The book The Ancient Path of the Sun by Mark Atwood has just got a new title and cover design. It has been re-released as Ancient Solstice: Uncovering the spiritual meaning of the solstices and equinoxes.

It’s the same book, but with a new name.

To be clear – the content of the book is almost exactly the same – there are only a few tiny little additions.

If you already have The Ancient Path of the Sun book, there is no need to buy it again as Ancient Solstice, unless of course you want it in the new cover design! which is beautiful by the way – thanks to its designer Dara.

Thank you also to Jenny at the publisher for doing all the detailed bits and pieces need to make the changeover.

You can find the Ancient Solstice book here.

Please note that when a book is first released, it can take 1-2 weeks for it to complete the process of becoming available. So it can take a while for the book to show as available in some stores, and even when it is showing as available, there can be delays with book orders being processed and sent out. The orders do come through eventually though.