Photo by Gordon Williams on Unsplash
Have a lovely equinox time. I hope over the next few days you have some time to go within and find light and peace inside yourself, amidst the turbulence of life, and connect with the Source, the Spiritual Sun.
The content of the upcoming book is now nearly finalized. All the images have gone in (there must be around two hundred), except for a few, which will be created especially for the book over the next couple of weeks. So tentatively I would say the book will start being formatted for print in 4-6 weeks, and available before December solstice.
I’m looking forward to finally being able to move on, as the book has taken so much longer than expected, but also looking forward to having the information in it brought out into the world again.
Thank you to those of you who have been supporting us with your comments, donations, and care – care not just for us, but for the good of all beings. I know that even though we are apart, we are together as one in working for the light.
Hi guys,
I agree with all of you and I am looking forward to having this book as soon as it is available.
All the best
Hi Lara (and Mark),
Thanks for the update on the upcoming book. I am looking forward to reading more, to gain better spiritual understanding of the truth. It is so important to share this valuable information with those seeking the light and much needed direction.
Best wishes and all the strength.
A much welcomed update Lara. Thank you.
It seems there is even more to uncover and thus gradually piece together our lost history and roots in spiritual beginnings. It can be a time consuming and difficult process to decipher the past when so much has been either destroyed, covered up, or edited. It is a huge feat to pull it all together. However, it is becoming more and more obvious how it all fits together, thanks to you and Marks research.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to give people an update from Sura Ondrunar Publishing – Mark and Lara’s publisher. Just like everyone here, we are eagerly awaiting the upcoming book from Mark and Lara. We will start working on the book layout and production process soon. We’re also looking forward to new videos from Sakro Sawel. With us getting back into book and video production work we have updated our donations page and have resumed accepting contributions to help cover book and video production costs as well as for our general operating expenses.
We’re all systems go, ready to work on publishing the new book and videos!
That’s great news!
That’s great Jenny, get the engines running 💪🏼
Lovely news! Thanks for the update Jenny! 🙂 I wish you and the team every success with the book publication and I very much look forward to the new videos! 🙂
Thanks for the update Jenny! It brings hope and happiness to hear things are underway for a new release. May it reach everyone seeking the sun and its light!
Thanks Jenny, that’s wonderful news! Wishing you and the team at Sura Ondrunar to have all that you need for the perfect completion of the book and videos. Really looking forward to it.
Absolutely fantastic news Jenny.
Looking forward to all the amazing new findings and content.
Thank you Lara for the equinox wishes and book update. It’s great to hear the book is finally nearing completion and will be out soon. It’s been so long in the making that I can’t help but wonder what it will bring. May it assist in rekindling the spiritaul sun! Thank you also to everyone involved.
Nice to see you some activity here and thank you Lara for the updates and everyone for your seasonal wishes.
I just wanna ask if someone knows an app or software in general with which can someone project a constellation on the ground on a given time. Like for example the Orion’s belt being projected on top of the three pyramids of Giza
As everyone here looking forward to hearing next updates and wish everyone inner strength and Light guiding your way 🙏
Hey Oliver
It’s tricky because stars don’t exactly “project” in that way, it’s a bit of a simplification when people say they do, because the stars appear in a “sphere” that rotates, and the earth appears flat. Also stars could be mirrored horizontally, vertically, both, or projected from above,
That said, Stellarium is a terrific app for looking at stars, and they have quite accurate historical projections of stars and planets for many thousands of years past (at least within the limits of currently known information), accounting for the precession of the equinoxes for example (in which the stars shift 1 degree every 72 years). There’s also an archeo-astronomy plugin that adds lines for the solstices and equinoxes.
Back to your task, you could get closest to what you’re asking about by
1. Opening Stellarium to your location of interest (eg set your location to Giza)
2. Set the desired time period, for example 10,000 bc (-10,000)
3. Set the desired time of year. Because of the weird history of timekeeping, June now wouldn’t be June 10,000 years ago. The best way I found to do this is to guess based on the solstices and equinoxes (when the sun is furthest north, it’s June 21. Add 3 months for the equinox, when the sun rises due east, etc… the archeoastronomy plugin helps)
4. Scroll through time until your constellation is in the sky.
If you were to look south and watch Orion rise over the pyramids in 10,000bc at the spring equinox, you’d see it mirror the shape of the pyramids, with the Milky Way mirroring the Nile, and then it would fade away in the brightening twilight. Because of this mirroring, the final step to overlaying it (which you could do in Google Earth Pro), is to flip it horizontally. Maybe also vertically.
Thanks for the update Lara!
Wonderful news you brought to us 😊
Our best wishes to all.
Happy equinox time – wishing everyone all the best heading up to the solstice, whether going into the lighter or darker part of the year.
Thanks for the book update Lara, I’m sure it will be worth the wait and like Ella mentioned that will be a great Christmas present indeed!
I really do feel a connection with people all around the world who are interested in and practicing the Religion of the Sun, and more than that, I feel like through reading your and Mark’s work and exploring sites, symbols etc. related to the Religion of the Sun that I also have a connection of sorts with people who were practicing it hundreds and thousands of years ago. It feels great to be able to be part of a continued tradition which is so ancient, and I’m really interested to see how the new book helps people who are interested in the Religion of the Sun to explore it in their lives more.
Thanks for the update, Lara. I’m sure the book is going to be fantastic, especially with the immense care you have put into its content and organization. From personal experience, I know how difficult the “home stretch” can be in any project, when done with care, so I wish you and the team lots of strength and guidance from above in bringing it to completion.
I hope you, Mark, the team behind the scenes, and this whole community here had a strengthening, reflective, and peaceful Equinox. I definitely feel I’ve benefited from the collective spiritual energy and strength these past few days, even if alone in the physical plane. I hope everyone else has felt the same.
Thank you Lara for kind and wise words, hope you and Mark had a good spiritual time! And yes, care for others, or maybe compassion to strangers, or genuine friendship, or love to humanity, or to your own neighbors, etc. is such a vital part of spirituality and a meaningful life. We are not growing to become cold supermen. Thank you for the reminder.
Thank you so much Mark and Lara, and to all the supporting people here, and the people assisting behind the scenes 🙏
Thank you Lara for your wishes!
The energy was magical!
All the strength to everyone!!
Thanks for your equinox wishes, Lara. I also wish and hope that everyone had that (needed) connection to the source at this time.
Really looking forward to the book and hope that the information in it can deepen our understanding of what really matters at any given moment in our lives.
Thanks Lara,
It was indeed nice to have a bit of time to reflect, explore, and celebrate during the equinox for me personally this year. A good reminder to prioritize the search for light and peace within as you said, amongst all the situations and complications of everything going on in life.
Happy Equinox Dear Mark & Lara, and everyone! Sending much love and strength to all around the world doing all we can to live through and grow the light within. May each day brings each one of us forward toward the light. And in times of darkness, may we all push forward and remember what we went through before and we can do it again. Much love to all :)
Lara, thank you so very much for the book update. I can only imagine how much you both would love to see this work come forth, more so than anyone. Thank you again for all you do, truly.
Thanks so much Mark and Lara for your Amazing efforts I and hard work in getting this book out to us all and the World , We are all so looking forward to it
Thank you Lara for the Equinox wishes and for keeping us informed about the book. Additionally, a heartfelt thank you to you and Mark for your ongoing commitment to helping the humanity. We are also grateful for the support from everyone who is contributing in any capacity.
Wishing everyone the discovery of something personally and internally transformative during this special time and therefore increasing the light within and without.
Wish everyone a still and peaceful solstice / equinox. Thank you Lara, Mark and all those to bring this book into fruition. Look forward to it.
Hi everyone, after the beautiful equinox celebration with my husband today, I somehow stumbled upon this wonderful interview with Anuradha Paudwal, a well-known Indian singer of devotional music, which I thought could be inspiring for others here to hear too… It somehow felt as a gift to me at this time of autumn equinox (here in the Northern Hemisphere), which, as we know, is tied to the role of the Divine Mother in her warrior aspect who helps us to face the darkness within and without… In this special interview, Anuradha shared some of her personal spiritual experiences with the goddess Kali, as well as her insights on life, spirituality and the importance of personal connection to the Divine. I also loved what she said towards the end of the video on the topic of detachment, as this is something I have been trying to understand on a deeper level for quite some time now.
Hey Lucia, I really enjoyed that interview, thanks for sharing. The very personal relationship between this woman and her divine mother was wonderful to hear about. Also just that someone who is so high-profile having such an open and direct connection with the divine was great to realise – it’s hard to imagine how much religion and spirituality is normalised in India listening from a mostly aethiest country. It sounded similar to how some Christians will talk about their connection to Christ, but obviously so different too. I remember there was a phase when the best practice I had was based around a daily conversation with my DM – after a retrospection and relaxation and visualisation of finding her in the heart forest, this contact was so real. The relationship built with time and regularity until I felt her presence in so many parts of my life and in so many ways. I need to get back to that. Maybe during the dark half of the year, when we’re more immersed in the earth and the maya, inside the yin phase, when it’s darker and harder, with the wind and the cold and the rain, and somehow more physical, we can contact her more. I’m going to try. I just reminded myself of how good that communication line is, thanks for the prompt. Wishing you strong and clear communication too. :-)
Thanks for posting this interview Lucia. I really enjoyed listening to Anuradha’s experiences with Kali, as well as listening to her recording of the Durga Saptashati (also called Devi Mahatmyam), which is the first recording dedicated to the Divine Mother that she did. Curiously through a significant amount of guidance she recorded it on the 22nd of December at 2PM, which makes me think it relevant to the winter solstice, even though usually it is recided during autumn equinox festivals.
This is likely the recording she made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZtMMNt_Mnk
Hi guys, glad you found the interview inspiring. Like Aleks, I also immediately went ahead and found that recording of Durga Saptshati on Youtube. :-) I agree that it is interesting how she got to record it on December 22-nd, like a birth of something new, in this case the birth of her Devotional songs career I guess… And like Ella mentioned, it also made me feel this renewed inspiration to connect with my Divine Mother in a more steady way, and to also find my own, personal approach for it. I also found another Youtube video, from 6 years ago, where this interviewer (Preetika Rao) joins Anuradha in her house temple for the Navratri Pooja. It was nice to see Anuradha’s temple, as well as the sincere and warm friendship between these two women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FziS5c132s
I happened to play a part in a Maori traditional ceremony and dance a few days ago. It was a strong thing when a group of people is directed like that, seeing the potential of such activities was educational for me.
Wishing everyone, each holding on in their own ways, to keep going and accumulate strength.
It’s amazing how when facing unfairness and difficult circumstances, if we do our best, the divine is there at the end of the day. People also – the love from people can give us some comfort and help sustain us.
A beautiful work you’ve been doing all this time Lara and Mark, I have wished I could support it more and better. Though perhaps other things faced now can somehow come to contribute in ways in the future.
I’ve been seeing interest, a kind of excited curiosity and positive openness in people on spiritual exploration topics. This in turn has made me feel I can be more open about it. Which in turn allows for things to happen.
Very happy to hear from you Lara and from others too.
Wow, a Maori ceremony, what a unique opportunity :)
Lovely news! Thanks for the update and wishes Lara! :) I also wish you, Mark and all supporting your work a peaceful equinox time, wherever we each are in the world.
I very much look forward to the new book and thank you, Mark and all supporting its publication for your ongoing work.
Thank you Lara. Wishing Mark and yourself a very beautiful equinox time.
I’ve been having that feeling one gets before the sun is about to break through the clouds after a long period of bad weather. It hasn’t broken through yet but you know it will … and you need to stay strong and have faith it will … because no matter the weather the sun is always still there.
I guess it feels that way on a number of levels. It’s the spring equinox coming where I am, and it really does feel like the light is pushing to break through and one has to keep going through any difficulties and keep the faith. And challenges in my own life have reflected that.
But it also feels like that on another scale with this upcoming book. It has been a massive labour I’m sure, but I have the feeling it will make a big difference and change people’s lives when it comes. Thank you both for all the hard work you’ve been putting into it. It may take some time yet before it comes out but it will be like a light has dawned in the world when it launches, I’m sure of it.
Wishing everyone who is practicing and supporting the religion of the sun in any capacity, a very uplifting and spiritual time this equinox. No matter what darkness and difficulties come, or the space between us physically, may we all stay united in the light.
Some lovely sentiments there Matthew. I agree – “may we all stay united in the light”.
Thank you for your kind words Matthew. It’s heartening to know that we’re all working in our own capacity to contribute to something profound
Beautifully said :) your words resonate with me.
Thank you for the very beautiful message and wishes Lara.
Wishing you and Mark peace and rest and to be greatly strengthened on this equinox. May you complete the book according to plan and be able to release the light and knowledge in it into the world. May your immense efforts bear much fruit and be abundantly rewarded, and may the light shine strong in the darkness of the world..
Happy Equinox!
Hi Lara,
It’s so great to know that the latest editing of the books that you are about to release are close to being done! Hope you and everyone else have a blessed solstice! I found that during times of transformation within a year(such as spring and fall with the change of season occuring), this is a great time for inner relfection since I feel that the energy of the planet seems to ” “shift” during this time and it’s good to take opportunity of this period of time for inner reflection and spiritual growth. As people here say,spring and fall are times where the balance of yin and yang change. I have also been able to regain some of the spiritual connections which I have lost previously. I have been experimenting with different states of consciousness lately, and I found that meditating while drifting off would give me some very interesting experience. Many of the personal realizations that I’ve came upon are made during such circumstances and they have been insightful. Wondering what did the Atwoods find and are there any more spiritual practices available that are simple and easy to do?
Yes! Such good news! A huge thank you Lara, Mark and everyone behind the scenes working hard on this book. It will absolutely be the best Christmas present ever.
I’m totally engrossed in Ancient Solstice at the moment. I love delving into the chapters on the ‘spiritual meaning of …’ to prepare for the upcoming solar event, this time the autumn equinox where I am. It’s completely mind-blowing, soul-stirring, inspiring, shaking. Just so profound. I have to confess I think I skipped it last year, I must have been busy and thought I’d read it all before, there have been many iterations of this work now, but every time each book gives something new. So I hadn’t read about the meaning of the 12 hours being like the 12 trials the sun/son goes through before. It’s just another layer of realising how the world reflects spiritual secrets to us in everything. I’ve always liked the number 12! It’s my birthday number and it just seems like lots of stuff happens in 12’s, so there must be something important it symbolises.
Alex and I are planning to go to a beach on the west coast to see the sun set into the Irish sea. I hope we can find somewhere sandy and secluded, to make a big celtic labyrinth in the sand, have a fire, burn little wicker men and do some readings. I have a red linen dress I made a few years ago for this time which I’ll wear. I really love this ceremony, it’s always very serious and somehow clarifying and strengthening, like it stokes the will to fight and to face the darkness. Many many heartfelt thanks for these teachings, I don’t know where I’d be in this turbulent life without them.
Hope everyone here can find some time and energy to connect to the spiritual sun over the equinox!
I agree Ella – I’ve often thought I’d be lost without these teachings, as they’ve been such a help to me over the years, especially during turbulent times.
I’d forgotten about those details about the significance of the number 12 actually, so will go over that chapter again. Ancient Solstice is indeed an engrossing read and is unique in its content.
Coincidentally, the last time I participated in a ceremony with others, it was on a beach for the autumn equinox and I also found it to be one of my favourites. I hope you and Alex have a special celebration gazing out onto the Irish sea.
Thank you very much for the wishes and the update Lara. What you said about going within to find peace amidst the turbulence of life sounds like exactly what I need to do at this point. :-) The summer has been quite chaotic for me, and some deeply rooted blockages have resurfaced again in this messy situation, causing me to lose a spiritual connection I felt I had back in spring. :-( But as many comments here also indicate, this is what we go through, the dark and light, the point is to extract something from it and move on stronger…
Wishing everyone here an inspiring and reflective equinox time, and really looking forward to the birth of the “book child” over the solstice!
Wonderful Lara, must have been an epic work and so grateful for the precious wisdom it undoubtedly contains.
I hope the blessings of this equinox bring you and Mark all that you need and thank you both for your joyous gift that is always giving.
It feels like a time of parallel worlds and perhaps the veil between the two is made thinner due to the sacrifices we make for love.
Best wishes and hope you have many beautiful experiences.