how this works for other people.
Splendid Lucia, night time adventures. 👏🏼
It does seem it was, at least in part, set up for you to get more experience with it and have faith in using it. I had something similar, being tested with it and with that making it part of me. I think Vadim had something similar. Being helped with experiences to learn how to use it.
I found it very nice you had that goal to get a view of the sun ^^.
That’s great Lucia. I thought the reason they may have gone running even on the first round is because they know what’s coming from the incantation and they don’t want to stick around for it. Maybe word will get around about the new incantation amongst demons ;-) If so, that means we’re going to need to buckle in and double down our efforts.
Haha, I agree Lara about “the word spreading”! 😃 I was actually pondering in the past, what is the power of an incantation/recitation against evil… Of course, the words have power, but I thought there may also be something else behind it? Like for example some Divine beings out-there, “charging” it somehow, so it has more power? Or is it just the number of people using it and having faith in it? Or all together? Maybe one day I will find out… 😉
Thank you very much Lucia for sharing your experience. It is awesome that you kept your cool and investigated possibilities while being held captive by the two beings. The drowsiness you wrote about is also my frequent issue; I often find it very difficult to overcome magnetic pull of the physical body and to actually get up from it in the astral.
It has been a while since I could recall being aware in the astral. However, this week, my experience of the astral plane felt notably clearer on a few occasions . Also, for the first time, I remembered to use the new solar incantation from the new book, which I have been reading very slowly. While I’ve had success with other incantations in the past, I’ve been daily practicing this new incantation, and this week it proved helpful in achieving conscious separation from my physical body and overcoming this magnetic pull I mentioned above. It also assisted in clearing the bedroom of negative influence (I definitely heard and felt unwanted presence while trying to split). I also feel that the new incantation has helped me internally with clearing undesirable inner states and brining focus and calmness much needed to successfully separate from the physical body. This led to a much longer and more lucid experience than usual, allowing for a deeper exploration of the astral plane. To keep it brief, I was visiting various places while searching for divinity; I found myself in filthy places full of animals as well as visited well-lit and architecturally pleasing sanctuaries with elegant people in them. My journey eventually took me to a vast open place, with beautiful sky above and I intuitively felt this is a significant place of worship. Suddenly, my inner longing took on a form of singing praise to divinity; it was similar to opera singing, which I definitely cannot do in the physical LOL. This singing felt very natural, it took form not from the mind and made me feel connected with the Light, however, at the same time I intuitively felt that such singing can be much more grandeur, stronger, more beautiful and expressed for much longer.
To sum up, I’m very grateful I remembered the new solar incantation and used it when it was needed. Wishing everyone a day filled with inner light and upliftment.
Hi Slawek, how wonderful that the new incantation had this positive effect on your ability to separate from your physical body, and also on your inner state, so that you were able to have a more meaningful experience there. It definitely inspires me to try it more!
The singing part of your experience especially caught my attention, as I have had some experiences with singing in the astral too, and it always felt very emotional (not like emotions here, but more like heartfelt connection to the Divine). Or, as one my friend aptly described it, singing there feels like a “vocalization of the deep motivations of the spirit within.” What you said about having a feeling that the singing can be much stronger and grandeur also rings true. On some occasions that I sung there, my voice was very strong, “nailing” the highest notes effortlessly, reverberating everywhere… while on other occasions it was also nice, but I could not sing with my full potential, and could not hit the highest notes… I guess we can only imagine what a “full singing”, coming from the fulness of our Being, would sound like!
The open space sanctuary sounds really beautiful too, it must have been an amazing feeling to stand there and feeling its devotional atmosphere, to which you replied with your own spiritual singing… 🎶🌞💖
Hi Slawek,
Yes, it’s lovely to hear you had such a profound experience after using the recitation, which could’ve otherwise been taken away by the negative entities.
The singing sounds beautiful! :) I’m a big fan of choral music and love listening to it, as I find the human voice one of the purest instruments. I’ve also heard some beautiful music in dreams, including one I mentioned where I was in a crowded room where everyone was singing some powerful harmonies. It reminded me of the end of Beethoven’s 9th symphony.
I sometimes get the opportunity to record the melodies I hear in dreams when I wake up, as I keep a recording device by the bed for this purpose. I caught one last night actually, after having a dream in which Bjork was singing. It wasn’t one of her real songs of course, just something my mind made up. But I try to work on these fragments at a later date and have ended up with some nice songs as a result.
I also remember an electronic musician saying how he came up with a lot of tunes through lucid dreaming. Some of his stuff is really jarring to listen to, but there are also some beautiful melodies in his ambient music. As I mentioned recently, I was listening to one of his pieces as an astral practice and although I didn’t succeed in projecting, it was the first time I ever felt a strong concentration of energy around my heart region.
It’s wonderful, Lucia and Michael, that you’ve both had experiences with singing and music in the astral. This area certainly deserves further exploration.
In recent days, my body has been unwell, and this shift in energy created a stark contrast in the quality of my dreams. It felt as though the egos had easier access to the “feeding trough” than usual, a contrast I don’t notice when my body is in good health. I’ve been practicing the new incantation more frequently and daily, and last night, I had a window of opportunity for a more lucid experience. Happily, I remembered to use the incantation again. However, my mind felt muddled, and I struggled to recall a small part of it—like a cloud blocking a section of the incantation, perhaps due to internal or external causes, though I’m not certain. Nevertheless, I kept trying and eventually managed to vocalise the entire incantation. This cleared my astral perception to some extent, allowing me to stay there a bit longer and with greater clarity. I thought it might be helpful to share this small experience. Wishing everyone much inner light from the Spiritual Sun.
Hi Slawek,
That’s good you also managed to achieve a greater level of lucidity after using the incantation. I’m very rarely lucid in dreams these days, but even a briefer period of lucidity such as the one you described can be encouraging.
Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell. Yes, I find the same regarding the effect of illness on our inner states. Years ago, I used to find it beneficial to go for walks to clear my head and “shake off the cobwebs”. But when the body is immobilised, it can bring many lower emotions to the fore, which can feel suffocating.
Yes, although my dreams are often uninspiring, I do appreciate it when I am able to recall music from them. I woke up recently with another melody in my head, which I was going to record. But then I was also going over dreams and the thread of the melody faded away. Another melody popped into my head during the day though, which I recorded.
I hope you’ll make a good recovery soon and wishing you much inner light too!
Hi all,
Last night, I had another opportunity to gain some insight into expressing the inner yearning for union with Divinity through music and singing in the astral. I remember becoming more aware within a dream, and eventually, my thoughts gravitated toward “feeling out” this spiritual longing. This time, the experience felt somewhat less profound, yet there were moments when the sounds—an interplay of singing a prayer and music—aligned more closely with what I would consider a true expression of such longing. These moments corresponded with waves of intensified inner feelings and spiritual yearning. It has been quite an uplifting experience, and it seems to have lingered with me throughout the day. I should add that I do not seek out this kind of experience; it arises spontaneously, and in those moments, it simply feels like the right thing to do. I wish everyone much joy in their spiritual journey.
Thats great Slawek, it does seem like singing there is often an expression of the inner yearning of being close to the Divine/our Being… It also comes spontaneously for me, not anything I can make happen or plan for it, but when it does, its wonderful and cathartic so to speak, even though its intensity varies, as you have also noticed.
A wonderful and welcomed outcome Slawek. It is so nice to have a refreshed approach, isn’t it?
I wish more of these for you..!
That’s good to hear you found the new recitation effective Lucia, especially in getting rid of those “peaceful” captors so quickly.
Regarding the eyes, I found something slightly similar with a “peaceful” older guy who I saw in a dream once. I’ve mentioned it before, but he looked like a god-like figure and was pointing a golden cane. But then when I looked into his eyes, they revealed his deceit (rather than a mesmerising quality, like the guy you saw).
I also know what you mean about dream reasoning. It can be rather illogical, can’t it? I mentioned a while ago about having flying dreams as a kid, but due to the position I was in, I reasoned it wasn’t really flying, just that little trick I can do! :)
Oh wow Lucia…what an experience. Those 2 guys sure tried to discourage you – in such a simple and placid way –
I too find myself going into default mode, using particular recitations that are well practiced (and have been very effective in clearing the air, the room, the astral experience, etc).
Getting use to this new one is taking a bit longer for me also. Your experience verifies the need to keep going with the new one It’s potency to be revealed with time! (as pointed out by Lara).
I have read some pages!
I have no words!! It’s a Masterpiece!!
It is my favourite book!!
An enormous big thank to Mark, Lara and everyone that worked to make this Precious book available to everybody that is interested about the OBE!!!
Thank you very much for your feedback Seraphim.
Yes, its very hard to find words, the book is truly exceptional. I keep finding myself getting to new sections slightly disappointed because I feel what I just read was phenomenal (and I am hungry for more!), and thinking that I am not really interested in the next section, only to be blown away, over and over again. I really can’t believe what I am reading, its truly groundbreaking (and that word is just not enough to mean what I really mean, the information laid out is just incredible…) Another magnificent veil is being lifted which redefines our past and the world we live in, thanks to the many new theories introduced by yourself and Mark.
With utmost gratitude!
Here’s a simple OBE track created together with a friend of mine.
Freedom beyond the Mound. OBE bg.
About the process if anyone is interested:
I was keen to try my hand at creating a song to support an OBE practice, and to explore in general what it’s like to make music. So I paired up with a friend of mine who knows what he’s doing.
Some examples I played for him were the opening of Lotr, ‘Lothlorien’, that ancient drone sound. And a Gayatri bit where the whole audience gently sings.
Then there was a bit of figuring out the frequency component, and the musical theory part (where I was the uncomprehending bridge between what I’d read here and my friend who’s a musician. Haha.)
The Lotr mystical opening music actually consists of multiple elements. The monochord adds to that mystery, but alongside a main warm drone ‘hum’.
We started by tuning a cello and recording it as a sample for the main drone. We inserted other elements too adding to the piece. Among them we recorded our vocals, singing the mantra ‘Om’.
We played around with other sounds to add, some were left in (bit of Shruti box). Others didn’t fit (some Mongolian chants gave it too dark of a vibe I felt.) Photo.
A ‘temptation’ was to start making music. With powerful tools and a nice drone in place this was easy to do. But I noticed it was too distracting for its purpose as background music for a practice, as your brain starts listening to the melodies and highlights are felt in the emotions and such, rather than focus mainly on the practice.
An interesting thing happened in the process of working on it (which took a few hours.) It felt fitting, along with the heavier deeper drone, male voices, to add higher, lighter highlights, such as female angelic voice type sounds.
I felt that the lower drone frequency sounds remind one of the mound and stones, weight etc. Like doing a practice inside the mound. So for the lighter notes, what could we use? What sound does light make? The sun? Bright clouds? Naturally I felt we were working towards a song symbolic for that process of leaving the dark mound into the light. Leaving the physical body into the astral. For the song to express that meaning. Which I feel a personal connection to.
But that wasn’t an idea imposed onto the song, rather from the music itself it started to go towards that, the theme.
So we added a few ‘cave’ elements. And made some higher notes come up only later in the track etc.
The main sound consists of many parts btw. Most/the main samples should be at 110hz. One of them, a subtle one, we also made binaural and left in.
This track is not a tested in practice or a final song, but more a draft or first-try experiment. Hopefully there will be more! and I glimpsed a potential of creating ‘mantra songs’ as well and do recs with more people.
(I also broke all the rules🙈 and slowed down the track, for this 0.71 speed version. Because it sounded cool.)
That’s really special, Akira! A friend of mine has a fancy sound chair with ultra strong magnetic inductors, I’ll test it out there and report back.
That would be much appreciated Julian! Any feedback on it 🙏🏼, or a report of a practice that was successful ^^
It might be some time and experimenting yet until we find something that might help bring results.
Music and mantras are a great way to help start to feel more spiritual states, so I’m hoping to utilise this tool to introduce people to those different states within.
Hey Akira, that’s some nice, professional sound! Kudos to your friend, and of course to you also for initiating this piece and incorporating different ideas. Music making is quite fun, isn’t it? Especially if we have computers today. 😉
My favourite part from your recording is at 5:00, when the higher, angelic voices slowly blend in, very nice harmonies and just right level of loudness for these higher tones to not be too overpowering. Loved the ‘water drops’ sounds too, very cave-like! 😊
Regarding your comment about the “mantra songs”, I am attaching a link to something I recorded a year or more ago, as I was experimenting with using some special Slovak folk tonalities in “mantra songs”. I recorded Gayatri in this tonal style, using lyre in a way that would slightly remind of a cimbal (Slovak folk instrument):
Old Slovak folk music had these special sounding tonalities, which can be heard for example in one old Slovak cartoon series for little children called Matko a Kubko (popular during my childhood years 😀) that used these folk motifs a lot, together with traditional instruments like cimbal or fujara. One motif like this can be heard at 4:52 of this part of the series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxkO-q3mq9U
I had an idea of maybe adding a fujara on the beginning of my recording, and create a whole Slavic-style ceremony video in the forest with this music maybe in the background, but then I let it be, as it would be too much work and I was not even sure if it would be something that was needed in the sense of the support for the Religion of the Sun…
That is super cute Lucia! Been playing it on loop here a few times.
Thanks 🙏🏼, yes it is exciting to make and when it starts to sound nice. It still needs tweaking and we’ll change it quite a bit I’m sure.
You and Marco’s lyre one, I thought recently, sounds quite autumn-equinox-y btw.
Thank you for sharing Akira! It’s a deep and relaxing tune, love it 🌼.
I wish you all the best in your music journey. I’m trying to get back to music-making full force as I was some years ago and your enthusiasm is inspiring, I look forward to hearing what you come up with in the future. Namaste 🙏🏽
Yes, it’s a nice piece Akira, thanks for sharing it. As well as their intended use for astral concentration practices, I think both versions work well when played in the background. Of the two, my personal preference is for the original version, as it combines the lower and higher pitches, which has a lighter feel, as you mentioned. But I think both versions would work well for a practice.
I’m listening to some other ambient music now and often like to have this type of music playing while working online, as it’s listenable without being distracting. As I mentioned recently, I also tried concentrating on ambient music as an astral practice, like with your piece. When listening to one particular tune, I felt a strong energy around my heart area for the first time, which was pleasant.
In fact, I just realised the music I’m listening to now was one of those pieces I used for a practice years ago! :)
It’s nice you and your friend collaborated on this piece. Good luck with your other sonic investigations! :)
Thanks for listening Michael and glad you enjoyed it. I also had another listen last night and found it succeeded in not being intrusive, although it might benefit with the addition of some more ‘magical’ higher sounds.
That’s lovely Akira! It sounds kinda like the ‘binaural beats for lucid dreaming’ stuff on YouTube I sometimes listen to in the evening to wind down, or to have on in the background when I’m trying to focus on something. I’m not sure what the logic is behind those binaural beats, or what makes a beat binaural, do you know? What’s the relevance to 110hz?
I got myself a little shruti box a while ago but I haven’t quite ‘bonded’ with it like I thought I would! Maybe I need another go … I stopped tinkling around with a guitar to help the skin on my fingers get softer and am looking for a replacement. Maybe a harmonium would be nice! Being able to make music, even at a very simple level, is so special!
Hi Akira, thanks for creating and sharing this piece of music. Well done for getting it at 110HZ . You guys obviously have a skill for this type of thing. I will practice mantras to this.
Hi Akira,
I liked your creation. It is ambient and has a calming effect but also a ‘calibrating’ one – the same way mantras can work on the body to clear its energy or help with spiritual experiences.
I used the water drop effect as an ‘anchor point’ or ‘awareness’ point, to check if I was focused or distracted by a thought or simply not present enough to ‘listen’ (ie be fully attentive) to the tune.
Thanks guys.
Dimi I happened to come across a little type of cave a on a walk a week or two ago and decided to listen to it in there. With added sound of real drops, hehe.
In a mini cave.
I’m still not sure how much of the desired meditation enhancing effect the track’s sound has. Some more experimenting and creating in the future I guess.
Hi Akira,
I found the water drops were more random in the cave recording. It was harder to hear them at the beginning of the recording and more prominent in the second part of the recording. It gave the feeling of rain drops/drips, which can have – both- a rhythmic pattern and a random one. Natural sounding nonetheless.
The second piece reminded me of the effect from group mantras – lower tones/pitches from male voices and higher tones/pitches from female voices. Actually, which term is more correct to use in this case – tone or pitch?
At this slower speed, I found the water drop more intentional, it had a more lingering effect to help my focus.
Hi again Dimi,
As far as I know, a pitch refers to the frequency of a note, whereas the tone describes more about its characteristics (or timbre). So if you imagine hearing The Star Spangled Banner sung by a group of school kids, it would sound very different to Jimi Hendrix’s electric guitar version of it, even though the notes may be the same.
The reason for the differences in the way instruments sound is that each instrument usually contains traces of other pitches, based on the characteristics of its construction (e.g. wooden, brass, string, etc). So a note played on a trombone will sound different to the same note on a cello, due to the acoustic differences in the way the note is produced.
The only way I know to hear a pure pitch is to play a sine wave, which has no resonance from other pitches changing its characteristics. But listening to a sine wave melody would probably sound pretty awful! :)
Wow Akira, this is so beautiful, I can’t believe you created this with your friend, I am so amazed :) Wishing you both continued success in this creative venture!
Hi guys,
I plan to tweak and create another version of this background meditation sound soon. Does anyone have suggestions or ideas on how to improve it. Any are welcome.
I know it’s a very different thing, but I love the vibration of this one, it just feels right. Om So Hum
It would be too distracting for focusing on one’s own practice, but it would be nice to create something where the vibe is right and uplifting, and generates that state within.
Hi Michael, Julian and Jon,
reading through the article “The Great Pyramid: early reflections and ancient echoes”, trying to make sense of its content in context with your comments and knowledge of music (frequencies, resonances, octaves, etc) it becomes even more apparent that the Ancients knew a lot more than we do.
We have each experienced the effect of sound on our bodies, our mindset and possibly our consciousness/spirit (think of mantras, any tunes written specifically to induce certain brain waves, Lucia’s lyre tune, etc). If those civilizations were more advanced, more in-tune and more spiritually astute, it would make sense that they would KNOW how to build structures to enhance that spiritual aspect within themselves, to create a more conducive environment for spiritual experiences and for a more spiritually focused society. This is what is being revealed in Mark and Lara’s work, relating to the Ancient Religion of the Sun.
The author of that article Tom Danley also says it well in his comment where he states: “it is possible that the ancient builders may well have been aware that sounds, even inaudible ones, can have a profound effect on one consciousness” and when he says “there is an ocean about the ancient’s we don’t know – especially regarding their application of acoustic science”.
As a side note, there may be a few acoustic commonalties in the acoustics of the Pyramids and those of the Barabar Caves – even though they are continents apart. There could be parallels, yet to be uncovered/confirmed.
Yes, that’s a good observation Dimi. If many ancient people had greater spiritual faculties and a higher level of consciousness than we do today, then it would make sense that they would just know how to do certain things, as it would come naturally.
Some people still have these inherent skills today of course and well known composers like Mozart probably didn’t have to think too much about composing when they first started at a young age, as it was something almost innate. I also admire vocal groups who seem to be able to effortlessly create close harmonies, like the South African group Ladysmith Black Mambazo, or the ‘60’s barbershop group The Four Freshmen.
I don’t have this skill myself, as I need to consciously sit and work out harmonies. Although, I used to enjoy drawing as a boy and other kids sometimes asked how I did it. But it was just something I did without thinking about, as I enjoyed it.
There’s clearly a high level of intelligence behind the design of these ancient structures and it’s likely there was a certain level of planning involved. But with the sacred geometry, acoustics, celestial alignments, etc. these may have been things that people automatically felt drawn towards including, as it came from an innate spiritual sense.
It’s interesting what you mentioned about the possible acoustic commonalities between the Egyptian Pyramids and the Barabar Caves. That would be interesting to look into.
Just a really simple thing. Last night I dreamt of an ongoing difficult situation. I think it was showing me the true state of things perhaps, as well as the inner states I need to work on in relation to it. In the dream I felt quite helpless and desperate, there was indifference and lack of care, etc. towards me.
When going back to sleep, as I had awoken from the dream in the early hours, I said the incantation of the Sun for protection, but to my surprise, as soon as I made the effort to focus on and connect to the Sun, I felt a compassion, warmth and care from It (Him?) towards me regarding the situation. It’s very rare for me to feel anything like that and it was wonderful, to know in the moment that I and my situation are personally seen and known and supported by the Spiritual Sun.
I had been feeling skeptical about the incantation in terms of whether it would work for me. My best, sincere effort to connect to the light, the divine, the Sun, was what mattered in that moment, even if it felt weak and insignificant.
Thank you Lara and Mark for this beautiful, powerful incantation and the fantastic book.
How wonderful Laura that you would have this beautiful answer to pronouncing the incantation. It is also interesting, that you felt some sort of Living entity replying to you! It reminds me of the passage from Kolbrin, where when Osiris was leaving his people in Egypt, he told them not to worry, because the Sun would adopt them as his children. It always sounded to me a bit like… ehhhmmm, oh yeah, just tell a child without a father to just look at the sky… But, it seems there is more to that. Looks like maybe the Sun is full of awakened Beings of Light who can hear and respond to our prayers… Or maybe the Sun also has its own, united consciousness? In any case, it seems to be alive and all-knowing… 🌞
But regarding love and care, we also have different human beings placed with us here, on this Earth, no matter how imperfect, people who care about us and accompany us on our journey, be it the family or friends, each in their own capacity…
Some time ago, I was pondering on this a bit deeper after some bad experiences in my life (relationships-wise), and I realised that nothing can grow, develop properly or progress without love. It is the nurturing factor that is needed for anything to go well, any project or living thing, and without it, things are always destined to failure. It is like this magical ingredient that is not visible, and yet is so crucial in our lives to make things happen. Garden can only thrive with a lot of love and care, the animals need the love of their animal mother and/or people to develop properly and become adults, children need a lot of love and care to be able to manifest whatever potential they came to this Earth with, etc… Even building a family house, which can be quite a big project, especially in self-help scenario, is only possible with a lot of perseverance, love, and sacrifice from different involved people. There is a lot of co-dependence between people in life (which many don’t like and would prefer to be completely independent from anyone), and I believe this is for a reason to exercise love and recognise it, and learn to receive and give too.
Anyway, sorry for my “love rant”, sending you a big hug and wishing you all you need, externally and internally, to overcome the situation and move forward to other challenges! 😉
Hi Lucia, thank you for your kind wishes, and love rant 🙂
Regarding who might have responded to me. In the book, p. 530-531, it says that
“The light of the sun and stars ultimately traces back to the divine Source of creation, and so calling upon it in an incantation is to call upon the divine itself. The term “Spiritual Sun” … can refer to four different things”: the Absolute/Source, the sun in higher dimensions “as an environment where spiritual beings dwell”, the Father, or the Son. I called upon the Sun and not Son, but I don’t know exactly who responded, just that it felt intimate, personal, being personally known.
Hi Laura,
I too have felt such a compassion out there. It has felt omnipresent too. I guess, if we’re willing to align ourselves with it, it becomes more accessible, felt and palpable.
I can recall a time when I was in the Astral and making my way to another celestial body, travelling at a fast speed, and as I started to approach this celestial body, a gentle yet compassionate force/power let me know that I had to stop at that point, that I was not to proceed beyond this point. I instantly knew why I had to stop, and why I was asked to stop. It did not cause me to feel anger, disappointment or any such feeling, instead, It did not overpower me, or dominate. Instead, it generated an instant understanding of what was unfolding in that moment and a particular insight within me. It was an amazing feeling.
Another time in the Astral, I found myself travelling through the stars, as though traversing through the galaxy or universe. It felt so calm and peaceful. As I paused for a moment to take in the beauty, the magnificence of my surroundings, I had the idea to call upon a well known Spiritual Being. I did so calmly and not too loud either (I have found that a thought or a whisper can travel very far in the Astral!) As I started to say the name of that Spiritual Being, I found the starts/night sky started to pulsate in rhythm with the name, as though they were in sync with the sounds of that name and were allowing the sounds of that name to reverberate through them. What came back has left me in awe – to this day. A strong sense of compassion came flooding through, back towards me and at me. It was such a reassuring feeling, such a wonderful experience. I stayed suspended in that space, bathed in that feeling for as long as I could, before coming back into by body. The feeling of the experience however, lingered long after I got back and woke up in the physical.
There is definitely an infinite amount of compassion and LOVE emanating from the source, from the Sun and the spiritual realms that exist beyond this physical one..
Those sound like amazing experiences Dimi, showing how compassion and love impregnates the whole universe (except of the tough places of learning like our planet, where they are more scarce I guess…)
I love your experience of flying through the starry space, I don’t think I have ever experienced that, must have been really beautiful… I just keep looking at the stars, and putting all those starry screen-savers on my computer, but so far, no beautiful nebulous spaces for me! I guess increasing our inner level is always the answer… 🌟
Just keep trying Lucia…I’m sure you’re doing the best you can. We’re all striving for more consciousness and spiritual experiences -)
That’s a beautiful experience. I felt something similar not long ago – that the Source from the sun was sending out its loving support to all beings on their journey of learning in the world. It’s just we are not conscious of it. I used to think that the Source was some distant place, but I’ve come to understand that it is a being, for want of a better word, that we can have a close and beautiful relationship with. I think that’s very apparent too in NDEs, in which people are greeted and loved by “the light.”
I definitely feel this love too, Lara.
Even if we are going through difficulties there’s love in those as it push us towards changing. It’s been mentioned in the Ancient Solstice book, that the difficulties are necessarily for our spiritual growth and after all many, very unpleasant challenges are put in front of one in order to overcome what’s within in the path of the spiritual sun, something that you so nicely demonstrated in the new video about the autumn equinox.
This is very beautiful, Lara. What an amazing understanding to feel and receive. When I was pondering who or what responded to me, the most accurate actually would have been to say the Light or the Source, but I thought it might not be right and didn’t know what to call it, thinking my understanding was insufficient. When you said that the Source could be described as a ‘Being’ whom one can have a close relationship with, it just made sense and resonated in terms of my experience. I definitely had thought the same – that it is an immensely distant, impersonal thing. But this is just so beautiful what you’ve said and gives much food for reflection. Thank you.
That’s beautiful Laura, I’m glad you had that experience. I can relate to what you said about it being rare to feel that spiritual support and being sceptical as to whether the incantation would work. From what you’ve mentioned before, I think we have similar ways of viewing the world, often from a more logical mindset.
I’ve sometimes wished I could just blindly believe in things like some in religions, as arguably this offers a certain level of comfort and reassurance, which isn’t easily felt by a sceptic. But when someone with a sceptical or logical mindset has the type of experience you described, it tends to stand out more, when it can’t be explained by other factors.
I had a similar confirmation of divine help some years ago. It literally stopped a distressing emotional state literally overnight, which hasn’t returned since. I’ve mentioned it a few times since, so won’t go into all the details again. But the gist of it was that it followed a situation where I was in a kind of solitary confinement in a place, which I was physically unable to leave (even to the extent of walking outside the building).
It was the culmination of severe restrictions over several years, but was also the first time I’d been in complete isolation from anyone else. The situation occurred close to the spring equinox and resulted in a lot of turmoil, which persisted afterwards, even when I had social contact again.
My prayers seemed to remain unheard and I had the same feeling of my desperation being met with indifference, even by the divine. So I was amazed to be proven wrong in such a significant way, which gave me a strong confirmation that my circumstances were actually taken seriously and were deemed worthy of receiving help.
As you mentioned, even when our efforts may seem weak or insignificant, doing our best in each moment is what counts.
Yes, an experience like this can have a profound effect on a skeptical mind, but I have to work to allow it to continue to impact me and not go back to the confines of the skepticism which tends to cancel and disbelieve anything after the fact.
One could argue whether we are born with a certain cognitive structure or whether it is built through upbringing and early experiences, and I’m guessing it is both. I’ve traced (at least some aspects of) my skepticism back to early experiences and it seems very inbuilt in the sense that I can’t turn it off at will, even when I wish to. Which is very interesting because it shows I’m not in control of my thoughts, which an intellectual person might find hard to believe, being so identified with the mind.
It seems quite unfair, as Mark kindly acknowledges that it might in the book, but then how many things in life seem unfair! I think that this too is part of the learning of this very specific life and circumstances.
“… my circumstances were actually taken seriously and were deemed worthy of receiving help.” Exactly. My inner struggles were and had been fully seen, taken seriously, me finding it difficult was respectfully acknowledged and fully believed, deemed real and important enough to be responded to exactly in the way that I needed. I hadn’t been going through it completely alone and in isolation.
It profoundly challenged some core fears and beliefs and I’m finding as I said, it is needed to work to lean into it in order not to slide back into them. I’m learning that they won’t miraculously change through profound experiences but I have to allow myself to trust it, to give me what I need to overcome that which is keeping me trapped.
Yes, I agree Laura. It’s important to keep these kinds of experiences in mind, as they can give a remembrance that help may still be received, especially if similarly challenging circumstances occur again.
I try to keep the same memory in mind regarding my health, as it declined again considerably after having Covid a few years ago and in some ways is the worst it’s ever been. But I also know it’s possible to see evidence of progress, as I was in a similar situation shortly before the experience I mentioned and saw some improvement the same year, after having very little success for several years. The experience also challenged some core fears and beliefs for me, as you mentioned.
I also agree it’s probably a combination of both nature and nurture, in terms of our mind set. I had a balance of opinions in some respects growing up, due to having one very religions parent and another very sceptical parent. I also observed some things growing up that had an indelible impact upon my psyche and made me very cautious about going down blind alleys.
But I had an interest in the paranormal since childhood and despite seeking evidence and proof, psychological and spiritual development has remained my main interest over many years. So I think I inherited both the Mulder and Scully outlooks.
In this respect, the Religion of the Sun suits me very well, as it doesn’t demand immediate adherence to a strict dogma, in order to practice it. But rather, it gives tools that enable its practitioners to verify for themselves the same kinds of experiences that Mark and Lara have painstakingly brought together in their work.
@making music. So the lower ranges, like 10hz, would need specifc speakers to produce them, as the book mentions. But the vibration would reach the whole body. (To test I tried to go there with some tracks on my speakers, but below 30hz the speakers started to add distorted noises and the main low frequency sound is not produced.)
Good headphones though can go that low, I’ve got some with a frequency response of 5hz-40khz. But then there’s the limits of the human ear’s hearing range, said to be between 20hz and 20.000hz. I was trying it here on this handy website (be careful with your hearing and equipment). For me, at the high end, I stopped being able to hear it at around 17khz. At the lower end it seemed I could go a few hz below 20hz and still hear. Though the main tone does ‘disappear’ at some point although some other sounds can still be heard.
So some headphones can produce the low hz sounds, inaudible to ears, which can also still reach the brain through the headphones vibration (?). Buuut, again similar to what the book reads, if I can’t hear and don’t really feel it or know what’s going on – I’m not a fan. And working at the limits of equipment is also not ideal.
So maybe working with that 110hz as suggested, and like Marco did, is better. Or is it worth trying some in the beta and gamma ranges (though related more to alert states?) to still get some effect? or better not. (Some other speakers of mine only start at 70hz and up btw, so it’s looking up one’s tech specifications online.)
Anyway it’s pretty new to me, but I’m saying this because I’m also looking to produce a song for this purpose. Without musical education, but with some pro help hopefully :-).
I was thinking some drone in the bg, either instrumental or vocal, with a brainwave frequency incorporated. Plus some pleasant, very gentle, melodic music over it. Possibly not using traditional instruments (though the ancient connection is nice too), but more like ethereal or synthesiser ‘space’ sounds for example. Although it’s all an idea currently. But it’s exciting. If anyone has any tips or advice please let me know.
When playing some ‘brainwave’ songs I remembered a track I hadn’t heard for years. Thought I’d share it.
Steven Halpern. Deep Alpha 8Hz: Pt. 1
Would be great to hear more from you in the future for sure Marco. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes to work and that we may end up with a few solid ones that really hit the obe snare or mystical feeling.
As well as perhaps produce some music specifically for the Religion of the Sun. ☀️
Just to say it stood out how considerately each bit of information in the book is presented. Putting each into the context of the whole picture of information and not taking it for granted that every reader will know about all the subjects and terms referred to, and so it is explained. Enabling anyone to understand.
The whole body of information being like a giant sculpture, but the medium to describe it being through linear written form, so how are you gonna tackle that. Describing small parts I guess, but all the while keeping the bigger picture in mind. Anway, must’ve been a challenge with so much info and I can see how this is something that must’ve required going back into again and again. But then the reader will not have to worry and puzzle and it is presented for them, so we can focus on the content. If it’s Jordan and Jon who played a part in that, thank you for your work.
To help bring some novelty to practices I’ve experimented with meditating to few videos around 110HZ. Most the videos that claim to be 110hz are not when tested with tuning app on my phone. I find this video below quite powerful when meditating to the sound. Almost feels difficult to stay in the body maybe due to it having some type of disorientating effect.
Very interesting ‘calibrating’ effect while listening to it…thanks for sharing Anthony
For those interested in the acoustic parts of the book…
Something I just found today is that the Barabar “Caves” in India also have acoustic properties. We point out in the book that there are megalithic chambers in Europe that have acoustic properties, as does the King’s Chamber, and that these show evidence for having been used for out-of-body experiences. As soon as I saw that a number of the Barabar Caves are precisely, geometrically, and symmetrically carved I suspected their purpose must have involved acoustics. It turns out, the researchers who’ve studied these caves also speculate their purpose involved acoustics to induce altered states of consciousness. So there is a pattern emerging with these ancient stone chambered sites. Here is the section in the new doco that discusses it:
I still wait for the book:) so I don’t know what is described there about acoustics in sacred sites, but yes there are special acoustic effects in different places around the world.
In the King’s Chamber, the entire pyramid seems to vibrate with your voice making your whole being resonate, so you wish to produce the most beautiful conscious sound as you can and then the pyramid brings it back to you, amplifying its effects. The effect on your consciousness is absolutely incredible, you are so clear and awake, you “feel God-like”.
Both famous Ajanta and Ellora caves in Maharashtra India have chambers with powerful acoustic effects, as they had been designed specifically for spiritual practices involving sound.
There is a very interesting sacred site in Yucatan Mexico, called Uxmal (pronounced Ushmal), next to the Pyramid of the Magician there is an open room leading to so called Quadrangle of the Birds, it has incredible acoustic effects, amplifying sound and making it go around you, I don’t know how to describe it, but it feels like a pure magic. A tour guide showed us the depiction of the Ear of Chac as a symbolic reference to these special acoustic effects (like it was meant for the Ear of the Divine to listen to people producing sounds in that particular place).
While the Great Pyramid has a completely out of “worldly effect”, the Builders of many smaller scale sacred sites around the world knew a lot about sound and used it for both mundane and spiritual purposes.
Hi Vadim,
Oh no, I’m sorry to hear you still haven’t gotten your book, I think maybe something has gone wrong with the order.
I have heard similar things from some Canadian readers that their orders were taking a really long time from Amazon Canada. They ended up cancelling their orders and reordered from I think Blackwells in the UK or Barnes and Noble in the US.
Again like I had mentioned in a previous comment, we can’t control what stores/sellers do, and it seems the regional Amazons have become really unreliable unfortunately. My best guess is maybe they were trying to accumulate orders, then they themselves would order from the printer/distributor once they reached a certain amount, and then would fulfill the orders, but I’m not totally sure what is going on there.
However there has been a recent development and good news for Canadian readers, Indigo in Canada finally has our book listed after 2 months of being released. It’s listed at our recommended price, they offer free shipping on orders over $35, and I would hope/think they shouldn’t have any issues with order fulfillment. https://www.indigo.ca/en-ca/the-spiritual-out-of-body-experience-the-practice-of-obes-and-lucid-dreaming-in-the-ancient-religion-of-the-sun/9780648756545.html
I would suggest considering cancelling your current order and reordering from one of the other options I mentioned.
If there are others out there that have ordered a book and still haven’t received it or are having issues ordering, feel free to contact me at the Sura Ondrunar Publishing website and I see if I can offer any solutions/alternatives.
Hi Jenny,
Thank you, it is ok, I feel like waiting a little longer and if still not arriving, then yes, canceling my order and buying it somewhere else.
On my amazon page it keeps saying “shipped”, “on its way but running late.”
Ah well good to hear there is some progress with Amazon at least saying the book has shipped.
I hope you get your copy of the book soon!
I followed your advice Jenny and cancelled the book from Amazon.ca and bought the one from Indigo.ca.
Got my book about a week after, price was reasonable, the book looks like a real treasure for spiritual seekers.
The problem with Amazon.ca was that the book disappeared in limbo after being shipped.
Thank you.
Hi Vadim,
I had to cancel my order with Amazon, as it was saying shipped, and giving different details but actually never arrived. It was refunded thankfully. I re-ordered still via Amazon and we finally received our copy (and much cheaper than original price too).
Great to hear Vadim! I hope you enjoy the book and good to hear that Indigo.ca is a reliable place to order from.
Using the power of sound to have an impact on consciousness is such blessing of a tool to have available.
Even though parts of that science, and its use in conjunction with sites, has become lost to us I’m sure.
Wonderful find Lara, hadn’t heard of them 🙏🏼. I guess not so common yet as an additional field within archaeology, but I’m happy that at least some research like this is being done – to start to open research avenues which only then can lead to future breakthroughs.
Beautiful stone on the inside btw. Would love to experiment and practice there.
Hi Lara,
I’ve come across this information also, on a channel called BAM (Builders of Ancient Megaliths). They have been investigating these cluster of caves in India for some time now. Very interesting correlations and findings.
Here is a link to their work for anyone interested to have: a look:
There are a series of videos to watch, the latest one uncovering more intricate geometry and symmetry to the design of the caves. They do 3D mapping of the caves and find out they are incredibly precise in their design and build.
correction…BAM stands for Builders of Ancient Mysteries…
Here is another link to their documentaries and research
Hi Dimi,
Did you mean ‘Builders of Ancient Mysteries’? I watched quite a bit of their 2-hour documentary film. It covers a lot of Graham Hancock’s work and also things Lara wrote about in the Ancient Religion of the Sun book.
It is well done and has additions of their own fieldwork for example and the more exposure of these subjects the better.
I like how at start they mention the wish to question things and throughout the doc their logic often dispels narrow-minded simplistic explanations of ancient architecture and technology.
Granted their aim is more to show a lost advanced civilisation existed. And the message overall is positive. 🙏🏼👏🏼
However at the end it leaves me wanting. My questions would be on understanding the motivation behind building those sites, often a deep spiritual one. What were those people about. What was that knowledge. Can I experience that today. Connect to the same mysteries. How!?
That’s why I find Mark and Lara’s work so amazing, taking it further, providing answers and tools for this. Yet I’m thirsty to experience again.
Hi Akira,
I agree. These docos leave you hanging in the end and that Mark and Lara’s work complete the picture a lot more.
Thanks Lara, that’s very interesting about the caves! The suggestion that they may have just been for shelter seems a rather silly one!
I mentioned about the musical pillars of the Vijaya Vittala Temple in Hampi, India some time ago, but thought I’d share a couple of links about them again. One’s an article with a short embedded video clip of someone playing the pillars: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/india-temples-musical-architecture/ The other video is a couple more minutes and gives some history on the pillars too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYHu0ivfR_o
The pillars are said to be tuned to an ancient Sanskrit musical scale. It’s interesting that the combination of granite, silicate and metal alloys used in their construction is said to have not existed until the twentieth century – hundreds of years after the pillars were made!
Hi Michael,
it is quite intriguing that these old structures, aesthetically pleasing to the eye and so complex in their architecture and design, have yet another layer to them – a hidden one, perhaps a more esoteric one. I suspect they are far older than the presumed age they are given, and they are part of a far more advanced civilization. It is also incredible that the material these pillars are made of, a combination of granite, silicate and metal alloys, would imply these were “melted” together to form the different pillar designs, to resonate at different frequencies. How advanced is that! Where did that technology and knowledge go? It has obviously become lost in time. And, their understanding of sound, acoustics, music notes, etc to mimic various instruments (eg wind instruments), is just as puzzling – how did they do this?
Hi Lara,
I’ve come across these documentaries about the caves and have seen this latest one looking at the caves and their purpose in a more detailed way.
The acoustics produced inside the caves are indeed incredible. Their designers knew what they were doing and what effect they were aiming for. It seems we are only at the beginning of rediscovering their magnificence and relevance. Definitely an ancient technology and a far more superior civilization who produced them
The caves themselves seem simple in design (to the naked eye) yet intricate – designed with a purpose in mind. It’s as though they have been created but also ‘tuned’ to produce a specific acoustic effect, perhaps healing properties, or for accelerating/enhancing spiritual connection and experiences. I certainly felt a more ‘tingling’ effect, a buzzing sensation within my body when I heard Sudama (the singer) demonstrate the acoustic effects of the cave – it felt uplifting and energising.
Hi all,
Similarly to Julian, I also got inspired with Mark’s writing about the F# chord and its fifth and fourth intervals. For those who don’t have the book or didn’t get to that passage yet, here is what Mark writes about it (on page 399):
“From the evidence that has come to light so far, fourth and fifth intervals appear to have been an important feature in some ancient places where OBEs were practiced, including those of the F# chord as found in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid (an F# root note, C#, A#, and the inclusion of F# at the next octave). These intervals could be used when intoning mantras among more than one person.
Monaural beats (at conducive frequencies), the megalithic frequency, fourth and fifth intervals, and an F3 chord or music which incorporates these could be played in the background during any OBE practice, or beforehand to help one enter a more conducive state for having OBEs.”
So… I have tuned my lyre to F# scale, and played a bit with the fourth and fifth intervals of it, using those notes that Mark mentions. I also thought that maybe not everyone knows what F# note is, or how that F# chord that Mark describes sounds, so I made a short lyre recording, where I first play the F# note at 2 different octaves (first lower one, then higher one, then them together), then the F# chord (first the separate notes and then the chord of them), and then I improvised a small melody using this scale and the chord, ending again with the F# note. Its not too professional, I just recorded it in my kitchen and my microphone seemed to catch a funny clicking sound as I was plucking the strings, but hope it will be of some use. 🙂 🎶
Musically, it sounds weird to play the 4th and 5th at the same time, you did a nice job of connecting them! I can imagine something like that being played in ancient Egypt, though maybe in a more ancient musical tuning, do they have tunings like that for your lyre?
The tune has such an uplifting feel to it Lucia. It is quite beautiful to listen to. Thank you.
Oh yes, that’s a lovely tune Lucia! Thanks for sharing it! :) It’s very gentle sounding and it passed my “repeat play” test! :) Often if I really like a piece of music, I play it on a loop, as I did with your melody.
I didn’t actually notice any unwanted sounds creeping in. I only played it on a low volume, but to me it sounded like a professional recording!
I really like the timbre of the lyre and as it’s an older instrument, it would work well within the settings of these ancient sites.
Thanks guys, much appreciated! ❤️🌞❤️
Julian, regarding more “Egyptian-sounding” pieces, I made a new recording where I improvised in F# scale into Marco’s megalithic chant. I posted a link to it in the Spiritual Experiences with the Religion of the Sun section of this website, in reply to Marco’s post.
About the ancient tuning for my lyre, I am not quite sure what you mean, as I thought that the feel of the music mostly depended on the notes and scales we use. My lyre is a very simple small one that has to be mechanically tuned and does not even have half-tones – I can only use a 7-notes scales on it in something over 2 octaves. I always re-tune it depending on the type of piece I am going to play.
Really lovely! That’s more what of was thinking of, middle eastern scales are one ancient tuning style. I hope we can play together some day, it seems many of us are musicians, it’s sounding wonderful already :)
I recall reading in one of the books that Egyptian music possibly survived until today in Coptic chant, which doesn’t seem to have a standardized tuning at all.
It’s also likely Pythagorean tuning came from Egypt, which is kind of a major scale, but slightly different
There are some indications that Egyptian music was pentatonic:
“Egyptian tuning, based on the holes found in flutes of the time, was a minor pentatonic scale of five tones without half-tones.”
“ My 2nd improvisation on the lyre, uses an ancient pentatonic Egyptian scale…last heard, some 3500 years ago! The scale I am using in this little improvisation, was deciphered from ancient Egyptian tomb illustrations…”
Nice discovery Julian! :) It’s amazing that guy managed to resurrect those ancient scales from the tomb illustrations! And thanks again Lucia for putting that piece together with Marco’s chant, it works well.
If you or Lucia were looking for a more eastern or Egyptian sounding scale to fit the notes found in the King’s Chamber, you could try the Phrygian scale, which Pyramid Song uses and which The First Delphic Hymn is also said to have been written in.
So to put the notes of F# major into the Phrygian mode, you’d use A# Phrygian, which goes A#, B, C#, D#, E#, F#, and G#: https://www.hooktheory.com/cheat-sheet/key/a-sharp/phrygian
Yes, it would be nice to play together sometime Julian :)
Thank you very much Michael for mentioning the Phrygian mode! I didn’t know what it was, but checked this nice and simple article on it (https://onlineguitarbooks.com/phrygian-mode/), and it is cool how you can basically make a Phrygian mode of any major scale just by starting on the third note of that scale and using that third note as your root note. I also realised that that’s what I actually did for my improvisations on Marco’s chant. I used the F# major scale that my lyre was tuned to, but used A# as my root note, because that one harmonised with Marco’s chant (he says his chant is in A note, but somehow when I played A# note on my lyre, it seemed to match his chant 😯). So that’s why my recording sounded “ancient”, as I unknowingly used this Phrygian mode. How interesting… I never liked music theory and all that technical stuff, but its quite interesting when you discover some principles like this behind scales and notes. 🙂
You’re welcome Lucia! Yes, it’s a funny coincidence that you accidentally already played a Phrygian scale with your lyre recording and that I didn’t spot it either! :) Like most people, I only have relative pitch, rather than perfect pitch, so I’m not usually too aware of the note names when I hear music. I just know if it’s in tune and harmonious.
If you or anyone else wanted to experiment with playing in the ancient modes, you could go through each in turn by playing the white keys on a piano starting with C and ascending upwards. C Ionian is basically the same as C major, then D Dorian, E Phrygian, F Lydian, G Mixolydian, A Aeolian (or simply A minor in modern music) and finally B Locrian, which is the most dark and dissonant sounding of all the modes.
David Bennett, who did the YouTube analysis of Pyramid Song I shared with Julian, also had a handy mnemonic to remember the order of modes: I Don’t Play Loud Music At Lunch! You’ll see the starting letter of each word matches the names of the modes above.
Anyway, I’ll try not to turn this thread too much into Michael’s Amazing Music Theory class! :) To be honest, I also found music theory a real bore when I was growing up and I only bothered learning it when I wanted to find out how to play the songs I’d written in my head.
I don’t think anyone should be put off playing music if they don’t know all the technical terms, as connecting with its feeling seems far more important to me than an intellectual analysis of it. Some of the most hideous music like 12-tone serialism came about from this over analysis and much of the music I’ve enjoyed over the years has been by musicians who were mainly self taught.
Not being so precise with the rhythm gives a more human feel too and can sound more interesting, especially as there’s so much mechanically generated music around these days.
I recently heard a lovely song on the Night Tracks show I mentioned by the harpist and singer Arianna Savall. She spoke about playing from her heart and referenced the Taoist legend of The Taming of the Harp. In this gentle piece, she sings the words of the famous prayer attributed to St Francis of Assisi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHRTG23mE_8
I’m sure most people will be familiar with its English translation:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offence, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring your light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Lord, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
it is in forgiving that one is forgiven,
it is in dying that one awakens to eternal life.
I hope you enjoy Arianna’s gentle song! I really liked the lullaby qualities of your first lyre melody, by the way and think it sounds nice as it is. Very soothing!
Dreams by demons. There’s a topic raised in the book with information new to me, which I found a bit concerning and made me think a bit.
Although I’m well aware of the presence and influence of negative beings in the astral (in attacks, on our psyche and vibe there, in deception when conscious there) I had always held dreams to be sacred, given by spiritual beings or our higher being – untouchable you could say. And I have always followed their instructions as best as I could. Trusting them and living by them.
I had wondered about this notion in the past, but thought – nah that would be too unfair. It made me reflect a bit and it raises issues, how can one tell? What can I trust? I feel intuitively that many of the symbolic dreams have that flow from above, that flavour. You can feel the vibe of the origin of the message. But could advanced enough demons also generate those? Another thing is I want to be careful with coming to ‘pick and choose’ as well, because I’ve had many dreams warnings or ‘kick up the behind’-type dreams to prompt action. On numerous occasions though I have to say the warning dreams or ‘have to do something’ dreams caused me distress or anxiety (obviously that’s not ideal and there’s the psychological reaction to work on) but the point of that is I can see how great chaos can certainly be caused like that.
Mark already gives advice on how to proceed and deal with it, thank you. Although it will have to sink in and trial run in practice for me for a bit to start to distinguish more clearly. I do have to say that, I guess over time, I do feel a connection or an intuition, and think that most symbolic dreams come from the higher source. Maybe in this regard there is also protection, depending on a person’s circumstances. But I will keep my eyes open to this in the near future.
This is a concerning issue, I agree Akira. In the same time, it also enables us to learn, discern, and growth in our own intelligence and caution, instead of blindly believing everything from our dreams, even if it sounds “spiritual”. I had a few of these confusing dreams in the past, one of them in particular caused quite a havoc in my personal life, but looking at it now, I can see how my egos really wanted that dream to be true, and that’s why I followed upon it. If I practiced caution, discernment and increased my spiritual level and discipline, I would have been able to avoid the negative consequences of such a deceit. I think standing with our feet firmly on the ground is extremely important in this work, as well as taking time to verify, question and detach from things and situations, remembering our true goal, no matter how long that may take.
I would agree with you on this too Lucia…
Yes, I agree that’s wise advice Lucia. The things you mentioned, such as practising caution and discernment, keeping our feet on the ground, taking time to verify, question and detach ourselves from things and situations are all useful weapons against deceit.
Mark also emphasises this common sense approach in the book: “Primarily we need to respond to life based on what’s happening in the physical world. Dreams can provide extra information that builds upon information we already have in our waking life, but they’re not a replacement for it…If in doubt, I suggest using common sense and basing one’s decisions upon what one knows to be true in the physical world” (p. 344).
I remember a childhood dream in which a popular singer was acting negatively towards me. Of course, it’s just something I dreamt, as I didn’t like his music at the time and it’s unlikely to convey any deep meaning. But later in the book, Mark elaborates on how demons can seize upon our pre-existing negativity as an opportunity to stir up egos, so that we act upon this negativity, or put situations that feed our pride if we’re already struggling with it (p. 504-505).
There have been some inspiring dreams shared here, which convey a certain spiritual flavour, as Akira mentioned and which Mark also describes in the book. I’ve also had some symbolic dreams myself, which conveyed a clear message, along with various lucid dreams. But Mark also points out that the majority of our dreams are from the subconscious (p. 334).
It would be lovely if the usual stream of thoughts during our waking lives automatically switched off at night, at which point every dream would contain a spiritual teaching. But Mark’s explanation makes more sense, in which he mentions this daydream continues as we sleep, but is turned into dream images (p337).
There is a danger in interpreting every dream as symbolic and acting upon it, due to the havoc it can cause in our lives, as you mentioned. I remember the magician and endurance artist David Blaine saying how the idea came to him in a dream of suspending himself in a glass box above the River Thames in London for 44 days and nights with no food and only water.
To his credit, he achieved his goal against the odds and it seems unlikely that it was just an elaborate illusion, as his was constantly visible to the public the whole time. I also read an article from The New England Journal of Medicine describing how he lost a quarter of his body weight during this time, which is consistent with his body going into starvation mode.
But he was hospitalised directly after the stunt and described the physical pain and psychological distress he experienced. His body also displayed various negative effects, such as heart and breathing issues and he faced a risk of fatality in reintroducing his body to food after such a prolonged fasting period.
I once had a dream guide, which I used to refer to over 30 years ago, in order to better understand my dreams. I also remember telling a work colleague that I’d like to become a professional dream analyst. But Mark also points out that it’s not that useful to simply follow a pre-existing interpretation, as the meaning can vary depending on the context (p.341-342).
I’m not the best person to give interpretations on dreams, as I mentioned previously that it’s something I often struggle with. But I try and keep an eye out for ways in which I’m acting with ego states, or when I see others from my past, who I associate with similar states. Mark mentions this provided him with a clear reflection of what he most urgently needed to work on a particular time (p. 340).
I found the section on premonitions interesting and can remember a couple I had before moving to a new area. One was pretty mundane, but I was surprised one day to pass by a place I’d seen previously in a dream, as I’d never lived in the area before or seen an image of that particular part of it.
The other was a bit more interesting, as I dreamt about someone with a particular appearance and later met a similar woman at work. I won’t go into the details about that premonition, but it was a situation involving going against an ego which Akira previously mentioned in a symbolic dream. A friend also mentioned having a premonition about a family member’s death, which Mark also describes in the book (p. 343-344).
I think the new book is an excellent guide to understanding dreams, which will hopefully enable us to better distinguish between the various types we may have and increase our intuition, as Akira also mentioned. Then hopefully the chance of being tricked and misled should be greatly reduced.
Inspired by Mark’s notes about the resonance of the King chamber in F sharp, with its fourth and fifth, I started noodling around those notes on the piano. I thought it sounded a little bit familiar, kind of like a song by one of my favorite bands, Radiohead. I looked the song up, and sure enough it’s in F sharp, prominently featuring the fourth and fifth; it’s called “Pyramid Song “. Its rhythmic structure is a pyramid, as notes are held for four sets of 3/16 (four triangles) And one set of 4/16 (square base). The lyrics are inspired by the Egyptian underworld, and an Egyptian exhibit the Thom Yorke (artist) saw at a museum, they speak of riding a boat to heaven, flying with angels, the moon full of stars, “astral cars” (astral bodies?). In the music video, a diver jumps into a river with a tether attached that looks like the silver cord that attaches the soul to the body, and at the very end, you see the person reclining in a chair, the tether is cut. This reminds me of an old man passing away in his chair. You then see a light rising up into the heavens, where it spirals around with several other lights, forming a pyramid, and then a shape similar to Orion (but without an arm and leg star, like how it’s portrayed in some Native American constellations). The lights disappear, one by one, until the last fades out, one in Orion’s belt, which is where one of the star shafts of the King chamber is supposed to point.
I know it’s not anything super profound, but I love that a popular musician was able to imbue so much symbolism into their song, it’s a very thoughtful homage on many levels and actually links the pyramids, its acoustic properties, and its function for OBEs and the passage into the afterlife into one artwork.
Yes, Pyramid Song is an unusual but interesting song Julian. You and others may also like this version of it by Voces8, for voices, strings and harp, which also has the lyrics in the video:
The pyramidal rhythmic structure is interesting, as well as the lyrical references. I saw a video on its structure a while back, which concluded it’s in the F# Phrygian mode (similar to the key of F# minor).
This will be off topic for most people, unless they have a similar interest in music theory, but I thought you might be interested in this web article and the David Bennett YouTube analysis I mentioned:
I created a doc some time ago with a list of songs and music from the various threads of The Religion of the Sun. I found lots for Christian, Hindu, Celtic and other traditions, but relatively little of any substance when it came to ancient Egyptian.
The same was true for the Norse traditions. Although Julian Cope has written a number of pieces related to Odin, as I mentioned a while back, I often find there is a focus on the war-like perception of the Norse gods, which is out of sync with Odin’s role as a wisdom bringer.
As I was disappointed with the quality of song writing on the topics of Norse and ancient Egyptian traditions, I wrote a couple of my own songs dedicated to Odin and Anubis. I haven’t attempted to record either yet, but hopefully will at some point.
I’d love to hear them sometime :)
Hi Michael,
Would you be able to share the document of the songs and music you discovered?
Hi Anthony,
I only just read your comment. Sorry about I missed it before! Sure, I could try and share it on the Google drive, as some others have done previously. I wasn’t really sure what to do with it, once I put it all together, so it would be nice if you or others could find some peaceful enjoyment in the various songs and music.
When reviewing the source article (https://www.prosoundweb.com/the-great-pyramid-early-reflections-ancient-echoes/) that speaks about the rough F# chord present in the King’s Chamber, Jordan and I concluded that it is likely an F# major chord, comprising the root, third, and fifth, and ranging beyond one octave. Unfortunately the article doesn’t specify the notes/frequencies but this made the most sense. The “fourth” in this case would be present as a higher octave F# going down to a lower fifth (not the actual fourth of the F# scale).
Really cool article!
The part about ambient acoustics is quite interesting, possibly produced by wind blowing over the star shafts, I wonder if that’s intentional… also the relationship between the resonance of the sarcophagus and the room is interesting, I wish there were more specifics.
It’s strange to me that he settles on an F# chord, and not a B chord, because the response of the low B was so much stronger (I’d love to see the footage of the 30hz sweep that made the chamber vibrate so violently he had to end the test). Maybe because he has more information on specific frequency responses, or maybe because the F# is the only frequency mentioned that’s in a human singing range. Based on the frequencies he does mention (16hz: B, 30hz: B, and 90hz: F#), it seems to either be an F# chord featuring the 4th (B), or a B chord featuring the 5th (F#).
Rough calculations show that the wavelength of 30hz is about 11.4M, and the Kings chamber is 10.5M long (corresponding to ~33hz), so it makes sense that it responds at around 30hz. Even rougher calculations put the wavelength of the sarcophagus width at around a B4, and the length an F3. If this is more than bad math, the height and width of the chamber would correspond to a C and a B-flat, making for some pretty dissonant tuning. So:
Length: B0 (30hz)
Width: C2
Height: Bb1
Sarcophagus: B4, F3, G4
Hopefully there are more tests done in the future with full results published, as there’s a lot of guesswork just using spatial measurements when other factors are at play in real life. And just a slight change to a low frequency has a much bigger impact on what “note” it is when repeated in higher octaves, again highlighting the need for accurate audio measurement.
Yes, that sounds right Jon and Julian. I mentioned the same thing in a reply to Mike. The notes Mark mentions would form a standard F# major chord in its root position, with the tonic note from the next octave added. This additional note creates an interval of a fourth between C# and F#. But there are also the other intervals present in a standard triad chord, such as the third between F# and A#. As you both mentioned, the fourth note of the F# major scale would actually be B.
If someone wanted to sing a chord containing a fourth and fifth interval, but with just three people, they could each sing the notes of a suspended 4th chord (sus 4), which is sometimes used in various styles after the jazz era. In F# major, these would be F#, B and C#:
A sus 4 chord sounds more unusual to the ear than a standard triad, but I personally really like the sound, so have been including some of these and other non-standard chords in some of my harmonic writing.
You could also incorporate the notes that Mark mentioned into a B major chord though, as Julian suggested, which would create a suspended 2nd chord (sus 2) with a 7th on the top. So the tonic note would be B, then the 2nd (C#), 5th (F#) and 7th (A#). I think this chord voicing would make a much more jazzy sound! :)
Regarding the actual frequencies in the chamber, it’s possible they may sound slightly out of tune to someone who grew up with Western music. As you probably know, this is because Western classical music developed equal temperament as a means of easily modulating between keys on a piano. But each note is actually slightly out of tune as a result! The purest tuning would be just intonation, as would’ve been used in ancient music, but this presents a problem for players if they want to switch quickly between different keys.
String instruments like Lucia’s lyre allow for a more accurate representation of the pure intervals between notes, compared with keyboard instruments and the human voice can harmonise with these “purer” pitches, if someone wanted to sing along.
I had another little experience with the incantation of the sun perhaps worth sharing.
I realised I was in a dream while walking along the street in front of my work. Before I’d had some dreams scenarios already which were reflections of unjust circumstances I feel I’ve been in and as a reaction to it I was already praying strongly in the dream, that rebelliousness that at soe point can come out after long subduement.
As soon as I knew I decided to do the incantation of the sun, but it came out with a different type of energy. Previously it has been more like this feeling to me.
This time the words were loud and thundering and had a strength to it. In my hand I also held a simple staff/sceptre which I held up in front of me. It felt powerful and from a ‘place’ where I’d also felt it come from in the past when doing a recitation of the Father.
There was a time when I was able to feel that type of strength more regularly, but currently very rarely. However it made me feel that the incantation of the sun can also be done from that type of energy.
Nice experience Akira, with some interesting visuals. :-) Just wanted to say that this incantation also feels quite warrior-like to me – quick, and to the point. I definitely have to use it more though, to understand its effects better.
It just occurred to me, as I was reading in the book about NDEs and the kind of impact they have on people’s lives, do stories like genesis, Prometheus, the fall of satan all reference a historical event associated with “being expelled from heaven”, in other words humans being granted intelligence but without the ability to travel to heaven? Without that perspective, intelligence is such a double-edged sword, but _with_ those kind of experiences, people would strive more to live better/moral lives.
I’m remembering that you’ve basically hypothesized this, with the children of the sun intermarrying with humans, and the loss of the ability to travel to heaven in OBEs, I guess it just struck me how tragic that really would be and the kind of society we would have if people more regularly had those experiences, and how that’s really reflected in these old stories, and even how the concept of “original sin” could have some historical basis.
On the other hand, some people who have NDEs recount how they’re told this is one of the most difficult places to incarnate, so people who “do well” in such a difficult place learn at a faster rate.
Hi Julian,
I can relate to what you’re saying about those people who have experienced NDEs and who have learned that the Earth is one of the most difficult places to incarnate on. Some time ago I had an experience where I was shown that each planet has its own “theme” that needs to be overcome and that the Earth has one of the most difficult ones to master. It reminded me about places too, such as those here on Earth where each place has its own thing that we need to overcome then we can move on to the next place and in that way different circumstances are created from which we learn then move on… A bit like a job or having a group of friends- something happens from which we learn and hopefully move on.. It kind of goes along with this thread of movement and detachment..
Hi Everyone,
While I may not have had any kind of profound experience with astral projection/OBE, there is a story from a friend of mine which I want to share, with her permission. So this happened back when she was a teenager in middle school, she was experiencing some kind of bullying at the time. However it was not so obvious as to who exactly was bullying her,since whoever did it didn’t confront her face-to-face, instead they played those not-so-funny tricks on her that really bothered her. She initially informed the teacher about the fact that she was being bullied, but the attempt to find out who was doing the bullying was not so successful. She suspected that two other girls from her class were responsible for this,since they were not very nice to her and were jealous of her because they believed she looked better than them,and her grades were slightly better than theirs as well. She went to those two girls and said to them they should stop bullying her, and that playing tricks on people was not fun. The girls acted like they didn’t know what she was talking about, and laughed at her for blaming the wrong people, for she had no evidence that they were behind this. Everything continued for a while and one night she went to bed thinking she had to find the person behind the annoying tricks. She attended a boarding school so all students lived in a dormitory on campus. As she drifted off she felt that she was gradually getting out of her body,and when she became aware again she found that she was floating in the air,watching herself sleeping from above. She could also see her roommates, who were also sleeping on their beds. She quickly discovered that she could move around at will without much hindrance,and she went out of her dorm room without physically opening the door. She went across the hall and arrived at the other side of the floor, where the room of the two girls was located. Without thinking much about it she went into the girls’ room, and saw that they were still awake. To her surprise she found that they were talking to each other about how to conspire on her in class the next day, she was really shocked and wanted to talk to them. However apparently the girls were not aware of her presence at all,and they continued to discuss their plan as she listened. The next day while the two girls were carrying out the plans they came up with last night,she caught them spot on. For she was there in their room and could hear everything they said on how to conspire on her. The girls were really surprised,as they were sure that she was not in their room at the time of their conversation last night, she should’ve been sleeping in her own dorm room at that time of the night. She simply replied and said, “I was there.” The girls were shocked and didn’t know what to think of what she said about hearing their conversation the previous night. Rumors began to spread across the campus that she had some kind of supernatural ability, as she was becoming the spotlight admist a rumor, afterwards she transferred to another school. That was the first time ever in her life that she had an out-of-body experience, and in high school she started to look into matters regarding the Spiritual. She began to learn and grow spiritually ever since, and had more OBEs subsequently. It seems like she has been really spiritually inclined since a quite young age,and she appears to be gifted in terms of spirituality.
Thank you for sharing this nice story of your friend Emily, it sounds like from a movie! 😊
When I was in basic school (not sure how old, 10 – 11 maybe?) I remember really not liking one teacher in the after-school place (not sure how they are called in English, but basically those were places where children went after school to do various activities with other kids, while their parents were still working). This one teacher was quite strict and unpleasant, shouting at children, etc. This was happening at the time in my life, when I had been getting lucid in my dreams often, and even though I didn’t quite understand what it was back then, I knew I could fly wherever I wanted, jump into fire and not get hurt, etc… I was really looking forward to going to sleep to experience all those things. So one night, as I found myself being able to fly again, I decided to go to that after-school place to confront that teacher. 😮 So I flew there, found the teacher’s room where all the teachers normally gathered, and there was this teacher, together with a few others. I flew right to her and started reprimanding her heavily on her behavior and how it was really not ok what she was doing to children, etc. The whole scene had a sense of reality to it and she just sat there, looking surprised. Now I am not sure if this had any effect on her, but I remember feeling really awkward around her back in physical, even though I kept telling myself that it was just a dream and surely she can not remember anything, but now I am not that sure! 😀
That sounds interesting Lucia. Looks like to many of us lucid dreaming and OBEs are just natural experiences to have as humans, even when not understanding it intellectualy as kids. These experiences can appear very real to those who go through them, and it makes sense to be intuitively drown to having them. My friend describes her experience as “realer than the real”, and there’s probably a significant reason why people have such experiences from a young age.
I forgot to mention an important part of her experience was that while she was having that experience that night, not only could she hear everything that the girls were saying, but she could also see the details regarding the layouts of the girls’ dorm room, what colors were the pajamas they wore, as well as other things that could not have been possibly known by someone who was not in the room with them at the time. They were stunned when my friend pointed all of these things out to them,but they had to admit that she was right about how everything was like in their room that night and apologized to her in the end. It looks like my friend’s first OBE happened under some interesting circumstances,she was not seeking any sort of experience intentionally, and she knew little next to nothing about OBEs. It was when she did her research afterwards that she learned about what exactly OBEs were,and ways that could be used to induce one (she thinks that maybe she was unknowingly inducing one,since her mind was relatively focused on one thing,plus she was in this sort of drowsy state) It also seems like this was not some kind of NDE, since she had neither undergone a traumatic event that left her physically injured in anyway,nor did she experience any illness that may be life-threatening. As far as everyone could tell,she was alive and well at the time this incident took place. During this experience she didn’t encounter anyone or anything out of the ordinary, nor did she enter a plane of existence that was different from our own. She didn’t even travel very far from her physical body,it seems like during the experience she just got out of her body,wandered around a little bit,and looked for answers that she needed to the questions she had about things in this world (more specifically everyday stuffs!) I wouldn’t say that this was an extraordinary experience, but rather more like what you might call a beginner-level OBE. Nothing otherworldly was involved,it was simply about getting out of one’s physical body and wandering around unlike how you normally would with your physical body. So I don’t think it was an extraordinary experience, but certainly it was ahead of me because I never even got out once:( Later as she learned more about spirituality she started to experience more things while outside the body. However she considers many of her later experiences to be personal and prefers for them not to be shared. And so I guess that’s all that I’d like to share about her story for the moment. As for myself I am planning on going back to OBE practices,with the incantation from the Atwoods’ book. Hopefully I will make some progress eventually and successfully astral-project just like many of you guys here. And as always I have always loved the contents Lara and her team has made,and I am still looking forward to the future videos. 😉
That’s a really interesting experience Emily! It’s great that your friend was able to discover this special ability, during a difficult time in her life and was able to put a stop to the bullying (despite raising some suspicion among her peers as a result!) It’s also really good she went on to have more profound experiences later. I suspect she may have had a natural tendency towards having OBEs, as some people do.
Some friends and family members also reported spontaneous experiences, related to astral projection, such as lifting off the bed, or waking in the room and seeing people there. Although they rationalised them as being caused by something else, as they didn’t know much about OBEs.
A friend of mine also mentioned her daughter was taking an exam at school, which she was anxious about. My friend perceived her daughter’s anxiety and managed to visit her in a dream and reassure her. Then her daughter said she felt this reassurance and so became calmer and did better in the exam.
I used to have dreams of flying during my early teens, but somehow didn’t recognise it as flying at the time, as I did it in a sitting position, only about a metre above the ground. I use to tell myself in dreams that it wasn’t actually flying, but just a little trick that I could do! I’ve had some dreams of swimming through the night sky since though. They were nice and had a more magical feel.
My first lucid dream also came about before I knew much about astral projection. I woke up spontaneously with the room very clear, then realised something was out of place, so I was still technically asleep.
I also once spontaneously felt myself falling back into my bed after sleeping. But when I try to astral project, I often have the problem of finding it difficult to fall asleep when concentrated on something repetitive, like mantras. It’s like the English saying “a watched kettle never boils” for me. I find I can fall asleep much easier when praying.
I find it easier to fall asleep when focusing on my breathing, so have tended to stick with this as an astral technique. I hope it may prove successful one day and I hope you’ll succeed in your astral practices too. There’s loads of really good ones to try in the new book! :)
I have also seen some sources which claim that government agencies such as the CIA actually use psychic spies to collect information about other countries in a process called remote viewing. Through this they can see what the governments of countries like Russia and China are up to and therefore doing this as part of their espionage program. It is said that some of these remote viewing stuff also involve astral projection and they actually saw some of the forcoming major historical events ahead of time, and they knew what they would be up to. So it looks like it’s not just people in the past who used those techniques for dark or light purposes,even many today,including governments, are still using these things to do what they want to do. Of course their has never been an official statement released where they admit to the public that they’re doing it, but there are signs which seem to suggest that this is what they’re doing.
Yes, there are psychics working in secret government agencies.
Yes, I’ve heard of psychic spies too Emily. There’s a book on this and similar topics by Jon Ronson, called The Men Who Stare at Goats. A fictionalised version was also made into a Hollywood movie, starring George Clooney and other well known actors.
In the book, Jon Ronson interviews Albert Stubblebine, among others, who was once a major general in the US Army. It’s reported that he played a key role in developing a team of psychic soldiers and was a sponsor of the Stargate Project for remote viewing.
Various other former US Army personnel are interviewed in the book, including a retired lieutenant who collaborated with Stubblebine and is reported to have later become president of the Monroe Institute, after the US military sent personnel there for training. You may recognise Robert Monroe as one of the first researchers into OBEs, who Mark and Lara also mention in the new book, in relation to binaural beats.
Hi Michael,
Yes, Project Stargate…certainly something was going on, and the name of this program is also worth-noting. This is involved with psychics and supernatural stuffs,not really a project focused on space expedition…yet it is called Stargate for some reason,and looking at what Lara mentioned about the astral plane and how it’s believed to be among the stars,it’s likely they knew something about it.
Hi Emily, what a nice experience from your friend. Supernatural, but at the same time also natural. I think many people have many experiences, especially in early childhood. But these are forgotten and as we grow up our psyche closes up. The new OBE book writes about this as well I believe, in relation to the brain. I remember when I was 7 or 8 I could still remember many of my early childhood mystical experiences and then at that time I sort of rewrote them in another part of my brain memory banks. Those things I can still remember. However direct childhood memories, trying to get to them now, seems blocked, unless triggered by something, given in a dream, or through more serious retrospective meditations.
I also know of kids who had astral experiences, which they could remember upon waking and the days after, but now grown up have zero memory of — as if it never happened.
Hope your friend can still, or again, tune into that side more and I hope the same for myself too.^^
Hi Akira,
I have heard it is said that kids are naturally more in-tuned to the Spiritual, since they are young and haven’t yet experienced all the fuzziness of the material world. There have been studies done on child psychology and behavior which show that many young kids tend to hold a kind of animistic belief, where they consider inanimate things to be alive. This is a phenomenon called child animism, and one of the earliest proponents of this term was a Swiss psychologist named Jean Piaget. You really have to wonder why do kids tend to have beliefs like this,even if they were not being taught about religious beliefs by grown-ups. As they get older,many of them eventually let go of animistic thoughts as they develop a more rational understanding of the world around them (especially these days as they go to school and learn about science!) But for some despite rational understanding and the ability to reason would increase with age,animistic beliefs persist and could even become a kind of spiritual belief that he/she holds for years to come. So I think it’s likely that kids can be really into spiritual matters even without actually realizing it. There are also cases where children would say that they see things which adults around them cannot. I remember when I was little there were moments I just seemed to know what was gonna happen in the future, I would tell this to my parents but they never really believed what I said, until what I predicted has actually happened would they show a shock on their faces, but even then they would say that I just happened to have guessed it right. I also had moments deja vu where I would feel a strange sense of familiarity when I visit somewhere for the very first time. These occurrences happened to me for as long as I can remember,but they were more frequent during my childhood and teenage years. Other spiritual experiences can also be prevalent in kids as you and Michael have mentioned, and with the increase of age the psyche of a person can become disconnected from the spiritual realm. It is possible though to rediscover the spiritual at any point in one’s life under certain circumstances, and there’s no need to mention what the understanding of spiritual knowledge and specific trainings could do. As for my practice on astral projection, a few days ago I had a moment where I felt like I was getting out,but that sense of fear striked me again, I was halfway of getting out of my body but because I was too afraid and failed to do it,my experience turned into something similar to a sleep paralysis where I literally got stuck inside my body. I don’t know if astral projection as a spiritual practice is not for me, or is it that I need more tips on how to do this. I did recite the verse from the Atwoods’ book many times beforehand,but for some reason that didn’t do much to help:( Hopefully I could make more progress on this later on(now I’m doubtful about myself)
Good job! Sounds like you got close. I think most people’s first experience is pretty scary. Mark writes about his first experience being terrifying for him, he called out “Help! Help!” as he floated into the air, and then snapped back to his body. As you found, it can be a weird and uncomfortable experience, especially because it’s real. It’s also what makes it a really powerful experience. Even believing things about OBEs and other dimensions, when I first rolled out of my body, my perspective on life totally changed, for instance I knew life after death was real.
Keep going if you can, fear can be overcome and it sounds like you’re already working on that :)
Well done Emily! Don’t doubt yourself. Just keep trying.
This might be a bit of random advice and I’m not a fan of all the affirmations type of stuff, but maybe you can do an exercise where you imagine yourself going through the process and imagine the fears coming up and all the symptoms that might occur and yet… feel yourself hold on to the calmness inside each time, knowing that nothing can happen and that you will remain. Doing this ‘simulation’ practice might help you hold on to that stillness when you are in the evening practice.
The incantation of the sun will clear the area at the time. When you want to keep the area protected following that, you can ask the divine for it to be barriered off from negative influences by drawing a circle. This is a pretty essential step if you’re planning to do astral spiritual practices. It’s in the book. I’ll post a screenshot here if that’s okay. Casting a circle of protection page1, page 2 .
Sounds like you’re doing great. What has been less confronting in terms of fears for me is to become lucid, or aware that I’m out of the body, while I’m already there. But I believe you can do both.👍
Hi Emily, just wanted to say well done on your progress with the astral practices! It sounds like you are indeed so close, the only problem is that fear you mentioned. To tackle it, you can do some serious prayers before going to sleep, to ask for help and protection to astral project from your own Higher Being (your own personal Divine Sun), or/and, in addition you can also ask a spiritual being of your choice whom you trust, for example Amaterasu (as you’ve been in contact with her before in one of your dream experiences) to help and guide you through the experience, as well as for protection.
Another thing is that even though you did the incantation, you also need to draw a circle of protection around the area where you sleep, otherwise the negative beings can come back after some time (incantations only work for some time). So the process is: 1. Clear the area with the incantation 2. Draw a circle of protection around your bed or room where you sleep, so that it is “sealed” after it has been purified with the incantation. In this way, no entity will be able to attack you, even if you are stuck in a paralysis state (during which they may try bothering us if we didn’t draw a protective circle). I have uploaded the page from Mark and Lara’s book where the Circle drawing is explained, with the words, and so on… Hope it works well for you, and that you will soon report on more progress! :-)
Here is the link (please let me know when you download it, as I will then delete it, so it is not uploaded there for an unnecessarily long time):
Hi Lucia,
Thank you so much about the tips you’ve offered,hopefully I will be able to make more progress soon;)
Hi Emily! I think it’s fantastic that you are halfway there, now that you have identified that fear is what’s stopping you from achieving your goal I think it’s worth investigating how you can overcome it. I am sure asking your parents with faith for guidance would be of invaluable help and you can also find that asking them for help in those tough moments can be extremely beneficial. I think being doubtful and saying to yourself that this is maybe not for you can be detrimental because you are limiting yourself already, I think we should all find joy in our journey and what you are doing is already beyond the scope of what the vast majority of people in the world even consider to be possible. It would be nice if you could enjoy your experience and explore more, don’t get discouraged!
We all have steps to be taken, something that needs to be overcome, and things that need to be sacrificed so I wish you divine guidance and strength to get through this 🙏🏽
Thanks everyone else for your encouragements too!
Hi Emily,
you are starting to work it out, so, if possible, find the courage to keep going. Fear can be a huge stumbling block and it can also discourage you from continuing. Persistence is key. The way you describe feeling a bit of fear and then going into paralysis mode, where you feel locked in, has happened to me many times. I actually can’t move my physical body or split into my astral body in those moments. It’s as though I am between two worlds, can see and year both, but cant’ move in either of them! I have learnt to simply relax when this happens and the rest unfolds naturally. I have found that relaxing also subdues the fear. Something innately takes over in that moment, it comes with clarity and assurance, beyond time.
I just read through the part of the book discussing dimensions, it’s really innovative how you’ve blended personal experience, mythology, and science to try to arrive at the true nature of existence and the dimensions.
I had a few thoughts as I was reading that I wanted to note down, as they might relate:
1. In support of the many-interacting-worlds hypothesis, the Mandela effect is one of the things that most seriously turned my understanding of reality upside-down, almost as much as having an OBE. People (myself included) remember things that are no longer true. For instance when I was a kid, the Fruit of the Loom logo had a cornucopia, but now it doesn’t, and in “this timeline” it never did (I found an old logo in my grandpas basement: no cornucopia). Some people think it has to do with CERN and the hadron collider, which… maybe, but to me it seems more likely that we’re “surfing” parallel realities somehow.
2. There’s a fellow Ashton Forbes who’s covered a leaked spy satellite video showing the disappearance of flight MH370, where 3 orbs circle the flight and cause it to disappear into a wormhole, which he attributes to US intelligence. He explains how it works scientifically, that the medium of spacetime (ether) is in equilibrium, and electricity can push it out of equilibrium, which can cause displacement (teleportation), wormholes, gravity, and potentially “free energy”. It’s a lot to take in, but it simplifies many things, such as dark matter, because ether has mass, we just can’t detect it because it’s in equilibrium in most of space. Ether could in fact be the building blocks of the astral plane, and its connection to electricity is noteworthy. This might be the same or related to the electric universe theory, a theory I appreciate because… The way the hearts of beings relate to the earth, sun, moon, galaxy, etc in a fractal symbolic pattern seems to match with the theory.
3. In support of different electromagnetic wavelengths corresponding to other dimensions, I came across an interesting story of early night vision goggles used in Vietnam that used the infrared spectrum and special coatings, which apparently were recalled after terrified service men reported seeing demons and tried, without success, to fire upon them.
Those are all intriguing examples Julian. I heard about the first two, but the last one with Vietnam goggles is quite creepy! Maybe
they could develop some kind of ultraviolet glasses with a special coating to see angels instead. 😉
You made some interesting observations there Julian, with many good points to reflect on. The second and third examples in particular seem to give food for thought regarding other dimensions.
With the first though, I wonder the extent to which it’s a memory issue, rather than parallel universes in operation. I also used to buy Fruit of the Loom t-shirts in the mid nineties, as they were affordable and durable. I had a look at the cornucopia logo online and have never previously seen it before. The one I remember was the array of fruit without it, as was also shown.
I have a pretty good memory from the age of four onwards and have often had comments from others, asking how I remember so much, as I find a lot of people’s recollections of shared experiences has faded over time.
I definitely also make mistakes in my own memory though, especially when it comes to forgetting or misremembering details of movies, which I hadn’t seen for many years. I think this may be as I tend to be a more kinaesthetic learner, so make stronger memories by actively doing something, rather than through passive observation.
The reliability of our memories has been a contentious issue within the field of criminology and as you probably know, lawyers are prevented from asking “leading questions” of witnesses during court cases. I recall a psychology experiment by Loftus and Palmer, in which it was found that witnesses recalled the speed of travel during a road traffic accident to be much faster when asked along the lines of “how fast were the cars going when they crashed”, rather than simply “when the incident occurred”.
I recall another interesting experiment, which was carried out on a BBC documentary, where participants were shown a photo of themselves as very young children in a hot air balloon and asked if they recalled the outing. A large percentage recalled it and elaborated upon the day of the photo, such as being initially apprehensive about getting into the basket of the balloon, etc.
But then it was later revealed that the photo was in fact a fake and the people had never actually been in a hot air balloon as children! It emerged that those who had better creative skills, such as working within creative industries, tended to fill in the gaps in their memories, but in this case, created false memories.
You also made a good point about how collective memory can be altered over time though. We’re no doubt all aware of the impact on public perception of significant events, when it is deliberately manufactured through search engine results and the censorship of social media or reference sites, such as Wikipedia.
Lara made a good point in a previous book about how “Wikipedia and its repeaters” would not consider the idea that the various branches of The Religion the Sun were in any way connected. She commented that it was a “Truman Show moment” to suddenly realise there was in fact a common global spiritual culture!
It’s sad that history can be manipulated in such a way, with inconvenient facts modified or edited out. It reminds me again of 1984, where Winston Smith finds photographic evidence that the narrative of The Party is not truthful. He holds it in his hands briefly, before incinerating it, as the crime of possessing it would be severe.
With archaeological artefacts reported to vanish from well know institutions such as The Smithsonian, it does raise the question of how much we’re actually missing on our shared history and the extent to which this also shapes both our present and future.
Another thing about electricity: the heart is very electrical, to the point that some have theorized its main purpose is electrical, and in “the invisible rainbow “ it’s pointed out that heart attacks only became common since the electrification of our environments (being basically unheard of before the 1900’s). All to say, perhaps the electrical quality of the heart is the part of what makes it a good focus for astral projection.
That’s a really interesting idea Julian, that the heart can help with AP through its electrical properties. I think you’re referencing the book by Arthur Firstenberg? I don’t recall the part about electrification and heart attacks, but just generally about the impact on health different phases of electrical development had and it makes sense the heart would be most impacted. I remember learning in the ‘Resonance, Beings of Frequency’ documentary that our electromagnetic field is the same as the Earth, but how it’s possible now that we can be born into a frequency that doesn’t resonate with our own and never even never know what that feeling is…
Yep, Arthur has a chapter on the heart where he speculates (with quite a bit of evidence) that powerlines, cellphone/microwave towers, and radio towers cause heart disease, by interrupting the natural rythm of the heart, and possibly other mechanisms (like weakening mitochondrial respiration). Maybe it’s a more recent edition?
I was reading some twitter threads of people using grounding mats and having massively improved sleep, made me think I should try it.
There have been studies proving the benefits of grounding. It reduces inflammation and can speed the healing of injuries, among other benefits. Negative ions from the earth enter the body when we do it. The simplest way is to be barefoot on the ground outside, or touch trees, etc.
For those interested in electricity it would be worth checking Eric P. Dollard’s work, here’s one of the best presentations I’ve seen in my life, I do have a little background in physics, math, and electromagnetic theory but I would say it’s digestible, Im as idiotic as it gets and I can understand it so…
Here’s a video of his cosmic inductor generator:
And here is his flame speaker, It would be fascinating to hear it in person:
And relevant to the tuning systems conversation, another thing that I was experimenting with was a tuning “system” that was said to have been found in the tomb of a King and Martyr from England by a historian and archeologist. The frequencies were never fully released publicly but I designed an important tool for the proper use of the frequencies so I happen to have them because I gained the trust of the children of the archeologist who discovered them in the last century. I will research more into it to fully verify the origin or at least make sure that the origin is “legit” before I share more about it.
Everything came together in synchronicity and very shortly after I was researching all of this I came in touch with Mark’s work. Unfortunately, my life changed dramatically in the subsequent months and years to come and I went terribly off track so I have to get back on track, or rather get on track because it’s obvious I’ve never been.
I’ve been reading the sections on dreams and OBEs with interest and noted some useful points. One of these was on the distinction between subconscious dreams, clear dreams and those containing symbols or teachings.
This fits what I’d suspected with dreams, where as there is still a strong influence of the subconscious for most people, we can’t expect each dream throughout every night to be divine guidance. In the same way, if we saw a playback of our thoughts during each day, although some may contain insights, intuitions or even divine guidance occasionally, most would be mundane.
However, despite the everyday nature of many dreams, it still seems useful to take note of them, as they do give an insight into the workings of our own psyche, which may otherwise remain hidden in daily life, as the book describes. Mark gives the example of someone was has the outward appearance of piety, who may have a dream of committing adultery, although not actually doing this in their waking life.
Some years ago, I accidentally saw a dream written by someone who had a pious manner, which showed a different side of their psyche. I hadn’t intended to read it and of course never mentioned it to the person, or to anyone else. But the important thing in this case was not only that the person saw that aspect of themselves, but also that they were at least making an attempt to correct it.
It would be unfair to judge that particular person, as it’s highly unlikely that anyone throughout history had not had a similar kind of dream at some point in their lives, unless they were born having already completed a spiritual work in a past life, such as in Jesus’ case. Moreover, the person’s actions in that dream were very mild in comparison to some of the awful and disturbing behaviours that many throughout the world engage in whilst still governed by the moral codes of their own societies.
Seeing these aspects our ourselves has an effect of gaining a greater understanding of ourselves, but also of others. I expect that if it were more socially acceptable to share the hidden aspects of ourselves, which manifest in dreams, there would be far more commonality with others than we may currently care to admit.
However, it’s also encouraging to see scenarios in dreams where there is every opportunity to act in a spiritually inappropriate way, but then choosing not to. Or seeing some scenarios that once repeated and caused much distress, which later became no big deal.
I found what Mark mentioned about following our own intuition useful, as I’ve sometimes seen dreams of a symbolic nature, which didn’t exactly fit a pre existing template. As such, I tended to question whether they were genuine, even though they had a different feel than other more common dreams, so I may have missed some useful insights.
What he mentioned about the importance of using common sense and being informed by the events of daily life is also important though. Otherwise, it’s easy to be taken off track by believing every dream to be of more importance than everyday reality, which may then lead to poor reasoning and actions in daily life and ironically become spiritually harmful as a result.
In terms of assessing how we are progressing spiritually, dreams do give a very clear picture, according to our standard of behaviour within them. It’s a pity so much emphasis is placed upon what people appear to achieve in this three dimensional world. Whereas the real examination room seems to be how we are in our dreams, when there is no-one there physically to grade us, but which is arguably much more difficult to pass.
There was a period of time where I was doing mantras to increase intuition every day and I was able to understand every dream, whether it was symbolic, or a projection of the egos, and it was indeed very useful, because I could clearly see what things I needed to work on. After stopping the mantras, it faded away eventually.
That’s very good Julian. Yes, it does sound very useful indeed that you obtained the result of being able to clearly understand each dream through intuition. The daily mantra sounds something useful that I could try too.
Hi all, just wanted to report on my first success with the new incantation of the Spiritual Sun! 🌞 My husband and I have been training this incantation for the past 4 days (since our book arrived), basically whenever we remember, like while in the car, doing activities at home, before sleep, etc. We started by saying “spiritual sun”, to focus on the spiritual aspect of the sun better, but later on I kind of felt to just say “Sun”, as its quicker and I have it absolutely clear in my mind that I am calling on the Spiritual Sun – the Divine Light power, and not just on the physical Sun. So I trained it like this, with some challenges (like I would sometimes start with the word “power”, instead of “light”, etc…) To make long story short, tonight I found myself in a subconscious scenario in a dream, which could have also had a symbolic meaning. After observing the happenings in the dream for a while, I realised I was in the astral and started to fly, reciting this new incantation just in case there were some negative influences present. As I was reciting, I was messing up the words a bit (like for example instead of “I call on”, I started saying “In the name of…”, etc.), but in the end I got it right and flew out of the building where I was to an open space. There were quite a few people there, and as I was flying, one woman grabbed me with her hand and pulled me closer to her, as if to examine me. Immediately, I unleashed the new incantation again, this time correctly, and the woman released her grip and let me go. Then I realised that I am again flying in the “bird style”, moving my arms as if they were wings, so I tried to just fly by focusing my mind where I wanted to go, but it didn’t seem to work well and soon afterwards, the scene got darkened and I woke up. Even though the whole experience was quite brief, I was very happy after waking up that I managed to verify the effectiveness of this new incantation and look forward to using it in the future!
That’s very good to hear Lucia! I’m glad it proved a success! :)
That’s excellent Lucia. I’ve found that the more I am able to feel myself connect with the light, the more powerfully the incantation works, so there is a process of learning with it.
One of the lessons I’ve learned over the years is that my inner state while dealing with demons is really important. It’s so hard not to get agitated, distressed, and aggressive when a demon tackles you from behind and then latches onto you like a vampire monkey with its jaws in your neck. I think that’s one of the reasons why I struggled with other incantations in the past. There was nothing in them that I felt I could connect with in terms of centering my state spiritually. So it was more just trying to shout them amidst a struggle and hope they would work.
The words of the incantation of the Spiritual Sun though, allow me to really focus on the light, and its beautiful emanations of peace, love etc. and the demons absolutely cannot stand light.
This is amazing Lara and Lucia. I’ve often felt so weak when using the incantations and found they have little power often, or I’m in this rushed state trying to finish them and thought they didn’t work because I couldn’t get to the end before the entity got to me – but this discussion has helped me to see where I need to focus my effort. Now I need to get to the place of testing them out!
Thank you Lara for a great tip of trying hard to make a genuine inner connection to the Light. It is wonderful how you have been able to feel it in the way that helps you to “center yourself spiritually” as you said. I had a mini-experience once, when in a difficult and confusing situation internally, when I felt I needed a super-strong power that I could turn to, and then I kind of spontaneously made up a prayer to the Light on my own, which gave me a lot of peace and clarity. I feel it is a process though, but it is so nice to know that this Light is something real, tangible, and alive, something that one can address their petitions to. 🌞
Regarding the fight with the demons or different negative entities in the astral (not sure if they can all be “classified” as demons?), your experience of a “vampire monkey” biting you in your neck sounds quite distressing! I can not say I have experienced anything of this nature 😱 I can imagine though how it would be difficult to keep your calm in a situation like that. For me, the worst thing that they do is an attack from behind, into in my kidney area that I had mentioned before. I don’t know what exactly they do, but it is a very unpleasant sensation that they produce there, that feels like nerves being poked or something like that (even though I’ve never had my nerves “poked” in physical, but this is the closest description I can give 😮), and it is so strong and unbearable sensation that always wakes me up. Then when I am back in physical, I don’t feel that sensation anymore, it is only felt in the astral. On some occasions, I tried to bear it and recite the protective phrases through all that, but just the sheer strength and unpleasantness of that sensation woke me up despite trying to resist it and recite during it. I asked some friends who are also astral projecting whether something like this ever happened to them, and one person said it did happen to him too, and he also has no idea what that could be. I really hope the new incantation can have more power over this, as it is quicker than the old one I have been using, and therefore I won’t have to bear that unpleasant sensation for too long, but will see…
Hi Lucia,
That’s nice you experienced that positive effect of your spontaneous prayer to the light. But also unfortunate about the “nerve poking” sensation you mentioned in the astral. Yes, I hope the new incantation will help with this, so you can proceed unhindered.
It occurred to me when I read your comment that I don’t generally have pain or nerve sensations in dreams, whereas I have both I daily life. I used to sometimes use my level of pain to measure whether I was in the process of falling asleep for this reason. But I also used to get confused, as I commonly have numbness in my limbs anyway, so couldn’t tell whether that was just “normal” numbness, or as a result of the split sensations associated with astral projection.
It seems they target “nerve” areas, as that is always why I felt they went for the back of my neck where all the major nerves travel between the brain and body. Like you describe, it was an almost unbearable sensation and so saying a long incantation was very difficult. The other difficulty I found was often having my body including my mouth paralyzed so all I could do was repeat something in my mind while frozen. I found this very difficult too, as I never seemed to be able to drum up enough strength saying it my mind for the incantation to work. With the incantation of the Spiritual Sun though, I feel that the most important thing is my sense of connection to the light, which doesn’t require my body or mouth. Like you say, it also has the very important advantage of being fast to say.
There are Solar mantras that are just few words and carry a powerful resonance.
Maybe this is the ideal way of protection, because it is so fast, and you can really drill these mantras during the daytime with 108 repetitions, absorbing the energy of the Sun, deepening the connection with the SOLAR DIVINITY.
The disadvantage of them is that not everyone resonates with the Indian tradition and can feel subtle resistance, lack of faith, etc.
I remember my first experience with an attack from a demon in the astral was just as Lara said. I got intercepted and tackled while flying at high speed by a demon and when I fell to the floor that thing was hanging to my neck and growling right next to my ear, I didn’t think about reciting an incantation and I kind of got distracted by some statues I saw after I turned to were we landed, unfortunately, I woke up shortly after. What Lara mentioned reminded me of this :
“As you pray, do not lose the secret thread of your most intimate thought…”
I totally agree with what’s being discussed here and I’ve been reflecting and trying to apply it not just to the incantations but to my life in general and to come to self-awareness constantly. It seems that the more one can connect to the inner light in the present moment the more the spiritual is connected and present with us, like coming into the oneness and being nourished by it, and the more that you do it the more that you enjoy it and the more you want to be in it, unfortunately, it takes very little to lose the connection and remembrance and it’s very difficult to get back to it.
A few weeks ago I had the most intense sleep paralysis episode I’ve had in my life, that night I had drawn a circle of protection around the room so I didn’t actually see any demos but it felt as if there was a storm of demons rushing all around me and a very heavy pressure in the atmosphere, growls, screams, and a dark energy but I stayed very still chanting an incantation feeling every word and connecting with peace; as soon as I finished the storm flew away and as it did a female voice insulted me from the upper right side of my head which was closest to the edge of the circle of protection; the memory of that threatening voice gave me chills for the rest of that week 😅 When I woke up in the physical it was around 3 AM and I noticed a very present burned funky smell.
Through experimentation, Faith seems to be the major component for incantations and it seems that faith has to be put to the test.
Well done with continuing with the incantation and connecting with that feeling of peace. I’d say you were attacked intensely because you are pushing through obstacles in your life and they feel the need to try and stop you. Usually our own egos/inner states do the job for them and so they don’t need to bother with us. We all need to keep pushing because we each have important roles to play.
Writing the book, it became apparent to me how many projects the dark side has that keep people under control – things like psychedelics, alien abduction, certain religions, etc. Most people have no idea.
Interesting you could smell them. I remember walking into my room one night and finding a terrible rotten smell that seemed to come from no where, and then being attacked terribly as soon as I went to sleep.
Thanks Lara, your input is always much appreciated. I have been exploring lately the power of asking and I am coming to the conclusion that that’s going to be the only possible way for me to do this, it’s too difficult if not impossible to stay aware just by will alone, In fighting to do so Im realizing many forms in which my egos keep me entertained and away from asking and staying in a state of constant pray because it’s just incompatible with my many desires. “It’s complete obedience to the father” as I’ve heard Mark say so I just have to push and get used to it.
What you say about psychedelics is so true, it’s very sad the good propaganda and acceptance they’ve gained in society, I am relatively young (from the generation often called Zillenial) and I can tell you that drugs have kind of become the norm in most social circles closely under and above my age; “Vice will increase greatly”, as you quoted in one of your videos. That chapter of the new book in particular was the first one I read and it proved some of my suspicions whilst also blowing mi mind with some of the things you pointed out.
One of the projects I suspect they have is on the AI front. I am sure many of you saw a documentary called “The Social Dilemma”, well, the creators released another topic called “The AI Dilemma” in which they wish to bring awareness of the dangers that the development of AI systems without regulation poses to our civilization and it’s extremely concerning.
Here is a presentation on “The AI Dilema”:
And here is a podcast:
On the front of social media algorithms I kind of think of them as ego mirrors that generate a feedback loop between the digital world out there and our dualistic internal world and one reinforces the other and the more this happens the more we become disconnected from reality and our fellow brothers and sisters. I liked how Mark said egos are very similar to AI algorithms so it’s basically like an external AI interfacing with our many inner AIs while it’s all being orchestrated by the master puppeteer in the deep shadows; profound evil intelligence and control.
It makes total sense they would attack you so terribly given how much you are doing for us, Lara, my words will never be able to explain the level of gratitude I feel for what you do. I Love the first line of your book where you say “This book is dedicated to all those brave men and women who made immense personal sacrifices to teach and preserve the knowledge of the Religion of the Sun through the ages” I imagine you see them as heroes, well, that’s the way I see you, Mark and the Sura Ondrunar Team.
“Each link in the Chain of the Immortals contributes one grain more to alleviate the load of those who are coming behind, but each soul that ventures into this singular endeavor is an original experiment of Life in order to make of this planet Earth a World of Divine Vigilance as well”
One question I have about the wording of the incantation… I’ve often used incantations mentally when there are heavy energies, even when it’s people around me, sometimes people I know. The wording in the book calls for the expelling of demons, but sometimes its friends or family, and I know they’re not demons… Is it that demons are influencing them in higher dimensions when these incantations work on normal people? I find the effect is particularly strong on young crying children, and maybe it’s because they have a stronger connection to the other side and are able to sense negative beings. Other times, the person themselves will leave, and perhaps this is when they’re more open to demonic influence (it does tend to be people with a lower vibration).
At first I was thinking of changing the wording from “demons” to “evil”, to generalize to people’s inner dark influences as well, but it occurred to me that I might not be understanding what really happens when I use it on people, particularly after reading the section on psychedelics and how demons can influence people in life. Perhaps it is demons that I’m dispelling, and not a person’s egos and inner darkness? If so, that helps me understand a bit how they can influence this dimension. It often feels like a “hook” is removed from a person’s negativity when I use an incantation.
Hi Julian,
How are you getting on with this one?
I think for those circumstances the adjustment you proposed with ‘evil’ sounds good. I was using ‘expel all darkness’, but ‘evil’ seems more accurate.
I also don’t know the exact mechanics. There can be more bad influences than negative metaphysical beings alone, like the vibe in a place, and people themselves. But what does an incantation impact. I guess it does so on the metaphysical part – demons, dark attacks, and maybe the external influences on people. But people also have their own inner evils and choice, and it wouldn’t tamper with free will I think. It also wouldn’t negate what dark symbols emit if they’re present in a place (?), low atmospheres part of a building long term, any low vibration music playing.
Also, the incantation might aid the metaphysical element of a physical scenario but a serious physical scenario needs a physical solution (which I know you know). So as not to rely on it for that.
Not sure. I’ll keep using it as is, it reminds me that I’m in a war against real entities… it’s easy to forget that there are beings with I’ll-intent.
Thank you for sharing, Marco. Your post reminded me of one of my first encounters with opposition. Similar to what you described, I suddenly and unexpectedly heard loud growling right into my ear during a concentration practice in a quiet bedroom. I must have astral projected without realizing it, as I thought I was still in my physical body, concentrating and visualizing. It’s impressive that you could continue with the incantation despite the intense opposition in your recent experience.
Lara, what you wrote about our own egos doing the job for the opposition reminded me of a particular experience. I was in a dream making poor choices, but then I questioned my actions and, with some struggle, resisted the hypnotizing effect of a strong ego. I asked for its elimination, and suddenly, the effect was gone. I also heard a loud demonic cry, as if it were wounded, and the ego either fell down or ran away, crying like a wounded demon, towards the centre of the Earth. From this experience, I have no doubt that internal materialistic forces can act and sound like ‘external’ demons. However, this experience also gave me hope and faith in the Divinity, which seems to be always watching and acting if we ask sincerely and if our request is appropriate for inner development.
I wish everyone much inner learning. I am very thankful for everyone’s input, as I recently got a solid boost and realized how much time I had wasted (again) in an inner desert, with too long stretches of heavy inner sleepiness reflected in weeks and months of mundane dreams with too few lucid experiences.
Hello Slawek, I wish much inner learning and strength for you too 🌞
Interesting what you observed about the “burnt smell” Marco, and “rotten smell” Lara. My husband aptly commented that it was telling how in the Old testament, Yahweh is said to like the “sweet smell” of the burnt offering, which mostly was offering of animal flesh… Here is a collection of the quotes from OT that deal with this:
On the contrary, the spiritual beings seem to emit beautiful smells like those of incense or flowers. 🌹🌷🌹
Pretty insistent with the burning of the animal corpses… It’s interesting how the Old Testament is not questioned more, it contains some pretty bizarre things, I personally could never read past a couple of pages because it never resonated with me as the words of Jesus.
Thank you Lucia for sharing your experience with the incantation to the Spiritual Sun. It’s great that you were able to try it so quickly. It feels that opposition to the light in the astral is both fierce and subtle, or perhaps cunning is a more fitting term. We often do not realise how much influence this intelligent opposition has on suppressing our inner progress. As unpleasant as it is, I feel that this opposition also provides additional and necessary opportunities to notice what must be overcome internally. Perhaps becoming lucid in the astral is not all about feeling heavenly music, seeing vivid colours, and smelling beautiful aromas, but even more importantly, it is a dimension in which we can boldly go to less pleasant places and see what can be dug out for our own learning.
Wishing us all much willpower and determination to never cease in the journey of increasing the spiritual light within, to always remember the incantation when we need it, and to always recognise the often-missed signs that it is needed :-)
Hi Slawek,
Yes, I definitely agree with what you mentioned about learning often coming from through facing opposition and unpleasant or difficult situations, rather than just ideal scenarios where everything is nice. This is true in daily life, as well as the astral or dream scenarios you referred to.
In dreams, my walking ability is often restricted, as in my daily life, leaving me to wonder about how I’ll get to my destination. But in a particular dream, I was faced with a scenario that demanded physical endurance. I wasn’t sure how I’d do this, but then without further thought, I went for it full force, like an Olympic athlete and reached my destination easily, without anything holding me back.
When I arrived, I saw someone who I knew from school, who I associate with particular negative characteristics. He was quick to try and ridicule and criticise me, but I couldn’t care less about his opinion, as I’d clearly achieved my goal against the odds, while he sat comfortably watching.
In the past, I used to be bothered by his presence in dreams, along with others from school of a similar nature, as they usually appeared to pester or bully me. But I’ve noticed my response to these characters has changed considerably over the years. So whereas I used to be intimidated or ill at ease in their presence, they don’t usually bother me now. Or if they do try to attack me physically, I’m quick to disarm them.
I thought I’d mention these kinds of dreams, as although I was initially in a weak position in my response to these troublesome characters, the tables seem to have turned over the years. It seems to reflect that if we are persistent in facing difficulties in daily life, which are often far from pleasant, this resilience may eventually filter through into our dream life too.
I have also been trying the new incantation. And I had some of the same learning stumbles as Lucia with the words haha. The words and invocation are very natural though I feel. It makes sense inherently. Thank you Mark and Lara for creating it.
The first time I said it out loud I could immediately feel what I was calling out to. Maybe like how if you feel a trusted bond or communication to a certain spiritual being and when praying/sending your thoughts you know they can hear and you feel that link, it’s not just ‘into the air’, but you know what it feels like and ‘where’ they are. Or perhaps how with certain mantras, after some time of chanting, you can feel what force they connect you to. Maybe there was a little help here so I could feel it and I would know from then on what to go for.
In terms of the inward effect I feel the words are also like a prayer. With a delightful purifying feel. Interesting too how the inward yearning dictates/ or relates to the strength of the appeal. That first sentence, phew, you call on the divine force to come down, but simultaneously you feel yourslef lift to it. Its effect is very immediate. Which you’d want from an incantation in a pinch. For me, for the last line, I’d like to find my way to giving it some more punch.
Last night I was using the incantation in the astral dimension. Although the experience was a different one. Not a clear cut one with or by negative beings. But with continued unpleasant scenarios placed there, almost it seemed to push and stress test me in my ability to use the incantation. Throughout the semi lucid dream, because I realised I was there earlier on, I was using it many times in what felt like over an hour’s time in different challenges and triggered inner states. Could I still do it and muster to bring it out with that faith in those times. I clung to it. Anyway this experience is a bit different and not a report on its effectiveness, but it helped me to bond with it, and perhaps write it more into my ‘subconscious’ (as in automatic go-to in times of trouble.)
Got my book too!!! ⭐ It is amazing and so packed with different spiritual information that like Dimi, I also feel like a “child in a candy store”, or as a person in front of a fancy buffet, trying bits and pieces of the most appealing dishes first, before diving into them methodically. I have, of course, started by learning the new incantation of the Spiritual Sun, as well as having a look at the different inspiring astral projecting techniques having to do with the stars or Light ✨. The ancient-inspired dream incubation technique sounds like a very useful practice too, especially with the aim of gaining information or an answer to a pressing question. The way this practice is described sounds very reverent and beautiful, and I am really looking forward to try it in the best way I can muster one day. I think I will have a few more days of picking the most appealing parts of the book here and there, before starting to read it from cover to cover, absorbing all that wisdom…
I really can’t thank Mark and Lara enough for this amazing spiritual guide being provided like this for free (the price of the book is obviously just a price of the physical object, printing, etc., and NOT a price of the content in any way) to humanity. Like Mark writes at the end of the Introduction chapter: “Much of what is explained in this book was never intended to be shared publicly like this. But things are different now; the old ways and mystery schools of light are gone. Many of their surviving records have been brought out into the open for the whole world to see, after being discovered buried in tombs or in the ground, in private collections, or traded in antiquities markets. Now we have a rare opportunity to make sense and use of them…”
In the end, I thought to comment on one of the things that stood out to me regarding the suspicious practices the the Dream yoga of Tibet, especially the so-called Chöd practice, which the book mentions involves “spending time in a frightening place and visualising offering one’s body as a sacrifice to demons and ‘gods’ to feast upon”, etc… This caught my attention, because while researching Tibet, I also came across an interesting account that had to do with this Chöd. In the book Chinese Roswell, the author Hartwig Hausdorf mentions a story of an Austrian soldier in the WWI called Alois Resch, who was captured by Russians and put in a jail cell with a mysterious Russian who was telling him different stories about lamas, shamans and otherworldly powers of different sages in Mongolia, which inspired the Austrian and made him desire to experience these things for himself. Eventually, both were released from the prison, and joined an expedition to Mongolia. After many weeks during which this expedition was met with different disasters, after which only a small group remained, the Russian seemed to take charge and led the group to the so-called “Monastery of Black Khan”, which was said to belong to an order of the so-called “Snake Chöd”. What happened then sounds quite crazy, and I was not sure what to think about it when I read it first time, but now reading about the fishy practices of “Chod” in Mark and Lara’s book, it kind of makes sense.
Basically, the Austrian was brought before the reigning Chöod-Lama, after which he was separated from the Russian (who, as he learned, was also a practicing Chöd lama), and led by a yellow-capped monk down through a descending labyrinth to a deepest cell in the monastery, where he was involuntarily subjected to a so-called “ordeal of the snake”. Basically, he was closed in a dark cell, into which 7 poisonous snakes were released (painted by a phosphorescent substance) that crawled on him and into his different body openings like nose, mouth, etc. After a short time of this terror, Resch slipped into unconsciousness. When he woke up again, he found himself sitting against a wall, with the snakes coiled at his feet, sleeping. After this, he was “initiated” into the Snake Chöd and remained in the monastery for several years until he had won his freedom by completely mastering the Snake-Chöd (basically he was forced to become this kind of “initiate”). After returning back to Austria, he channeled his experience into a sort of psychedelic art, in which he had incorporated many of the nightmarish impressions from his time at the monastery. This sounded interesting to me, as while the people who have had contact with the truly spiritual can sometimes express their visions and experiences in a spiritually-inspired art, in the same way, people who had contact with the dark practices also seem to have this need to express their experiences through a “dark art” (which is actually kind of accepted in today’s society as “normal” or interesting). And while this story is said to have happened in Mongolia, it seems that the different versions of Chöd has been practiced in all those regions, showing again, how the darkness took over those areas unfortunately. A quick look at Wikipedia does not seem to make things look any better for Chöd, as it writes: “The chöd practitioner seeks to tap the power of fear through activities such as rituals set in graveyards, and visualisation of offering their bodies in a tantric feast in order to put their understanding of emptiness to the ultimate test.” 🥴
I agree, dream incubation is a really special practice, especially with the steps given in the book, I can’t imagine it not producing a strong result.
I tried a simplified version of the practice to get some help with a business/design problem I’ve been trying to solve for a while, and got a really clear and profound result. A man met me with a briefcase, and took out a beautiful book and handed it to me saying a couple phrases to help me understand what steps I needed to take. It had to do with the seed of life, and the circle enclosing it, which is the fifth element (analogous to spirit, but in this case represented a general unifying principle); it’s amazing how an answer from the other side often comes with bonus content that enriches your life and understanding :)
I think I’ve been unintentionally doing dream incubation for years, when I visit sacred sites and become inspired by them, resulting in dreams that help me understand them better. Lucia, you told me quite a while ago that the astral plane is the plane of emotions and so to be inspired “emotionally” helps produce results with astral projection, which is something that stuck with me. It seems to me that the steps of dream incubation are a focused way of creating that inspiration. I think that kind of inspiration opens the heart and makes it easier to ask questions in the right way, which is what makes the difference, in my experience. Theres something really important about the way a question is asked, something to do with sincerity, feeling, and humility.
Hi Julian,
That’s really good to hear you’ve had a positive result from the dream incubation exercises already! :) I was also drawn to these and have finished reading that chapter of the book. I found it offered some new inspiration and the possibility of finding some answers to important questions and problems, the solutions to which have remained elusive to me for many years.
I pray about these each day in a sincere way, but it has seemed like a closed door in terms of getting any clear and actionable guidance in dreams. But the success rates mentioned in the book, along with your successful initial attempts, have given me a greater encouragement that maybe I don’t have to be stuck in the same situation indefinitely, if I may find some kind of indication of how to change it, which actually yields noticeable results.
I’ve been drawn more to the exercises sections of the book initially, including these chapters on dreams, OBEs, etc. So I’ll finish reading these before continuing with the first chapters of the book, although those opening chapters are also packed with information and are thoroughly researched.
A problem I’ve faced over recent years is reading the descriptions of the solstice and equinox celebrations, sacred sites, etc., but knowing that these remain theoretical to me, as I am unable to participate in these things. But the dream incubation and other exercises seem accessible to all, regardless of their living circumstances, so I’m keen to investigate these and incorporate the practices into my daily routine.
Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you continued success with your practices! :)
Glad to hear about your success with inspiration Julian! 👍 I think instead of the word “emotions”, maybe it would be better to use the word “feelings”, as the word “emotion” usually invokes an image of an emotional reaction to something, which is not the case here. I also like to think about it as the “atmosphere” of a place, that thing that we feel when we really tune into the place, area, even the room, etc. It is my impression that when we are tuning into this kind of an atmosphere or feeling, we are tuning into the astral counterpart of things.
The dream incubation practice seems to have more steps to it though, including some time of intensified work on our egos before attempting to make a petition to a higher being of our choice, which I really like as it sounds very serious and right, kind of like how you imagine some ancient schools of mysteries would work. 🔥
I like your insight into this feeling of a space around us,Lucia, so we can be closer to the astral counterpart of the place and that then helping us to be more aware over there. It reminds of a practice of being aware in daily life, where when we can feel our whole body being in the space around us and feeling it move as we go along our day. It suggests that the awareness is not just felt in our head/mind but all over our body and thus the being too.
I found that in that way I can maintain the awareness more easily throughout the day.
Yes, I agree Lucia, those practices with the snakes sound very dark indeed! Aside from the unsettling underground fear-filled environment, it also strikes me as dark that there was a kind of forced initiation into this school, with no freedom to leave it.
What you mentioned about “dark art” is also true. So much of modern art and music is not spiritually inspired and can be quite the opposite, especially in the case of black or death metal bands. I’ve never liked this kind of music, as it seems so sinister. But I also generally find most commercial music jarring these days, as it seems so money-driven and mechanically generated and leaves me with an unpleasant feeling when I’m forced to listen to it in public places.
I feel there was a more innocent side of creativity, which was sometimes spiritually inspired, during the “flower power” era, which I mentioned I enjoy some of the music of, such as the Within You, Without You and Aum songs I previously shared. But the use of psychedelics had some dark consequences, as I also mentioned, including cases of “spiking” or “dosing” people without their consent, which seems a dark thing to do, regardless of the intentions.
I used to try astral projecting to light classical music years ago and to some pieces of ambient music, which I still find beautiful. I didn’t have success in terms of becoming lucid or projecting, but with the ambient piece, it was the first time I felt a very strong energy situated around my heart region, which was comforting and relaxing. I also met someone who said his first ever astral projection came about when concentrating on another piece of ambient music.
In the section in the book on dream incubation, it’s mentioned how a spiritual environment can be more conducive to experiences. The snake pit that you mentioned sounded like the exact opposite and I can imagine what kind of horrible energy would resonate in it! But I’ve also definitely felt the impact of spiritual environments, including an occasion when I arrived somewhere where people had been doing spiritual practices together and I could feel a wave of peaceful and spiritual energy as soon as I entered the building.
The quote from the book you mentioned is very good and it’s a joy that these spiritual texts are available publicly, but also in an understandable way. I hope that it will be possible for people to develop more of the right kind of spiritual environments, as they explore the practices in this book and Mark and Lara’s previous ones.
I’ve got the book 🙌🏼⭐️🌌 I was with some friends and we were just about to head out but saw, surprisingly, that the postman would be at the door within the next two hours, so we all waited instead. How the book was presented to my friend by the postman was interesting. Unboxing it here. A real treasure.
The day after I got my own copy and, although I hadn’t planned it, I spent at least a few hours reading it. You flick through just for a glance but then you see something and can’t not read haha. Although I look forward to taking in each section more carefully. It also stood out to me what Mike already articulated. Mark has an astounding level of experience, but it has a very journalistic and open feel, like you’re simply looking along with the author to the evidence.
So much already caught my attention. I appreciate the explanation on those four meanings the Spiritual Sun can refer to, although maybe getting close in understanding of it myself, it wasn’t entirely clear to me for all this time.
I received my book today…! It took about 10 days.
It is so big and heavy – there is definitely a wealth of knowledge, research and experience to delve through in this magnificent book.
I am so excited, like a little kid in a lolly shop/candy store, yet this is way better than lollies or candy.
I just received my copy of the book (way sooner than expected) and I have to say it is gorgeous, I hope they exhibit it in bookstores because I think many people would feel drowned to pick it up, maybe Im biased but it feels like there’s a special type of mystery waiting for you inside. For the record, I paid what would be about 47.6 US dlls which seems like a reasonable price to me considering shipping and that it had to be imported to México, I checked, and now that the price seems to have normalized it would cost around 41 US dlls to buy it from northern méxico trough amazon, pretty neat.
I dived pretty quickly into some particular topics that Lara mentioned and sparked my interest and I can say that I’ve already found very useful insights into how to improve my practice. I had a good rhythm starting this year but things went south after some events around the solar eclipse that I got very identified with and I have struggled to get back on track but just by changing my approach a little bit I already felt better yesterday. I tend to learn more from the mindset people have when doing things than the explanation of activities sometimes 😅 so from what I’ve read so far I can tell this book is going to be an invaluable help for me. I don’t like the idea of having two copies of Sura Ondrunar’s books because I wouldn’t like for someone else to miss out on this information in case they run out but I would definitely love a hard copy of this book. Thank you very much Mark, Lara, and team; you truly excelled with this one 🙏🏽
I also wanted to share something very interesting that I saw earlier this year that I think further supports the Brain Limiter Theory.
Brainwave activity changes throughout human development. In the first 24 months of life, the dominant brainwave activity is Delta waves which are prevalent during deep sleep and promote restorative processes crucial for growth and development in early childhood. From 2 – 6 years of age, the dominant Brainwave activity is in theta waves which is associated with a state of deep relaxation, daydreaming, and imagination in young children, and it is also the dominant brainwave activity shown in the first two NREM stages of sleep and meditation. From 6 – 12 years of age, the dominant brainwave activity in the human brain is still Theta waves and increasing Alpha waves, from 12 – 18 years of age dominant brainwaves are Alpha waves and Beta waves and from 18 years of age and older the dominant brainwave activity corresponds to Beta and Gamma waves. Here is an image that briefly correlates the different brainwave frequencies to cognitive tasks: https://shorturl.at/GfeyA
The reason I note all of this is because I found it interesting how brainwave activity in infancy directly corresponds to the development of personality from 0 to 7 years of age. This brainwave analysis throughout the development of the human body under the perspective of the Brain Limiter Theory helps to explain why kids are more prone to having psychic faculties and remembering past lives.
It’s safe to say that brainwave activity corresponds to the level of intellectual load and mental state an individual has at a certain time so as we become more intellectually focused throughout our lives and development the more the brain limits our perception of things beyond the three-dimensional world.
There’s no risk of the books selling out, as at this point in time they are “print on demand.”
I am so glad to hear that you got your book Marco and get new insights and inspiration.
In regards to brain waves, I feel there is intentional deception going on, there is a lot of information out there, but where are all the geniuses, expert clairvoyants, perfect meditators who follow it? :) Ok keep listening to Theta/Delta waves audios, and then what? Is there really a shortcut?
As far as I know in Russia the true information is classified and in the USA it was removed from the open sources of Robert Monroe Institute.
I can’t just explain it all here,- but think about different parts of the brain corresponding to different frequencies, the possibility to advance spiritually, but also to develop the faculties of the brain, and the concept of balance and synchronicity (it is not just slowing down the brain).
Thank you for sharing your insights and feelings, all the best with the book, so glad to see how Mark/Lara teachings touch people’s lives around the world.
I just came across this NDE, which lines up so well with what is presented in the new book. Not sure if this one has been shared before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbL70DvhseY
In it, it seems the man is taken through a portal into what sounds like heaven with all the light and beauty, and he is helped by divine beings. Then, he is given a glimpse of the Source coming from beyond heaven just before his NDE ends. But it gets even more inspiring: he suddenly gains artistic skills and paints his experience, then learns music composition and has a piece performed (sounds very beautiful — at the end of the video). And in addition to all that, he comes away with a powerful spiritual learning about the present moment.
What an amazing experience, thank you very much for sharing Mike! There were many things on it that stood out for me, the first one being how strongly he decided to stay conscious during all that horrible experience, like his spirit fighting to dominate the mechanical forces that were engulfing him… In a way, it also ties with what he said about the importance of the present moment at the end… Also how he mentioned at the end that up until the point of that accident, his life was not going well, and he was just about to get evicted from his home, etc., sounded like he was maybe going through some karmic events, culminating in that horrible event, after which everything almost miraculously changed for him. Then those 2 women healing him in the higher dimensions, I could not but remember the 2 women-healers that are said to appear at the stage of resurrection to help the initiate to be healed. Now not saying he was going through that stage (even though, who knows…), but I find it interesting how women seem to be assigned this Divine role of healers. Also how he was lying all the time on that granite “altar”, as if going through some sort of ancient initiation. Very special experience for sure, and glad he managed to express the impressions from that experience through his art and music.
Thanks for sharing your impressions, Lucia. I didn’t remember anything about 2 woman healers at the stage of resurrection, but that is really an interesting “coincidence” then. The altar also stood out to me and does indeed conjure up feelings of an ancient initiation.
Thanks Mike, that’s a remarkable NDE video! Regarding the two women healing the narrator David Ditchfield, it reminds me of the New Testament accounts of Mary of Bethany anointing Jesus with expensive perfume, which Jesus states in three of the gospels is in preparation for his burial (and subsequent resurrection).
It’s lovely that David was able to convey his experience through art, music and writing. He seems very talented and his account and creative works attracted a lot of interest within the mainstream media. I can see there are reports in the BBC, Daily Mail, Guardian, Independent and Psychology Today, among the well known British news sources, as well as elsewhere in the world.
In this article, Raymond Moody, the author of Life After Life comments that David’s account is “One of the most gripping accounts of a near-death experience that I have read. And I say that, having interviewed, since 1965, thousands of people who described such experiences.”
The article features show some of his paintings, as do these web pages, of which the BBC one shows the women healing him and the Instagram one shows an image of Jesus ascending above water towards the sky:
Although I’ve certainly never had an NDE, I found similarities with David’s story, as I also find it engaging to create through music, art and writing. I can relate to what he mentioned about becoming a composer, despite receiving no formal musical training at his working class comprehensive school, as this was also my introduction to writing music, prior to studying it at university. His description of plugging in his synthesiser into a cassette recorder brings back memories and I’m still poor at traditional musical notation, as he also mentioned.
I also relate to what David said about hearing music in his head and sometimes feeling that it was coming to him from a higher source. This also describes my own experience, as I hear the various instruments playing in my head and sometimes have pondered about the origin of the music that comes to me.
I hear music in my dreams occasionally, some of which I’ve been able to develop into songs, upon waking. Probably one of the most beautiful pieces I heard in a dream was in a place where a group of people were singing in harmony, similar to a Beethoven choral piece, with the sound resonating throughout. I remember the dream, but unfortunately didn’t remember the melody when I woke! But I was able to recall other melodies, including one that became a song about the sun, which I heard in a dream with its chorus being sung. The setting of the dream also seemed significant in retrospect.
Thanks again for sharing the video of David’s account. It’s very inspiring and in addition to getting the topic of NDEs into the mainstream media, it’s lovely that David was able to turn his life around and fulfil his truer purpose in a beautiful way.
Thanks for relaying your experiences, Michael, and for those further links.
I think art, in all its forms be that painting or music or something else, can be deeply spiritual. Perhaps it is the fact that art is a creative process and it puts us in touch with the powers of creation and then we become a conduit for different spiritual forces (both good and bad) to “materialize” in the world through art.
Your capacity to “hear” music and compose sounds beautiful. I’ve never had anything like that before, but I do find great joy in playing music when the pieces are themselves uplifting (and simple enough for me to learn on piano, haha).
It seems for David that his art has been able to touch the lives of many. I hope you’re continuing with your composing!
You’re welcome Mike and thanks again for sharing the video! :) Regarding “hearing” music in my head, yes, it’s a handy skill and I can also write melodies from the rhythms I hear in everyday speech. But by contrast, I find it a great challenge to visualise things, even though I went to art college, so I’ve always struggled with these kinds of meditation practices.
I’ve never had the experience of reading a book or listening to a radio drama and “seeing” the characters or scenery pop up spontaneously. So that perception of the world is as much a mystery to me as synaesthesia, where the senses are merged. For example, I read a book by someone with synaesthesia, who recited pi to around 40,000 digits in a science museum, which he saw spontaneously as a beautiful landscape of shapes, without any mental calculations.
It’s lovely you find playing the piano joyful and I would encourage you to continue with it, as it can also be a good awareness practice. I could hardly play anything when I first started writing music and was dissuaded by others from studying it at university. But I find if we’re interested in something, it’s much easier to increase our level of skill.
Having said that, although I find it easy to improvise melodies, I’m probably at about the same skill level as you in my musicianship, as I also can’t play like a classical pianist. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing to be “naive” creatively though, as rules can sometimes hinder, rather than inspire us.
I noticed this during my music degree, where many students had a much greater level of musicianship and theoretical knowledge than me. But ironically, a third of the class ended up plagiarising my compositions during a group project. It was only a small class, so wasn’t that many students, but it illustrates that sometimes novel ideas may have more appeal than following conventions.
It’s very rare to find a child who suffers with “artistic block”, as children usually just follow their heart when creating, rather than critiquing the process as they go. I think this purity of creativity also came across in David Ditchfield’s work.
Although it’s useful to understand existing structures, it’s also useful to follow our own intuition, as Mark and Lara have done in this and other books (although also underpinned by painstaking research).
As you have a science background, I thought you might be interested in this talk by Rupert Sheldrake, in which he discusses some of the limitations of conventional scientific dogma. It was dismissed as “pseudoscience” by TED, following its original presentation, but it raises some interesting questions nonetheless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF03FN37i5w
I recently listened to a BBC podcast series called The Long History of Ignorance, in which it was discussed how going outside of what we think we already know can lead to new discoveries, in the fields of science, the arts, religion, etc. A familiar songwriter was also interviewed, who mentioned some of his best work was created when he was new to songwriting, when he was less governed by the rules and conventions he later learnt.
I value songwriting, as it allows me to express things of a spiritual nature, which wouldn’t normally come up in everyday conversation. I agree that writing music can connect us with higher forces and I sometimes have a tiny spark of inspiration, accompanied by a feeling that something worthwhile is about to happen. I have no idea what it will be, but have learnt to trust this and am often pleasantly surprised with the end results.
I recently read the section in the OBE book about the resonance inside The King’s Chamber of The Great Pyramid of Giza being in the key of F# major. This was a funny coincidence for me, as although it’s a fairly uncommon key in popular music, I often used to write songs in F# major, without knowing which notes I’d actually written until I played them on the keyboard. This was mainly as it suited my vocal range though, as is suggested in the book, in the context of the chambers being used for chanting.
As you may know, F# major is similar to the pentatonic scale, which uses just the black keys on the piano and is common for traditional African American spirituals. As you may also know, the intervals of the fourth and fifth, which Mark mentions are present in an F# major chord (when including the root note in its upper octave) are also present in each of the major scales, due to the repeated pattern of the circle of fifths.
So if someone wanted to play or sing the same chord structure in an easier key, an option for beginners would be to use the same intervals, but in C major (C-E-G-C). As this uses only the white notes on the piano, it would also be easy to play on a keyboard, or other simpler instruments like a xylophone or melodica.
Using a violin bow on the side of a xylophone also creates a lovely resonance to tune into, which would create a subtle background drone to pitch the notes to, in order to sing a group mantra, as suggested in the book.
What a wholesome NDE, or rather ‘life experience’ ^^. Such a great example and I love that sense of him manifesting or starting to work together with higher forces. Thanks Mike.
This book is of great help to me in many different ways. It seems it was also released on my birthday 19th of June, so thank you for that birthday gift hehe.
Every ounce of effort you make can help someone immensely, and you have obviously made a lot of efforts. Thank you greatly, it warms my heart thinking about it.
Wow Kristofer, I’m so glad. Thank you for expressing your appreciation; it warms my heart that it is of help to you. That is why we do what we do, because of you and people like you.
My copy arrived a few days ago and I’ve slowly been working my way through it. Even just a quick look at the contents gives an idea of the depth of knowledge and research in this book. I’m really looking forward to delving into the practices with a lot of yearning. The chapter on Psychedelics is very interesting and I believe is particularly important information for this modern day.
I’d also like to comment on the quality of the book cover and publishing in general. The quality is superb and the graphic design is absolutely beautiful!
I can’t thank you enough for your amazing work on this important text.
I just wanted to add a comment on how amazing this new book is. I’m only about 100 pages in — it’s a long book! You and Mark have done a marvelous job. Thank you both for your sacrifices and research!
I wanted to comment on something I really appreciate: the fact that the exposition in the book is open and transparent. Combined, you and Mark have an overwhelming amount of experience with OBEs, but you write with such humility and bring us readers along in your research journey. The history of OBEs is covered in immense depth, and as authors, you are honest about when you are speculating about what might be, rather than stating everything as black-and-white. You even cover historical OBE practices that you disagree with, just to offer a complete history. It’s also interesting when you point out inconsistencies between different spiritual texts and even inaccuracies within them from your personal experience. Somehow, it makes these ancient texts more approachable, because I’ve come to better appreciate that the texts were written by honest people (often very spiritually advanced, mind you), doing their best to convey cosmic truths, and on occasion making mistakes or not explaining things clearly enough (more common in the more “recent” ancient texts) .It feels more like a living history, which we can all take part in.
I also lament that perhaps in the long distant past, OBEs were easier to attain, but nowadays we have to work so hard for even incipient experiences. I bet the world would be very different if teachings in OBEs and dreams were commonplace.
I’m looking forward to learning and reading more. Thank you again!
Yeah, you put your finger on some thing that I noticed too… I’ve always treated ancient texts as sacred and inviolable, rather than the writings of a person who may or may not have had the whole picture, but in hindsight, this is obviously the way to treat any text: on its own merits. And it also seems to go the other way, where are things that seem almost like nonsense or incomprehensible, could actually be descriptions of a real thing, like the interpretations of Gilgamesh and the Eddas. This is definitely more than just a book, I feel like I’m getting a Masterclass on how to read and research :)
Thanks so much for your very thoughtful feedback Mike. I’m so glad you picked up on those things because we really want to convey information as impartially and factually as we can. It’s easy to create illusions about the past and spirituality, and so we have striven to try and tell it like it is, whether that suits what we were hoping or expecting to find or not.
I think the indications that attaining OBEs in the past was easier is one of those hard truths we came across that is lamentable, but also helps make sense of a lot of things, and I think helps put in perspective what we’re able to achieve so that we don’t create false expectations and are then too hard on ourselves when we don’t meet them.
Hi Mike, Julian and Lara,
You made some good points there Mike. I agree that Mark and Lara stand out from the crowd in their writing, as they convey spiritual matters in a down to earth way, which often seems rare. I’ve noticed a lot of “spiritual” teachers will exaggerate the level of knowledge they actually have, in order to package together a product, or create an image of a knowledgeable guru. So for example, someone may have experience of being in the present moment, which is useful, but then convey this as a means of awakening and gaining profound spiritual knowledge.
As you know, it’s also common in religion, science, and elsewhere for people to seek out information that supports their beliefs or theories, ignoring any evidence that doesn’t fit. Whereas, I find Mark and Lara have a far more empirical approach of following wherever the evidence leads, which in turn creates a far more accurate picture in the end, as Lara mentioned.
The point about sacred texts is also a good one. It’s common for religious followers to believe that the texts they follow are totally infallible and unquestionable, but as we previously discussed with example of the Biblical texts, many in the Old Testament seem to come from a very different source to the teachings that Jesus presents in the New Testament.
Then there are factors of mistakes in translation to consider, as was also discussed before. Or your point about the authors sometimes explaining things unclearly or inaccurately, such as due to not having the full picture, as Julian said. So it’s good to assess sacred texts on their own merits, as he also mentioned.
I just got to the part where you’re discussing Gobleki Tepe, the Scorpio portal, and the vulture stone, and this got me thinking about some things I’ve noticed but haven’t thought about in a while, that suddenly make a lot of sense with your OBE portal theory. It has to do with the galactic center. Sorry if you touch on this and I haven’t gotten to it yet, but I’m excited about this and thought I’d share a few things.
The galactic center is right next to Scorpio, right between Scorpio and Sagittarius, “Sagittarius A” being the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy. If anything sounds like a portal near Scorpio that could be described as a dark tunnel with light at the end, I would think that might be it. It could explain the apparent contradiction between a dark tunnel, and a place of light. I also suspect that while black holes are dark in this dimension, in other dimensions they could appear as massive suns, which they basically are; just the jets of material and radiation escaping black holes can be trillions of times more powerful than our sun. Thus I propose the center of the galaxy would be our “local super-sun”, and in the night sky, in scientific symbolic terms, would represent the birth place of the stars in the same way the sun represents the birth place of the planets, making it a good potential candidate for the “stellar father in heaven”.
One of the first known Egyptian pharaohs (by archeological evidence) is Scorpion II, who ruled around 3,200 BC. His emblem is shown on a gigantic mace head (10” tall) as a 7-pointed star above a scorpion, shown in the sky over a giant man wearing a hedjet and holding a hoe, who is interpreted to be Scorpion II. In 3200 BC at the autumn equinox, the sun was exactly in the position depicted on the mace head, being positioned over Scorpio. It’s interesting that this alignment between the sun and galactic center at the autumn equinox coincided with what’s commonly thought of as the start of the Kali Yuga, very appropriate symbolically (though it would be even more precise around 1,000 years earlier), and a time when the religion of the sun appeared to experience a revival world-wide. What makes this even more significant is that the entire course of the nile follows the shape of Scorpio almost exactly, including the delta as the pincers and the Toshka Lakes forming the hook, with Egypt generally being close to the center of the galaxy in this celestial ground-plan, and positioned where the sun is on the mace head (although following this as a map, perhaps more would be found further west). It could be that somehow this symbolic connection made Egypt a powerful spiritual place during the subsequent millennia, as it seems to have been a center of the mysteries in the old world.
The vulture on stone 43 at Gobleki tepe has been interpreted (by Martin Sweatman) as potentially being Sagittarius, which is directly above Scorpio, mirroring what’s shown on the pillar. At the currently accepted date of 9,600 BC, the summer solstice sun would be in Scorpio, quite close to Sagittarius, but at 11,300 BC it would have been EXACTLY in the position depicted on the pillar, marking the coincidence of the summer solstice sun with the galactic center, a time only 1,700 years before the currently accepted carbon date, and EXACTLY a half a precession ago from our present time. In other words, it depicts the position of the stars at the last time the galactic center and the summer solstice sun coincided, a time very close to the founding of Gobleki tepe.
I’m almost certain that the ancients measured spans of times in milleniums, and people would have been aware of the precession of the equinoxes. In the same way that a personal walk on the path of the spiritual sun can be seen daily in the sun’s path, monthly in the moon phases, and yearly in the sun’s journey, that same path is depicted by the precession of the “secret sun” at the center of the galaxy through 6,500 year “galactic solar conjunction events”.
Today the sun rises in line with the galactic center at the winter solstice, making it the point at which both the sun and galaxy align at their “winter” season. This could be why, on an energetic level, this is the lowest point in the cycle of ages, and also why a revival of the religion of the sun is so appropriate at this moment. This does favor a northern-hemispheric view of our place in the galaxy.
There’s a lot more, including the start of the Mayan long count coinciding with this double-winter-solstice date (that’s what the “2012 prophecy” was all about), which others have written about, and finally an entire book’s-worth of information related to Peru.
There are these old Peruvian writings from the time of the conquest that just started to make sense and click into place which I need to consult, which may relate to known and unknown constellations, the “home of Wiracocha”, Scorpio, the signficance of the Puma in incan mythology… All questions I’ve grappled with and found bits and pieces about, but this text could be what I need to be able to explain the constellations and fractal stellar-geography, a dream experience I had that suggests initiations involving stone chambers representing wombs, unknown myths about resurrecting condors… This is really exciting, I’ll report back if it all checks out.
To summarize, the portal theory makes sense of some things I’ve noticed but did not have the context for, which seem to point to the galactic center as an important portal destination, possibly the one that you are describing that leads to heaven.
Wow good luck with this Julian, sounds like an exciting trail you’re following! This part of the sky has always fascinated me too, as well as the opposite, the ‘anti-galactic centre’, where you find Orion. It seems like these two points were seen as portals or gates, the ‘Gate of the Gods’ at Sag/Scorp and the ‘Gate of Man’ at Gemini/Cancer – the gate of the gods where the sun starts to rise/climb/grow and the gate of man at the opposite, where the sun/soul starts its journey into matter.
The ‘nakshatra’ at this part of the sky is really interesting … I believe the Vedic nakshatra system, or the 27 ‘lunar mansions’ behind the zodiac are fixed so don’t shift with precession (I may be totally wrong with this, I feel like I’m being sucked into a black hole when I try to follow much of the technical discussion of how things are calculated in out of space! Also, there are plenty of disagreements between astrologers from some Vedic traditions and those in the West. Mula usually is given as the first thirteen degrees of Sagittarius but there may be discrepancy here depending on the tradition.)
This area of sky is called the ‘Moola or Mula’ nakshatra which is translated to ‘root’ (and sometimes Lion’s tail). Each of the 27 nakshatras is governed by a deity and the one that presides here at the galactic centre is Nirṛti, the “goddess of dissolution and destruction” or the “star of horror and dread”, also called Alakshmi (as in ‘not-lakshmi’; she is Lakshmi’s older sister who came first). Alakshmi rules over the poison that emerges from the churning of the milky ocean too. The ‘Lord’ of the star is Ketu, the tail of the serpent that gets cut in half in this story. Anyway, you get the gist – in Vedic myth it’s a fierce place, the root, the origin, ruled by the Goddess of Despair and the tail of the serpent of the milky ocean.
I hope that might add something to your research – look forward to hearing how it develops!
So happy and excited and surprised to get the book just now. It was supposed to be delivered on Friday :) Cant wait to start reading it!!
I paid 35 US dollars for it.
Thank You Mark, Lara and the whole team involved in this….appreciate everyone’s hard work and sacrifice!
Hi Lara and everyone,
The exciting news about the new book has inspired me to more actively and frequently pursue being conscious during waking hours over the past few days. Last night, after a few hours of sleep, I woke up with a somewhat active mind, which, as usual, wanted to pursue things of its own accord. I took this as an opportunity to stop any arising thoughts by not following them, letting them go, and just being aware. After a while, I fell asleep again, but this time I was able to become aware in a dream. Although the lucidity fluctuated, I managed to bring back my consciousness several times, remaining aware, to a degree, of where I was and what was happening around me.
I noticed that letting go of thoughts during waking hours had a very similar inner feeling to doing it in the lucid dream. Letting go of whatever was happening at the time in this dream allowed me to fly up and be liberated, even for a moment, from my lower states. In those moments, I felt closer to my true self.
The experience lasted quite a while, and I encountered several distractions during this lucid experience and how I had to apply an effort to remain aware. At some point, I distinctly remember witnessing the rising sun above the horizon. In that instant, everything, including myself, became more vivid and alive. And I realised that until that moment, the environment and all events in the lucid dream were like twilight—not quite fully dark but lacking colours, and the landscape seemed mostly barren. Illuminated by the light of the rising sun, I was able to fly up, naturally and spontaneously outstretching my arms to be fully bathed in the sunlight. It was not just the brightness of the light but also the associated feelings that made this event very uplifting, bringing hope and contrast to a life without knowing of the existence of the light, or forgetting about it most of the time.
I wish everyone a beautiful day and hope that one day, all of humanity, will be able to conduct inner science guided by the light of the Spiritual Sun.
Nice Slawek.
I hear you about the twilight bit, in it and searching and trying somewhat but feeling it’s not it, until those rare moments where you properly break through and you’re like -ah yeah this. This is home.., (or closer to it at least.)
I like how the external scene reflected the inner one.
Nice work on those daily efforts 🙏🏼 thanks
That’s wonderful Slawek, very happy to hear that, as I am working on the exactly the same now, also inspired by the book.😊 Not only I am becoming more aware of how drowned in my mind I am on any usual day, but yesterday I managed to also spot a very dangerous ego hiding behind one of my usual fascination-driven activities. And I realised that if I don’t stop chattering in my mind, then I have no chance to notice these monsters, as they just blend seamlessly into the flow of my day… Anyway, congratulations again, seeing the Sun like that and feeling its effects internally must have been very strengthening!
Hi again Slawek,
I seem to have posted my last comment in the wrong place, but I was referring to the experience you described of course. It’s lovely you felt the light of the sun illuminating the twilight, with the feeling of inspiration and hope it brought.
It’s also good that you were not taken away by distractions and maintained the effort to stay aware, which seemed to help a lot.
Hi Slawek,
It is great that you have been inspired to put more effort into your daily practice of being in a moment. I’ve found that anytime we put an effort into these practices we get awarded, as you have described you got some really special one.
In my experience, whenever there’s an effort a reward seems to be like an automatic response but of course we know these are the gifts from the divine. I’ve also found that if we keep coming back to those efforts again and again we are strethening our essence and so in that way we can come to some clarity that stays and then it kind of gets easier to maintain the work.
Thanks,again,Lara for the inspiration and I wish you, Slawek, to keep getting inspired, not just from here but from the signs in everyday life, to keep coming back no matter what…
Thank you, Akira, Lucia, Michael, and Tina, for your encouragement and kind words. The information in this new book seems to me like a priceless gift, and I am very grateful that anyone interested in these matters can access this ancient yet timeless knowledge for a nominal price—less than the cost of dinner for two at a regular restaurant these days. This is made possible because Lara, Mark, and the team worked tirelessly to present us with what promises to be a wonderful package: a rich and unique compendium about spiritual out-of-body experiences, where thorough research is guided by the knowledge from direct esoteric experience.
Congratulations! I just ordered the book from Amazon UK (at RRP) and look forward to going through it. Am at a bit of a disbelief that the book is finally out, actually. The list of topics and scope suggests it will become the manual for the subject, and I really look forward to it bringing the out-of-body experience to life, rather than being a dry reference (which is also useful actually).
On another note, I hope the book takes its righful place within the subject area and does not get hidden behind the myrriad of subpar options. I don’t know why this happened to some of your prior books, but I sure hope it does not repeat and you get recognized for the groundbreaking work you’re doing.
Congratulations again, and thanks a lot to you and Mark for your perseverance and dedication, as well as to everyoneone who made this happen.
I paid 78.12 cad on amazon with a regular delivery time. A way too much for the teachings that are meant to be free and reach all seeking sincere souls. I really wish to study this book ASAP, but we all need to be responsible with money spending and have “butter on the bread” so to speak, or might have a premature ultimate out-of-body experience. :)
Recommending a price to amazon doesn’t make sense, they are there for profit and know your audience.
However, putting a certain limit on a requested price might work, or supporting lesser known but genuine/reliable platforms.
My solstices book falls apart, hopefully the quality of this book will be better as I am so interested in these priceless teachings!
Thank you.
Hi Vadim,
Yeah some of the regional Amazons like Canada and Australia have just been really unpredictable with pricing and availability, something we were not expecting and is just really unfortunate.
Amazon US, UK, and DE are all selling at our recommended pricing, not sure why Amazon CA or AU are not.
We don’t have the ability to put a limit on the price, we can only provide our recommended retail price and the retailers then decide how they want to price it, we have no control over it.
Amazon can be really unpredictable in some places as we are seeing, however yes there are other options of book stores other than Amazon that we do have listed on the book page that are more genuine and reliable platforms like you suggested, and sell our books at the recommended retail price. Places like Barnes and Noble in the US, Waterstones or Blackwells in the UK – which all have international shipping.
This book is printed by the same printer as the other books, and I know that the paperback books can get a bit worse for wear when they are well loved and read and referred to often. I wish the paperback quality could be more robust since we know these books can get a lot of use. We are looking at doing hardcover versions of the books, which would be more expensive, but would probably hold up better than the paperbacks.
I wish your book buying experience was better and didn’t have to end up paying so much above our recommended price, we don’t want that for anyone. We try to set the price of the book as low as possible, we only make a few dollars from each book which goes back to offsetting the cost of the book production. The bulk of the price go towards the actual book cost of printing it, and the rest goes to distribution fees and the wholesale fee – the cut the retailers get of the book (which there is a minimum fee they have to get), which is a lot more than what we get. The book itself costs a bit more because it is so big, 662 pages so the cost to produce the book is more.
At any rate I hope you enjoy the book, it’s really an amazing work packed with so much depth and knowledge.
Ok, thank you.
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for outlining some of the options for purchasing the book at its recommended retail price and explaining the cost limitations of publishing such a detailed book, which covers so many pages.
I’ve personally found the books to be of good quality and can’t say they’ve deteriorated quicker than any other book, as all books eventually show wear and tear with repeated reading, unless handled very delicately. I tend to be very careful in handling books in general, in order to make them last. But in the case of Mark and Lara’s books, I often also buy a spare copy, so that I have one to keep in pristine condition and another to use on a more regular basis.
I realise this may not be an option for all readers, depending on their financial constraints. But having lived below the current minimum wage throughout my life, I’ve still found this an affordable option, for something I value highly.
I think for most of us in Western or other more affluent countries, there is some degree of choice in how we use our money, although the cost of living is often still high. For example, I generally buy second hand clothing, have never owned a car, haven’t stayed away from home for some years, etc. But I’ve also generally had adequate food, shelter and clothing, have a mobile phone, laptop and other tech items, so I wouldn’t exactly class myself as poor in comparison to how my parents had to grow up, or indeed compared to the level of income that the majority of people in the developing world have to survive on each day.
The suggestion of using book sellers such as Blackwell’s or Waterstones is a very sound one. Both are well established sellers, which have been existence well before the advent of Amazon (145 years in the case of Blackwell’s!) I ordered from Blackwell’s on Friday and it has already been posted to me (which cost only £3 more than the recommended retail price). I used to frequent both bookshops as a student and am aware that the cost of Mark and Lara’s new book is significantly below the cost of the course textbooks I bought around 20 years ago.
I can understand some people seeing the new book for the first time wondering how buying a copy fits in with the spiritual principle of giving this information for free. But I’m also well aware that Mark and Lara operate over and above the standards of a non-profit organisation. It’s common practice for non-profits and charities to still pay a wage to their staff and administrators. Whereas it’s highly unusual (if not unheard of) for authors with no other employment to forgo royalties associated with their work, particularly in the case of intense and continued efforts over many years.
For all their hard work, the book is now available at the cost of its production, with any excess going back towards making more materials available. This is actually only the cost of a daily coffee on the journey to work during a single week.
It’s a blessing that many value the information they convey enough to donate towards making this work possible. In an ideal world, it would be lovely if more people valued it enough for the publishers to give away all printed books for free. But we have to accept the realities of operating a small, non-profit publisher in a world that requires materials and resources to bring books to print.
I do really appreciate all the efforts from all of you within the publishing team and of course Mark and Lara for their commitment to spreading the knowledge of the Religion of the Sun. I feel that the standard is still exceptionally high, within the printed books, videos and this website. I’m also sure many appreciate all the hard work that goes into making these invaluable resources available to as many as possible throughout the world.
We ordered our copy from Amazon.de for 33 € with 11 € shipping (for within the EU), with the delivery date of 12th July. In case it helps anyone to know. Usually they’ve been very reliable.
Hey Vadim, not sure if it’s useful to know, but I covered one of my books with the clear self adhesive plastic film stuff (the type my mum used to cover all my textbooks with at school). it’s been in and out of backpacks a lot recently and it’s helping protect the book more than another one which is not covered. It’s not quite as nice to read with the plastic on the cover but might be a way to help extend the life of the book
Yes, that also sounds like a good option Erik. I remember the days of covering school books, although in my case it was usually with old wallpaper or comics! :)
Hey Vadim, I don’t understand, why don’t you just go and look at all the Amazons and purchase from the one that is the cheapest? For example I usually order from Amazon.de, but I also order from Amazon.com, and the prices are sometimes better there, even though technically Amazon.de is for Europe and Amazon.com for America, but you should definitely be able to order from Amazon.com, no? Anyway, just something that I didn’t understand, like why would you chose such an expensive option if the cheaper ones are available. Also, we usually order more books, for some other people here that are interested, and then the delivery price is less if its split like that.
Hey Vadim, the book shows $45.32 on amazon.ca today, under other purchase options, with free delivery for prime members.
I’ve ordered a couple of copies from Barnes & Noble. They’re charging the correct price and looks like it should be delivered to my house in Australia on or around July 8th. Just thought I’d share this in case anyone is having issues with Amazon.
Thanks to everyone involved for getting this important work published.
Thanks Dave – this is helpful to know.
I’ve had some difficulty ordering through Amazon. I’ve looked into other options but they seem to have an inflated price or a very late delivery time. In the end I decided to order through Blackwell’s which includes postage/delivery costs for approx $73AUD. I thought to use a different distributor to lift the profile of the book. so that it becomes more readily available/visible.
Hi Dimi. Mine shipped today. Looking forward to it’s arrival :)
That’s a good idea ordering through a different distributor. Hopefully you’ll get your copy soon!
Hi David,
I got notification on Friday that the book is on it’s way. Hooray!
Amazing Great news!! I have no words to express my gratitude to Mark, Lara and all the contributors!!
It is very pleasant the big number of topics, many of them are especially new and astonishing, as alien abduction!!
Thank you again!!
Great tip. Thanks Dave
I just really want to express my deep appreciation to all of you again, to each of you who’ve helped make this possible in your own way, and who’ve been so supportive. I can’t say thanks enough because your support and care over all these years has been like a divine miracle. Thank you so much! Thanks as a word just feels so very small right now. From my heart to yours, in light.
Thanks Lara and I’m sure each of us who are eagerly looking forward to reading the new book also share the same sentiment of deep appreciation to you and Mark, as well as everyone who has contributed to its publication.
It makes a lot of sense that such a momentous project would take 3 years to complete, as it’s evident that so much time, research and care has been poured into it. Such a valuable labour of love, which serves humanity.
I don’t want to negate your message of appreciation because… I feel it.
But I really think it’s you two who deserve our gratitude.
Just to list a few things…
Breaking open the ground with original discoveries, yet not able to share it with that instant type of publishing or posting, because of the time constraint and having to make the choice to focus on foundational depth. As time passes.
Or remembering covid and all it’s injustices thrown at the world, you must’ve felt the urge to step up for truth, but knowing to choose one’s battles and instead continue to brood on that thing that only you guys can do.
Being responsible to regurarly handle the email communication load. Managing and keeping an eye on this website (something seemingly small but essential and connective to have kept things alive).
I mean even spending, in this decade and a half, so much time behind the screen and its physical tolls. It’s like a beautiful sacrifice.
Even the place that this whole effort had to come from, for those who know. Being loaded and clamped down by injustices and accusations, being cuffed from good works by the burden to deal with it. But moving on, with very little, until starting to emerge from it. Like from the earthen mound, or as a seed from the soil. 🌻
And of course the actual academic challenge and work of going through huge piles of information and each time taking on that burden and responsibility of getting to the truth and puzzling parts accurately.
The continuous perseverance of it all. Like really….
And it’s not from that drive many people in the world have just to survive, which keeps people going. Neither that ambition drive. Like – you don’t ‘need’ to do any of this, but choose to and that effort comes from a choice and the nature of the motivation from a different place.
And despite it all Lara you’re always so positive or light, hard to describe. And a hope to people, like there she is with a video. And always so fresh and open in your views.
Then Mark’s history of his personal work, the whole of it, to reach the knowledge that he has.
His loving work to make the effort to share it, in the past and in continuing to do so.
And taking in and receiving research efforts and help from people, little as it may be, for it I felt a gratitude that at times was like paralyzing.
The more someone is able to see and know about you guys’ work the more beautiful its example becomes. 👏 You’ve done so much and I hope that the interest, input and energy of many people will blow a lot of life into things from now on too.
So well said Akira…and, more could be added to that list!
Mark and Lara’s commitment, dedication, determination and sense of compassion for this humanity is incredible. Despite obstacles, challenges, opposition, etc they keep striving, giving and gifting to the world. There are those who are seeking the truth, to know the real purpose of life on earth; and it is so important to make it possible for them to find it too.
Feeling’s mutual :)
I’ve never felt as alive as I do now, and it started with your books.
There is certainly a palpable, fresh, positive, and uplifting energy resonating around the globe, like the gentle and playful chirping of a sunbird at sunrise. I remember meeting some of the people who commented below last night, in a dream. Every time during the day when I remember the news about this upcoming book, my heart responds with a yearning to be filled with light more and more. This second chance feels like an opportunity to finally overcome internal unwanted states that have been too difficult and overpowering before.
Also, I regret my clumsy omission in not including Mark in my rushed expression of gratitude and excitement in a post further down the page. Thank you, Lara, Mark, and the Team (in alphabetical order), for your unwavering dedication to continually creating new resources dedicated to spiritual awakening in the light, for recovering the previously lost information about the Religion of the Sun, and for making it freely available to anyone interested.
Your love and light flow freely, above and despite everything. You’ve taught me about truth and real goodness, you are a living example of the truly good. You and Mark are living beacons of light, may I too aspire for the light with such wisdom and dedication. With deep gratitude.
Dear Lara and Mark,
if it were not for your efforts, dedication, insights, knowledge, (and so much more) we would not have the privilege of this valuable information to help each of us – and anyone who is interested – in such spiritual depth/content.
So, thank you to you both.
I think dreams are one resource that almost everyone has to connect them to the other side of life and that is why,I feel, this is so important to put out there,like a beam of energy from the source to each and every one of us.
There’s so much information about the OBEs and astral projection circulating but without the real meaning behind it as for example I heard a lot of people learning about these have done so in order to have fun times and all sorts of weird things that, it seems, is kind of supported by the other,non spiritual side. That is why I really like that you have called the book:the spiritual OBEs. It will definitely make some people think twice about the nature and purpose of those experiences.
Gratitude to all who have been involved in making it.
Well done Lara, Mark and the team behind the scenes – what an achievement…!
Looking forward to getting a copy of this well anticipated book. It’s hard to fathom it has taken around 3 years of constant hard work to collate this level of ‘sacred’ information, for the world to delve into and explore for themselves.
All the strength with this book release and praying that it will become easily available for all to access.
I’m loving it already :)
I watched a video today by History for Granite, the producer is one of the most thorough, observant, and down-to-earth investigators of the pyramids that I know of. He assessed various aspects of the great pyramid, and concluded with very solid evidence that the pyramid was meant for religious use (basically, the physical evidence points to it being continuously used, rather than closed immediately after burial). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItAQSrlG9WQ
This fits very well with your explanation of how the pyramid was used for spiritual practice, and is based solely on observation of the physical structures and very solid deductions.
This is great, thanks for sharing Julian. I am really amazed at how many people all over the world are guided to find and research things that in the end, help to put out the complete picture of the Religion of the Sun! So many researchers, academics, or even random people stumbling upon things, discovering the different pieces that are in the end very important for the whole picture. And then Mark and Lara, who have the wisdom to see the whole image, can see how everything fits together and in this way, the higher beings (I think) are navigating things on this Earth for this amazing knowledge to be unburied and used once more…
Speaking of the Pyramids, anyone trying to astral project there at this time? ;-)
Yes, this is a good find. Thanks for sharing it Julian.
Thrilled to read this!! Many thanks to everyone that has helped bring this book to life.
Roy and I will be traveling to visit family in the States on July 4 and the book will be arriving there July 5. That worked out wonderfully. Though maybe the family would be less than excited… “Hi!! So great to see you all again. Very happy to be here. But, you see, there’s this book… catch you later,” hahah.
Got it for $33, as recommended, but I do see other Amazons that have it double the price, so hopefully over time that settles.
I wanted to say that just today we did a practice together, and I was considering how much we’ve fallen out of rhythm with daily practices, or even a consistent routine. I enjoyed it so much and felt keenly that it was important to correct course and revive our better habits 😊 We make ourselves too busy, I feel, and definitely not always in the most effective/constructive way. It’s a challenge to go against the current of thoughts and be mindful while doing the day-to-day things, and this just adds to the tiredness at the end of the day, on top of feeling like not much (or not much important) was accomplished. Not frequently, but enough that this stands out for me. I know that when the affinity to the spiritual is better nurtured, it’s easier to carry on that uplifting energy into the mundane, feeling more armed, so to speak.
So I just cannot wait to try out the practices of this book and delve deeper into what you and Mark have discovered, and likewise hopefully have our own discoveries as we rekindle these ancient customs together.
It’s obvious your efforts and work have many ripple effects, benefiting loads of people who truly value reconnecting with higher forces and elevating their Being while on this planet. It is so inspiring. Thank you for all that you do, and personally for reinfusing my life at just the right time with the motivation to keep going. It’s unlike anything else.
I wish everyone here joyful reading and success with exploring. ☀️☀️☀️
Hi Zorana,
I think a lot of us can relate to how you’re feeling with the challenges of going against the life’s current. It is such a great pull in the opposite direction away from the spiritual but on the other hand, I feel it’s also a part of learning opportunities if you’re aware of it. It seems to be serving some kind of a purpose – as every time we are where we don’t want to be and then get up and carry on we are learning to be more compassionate and understanding towards others who also maybe go astray for some time..Then, the next time we can just feel deep inside:”oh I’ve been there,I understand ” …
Hi Zorana & Tina,
Yes, it’s important to have some kind of routine that connects us with the spiritual, otherwise it’s easy to instead be drawn towards pointless pleasures, as a means of escaping the tedium and mundane repetition of daily life.
When similar events repeat ad infinitum and opportunities to access spiritually uplifting environments are limited, it becomes even more important to nurture the spiritual within ourselves in whatever way is possible. So rather than looking forward to escaping by watching a movie, using social media, or various other popular pastimes, there can instead be a more valuable reward from spiritual engagement. This in turn breaks the repetition of a mundane life and gives a more spiritual foundation throughout the day to build upon.
I also hope the new practices in the books will bring opportunities for to feel more connected with the spiritual for those trying to incorporate them into their lives.
This is so exciting! Congratulations on completing this huge endeavour — the scope of topics you outline is mindblowing. Well done, Lara and Team. I’m eagerly awaiting the book’s arrival at my doorstep :)
Great news! Thanks so much for this. I am looking forward to starting to read it. These are some really interesting topics! The estimated delivery time from Amazon.com is between July and January(!). Fingers crossed it will arrive sooner rather than later.
Such an incredible accomplishment!!
Thank you so much Mark and Lara for bringing this into the world (and major kudos to all who helped make that happen!). It feels really needed and it’s very exciting it’s here.
I cannot wait to dig in and explore it! :)
This is amazing news 🌞 Something colossal coming, indeed! I mean, this amazingly comprehensive book is obviously just one part of the deep wisdom of the Religion of the Sun that is now slowly but surely coming out (like in the dream that Marco shared). It really gives me chills, as I have always thought that this kind of knowledge should be “planetary” so to speak, and not just constrained to a small group of people. And even though most people probably won’t go to its very depths, even just knowing about its principles has a potential to change the society, as its many truths may become mainstream over time, therefore creating a more conducive environment for spirituality on this earth… I think I will drink a ginger ale tonight, to celebrate with my husband and a friend who is also interested in this knowledge. 🍹🎉 Thank you very much Mark, Lara, and everyone who helped for this to happen.
Cheers! 😊
Super exciting to see this book arrive and to hear about all you’ve discovered. It sounds like a monumental effort. Can’t wait to read it!
It’s great to see the book published and out there!
I’ve been getting reports that some of the regional Amazons (like Australia and Canada) are charging way more than our recommended price (which is listed on the book page).
When a book is released it can take a few weeks for it to become fully available on retailers’ websites. With the regional Amazons that are charging the high prices, it looks like it’s sellers on Amazon that are doing that – they may be doing it because the book is new and ‘rare’. With time hopefully Amazon themselves will list the book for sale and sell it at our recommended price.
I’ve been trying to find regional booksellers and have been putting them on the book page as an Amazon alternative. Some of them sell the book at our recommended price and do international shipping. I’ll add more to the list as the book becomes more available.
Hopefully in another week or so listings on regional Amazons will stabilize and be set at a more normal price and the book will be available on more independent booksellers’ sites.
The book sounds incredibly comprehensive. I love the illustrations in the video as they really bring the topic alive and are so inspiring. I’m really impressed that you are bringing together what feels like all the possible information on OBEs in one volume, and with very solid authority. I’ve been wondering about things like alien abductions and especially the use of psychedelics in ancient times as it is becoming such a hot topic now in some spiritual spheres. Like how it has been recently written for example that the brewing of ayahuasca was taught to the locals by the wisdom bringers, as a way to keep the connection to the divine open, and how its recipe is so specialized that they couldn’t have come up with it through accident. But it seems problematic and doesn’t add up for me. And how the use of psychedelics like certain mushrooms is connected to shamanism and it worries me that for example in my culture, people looking into our ancient spiritual traditions where shamanism was strong seem to be embracing it and wanting to bring it back as they argue that it was the psychedelics that enabled the ancients to have the experiences that they did. Anyway, I’m sure you cover all this extensively in your book!
Of course, more than anything, I’m looking forward to learning about ancient accounts and techniques of OBEs and how they connect to sacred sites. It sounds absolutely magical.
Hi Laura,
Yes, I agree the topic of psychedelics is an important one to include. Unfortunately, their use seems to be very much encouraged in some spiritual circles and is advocated by some very intelligent and knowledgeable writers, such as Graham Hancock, who has in other ways made a great contribution to understanding our ancient past.
I feel psychedelics are a double edged sword though. They may promote some changes in brain function, which give rise to creative ideas, or experiences that seem spiritual in their nature. But they also have a dark flip side, with sometimes devastating consequences.
I’ve noted this particularly within their use by those in the 1960s counter culture, including for spiritual exploration. I find this a very interesting era and still love a lot of the music from it, due to its inventiveness and often high quality of melodic, harmonic and lyrical writing and musical arrangement.
But some of the most talented songwriters and musicians of the psychedelic era also suffered greatly over many decades, as a result of their LSD use, most notably the original songwriters of The Beach Boys and Pink Floyd. Tragically, the original drummer from Jefferson Airplane also attempted to seriously maim a bandmate with an axe, whilst in the grip of a drug-induced psychosis.
It seems uncommon for musicians from the ‘60’s counter culture to have not tried psychedelics, as it was so much an accepted cultural norm. Perhaps one of the most notable exceptions though was Frank Zappa, who remained staunchly anti-drugs, despite many assuming his creativity stemmed from their influence.
In fact, despite mainly being remembered for his sometimes silly or offensive lyrics, he was one of the most prolific composers of this era, including many complex orchestral works, leaving around 130 albums to date (not including compilations) with many more unreleased works still in his vaults. It seems unlikely that someone engaging in regular drug experimentation would produce a comparable body of work.
Having also written music since childhood, I can say that being intoxicated is not in any way necessary to create novel ideas of quality. In fact, the only song I wrote while not sober was of fairly low quality melodically and lyrically. Instead, I’ve found the most inspiring moments have often been at times of peace and clarity in nature, where ideas have popped into my head, to later be developed.
Ringo Starr from The Beatles also commented on the same thing, that if they played inebriated in any way, the music became substandard. George Harrison also mentioned putting some drops of LSD under a microscope and realising that it looked like old rope. He said he didn’t want to put that into his brain any more.
As it was also very socially acceptable to experiment with psychedelics in my late teens and twenties, I’m relieved I followed my instinct to not follow the group norm, as I’ve also personally known people seriously impacted by the negative impacts of their use. This is why it’s important to present a balanced perspective on the pitfalls of their use as a spiritual tool, as Mark and Lara have done in this book.
I received my copy of the new OBE book recently and am impressed at how comprehensive and detailed it is. There is much to learn and absorb, so I will give it the time it deserves in a quiet space to reflect on its various topics and practices.
I read through the short section on schizophrenia and thought it’s worth clarifying the previous comment I made about a musician attempting a serious assault during a drug-induced psychotic episode, as I’m aware that the public perception of people suffering with schizophrenia is that they are often dangerous and violent, which I’ve found is usually far from the case.
Greek speakers will recognise the origins of the term schizophrenia as “split mind”. But it’s unfortunate that many people associate this with multiple personality disorder, such as in Jim Carey’s ridiculous depiction in Me, Myself and Irene of a “Jekyll and Hyde” character.
Instead, the split is between the logical and emotional areas of the brain, which most of us have also experienced ourselves during dreams, where illogical and bizarre events can take place and yet seem entirely plausible whilst in a dream state and yet so ridiculous when we wake up. I’ve heard psychotic illness referred to as a real-life dream, but also as a living hell, due to the distress caused to the sufferer, as can be experienced in nightmares.
However, having had close relationships with individuals affected by mental illness since childhood, as well as in professional settings, I’ve never known any of these to be violent. In fact, research statistics show that those suffering from mental illness are far more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators of it. This also matches my own observation, as several of those I’ve known have experienced assault, whilst in vulnerable states.
I haven’t been personally aware of anyone developing mental illness following dabbling in darker occult practices. Although the musician I mentioned had in interest in these, in addition to his drug use and I would certainly never suggest anyone engage in these activities, due to the other types of spiritual harm they may potentially cause. I have met other people who developed psychotic illness following drug use, however, as well as following periods of acute stress.
The genetic or epigenetic predisposition towards certain mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, also matches both my own observation and the published medical research. Epigenetic is a more accurate description, as not everyone who has a certain genetic inheritance goes on to develop a psychotic illness. Instead, such genes are often “switched on” through life events, such as the drug use and stress I have observed as triggers.
The population sample of mentally ill individuals within a forensic setting, which is described in the new book is outside of my own experience, as although I’ve worked on a mental health ward, I’ve never worked in forensics. However, the descriptions given by seriously ill and dangerous patients to the researcher in this setting do indeed sound similar to the “living hell” that I mentioned.
Outside of this forensic setting, I’ve never known anyone experiencing auditory hallucinations to report hearing demonic entities, although one reported hearing a bullying and distressing voice. One individual reported hearing voices of a religious nature, such as from Jesus and Mary, during a psychotic episode, along with other religious, but clearly delusional beliefs. Another also reported delusions that appeared to be “spiritual” during psychotic episodes, but which were mixed up with strong emotions of fear and bewilderment, combined with sometimes risky behaviour.
These cases of mental imbalance illustrate a similar point made in the book about psychedelic use, of how the waters can become very murky, in terms of mixing light and dark influences. This is also elaborated upon in the new OBE video, in which Lara describes the mixing of these influences in some spiritual traditions, unbeknownst to their followers.
Avoiding the potential negative effects of psychedelics plays a big factor in why I personally chose to avoid experimenting with them, as I never wanted to experience the distress and terror I have observed others go through during psychotic episodes.
Having known people report delusions and hallucinations they perceived at the time to be spiritual, but which later emerged to be misleading, is also a major factor in my focus on seeking objective and verifiable experiences, as it’s such a pity when sincere spiritual seekers can be led astray down blind alleys by their own subconscious, believing this to be divine guidance.
I think the new book should give many people a good opportunity to investigate spiritual matters in an objective way, which they can verify as being accurate. Ultimately, this carries far more weight and value than any number of beliefs or ideas. I’m grateful for such a thorough guide to have been collated from such a diverse range of spiritual sources, which allows many to experience these spiritual realms objectively.
Wow! This is terrific news Lara! :) And what an achievement for you and Mark! The page length exceeds Ancient Solstice, which was already a weighty tome. But I know that, as with the summer solstice video, there will be a wealth of information condensed into the most salient points, with probably much more that simply couldn’t fit within the existing page length.
I’ve just ordered a copy and very much look forward to reading it. The topics each sound intriguing and will be an excellent introduction to OBEs for new practitioners, as well as providing further inspiration and ground-breaking information for those already familiar with the subject.
Thanks to all involved in bringing this book to fruition! :)
Wow! I never expected a book of this kind could be published! Look like some really meaningful stuff! OBE is an ancient practice that has existed for in many cultures around the world since ancient times,and researching it must have required really intensive work! Thanks again to the Atwoods who have put in the time and effort to make this possible! Also looking forward to the upcoming videos,since they would be helpful to people like me who doesn’t like reading long written texts in books and am more of an audial-visual learner;) Personally I’ve always struggled to successfully astral-project,I’ve seen tips on the Internet regarding how to do it,but almost everytime I tried I either fell asleep or got struck by a sense of fear that arose when I felt when I was just about to leave my body(just can’t get over the fear of what I might encounter in the astral realm) So in the end I just gave up on practicing this altogether. Although I do have some experiences with lucid dreaming and contemplating in a hypnotic state(especially when I’m drifting off) I do think I receive messages from the Great Beyond through dreams in general also. Would be interested to see what do the upcoming contents have to offer.
I’ve found a similar thing Emily, as I’m pretty much in the same boat as you with astral projection. I’ve had a lot of lucid dreams and noticed the signs of the astral split taking place, but never actually gone through the complete experience. I hope this book will also be useful for me in learning new techniques that may help me to make a break though, as well as better understanding dreams.
I’m also more of an auditory learner and can be a fairly slow reader, depending on the depth of the text I’m reading. So the videos are also helpful for me, as I can absorb information more quickly. I’m also looking forward to the new videos as they become available.
The books of course very valuable too though and provide an alternate means of conveying information to the videos, with the opportunity to cover a much broader scope. I can imagine it would take a whole series of videos to cover the details of just one chapter of the books! The depth and richness of the texts coveys the level of care that’s gone into their writing. But they also clearly convey complex information in an understandable way, which should hopefully make the new book accessible to many who are curious to learn these techniques.
Wow! Great news 😃
Thank you so much for all your efforts, Mark, Lara, and everyone that somehow contributed to this amazing project 😊
Coincidence or not, I’ve been trying to deepen my Astral experiences for a few weeks now – such a book is an enormous inspiration to me.
It’s ready – a momentous occasion! Congrats!
Looking forward to getting a copy.
Thank you all for your appreciation. Thank you so much for your patient and caring support over so many years that has enabled such a book to happen.
This is cause for some major celebration! 🎉🎉🎉
It’s truly incredible, to have the chance to absorb the wealth of wisdom from Mark’s spiritual experience, along with the new discoveries and research that has poured into this, of what seems nothing short of extraordinary. I am so excited to dive into all these colossal themes on the topic of Out-Body Experiences and have the beautiful opportunity to go deeper and deeper into the magic of life, light and spiritual experience. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the work that has gone into it. There is not enough gratitude to convey, really really can’t wait, thank you, thank you! ❤️
662 pages oh my gosh! !!
Dear Mark and Lara, thank you so much for your work, what an incredible gift for humanity!
I wondered a lot over the years about the topics you have explored and would love to read your new insights.
Also I am very inspired in apparently great practical value of this book, there are so many interesting things to read and ponder about, but how much greater is to have knowledge from one’s own experience.
Wah, finally here. Have so been looking forward to this book and all that it entails. To help open up that connection to the other side through practice.
I didn’t expect this comprehensive of a book! I knew something with practical exercises was coming up, but this sounds to be ‘the’ book on the whole subject, like something absolutely major landing in the field.
Cannot applaud your unwavering forward moving work enough. And Mark’s foundation of knowledge. Too many tasks and efforts to say thanks for, but for now
Can’t wait to explore the individual parts and bring them to life. 🌅
Dear Mark & Lara,
What a phenomenal moment! We ordered our copy earlier today and I just can’t wait for it to arrive.
The information and topics covered are so deep, complex and intricate, it is amazing you could do it in under 3 years! I’m sure it must have felt too long on your side, but really, what you covered is so comprehensive. And it’s hard to imagine the efforts and sacrifices that it took to get it to where you made it all happen.
Thank you so much, both of you, for enduring and persevering and bringing back this knowledge for our modern underdtanding.
Thank you to everyone working behind the scenes to publish it. Amazing job!
Thank you Geraldine, yes it has been such a long road to reach this point, that it’s hard to believe we are here. Maybe we are dreaming? :-)
Incredible. Can’t wait to get it in Australia. Thank you to Mark and Lara and everyone involved.
What an achievement. So happy this book is finally out!
A big thank you Lara to you and Mark for all your efforts to bring this knowledge back so comprehensively. This will be THE book on OBEs. It’s bound to make a profound difference in our world I’m sure.
Well done and thank you to everyone who worked on this in some way and helped to bring this tome to fruition.
Can’t wait to read it.
Yes, I agree Matthew. It looks like this book will become THE resource on OBEs and I do hope it’ll make a difference in the world for all who seek the knowledge contained within it.
Fantastic! I’m so excited about it. Congrats and many thanks Lara and Mark and to all who contribute and make it happen :)
That’s very exciting news. Can’t wait to get a copy and dig into it!
This is such great news, thanks to all!
A long awaited book!
It has been a while in the making too!
Thank you Mark and Lara and the team at Sakro Sawel and Sura Ondruna publishing.
Wow, this is great news! Thank you Lara and Mark, and everyone involved in the project. Looking forward to start reading the book!
So excited about this new book release, the content covered is fascinating and can’t wait to read it and find out more! Thank you very much Mark, Lara and the incredible team for such a wonderful book. Peace to you all!
I’ve been refreshing this site waiting for this announcement. 662 pages, wow! So much of it sounds so new, and so relevant. The questions you address are ones people are grappling with regularly these days, in search of a mystical path.
I’m interested to learn what scientific understanding you’ve come to for OBEs. I recently came across a video (here: https://youtu.be/QXElfzVgg6M?si=0v5m2Giks0UOfm2T), where it’s suggested that consciousness may be related to micro-tubules inside neurons (and the body), which when arranged in crystal lattices unexpectedly produce quantum effects, and possibly release biophotons that have some kind of brain function. Honestly, it’s so far over my head… but the connection of light, geometry, quantum effects (and thus other dimensions), it intrigued me and reminded me that just because science can’t explain OBEs or even consciousness now, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I think I’d be more interested in science if I didn’t feel like it was always being weaponized against the kinds of things I know through personal mystical experience.
Wow! Fantastic news! Thank you very much Lara and the team, and I really look forward to reading the book and to give my inner journey a boost. Happy days!
That’s lovely Slawek and sounds inspiring. I’m glad you were able to experience it.