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Here’s the interview I did just a couple of days ago with host Booboo Garcia of the Broader Lens Podcast. We chatted all things out-of-body and ancient religion – including what out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are, the different types of OBEs, astral projection, lucid dreaming, near-death experiences, how to remember dreams better, OBEs in ancient times, ancient OBE techniques, the differences between psychedelic experiences and OBEs, the origins of ancient religion, giants, the different types of beings in other realms, alien abduction, and how to use OBEs for a spiritual purpose.

In other words, we covered a lot of ground. Booboo has been reading our latest book The Spiritual Out-of-Body Experience, and was basing his questions on it, as the book delves into all these topics. I felt like there was a lot of information to cover, so I wanted to try and keep my answers short and to the point to make sure we could get through it, as there were so many rabbit holes we could go down.

I really enjoyed chatting with Booboo. He’s very sweet and has a great sense of curiosity, and as you’ll see, already has an insight into the deeper side of some of these topics from his own experiences. He runs an engaging podcast, which hosts people with a broad range of unique views; I wish him all the best with it.