This is my second interview on the Voice of Islam radio station, which broadcasts out of London. I spoke live on the Drive Time show again, this time about “time and dreams,” which was the theme of the hour long show involving a number of guests. Once again, a very nice experience with some really intriguing and thought-provoking questions. You can listen to my segment from 33:35 – 45:17.
Thank you again to the Drive Time producers for organizing it.
Hi Lara,
I was wondering a bit about a topic which hasn’t surfaced for a while, that of the ET presence on earth, currently, but also possible evidence for it in the past and its interesting relation to the religion of the sun cultures.
It is not something I’ve been looking into, but my hope is that you and Mark have the material available to use in order to show what element it plays in our story, because it is a part of it. For me, even though I’m not researching the subject or trying establish personal contact, every now and again they on the other side grant some experience or dream, often with that sense of ‘hey, know that we’re still here’. One such experience was about 6-9 months (?) back, when things felt bleak in the world and within I felt the same. During sleep the sky was completely covered by a layer of grey cloud and that’s all anyone could see, but then afterwards I could see that behind it the sky completely filled, the whole field of view with an armada of ships. I think I’ve read someone mention something similar before as well. But the message was mainly one of support. Feeling quite lonely in the face of the difficulties and darkness going on, but that really just beyond humanity’s perception, which we’re virtually oblivious to, they are there. So close. They were completely aware of earth’s situation, but it had to sort of play out.
Btw. maybe I’m also myself creating some confusion by categorising with the ‘extraterrestrial being’ designation, it’s all part of the same force, it felt – in that experience for example – like they move completely in accordance with divine will.
Anyway, again, I hope you have the material available, of the latest discoveries of such ancient (and modern) ET contact to work with.
I thought with China’s long track of keeping historical records there might be some mention there. Two accounts I happened to come across, but maybe there are many more.
“So far UFO experts in China have found more than sixty such mentions of ancient books. Some are very brief passages consisting of only a few sentences; others run as long as several pages. To be sure, some of the records are ambiguous, explainable either as astronomical or atmospheric phenomena or as UFOs; but there are also some accounts so vivid that they seem to describe a craft from another planet before our very eyes. For example, there is an astounding account in Dong Tien Ji (Peeping on the Sky) of the Tang Dynasty (618—907):
In the Tang Dynasty a celestial ship, over fifty feet long, was found and placed in the Ling De Hall. The ship gave out a metallic sound when struck, and was of very hard material which was rustproof. Li Deyu, the Tang Prime Minister, cut over a foot of a slender long stick of the ship and carved it into a figure of a Taoist priest. The Taoist figurine flew away and then returned. In the years of Emperor Daoming, the figurine disappeared and the ship also flew away.” p.68-69
“In the years of Emporer Jiayou (1056—1064), a UFO as bright as a pearl often made its appearance over the prospering city of Yangzhou of Jiangsu Province, particularly at night. At first the object was seen on a lake in Tienzhang County in eastern Anhui and later on the Pishe Lake northwest of Gaoyou County in Jiangsu. Subsequently it was often seen by the local inhabitants near the Xingkai Lake. One night, a man living by the lakeside found a shining pearl close by while studying outdoors. The object opened its door and a flood of intense light like sunbeams darted out of it, then the outer shell opened up, appearing as large as a bed with a big pearl the size of a fist illuminating the interior in silvery white. The intense silver-white light, shot from the interior, was too strong for human eyes to behold; it cast shadows of every tree within a radius of ten miles. The spectacle was like the rising sun, lighting up the distant sky and woods in red. Then all of a sudden, the object took off at a tremendous speed and descended upon the lake like the sun setting. Yibo, a poet of Gaoyou and a frequent eyewitness of the moonlike pearl, wrote a poem about it, but after some years the moonlike pearl disappeared. As the pearl often made its appearance in the town of Fanliang in Yangzhou, the local inhabitants, who had seen it frequently, built a wayside pavilion and named it “The Pearl Pavilion.” Inquisitive people often came from afar by boat, waiting for a chance to see the unpredictable pearl.” p.69-71 ~ China’s Major Mysteries: Paranormal Phenomena and the Unexplained … By Paul Dong
Wow, some great historical accounts of UFOs in China. There must be many others like it. I think the time for focusing on extraterrestrials and their connection to the religion of the sun will come – there is still a lot to establish first with the practice.
The similar experience to yours may have been mine? Or maybe others have seen something similar too? In a lucid dream I looked at the sky at it was absolutely filled with UFOs of lots of different kinds, all speeding here and there across it. The impression I got is that they are extremely busy working here on Earth, and like you say, are very much there but invisible to sight.
Hi Lara & Akira,
Very cool to read about your experiences with ET’s. I’ve recently been looking into this again, my interest was re-sparked as myself & partner happened to see a UFO a few nights ago (in the physical). It was brief but certainly not anything we could explain. Something very bright and moving very quickly was in the sky before us and went behind a pine forest bordering our place.
It seemed similar to another experience I had quite a few years ago while travelling in Mexico. I was invited to trek far into the forest to meet a Mexican family that lived there ‘the old way’. Night fell, a friendly group of nomadic people arrived. There small house was set on the hill which looked across a vast forest, right across the tree tops. They had no power or really any modern technology. All of a sudden a super bright light shone down on us from above the tree tops, making no sound. It was really startling after not seeing any kind of light, apart from an open fire on a dirt floor inside their home.
They said in Spanish ‘the light people are back’. After a few minutes the light (& craft) completely disappeared.
I’d love to learn how our extraterrestrial friends relate to the Religion of the Sun. Just from what I’ve seen there are many historical references (E.g hieroglyphics in Egypt).
I’d also love to learn how to call them, Dr Steven Greer seems to have some great success. I’ve only seen them in the astral a few times from afar, never had the privilege of meeting any.
Your experiences to me are reassuring. Nice to hear you got the impression Lara that they are busy here working. I told my neighbour about what we recently saw & he said ‘great, we need a lot more intelligent life forms on this planet ” which I totally understood what he meant by haha
Hi James, I had wanted to write that I was happy to read your message. I think it’s really good if people with the inclination towards it (and wish) could take on researching the evidence for ET involvement more seriously. I think this could be an important contribution for the bigger picture in the future, and to then at some point provide the information how it fits into the rots spirituality and humanity as a whole.
Thanks Daniel for that childhood mention, so cool, and Vadim too for this and previously shared experiences.
Even if thin it seems a thread of connection to them still remains through some people. I think it’s important for the rest of humanity, for us all, that the people who are able maintain that line of communication.
Hi James, I have also been thinking of replying to your post, as its so cool! But I thought, I have been already commenting maybe a way too much here, and maybe better to let other people comment… But anyway, I really liked how the people in the remote Mexican area you described called those ETs “the Light people”, so nice! So rarely we hear somebody calling them “people” at all, yet alone the Light people. :-) I also have an impression, that somehow the people in the South America are more open to this phenomenon, and that these sightings seem to be more common there, but it may just be a subjective feeling.
Some time ago, I read the experience of Carlos Diaz about the “Ships of Light”, which is now a well-known case. I really liked how he explained the communication he had with those beings, which lasted many years (not sure, he may still be in contact with them). He said he always felt some sensation in his solar plexus area before his meeting with them. Also as his case had become more known, he was studied by a psychiatrist, who concluded that he didn’t find any abnormalities in his psychology, quite contrary, found him to be a very nice human being.
Also like you, I have also wondered how the ETs are practicing the spirituality of reuniting themselves with their Being/Sun, and how we could have a little bit of common ground here… In one OOBE some time ago, I met a girl (unfortunately, I don’t know for sure if she was from another planet as this part was not clear) who told me that spiritual awakening was very difficult for them too, so I guess there are different beings at different levels out there.
Hi James,
That’s a vivid account of UFO phenomenon in Mexico and interesting that the local people were already so familiar with these occurrences! The bright light moving quickly in the sky is also interesting and reminds me of some reports of similar phenomena by an atheist family member who is super sceptical and wouldn’t usually believe in anything otherwordly, but couldn’t find any other explanation for these events so had to accept their validity.
I observed an intriguing event that could have been ET related when I was walking in a rural area, where ET sightings had previously been reported. There was a star in the sky and another identical star was moving towards it. Then the moving star just stopped still, in a straight line from the first one. Shortly afterwards, another moving star appeared, then stopped still in another position. So now there were 3 stationary stars, which together formed the shape of an equilateral triangle or pyramid.
Like my sceptical family member, I tend to look for the most logical or rational explanation for unusual events before considering otherwordly influences. But the 2 moving stars were clearly not planes, as planes are usually identifiable by their landing lights and don’t just move slowly through the sky and then stop permanently! My mind went to the possibility of some kind of satellite, but even geostationary satellites that are designed to move in synchrony with the earth’s orbit appear as permanently stationary from earth, rather than gliding along and then just stopping still.
So in this case, it seems the possibility of otherwordly phenomena may actually be the most plausible explanation, particularly with the significance of the pyramid shape, which the 3 star-like lights eventually formed.
I agree with your neighbour, by the way, we really do need a lot more intelligent life forms on this planet! :)
Wow! I had a similar experience as a child.
I was in the Astral and saw the sky filled with UFO’s – very beautiful ones.
A few were parked. Some people were in panic and a few people were ok.
I just felt peace, so I approached one of the parked UFO’s with a loving gentleman very close to it – he was not from Earth.
I asked him if all would be ok and he assured me that yes, all would be ok. I then asked about my Earth family (at that time in my life I strongly felt my Earth family was not my real family and I had to find a way back Home, but I still loved them) and the gentleman assured me they would be fine too.
I felt so much peace and love coming from him.
I was in a dream last night, there was like a big tornado moving towards the place where I was, from more close distance, I saw that it was not a tornado but some type of a weird flying tower, like from a science fiction movie about the apocalyptic future. My room was checked with some monitoring device under the aim of a big machine gun. Then the soldiers started to repel on the ropes into the balconies nearby, when I looked closer, I saw that they were dressed in medical uniforms, full body PPEs. Imagine WHO uniting with the military and working under the complete directives of the occult elite…I really felt despair, but in the same time, looking inside myself, I felt a strong understanding that whatever happens, I can still say “NO” to things that I disagree with and remain a human.
In another dream later on, the same night, I saw the night sky full of different UFOs, one of them was a light “jumping” in space, another one was like a ball of light bigger than any planet in the night sky, another one was composed of different rotating mechanisms. I had my Yoga students around and I showed it to them and they were also amazed to start seeing all these UFOs. There were another wonders, something looked like a bright sun in the night sky, but another one was a full moon with a very beautiful light, like it was not reflecting the sunlight, but emanating its own. I said to everybody “BE PEACEFUL”, it really felt like these UFOs were a part of the great force, at least harmonious, and potentially helpful to humanity, but usually hidden.
Maybe my subconscious still affected my perception, but those were so unusual, out of my pattern of thinking, bright, clear dreams.
My understanding is to keep being focused on the inner work, trying to help the humanity in whatever way possible to wake up, and being open/receptive to any communication, cooperation with our brothers and sisters from the outer space and the higher dimensions of life.
Such an interesting feeling you got from your first dream Vadim – that whatever happens you can still say NO. I think that could be an important message; that maybe as bad as things will get, there will still be a way out for those who choose.
I have seen strange flying machines, very evil and very powerful, in my dreams too.
It seems what you saw in your two dreams were two major forces that are at work on Earth.
Hi Akira and Lara,
Thank you for sharing your astral UFO experiences. Its is so nice to know that the ETs are out there, watching us during these difficult times… I didn’t have any such experiences, but some time ago, I purchased a book called “The Chinese Roswell” by Hartwig Hausdorf – a well-known German adventurer who personally visited the area of Xian Pyramids in China back in the 90-ties. In this book, he mentions many UFO encounters that took place in China in 20-th century. He describes a mysterious UFO encounter of Nicholas Roerich in Tibet, as well as many accounts of the Chinese military with the UFOs.
One of the interesting military accounts described in the book took place back in 1978 in Gansu Province (this province, together with Xinjiang has been well known for numerous sightings of the UFOs). Here is the quote from the book:
“An unusually well-documented sighting, witnessed by hundreds of soldiers, took place on October 23, 1978, over the Air Force base at Lintiao, in Gansu Province. Fighter pilots and soldiers were watching an open-air movie, when shortly after 8 pm, just as the film was beginning, a strange restlessness came over the row of seated viewers. They found themselves looking up almost simultaneously at the cloudless sky, where a large object was crossing in an east-west direction. It seemed to have appeared first in a corner of the sky about 60 degrees above the horizon, then flew by swiftly over the heads of the crowd. Abruptly, the flying object was obscured by a row of buildings about 200 feet from the open-air theatre.
Everybody would later agree that the object had a large, elongated body with contours not recognisable in any detail. There seemed to be two searching lights attached to its front and a glowing tail stretching out behind. The front lights, along with the back glow, kept shifting in length and brightness, variably illuminating the fog-like cloud which seemed to surround the object. The UFO moved relatively slowly, at a height not very far from the ground. It was huge, covering 20-30 degrees of the field vision. It was visible for 2 – 3 minutes before fading into the evening sky.
What gives this sighting report a special credibility is not only the great number of witnesses, but the fact that a good many of them were unusually well-trained as observers. Every one of the highly-qualified fighter pilots attending the movie insisted after the sighting that the object they had seen did not in any way resemble a known aircraft… “
There are many more encounters described in the book, and interestingly, the author also mentions that after the fall of the Mao regime, the officials in China have been treating the whole subject of UFO encounters with unusual openness, even when compared with the normal practice of Western democracies. He says: “Its hard not to be impressed by the willingness of high-level military and government agencies to keep the populace informed about this phenomenon. In an unusually generous gesture, officials have even granted the public access to government archives and the records of private and government scientists – in short, to wherever accounts of celestial phenomena can be stored in word or image.”
@Lucia, Wow! I am genuinely surprised by the last paragraph. I would never have expected such an authoritarian regime such as the that of China, who censors a lot of information, would be so open with this phenomena. It is as pleasing as it is surprising. Thanks so much to you and Akira for the information you shared on this. I also really enjoyed reading Lara and Akira’s similar dream experience on the presence of these extra terrestrial beings currently on the planet.
Great to hear you speak Lara. I’m looking forward to any material that you and Mark can share.
Hearing the rich spiritual history of dreams and OBEs certainly inspires me to use my dreams as an opportunity to understand my own spiritual journey. I have found this particularly useful in these current dark times and truly appreciate the gifts I receive from these experiences.
Hi Lara,
It is great that you are sharing your insights on dreams! And shout out to the podcasters of Voice of Islam too for inviting you to share your thoughts on their show. And yes,I do believe that we can see into the past and the future through dreams because personally I have experienced prophetic dreams several times in my life and I also believe that we travel outside of our physical bodies during sleep because I can feel myself sort of floating outside of my body when I drift off. Speaking of prophetic dreams there are some recent experiences by Lingling which I believe may have predicted one of the major events going on in the world right now. So Lingling had been feeling sick for quite some time and have only recently gotten better. She was so sick to the point that we were worried she might not be able to make it through. Because she was in a state of great suffering I didn’t think too much of it when she messaged me that she had been having nightmares almost every night about “terrifying conflicts and bloody war”. This might be a vision of the war that erupted between Russia and Ukraine only recently and interesting enough, Lingling has only gotten better this week after the war broke out. She is also firm in the belief that what she saw in her dreams during the times that she was sick was indeed the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, although it was hard for her to tell where exactly the conflict was taking place in her dreams and all that she could say was that “the people were speaking in a language which I could not understand at all, my English is not very good but it didn’t sound like English either. ” She was already feeling really awful at the time,and her nightmares just gave her more anxiety. I tried my best to comfort her that it’s ok and she was having these nightmares because she had been so worn out by her sickness. She said to me she wished that was the case but she felt her nightmares meant “something deeper” although she couldn’t say in what way exactly. Now everything she dreamed about are starting to make sense to us though.
Hi Emily, nice to hear from you and Lingling, and really glad she is now finally doing better! It is very sad what’s happening in the world today (not just with the current war, but also what has been happening before, with the Covid issue and the vaccines), and I am afraid its only going to escalate. :-(
It also does not surprise me that sensitive people like Lingling have had premonitions about these things. I also had a symbolic dream indicating “a lot of death coming” just about a week or so before the Ukraine conflict broke out.
In any case, I am very happy to hear you are both still being guided and hanging in there, and how wonderful you can now perceive the transition phase from the physical into the astral clearly! Hope things will only get better for both of you from now on, and wish you a lot of Divine support, inner strength and healing. <3
I did not know it had gotten so serious with Lingling’s health – I am just so glad to hear she is getting better now. Please send her my best wishes for her full recovery.
I too had a terrible dream a couple of weeks ago about the large numbers of deaths with the vax so far, but even more death to come. If it were just related to the latest war (if it is to stay contained), then I’m not sure it would have been so dire, as although the situation is terrible, there have been so many other wars raging in the world that have cost many more lives recently, and are even still going. I just hope this latest war doesn’t escalate.
I agree Lara. Even the official numbers of deaths from these “experimental injections” has already far exceeded the numbers from any vaccines before. In fact, if there were any real control of this, these substances would not be allowed to be injected with this terrible statistics. Just the U.S. based VAERS (vaccine adverse reaction system) website has already recorded around 30 000 deaths and over one million of adverse events, and the numbers there are officially estimated to only represent around 1% of real cases ( Now not even mentioning how useless they are against Covid. It is a horrible crime against humanity, and even if it gets fully exposed one day, its not going to help all those who have suffered, or will suffer from it. Some also think that the war in Ukraine was started, at least partially, to divert the attention from these crimes and the death numbers.
I remember in one of his articles, Mark mentioned that the Darkness took over this Earth at some point, and that it will stay like that till the end of this cycle. Not sure if i remember it correctly, but I would hope that at least there would be some space left for the Religion of the Sun to spread, otherwise there is no point, is it…
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for all of your warm greetings! I’m happy to say that Lingling has already made a full recovery by now,and in a way this has been really miraculous. She was really sick just a while ago with no signs indicating that she would get any better soon. After the war broke out between Russia and Ukraine though,she made a speedy recovery that was outside of anyone’s expectation. She also stopped having nightmares about war and bloodsheds upon her recovery. It appears to us almost as if she had sensed some kind of change in the energy of the universe months prior to this tragic event that somehow made her sick. She bagan to claim as to having nightmares as soon as she fell ill, but her nightmares didn’t occur on a regular basis until just before the war broke out. I didn’t take her nightmares seriously though since I thought of them as nothing more than the results of her stress. After the war broke out though, everything really started to make sense to us as we saw reports of the conflict on TV and the Internet. Lingling even recognized some of the scenes shown on the footages and images of the war as being “eerily similar” to what she remembered from her dreams, only in a much more clear manner. She even showed me her dream journal as proof(I was not expecting her to have written down all the things she could remember regarding her dreams. She really likes to keep her dream journal personal and wouldn’t usually share it with anyone. She decided to share it with me this time tells me that she is indeed onto something) It is unknown to us whether her nightmares were a form of premonition,or were they some sort of divine revelation given to her by some spiritual beings out there who may have been watching over us. Lingling thinks it’s possible that her dreams were a form of revelation given to her on purpose by some spiritual beings, because these days while she has been intentionally meditating on this subject matter,a brief vision got into her mind which acknowkedged her that the area which the war is taking place is really close to where the Indo-Europeans originated, who played an important role in spreading the Religion of The Sun across the world. It is “deeply concerning” to her that the descendants of a group of people who used to adhere to a spiritual tradition so profound are now fighting with one another over worldly matters. And not only that Russia and Ukraine have a deep historical and cultural connection, but all the people of Western Europe and those who later immigrated to North America are all descended from the same group of people known today as the Proto-Indo-Europeans who originated from this area. Russians,along with some other Eastern Europeans and what came to be known as the West today have been antagonizing each other for centuries, She expressed her thoughts to me, ” Since they share the same Indo-European root, should they really be doing this to one another? ” I don’t know what to comment on her statement since my knowledge of the Indo-Europeans are limited,but what she says does seem to make some sense. Maybe she is being guided by some spiritual forces out there which lead her to come to this realization.
Hi Emily, nice to hear from you again. I also didn’t realise Lingling was in for the long haul, that must’ve been quite something… Glad that she was able to keep that connection to the other side throughout it, and that she’s out now.
I also hope you have been doing well. I read what you mentioned on breathing, no too long ago I wanted to know about it for myself too and had similar contemplations.
The bad stuff seems to go on and on, although I do think that some light will slowly start to poke its head out as well.
About the dream of your friend. (Although I have no strong sense this is what it relates to) it did remind of the mini, or artificial, sun China is experimenting with. “China has successfully completed the first test of its nuclear fision reactor, known as “Artificial sun” because it mimics the energy-generation process of the Sun.” Bit more about it here. Photo of the Hl-2M reactor. Apparently nuclear fusion is safer than nuclear fission, but still, creating ‘our own’ sun on earth, with extreme temperatures ten times higher than the sun itself, sounds like something to be careful with.
“The Germanic, the Slavic and other Europeans are all one family, should they really be fighting with one another? As just one person there is very little I can do,but the age-long conflicts really should end in some way, somehow. ” She said. I do agree with her on the part that in a world where it’s easy for people to create divisions and causing conflicts with one another, very few seem to be aware of the notion that “we are one under the sun”. That was also a message that the Foreign Old Man tried to send her while she had an OOBE earlier. Just imagine what a better place this world could be if more people kept that notion in mind! Another person from my small spiritual community who shall be anonymous here also received a spiritual message recently saying that humanity need to watch out for “mini-suns with smoke shaped like lingzhi”. This person refuses to give any explanation on this matter so it’s anyone’s guess what this could mean. Lingzhi is a fungus that is used in Chinese Medicine, and you can find a picture of it here: That is the only part of the encrypted spiritual message that I am able to understand, so I am unsure of what exactly that person is trying to tell others about.
Looks like a nuclear “mushroom” cloud to me… and so that sounds like a description of a nuclear bomb going off.
Europeans are all related, but you might be surprised to know that they are largely composed of 3 races to varying degrees, which began mixing at around 2,500 BC. Those races are more genetically different to one another than Europeans are to East Asians today. So Europeans are mixtures of what were very distinct peoples. I suspect there are also many unknown ghost archaic races mixed in that have not been identified, that are more prevalent in some European populations. As far as I’m aware, the latest genetic findings have also revealed that Europeans are more Neanderthal than they are Homo Sapien. Europeans are also 94 % ape, as is everyone. We are all one under the sun, but we carry a bestial nature within. So many people when exposed to truth, continue in evil. I fear that humanity may have amassed terrifying karma.
Hi Lara, according to your knowledge, who do you think is responsible for this “ape admixture”? I mean, why is it so high percentually, were there some Beings in the past who decided to play with humanity’s genome a bit, maybe making us more “sturdy” for some reason? It just does not sound like an “organic”development to me. Also, where do you think Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens originate from in the first place? And at last, it seems that despite all these alterations, some humans are still interested in spirituality and changing themselves for the better, and some even achieved spiritual awakening in the past, so it must be possible even with all this ape DNA. :-O
Regarding the wars and such, I feel that even though humanity indeed has some animalistic elements within them and tend to often react negatively and aggressively, especially when challenged, in general most people want to live in peace and to do their own thing. My feeling is that some crafty entities and shadowy groups have been working for a long time to take the important positions all over the world, and they move people like puppets with the intention of stirring conflicts and suffering, heading towards a dystopian future. The war in Ukraine seems totally set up to me as well, not something that would arise naturally, but something planned and executed. I have also been reading more on transhumanism lately, and its scary how openly and boldly some people talk about it, and how sure they are about pushing this forward and changing humans to half-machines. That would really mean an end to any spiritual potential I fear, as it would meddle with people’s free will, altering their reactions, feelings and overall biology.
It’s possible that there are some humanoids that developed due to evolution, some that were tampered with by a more advanced people on Earth, and those who cross-mated. We could be a mixture to varying degrees of all these things. Humans are more sturdy, because we are so well adapted to the Earth, but that also makes us more animal.
Even though it’s technically possible for people to spiritually awaken, it’s not exactly a roaring success here on Earth… Even though we have consciousness and a mind capable of awakening, with the high amount of animal, our emotions and instincts are much more powerful, and they easily override consciousness. But there are still good people out there, and people interested in spiritual things, and that’s why there’s a point in all this.
I agree that most people just want to live in peace and get on with their lives – but what do they want for the people they disagree with?
Hi Lara,
It’s interesting you mention that humanity, while having the spiritual potential to awaken and become enlightened,at the same time also have so much “animal stuff” inside of us such as our desires and emotions and tend to take over us for most of the time and override the seed of spirituality witin us. I like to think about these two conflicting aspects that both exist within us as a sort of “light” and “dark” parts of our nature. These two aspects of our nature are always in a tug-of-war struggle with one another and it looks like for most of the time,the “dark” part wins. But I wonder if this has always been the case for humanity for has it only started to being this way when spiritual decline began at the start of the Dark Age/ Kali Yuga. I wonder if people in the distant past might have been more spiritual than we are today and the “dark” part inside of them did not tend to overtake them as easily as we do. I have learned from the Buddihists that they do believe there used to be a time when people were a lot more inclined to spirituality than they do today, and there will be a time in the future when they will be like that again. They believe that the historical Buddha( known as Gautama or Sakyamuni Buddha) was not the first Buddha in this world and. certainly will not be the last. There used to be a Buddha who was born in the remote past when the maximum human lifespan was as long as 84000 years, and back then people of the world were a lot less overtaken by their desires than today, and it was a lot easier for them to hear and practice the Dharma because they were just a lot more spiritually inclined than us. As time went by their tendency for spirituality slowly declined and became increasingly overwhelmed by the three poisons in Buddhism(greed, anger and ignorance), they started to lose their moral conducts and became increasingly “evil” in nature, because they commited more and more negative karma their lifespan decreased as a result,and by the time Gautama/ Sakyamuni Buddha came into this world,the maximum human lifespan is only as long as 100 years. And it will continue to shorten until it reaches as short as 10 years, from there it will start to increase again as people living in a dystopian world simply have had enough with the suffering of this world caused by their desires, and they will rethink about their actions and start to change for the good. As a result their lifespan would increase again until it reaches 84000 years, and the cycle repeats. By the time the next Buddha, Maitreya Buddha is born in this world, human lifespan would have reached 84000 years again, at a time when people are a lot more happier than today, and are a lot less greedy and overtaken by the five poisons. While Buddhism is not an offshoot of the Religion of The Sun, it is clear that it was at least at some point, influenced by the Religion of The Sun( Hinduism perhaps? I don’t know about Hinduism as much as Buddhism since where I am there is a large community of Buddhists and I personally know some who practice Buddhism and have visited a local Buddhist temple several times) So is it possible that we have only become like this when the Dark Age/ Kali Yuga began? Or has humanity always been like this??? It doesn’t seem to me to have always been the case though because there are a lot of descriptions found in many different ancient cultures about a time in the very remote past when people used to be a lot more spiritually capable than we are today, and the darkness that existed within them did not overtake them as easily.
Hi Emily,
Buddhism contains many similarities with Hinduism, as Buddha had been a Hindu prince. But there is one major difference between them, and between Buddhism and the Religion of the Sun.
Buddhists generally deny the existence of a Supreme creator (Brahman) and that anyone has an eternal Being (Atman).
They follow a doctrine based on emptiness and non-self.
I did look it up on the Internet what does Hinduism believe about human lifespan and I found out at the beginning of Satya Yuga / Golden Age the average human lifespan was as long as 100,000 years, and just like told in many other religions people back then were a lot more spiritually capable than we are today and were a lot less overwhelmed by the darkness within them. So I do have reasons to believe that the fact that people tend to be overtaken by the dark part hasn’t always been the case throughout the long history, but has only become a fact since the start of the age of spiritual decline(I am not sure when exactly did that occur), and it wasn’t exactly like this before that. It seems that we are not living in the best times, but certainly there is still a teeny-tiny bit of hope in this dark age.
Hi Lara,
I do agree that the denial of Brahman and Atman is indeed one of the things that separates Buddhism from Hinduism, but knowing some Buddhists and learning about their religion have still be an eye-opening experience for me. I have been really intrigued by what they believe about the change in human lifespan overtime as their spiritual level changes. Like how they believe when people are most spiritually capable their lifespan can be as long as 84000 years and when they have completely forgotten about spirituality and righteousness in general their maximum lifespan would become as short as 10 years. I have never dwelt so deep into this type of information before so I do find that very interesting. And also it is mentioned in many of their texts that when people lived longer, not only were they happier and experienced less suffering, but also were taller in stature. When human lifespan reaches its peak at 84000 years the average height of a person can be as tall as a mountain, and when the maximum human lifespan is only as long as 10 years, people would have been significantly shoter than now. I have heard of similar descriptions mentioned by other religious traditions as well, but never actually looked into them deeply and learned about the details. It was in Buddhism that I actually took a close look into this theory about the change in human lifespan and height, and how do they correspond to the change in the level of spirituality in humans. I didn’t pay much attention to this theory before, now having learned a little bit about it more via Buddhism, I do think there is some great spiritual wisdom in theories like this one and wonder could this kind of belief have been part of the Religion of The Sun,and later incorporated into other religions as well? And is it possible that people at one point in the past really did have a lot less darkness inside of them than we do today?
A few people that I know have reported seeing visions of a time in the distant past where people were living much longer and were a lot taller in stature. My first thought upon hearing this kind of claim has always been “Isn’t that what the Buddhists believe? Hmm… Or they weren’t the first ones to know about this…”
From what I can tell, there does appear to be a recurring theme throughout many myths and legends around the world that people in the past lived longer. For in stance, Yandi and Huangdi, two legendary leaders who are believed to have been the founders of Chinese civilization both lived for more than 100 years. According to legends of the Sumerians many of the kings who lived before the Flood also had really long lives. Even in the Bible it is mentioned that Adam,the first human to ever walk the Earth according to Christian beliefs, lived for as long 930 years and his children likewise had longer lifespans than people today. As for his lifespan the Bible doesn’t mention it but interestingly enough in Islam(which shares some similar beliefs to Christianity), it is believed that Adam was as tall as 30 meters! “Allah created Adam in His picture, sixty cubits (about 29 meters) in height. When God created Adam, He said go and greet that group of angels sitting there, and listen what they will say in reply to you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your offspring.
Adam (went and) said, ‘As-Salamu alaikum (Peace be upon you).’ They replied, ‘AsSalamu-‘Alaika wa Rahmatullah (Peace and Allah’s Mercy be on you) So they increased ‘Wa Rahmatullah’ .
The Prophet (ﷺ) added ‘So whoever will enter Paradise, will be of the shape and picture of Adam.
Since then the creation of Adam’s (offspring) (i.e. stature of human beings is being diminished continuously) to the present time.”
–Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 6227. Chapter name: Asking Permission
So it appears to me that it was common knowledge to many ancient cultures and spiritual traditions, even to the Christians and Muslims that people in the past really did live longer and were taller in stature. So it becomes a question to me that, do the height and lifespan of people increase and decrease periodically along with their level of consciousness? And were there times when people were less likely to be overtaken by the darkness inside of them than today? Is it true that at some point in the past,in was a lot easier for people to do spiritual practices and achieve enlightenment than today since they were less animal-like so to speak?
Ancient texts definitely say there was a more spiritual time in the past when the giants (the children of god) lived, and it may have lasted for millions of years. But their height and length of life declined when they interbred with other humanoids.
I think there were also much more spiritual times within known history. I would have much rather lived during periods in ancient Egypt, India, and even Greece.
I just rewatched Lara’s latest video where she talked about pale giants that used to walk the earth. Could they have been the same people as the ones who lived for a really long time and were really tall? I’m just trying to piece together all these information here.
I think the evidence shows they were the same people, and I write about it in the book. They seem to have been giant, moon-colored, long-lived, much more psychic, and possibly had elongated skulls. They were called the Children of God, and the children of the sun. It sounds like these were the people who predominated when there was a golden age, not humans.
Hi Emily,
There are many traditions that acknowledge these cycles of times and different human lifespans in them, including Hinduism, Buddhism, or even Greek, North American (Maya and Hopi), and probably more. Christian tradition also recognises that the people of the ancient past lived much longer than today, and that sinful life shortens our lifespan ( Once we start looking into this, we realise how many speak about this. And it does indeed look to me that it may be the heritage of the ancient religion of the Sun that got preserved in some of these traditions, even though maybe altered in some (for example the western traditions like Christianity do not seem to acknowledge the cyclical nature of time, but see it as linear). All these traditions also speak about regular catastrophes and the changes of these cycles of time, as Lara also mentions in her videos.
Regarding Buddhism, I don’t know much about it, but I did notice that they lack certain important concepts in their doctrine, which sound very serious to me. The denial of the existence of our own individualised Divine Being (called Atman in Hinduism) basically denies people the chance to merge with the higher parts of ourselves (which different mystical doctrines describe as waiting for us in higher dimensions). This gradual merging with these higher aspects is enabled thanks to the force known as Christ/Mitra/Spiritual Sun/Son, which acts as a mediator between the Divine and Human. Without merging with, and becoming one with our Atman/Divine Self, as I understand it, there is no eternal life for anyone, as the bodies decay and die one day, and our consciousness looses the remembrance of our past lives and has to be born again. I can see how Buddhist doctrine is really good at teaching how to break from attachments of material life, but in addition to this DEATH (of attachments, fascinations, anger, sloth, etc), there also needs to be BIRTH of something spiritual within, which is the inner Spiritual Sun that enables us to eventually merge with the Father/our own Divine Being. This birth has been described in different doctrines, including Taoism, even though in a veiled language.
In the Ancient Solstice, Mark explains:
“The trinity of Father, Mother, and Son, found so often in ancient teachings, represent parts of each person’s higher being. It is through the birth of the Son within, the spiritual fire and light represented by the Sun, that our spiritual potential can be realised, like a seed that finally germinates. This is what Jesus referred to when he said we must be “born again”.
There is much more on this topic written in this book, especially in the chapter on the spiritual meaning of the Winter Solstice (which is specifically tied to the Spiritual Birth on cosmic, as well as individual level), which would be too much to quote here, but which I feel is very important to understand for somebody interested in the Religion of the Sun.
I’ve been thinking about this. The Buddhists do seem to be good at teaching about detachment from the egos, but I can’t see any evidence for how they actually eliminate the egos. They talk about eradicating the 10 fetters, but I can’t see how they do this apart from trying to gain understanding, self-control, and maintain a certain state of mind.
I had a dream a long time ago where I saw a stairway reaching up into the sky. At the top of the stairs were mystical states and experiences. Upon the stairs were some Buddhist monks – they were trying to climb the stairs. But they were bent over in agony – every step for them was like walking on knives. Then I saw a married couple who practiced alchemy. They happily walked up the stairs with ease past the Buddhists and disappeared out of view.
Hi Emily,
People living over a hundred years is certainly enigmatic. I can only speculate that there must have been a higher purpose for their long life. Have you read the Kolbrin? I find it a really interesting exploration of an ancient past, and how many different races mingled, among them were giants, beast-like-men, and children of God and so on, trying to make their way. It offers a lot of thoughtful reflection to how the divine was pursued and even rejected/ignored, its a very large collection, and has some poignant teachings while unveiling a rarely discussed historical landscape of ancient egyptians, celts and early-christianity etc.
It does seem that in our current times, the pursuit of spirituality is scarcer and less paid attention to, than passed civilizations and eras. Looking at ancient Egypt and India, for example, you really see the pursuit and longing of the spirit at the forefront of society as seen in the remains of their ancient sites and texts.
Is it our advancement to materialism and technology, obsession with ideologies and indoctrination that separated people from worship and personal development? Hard to know what did it, but if generation after generation, people are less interested in “fixing” themselves, and more interested in pushing their ways on others, I wouldn’t be surprised, how over time, a new ‘purpose of living’ overshadows the ways of the past.
Hi Lara,
Your pointing out the high amount of ape within us brings up some questions for me. Until this discussion, I never thought much of it and I assumed that through the complex processes through which life evolved, having this much similarity with apes was of little concern. After all, the spirit is what really matters… But your comment on the “high amount of animal within” made me wonder if those genetic similarities actually make us more animalistic in general, even outside of the normal difficulties in awakening consciousness (since it is presumably extremely difficult for all beings everywhere)? Anyway, it’s certainly something I’m going to think more about now.
I think about it this way – is the spirit all that matters in a dog, a bird, or a gorilla? The body places limits on what that spirit can do, perceive, and experience. A dog can be a very nice dog, but it will only ever be a dog. It is not about to invent space technology and traverse the cosmos, nor go into samadhi or awaken.
What about someone who is mentally handicapped? The body places a profound limitation on that person, even though in essence their consciousness is no different to that of a perfectly fit person.
They type of bodies we have are very important; they need to be as good as they can for the awakening.
In the Stanzas of Dzyan, it says something like when the higher beings saw how the ancient divine race mated with bestial types on earth, they wept, and cried “this is karma!” and wondered what bodies they would reincarnate into.
Hi Lucia.
I think you did make a good point on the fact that Buddhism does not appear to address the Divine Self at all, instead it focuses on contemplating emptiness, which is what I have noticed that the Buddhists seem to be interested in. However, I do think Buddhism has some connection to the Religion of The Sun though, as some elements seen in the religion appear to be resemble that of sun worship. For example, Vairocana Buddha I talked about before,how his name means “the illuminator” in Sanskrit and how he has a special place in Mahayana Buddhism, the Buddhist school that is most widely practiced in China. I’ve tried to find out more about Vairocana Buddha but apparently the Buddhists are not willing to talk to me about what they know, they also seem to feel bothered when talking about the concept of the Spiritual Sun/Divine Self/Atman, as they think it’s something that is rooted in unorthdoxic traditions like Hinduism that clearly opposes to the teachings if the Buddha, which states that emptiness is the absolute reality. Their unwillingness to talk has made the interfaith discussion that I tried to initiate difficult to start, which in a way, clearly shows that Buddhism is not the same as the Religion of The Sun. I do think that it was at some point influenced by the Religion of The Sun though. As for Abrahamic religions such as Christianity and Islam, it does appear like you said that they somewhat preserved the heritage of the Religion of The Sun, but altered it in some ways, like instead of acknowledging the cyclical nature of time, they view it as linear. I did some research and found out that at least both Christianity and Islam claim the world was first created in an almost perfect condition, and with the wrongdoings of humanity everything slowly changed for the worse, and it will continue to be this way until the Day of Judgment comes, when God will return to Earth and make everything perfect again. It seems to me that they have taken a snapshot in the grand cycle of time and made their followers believe that this is the truth about our world. This alteration could have been made as a method of control, for the followers to these religions to believe that as long as they follow the lead of the Church/Caliphate, there will be a time in the future where they can live in an eternal state of peace and happiness without having to worry about suffering ever again. This worldview, however, does not accurately describe the natural order of things. Everything in the universe is subject to change, there will be better time ahead,but surely that time will not last forever as the followers of these religions might believe. It has happened many time before that humanity experienced spiritual ascension, and afterwards things started to degenerate again. And this cycle will always be repeating. But this narrative isn’t the best one to put out if you want people to submit themselves to your rule,since they will say “everything will eventually get worse again,so why should we trust you?” Christians today may believe the nature of time to be linear, but there is a verse from the Old Testament which says, “What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” –Eclessiates1:4 And the Old Testament was composed even before Jesus was born. So what exactly does this verse mean? It is likely that the early composers of the scriptures of these monotheistic religions knew about the cyclical nature of time, but did not put that into their narratives for that would make it harder to control the believers…I didn’t think a lot about this before, but fragmented knowledge of the Religion of The Sun can turn up in some unexpected places, if you look deeply enough into stuffs.
Hi Lara,
What you wrote about animal emotions and instincts being so powerful and easily overriding consciousness sadly matches exactly what I can see within myself every day. Remembering to oppose animal instincts and to be with active consciousness is very difficult because of the sheer and swift power of them. It seems a bit like trying to get a very heavy object to move – unless a threshold force is continuously applied, the object remains stationary or it quickly stops moving, or it even slides backwards. What I find helpful, if I remember it, is sincerely trying to put oneself in other’s shoes, and to feel genuine love, at the limits of own capacity, towards all humans and all living beings on this much suffering planet. And it may happen, that a glimpse of the beyond animal mercifully descends on us, which is the Great Love, which permeates everything and illuminates everything, and the consciousness is momentarily freed from the animal and so it experiences happiness and completeness. And when the Great Love withdraws, one realises how vast is the depth of internal poverty.
Perhaps relevant to the discussion is a simple experience I had. I never mentioned it to anyone because it involved a famous awakened being yet there was no overwhelming ‘oomph’ factor, so I felt it better to not speak of it. Also it wasn’t so much about me personally.
But what the experience was about was different and interesting. That being, together with their fellow brother, visited where I lived and they were observing me from a little distance. What they were doing was assessing how a soul that wishes to awaken and was working towards it was in fact able to within a current human body and way of the psyche of these times. What was the state of it, the suitability, to what extend was it still possible with a modern human body and mind. That was the information they were after in their investigation.
That was about ten years ago.
In my view we’re very close to it. Biologically, as discussed here, though I’m not an expert on that. But also in through the factors of current way of the world that shapes our psyche as we are raised. In that the change per generation is rapid now. Where being in the mind is no longer something someone could break out of every now and again, but will become a permanent prison.
What a very interesting experience Akira, and interesting timing too.
There was probably no “oomph factor” because it was simply something the Beings were doing, and they would have checked on many other people in making their assessment.
I would say that generally, things have gone worse than they expected with the spiritual work with humanity. It seems logical they would need to make that kind of assessment in order to inform their decisions about the future of the work and humanity, and just how viable it is. Maybe it’s part of what will determine how much they are willing to intervene in events and hold the worst of it back.
We are also in a race against transhumanism.
Maybe the religion of the sun is one big last shot; it feels that way, but I don’t know.
That was a great way of putting it Lara, about the capacities of the Spirit in different bodies. Indeed, our genetics matters, even though maybe not quite in the way we usually imagine. For example rather than striving to become super intellectual, its better to be gentle and non-pushy. With lots of animal within though, the beast within tends to take over even in the smallest situational opportunities. :-(
Thanks a lot for sharing this Akira! What you said about the mind especially rang true, and is something I am investigating a bit deeper right now too, trying to see what it would take to not WANT so many things, and not to PLAN so many mundane things and details, in order to free the mind capacity and live more in the present. It is not surprising to me now why the sages of the past searched seclusion and simple lives. Living in society is good for seeing what we have within, but on the other hand, when living in the society becomes too contra-productive to our inner life, then I would say the only way forward would be secluded communities of spiritual seekers living amidst nature. In that way, people would still interact with each-other and have a chance to see what arises within during different interactions and tasks, but everything would be geared towards awakening and there would not be detrimental things like too many phones, computers, etc. maybe a “computer room” somewhere would be ok for necessary things to interact with the world. :-)
Yes, it is very needed. In some places it is so bad now, people need to create parallel communities, especially where they have been ostracized from society because of their views, spirituality, v status, etc. These then also become the means through which good people can survive.
Hi Akira,
What an interesting experience you had. Lingling informed that the Foreign Old Man whom she met in her dreams also told her that they were doing similar work, although she did not tell me the details regarding it. It wouldn’t be surprising if the beings are doing these assessments on humanity during this period of time since everything nowadays have turned for the worse,and they would like to investigate on the spiritual practices of humans of this age in order to find out how much are they “willing” to awake.
Hi Lara,
What you said about married couple who practice alchemy has reminded me of a question that has been in my mind for a long time,that is what role exactly does romantic relationships/ sexual experience play in the Religion of The Sun? Does it facilitate or work as a an obstacle in the way of someone who does spiritual practices? For example some religions view sexual relationships as something that hinders spiritual development, such as Buddhism, and Catholicism apparently. Monks and nuns who devote themselves to religious practices full-time must remain celibate throughout their lives so that they can make progress. This doesn’t appear to be the case in terms of the Religion of The Sun though, although I doubt it works differently for different people. Lingling, for example, has said that she is feeling a lot more spiritually elevated now, after her ex-boyfriend, who had not been supportive of her spiritual work, is finally out of her life for good. She has also decided that she should indeed, focus more on spirituality instead of seeking relationship with the opposite sex. Her decision of not to engage in romantic relationship after the her breakup with her ex makes perfect sense to her personally, but how exactly does this male/female thing work in the general context of the Religion of The Sun? Is it something that gets in the way of someone’s spiritual practices or is it something that can serve as an aid in one’s spiritual development?
Hi Emily,
The practice of alchemy is fundamental to the Religion of the Sun, though it was usually taught more secretly. However, some of the clearest descriptions of it can be found in Taoist texts – particularly the Hua Hu Ching, and The True Transmission of the Golden Elixir. It’s described as a practice for husband and wife to unite yin and yang, as yin and yang give birth to all things. However, in this case the birth is not of children, but of the spiritual within because the energies are used inwardly, rather than expelled outwardly.
Many of the wisdom bringers of the religion of the sun were married – like Osiris, Odin, and the seven sages of India – and one of the main things they taught was monogamous marriage. There are also many clues that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple. There are multiple references across Gnostic texts to Mary as the consort of Jesus, and to them kissing on the mouth. There are also Gnostic texts that clearly describe alchemy, where they called it “the bridal chamber.” The practice was only to be carried out between a monogamous, loving couple – ideally married (though it seems there were cultural reasons why Jesus and Mary couldn’t be publicly married).
Although most Buddhists promote celibacy, you might be surprised to find out that there are Buddhist schools that use tantric sexual practices, but keep it rather hidden, like the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism that the Dalai Lama belongs to. They have the outward appearance of celibate monks, but they teach that advanced monks can use sexual tantra as a means to progress. They don’t have monogamy as a requirement though, and so can have multiple partners, and even be married and have other partners they use for tantra. I read that some Llamas were preying on young girls, and particularly Western women. As you can see, this is already going against the basic codes taught by the wisdom bringers.
For alchemy, it’s best to find someone who shares the same spiritual goals, as otherwise the relationship will inevitably come into conflicts since mundane life and the religion of the sun can go in different directions.
Maybe I can also share, once I had such a profound dream experience that shook me up deeply. At that time the spiritual organization that I was a part of, was collapsing, and I kept spending time and effort in praying for guidance.
Once when I was asleep, there was like a fog that got cleared and I saw very vividly someone whom I identified immediately as the Buddha (It could be the other spiritual being that took his presence).
The Buddha was surrounded by his disciples, there was an astonishing difference between them. The Buddha looked like a real Master, in great peace and clarity, naturally emanating calmness from his Being. And his disciples looked like ordinary people concerned about responsibilities/authority/proper behaviour etc, all psychologically asleep. The contrast was so striking.
Then a dog ran into the circle and jumped very high right on the head of the Buddha. The disciples looked confused and tense, but everyone seemed worried to take an initiative and say or do something.
The Buddha gently removed the dog from his head and let it run away, with the expression of the same peace that he emanated before.
When the dog ran out of the circle, his disciples looked even more tense on how to react to what has just happened.
Then the Buddha talked and his teaching greatly resonated in me, I woke up in tears. The words seemed to me to be his last teaching, as to summarize something that was the most important, and they were something like “THERE IS NO GREATER VIRTUE THAN LOVE, BUT THERE IS NO GREATER VICE THAN ATTACHMENT”.
I realized that there could be such a great difference between the level of the Master and the levels of his disciples, and that the essence of spiritual teachings could be lost even while the Master is still alive! Also I felt a deep yearning to travel/study/learn and discover more of these “Living Teachings”, learn from the Ones who Know, find the Truth for myself.
Thank you so much Lara for sharing your insights into the different esoteric subjects here. To say the truth, what you said about Jesus and Mary Magdalene quite surprised me, as I always thought that the theories about them being a couple were just some fringe ideas, and I also thought that Jesus kissing Mary on her mouth described in some texts was more of a symbolic act rather than a proclamation of marriage/sexual relationship. Anyway, would be nice if they were actually a couple, I guess there is only one way to find out for sure. :-)
Regarding what you said before about Buddhists not using any other technique for fighting their egos rather than self-control and maintaining a certain state of mind was also interesting. After thinking about it for a bit, I realised that in fact, Buddhism is not that far from atheism (after doing a brief online search I realised I am not the only one pondering upon this!). While in the Religion of the Sun the role of the Divine Mother in destroying our inner defects is emphasised as crucial, Buddhists apparently try to do it ‘all by themselves’, without calling the Divine for help, or practicing the spiritual Birth via alchemy. Since they don’t believe in the existence of the Divine/Higher Self, they also don’t have a technique for merging with it. All this then makes the spiritual awakening “painstakingly difficult” for them, as your dream has aptly shown. The fact that on some advanced levels they practice a sort of twisted alchemy with many partners does not help either… :-( Its really a tragedy seeing so many young people sincerely yearning for spiritual life entering the monasteries, only to be misguided, or even lured into the dark practices.
I didn’t think much about Jesus and Mary being a couple either until I read through the Nag Hammadi and saw references to it across a number of texts. The references did not sound symbolic at all, but like they were literal descriptions of events. I also found it interesting that Mary emerged as one of the most advanced in her understanding of Jesus’s teaching. There is far more to Jesus than what made it into the orthodox version of events, and this is just some of it.
Hi Lara,
Thank you so much for explaining alchemy and the importance of the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine in the Religion of The Sun! I could see why it had been taught mostly in secret throughout history since those who are not spiritually advanced enough to understand it might attack people who do this type of esoteric practice since they may not be able to understand the difference between alchemy and the kind of sex in a worldly sense which arise purely out of the animalistic desire of human beings to seek physical pleasure and to reproduce. The idea that Jesus and Mary were actually a couple would clearly trigger many Christians since the mainstream Christian doctrines teach that Jesus was not married and was celibate. His relationship with the woman named Mary Magdalene would make them feel even more unsettling since she was believed by them to be a prostitute who committed unrighteous acts. Sadly regarding the Taoist practices involving the Golden Elixir though, from what I have seen on local Taoist forums, it is apparent that while there are texts available out there which describe the practices of the Golden Elixir, the actual practices themselves are strictly outlawed by the current regime of the country, while other practices of Taoism which involve less esoteric aspects are allowed. It seems that the most esoteric spiritual practices can and will cause controversies because there are very few people who can understand them, and those who truly understand them may come into realizations about the reality we live in that might make those who are in power feel threatened, causing them to straight up banning these practices. I do not know any Taoist personally but I wouldn’t be surprised if some people in the country were practicing the Transmission of the Golden Elixir secretly;)
Scholars have worked out that Mary Magdalene wasn’t actually a prostitute. The idea dates back to a Pope in 591 AD, but even the Catholic Church has now rejected it. Unfortunately though the idea has persisted in popular culture.
The Golden Elixir practices are really the heart of Taoism. How do they justify banning them? I wouldn’t be surprised if they are practiced secretly there either, just as in ancient times…
Very interesting how it stood out to you like that from the Nag Hammadi texts Lara. If the accounts are true, then one would wonder why Jesus decided to display his affection for Mary so openly and so often that it made its way into so many texts… With his spiritual level, I would guess he must have had a special reason for doing this, as usually people don’t kiss each other in public that much, even if they are a loving couple. Did he, perhaps, want to make it clear that Mary’s status was different, even though they could not be officially married for some reason? Or does a kiss like this have a higher spiritual meaning? We know Judas also kissed Jesus, but that was a different type of a kiss, right. :-) But we also know that Judas was another most advanced disciple of Jesus, together with JMary… So I guess my question is, what’s up with all these kisses? :-O
In any case, I like this more romantic Jesus, it somehow feels fitting to the “Christ” force. :-) Now I am really inspired to find out more…
There is a lot of kissing in Gnostic texts. The culture was different, and apparently kisses were used frequently between early Christians. Because of this, scholars seem to have dismissed the lines about Jesus and Mary kissing on the mouth as either cultural or symbolic, since there is no evidence for their relationship in the canonical gospels.
However, my common sense impression from just reading the lines was that there was a romantic relationship between Jesus and Mary, even if it had not been formalized in marriage, and perhaps even the disciples didn’t know about it – as at least some of them didn’t know about other important things in Jesus’s life either (more on that in a forthcoming book).
We’re not the only ones to have thought about this. There are traditions that emerge just centuries after Jesus’ death of people who believed he was in a relationship with Mary.
Jesus certainly seems to have been a very loving person/being, which he expressed in so many ways, and perhaps one of these was his public affection for Mary. But their relationship remains speculation.
The Golden Elixir practices are in the very heart of Daoism, indeed.
From what I have encountered during my research and travel, there are at least 3 main interpretations of it…all of them are esoteric and are meant to be explained to trusted and serious disciples.
One of them is the actual sacred sexual practice between a committed or a married couple that stores and directs the energies inside.
Another one seems to be much more popular though, perhaps due to the influence of monastic type environments, saying “you can’t have sex without feeding desires” so “go home and make children, then when they are grown up, return to the Temple as a committed celibate and use the Inner Alchemy when ready, trying to become the Immortal.”
In that type of Inner Alchemy they believe that it is based on sexual energy, but also that there are both Yin and Yang forces within each individual (for example 12 main meridians of TCM are divided on 6 Yin and 6 Yang), and transmute saliva as well, the actual way of doing it alone is highly esoteric and dangerous, and should be taught only in the Temple. There are some contradictions in it for sure, I remember we were given a certain esoteric practice that should be done while “being aroused” yet no sexual activity was permitted, so for me and my friend it was not making sense and the SIfu could not address our concerns.
Finally, some practices are dark, perhaps not only because of sinister influences, but due to the absence of the “inner death from moment to moment”, so lust builds up with the build up of energy, and with time and influences of our modern society, brings the whole thing into its own weird and perverted directions.
Wow Lara, this is so amazing that you got to look deeper into this. Really looking forward to more info on Jesus revealed in your and Mark’s books! I have been actually thinking for a while about how great it would be if you could make a separate video on Jesus, as you have already covered quite a bit on the censorship of his teachings in your book. But now I see that there is much more to come! How wonderful it would be if you could make a dedicated video on another Wisdom Bringer (in addition to Odin), even though, of course, historically Jesus is the “youngest one” among them, and didn’t have to spread any civilisation in his time.
I have also been thinking about him due to what is happening in the world today, and how many people, when pressed by the circumstances, usually turn to him in their prayers, simply because the Western civilisation is traditionally a Christian civilisation, and the Christian faith formed European culture (even though now many try to question or belittle that). So I thought the Being Jesus must be actually very busy at these times, as so many are sincerely turning to him as the only trustworthy spiritual source they can think of in these crucial times when the Western civilisation is shaking…
On the other hand, there are also all those “know-it-all” Christians, who are only so quick to tell anybody what is the RIGHT way to practice Christianity, as they keep quoting different passages from the Bible to support their claims. It is these types, who react very negatively to any suggestions that contradict the traditionally accepted versions of the scriptures. The texts like Nag Hammadi are generally not considered something serious to quote, and of course, all “proper” Christians must despise Pagans, astral projection, or the existence of benevolent extraterrestrials.
Therefore, a well-backed and documented counterargument is much needed in these times I feel, for the sake of all those sincere people who would like to know the truth.
A video about Jesus is definitely on my list :-)
There is something else I thought to mention. One night, many years ago, I found myself in the astral at the painting of the Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci. The painting is not on canvas, but is a mural in a Church in Italy. However, the painting was three dimensional, and I was able to walk into it. I was surprised to see the person sitting next to Jesus was not John (as is commonly believed) but Mary Magdalene. I didn’t know this at the time, but apparently people have speculated about this because of the very feminine appearance of “John.” If true, it would mean there was a tradition that was preserved about Jesus and Mary, and which Leonardo knew about and concealed in his painting.
I remember watching a documentary years ago called “Jesus in India” or something along those lines. From memory it was very low budget but I still found that there were some very interesting ideas put forth. I’ve often wondered if Jesus did spend time in the east during his lifetime.
Hi Dave,
That’s right, there are rumours of Jesus spending time in different places, some more fantastical than others! Like for example have your heard about Jesus’s tomb in Japan? Apparently, he avoided the crucifixion, and ended up living in Japan before dying there. ;-) Looks to me that Jesus is quite a good business article for some, while others maybe want to appropriate him for spiritual reasons… In her book, in the chapter on Jesus and his connection to the Religion of the Sun, Lara says: “There are also claims that Jesus spent time in in Britain, India, and Tibet, among other places. While it may be possible that he did, the legends and texts used to support these claims are not considered historically reliable, and I personally don’t find them reliable either.”
She does, however mention Jesus’s likely involvement with the spiritual groups around the Dead Sea and the Middle East, like the Mandaeans-Sabians, or Essenes, during his so-called “lost years”.
Now I think its good to be open to all these accounts anyway, as there may be some partial truth to them, or maybe more info will emerge later, but for now, as Lara says, they don’t sound very credible…
There is much more to Jesus that is known by the mainstream… I remember seeing a short video, presenting the belief of Jesus surviving his crucifixion and spending the rest of his life in Kashmir.
In regards to his “missing years”, in Himalayan tradition of Yoga and Tantra, there is a belief that Jesus was taught in India and became a Rishi, but then was misunderstood, when returning back to Palestine.
The teacher who initiated me into this school, showed us the cave where Jesus is believed to spend 3 days of his life. Swami Rama (famous for his supernatural skills verified by the Western scientists) also wrote about Jesus in India in his book “Living with the Himalayan Masters”.
Another well known Yogic/Tantric tradition of India is connected to the wisdom of Tamil Siddhas – there is no information that Jesus was in the South of India, but he could meet their teachers. There is a book comparing Gnostic wisdom of Jesus with the teachings of Tamil Siddhas by Marshall Govindan. There are so many similarities… this book could be quite interesting to read for modern Gnostics, as it is not a “Gnostic view of Yoga”, but the “Yogic view of Gnosis”, just for a sake of a deeper understanding.
In the West, Rosicrucians are among the organizations that collected a vast amount of esoteric knowledge over a long period of time, according to them, Jesus (Jeshua) received a very important part of his training in Orissa.
Orissa (Odisha) is a very mystical (very Tantric) part of India, where the Temple of Surya in Konark is located.
Very interesting. I’ve noticed some similarities between Jesus’ teachings in Gnostic texts and the Upanishads – things that don’t seem like coincidence. He must have had contact with Hindu wisdom somehow. I’m interested to look at that book by Govidan you mentioned. Perhaps those comparisons are the closest to solid proof so far. If only there was some historical text or verifiable oral tradition.
There are so many influences from different traditions of the religion of the sun in his teachings; he must have been so open-minded searching for the truth. A very different person in many ways than how he is understood now.
The practice of the Golden Elixir sounds so complicated,and I’m still having trouble wrapping my head around it. It does sound like some kind of very serious esoteric practice though. Perhaps due to the fact that it is so hard to understand, the detailed knowledge regarding it is only given to a selected few. Practices of the Golden Elixir have been deemed as a babarous practice that is not so different from voodoo magic and human sacrifice by Taoists in my country,which they say do not reflect the true wisdom of Taoism. It is likely that they make this claim in order to avoid getting in trouble since those practices are banned, and how they truly view the practices regarding the Golden Elixir deep down is a whole other story. Recently I had been looking into some other practices that are easier to grasp and can be done alone though,such as astral projection. I’ve been practicing it for quite a while now,but still haven’t had a successful OOBE so far. Now I can feel and recognize when I’m drifting off that my astral body is detaching from my physical body, but when I try to be aware of that,I would always fall unconscious and remain that way until I start dreaming,by then which I would be totally unaware of myself in the dream state. I have practiced lucid dreaming too, which hadn’t been very successful either;( In fact, failing to do these practices having to do with sleep has caused me to have insomnia and unfortunately now I have to rely on sleeping pills to help me get better rest:( I am now taking a break from all of these practices and just trying to see if I can receive any message from the Divine passively in my dreams. It turns out that I have been getting some messages. In one dream a voice told me that the issue involving Russia and Ukraine is “much more complicated” than what people of the world think,and those who we consider to be our enemy may not really be the way we think they are. The voice said that most people on this planet are living in delusion,and the real enemy is hidden in the dark,which can be really sinister and hard to spot. I think it is similar to what Lara said before that there are some invisible dark forces that are working behind the scenes in order to achieve their agenda. Also,I have been informed that many of the terrible things which are happening in this world are signs that we are approaching the end of this era,such as the pandemic that has devastated the global society in recent years,as well as the ever-increasing natural disasters that are happening around the world. The volcano eruption in Tonga a while ago was ” Certainly not the first one of its kind,and there will be more. ” Also I saw something profound in my dream, one time there was a being,which I believe to have been an Egyptian deity, who had the head of a bird,and on top of its head was the sun. That being, along with a few others around him that had similar looks to him, had a very strong presence. Next to the Egyptian ones there were also beings from European mythologies which I cannot name since I haven’t done much research into them. There were also beings from many other traditions which I cannot name and they all stood in a line behind the bronze tree of Sanxingdui, with the symbol of the Golden Sun Bird on top of it. Among them, the Japanese goddess Amaterasu walked to me and said to me,with her soft and gentle voice,”You are seeing us here. We are all one and the same and we have been observing humanity for eons. ” She also addressed my Japanese friend,who has been wanting to see her but couldn’t do it because she isn’t ready to meet her, however there is something she wants to let her know so she needs someone to relay this message to my Japanese friend. That is to meditate on how Izanagi and Izanami gave birth to her,if my Japanese friend does that she might as well fulfill her wish of seeing her. She also mentioned the age-old conflict between China and Japan,”As with all conflicts,this issue must be resolved,and the religion of truth is the key. ” I asked her, “What is your stand on this issue? Are you pro-Japan?. Since you are Japanese? ” She did not answer. The sentence “When you observe the Earth from space,you see no border between countries, just chunks of lands and coeans” popped up in my head. She also said that everything the Land of Rising Sun is famous for in the world today,such as technology and anime,are leading the country away from its spiritual origins and that people must return to spirituality in order to rediscover themselves. After saying these words she walked back into the line they were standing and all of them ascended and disappeared into what I perceived to be the halo of the sun above my head. All that was left in front of me was te bronze tree of Sanxingdui and the Golden Sun Bird on top of it. Something told me that there is a lot more to China’s ancient history than what my people realize, and if I touch the bronze tree I will find out more. (this is interesting since in the real world those bronze trees,along with other artifacts are being displayed in a museum where you ate not allowed to touch them) I slowly walked towards the bronze tree but just when I reached out my hand to touch it,my connection to the astral realm/ dream world was lost,and I woke up. I did relay the message I received in my dream to my Japanese friend as Amaterasu asked via social media,she replied to me,” What does meditating on the act of Izanagi and Izanami giving birth to Amaterasu supposed to mean? I don’t get it. ” I replied to her that I don’t understand it either,for this is just what the goddess told me to tell her. She said,” Well according to our mythology Izanagi and Izanami are the ones that gave birth to the numerous islands of Japan,as well as a few other kamis. I don’t see how that is worth meditating…” Now going back to the discussion of alchemy, could this be what she was trying to convey to us? That the union of the Divine Father and the Divine Mother is what gives birth to everything in creation, especially the Spiritual Sun? Not sure if what is described in world mythologies of a creator couple giving birth to creations is symbolic for the practice of alchemy. And if that was the case then my Japanese friend would be in the right condition of carrying out such practices, because unlike Lingling,she is now in a relationship with a man who loves and supports her,and is interested in the Religion of The Sun just as much as she does.
So it may be as indicated in your dream, that we have entered what has been called “end times.” It seems this is a particular time of destruction in which every last chance is given for people to see the truth and repent from their evil ways. It also means there is not much time left to awaken.
It seems the Beings/deities appeared together to show that they all are part of the Religion of the Sun even though they are from different cultures. It sounds like if you continue in your research, you will find out more about the hidden history of the Religion of the Sun in China.
I think your interpretation of Amaterasu’s message for your Japanese friend is correct. As you say, alchemy has been symbolized in many creation stories in which a divine Father and Mother give birth to a divine Sun/Son. Husband and wife can unite the same energies. There are lots of statements about it in ancient Chinese texts, like the ones that follow.
“in nature Heaven (Khien/yang) and Earth (Khwăn/yin) operate together in the production of all material things and beings… All (material) things having existence, afterwards there came male and female. From the existence of male and female there came afterwards husband and wife.”
“Within the great cosmic process, the two ch’i—Ch’ien the father and K’un the mother — blend harmoniously and give birth to all creation. Therefore, it is said that in all creation only man is also thus. Man possesses a prenatal and postnatal nature. The prenatal is the spiritual father and divine mother; the postnatal is the mundane father and mundane mother. When the mundane father and mother have intercourse… this is called “the natural course.” When the natural course is followed, then the human fetus is formed and sons and daughters are born. When the spiritual father and mother have intercourse… this is called “contrary to the natural course.” If carried out contrary to the natural course, the holy fetus forms and birth is given to Buddhas and immortals. The principle of forming the holy and the human fetus is one and without distinction. The difference is simply one of following the natural course or going against it.”
There are similar things written in Gnostic, Hindu, Mayan, and Hermetic texts, like this quote from Hermes:
“Join the male to the female in their own proper humidity, because there is no birth without union of male and female.”
Hi Emily,
Lucid dreaming tends to be much easier than astral projection, but both of these skills are ideally learned while following a focused discipline of practices for a prolonged period of time. There is a lot of confusion around it, so much needs to be explained and clarified… so I really hope that there would be a new book soon available on this Sakro Sawel website that can share more light on this subject. I am sure that it should be quite precious to both a sincere beginner and a more regular practitioner alike.
If you are on your own now, developing the skills of concentration, awareness, self-observation, relaxation, mindfulness, meditation could be easier to cultivate.
And these skills are the ones, that one really needs, to successfully astral project or become lucid, wake up in their dreams. To take your active consciousness (Yang) out of the daily world and bring it into the world of dreams, while your body just peacefully rests (Yin).
What a happy post Emily, all of it very nice to hear. :- ) But most especially that out of body dream experience you were given! So encouraging and beautiful to know there is this band of overseeing beings and to remind us they are united in nature and of the same source. Thank you.
That moment of you reaching out to the tree, I can just imagine it… how mystical. At the same time it also sounds perfect symbolically for: the benefit people today would have in inquiring about ancient knowledge of past cultures which can lead to its liberating application within today.
^^ “Are you pro-Japan? Since you’re Japanese?” haha, too funny.
In all seriousness I’m also learning about those common roots, about ancient cultures that were amazing and powerful spiritually, and am seeing more and more clearly where things came from.
A downside I’ve seen of this competition, and this division on national scales, is that modern countries or groups often aim to quickly lay claim to cultures of the past. “Our country has the oldest evidence for ‘x’ in the world, so others must’ve gotten it from us, we’re superior etc.” But like your Japanese friend’s experience showed; kingdoms, countries, regimes, ethnicities of place change over time.
What I see in East Asia is that the ancient cultures there are not “of”, they do not “belong to”, current cultures as modern countries like to think, it is rather that current cultures and countries took or are fortunate to derive from them. Not sure if the phrasing of that brought the point across. But history is subtly modified so as seem to be in support of a current country’s historical narrative, or to fit our picture. But learning and understanding what is truly there can be much more empowering.
So cool you received a little message for your friend too and that she seems to be doing well. I’m also not sure exactly what it would refer to for her, like you say it’s likely those creation myths were also metaphors for principles that can be applied within. It is an amazing direction you’re led to though, because I believe spiritual rebirth mysteries are at the heart of that area of China, Japan and Korea and are much of the foundation of East Asian religion, its culture and civilisation.
Hi Emily,
What an amazing dream you had, thank you for sharing with us!
Regarding Amaterasu, it is interesting that you saw her as female, as there are some accounts that say she/he was actually a male, but that Izanagi and Izanami had an older child than him, which was a girl. So, I guess my question is, did you ask her name, or how do you know she was Amaterasu? Was it an instant, intuitive knowing, or did she tell you her name? I am really curious about this now, as I have been looking into the ancient Japan lately, and this is quite an important issue I feel. If she really was a Sun goddess, then she seems to be the only one among all those sun gods out there. The Egyptian one you saw, that looked like a bird with the sun on his head may have been Horus by the way ( – a child of Osiris and Isis who is usually depicted that way.
Also great you have been making attempts at lucid dreaming and the astral projection. Sometimes it helps to just relax after a period of intensive attempts, and then you may achieve success like out of nowhere. A gentle way to train for Astral projection is also just writing down your dreams every day, as that connects you to the dream world/astral plane, and you may increase your chances of becoming lucid there. The so-called “reality checks” are also a good method. They are based on the fact that the “mechanics” of the astral and physical is different (for example you can fly in the astral, or pass through walls, etc.), so you train yourself to check many times during the day whether you are in physical or in the astral by trying to do something like pass your hand through the wall, or make a little jump in the air and see if you will be floating (if nobody watches you of course :-D) This habit of checking will then be written in your mind so much, that you will do this in your dreams too, but with the difference that there you will be able to float or pass through walls there, therefore realising you are in the astral and then you can go and explore.
That’s wonderful Lara, it must have been a memorable experience indeed to feel it directly like that! I have also always thought the person net to Jesus in the Last Supper was Mary, simply because she is mentioned in the Gospels a lot, so it would make sense to have her somewhere in the picture at least. I also remember some theories out there that say that the shape they form as Mary is leaning away from Jesus is the letter “M”, which has its own spiritual meaning (primeval mound of creation?). Also the fact that Mary was leaning away from Jesus in such an important time when you would expect her to actually cling closer to him, I was wondering about that too, and thought maybe it was because they were going to be separated, until they meet again in the “Father”. The famous “noli me tangere” Jesus pronounced after his resurrection when Mary tried to touch him was also something I tried to wrap my head around for quite a while, and kind of came to a similar conclusion, that it was still not time for them to reunite at that time, as he still “hasn’t ascended to the Father”. But of course I have no idea what these things really mean, its just that I have thought about them a lot at one point in time. Thank you for sharing your experiences on this, I hope it will help many people to understand the importance of the alchemical marriage.
Also something along these topics, as I was looking into the ancient Japan recently, I came upon a brief description of one scholar (he was mentioned as someone who continued to study a banned text called Sendai Kuji Hongi Taisei-kyō) . So I thought an open-minded scholar like that, who continues to study banned texts sounds interesting, and after just a brief search i found an interesting biography of him, which reveals that he was somebody that understood the importance of the man-woman relationship for the spiritual progress: “his writings praise conjugal love between men and women in the most positive of terms, and claim this love as the axis of Shinto as the essential system of nature and the universe.” I thought that was nice. Of course, some called him “vulgar Shintoist”, because love has become vulgar for some people…
Govindan’s book may look to you quite basic now, nothing truly eye opening, but still an interesting comparison of someone with serious esoteric Yoga background, being astonished to the similarity with the teachings of Jesus.
According to the Rosicrucian research, besides India, a big part of the preparation of Jesus took place on the Mount Carmel with the Essenian teachers, where Pythagoras had studied before. Jesus was also taught in Persia, Assyria, Greece and Egypt. Yes, he was very open minded, and apparently, so well trained by the great teachers of his time.
PS: if you have not seen it yet, there is a recent book by Marco M. Vigato called “The Empires of Atlantis”, on some intuitive level, I got immediately interested, it could be another piece of the puzzle, or maybe at least bringing to light some important details.
Hi Lucia,
Thank you so much for your advices on Astral Projection/ lucid dreaming! I have found these tips quite helpful when doing these practices, and now I can,on some occasions, realize that I’m in the dream state. Although this only happens on a really rare basis,I do believe that I am making progress on it. With regards to your question how I knew it was Amaterasu, well, I just seemed to know it was her when I saw her because she looked exactly like the sun goddess that is being portrayed in many Japanese artworks, with her recognizable outfits that were clearly of Japanese origin,and just the way she looked,I just knew,by my heart that it was her. And there is no question about her gender as I saw her in the form that she appeared in. She was amongst the few beings in the group that I could recognize and identify, while many other beings, like the Egyptian ones,due to the fact that I am not as familiar with Egyptian mythology/ pantheon, it was hard for me to point out and name these beings,the only thing that I could tell about these beings were that they were Egyptian and one of them was probably the sun god…
I don’t remember exactly if I saw Jesus in the group, but what you guys have been discussing about him seem so interesting, and I would be happy to hear more. It seems that the real Jesus may have been very different from the way the Church told us…it is really sad that a wise sage like him came to this world and tried to plant the seeds of spiritual wisdom amongst the people of this world,but his messages had been manipulated by those whos aims were to keep the masses under their control…it looks like there is an urgent need to reintroduce Jesus to the world as the way he really was,not the “twisted” form of him that is being described in the Bible, or the way he lived that is being taught to kids in Sunday schools in countries where Christianity is the dominant religion.
Hi Emily,
Thank you for confirming to me about Amaterasu. You know, I would not even think about her possibly being a male, but I came across a text from 18-th century (possibly even older) that claims she/he was a male, together with some other sources. But the fact that you and your Japanese friend met her so clearly in the astral, plus a dream I had that made me ponder upon the validity of that text indicate to me that the text may either be a forgery, or has been altered a long time ago. Researching these ancient things can be really confusing at times…
But how great to hear about your lucid dreaming success! Lucid dreams are definitely much easier to induce than AP. Back when I started to be interested in this, I would go to a park near-by, and use my walks there for checking where I was. The magical setting of the park helped me to really wonder whether I was dreaming or being in the physical. This sincerity of wondering during these checks is quite important, as otherwise you may find yourself flying or passing through the walls in the astral, and still thinking you are in the physical. :-D
Another useful thing I find is to have a goal, like what you are going to do once you become lucid there. Because if you don’t have a goal, it may happen that after becoming clear in the astral, you are just like “wow, I am here!”, but not being clear on what to do next, a confusion may take you to a dream shortly after that…
While if you have an exact goal, for example to go to explore a certain location (Sanxingdui?) or to try to call a spiritual being, you remember this goal and then go for it straight away after becoming lucid, in a focused way without any confusion or emotion. So its a good thing each time you do a reality check, to also remind yourself what you want to do once you become lucid in the astral, so you remember it there too. One simple way of travelling or moving around there is just focusing on/visualizing your destination, or asking your Being to take you there (or a combination of both).
Wishing you successful travels!
Hi Lara and all,
In connection to our discussions about Jesus and Mary Magdalene, I thought to bring up a research done by a PhD Student in Early Christianity Elizabeth Schrader of Duke University, called “Was Martha of Bethany Added to the Fourth Gospel in the Second Century?” that I stumbled upon lately.
In this paper, E. Schrader has delved into the text of the oldest known copy of the Gospel of John called Papyrus 66, where the story of Lazarus is described. In her textual study, Elizabeth noticed that the name of Mary (Maria in Greek) has been changed to Martha in this papyrus, and even later on, as the text continues, the name “Maria” has been changed to “the sisters”, with all the verbs in the sentence subsequently changed from singular to plural. She also mentions that there exist many versions of the Gospel of John where this particular thing has been changed (some versions, like the first printing of the King James Bible only having one sister, while other versions having two), and argues that there seem to have been attempts to diminish Mary’s significance in the early Christianity by adding another woman. She also says that while Mary and Martha story exists in the Gospel of Luke (with no discrepancies existing between the different versions there), Martha has been artificially added to the Gospel of John, thus also changing the person who recognized Jesus as the Christ/savior (from Mary to Martha).
Here is just a quick, 10-minute synopsis video about this topic:
And a longer video where Elizabeth explains more about her research, and also how she got to explore this topic in the first place:
Interestingly, she used to be a musician before, singing and playing the piano, even with a degree in composition, and after writing a song about Mary Magdalene (something she says she can’t quite explain, as she didn’t write any songs with religious topics before), she felt like exploring the topic further, bought books and visited places connected to Mary Magdalene, eventually deciding to look into the oldest writings that were mentioning her, thus discovering the different versions of the Gospel of John and the issue of “erasing” Mary from the text, which prompted her to get an academic degree in order to explore this topic professionally.
She has also done further research into the name “Magdalene” or “Magdala”, together with Professor Joan Taylor, resulting in their common article called “The Meaning of ‘Magdalene’: A Review of the Literary Evidence,” which was published by the Journal of Biblical Literature in December 2021. In their research, they argue that the Hebrew translation of “Magdala” is Tower, and that Mary may have been called like that to denote her spiritual strength and faith (“a tower of faith”), or even her height, instead of “Magdala” denoting a place, which they argue is questionable. This research is discussed in this video:
Anyway, just thought it was so intriguing how Elizabeth has been seemingly guided to explore this topic, and how her strong determination brought her to the academic field and led to further discoveries. It also made me think that if Mary was indeed “erased” from some manuscripts to diminish her significance, then it is possible that she was actually much more important figure than commonly believed, maybe even being another awakened being of the Religion of the Sun? Somebody that could even possibly be called in the astral plane or prayed to, to ask questions? Is there any truth to the stories of her ending up in South France? There seem to be so many questions…
Hi Lara,
That’s interesting to hear about the practice of alchemy in some Buddhist schools, although not good to hear about it being abused in the ways you mentioned.
I saw some drawings in a Buddhist monastery when I was travelling in the Gobi desert. The young local women who showed us round the monastery were laughing at the drawings, as they depicted couples in sexual union. I also thought it was peculiar at the time, as it didn’t seem to be in keeping with my understanding of Buddhism. But of course, I later learnt about alchemy and its quite possible that the drawings were depicting its practice.
I really hope and pray that at least something could be done to help the humanity to keep growing these remaining seeds of light that are still here, in our times.
The connection between the virus agenda and the agenda of war is just too obvious for everyone who puts an effort to see things as they are.
Especially now, when the information about the bio-labs in Ukraine cannot be hold anymore under the carpet of “conspiracy theories”.
Especially now, when we can see the very same characters and the very same channels of political/economical/informational control being involved in all these agendas, be it 9/11 or the war in Iraq, promoting the new type of flu or demonizing Russia.
Often so unfortunately, there is a far greater hostility not between the people who live far away from each other, but against the very neighbors.
Not to take the personal responsibility for military actions, but there have been so much of wood intentionally put into the fire of conflict between the parts of former Russia and USSR over a long time… and now it all exploded (surprisingly just in time) after some strong pushback of the truckers and their supporters against the madness around the virus.
Also statistically speaking, both Russia and Ukraine are among the countries with the lowest vaccination rates.
I thought the timing was interesting too. It seems there are the political agendas of those in power. But then there is something even using those people, something much darker that has it’s own agendas.
For sure, and fortunately the awareness of this dark side becomes more of a common knowledge today among those who try to resist the forces taking over the world. Some simply talk about the “devil” and the “evil spirits”, some go into more profound and esoteric viewpoints. I saw so much of it in uncensored social media and talked about it many times during protests.
I have a feeling that the potential genetic-altering abilities of some of the v’s is linked to this ancient story of human genetics. Could it be that while there was an effort to preserve the genetic line of the Children of the Sun, like how it’s described in the Kolbrin, now opposite forces are trying to tamper with human DNA and somehow dilute, or pollute, the human genome through sinister bio-tech? Has there always been this struggle? I just find it so eerie that while learning about ancient bloodlines, this parallel modern story is playing out, where it seems the forces of darkness are not just trying to make us ill, but working towards a transhuman agenda partly through ‘medicines’ that work by effecting our genetic apparatus.
Also, I heard something the other day I found interesting – that most couples actually have more in common with each other genetically than two randomly-selected members of the public. It seems there may be something very unconscious and genetic that pulls people together.
It seemed to me like the timing was perfect to basically keep the fear amped up among people. Here in the UK, we were literally just relaxing slightly after the Covid experience when BAM, something new to get angry and scared over. It really made me see that our emotions were being played collectively and directed, in a very sinister way. Imagine all the stress and strain and heartache people have been through, and all this energy is now focused on a new enemy – that’s a certain method to create a real fire around an event. It feels like we’re in a controlled experiment where the objective is to keep us as stressed as possible, like prisoners who aren’t allowed to sleep. It’s really hard to disconnect from it, yet by it being so obvious it somehow helps!
I also really pray people can wake up to this darkness, however though I have been glad to meet many new people who have been jolted into seeing the dark forces at play in society in the last couple of years, I have been just as saddened to realise so many smart, good people seem to willfully close their eyes to it for the pleasure of ignorance. It seems to me the desire to carry on an easy, normal life is just too strong to let them acknowledge any sinister forces exist. They will literally hand over their own bodies and that of their children to the darkness in exchange.
I find very alarming that they found a way to single out the “good people”, interested in natural health, being able to stand for what we believe to be right, developing consciousness etc and make us the lowest caste of their new normal.
From the good side, a lot of evil got exposed in the last few years and more people seemed to start to realize how vital is the connection to the Divine.
There was one protest last year on a very cold day, less people came than usual, police was more confident in directing the crowd and there was some feel of desperation in the air like “we do what we can to resist, but does it really make any difference?”.
Then at one point everybody put their posters down to make the words GOD HELP US be seen from the air. The drone took a picture of it, it was so beautiful! Very soon after that, the mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers was removed. It could be a coincidence of course, but I know, the prayers do work for real.
@Ella very true and aptly put. We’ve been placed in an almost constant and escalating state of panic, dragging people into the next story, and the next and the next. Its been feeling like a constant advertisement trying to sell a certain ‘message’, that frankly I am just not interested in listening to anymore. I find it so important to have faith, and a connection/direction with the divine, while being able to stand upon some truer foundations amidst the storm. I feel like ending the panic, how about you? ;)
@Vadim, seeing many signs “God be help us” resonated with me deeply, could a higher power intervene when enough people orient themselves in the vibration of seeking truth and a connection with the divine? It definitely brings a lot of unity, and you can feel the clouds momentarily parting and giving hope.
Yes it is very frustrating to see the blatant lies that are swirling around , even with the suppression of a lot of information on social media that doesnt fit there narrative, it does seem like a lot of people are starting to see they are being conned and I have noticed in the protests and the like there is a lot more people reaching out for spiritual connections.
The constant narrative about the Russians are bad and the Ukraines are these angels, yet they only put forward one side of the story, and all the people just seem to go along with it, much the same as the con with the Vs, I really dont understand how people can be so blind to some of these lies and evil that is circulating.
If theres a positive it does seem that more people are questioning what there being told and hopefully more people with start to search for this sort of information of a deeper esoteric nature, as hard as it is with the ever impossible task of trying to find the truth
Wow Vadim, that’s a wonderful experience. What an uplifting story. I like how you describe the way a particular section of society that actually displays virtues is reduced to the lowest members – and actively hatred towards them encouraged!
I know it’s not the same in all countries, but in the UK I saw that there was a huge amount of pressure but then that most of the mandates were removed just before they were meant to be enacted. It’s like it was all a game, and those who didn’t cave to the pressure ended up with their freedom. It’s the same in Austria now, the only European country that was set to mandate the v’s for all citizens, with enormous fines and jail. It must have been terrifying for the people there refusing to take it. But they held out, and the law was suspended days before being enacted.
I had a dream at the beginning of the pandemic telling me something similar which was really helpful as I had quite a lot of anxiety coming up about forced jabs (I had been researching them before Covid and personally believe many of them cause harm) which showed me that though it feels like there’s no choice, actually you can just say no, and get out of the situation.
Thanks for sharing Lara! Great topic & excellent questions – I found your responses to be really interesting & inspiring. Hope the segment reached many ears, as such an important topic
Really looking forward to Marks new book.
It’s nice that he got you back on the show during interfaith week. I really appreciated the program, the whole thing was refreshingly wholesome; I wish all journalists were so respectful and open-minded! Your responses are so thoughtful.
What you mentioned about aboriginal cultures holding beliefs about the importance of landscape features–and their creation at the hand of ancestral spirits–really peaked my interest! Is that something you’ll be covering at all in your upcoming book? It’s something that’s come to my attention very strongly in recent years, and has made me look at everything in nature completely differently.
The Inca have sacred places called Huacas, which loosely translates to “sacred thing”, but they are most commonly landscape features, such as stone outcroppings, waterfalls, mountains, or sculptures (most sculptural huacas were destroyed). They believed the Huacas were created by Wirakocha, long before the flood, and that they could speak. Many of them are sites where the stone has obviously been sculpted, forming figures that remain elusive to an untrained eye. Mountains had a special honorific title of Apu, and were highly venerated spirits to which offerings were frequently made (and still are). When the Spaniards arrived, they tricked the Inca into worshipping Mary by making paintings of her wearing a dress that makes her look like a mountain. They would also put images of the sun on crosses, so the Inca would be obliged to honor the cross.
There’s a story that when the Spaniards arrived and presented their sacred object, the Bible, emperor Atahualpa held it up to his ear, expecting it to be a Huaca and thus be able to speak. Hearing nothing, he threw it on the ground in disgust, much to the horror and dismay of the Spaniards!
There are similar stones to the Huacas in many places in the world, manybeing associated with some kind of spiritual mystery, but the most obvious are in Japan, where they are also revered. The Shinto religion shares a number of similarities with the Inca in its veneration of nature. The origins of the Shinto religion is lost in the past, but it could be a remnant of the Jomon culture, which spans an impressive 13 millenniums, from 13,750 to 300 BCE. Also like the Inca, there’s a minority group with European features and a mysterious past (the Ainu), who are thought to descend from the Jomon culture. Quoting wikipedia, “One of their Yukar Upopo, or legends, tells that “[t]he Ainu lived in this place a hundred thousand years before the Children of the Sun came”.
I know sacred constructed sites are the master key that began unlocking the religion of the sun, especially more recently, but I believe pyramids and mounds are symbolic successors to mountains and caves, and I am excited at the possibility that they might be included as subjects of study!
Hey Julian, thank you for sharing, and what a funny story about the Bible! I guess they had been “adjusting” it so much, that it stopped “speaking”!
Regarding nature, I also noticed how the Eastern nations like Chinese or Japanese venerate and respect it very much (you can also see it from their paintings, where they often focus on expressing the “atmospheres” in nature). The nature there even feels somehow more magical to me, at least from some videos I have watched. :-)
How wonderful the world would be if people saw nature as a way to connect to the Divine and beauty, rather than a thing to exploit pragmatically, or for sports. I have always been dreaming about creating some beautiful spots in nature, a “park-like” places with water, flowers, climbers, etc… the places that elementals would love. :-) Its quite a challenge to do that with all the other things one has to do in life though, so I am realising that the only way something like this could be realised is in a dedicated spiritual community, where more people could work on it. Otherwise its just too much work, as plants need care and time to develop. How amazing things must have been in the ancient times, where this way a way of life…
That’s interesting Julian that they thought the Huacas at one time could speak, because in Assyrian the word ‘to tell’ (as in to tell the story or tell whats happened) is said as ‘haakee” when you want someone to tell you, and haakyan/Haaken is the way it is said in first person, as in ‘I will tell you’. Wirakocha can be translated in Assyrian as Wira meaning ‘gone into/entered’ and Kocha means ‘Holy’. Wiya would mean ‘become’ in case it was said as y instead of an r, and Apu is similar to the word aba/baaba meaning ‘father’. Perhaps there was a connection there in some way? Thanks for sharing another fragment of HisStory :)
Thank you Lara for sharing this interview! It’s so great to hear this broad mystical knowledge being shared on a platform dedicated to Islam – shows so much mutual respect between people with different views.
I loved hearing more about what the aboriginal “dreaming” means … such a thought-provoking description, “the continual interaction between ancestral spirit beings and the aboriginal people and their environment, and the dreaming isn’t limited to dreams either, so spirit beings can interact with people in waking life and leave their marks on physical reality, mostly by creating land features, like rivers and mountains …”
Julian I thought you might like that bit! :-) I have to share a little experience from the other day – I went walking in the twilight and it was very windy and the moon was out and there was this mystical feeling in the air. I went past a tree that I’ve seen before, with a hollow centre that goes all the way up but this time I wanted to go inside it. So I stood in there for a while just trying to be aware and all of a sudden I heard this loud knock from what felt like just behind me. I jumped out of the tree, but I soon relaxed as I felt it was just the tree ‘speaking to me’! :-)
I’ve been living back in my ancestral land for a while, and with time my connection to the mountains and the rivers and the special places really does grow, and a sense of the connection to my ancestors. I imagine for people who lived in the same places their whole lives, and closer to nature and the ‘ancestral spirits’, these special spots or things we think of as just material manifestations, did take on profound metaphysical meanings. I imagine doing ceremonies at the places could create such a bridge between the two worlds!
Really looking forward to this book now!
Congratulations Lara on another interview. I have to admit it’s a surprise to hear you focus on dreams rather than Religion of the Sun. It was also a surprise to hear you speak about the aboriginal ‘dreaming’ because I did not know it was a part of the Religion of the Sun.
On the topic of the dreaming, it was initially unclear to me whether the word ‘ancestors’ and ‘ancestral spirits’ means immediate personal ancestors or distant ancestors. In the context of the aboriginal dreaming the term is used as part of creation myths, so I gather we are talking about distant tribal ancestors, and even ancestors of humanity?
The interaction between ancestral beings of the aboriginal people and the environment also piqued my interest. At first I was confused on how ancestral beings can interact with people today through landscape features that are more or less unchanging (like rivers and mountains). Upon reflection, I see this happens in many ways: the first is through the subconscious impact of the basic landscape which touches everyone and gives defining character to countries and regions (eg. the hills of Wales, desert of Australia, etc.). The second is through seasonal variations of the said landscape (eg. the flowering of the desert, the ebb and flow of the seas, sun and clouds, etc.). The last is through a personal connection to specific features of the landscape, such as the concept of an aboriginal person’s totem, or Huacas of the Inca, or pilgrimage to the mountain tops of the Aryan cultures.
Like Julian I am also very much interested (and impacted) by the sacredness of unique places in nature. In some such places I find it easier to feel peace, come out of my mind and thereby connect to a deeper part of myself.
My standing theory is that great sacred structures of today are built upon great sacred places. Some sacred places were over time embellished with structures by large enough cultures and by peoples who had enough spiritual connection. Many other special sacred places exist, but were not built upon, or had temporary structures built upon that are destroyed today. I think both types of places can still be used for a spiritual purpose by those who are able to recognize them and use them appropriately.
The below quote by John Michael related to Glastonbury describes this mystery quite well. He is trying to answer the question of “how is it that this small place, isolated among the Somerset marshes, plays such a leading part in the spiritual history of Britain?” (Michael, 1997 [p. i])
“The sanctity of Glastonbury is not a matter of human convention, nor did it arise from any historical event. It was decreed directly by nature. That conclusion is made obvious to anyone who visits Glastonbury, especially at dawn or evening when the mystical quality of the light over its landscape is particularly intense. As one enters the Glastonbury landscape, over the hills which surround its lowlands, one’s perception of natural light and colour subtly changes. Around the towering cone of Glastonbury Tor is a countryside which gives the impression of being somehow different from any other. It can seem wistful, nostalgic, other-worldly, even intimidating, but it is never quite ordinary.” (Michael, 1997 [p.ii], )
Michell, John. _New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury_. Glastonbury: Gotnic Image, 1997.
As far as I’ve seen, Aboriginal religion was not derived from the Religion of the Sun, and seems to have developed independently. There may have been influences from Hinduism brought by the migration to Australia from India at around 2,000 BC. And among tribes along the east coast there are accounts that they were visited by “children of the sun,” which means they had some contact with ancient sea farers of the religion of the sun. Yet Aboriginal religion seems largely to have remained the beliefs of the indigenous people that have carried on for a very, very long time. It would take some study though, to find out exactly what the case is.
It’s been believed for some time that Aboriginals first came to Australia with the out of Africa migration that occurred around 60,000 years ago. But they’ve now found evidence that people were in Australia 80,000 year ago, and that Africans and Aboriginals are genetically the most different from one another of any people, showing that the Aboriginals were not affected by many of the genetic events that Eurasia and Africa were. This is why Aboriginal religion could be very, very old.
The interview discussed them because the show was about Time and Dreams, and you could hardly discuss that without talking about the Dreamtime!
I believe that land features were more important in Aboriginal religion than a chronological sequence of time because they had an oral culture (without writing) and didn’t have the methods of time or record keeping that the major ancient civilizations did (who had complex calendars, and books). Naturally then, land features become a kind of record of events, especially since events in their religion are believed to have left their marks on the land.
Glastonbury is a whole other story. So much went on there with the religion of the sun, which there will be more about it upcoming books. I just read too that there is a network of natural caves beneath the Tor, but no one is allowed to go down there. That may be part of the reason it became a sacred site – who knows what’s in those caves…
Thank you for sharing that bit of information about Glastonbury Lara. In a way, it makes a perfect sense for the underground caves to be there, as they are usually present in many sacred sites like under the pyramids for example. Its just such a pity that all this information has been hidden for so long. Really looking forward to reading more about it in the upcoming books!
Regarding my personal experience with this site, I have never visited it physically, just watched some videos and pictures of it online, and always really loved the atmosphere and beauty that the site seemed to be emanating. Have also done a small research on the vesica pisces symbolism that is connected to the site, which piqued my interest even more. Then on one night, I managed to astral project there, but instead of seeing the Tor tower or some other familiar features of the landscape, I found myself in an otherworldly-type of city, with mansions hanging in the air, and an interesting architecture of the buildings in general. Unfortunately, before I could ask somebody where I was, I returned back to my body. Later on, I tried to find out online what that could possibly be, and in my search stumbled upon some articles speaking about an “etheric city” that’s supposedly there in the other dimensions. And even though I am not sure if its really what I saw, I thought that the existence of a spiritual city existing there in other dimensions could also add to the overall spiritual energy of the place.
Really cool interview! I’ve lived in Australia for nearly 40 years and I’m yet to properly look into ‘The Dreaming’ of this land’s indigenous peoples. This has inspired me to look further. Thank you.
It’s great to have you in these settings Lara, where so many people can hear about your point of view on dreams. I didn’t know about the new book – looking forward to reading it.
Dreams have long played an important role in my life, and its such an amazing topic on so many levels. Personally,I hope that the knowledge of dreams from your husband Mark and yourself can reach many who are searching for the meaning of life with the hope to verify it’s spiritual wealth. Thank you Lara to you and your very nice host, you both did a great job to touch on this subject.
This brief interview has really piqued my interest in the upcoming book. It sounds like there’s a lot of new material and accounts of how ancient people viewed dreams and OBEs. I’m quite interested in reading more about the Aboriginal Dream Time.
The host was really great. He asked a lot of really important questions and you gave very concise, straightforward answers that I think he and the listeners could benefit from.
Wishing you, Mark, and the team all the best in putting it all together!
That was a lovely listen. Whenever this magical topic is discussed it is always my hope the spoken information makes things ‘click’ for some listener, confirming what they somehow know to be true. Or even that people might even have lucid or symbolic dreams before or after the show. Great interviewers as well with their intelligence, keenness and ability to ask the relevant questions.
Thanks for putting the information on this out there so clearly Lara. Much more please :- )!
Thank you Lara for this interesting interview!
Great interview very informative thanks Lara, its a pity humanity have lost the connection and the importance with dreams and lucid experiences over time. Really excited about the new book thats in the pipe line ; )
Very interesting interview, thank you Lara for sharing this, looking forward to read the new book!
Thank you Lara, that was a great interview and very clear and clearly explained about dreams and aboriginal dream time.
What you described about place and space holding significance over time, describes how ancient temples like the Temple of Karnak, were built on much older creation myths, such as the Karnak Temple being the Mound of creation. This way of seeing the spiritual through nature, is I believe the oldest knowledge of the spiritual and we find that this continues throughout our human history, as Mounds replaced by Temples, Temples replaced by Churches, etc. The same holds true symbolically too I believe, in regards to the ancient symbols of spirituality found in nature, being then created as cave drawings, then heiroglyphs and symbols, art, architecture, music, dance, and moving through into emblems, flags, crests, and as we see them in these times being used as Logos in communication and corporations, as the Logos represents in essence the communication of the spirit.
It was also really interesting to learn that you found the Epic of Gilgamesh to have the oldest recorded reference to dreams, and what’s interesting too is that dreams continue to be significant for Assyrians in their daily life, and used for guidance, communication and premonition not just with the divine but as a communication from people from the past, like relatives, ancestors and spiritual beings. The meaning of dreams in the Assyrian culture are very similar to the meaning of dreams I have studied in the past, and learning from your interview today it really felt like this aspect of Assyrian life has a long history to it that dates back to ancient times, and because it was so meaningful and significant it has continued into the present.
This interview actually is very timely for me in that it resonates with something I need to personally uncover, and Im so looking forward to this new book of Marks and your research into it to help me learn more. Thank you so much for sharing a snippet of it through this really great interview! :)
Wow well done, a lot of knowledge and insight, shared very clearly and concisely, in such a short period of time.
Yes the answers were to the point so much, can’t wait for the new book 🙏
What a nice short segment on dreams and OOBEs, and a little teaser for the Mark’s upcoming book too! Also agree with Slavek about the courteousness of the host, very pleasant to listen to.
Thank you Lara for sharing the interview – it is a very interesting topic and the presenter being exceptionally well mannered made listening to the conversation very enjoyable.
Not sure why, but I have not thought of the terms soul and spirit as being pretty much synonyms for consciousness. As I recall, my first and spontaneous astral experience occurred on my birthday many years ago. I did not perceive it as such at the time, but later on I understood that this was one of the most significant gifts that I have ever received.
That’s funny, I had a birthday astral experience once, too. Very special gift, I’ll never forget it.