Mysterious Purpose of Europe’s Ancient Megalithic Sites Explained video

The ancient megalithic sites of Europe are one of the most enduring mysteries. In this video I delve into what these sites were were used for.

By |2024-12-13T18:45:00-08:00December 13th, 2024|europe, out-of-body experiences, video|82 Comments

Stonehenge winter solstice 2018

Great to see people out at sites of the ancient religion of the sun at the solstice, but sad to see a sacred place treated like a fairground. What do gyrating women, African drumming, and people in costumes have to do with Stonehenge? Absolutely nothing. No one would consider doing this at other ancient sites or sacred places. Will some of the British remember their roots enough to restore dignity and meaning to the solstice at Stonehenge? [...]

By |2023-04-17T17:42:37-07:00January 20th, 2019|europe, solstice and equinox|17 Comments
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