Ancient traditions of the religion of the sun preserve accounts of a series of world ages that were destroyed by global catastrophes. They describe how civilization periodically goes through golden and dark ages, and declines over time to be destroyed and spiritually renewed over again. Their ancient texts and teachings state that such a catastrophe lies ahead for our civilization too.
The symbol on my dress was found on an ancient urn unearthed in Poland, and is over two thousand years old. It is called Rece Boga, meaning “the hands of god,” or “the hands of Svarog.” It is an ancient symbol of the sun.
A special thanks to my husband Mark, whose spiritual experiences and knowledge provided the impetus to research the ancient sources in this video. In my research, I consulted primary sources, including Hindu, Norse, Greek, Christian, and Egyptian texts, as well as talks by Hopi elders. I’d also like to thank Graham Hancock (see his books Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods), for his work on bringing together the archeological and scientific evidence that correlates with these ancient prophecies.
I think I have another experience to share. Just a few days ago I had a dream where I saw things that happened in the very distant past(probably millions or even billions years ago!) I had looked into the accounts and evidence of global catacalysms that occurred in the past, and that I think gave me a better understanding of the cycle nature of existence. Just a few nights ago in a dream the Golden Sun Bird of Sanxingdui came to me again(It’s been a long time since he/she/it last did, and I’m not sure what should be the correct pronoun for the Golden Sun Bird because that being never appeared to me in a human-like form,but only as a symbol not dissimilar to the artifact found in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. The Golden Sun Bird came to me and asked me to follow it. I followed the Golden Sun Bird through a tunnel(I can’t really describe how it looked like, it seemed like something of the spiritual world) Then I came to the sight of Atlantis, where the major city was shaped in concentric circles just like descriptions of the place state, and how it was being destroyed by a mega-tsunami. I also saw that many land masses around the world sank below the sea during that time, and that was what later became known as the Great Flood. I had known about the story of Atlantis for a while, so I asked if there was something else that I could see. “What do you want to know?” The Golden Sun Bird asked. “Is Atlantis the first civilization to ever exist on the surface of the planet? Or were there even earlier ones that came before it? ” “The Atlanteans certainly weren’t the first one to exist,but they thought of themselves as being the first one. ” The Golden Sun Bird answered, “While the number is finite,it is hard for you to know how many exactly had there been. They almost always lost their way and became so arrogant before meeting their end. We have always been trying to educate them, but they would still meet their inevitable fall. There is a natural order of things. ” I then asked, “What about the dinosaurs? They were real, right? And they died out around 65 millions years ago? But how come there is almost no description of these animals in ancient texts? ” The Golden Sun Bird said, “There is no record of such in your civilization because this was long before the advance of your race. Your ancestors only recorded what they knew and saw, but your scientists today are smart,they found out about major catacalyms that took place in the very distant past, and that different lifeforms exist in the world during different times. However, they failed to recognize the deeper essence behind the events, and only use their knowledge as a tool for acting out their prides. ” I was then shown the scene of Cretaceous era just before the K-T Extinction,the event where an asteroid hit the Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs. Contrary to the usual depiction of the prehistoric world, where no intelligent race capable of building a civilization existed during that time, in that vision I saw that there was an advanced civilization which existed alongside the dinosaurs. I couldn’t make out the features of the builders of that civilization, but had what appeared to be major cities,as well as advanced technologies like flying machines. Some of which looked interesting similar to the triangular-shaped UFOs reported by some people in UFO sightings. “Do they know what was going to happen to them? ” I asked the Golden Sun Bird. The Golden Sun Bird said that they actually did,in fact they tried to stop the asteroid from hitting the Earth at one point. They were confident that their technology was going to save them and the creatures on Earth from a possibly tragic fate, but as fate would have it, the projectile they launched with their most advanced equipments was still not powerful enough to stop the asteroid. The Golden Sun Bird told me that despite having advanced technology, this civilization had become so corrupt and immoral that it had forgotten the eternal truth. Soon after, the asteroid hit, brought great devastation to the surface of the planet as many people may know,and the civilization that existed at that time also perished. As the world plunged into darkness,almost all living things died. However above a ruined world I saw something I didn’t anticipate. Even though the sky turned dark due to the ashes brought up by the impact,there was a shining mass in the sky which emitted bright lights and it seemed to be absorbing the energy of certain living beings into it. The Golden Sun Bird said that this was to lead the spirits of those who followed the spiritual principles away from disaster. Those who survived would also be given a chance to start over,passing on their knowledge to a new civilization. The Golden Sun Bird also mentioned again that modern scientists have only found out about the phenomenon which major cataclysm had occurred at the surface level,but failed to realize the deeper essence behind these events. They tell people that we are the first civilization on Earth,and that is a misassumption all other previous civilizations had made when they reached this point in their history. The civilizations on records of our ancestors are the more recent ones that existed closer to our era, but the moral of their stories is pretty much the same. I asked the Golden Sun Bird if I could be shown more of these deep secrets of the past, but I had a sense of drowsyness that I felt myself being pulled back into my body(I didn’t even know exactly where I was) I soon woke up laying in my bed and realized it was a dream. I wondered why the Golden Sun Bird came to me,since I don’t think I have thought about this a lot lately. I tend to get lost with my life in the material world and that’s something I still need to work on. Since when I woke up it was still nighttime,I wanted to find the Golden Sun Bird again, but I wasn’t sure how to. Although I’m not sure who exactly is the Golden Sun Bird since it only appears to me as a symbol, I believe I could trust it since it had a really warm presence. I don’t remember dreaming about anything unusual later that night. I wanted to share this because I felt it was a really enlightening dream experience, and it seems to confirm to me that major catastrophes do not just come randomly as mainstream scholars may claim.
What a beautiful and enlightening dream you’ve got Emily, thank you for sharing! I think among other things, you may have deserved it also through your sincere investigations of the past catastrophies that you also shared with us here a few times.
And how beautiful that you are being guided by this Sun Bird! 🌞 I wonder if its the same Being that appears to you all the time behind this symbol, or if maybe different beings take that form at different times, in order to show you something… In any case, its wonderful that you have this guidance.
Regarding the people today being as ignorant as ever about the previous advanced civilizations and the spiritual reasons behind their demise, I feel that maybe that is changing a bit, thanks to many pioneers in this area like Graham Hancock or Randal Carlson, whose work is even reaching more mainstream outlets now (like on Joe Rogan for example), and so there seems to be a general consensus emerging now about previous super-advanced civiizations existing before those that we know from official history. I would agree with the Sun Bird though that the spiritual reasons behind these catastrophes are still not fully understood or taken seriously (“There is a natural order of things” is usually understood in physical sense, but less in the spiritual, and how our own spiritual decline is the main factor behind the returning catastrophes, a “security system” of sorts, which prevents a destructive civilisation to expand their evil even more).
The part you described about the “shining mass” sounded really beautiful, but I wonder…. Since those were just the spirits of people that were “absorbed” into the “mass” and not their bodies, then if they wanted to awaken, they would have to be given new bodies eventually to continue their work… but anyway, that’s just a technicality I guess. 🙂
Thank you very much for sharing again, and wish you a lot of spiritual strength to move forward over any obstacles that come your way!
Hi Lucia,
It’s definitely true about about how the existence of previous advanced civilizations and the spiritual meaning behind major catastrophes are not being discussed often by mainstream academia and narratives. There are
many studies done by mainstream scholars on catastrophes that have occurred throughout the history of the planet and they have found many things, like how the environment,the climate and how life changed as a result of being impacted by these catastrophes. The studying of rock layers and fossilized remains of prehistoric creatures is one of the main ways that they use to find out what happened in the world anywhere from millions to billions of years ago. So there is no doubt that they know about the dramatic events that happened in the very distant past. But I think one of its main problems,as well as with many other branches of science is that they tend to hold a purely materialistic and atheistic worldview, where they take anything that maybe metaphysical or supernatural out of the context and simply deny their existence. The studying of human history is more often than not taken with the same approach since they think addressing the otherworldly just seems to get in the way. A field of study dedicated to the research of past advanced civilizations doesn’t even exist(at least not openly knowable to the public) because they don’t acknowledge the existence of such. The studies on religions, spiritual beliefs as well as philosophy are being categorized as purely humanitarian subjects so they have no place in the research to find out the truth about the world and our existence. They only believe in “scientific reasoning” so to speak😉 But there is a lot of evidence to suggest that there exists something beyond what is perceivable by our immediate senses, as well as what could be found through their methods based on a materialistic and atheistic worldview. I came from a family that is predominantly non-religious, or agnostic at their best. When I first learned about the history of our planet I was puzzled by the catastrophes that caused mass extinctions which appeared to occur on a periodic basis, with no being intelligent enough to build a civilization, and the lack of a Higher Power in the picture, I found that utterly odd but didn’t think too much about it, though I was an agnostic person back then. I didn’t understand why there were just species of plants and animals that got wiped out at least every few millions of years or so for apparently no reason, and they just like to say for instance a supervolcanic eruption caused the Great Dying, an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, an ice age triggered another catastrophic event, etc. Their explanation makes it seems like these were just random events that happened for no particular reason, and creatures just died out due to bad luck. But it really makes more sense when you put advanced civilizations into the picture,and that catastrophes happen because civilizations tend to degenerate to a point where they become corrupt and potentially dangerous. When I found Lara’s YouTube channel and learned about the Religion of the Sun,I felt that it explained a lot and definitely made much more sense than both the so-called science that I’ve been taught and the mainstream organized religions such as Christianity and other monotheistic religions(although I had already become somewhat of a spiritual person prior to that and I was already questioning mainstream doctrines then)
And yes, definitely a big thanks to the research which people like Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson have done to acknowledge everyone about advanced civilizations in the past, and also the work which the Atwoods have done to bring back this ancient and timeless religion. From my experience in the dreams in seems like it could have existed as early back as the age of the dinosaurs!(which is at least millions of years ago!) The exact number of civilizations that had existed was not revealed to me,maybe because the number is so big that it could be overwhelming! I think at the end of each civilization,as told by ancient tales, there is always a few who survive the cataclysm and carry on the spiritual knowledge they adhere to to preserve and spread the knowledge in a new cycle. There will be a few who follow the way while the majority fall,and they would be taken up and lead away either spiritually or physically. According to the ancient texts it’s likely some will survive physically and given opportunities in a renewed world,but I’m just an ordinary human being who is unenlightened,what do I really know;) I did see things in dreams though,and I believe there are meanings to them.
Moreover, catastrophes in the past appear to have occured on different magnitudes. There are five greatest mass extinctions known to science,but between them there are also smaller extinction events that are not as devastating. This seem to fit perfectly with what Lara said in her video that there are smaller cycles within greater cycles. I believe there is scientific evidence just to proof that. Also there doesn’t appear to be a clear correlation between the pattern which these catastrophes occur and the evolution of animals,so it’s unlikely these catastrophes were targeted towards them. It does seem to make more sense if they were meant to put an end to a civilization that had become destructive. I don’t think it makes sense for catastrophes to happen periodically but there’re just animals running around. There has to be intelligence beings who are put to this earthly life as a way to learn and grow.
Thank you for sharing, that’s a very memorable experience. I wonder if we’ll learn who that bird is?
So nice that this being appeared to you again Emily and that you were given this (and in relation to things you were previously looking into.) The portal part also sounds cool. This bit certainly rings true ‘… failed to recognize the deeper essence behind the events’, I feel this is also going on today, behind which lies the lost connection to the divine.
‘There was a shining mass in the sky which emitted bright lights and it seemed to be absorbing the energy of certain living beings into it.’ — intriguing too.
Just out of curiosity, did the golden sun bird look like one of those elongated crane-like birds on the disc or like a different sun bird? Perhaps the form doesn’t matter much, but I’m just curious.
Hi Akira,
I don’t remember it exactly, but the Golden Sun Bird symbol that appeared to me looked just like the disk-shaped artifact found in Sanxingdui! Except unlike the artifact made of gold on display in the museum, which has an obvious metallic look to it,the symbol I encountered in dream was a glowing holographic thing emitting yellow light (idk if this description makes sense) It had a kind of energy to it which I felt was radiant and warm, like the energy given out by the sun, but in a much softer manner. The birds depicted surrounding the disk are said to be the three-legged crows which were representative of the sun in ancient Chinese mythology,although they don’t really show three legs I guess. There is another legend,which a brief English version could be found here I guess, Also,this article mentions a White woman who bought a necklace with a pendant in the shape of the symbol in the city close to Sanxingdui, I think that’s an excellent accessory for me to buy too it I ever come across one😉
I just finished reading the section on protective amulets, where it’s mentioned symbols of the spiritual sun/son especially offer protection, and this one even comes with a story of it being used to bind a demon with the power of the stars and moon. It seems to me there’s also a hidden allusion to the path of the sun, with the 4 directions and birds.
Interesting note Julian! Definitely seems to make sense
Thank you for the description Emily, it makes sense 🙏🏼
I had imagined a front view of single bird with open wings whenever you were describing it, so I’m glad I asked.
Regarding the Chengdu sun disk pendant, don’t wait, go for it, it would suit you 100%!
Thanks for sharing that dream Emily. It sounds very memorable with lots of interesting points. It makes sense that even ancient civilisations may have been unaware of the great civilisations before them, in the same way that our civilisation has generally become, once records are lost or destroyed.
The previous civilisation being aware of its impending doom and trying to prevent it is interesting, as it’s pretty similar to our own now. Although the efforts to prevent disaster are still currently pretty feeble, unfortunately.
What you mentioned about the sun still being visible beneath the darkness in the sky is encouraging. Like there is still a hope for some, within future generations.
Hi Micheal,
I think a quote from Lord of the Rings puts it very well. “History became legend. Legend became myth. Some things that should not have been forgotten were lost”. It can be wild to know that societies or civilizations tend to forget about important stuffs of the past over the course of their history, and eventually making similar mistakes their predecessors did. This is probably an important reason why civilizations rise and fall(in both recorded and unrecorded history) And this is a cycle that has been recurring since time immemorial. I think at the end of every civilization,there would be a few who follow the Way and be lead away from disaster and given new opportunities, but this would be a small minority of the entire population that exists. Most people(or should I say beings because they may not necessarily be “people” as we know it) would have become corrupted and that’s why they face their inveitable end,along with most of the world’s living things. For if they didn’t,that would not have been the end of them, but a Golden Age with spiritual and moral principles being followed by the majority. But all civilizations have a tendency to degenrate overtime,and that’s why most can’t escape the vicious cycle. Civilizations and different advanced races even could come and go until the very end of time, but the spark of spirituality could have always being preserved by some like what we know from our recorded history. I’m not sure what will eventually become of our civilization, but it’s good to see the religion of the sun making a comeback at this particular point in time anyways.
I agree on the points you made,Emily. It does seem like a vicious cycle at play, like something that it’s ment to be. From what I have experienced, it seems there were many times in human history that the true knowledge has been lost and reinstated by some outwordly beings or by some within the society that spent time digging out the truth beneath the surface..
Just like what Mark and Lara are doing now.
There must be some deep purpose to all of this, just as we, as individuals are following some kind of internal cycles by doing this work, we are going through periods of ups and downs which eventually bring some very special fruit that would not have been able to be extracted without this waive like path..
I found myself drawn to this short video again. It has been a while since I last watched it, but had the sense to watch it again. It’s as though I am reminding myself of what is prophesised. There are increasing signs unfolding before my/our eyes – more unrest, disharmony, tension between countries; more natural disasters, unsettled weather patterns, and so on.
The message in this video is simple but a profound one – what choices are we making if the end times are approaching?
Hi, Dimi. I hope you and everyone are doing well.
Now that you touched on the subject, I thought to share a video I saw last Sunday.
That was very intense to listen to,Marco. There were many things that ring the bell for me but the most compelling was about how we feed those demons with our reactions/emotions and that that makes this place bigger and stronger as if we have had so many lifetimes to feed it..
What also strikes me,among other things, is that we miss so many clues in our daily lives that are there to guide us. When i saw them years ago it was so uplifting and fulfilling to be in this life, nowadays I see them and instantly get reminded of why I’m here which gives strength and guidance to persist and endure what needs to be in order to move forward…
Wow! that was so descriptive, so detailed, so real…what an NDE this Domniac had. It was certainly a ‘wake up call’ for him. His account is so detailed – the way he describes hell (or pre-Hell) and its various ‘departments’, the way he witnessed torture or punishment being dished out over and over, the way he could sense the dread/fear/anger/lust (and much more) in that place, the way he could feel through his senses more intensely and more vividly, and so on. He even describes different kinds of demons or beasts or creatures in this section of hell that would dish out the torture or punishment. His depiction reminds me of Dante’s Inferno. It also reminds me of other’s descriptions of the infernal worlds, and what it felt like to be there. Domniac seems to realise that he is in a different form (not in his body but his soul or astral body) and that is the only reason he could cope with being down there. I must admit, being in the astral or in different dimensions/realms to this physical one, heightens our senses, as though they are not limited to our physicality, but go beyond that space. Domniac also mentions God or the Divine having that power to show or reveal all this to him and keep him from harm while down in that layer of pre-Hell.
I find it very interesting how Mark and Lara’s work, and more recently the release of their new book The Spiritual OBE Experience, seems to pave the way for more experiences (like this one) to become available on the internet. I’ve seen it happen before, where Mark and Lara start to discuss or reveal a concept and soon after more information about the topic or theme becomes available on the internet.
Yes, this was certainly a very eye opening and revealing NDE account. Thanks for sharing it Marco! As Tina and Dimi commented on, there were many points that stood out. One was regarding the various departments, which also reminded me of Dante’s Inferno, as Dimi mentioned.
The relationship between these departments, to which souls who have failed spiritually are assigned, also stood out. I’ve often been aware over the years of which negative inner states operate most strongly in me and I can think of a couple that would currently be classed as my “specialities”, as Domniac put it.
However, twenty or so years ago, I can say I was pretty much an “all rounder” when it came to strong negative inner states across the board! In comparison to the appalling standards of many in society, my behaviour was still on the mild side and in some ways, I was a more sensible member of my peer group, with any infringements of the law being relatively minor, such as underage drinking and so on.
But this really illustrates the sorry state of society overall, as although I wasn’t a regular law breaker, as Domniac was prior to his NDE, I can clearly see that I still had many strong egos operating and influencing my actions. Yet, this was only the tip of the iceberg in comparison to how many people act.
It’s telling that Domniac mentions that of a group of 100, maybe 2% would meet the standards to dodge going through these hellish experiences after death, if they’re lucky. This really highlights the mismatch between what is considered acceptable behaviour within everyday society and the standards of good spiritual conduct, as governed by higher beings.
It seems imperative to correct our own poor behaviour, as much as possible. But the importance of divine help shouldn’t be underestimated. For example, it’s one thing to intellectually realise that something is bad or harmful, but quite another to actually have the willpower to fight against the compulsion to continue acting in this way.
Before I learnt of the importance of appealing to our divine mother for assistance to help reduce these inner states, which Mark and Lara describe in their books, it was so easy for this intellectual knowledge to just get washed away by the tsunami of egos seeking their fulfilment.
It’s still often a struggle to not go along with some of these, but as I mentioned in other comments, it’s encouraging to see changes in behaviour both in daily life and in dreams, where the opportunity to act in a harmful manner is there, but the urge to go along with it can be overcome, or is no longer the temptation that it once was.
For example, it’s now easy enough to be teased about eating an array of tasty food, but knowing it’s not beneficial to my health, so quickly declining the offer. But other things are definitely still a struggle, where it takes a lot of effort, willpower and asking for divine help to not go along with what the ego is pushing towards.
The need for persistent effort stood out to me, in relation to what Domniac said about the dark side being relentless and organised in their efforts. It reminded me of an OBE experience Lara previously mentioned about encountering a very efficient and hi tech office environment, which was operated by demons in the astral realms.
Domniac also mentioned that most of his learning came through tough times, rather than good times, which has been very much the case for me too. It can seem so harsh and unjust to be continually dealt a dud hand in life, despite persistent efforts, when others seem to have more favourable circumstances. But this suffering actually brings with it the opportunity to correct oneself and have a better chance of escaping the awful situation that is described in this NDE and which Mark has also described.
I hope all those who are trying will be able to succeed in whatever ways they can in reducing the weight of these negative inner states and the pull towards the abyss, while there is still the chance, as it is awful to contemplate being stuck in those dark realms perpetually.
You’re welcome, Michael. We definitely need more involvement with groups to further feed the momentum and I have a strong feeling that opportunities are going to start opening soon, the more each one of us does to raise the momentum the better chance we all have to push things further for our selves and for other people to get to know about the religion of the sun, I think, its in our hands. I agree with you, the psychological work of The Religion of the Sun has allowed me to get a glimpse of how different life is outside of the circumstantial societal norms that each one of us is brought into, it reminds me of a story that Emily shared about LingLing and the Foreign Old Man and that to be like him she had to “forsake all views that are dualistic in nature and realize the oneness of all phenomena”. It seems to me that society is now built for us to always be partial about things, to be dualistic and polarized… But the only way out is through, right? And that’s the fun part jaja it reminds me of what Judas says in The Flight of the Feathered Serpent about The Great Hidden Lord Having two faces.
“This fact is still attested by another writing of the same Mayab, with the signature of Luke, and which reveals that in one of his appearances the Holy Lord Jesus, “then opened their senses (of the disciples) so that they understood the Scriptures.”
And with this sense opened, the real path that leads to the Mayab is known, and the Mayab gives these men Power, Love and Life because for them God, the Great Hidden Lord, ceases to have two faces.
And what is below joins with what is above, and that which is above gives life to what is below.
For these the Scriptures are clear and sacred because their truth is not printed in books, but is read in the soul.
For those, the floods will be seen from the Ark.
And the Feathered Serpent will fly.”
“But the man who remains clay, if he ever thinks of this One, he does not pay attention to it; and if he feels that which is the Three he soon forgets about it because the work of remembering it is arduous.
That is why God will always have two faces for him, but neither of them is true.
He who knows and lives in the wanting to be of the Great Hidden Lord, overcomes.”
I share your sentiment about being a part of a group of people who aim to advance spiritually, Marco.
It feels like being alone we can easily be swallowed by the energies of the mandane life…
On the other hand, although that would be really beneficial for those who passionately strive for clarity and truth, I have reservations about it as it has been shown in the past that that kind of setup somehow brings together all sorts of diverse energies that are not always in sink. So, I’m thinking this could be done differently, somehow a new approach is needed for it to really flourish. I have my ideas but who knows what the future will bring, I just pray that is fresh and renewed where we can inspire others truly and be inspired in return to fight for that little spark of consciousness to grow steadily and fearlessly so that we can contribute to the overall growth of this planet and people in it…
I pray for the same thing, Tina.
I think Sakro Sawel is fresh, I find that this new book on OBEs by Mark and Lara is extremely well accomplished, even when it treats a subject that’s ancient it feels very new and alive, and the humbleness with which I feel it was written is something truly admirable and I think many people will connect with that, hats off.
I agree with you, Tina. I think Dominic has a strong stomach to speak about his experience with that level of detail and even humorously (at least it seemed to me lol).
You are right, it’s a true war trying to push to activate the spiritual part of us and to try to connect and perceive, but “the help is here, and it is now”.
Lately, I’ve noticed that the only motivation that seems to persist for me is wanting to do something about this uncomfortable sensation of not knowing who I am, what I am, where I come from, or my true purpose, it’s like a fathomless WHY, everything else fades away or I become cold and indifferent to it over time. I’ve found that that’s why it’s so important to keep the practice up to remain sensitive and aware of life because time passes in the blink of an eye, it’s very hard to fight against darkness in this age of the Kaliyuga but as long as the Sun shines over us there is the fuel and hope to push forward, that’s what I want to believe.
I just saw your comment, Marco.
It really strikes me that you have this innermost need to know who you are, where are you coming from and what’s your purpose.? I think it really helps to know these and there are many ways to answer those questions. For many years, it seems like, that is what I wanted to know as I never really fit anywhere and was labelled strange and too serious of a person over the course of this life and ‘why can’t you just be like everyone else’ ideas … But somehow, i knew that there’s something else at play here and started my search. I had other questions in my head but somehow life lead me to this knowledge of who I really am, or at least to a part of it.
After some time I got my partial answers and although they put things into perspective but above all what I got is that I needed to trust my innermost feelings of who I am and why I’m here. It seems the answer was always there and I just got connected to it….
For example, these questions can be answered by looking at our life and see what is happening, why is it happening and how do we influence the people around us… the clue seems to be in those everyday things…
There is apparently no known surviving accounts of ancient writings in Japan which tell of prophecies that is to come at the end of this age,however I do want to share a message which the Japanese friend of mine relayed to me not so long ago about a dream she had that could have portrayed the upcoming end of this age of human civilization from a Japanese perspective, to which she put as follows, “At first it may appear as nothing out of ordinary has happened,except for the increase in frequency of natural disasters such as earthquakes,volcanic eruptions, as well as tsunamis. The Japanese people,throughout our history have been battling such natural disasters,may not think of them as anything of great significance at first,for our country is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire. However,as time goes by,Chaos will become so rampant and devastating that it becomes unmanageable for the Land of the Rising Sun. The government would call for international assistance,however it would be of little to no help because the rest of the world is also experiencing the Great Cataclysm,of which no one in this world can really escape from… Mt. Fuji will lose its former beauty and morph into a fire-breathing monster that devour things with ash,so too will many other. Rains of the ominous,fallen stars will pour down from the sky,ruining civilization. Still many more aspects of the Great Retribution would follow… The people of Japan have always remembered the Great Amaterasu, but that’s not enough. For the Japanese have commited atrocities under her name,and never admitted those mistakes;ancient knowledge which had been passed down are mainly used for the purpose of entertainment,commercial goods and to fuel the very core of capitalism… The purpose of Tenson Korin and the establishment of the Imperial Order was to enlighten the Japanese people, but cleary that purpose has long been forgotten…Only those who follow the True Path will be lead away by the Kamis before the islands which Izanagi and Izanami gave birth to would finally be destroyed. ” So I think this message is very interesting because it came to her at a time of great turmoil in the world,and it does sound like somewhat of a warning to us all. It looks like as if having the symbols of the Religion of The Sun alone is not enough,but it’s important that we remember the deeper meaning and essence behind them,instead of using such symbols only for worldly purposes. In fact,at its extreme, they can lead to some horrible things(like how Nazi Germany hijacked the symbol of the 卍 and how the Japanese were overly-obsessed with the idolized image of Emperor Hirohito and the distrorted view he represented on the propaganda during WWII. Looks like someone or something prompted them to hijack the symbols and elements of the Religion of the Sun for their wicked purposes)so I think we really need to be aware of that. We need to understand the real spiritual meanings behind the Religion of The Sun so that we can progress along our spiritual journey and not be tempted by the use of its symbols and elements for worldly purposes or the prompt for us to do so. To really learn and practice in order to transform from within. I believe the dream my Japanese friend had is clearly a warning to our time,and it reinstates that an end to our current era is inevitable.
Thank you for sharing that dream of your friend with us Emily. The situation in Japan makes me feel very sad for some reason. When I researched it, even though I got carried away by some pseudo-esoteric materials, I had an overall feeling of Japan having lost its connection to their true history, to the point of a complete mess that is there today regarding a religion or spirituality. People seem to just pick up some bits and pieces of everything, in a kind of “patchwork faith” that merges the different elements of Buddhism, Taoism, as well as atheism. Christianity is viewed as somewhat fanatical there, and Christians seem to be ostracised from the society a little bit, being seen as going “against the native Japanese culture”. Now to an extent, I understand it, especially as some Christians tend to have a fanatical element to them, but in today’s mess, maybe being a Christian in Japan at least offers some sort of connection to the people who wish to be good, help others, and have a contact with the Divine/Christ. I have come across some testimonies of Japanese people on Youtube, where they became Christians after a supernatural encounters, like this one: That testimony sounded interesting to me, as it speaks about the possibility of Christianity becoming more dominant force in Asian countries in the future.
Now of course, I wish that Japan could connect to its ancient heritage and knowledge, and the Religion of the Sun that apparently used to be so prevalent before. But what you say about the atrocities committed by Japanese against other nations make sense. I have read some of what they did to the Chinese, its really sad that even now, they would not officially apologize for it. :-(
Hi Lucia,
What you mentioned about the attitude which people have towards spirituality in general and Christianity appears to be true with other East Asian countries as well, perhaps with somewhat of an exception to this being South Korea( Christian beliefs are pretty common there). It’s so heart-warming to see that the guy in the video found his path and feels renewed as a person!
In China and Japan many people do not have a connection to the spiritual for some reason,they may claim to follow certain traditions and customs but mostly they are atheists or non-religious. At first I thought this might have something to do with Communism since this has been the ideology which have ruled the country for many years and it obviously favors atheism in place of religions. But this can’t really explain the whole picture since in a country like Japan where there had been minimal influence of Communism,a similar phenomenon of people being essentially blind to religions or spirituality can also be observed. So I think there maybe some kind of invisible force that is prevalent in East Asia which prevents people from knowing and embracing the Spiritual,and disconnects societies from their ancient origins. This is why I say that forces of darkness have infiltrated Japan at all levels, for if it didn’t,the Japanese people would not have felt so lost and lacking the opportunities to connect towards spirituality,and the Japanese authorities would not have came up with such propaganda which brainwashed the population into commiting atrocities and acts of genocide during WWII and still refuse to admit their mistakes;(
And I do think it’s sad that people in these countries can be reluctant to accept outlandish explanations of their own culture. When I explained the relation of Taoism and its connection to the religion of the sun many got furious at me and said that I was being disrespectful to our traditional cultures and values,and I did actually get into conflicts with some people for that very reason;( And sadly for my Japanese friend when she shared this message with her friends and relatives in Japan, they thought she was crazy and insisted that there was no doomsday prophecy which exist in their Shinto religion,and “doomsday theory” is essentially a Western invention. Even if it was true,they were like, ” Amaterasu would save us from it…wouldn’t she? ” My friend however, replied, “Not if people have already gone astray from the principles. ” And their conversation just stopped there because she couldn’t convince them to believe in her. This is the sad reality which exists,but in some way it should also be expected to happen for in this day and age it’s normal for true spiritual seekers not to be taken seriously,one of the many features of the Iron Age/ Kali Yuga:(
Hi Lucia,
I think it’s interesting that for some reason Christianity seems to be a lot more predominant in Korea than China and Japan,I guess this could be good news for them? Although when it comes to Christianity there are different denominations of it,the three main branches being Catholic,Protestant and Orthodox. And there are many schools within each of these main branches which all have their different views of the Bible,as well as Jesus himself. Some schools do appear obvious to me that they are more like cults with some dark practices rather than organized religions which spread lights of spirituality,such as Jehovah’s Witnesses (I met someone who followed this organization while I was in America and I could tell something was off,but that’s a whole other story). So I tend to be careful when I come across these different schools of Christianity. Also I saw a video of Christians in Korea praying for Israel,
While it may seem normal to stand with Israel, because according to the Bible that was the birthplace of Jesus, and that chunk of land in the Middle East was supposed to belong to the Jewish people. And it may also make sense to be concerned with North Korea and its conflict with its southern counterpart, but the reality behind these conflicts are actually a lot more complicated than you may think by what you’re told by the media in your part of the world,so I tend not to take sides in this. I just hope everyone can live in peace and harmony with one another,whatever religion or ideology they might believe. There is enough space on this planet for the peaceful coexistence of everyone. For the war that is going on in the Middle East,still there are topics brought out regarding the Abrahamic religions every now and then. For most schools of Christianity probably taught things that are not in line with the real message of Jesus (many of his teachings were excluded from the standardized version of the Bible) If the real Jesus and his teachings were known to the world,the world would surely be a different place than it is now.
HI Emily,
your comments here ring true. There is an end date to this humanity.
Also we are not getting the full story from the media about world events. There is definitely more going on behind the scenes that we are not being made aware of.
And, Jesus’ messages to our humanity have been tampered with – we have (what I call) an “edited version of Christianity” out there for the public. Those who realise and seek a deeper understanding of his spiritual messages – and of other sages or Masters – are hopefully able to find a more complete truth. This website and all who support it, is a testament to this truth.
Those seemingly crazy things that are going on in the world,seems to be another reminder to us that our civilization as a whole may really be facing some dark attributes of the Iron Age/Kali Yuga. For all the crazy things which have occurred throughout the world these years(i.e. the COVID pandemic,the wars and conflicts between countries) it does seem obvious that the tell-tale signs are becoming clearer by day. I think the dream my Japanese friend had could actually mean something. It’s also worth noting that there seems to be this indescribable force which exists in the world that appears to cause the loss of spiritual sense,where the true essence of Inner Light to have been forgotten,some people blame monotheistic religions to be the cause of such issues,while others blame Communism for it,yet still some think the world of capitalism is responsible for such spiritual degeneration because it is all centered around material pursues and gains. While some of these things to be blamed for may seem very different,or even opposing to one another,yet they all appear to cause the same result in societies. Idk if they were the real causes of spiritual degeneration,or are they different ways of the darkness which exist in the world manifesting itself? I can’t answer that question for certain,but this is the world we live in. While I have been meditating these days these quotes from Nordic texts appear to really resonate with me, “Brothers will fight
and kill each other…men will have no mercy on one another,an axe-age, a sword-age,shields will be cloven,a wind-age, a wolf-age,
before the world goes head long.”
When such things came to my mind,I could inevitably feel a real sense of horror, there are many signs which I have learned about some different sources,and all seem to point out that some kind of disaster may very well be approaching,even scientists say that we may be on the verge of another mass extinction. I don’t wanna sound pessimistic,but when you really look at it,it can truly be terrifying. The place where the Russian-Ukrainian conflict takes place is close to where these prophecies were recorded centuries ago,and these people fighting each other are the descendants of the Slavics who were a group of Indo-Europeans that followed the Religion of The Sun which had legends of their own. It’s such a huge irony that their ancestors foretold this,yet they have forgotten. Scientifically speaking, in a geological time-scale sense, we are living in the gap between two ice ages,the previous one probably have ended with the onset of Younger Dryas, the ice age that will come in the future,if it happens, that could mark the beginning of another extinction event on Earth. So could this be the Fimbulvetr that is said to precede Ragnorok? If another ice age sets in the planet will definitely become inhabitable for humans,as will as many other living creatures. In the descriptions of the sun and moon turning black,I think it may be that is because something similar to a nuclear winter that have hit the world,and ashes polluted the atmosphere,turning the sky pitch black. Great fires burning up the whole world? That could be massive volcanic eruptions; Lands sinking into the bottom of oceans? There’s evidence collected from scientific research that this have happened before. And asteroids or comets hitting the Earth can look like stars falling from the sky,as described in ancient texts. Although my friends dream seem to reveal that it may just start as an increase in the occurrence of natural disasters for Japan,but from the researches I’ve done mass extinction events don’t usually happen just as one single event,rather they tend to involve series of disasters that would eventually lead to global cataclysms. So I think whether it’s ancient wisdom being passed down for generations or studies done by modern science,they pretty much point to the same direction. It’s really just a matter of time before the end of this era finally comes. And now there are already signs of which darkness and injustice have engulfed the human society,it can be truly unsettling.
Hi Emily,
I also feel like we are living in the “End Times”. So disasters, crazy weather, as well as actions of darkness that acts from behind ca be expected. In the end though, as humans, we are not immortal anyway, and these physical bodies we have will die one day. Therefore, as I see it, these current turbulences in the world, instead of being petrified by them, can be also taken as a reminder to focus on the spiritual, to find the true Path and attempt to walk upon it, so that we can elevate our spirit and hopefully reach the level that is required for the so-called salvation. These disasters also serve as a means for karma to be administered, as humanity obviously acquired so much of it over the ages. As I write this, I look out of my window to the heaps of snow that fell in the last week, after a period of unusually hot weather for this time of the year, and wonder if my roses and berry bushes will recuperate from it, and if the fruit trees that were already in blossom will bring any fruit this year. We are indeed so dependant on weather, so whoever can manipulate it can control us easily.
Wishing you a lot of strength and Divine guidance! 🌞
Hi Lucia,
I think you have a good point about “focusing on the spiritual” and not get petrified by the signs of darkness of the world. I do think it’s worth-noticing that these signs are being revealed to us in these specific time periods as a kind of reminder and warning about the reality of our world,while I continue to look into different things and try to gain a better understanding about myself as well as our relationship to the universe. There’s still snow in this time of the year? That’s unbelievable! Which part of the world to do you live in? In the place where I live,if there were still snow in this time of the year then we would definitely know for sure that there’s something wrong with the weather! In an event of a global cataclysm, I don’t think it’s just gonna be about rapid weather changing,but a combination of different natural disasters on a massive scale,like volcanic eruptions,earthquakes,tsunamis,etc,or even interplanetary bodies like an asteroid or comet hitting the planet!I do think many of these natural events match up really well with the descriptions fortelling the cataclysm that is to come at the end of this age,and evidence for cataclysms which have happened before certainly don’t just exist in old tales and legends. There are many studies from the field of geology,as well as other subjects of science that can confirm this,in fact they have occurred many times throughout the Earth’s history and everytime it does,it causes great devastations to the biosphere,and surviving lifeforms would evolve to fill the gaps in the ecosystem,until the next extinction event. I think this can be seen as a perfect example of the grand cycle of recreation and destruction that the ancient cultures have been talking about. As for civilizations built by intelligent beings that existed before our own,while mainstream science may not acknowledge their existence,there are theories out there that try to study and explain them. Among the most interesting ones I think there is the Silurian hypothesis,here is a video that seems to give at least somewhat of an introduction to it:
There’s an event which is characterized by a rise in temperature within a relatively short amount of time around 55.8 million years ago,known as the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum,or PETM, and is attributed by some as evidence of global warming caused by a highly advanced industrial civilization. Given the timeframe this was even way before Atlantis! So it really makes you wonder our place in the grand scheme of things,the reality is that our civilization is really insignificant compared to the might of the cosmos,and our civilization will cease to exist just like all others that have came before us. In the future there may be tales telling the stories of the major superpowers of our time,but just like the story of Atlantis,they will be regarded by those who came after us as nothing more than one of the legends which have been passed down throughout time as the result of the wild imagination of their ancestors that they may consider “primitive”. They would not know what our civilization have been capable of,because all traces of our existence would disintegrate throughout time,until there is hardly anything left to find. And so this is the grand cycle of existence which all life on this planet go through,and that again resonates with the teachings of the Religion of The Sun.
Hey Emily, I agree that there must have been many many civilisations before our current one here on the Earth, in fact, Indian scriptures talk about repeating Yugas in huge cycles. I looked into it some time ago, and thought it was fascinating how much knowledge Indians preserved about these cycles. Here is just a short summary from what I compiled back then, as I tried to make some order in these concepts (as they are not always found in a clear form online):
“4 Yugas (Stay, Treta, Dvapara and Kali) form one MahaYuga, and 1000 MahaYugas form one Kalpa – also called a Day of Brahma or cosmic day. Brahma’s day is followed by Brahma’s night or pralaya (dissolution or cosmic night) of equal length (1000 MahaYugas). During a pralaya, everything created by Brahma is unmanifest, including himself, until he is reborn in his next day/Kalpa.
At the beginning of a Kalpa, Brahma is said to create a Manu – the progenitor of mankind. In a Kalpa, there are 14 Manus who reign in succession, each ruling over a period of 71,42 Mahayugas (71,42 x 14 approximately equals 1000). These 71,42 MahaYugas ruled by one Manu are called one Manvantara (meaning ‘period or age of a Manu’, with “manu” meaning ‘man’ and “antara” ‘period’, literally meaning the duration of a Manu, or his life span). After the end of each Manwantara, a cosmic level Apocalypse destroys life in a major part of the universe, and there is a transitional period called Sandhya, in which Earth is submerged in a Divine Ocean for cleansing purposes.”
Now time-wise these are huge time cycles of course, when you imagine that just Satua Yuga is estimated to last around 2 million years. So these Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron ages rotate on an ever-moving wheel, with some time spent in rest…
Also, to answer your question, I live in Slovenia, which is a mountainous country in central Europe, and while it occasionally happens that there is a sudden blast of snow in late spring (even in May sometimes 😮), those are usually very short and don’t cause too much damage. But this year was quite extreme, because we had the temperatures around 30-ties (Celsia), which is completely unusual for this time of the year, and many plants that normally would not yet start developing, started growing very fast, creating buds, etc…, and then suddenly the temperatures dropped approximately 20 degrees in just one day, and there came freezing temperatures at night (where I live) and around 40 cm of snow! 😳 Now the snow is gone fortunately, some plants are damaged, others we will see later. Last year, there were big floods in our country that damaged several villages, and were named “the worst natural disaster that has ever hit the country”. Fortunately, it didn’t hit the region where I live, but we had a very ominous-looking hail that destroyed a lot of crops too. I have been living in this region for about 10 years now, but haven’t seen such extremes here before. And while I certainly don’t think its the “global cataclysm” yet, it feels like something unusual is going on, which may be a part of the longer time-period, characterised by different natural disasters in different parts of the world before something more serious hits…
Hi Lucia,
I just watched a video on Hindu cosmology including the cycles of time regarding the four yugas the other day. Hinduism is by no doubt one of the best-preserved traditions of the Religion of The Sun in the world,when you really look into it you will be stunned by how much math and science is involved in it,which makes it really looks like something more than a simple religion…the Indians are known to have made some great achievements in math, as well as some aspects of natural science in ancient times before the advance of modern civilization,so I do feel that there is a huge amount of ancient wisdom that is contained in Hinduism which many other traditions branched off from the Religion of The Sun have lost. I think the Maya civilization of the Americas also had a similar cosmology based on the cyclical nature of existence,but that civilization has vanished into the depths of history and its ancient traditions have been lost to a huge extent today,not to mention what the colonizers from Europe did to the indigenous people of the Americas later on:( But based on the Mayan calendar there was a rumor going around that the world was going to end in year 2012,because it is said that the era which we live in would come to an end by 2012, but as it turned out nothing really happened,and that rumor just turned out to be, well,a rumor. I think there are some scams involved in the spread of that myth,and that obviously wasn’t a very good way of interpreting ancient wisdom:( The failure of the so-called 2012 prophecy actually made many people turning away from studying ancient traditions or even spirituality altogether,thinking of it as nothing more than superstition;( One misinterpretation of ancient prophecies certainly doesn’t make them wrong,but people tend to disgard these things completely when they don’t work out the way they understood them to be. There are descriptions about advanced civilizations in the past that have vanished in the records of many ancient traditions around the world,and there is evidence from both science and religion that destructive cataclysms have occurred in the past many times,and it is almost certain that they will come again in the future. Even the major monotheistic religions of Abrahamic tradition account for at least two major catastrophes,one is the Great Flood that is said to have occurred in the past,the other is one that is prophesied to happen at the end of our current world(i.e. the Apocalypse of Christianity,and Qiyamah of Islam) Even if you are an atheist and you believe in nothing except for what modern science can tells us,it shouldn’t be hard to accept the fact that mass extinction events have happened many times in the past,and as humans we too may face one in the future that would bring an end to our civilization. And who is to say that another intelligent species would not arise and build a new civilization from scratch just like we did? Unless you are someone who is just so arrogant to think that our civilization will somehow persist through eternity,it shouldn’t be hard for you to come into term with these facts. Some say that humans would eventually leave Earth and colonize other planets before the next cataclysm comes,but I’m highly skeptical as to if humanity can really make it,for things have already started to mess up and humanity may not survive until the technology capable of long-distance space travel have been developed. We are a war-like species that is ruining everything already,how much time exactly do we still have to make things right? As far as I can tell,nobody is really doing that. Or they may claim that they are doing the right thing, but the hypocrisy which is contained in their claims can go beyond our imagination.
Part of the country where I live in doesn’t seem to have experienced any sort of extreme weather recently,but the winter which have just passed appeared to be warmer than those of previous years. We feel that there may be something going on with the climate,but we are not really sure of what’s exactly behind the change that have possibly occurred. There could be a whole sets of complicated reasons behind such changes in climate,involving both natural and human factors which may have to do with secret government experiments manipulating the weather…but since we are not allowed to really talk about the government in this country,I’m not gonna take the risk of breaking the rule here. But I can agree with you on the fact that there is something fishy going on,and I do hope those who are capable can do something right to at least help with the situation a little bit. While as an ordinary spiritual practitioner I always try to disengage myself from worldly distractions,and do my best to walk the path of the Spiritual Sun. I think Lara’s latest video has been really informative on the insight of dark vs light struggle on a personal level,and I’m still contemplating on that. There is still a lot that I need to work on in order to battle my inner darkness,and the things which I have experienced in my personal life can serve as lessons.
PS: I found that the word “Manu” in Sanskrit is actually related to the English word “man” since they belong to the same language family. Just a bit of interesting fact that the Indians today seem to be reluctant to accept the Indo-European theory,for there seems to be a lot of extreme nationalists in the country who claim that Sanskrit is the mother of all languages:|Despite having preserved so much ancient wisdoms in terms of their spiritual practices,that is not to say that present-day Hinduism hasn’t been affected by the darkness of the world. For instance the caste system advocates for inequality in the society and present-day Hinduism has been used by politicians there as a tool of nationalism and promoting violence against those who followed different faiths or ideologies from their own,similar to the case with Shintoism and the symbol of the sun in Japan. I think this has become one of the problems of branches of the Religion of The Sun that are remaining today. That is they can become symbols of extreme nationalism and used as justification of hatred and violence towards different people. While it’s true that the Religion of The Sun may have many offshoots in different parts of the world as it adjusted to the contexts of different cultures to guide people,at the end of the day as the original teachings of the Religion of The Sun is making a comeback,we should bear in mind that true spiritual knowledge knows no borders,it transcends all boundaries of countries,races and cultures. The key is for all followers of the Religion of The Sun to recognize our common spiritual heritage,and learn from all knowledge of ancient wisdom which have been passed down. Followers of different branches attacking one another based on differences in nationalities,cultures and races is another sign of darkness of the world infilstrating.
It’s interesting that so many ancient cultures speak of a global flood that have destroyed much of civilization, science had, for a while, reject the idea that such a catastrophe ever happened because one of the things that scientists tend to do is looking down upon myths and legends passed down by ancient cultures and deem them as false because people of the past were all dumb and stupid and essentially didn’t know anything about themselves and the world around them. But now even some mainstream scientists suggest that there was at least some catastrophic floods that occurred at the end of the last Ice Age, and here’s a video that talks about it:
The one thing that they have so far not admitted is the existence of advanced civilizations in the distant past because there is little to no evidence for their existence. This is true in some way because distinct signs of civilizations can be wiped out by nature gradually after hundreds and thousands of years. I highly recommend a documentary called Life After People which talks about how major traces of human civilization could be eradicated by nature within hundreds and thousands of years. But despite this there are still hints of their existence in the past that can be discovered if you remain open-minded and pay close attention, even though they are usually very subtle. In fact, the mainstream scientific community does kind of acknowledge the reality that major catastrophes which had a huge impact in the world have occurred in the world before and may happen in the future again, there’s just no way of knowing for sure, but they don’t rule out that possibility. There are five mass extinctions that have occurred in Earth’s history that are accepted by most scientists as facts, and they are the Ordovician-Silurian extinction, which took place around 444 million years ago, Late Devonian extinction, that took place around 383-359 million years ago, Permian-Triassic extinction around 252 million years ago, Triassic-Jurassic extinction around 201 million years ago, and Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction that occurred around 66 million years ago. During everyone of these mass extinctions, many lives on the planet were wiped out and the environment on the planet changed significantly. If you take the Creraceous-Paleogene extinction for example, you could actually say that it was actually a even bigger catastrophe than the Flood that was recorded in the legends of many ancient cultures. But perhaps because it happened too far back, that memories of that catastrophe was completely lost in the collective consciousness of our ancestors. Mass extinctions kind of occur on a cyclical basis just like wisdoms of the past have been telling us, and now more and more scientists are coming up to suggest that the Earth is on the verge of a sixth Mass Extinction. This appears me to coincide perfectly with the ancient prophecies that foretold an upcoming catastrophe that will end our current era and wipe out most of the living beings on Earth. Although they do not like to admit it, modern science is really rediscovering the same truth that our ancient ancestors understood, just in a different way. But due to the censorship that exists in mainstream academia only part of the whole story is being told to us from these so-called experts.
Here is what I found about how humans came in to existence on this planet according to the Agganna Sutta(a Buddhist scripture), I found the story very interesting and somewhat different from many other stories where humans were created by a god or many gods.
The Buddha said that sooner or later, after a very long time, there would come a time when the world shrinks. At a time of contraction, beings are mostly born in the Abhassara Brahma world. And there they dwell, mind-made, feeding on delight, self-luminous, moving through the air, glorious — and they stay like that for a very long time. But sooner or later, after a very long period, this world begins to expand again. At a time of expansion, the beings from the Abhassara Brahma world, having died from there, are mostly reborn in this world. Here they dwell, mind-made, feeding on delight, self-luminous, moving through the air, glorious — and they stay like that for a very long time.
They floated above and around the Earth. At this time, there were not yet seen the Moon and the Sun, there were not yet Night and Day, there were not yet names and identity or female or male. The creatures were only known as creatures.
At that period, Vasettha, there was just one mass of water, and all was darkness, blinding darkness…. And sooner or later, after a very long period of time, savory earth spread itself over the waters where those beings were. It looked just like the skin that forms itself over hot milk as it cools. It was endowed with color, smell, and taste. It was the color of fine ghee or heated butter and it was very sweet, like pure wild honey (1)
Some of the creatures of light (the Abbhasaras) who had curiosity and a greedy nature began to dive and taste the savory Earth’s substance. At that moment, the creature found out that it tasted so delicious. Thus, greed started to seep in and it ate the substance voraciously, greedily, also calling its comrades (who were flying above and on earth) to join in the feast. Not long afterwards, the creatures began to eat greedily, and due to the huge amount of the mud substance they could feed on it for a very long time.
As they ate and ate, their luminous body began to be coated by the mud substance, formed a coarser body, then suddenly, the sun and moon were seen, so were the stars, and also Night and Day began on Earth. The logical explanation of this was that the creatures were the self-illuminating, so blinding and luminous that they didn’t notice the Sun. The Earth was covered in their light. So, when the materialization took place, the light faded inside their newly conceived ‘body’ of mud and thus the night and day became apparent to them. Then, as the night and day became apparent, seasons and years also appeared.
Their body was still coarse and roughly shaped. Thus, after a very long time, the mud-like substance began to be exhausted. Then, mushroom-like plants began to grow so fast that they replaced the mud-like ocean. The creatures began to devour them as well, and they also found it delicious, like sweet honey and milk. Their body hardened more and details began to turn finer.
After another very long time, the mushrooms also began to be exhausted, replaced by cassava or turnip-like plants. They also began to devour them night and day, and thus they began to notice differences amongst them. As the changes of their bodies varied between each other, the concept of difference arose. The concepts of the beautiful and the ugly were born. The beautiful scorns the ugly and they became arrogant because of their appearance.
Then, after the turnips, the earth was grown with rice plants. The first rice plants were without husk and kernels. The sweet and honey-like rice flourished seeds abundantly. The people consumed them for a very long time. But there are people who became greedy and lazy. They took more rice than they needed for one day’s meals. They began to take two, four, eight, and sixteen days’ of rice reserves as they were too lazy to take rice everyday. Owing to this, many other creatures began to store and hoard the rice. The generation time for rice plants became slower and slower. Usually, it took only one night for the plant to grow and be ready to be consumed, but by the karmic power the plant began to grow more and more slowly. Also the rice grew in kernels and husks, scattered, which the creatures must work, nurse, maintain, harvest, and cook in order to obtain the white rice.
By this time, the body of the creatures had become finely evolved. There was already the distinction between male and female. The man became preoccupied with women and vice versa. Then, as they were deeply attracted to each another, passion and desire was aroused, and they engaged in sexual relationships. The people who saw a couple engaged in sexual activity scolded them, and usually the couple were forbidden from entering the village for a certain period of time. Owing to this, the indulgent couples built closed dwellings where they indulged in sexual activity.
The Khattiya Caste (Rulers)
The rice plants, as mentioned earlier, began to grow in separate plots and people began to divide lands and tend each other’s cluster of rice fief. They became preoccupied in tending their own field. Then, as the evil and greed were aroused, there were people who begin stealing others’ crops. At first, the others only warned the culprit and the culprit promised that he would never repeat it again. But when it was repeated several times, the people began punishing him with fist, stones, and then sticks. That is the origin of punishment forms. Then, people began to think that they were too busy to heed every crime and abuse that happened in their society. They grieved on the rising of evil amongst their people. But most of their time had already been invested in tending their fief. So, they appointed someone to rectify what is right and what is wrong, give warnings to those who need it, give punishment to those who deserve it, and in return, they will give him a share of their rice. So, they went to the fairest, ablest, most likeable, and most intelligent person and appointed him to do the judging and passing out sentences on the reward of a share of rice. The appointed person thus agreed and the people bestowed upon him the title : ‘Maha Sammata’ meaning: The People’s Choice. Then, they bestowed also the second title: ‘Khattiya’ meaning the ‘Lord of the Rice Field’, and finally the third title: ‘Raja’ which means ‘Who gladdens people with Dhamma (or Truth)’. This order was created by the people’s wish and need, based on the Dhamma and not from others. The Buddha stated again that Dhamma is indeed the best of all things.
The Brahmin Caste
Then, amongst the people, some of them begin to think like this: “Evil deeds have risen amongst us, such as: theft, lies, murders, sexual abuses, punishment, and banishment. Now let us set aside evil, unuseful, and impolite things.” The word Brahmins came, as it meant: “They who put aside Evil and unwholesome things” (1). They set up retreats and huts in the forests and meditated there. They came to the city at morning and evening only to gather food and after finishing gathering food, they returned to their huts and meditations. People noticed this and ‘Those who meditated’ were called ‘Jhayanti’ or ‘Jhayaka’.
There are other people, who can’t meditate or dwell in huts in the forest. So, they settled in the cities, did not meditate, but compiled books. The people called them ‘Ajjhayaka’ which meant ‘They who don’t meditate’. At first the Ajjhayaka were viewed lower than Jhayaka but in the Buddha’s time, the Ajjhayaka had been viewed higher in status than the Jhayakas.
The Vessa (Traders) and the Sudda (Hunters)
Among the people who had settled and had family, some began to adopt various trades.
The remainder of these people preferred the work of hunting. The Sudda caste came from the word ‘Sudda’ which means: ‘They Are Base Who Live By The Chase’ [1].
All of the castes, from Brahmin, Khattiya, Vessa, and Sudda originated from these people, and not from others; in accordance to the Dhamma and not by others.
The Ascetics
But from the four clans, there were people who were not satisfied with their living, left their home and became celibate ascetics. These are the origin of the fifth caste formed from all the four castes’ people who left their lay life and became an ascetic.
The Buddha then concluded his discourse to Vasettha and Bharadvaja: (Due to the governance of Dhamma which became the root of all castes and people) anyone, from any the caste, who did demerit and wrongdoings, lived a bad life of speech, thoughts, views, and wrongdoings, they would end up after their death, in the realm of sufferings, hell, loss, and torture.
But anyone, from any caste, who did merit and good deeds, lived a good life of speech, thoughts, and deeds; had the right view, after their death, they would end in the realm of happiness and heaven.
Anyone, from any caste, who did both merit and demerit, lived a good and bad life of speech, thoughts, and deeds; had either a right or a bad view, after their death, they could end in the realm of suffering or the realm of joy.
Anyone, from any caste, who lived a life of disciplined deeds, speeches, thoughts, who had trained and developed himself in the seven factors of Enlightenment, then he would attain the eradication from the (stains/dust/dirt/filth) of mind in this current life.
Anyone, from four castes, who became a bhikku (Monk), arahant, who had eradicated stains of Mind, had done what must be done, had relieved himself from burden, who had attained freedom, who had broken the bondage of birth, who had been freed due to knowledge; then they would be declared as the best from all of them, in accordance to the Truth (Dharma) and not from the basis of not Truth (adhamma).
The Buddha quoted, “Dharma is the best thing for people In this life and the next as well.”
The Buddha quoted the verses of Brahma Sandakumara: “The Khattiya is the best among those who maintain their lineage; He with knowledge and conduct is best of gods and men.” then, the Buddha asserted that the verse is indeed true, according to the Dhamma, profitable, and true.
The Khattiya’s best among those who value clan; He with knowledge and conduct is best of gods and men.”
Thus the discourse ended with Vasettha and Bharadvaja rejoicing in hearing the words of Buddha.
In Buddhism there is also what is called the Three Ages of Buddhism:
The Three Ages of Buddhism are three divisions of time following Buddha’s passing:[1][2]
Former Day of the Law—also known as the Age of the Right Dharma (Chinese: 正法; pinyin: Zhèng Fǎ; Jp: shōbō), the first thousand years (or 500 years) during which the Buddha’s disciples are able to uphold the Buddha’s teachings;[3]
Middle Day of the Law—also known as the Age of Semblance Dharma (Chinese: 像法; pinyin: Xiàng Fǎ; Jp: zōhō), the second thousand years (or 500 years), which only resembles the right Dharma;[4]
Latter Day of the Law—also known as the Degenerate Age (Chinese: 末法; pinyin: Mò Fǎ; mòfǎ; Jp: mappō), which is to last for 10,000 years during which the Dharma declines.[5]
In the Sutra of the Great Assembly (Skt. Mahasamnipata Sutra) (Jpn. Daijuku-kyō), the three periods are further divided into five five-hundred year periods (五五百歳 Cn: wǔ wǔ bǎi sùi; Jp: go no gohyaku sai), the fifth and last of which was prophesied to be when the Buddhism of Gautama Buddha would lose all power of salvation and a new Buddha would appear to save the people. This time period would be characterized by unrest, strife, famine, and natural disasters.[6]
The three periods are significant to Mahayana adherents, particularly those who hold the Lotus Sutra in high regard, namely the Tiantai and Tendai and Nichiren Buddhism, who believe that different Buddhist teachings are valid (i.e., able to lead practitioners to enlightenment) in each period due to the different capacity to accept a teaching (機根 Cn: jīgēn; Jp: kikon) of the people born in each respective period.
Latter Day of the Law
Traditionally, this age is supposed to begin 2000 years after Shakyamuni Buddha’s passing and last for 10,000 years and more. Shakyamuni, in the Sutra of the Great Assembly (Jpn. Daijuku-kyō), describes the Latter Day of the Law (Jpn. Mappo) as “the age of conflict”, when “Quarrels and disputes will arise among the adherents to my teachings, and the Pure Law will become obscured and lost.” In this evil latter age, when society is disordered, Shakyamuni’s Buddhism will lose its power to benefit the people, as they lack the karmic connection with him from the inconceivably remote past.
In the Lotus Sutra (Jpn. Myōhō-Renge-Kyō), Shakyamuni Buddha entrusted the propagation of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law to Bodhisattva Superior Practice (Jpn. Jogyo Bosatsu), the leaders Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Shakyamuni predicted in the 21st Chapter of the Lotus Sutra (jinriki), that the Votary of the Lotus Sutra would appear in the Latter Day of the Law, dispel the fundamental darkness of all mankind, and lead the people to attain enlightenemnt.
The Nichiren Shoshu school of Buddhism, believes that Nichiren Daishonin is votary of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law. Shakyamuni declared that the Votary of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law would be “spoken ill of and cursed”, “would be wounded by swords and staves and pelted with stones and tiles” and “again and again banished.” Nichiren Shoshu states that Nichiren Daishonin’s actions matched the prediction that Shakyamuni Buddha taught. They cite the Izu and Sado Exile (“again and again banished”) and the Tatsunokuchi Persecution where the government attempted to execute the Daishonin (“wounded by swords and staves”) for propogating the Lotus Sutra (Jpn. Myōhō-Renge-Kyō) throughout Japan.
Buddhist temporal cosmology assumes a cyclical pattern of ages, and even when the current Buddha’s teachings fall into disregard, a new Buddha will at some point (usually considered to be millions of years in the future) be born to ensure the continuity of Buddhism. In the Lotus Sutra, Visistacaritra is entrusted to spread Buddhist law in this age and save mankind and the earth. He and countless other bodhisattvas, specifically called Bodhisattvas of the Earth (of which he is the leader), vow to be reborn in a latter day to re-create Buddhist law, thus turning the degenerate age into a flourishing paradise. Gautama Buddha entrusts them instead of his more commonly known major disciples with this task since the Bodhisattvas of the Earth have had a karmic connection with Gautama Buddha since the beginning of time, meaning that they are aware of the Superior Practice which is the essence of Buddhism or the Dharma in its original, pure form. Ksitigarbha is also known for his vow to take responsibility for the instruction of all beings in the six worlds, in the era between the death of Gautama and the rise of Maitreya.[12][clarification needed] Teacher Savaripa would also live in the world to teach someone.
In the earliest strata of Pali Buddhist texts, especially in the first four Nikayas, only the following seven Buddhas, The Seven Buddhas of Antiquity (Saptatathāgata), are explicitly mentioned and named:
One sutta called Cakkavatti-Sīhanāda Sutta from an early Buddhist text called the Digha Nikaya also mentions that following the Seven Buddhas of Antiquity, a Buddha named Maitreya is predicted to arise in the world.
However, according to a text in the Theravada Buddhist tradition from a later strata (between 1st and 2nd century BCE) called the Buddhavamsa, twenty-one more Buddhas were added to the list of seven names in the early texts. Other later Buddhist texts hold that each kalpa has 1,000, and Metteya to be the fifth and future Buddha of the bhadrakalpa. The previous kalpa was the vyuhakalpa (Glorious aeon), and the present kalpa is called the bhadrakalpa (Auspicious aeon). Just as the Theravada tradition adds the names of 21 Buddhas to this initial list of seven Buddhas, Mahayana Buddhism adds even more names of Buddhas, sometimes claiming that there has been, is, and/or will be infinite number of Buddhas.
According to the Theravada tradition, the seven Buddhas named in the early Buddhist texts are said to be of the following number in the specified kalpa, bridging the vyuhakalpa and the bhadrakalpa:
Vipassī (the 998th Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)
Sikhī (the 999th Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)
Vessabhū (the 1000th and final Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)
Kakusandha (the first Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)
Koṇāgamana (the second Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)
Kassapa (the third Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)
Gautama (the fourth and present Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)
Buddhist scriptures also suggest that at the times of different Buddhas the human lifespan is different, it is said that when people create more negative karma their lifespan will shorten and when they create more positive karma their lifespan will increase. According to Buddhism the human lifespan can reach as long as 84000 years when there’s a strong good karmic energy and and be as short as 10 years when they are creating more bad karma than good karma. Currently the human lifespan is in the process of decreasing and it will be as short as 10 years before starting to increase again. This process is really slow and it is hard to see in just a matter of a few centuries, but now there’s evidence that kids are reaching puberty earlier, and experts are not sure why. Could this be the proof that the human lifespan is decreasing? I wonder…
I was always inspired by the story of Maitreya, the Buddha of the future, who would descend on Earth from higher dimensions to restore the Dharma…
Another Buddhist teaching that spoke a lot to me was the book “Sky Dancer” translated from Tibetan by Keith Dowman. Tantra is often described as the teaching given specifically for this dark age, while that book gives a teaching warning about spiritual degeneration…
“The Guru made this pronouncement: “At this moment the Tantra has the vital potency of youth. In the future its promise will not be fulfilled. Its practice will be confused and perverted.”
Hi Vadim, I’ve never heard of the book “Sky Dancer”, as my knowledge on Tibetan Buddhism is limited. I’ve done some research on Buddhism, but my main focus has been on Chinese Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism, or more specifically the Thai Forest Tradition. There has been a lot of disagreements between these different schools of Buddhism just like there had been disputes between Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christians, but I also found many overlaps between these different traditions, and I bet it’s probably the same with Tibetan Buddhism…maybe I need to look more into Tibetan Buddhism as well. However I do know about a prophecy made by Guru Padmasambhava, the alleged spiritual master who brought Buddhism from the Indian subcontinent to the region that would eventually become the region of Tibet. Guru Padmasambhava once said, “When the iron bird flies and horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered across the world like ants, and the Dharma will spread far and wide like never before. This shall also be the start of the Dharma-ending age.” What he referred to as “iron birds” are what we know today as airplanes, and “horses run on wheels” could mean anything from cars to trains. With the limited vocabulary of that time, Guru Padmasambhava had done a very good job explaining what he foresaw that was going to happen in the future, and we can surely make sense of his prophecy today. This is one of the most accurate predictions about our current era from ancient traditions I’ve come across, it gives a relatively precise description of what the world would be like in our time, while also hinting the start of a decline in spirituality…Buddhism has predicted the spiritual degeneration that would happen in our age just like many other ancient traditions. Buddhists and most scholars consider Buddhism a separate religion from Hinduism, with a set of beliefs and practices akin to but different from Hinduism. But what if in reality Buddhism speaks of the exact same timeless and universal truth that Hinduism does and the historical Buddha was more of a re-initiator of the wisdom that had become lost to some extent in India? At the time of the Buddha there were people who practiced animal sacrifice in India and thought about that as noble, but the Buddha opposed animal sacrifice and taught the notion of non-violence. He taught that no living beings, be it a human or an animal, should be killed or harmed for any purpose. This is why followers of Chinese Buddhism practice vegetarianism as they believe by abstaining from eating meat, they are not harming or killing animals for their selfish needs. In Thai Forest Tradition people can eat meat, even monks who beg for alms from house to house accept meat offered to them by the lay community, but only if they know that the meat is not from an animal that is killed for their benefit. Non-violence is an important part of Buddhist teaching, and in contrast during the time of the Buddha there were many Brahminists(followers of Brahminism, known today as Hinduism) that slaughtered animals to please Brahma, the Hindu godhead. Obviously animal sacrifice was not part of the original teachings of the earlier Wisdom Bringers who went the Indian subcontinent and enlightened people there, but somehow people took up the practice of animal sacrifice and deviated from the teaching of the Religion of The Sun. So maybe the Buddha was there to reintroduce non-violence to the Indians. But I can’t be sure that the Buddha was another Wisdom Bringer since some of his teachings are very different from what Hinduism teaches, like the concept of anatta(non-self) in contrast to Hinduism’s belief in Atman, the true and eternal self every living being possesses that is not so different from Brahman, the very essence that underlies all phenomena of the universe. I also haven’t recognized anything in the Buddha’s life that is parallel to the path of the Sun like Jesus. So while Buddhism is a peaceful religion,I’m not totally sure if it has anything to do with the Religion of The Sun or that the historical Buddha, whose birth name is Siddhartha Gautama, a prince of a small kingdom in the Indian subcontinent who left his palace in search of spiritual enlightenment was a Wisdom Bringer who taught the Religion of The Sun, he may have had his own doctrine to preach altogether, but Buddhist practitioners clearly foresaw what was to come in this day and age like many other ancient sages.
Maitreya currently resides in the Tuṣita Heaven, said to be reachable through meditation. Gautama Buddha also lived here before he was born into the world as all bodhisattvas live in the Tuṣita Heaven before they descend to the human realm to become Buddhas. The Tusita Heaven is said to be the fourth layer of heaven in Buddhist cosmology. In Buddhism as well as Hinduism there are many layers of heaven and many layers of hell. In Islam there are six levels of heaven with the Creator God Allah residing in the sixth and highest heaven. I haven’t seen similar description of layers of heaven or layers of hell in Christian cosmology. It’s very interesting that religions originated in the Indian subcontinent has some of the most intricate cosmologies in the world. Not only do they talk about many layers of heavens and hells they also have many units that are used to measure time. Like one kalpa equals approximately 16 million years.
Hi Emily,
Thank you so much for sharing the fruits of your research, so much to learn and discover!
“The Sky Dancer” book tells the story of Yeshe Tsogyal, who was actually a partner of Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche), so according to ” The Sky Dancer”, that prophecy about declining of Tantra in Tibet, was also made by Padmasambhava… “The Sky Dancer” is a very interesting, beautifully written book, showing the efforts to truly live a spiritual life and bring the teachings into a new place.
I really like the Forest Monk tradition of Thailand (and Myanmar), as they can give a very powerful experience of meditation and mindfulness, if you really want to clear your mind, they can teach you so well how to do it… Their teachings are basic, but powerful and pristine… Tibetan Buddhism has much more profound teachings, but from my experience, a lot of it today degenerated into deep darkness.
As we know, the Buddha came much later than ancient teachers, who taught the humanity after the great cataclysm, and his life and teachings were certainly very different than the Religion of the Sun, and very different from Jesus too… The Buddha appears to be a great reformative teacher of Hinduism, his methods seemed to be much needed at that time, however, much of the depth of Vedic and Tantric teachings was not preserved even in his early teachings. (There is a possibility that it was passed in secret, and the remnants of that reached us through some mystical texts and schools, in art of some stupas of Bagan in Myanmar, caves close to Aurangabad in India, etc).
And later Buddhist schools took different directions… For some reason, out of so many great teachers of India, Buddha’s teachings became more mainstream and official, some Buddhist schools focused on ceremonies, others on intensive meditation, others on removing the suffering of others, etc. There is an interesting Tibetan perspective however, that in his previous incarnation, it was also the Buddha who passed to Tibet and Shambala much more deeper and esoteric teachings (Kalachakra).
I got drawn to look more into Buddhism after having a very strange clear dream, that came to me out of nowhere… where I saw so clearly, like it was happening in the physical, someone looking like the Buddha, sitting surrounded with his disciples. I prefer not to say here what he did and said, but I can mention a striking contrast… the Buddha looked like an enlightened master, a man of wisdom, while even his close disciples looked like they were lost in their minds and low emotions, making his school “dead” even during his very lifetime.
For Christian cosmology, the most profound book that I have encountered, is Gnostic text “Pistis Sofia”, it is a marvelous account of secret teachings of Jesus given to his close disciples after his death. It talks about both heavens and hells, among so many other things… And of course, Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy”. Both of these books are so profound and can take a long time to study. I believe that these type of books need to come to you in the right time of your life.
And for the units of time… ancient calendars of Central America are so interesting too! They have 3 different types of calendars, used for different purposes.
India is certainly the place where so much of ancient knowledge got preserved till our days, but fortunately, in many other places of the world, also not everything, had been lost in time and obscurity.
I really cannot figure out if the Buddha was another wisdom bringer or not, some of his teachings seem to coincide with the teaching of the Religion of The Sun like non-violence, his opposition to animal sacrifice also seems to be evident of that. However some of his teachings like non-self appear to suggest otherwise. The Hindus are also divided on their views of the Buddha. Some consider him to be one of the incarnations of Vishnu that was born onto Earth to restore the Dharma, others believe he was a guru who taught an unorthodoxy doctrine. The Buddhist cosmology is very intricate, but that could just be a borrowing of the Hindu cosmology that predates Buddhism. I can only say that I don’t know if the Buddha was a wisdom bringer or not.
Hi Emily, a while ago, Lara shared an interesting video of a near-death experience of a man who met Buddha in the other realm, where Buddha told him that he had made a serious mistake in his lifetime by not acknowledging the existence of the eternal Divine Sun. You can see the video here (the man does not speak English well, but is understandable IMO):
Hey Emily,
Thanks for your comment. You might find it very interesting what Lara has said about Buddha in this Twitter post:
Much insight and strength in your research!
Hi Vadim,
Thank you so much on your information on Tibetan Buddhism! It is indeed a very interesting tradition…as for meditation I do them every now and then and I consider that part of my spiritual practice. And I’m interested to learn more about Tibetan Buddhism. It’s interesting you mentioned Jesus, I’m not sure what is Gnostic but I just watched a documentary about Jesus’s forgotten teachings that weren’t included in the Holy Bible and were regarded by the Church as fake gospels. I was never a fan of the monotheistic religions since I always thought their worldview were too narrow-minded and how on earth could they claim they are the only way to salvation? They are even fighting with one another in the Middle East. But when I saw the forgotten teachings of Jesus I instantly got drawn to the documentary and clicked on it. One of the forgotten scriptures talks about a girl who had a special relationship with Jesus and how Jesus taught her spiritual knowledge that he didn’t even teach his male disciples that the mainstream Christianity talks so much about. That girl could have had been one of Jesus’s most important disciples, but the Bible seems to have left her out. Another forgotten scripture talks about Jesus’s teaching on self-knowledge, that we can all become Children of the Heavenly Father just like him…it sounds to me very a lot like what many Eastern religions teaches…enlightenment comes through self-knowledge, knowing your Higher Self is the supreme way to salvation. Very interesting. I always thought Christianity was dominated by men from the beginning since the stories I’ve read from the Bible are mainly about Jesus and his male disciples, there were times that I thought why can’t a women be a close follower of Jesus? I think some teachings Jesus said in the Bible actually make sense to me and I’ve always believed that he was actually a spiritual teacher that had something deeper to teach than what he taught in the Bible. And the forgotten teachings of him seems to be a proof of that. Since he is a more recent Wisdom Bringer I suspect that maybe those teachers don’t just appear after major catastrophes but also come to earth every now and then to educate the people about the Religion of The Sun. That’s why I tried to figure out if the Buddha was one of them. But yeah from all the information I can find it’s more likely he wasn’t, but he taught something completely different. There appears to be evidence that there are Wisdom Bringers who come in to this world in the middle of an era solely to teach people about the Religion of The Sun, without telling them how to build civilization from scratch because there is no need to do so. In the a remote village in China during the 1970s there was a boy who was born on Winter Solstice that had been spiritual from a very young age and talked to the villagers about very controversial spiritual knowledge. The villagers were frightened by his teachings and at their request, the Communist officials took him away and no one knows what became of him after that. This story is very interesting to me and I wonder if he could have had been one of the most recent Wisdom Bringers to descend upon this world. Many times the teachings of these people can be frightening and they can viewed as dangerous because not everyone would be able to understand the deep meaning of their teachings. This could be why only some of Jesus’s disciples were able to hear Jesus’s teachings about the esoteric because they were the ones who could understand those teachings.
Contrary to popular belief, the government of China is not totally anti-religious, many religious groups are actually allowed to practice their faith in the country, on one condition that they are not considered by the government to be too “extreme”. But that boy’s teaching was just too controversial that not even the villagers could tolerate having him around. But I guess that’s how true Wisdom Bringers are sometimes being viewed.
Hi Emily,
Yes, the teachings of Jesus are so profound and very different from monotheistic views of many Christian believers…
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene is a very short book that you can easily find online and read, but has very profound teachings. The women who followed Jesus were respected and treated just like men, and it is likely that Jesus passed to Mary Magdalene many advanced esoteric teachings, as she was clearly quite advanced and close to him. You can see how she communicated with Jesus in Pistis Sofia.
Lara wrote an interesting article mentioning the role of women/feminine, in the early Christianity and spirituality overall, called “Reestablishing the Feminine in the Godhead: the Role of the Mother Goddess in Spirituality”.
Some teachings of Jesus have quite an oriental feel… in some places of India, they believe strongly that Jesus was taught in India during his missing years. In the place where Himalayas start, close to Rishikesh, there is a certain cave, where Jesus is believed to stay for 3 days… There are many similarities between the esoteric teachings of Jesus, such as preserved in Nag Hammadhi library (you can find it freely online) and the work of Tamil Siddhas, such as Tirumantiram…
“Gnosis” is a Greek word referring to gaining knowledge from your direct experience, your personal insight gained by your personal efforts in spiritual work. In the Forest Tradition of Southeastern Asia, it is called “panna” in Pali language.
In Sanskrit, it is called “jnana”. Vedas are believed to be the compilation of this type of “inner spiritual knowledge” received by Siddhas in advanced stages of meditation.
This type of knowledge is absolutely crucial for those who wish to advance, step by step, in their spiritual work.
Intellectual knowledge plays its own role, but Gnosis is what really stays with us, in tune with our inner wisdom.
Hi Lucia & Bogdan,
I did see the video that Lara shared in her Twitter post, and I think I replied to it. What Buddha said to the man is very interesting, and I wonder what could he mean by that. Even though all schools of Buddhism teach the concept of non-self, in Mahayana Buddhism, the school of Buddhism that is mainly practiced in China, Korea and Japan, in addition to non-self there is something called Buddha-nature, it is something that all beings possess, and becoming enlightened means that one has let go of all of his or her delusional views and realized his or her Buddha-nature. According to Mahayana Buddhist texts Buddha-nature is described as “does not enter into or go out of existence” and “neither increasing nor decreasing”, which is similar to the Eternal Sun. The thing about Mahayana Buddhism is that it only became popular centuries after Buddha’s passing, some think it is the original Buddhist teachings mixed with Hindu elements, others believe Mahayana was Buddha’s less well-known teachings that only few people could understand at the time he was alive. The exact origin of Mahayana Buddhism is not clear. This is why it’s so hard for me to make a conclusion as to if Buddha taught the Religion of The Sun.
Well said, Vadim. I will go take a look at the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and Pistis Sophia. I always knew there was something more to Jesus than what mainstream Christianity teaches, it is sad that the the spiritual teachings of a teacher like Jesus had been interpreted and used in a way to intimidate and control people. If the forgotten teachings made it into the Bible then it would not fit the agenda of the rulers back in the time when the Bible was composed. Throughout history Christians have done many things in the name of Jesus that goes against what he taught, they used violence and forced those whom they called pagans to convert to the “one true religion”, they said they were bringing glory to the Lord but I highly doubt if Jesus would have approved what they did. Even in the Bible Jesus said “ But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you.” Matthew 5:44 They were clearly not abiding by this teaching. The image of Jesus has been used in such a way that it has already went too far from Jesus’s initial intent. People really need to know the real Jesus and what he taught.
I have just once again watched this amazing video.
Although a part of me does cling to the civilisation we have collectively built and to the modern way of life, wishing for the end to never happen, yet at the same time I wish for the end to come, for the sake of the tens of millions of people continuing to suffer unnecessarily and for countless animals living in horrible conditions and being treated in soulless ways to maximise profit, so we can have a continuous supply of a wide range of affordable foods in the supermarket that we can indulge in whenever we want to. How much more this planet needs to suffer because of our collective selfishness and lack of love?
The use of the word Ragnarok is interesting. If I spell it like we do in Sweden, Ragnarök, I can see that it consists of two words, Ragna and Rök.
Ragna is a female name which means “divine power” , “counsel” or “advice of the gods” depending on the source of the information. The second word simply means smoke in Swedish. The combination would then be divine power/counsel-smoke which could imply that someone or something will appear in the future, perhaps the destroyer mentioned in the video.
I have also noticed that the meaning of names also applies to dreams. If I see a familiar face or person in a dream the meaning of the dream will get an extra depth if I check what the meaning of the name is. It´s a very clever way to give information to us because almost all of us have our own little database with faces that we associate with names.
That’s really interesting Anders. It’s really helpful to have these names dissected by a native speaker, because you can help show a deeper meaning that’s not apparent to someone who doesn’t speak that language!
On second viewing I noticed the mention of Rahu from the muni Markandeva quote, in the Mahabharata. Here is the quote as reference:
“And when the end of the Yuga comes, everybody will be in want … innumerable meteors will flash through the sky foreboding evil. And the Sun will appear with six others of the same kind. And all around there will be din and uproar, and everywhere there will be conflagrations. And the Sun, from the hour of his rising to that of setting, will be enveloped by Rahu (unidentified rouge planet).”
I heard Rahu mentioned by my wife who is interested in Vedic astrology. In Vedic astrology, is the north node of the Moon – the northern intersection of the Moon with the ecliptic. Likewise, Ketu is the southern node of the Moon. The location of Rahu and Ketu in an individual’s birth chart have a significant influence on the events of the individual’s life. The influence of Rahu on an individual is destructive. Here are a few quotes from a book I have:
“Rahu and Ketu are terrible, responsible for the greatest traumas and difficulties. Unlike Saturnn who creates the inevitable changes that each individual must at some time experience, Rahu and Ketu are responsible for the changes that are unexpected or unique to each individual…”
Though terrible and uncivilized, Rahu and Ketu are intelligent, highly intelligent in fact and responsible for many of the most amazing, though often destructive, feats that man has performed” ~(Wilhelm, p. 172)
“Rahu also has some less desirable names, two of which are Ghata, “destruction” and Pata, “falling.” Rahu is very capable of brinign about both of these if he is poorly placed in the horoscope or severely afflicting other Grahas. He can destroy that which is desired and have us fall from position, fall from grace or fall into despair.” (Wilhelm, pp. 60-61)
Rahu and Ketu are the ones who always cause eclipses as they swallow the Sun or the Moon (because by definition they are located on the line between the Earth and Sun). The color red is related to both Rahu and Ketu, as red is the Moon during a lunar eclipse.
In myth Rahu and Ketu are said to be born during the churning of the milky ocean from the demon Svarbhanu. The story in described in the book by Ernst Wilhelm as well as online, but I have yet to find a primary source. As described, Rahu is the severed head of Svarbhanu, while Ketu is the body. The two parts survived because the demon Svarbhanu, before being cut in two by Vishnu, partook of the Amrita.
I thought this may be relevant because it seems that Rahu has an individual as well as a global influence. I do not know whether there is another external source to the global influence, but find it curious that the influence on the individual and on the world are so similar.
Ernst Wilhelm, Graha Sutras – Planets of Vedic Astrology, 2006
Well spotted Aleks, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing that Alex. The influence of cosmic forces upon our lives in an interesting matter, which may be a cause for reflection.
Hi Michael, I think you are absolutely right by saying that we need to reflect on what we are doing and realize there is a need for change.
To finish off my comment I have found the story related in the Mahabharata. Here is the relevant passage from Book 1, Section XIX of the Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli, and available online at:
“And all the gods at that time of great fright drank the Amrita with delight, receiving it from Vishnu. And while the gods were partaking of
it, after which they had so much hankered, a Danava named Rahu was also drinking it among them in the guise of a god. And when the Amrita had
reached Rahu’s throat only, Surya and Soma (recognised him and) intimated the fact to the gods. And Narayana instantly cut off with his discus the
well-adorned head of the Danava who was drinking the Amrita without permission. And the huge head of the Danava, cut off by the discus and
resembling a mountain peak, then rose up to the sky and began to utter dreadful cries. And the Danava’s headless trunk, falling upon the ground
and rolling thereon, made the Earth tremble with her mountains, forests and islands. And from that time there is a long-standing quarrel between
Rahu’s head and Surya and Soma. And to this day it swalloweth Surya and Soma (during solar and lunar eclipses).”
The link between Svarbhanu (and/or Rahu and Ketu) and eclipses is further mentioned in other books, including Rig Veda (5.40.5-9). The below quote is from the Rig Veda translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith, available online at:
“5 O Sūrya, when the Asura’s descendant Svarbhanu, pierced thee through and through with darkness,
All creatures looked like one who is bewildered, who knoweth not the place where he is standing.
6 What time thou smotest down Svarbhanu’s magic that spread itself beneath the sky, O Indra,
By his fourth sacred prayer Atri discovered Sūrya concealed in gloom that stayed his function.
7 Let not the oppressor with this dread, through anger swallow me up, for I am thine, O Atri.
Mitra art thou, the sender of true blessings: thou and King Varuṇa be both my helpers.
8 The Brahman Atri, as he set the press-stones, serving the Gods with praise and adoration,
Established in the heaven the eye of Sūrya, and caused Svarbhanu’s magic arts to vanish.
9 The Atris found the Sun again, him whom Svarbhanu of the brood
Of Asuras had pierced with gloom. This none besides had power to do.”
Thanks for those quotes Aleks – great research.
I liked reading that quote from the Mahabharata Alex. It seems like a wonderfully told story, but full of concrete deeper meanings.
The Mahabharata War and the death of Krishna was the beginning of the Kali Yuga.
I studied Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) in India many years ago.
I wrote, and had published, numerous articles on Vedic Astrology, in the magazine Times of Astrology (Delhi).
Rahu and Ketu have absolutely nothing to so with the end of the Kali Yuga.
The end of the Kali Yuga begins mid 2020s. This date will coincide with the beginning of the mini ice age (Maunder Minimum).
Prepare accordingly.
Hi John,
I also do not think that Rahu and Ketu (as per their meaning in Vedic astrology) have something to do with the end of Kali Yuga. The quote from Muni Markandeva (that I quoted above) says: “And the Sun, from the hour of his rising to that of setting, will be enveloped by Rahu (unidentified rouge planet).”
I have never heard of such a long eclipse, so I am guessing that Rahu here means something else.
The reason that I related information from Vedic astrology is because the personal meaning of Rahu is so similar to its cataclysmic meaning described in the quote above. I think this is an example of using the same symbols to describe similar inner and outer concepts. So, although the end of Kali Yuga may not be experienced by all, the personal influence of Rahu will, and is worth preparing for.
The meaning of Rahu is this:
Rahu is the Graha that makes us seek and become obsessed with the things of this world:
Money, power, position, fame, and all forms of materialism.
Rahu gives these things and Ketu takes them away.
Thank you for this impressive video Lara and team, for its content of joining all the dots together and for the professional production. Very well done by all the team.
It’s incredible to have so many similarities in these prophecies across different times and cultures. It certainly makes a strong case for heeding the warnings and it’s disconcerting to consider how far into the Kali Yuga we are now.
It makes me wonder how near the end are we now? What will I live to see? Do I meet the standard to be spared the horror of the end? What am I doing each day to make sure I get off the wheel of samsara? The stakes could not be higher!
Excellent questions David, things don’t look too good currently, there is a great learning ahead of humanity.
David, since you asked, I will be happy to answer.
We are at the very end of the Kali Yuga. Or from another perspective, we are on the cusp between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
As you know the Kali Yuga is the age of darkness, and the next age to appear will be the Dwapara Yuga, which will herald the return of the Light.
Before the Dwapara Yuga can begin, EVERYTHING of the Kali Yuga must go. All modern civilization. All modern ways of seeing, and not seeing.
All economic systems. All political systems. All religions. Look around you now……everything you see will be gone.
We are receiving previews of coming attractions now. During the 2020s the main attraction begins: The coming mini ice age will bring: Extreme cold, food shortages and famine, massive dislocations of people, war, extreme volcanic activity, earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Only about 5% of the people alive today will be alive when the cleansing is complete.
By the end of the 2030s the show will be over, and the few who survive will fall to their knees in gratitude, and welcome the return of the Light.
Hi John, the prediction you mentioned is very accurate. In 2020 we are already seeing the world is rapidly changing. The most notable among those is perhaps the outbreak of the coronavirus, which is sweeping across the world at enormous speed. While many people are wondering what could be causing this deadly outbreak and where did the virus originate, those of us who had seen the predictions made by those ancient traditions are not surprised at all to see the outbreak of the plague. It was predicted many thousands of years ago that near the end of this current world age there will be an increase in the suffering of the people of the world in a variety of ways. I saw a line from a text in Chinese that translates to English as “people will fight with people, countries will fight with countries. There will be plagues, earthquakes and famines in many places. ” I don’t remember which scripture exactly, but this prediction cannot be more true when you look at what is going on in the world today. With the outbreak of the coronavirus, and massive earthquakes that has occurred around the world since the start of this year, I don’t know much about the famine part but if there is increased famines around the world that should not come as a surprise either. And looking at what is happening with the relationship between US,Russia,China, North Korea and Iran…we are literally fighting with one another and the conflicts between us are escalating at an alarming rate, ever since Trump withdrew from nuclear treaties signed with many other countries, the world is getting closer and closer to the brink of a nuclear war. This is all happening has we are speaking and I think this is what that line meant by saying “people will fight with people, countries will fight with countries”. Iran has attacked several US bases in Iraq by now and North Korea may have secretly conducted another nuclear test…. even though the media is flooded with news related to the coronavirus we can’t ignore all the other crazy things that are happening in the world right now that are indicating we are about to reach the end of our current era. However most people in the world are so unaware of this and are just continuing down this downward spiral which would eventually lead us to the point of no return. It has never been more important to spread the message of truth and raise the awareness of citizens of planet Earth. But unfortunately many people today would not listen and they would rather believe in the false narratives they’ve been receiving throughout their lives. Even if you tell them the truth they would ignore you and perhaps label you as a superstitious person and they just won’t listen to what you say and they won’t believe. This is one of the predictions made by these ancient traditions as well. People would be doing the wrong thing yet realizing that they’re wrong. We are in a very dangerous situation right now.
Emily The Weirdo:
Here is the truth about COVID:
There are 2 COVID viruses.
The first one is very strong and was released in Wuhan by the Globalists during the joint military games.
It killed many people, terrified the world, and was contained by the Chinese with very draconian measures.
The second COVID virus is weak and was released in various parts of the world. It is no stronger than the seasonal flu.
The Globalist have used this virus to lock down the world and initiate the Great Reset.
During the Great Reset, the Globalists will:
Destroy the global economy.
Remove all cash and implement a global digital currency for taxing and tracing.
Take away all freedom.
Force you to take a vaccine that will change your DNA and begin the process of trans humanism.
And they going to cull the human herd with a dramatic and drastic population reduction.
This is the last stand of the forces of darkness as the Kali Yuga comes to an end.
Hi David, I just glanced at your comment again:
”What am I doing each day to make sure I get off the wheel of samsara?”
It got me thinking how such questions (what am I doing each day towards xyz etc…) and their accompanied honest personal assessments are so vital at the start and end of each day.
that is beautifully said Olga.
Thank you for this video. Honestly, it took me a long time to watch it, because I find the emotions that come up when I face this topic very hard to deal with. But I really appreciate the efforts that have been made by you Lara, and Mark, and everyone who has come before to warn humanity. It’s not an easy thing to say or to face, at least I know it’s something I don’t know how to broach with people who don’t already know, and something I find very hard to come to terms with myself. Everything still seems so stable in the western world. There is always the rumblings of war going on in the background but the west is still pretty comfy, but it would only take a slight shift for things to crumble. I find my mind looking for solutions practically, to make steps to live more sustainably, away from big cities and to create a life that’s not so reliant on the structures that we take for granted remaining the same doing just that. Perhaps it’s partly because I like this way of life anyway, perhaps it’s a waste of time in the end, but if things are to deteriorate I want to be far away from the chaos that will inevitably erupt when people have their sense of normality shattered. It only takes a small disaster to see how the animal inside that’s kept under an acceptable facade emerges in the struggle to survive. The way people behaved in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the US years ago is a case in point. I know that the only way to survive this in a greater sense is to liberate ourselves from the Wheel of Samsara, and again, I’d like to say thank you again for helping me to face this inherently very sad topic and with that to make steps to use my time here, in the sun, for awakening.
Thanks for your insightful comments Ella,
I understand how you feel about talking to people who don’t already know, it can all get a bit difficult at times. You are not the only one who is looking to take practical steps to get away from it all. There seems to be a growing number of people searching for an exit clause as everything slowly degenerates around us; whether they be spiritually inclined or not.
Yes, I agree Ella – it is very sad that in disaster or war zones, the hidden dark side of people can emerge quite brutally, with people engaging in looting, or worse still, acts of rape or violence. Despite this animalistic behaviour, it is inspiring that even in the most dire circumstances, there are often cases where people have acted out of love and compassion, even putting their own lives at risk, in order to help protect and save others.
I think it’s important to take the responsibility to follow our own conscience and to act with consciousness and clarity as much as possible. Then if we ever find ourselves in situations where others around us are acting in a terrible way, we can avoid being drawn into the same kind of animalistic behaviour.
I also feel drawn to developing a detachment from conventional society and reducing my dependence upon it. I think this can also help in allowing us to think for ourselves, while asking for spiritual guidance, rather than simply following the norms of society, which don’t always have a sound moral basis to them.
Thank you for such a sobering call to reality.
I think people feel the stronghold of evil in the world but rarely do we see the microcosm of it within ourselves, rarely asking where am I like that in my life and that’s something that I struggle with in my own personal searchingl.
I found it very interesting how you explained everything moves in cycles as there is an illusionary idea that everything will keep going. I was looking at a hibiscus plant near my home and how the flowers would unwind from a bud, bloom and then whither away and fall on the ground returning to the earth from which they came and all that happened within time.
It must seem very unusual how estranged we have become from our own existence, even though being surrounded by this message of cycles through the cycles of day and night, summer and winter, the trees and the plants as they grow, fruit and seed, to then repeat on a different cycle, which I feel you said with warmth and kindness when you said “summer doesn’t last forever”.
I also really appreciate all that you have done to renew this message left by the ancients to let people know, as sorrowful as it may be to digest the reality of it all, its a message of great care from you and Mark.
I wish everyone the strength and courage to see, face and overcome the darkness within, and be uplifted.
I also came across this site called NEOShield,(NEO is ‘near earth object’), and they have a video about how their aim is to come up with a solution to deflect an impact.
Under the heading, ‘Can we protect our civilization from the next major impact?’ they say,” As many scientific researches highlight, impacts of near-Earth objects (NEOs) have contributed to mass extinctions and evolution. Moreover it is a proven fact that NEOs will continue to hit the Earth at irregular intervals in the future, with the potential for catastrophic damage to life and property.”
They also have conferences, like this one,, in which they explain how “all the experts on planetary defence [who are part of this project] enacted a scenario in which an asteroid is on collision course with Earth. Using such a scenario the people can learn how political leaders, citizens, and the media would respond in the case of such a threat.”
I suppose this brings a modern reality to it, since they say millions of dollars are being spent to actively work out how to deflect such a scenario..
‘Everything in nature moves in cycles.’
Perhaps an obvious thing but hearing it like that made me see this a bit more clearly in life around.
An interesting cycle is the one of human reproduction and the continuity of generations. Where we’re born, have our childhood, become older children, early and then late teens, waiting for and then realising the time has actually come that we’re adults. Seeing that generation of people around us become parents, to a new cycle of children that grow so quickly. The parents become grandparents. Great grandparents bodies start to run their course. etc.
It seems like an obvious cycle to be aware of. Yet feeling its reality is easily missed or seen as something disconnected to us. Somehow for so long throughout our life we can feel our generation is at the centre stage. But maybe that’s a trick of nature, for people to only realise once their generation’s time has passed.
I can relate to what you said Akira, as I have also become increasingly aware over recent years of how relentless the momentum of the cycle of lives is.
If I think back to when I was a boy, I can recall hearing about celebrities passing away, or sometimes older family members, but these seemed to belong to an older generation, which I wasn’t part of. But now the celebrities are those whose music I listened to, whose TV shows or movies I watched, or who I may have aspired to be like as a teenager.
It also brings a greater sense of my own mortality when those who have passed away are of a similar age to me, particularly as a number of schoolmates and friends have already passed away over the years, or are currently battling potentially terminal illnesses.
We all know intellectually that our bodies will eventually decay and die, but it seems to take a long time for this theoretical knowledge to translate into action. However, when the sense of mortality starts to appear more frequently, through the lives of those around us, or even in our own lives, it can change that intellectual understanding into an urgency to change, to avoid the same terrible fate.
Great work Lara! .
Those quotes at the end are fantastic. Talking about the steam rising and the weather changing; this is exactly what we are seeing today. Something that stood out in those quotes was how people won’t be prepared for the end when it comes and how this is in our nature. People not being prepared or preparing for anything is entirely accurate in my experience.
It is a tragedy that life is made difficult for people who live with values and principles in the dark age; hopefully these people will attain a great learning experience and reach to the divine.
Thanks for putting in the time to research and present this valuable information.
Many thanks Lara for this video. That’s very sobering indeed. There is a sense that time is running out, and I find it scary, and it can bring up a lot of anxiety. On the other hand, there seems to be a sense of hope in it all. I just pray that we are given enough time and guidance to make the very best of opportunities given.
So here we are……at the end of the Age as the Great Kali Yuga draws to a close. We are here now to bear witness to the transformation. The Light will return and the old ways will be practiced again, but first the cesspool must be drained. This time it will be ice and cold. As the mini ice age approaches. The cold will bring great disruption. Many lands will be abandoned, massive migrations will occur. Crops will fail, and starvation, war, and pestilence will become commonplace. As the cold increases, the volcanoes and earthquakes will bring the Ring of Fire to life. Most humans will not make it.
Of course you are wondering……When will this happen? I have that answer. During the 2020s events will unfold, and by the 2030s, there will be total collapse, and wise men and prophets will be gone.
This is all part of the natural cycle. Although is seems like a great tragedy, it is actually a great blessing.
Soon the Light returns as Mother nature bats last.
Its interesting you mention this period John, as there are changes I’ve seen in dream experiences as well as certain signs in the sky which made me wonder how close we are to that which will arrive.
There is already mass manipulation of the weather taking place known as Solar Radiation Management and Geotech Engineering,, but its causing strange and harsh weather fluctuations and the repercussions to the movements of nature are ignored as scientists play with the forces that are beyond their understanding. Though these articles talk about it as though its in discussion, it’s already taking place . While corporations and pseudo governments make billions of money, some environment lovers, with good intentions, don’t realise the reality of the situation and unknowingly contribute to the financial and power agendas behind it. The disinformation and debate over ‘climate change’ stirs the pot into a swirling confusion, leaving truth struggling to reach the top to be seen. I think we can learn by taking time to look up and watch what is taking place.
I’ve seen the spraying in the sky one day, and the change in the weather the next day, which changes the weather on the other side of the country. The change on the other side of the country is suspended in ‘nice weather’ but its like holding back a force and when that is released it comes as a blast of strong weather conditions with strong winds, cold and rain, and it feels much more harsher and colder. I think the term is also known as Cloud Seeding, here is an article from CSIRO which provides a timeline of its use in Australia And as this article about cloud seeding in the US says, its been used by governments and business, where governments give out permits which cut out the public from the process of considering its effects. The idea of manipulating weather, even for good intentions, is like taking matters into your own hands and this causes blindness of many important factors on the cause of the issue, that led to the effect, . What often begins under the guise of ‘good’ can be very harmful.
It made me wonder to this effect is history repeating, is this how it led to the end of the last human civilization – technological advancements over spiritual growth and wisdom? If we don’t understand universal laws then our actions to control nature could very well bring our own destruction, and not only through changes to the biological flow and rhythm of our planet, but also in what is then attracted to it from outer realms of space. If life begets life, then wouldn’t destruction beget destruction? Many other scientists have been saying the climate is getting colder and not warmer. On a human level, are we going down the same track, become colder too?
The Norse Mythology describes the end times as Ragnarok, and when I read that word as Assyrian its meaning is hardened soul, which is described well in Lara’s video and I think this is what we need to see inside ourselves and soften, even in these difficult time. The fear incited with the scare of a ‘virus’, has propelled people deeper into this hardening, where people don’t mind the suffering of others in order to secure their own safety and wellbeing, a strange coldness towards others that I hadn’t seen before. I’ve seen how in the state of heightened fear people will find reason to harden their hearts against another, and the truth of the matter will sound absurd, foreign, and insane to them, especially with the media’s efforts to keep the ‘coverage’ going 24/7.
So I think we need to watch out for fear and see how we are divided, hardened and made cold because of it, and to push for clarity and understanding for own sake and this will help others.
If you will scroll through my replies…….today I explained the COVID virus and how it is being used by the globalist for The Great Reset.
This is the last stand by the forces of darkness, and they will win for a time and then they will be swept aside.
As the Kali Yuga comes to an end: 2025-2032, Mother nature will go berserk and the Great Purification will begin.
Nothing of Kali may enter the ascending Dwapara Yuga and the return of the light.
Look around you, everything will go, and most of the people as well.
Prepare now:
Move away from the coast and any major earthquake fault lines.
Store some food and warm clothes.
Get out of the cities, and have a secure place to be.
The Greatest preparation is internal:
Practice kindness, graciousness, and forgiveness.
Align your vibration with the return of the Light..
Thank you very much for this wake up call and the video relates to me, how we must make changes now and not waste any more time as it is disappearing very rapidly.
A message of truth and.. a reality check for humanity. Time seems to be running out for this humanity, but I still hear ‘hope’ in your message Lara and Mark. Despite that which is unfolding in this day and age (of iron) and even though it is described as being part of the overall ‘cycle of life’, it seems current societies have eroded and so a new cycle and age is needed. It sounds to be a very difficult time, a time of mass destruction (as history has proven 4 times over)… Thank you for this message…
Thank you Lara and Mark for another great video. When you mentioned just how carefully these warnings were preserved, it made me feel very grateful towards those people in ancient times who worked to do so.
It’s amazing just how many civilizations have similar stories about past cataclysms happening – really, it just seems to add another layer of confirmation that they must have occurred. The logical thing to take from that is that if they happened before, they could happen again, yet it’s a topic that sadly can be dismissed so easily. I remember reading some of This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein, where she mentions (in regards to environmental harm) that humanity has a tendency to “look and then look away”. I think it’s true when dealing with the end of civilization, it’s like the mind can’t properly process it for some reason.
I think the mind often has a hard time contemplating our own mortality, almost as though it’s not a part of its programming or that it has no point of reference or experience to understand it (as we’re alive right now and usually have no memories of dying). I’ve found that when a friend or family member has passed away, an understanding of how limited my time actually is comes more to the foreground of the mind, but inevitably it seems to slip away as other things become priorities subconsciously.
It reminds me of a Latin quote I heard before: Memento Mori – Remember you will die. Apparently in the past, European society made an effort to keep an awareness of that in mind, in order to emphasise how transient the world is and how one should focus on the salvation of the soul. It was even a common theme in early medieval music. Here’s a verse from a song written in 1399:
Ni conversus fueris et sicut puer factus
Et vitam mutaveris in meliores actus,
Intrare non poteris regnum Dei beatus.
Ad mortem festinamus peccare desistamus.
If you do not turn back and become like a child,
And change your life for the better,
You will not be able to enter, blessed, the Kingdom of God.
To death we are hastening, let us refrain from sinning.
Thank you very much, Lara and Mark, for this video and the information. It is impressive that various cultures from different parts and ages of the world give a similar message about the destruction of this world.
It is scary that the time run out very quickly, if there is any, as the catastrophe is ahead of us.
From the other side, we live in a dark, negative and materialistic age, away from even the basic spiritual virtues of Sun, in such massive way that it is shocking. So it is fair to happen
Quite an amazing video. Thank you for this message Lara & Mark. It is very revealing that different ancient civilizations had similar messages about the end of the world in the same way they had similar messages about the beginning of it. Interesting that looking back in history can show us our future.
It is puzzling that we have become so short-sighted. It only takes a bit of reflection to get at least a hint that whatever we do unless it is for the Spirit it just cannot be there for ever. And yet things that pass keep managing to have us enchanted.
I’ve just watched this amazing video again.
It seems that the message is very clear and has stood throughout time. And, we certainly don’t need to look very hard today to see how poorly people treat each other and their lack of respect for our planet and its creatures.
I heard that quote recently too Geraldine, about the greatest wonder. it’s so true.
And it’s very scary that it seems time is running out.
Thank you so much for this very sobering, but motivating, video.
A good reminder on a less than popular topic! Despite my own critical thoughts about the dire nature of our times, I did resonate with the quotes from the Kolbrin and Jesus which outlined that due to our human nature, we will become forgetful and be caught off guard. I’ve often thought that while there is so much adversity and suffering in the world today, that we are quite lucky to be living in this era. It is a very exciting time to be alive and our time is very precious.
Thank you Lara & Mark for this message which so many cultures and wisdom keepers have tried to pass on. It gave me the chills a bit, but it also brought a lot of power into my consciousness which I hope to leverage.
Very nice production value too! I can see each video getting better and better. Good job production team!
I find that the evidence on this topic is very clear, hopefully it sinks in deeply.
Thanks Mark and Lara, I enjoyed every moment of this video.
Thank you for covering this serious topic in that way.
A lot has been said and from time to time some media reproducing with one or another way different scenarios. Remember what happened with the 2012 and Mayas calendar around that time. It’s very easy to slide into a catastrophology theory and from time to time when one is coming up to spread the fear and misery to people.
But the way you covered it, felt to me be more neutral, simple and clear. Like how the reality is, neither good or bad, but like something which is normal to happen at some point as have happened before. Obviously, there is a lot of fear anyway around these things but like the type of fear of death is very human to exist.
Putting it though, inside the context of spirituality and awakening in light, gives another perspective more encouraging and a push to go on more determined.
Thank you also for that!
Very nice production and quality video as well, great job guys!
Thank you Lara and everyone who’s helped this video come together.
The presentation here showing the similarity between those ancient quoted messages is something striking.
Some of those quotes at the end of the video ring so true with things happening in the world, even if some of these things are not recognized as such by people today. That in itself though is one of those major signs, people having lost touch with ‘right and wrong’, feeling spiritual principles, and the awareness of the existence of things beyond normal perception.
An interesting aspect to some of those quotes, mentioned already even back then, is (if I may paraphrase very generally) that people won’t ‘believe’ it until it happens. I can also see how by then it will literally be too late, there will not be the time, because it simply takes time to make those great changes within us. So even if we wanted to, that would not be enough. I guess that’s the whole point of a warning. To bring the knowledge of the reality of an upcoming event so that in the current moment someone can act more seriously and strongly.
I also hear the accent you put on how carefully some ancient people tried to pass on this knowledge to future generations, to us. Though in the noisy whirlwind of the modern day life this legacy is but a whisper, even if there were those who’d worked so hard in the past to pass on the need to… ‘repent’, that is in the true sense.
Some of the quotes which I wasn’t familiar with, like the Norse ones, were inspiring to hear. Amazing job on finding those and bringing them together in the way you did Lara.
Hi Akira,
On the point you made about it being too late to makes changes within, when I was researching for this video, I read a few interviews and speeches by some Hopi elders. They made that exact point – that it takes time to change within, a long time to change our hearts, and that at some point we will run out of time to change. I thought it was very perceptive of them to make that point, because so many people today believe that making changes within is easy, or even that it can happen overnight.
I suspect that’s why there are some warnings were given some time ago in history, because people needed to be given as much time as possible to make the required changes within themselves – over many lifetimes. People can make fun of older warnings, like saying – look, we’re all still here, but I think there is more to it than first appears. Our time will run out long before the actual destruction comes.
This is such an important point you guys have made. I can definitely see how the inner change takes a lot of time, since it is the “change of the heart” as you pointed out Lara. Interestingly, this particular thing stood out to me from this video too – how just partial changes or change maybe in one area of our life are not enough, but in order to change our destiny we need to completely change our whole way of being and interacting with the world, our innate characteristics so to speak. I guess that is a part of the overall energetic change that happens on the spiritual path.
Thank you Lucia for your input, it certainly put more weight on the subject, and the need for complete and unconditional change.
Hi Lara,
you made a great point about the inner change, I completely agree that the inner change is very difficult, that the egos growing inside for many lives put us into difficult position in this life when we face many difficulties of this “modern” era, also facing the end of time of this civilization and all this with accumulated strenght of all egos bring us into something that sounds almost impossible, to get awaken. It can take extremely long time to even make a small step, but do we still have that time?
My motivation is to reach at least the point that will allow me to leave this world. In the video you said that there will be time when men have no mercy on other men, and for me not to stick around when such time comes, would be a very wise decision. Anyway even if there is still enough time, it would be much better for us to be without egos.
I also have a feeling that someone is helping us, I mean awaken man, a lot and because of his great help our time has been extended.
Thank you for this video and your help.
Thank you Lara for sharing and giving more to reflect on.
Just recently looking into the Mahabharat there was a passage that said something along the lines of when our time passes, it is too late to repent.
Perhaps it’s because, in many ways, we genuinely know and are responsible for the passing of time.
Since you mentioned the Mahabharata, you might find this interesting:
The death of Krishna and the beginning of the Kurukshetra (Mahabharata) war marked the beginning of the Kali Yuga.
Hi John, that’s an interesting time frame to contemplate. Perhaps the time of the Mahabharata was one of the last times humanity came close to spiritual heights and societal harmony, respecting the guidance and opinions of spiritual teachers. Even then, you can see the degeneration of those values and the conflicts that, to their surprise, began to arise and tear down the religious presence of authority, thus crumbling the society into the hands of greed and power.
Either way, when people themselves choose vice over goodness, light departs.
It seems back then there was at least some remorse for the departure from the spiritual. At the same time, I wonder if someone could really say they didn’t see it coming.
HI Olga.
The Yugas are considered the in breath and the out breath of the Creator.
They are repeating cycles.
Sat Yuga is the time of greatest light. Then it descends down to Kali Yuga the time of greatest darkness, then it ascends again toward light.
The entire process takes almost 26,000 years. This is the same as the Great Year in Western Astrology.
Kali is coming to an end, just as the Little Ice age is about to begin.
Nothing of Kali may enter the coming age of increasing Light.
The Little Ice Age, massive volcanic eruptions and earthquakes will cleanse the planet of the darkness.
Only the Magicians who dance in the Light will make the transition.
Thanks Lara. I get a sense that we do have time if we want to make the effort. At the same time it’s had to push past a feeling of overwhelm and a fear that I’ve left it too late. Thankfully, when I get past all that and get clear of the inner turmoil, there is a sense of hope and an inner encouragement to just do it. Many thanks for the work that you and Mark do here. We’d be lost without it.
Hi Tone,
Yes, I think it’s important to push past those feelings of being overwhelmed, fearful etc. It’s important to understand the urgency of change and to act upon that realisation, but the feelings you mentioned can potentially bring about a resistance, which is detrimental. For example, they could lead to the defeatist attitude of thinking “Well, I’ve lost my chance already, so I might as well just enjoy life while I can”.
Better to start taking steps to change as soon as possible. Like you said, there’s still time, if we start making the right efforts now. Although the goal of awakening may seem impossible, Mark has repeatedly said that this work is for ordinary people to do, but that it takes a lot of effort to achieve it.
We can’t build a mansion overnight, just as the ancients who built the pyramids didn’t complete their task within a few days. But if we can make the task of building the spiritual within us our main focus in life, it’s much easier to build up a momentum that can sustain us. It’s easy to leave it until tomorrow to lay the next brick, but if we can work hard to lay the foundations, the end goal seems more achievable, as we can see the structure that is developing.
I think you inadvertently used a very appropriate slogan from the Nike ads in summarising that process of getting over the hurdles of resistance: “Just do it!”
I wish you all the strength in pushing forward Tone!
If I think of a medical study with a speciality such a thing might take 8-12 year to complete for example, someone wouldn’t be able to do that in a single day. I think that with the metaphysical nature of consciousness and subconscious of a person being not as physically tangible. And with it being not generally understood today what makes up a person inside, ‘who someone is’ might all appear as this… “vague”. But it’s much more concrete than that.
I see that within me there’s Whole volumes! of subconscious that need to be uncovered, and behind each volume there’s a deeper level again on the same subject. But in this case it’s not just an external intellectual study of information, but a change within ourselves and growth of consciousness. I find it’s been taking a lot of strength and perseverance, to be able to keep going through the difficult situations of life which are needed to see the next page and deeper layer of our inner attachments to he world. It’s a life’s work, really.
But rather than being overwhelmed by it the inner study is also immensely empowering because it gives us the choice to start changing within right now. So we don’t have to wait on anything.
Hi Lara,
I reflected on some points in relation to your comments about enlightenment taking time and the need for people to receive the same warnings multiple times, even over many lifetimes, due to humanity’s collective inertia when it comes to inner change.
Towards the end of Mark’s biography, he mentions that he was given just one life to complete the spiritual path, and I wondered for those who are already on their last life in this cycle, whether there is still the opportunity to be reborn in another life to complete the work, following the completion of the first mountain. Or does the whole of the path need to be completed within one lifetime, if it is a person’s last?
Hi Michael,
As far as I understand, most people who walk the spiritual path go through it’s various stages over a number of lifetimes. The most pressing thing for anyone is to liberate themselves from Bhavacakra/the wheel of life within this lifetime. As I understand, as long as someone does this, they can be reborn in the next cycle whatever life they are on.
Thanks for that reply Lara, it’s greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much for clarifying that Lara. It is good to know that there is still the opportunity to complete the later stages of the path in another life, as long as the necessary first stages are reached within this lifetime.
Contemplating the urgency of change and the scale of the task ahead can bring up feelings of anxiety. These are fears that everyone will need to face at some point in their life, when the reality of their life coming to end is understood. However, I remember Mark replying to a question in one of his weekly talks, where the caller mentioned having this anxiety about doing the spiritual work. Mark commented that doing this work is really the purpose of our lives and that we shouldn’t go through life with anxiety. He said that although we may face tests and challenges along the way, these come in their own time and we shouldn’t think from the perspective that we have to face all of the tests of the whole path all at the same time.
I think this perspective helps, as we can then see the path as a kind of training. So by building up strength each day, we can gain a greater sense of confidence to face whatever difficulties may arise in our lives. That psychological training is similar to physical fitness, where we can’t just go from being completely out of shape to running a marathon, but as long as a person has a basic level of physical health, with daily training, a much greater level of fitness can be reached.
Thanks for providing the incentive to undertake this training daily and to work to clear whatever emotions may try to cloud us and prevent us from moving forwards, including those of anxiety or fear. Having Mark’s clear guidance also demonstrates that it’s possible for ordinary people to complete this work and that the goal of enlightenment is not something that can only be attained by those with special privileges, but is something that is open to humanity as a whole, as long as there are people who choose to seek it.
I think you made a very important point about the preciousness of time Akira. It’s easy to think there will always be more time available, but it actually seems like a very finite resource. Not using time well could be likened to someone squandering money on frivolous things, perhaps getting into debt from multiple credit cards and loans, while not keeping a balance sheet. If the debt isn’t paid, the person is eventually hit by interest charges, which become due at a given time, whether the person has made preparations or not. These then accumulate over time, so the overall debt grows larger and larger, making it almost impossible to clear it without very stringent personal sacrifices, in order to make the repayments.
That seems similar to our situation with karma, where we accumulate debt for our poor actions, but tend to suffer from collective amnesia regarding the inevitable repayment. Even if we see tragedies happening each day on the news, or hear about people we know who have passed away etc., there still seems to be the hidden belief of “That will never happen to me”, which is reflected in our actions. But of course, that’s an absurd belief, as we can be sure that each of us will die, even if we don’t know exactly when. So we carry on living the good life, if circumstances allow, which makes the sense of loss even greater when all that we hold important is taken away from us.
The video has stressed how vital it is to make changes now, particularly as the time to do the work is limited. Thinking of Mark’s example, it took him just under 30 years of working at a rapid pace to change internally, before almost reaching the completion of the path to enlightenment. Perhaps we could logically hope that we will each have an average life expectancy, so some of us might still have another 30 years ahead of us, even if we wait tomorrow to start making proper efforts to change. But due to the mechanism of karma that is already in place, there are often unforeseen events, which we can’t possibly predict, which can take our lives in very different directions, or even bring our lives to a premature end.
As many of the indications in the video seem to apply to this current age, it seems far more sensible to start making significant efforts to change right now, rather than just hoping for the best. It’s ultimately in our interest to do that, as if we can find permanent peace, it would surely be worth far more than the pleasures that keep us hypnotised in our daily lives.
Thank you for another excellent video, Lara and Mark. It really inspires a lot of contemplation and serves as a strong call to action to make use of our time here on earth to use it for life’s true purpose.
From those prophesies, it actually seems like we’re living in borrowed time right now – as though the end could have come long ago but only by some special mercy is humanity still able to live on earth right now, despite all the evil.
The excerpts you shared at the end were very on-point. That Ancient Egyptian quote sounds like a perfect depiction of the world today:
“Men will fly in the air as birds and swim in the seas as fishes. Men will talk peace with another, hypocrisy and deceit shall have their day. Women will be as men and men as women, passion will be a plaything of man.”
I feel the same Mike, that prophetic excerpt you shared also brought to mind the world we live in today.
There were some other passages that have stayed with me over the last few days as well, like God being excluded from temples and religions. Perhaps its just a small observation, but often I have felt a devoid of the spiritual in many places, services, religious holidays and discussions, as though all that is left is the breeze of someone’s departure.
At the same time, seeing the development of the new world order shows a much greater effort to completely root out the religious and divine from the social spectrum, as attempted by the communists in the Soviet era.
It is hard to believe that such events could be closing in on us, but whether tomorrow or in 40 years, there is no better time to remember our purpose and the duties that are in one’s reach.
Thank you Lara, and to those who helped you along the way.
Interesting observation, Olga. Indeed it does feel like God is disappearing from religions and society. Holidays like Christmas are becoming more commercial or just about seeing family, and losing those other important themes and reflections. I think with the growth of atheism and atheistic movements also contribute a lot to this, driving all spirituality away. It’s hard to have a conversation with anyone about religion these days.
Truly, there is no better time to remember our purpose than now!
Hi Olga & Mike, I see your point of God being excluded from temples and religions, and a spiritual decline in general in our society today. The world is getting more materialistic every day, and spirituality is dying at a higher rate than ever before. However, I have also recently discovered a very sad truth that sometimes religion and also be used in a way to control people or to spread a certain political agenda that is completely worldly in nature. Christmas had always been a spiritual holiday until recently, but what most people may not know is that the religion of Christianity had been misinterpreted and manipulated centuries after its birth to control people and benefit those who are in power. What we know as Christianity today is based on the Bible that includes the Old Testament of the Jewish and the New Testament that is focused on Jesus. the Jewish have been using the Old Testament for a long time and the New Testament was compiled decades after Jesus’s death and ascension. During the composition of the New Testament there were four gospels that were chosen and made in to the Bible as we know it today, but there were also some forgotten gospels that are deemed today as fake gospels that included some of the more esoteric teachings of Jesus like the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Thomas. In these scriptures Jesus taught things that would be considered radical and pagan by today’s devout Christians, like self-knowledge is the path to enlightenment and that one of Jesus’s closest disciples was actually a female. What was described in these scriptures was considered to be against the agenda of those who were writing the Bible so these scriptures didn’t make it into the New Testament. Because the number of early Christians were growing in the Roman Empire, the elites considered this new religion an opportunity to unify the empire in a way and have more control on common folks. So they themselves converted to the religion that they once looked down upon as a religion of the lower class, made it the state religion and established what was to become the Roman Catholic Church. Even after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church and the Pope in particular, maintained absolute authority in the religion and in the politics of Europe throughout the Middle Ages. An altered scripture and a powerful religious leader who had his hand in every pie really made me question if Christianity have truly fulfilled the spiritual needs of the people and told them the truth regarding our existence. Later there was the Protestant Reformation that rejected papal authority and gave new interpretations of the Bible, but Protestants still use the Bible that was composed in Roman times which included the four gospels of the New Testament, and they have abandoned elements in Catholicism that were remnant of early Christianity because they consider them to be pagan. I live in a country where a large portion of the population is Protestant and many of them actually use their religion to justify and support certain political agendas that do more harm than good. Christianity has been twisted in ways throughout history to meet the worldly needs of people and have long lost its true value. There has to be an understanding of true Christianity, what Jesus really taught in his days that were not altered and misinterpreted by later generations to meet their needs, and only then can the teachings of Jesus truly benefit people of the day. Elements of Catholicism deemed by Protestants as Pagan were in fact parts of early Christianity, and in reality true Christianity is pagan in nature, although I would rather not use that word because the word pagan is used by Christians to refer to non-believers out of discrimination against them. Both religions that they called pagan and what Jesus taught were related to the Religion of The Sun, but most of the world doesn’t know that. This ancient religion that Lara talks about contains many secrets of the universe and the secrets to our existence, it is not beneficial to those who have worldly ambitions for the general public to know about this religion, this could be the reason why early Christians who knew about the real teachings of Jesus were persecuted so much. As for the Pagans of the time, they had their own problems. Many of them practiced animal sacrifice and that went against the teachings of the Wisdom Bringers and was not part of the Religion of The Sun.
It seems what is equally frightening as the loss of spirituality to atheism is the use of religion to achieve worldly gains, as I’m seeing happening in the country I live in very often.
Wow Mike,
I am glad you took the effort to quote the last two lines about Men flying as birds; talking peace but spreading hypocricy and men acting as women AND vice versa.
Lara, great work as always !
Thank you Lara for this clear and powerful presentation of a very weighty subject.
The similarities among ancient traditions recounting past cataclysms and foretelling future ones are hard to deny, as is the mounting physical evidence that such catastrophes have occurred in the past.
It seems easy to have a false sense of security like the one described in the quote from the Kolbrin – that such catastrophic events will not come in our time. And yet, when I researched some of the evidence for past cataclysms that you referred to, I began to feel how fragile our society is and how vulnerable we actually are, floating through a vast universe on our tiny planet.
I recall a section of the book Magicians of the Gods by Graham Hancock where he interviews a geologist about what the effects would have been if some kind of cosmic body (like a comet fragment or asteroid) struck the earth near the end of the last ice age. Hearing it described in such vivid detail really brought the possibility to life for me and showed how ancient mythologies and religious texts could be describing some very concrete realities.
Then of course there is the description in ancient texts of moral decay that occurs near the end times. It would seem hard for a reasonable person to deny this is happening right now, as it has been for hundreds of years. One has to only look at the rampant tyranny, oppression, immense cruelty, hypocrisy, destruction of our planet, violence, inequality, and lack of freedom on so many fronts to see the truth of it. Even though people are more aware of these things than ever before, it seems as a humanity we just lack the collective will to change course.
It seems that the only ray of hope is for information like this to spread and for more people who hear it to choose a more principled life aligned with spiritual values.
Thank you again.
Yes, I agree Justin – the glimmer of hope is in finding the information that provides us with the tools to change, then making a solid effort to apply those spiritual principles to our lives, so that the hope of change can become a reality.
Thanks Lara for that sobering message. It really is a wake up call for each of us to take action to change our ways and take up the Path while we still have time. Thanks for sharing the different excerpts from the various ancient texts that, as you say, have been so carefully preserved so that these prophesies could stand the test of time in hopes of reaching out to humanity before it’s too late. I really appreciate the Sakro Sawel videos and all the hard work, effort and time put into them.
I had to watch the video a few times to let its message sink in properly.
Life these days is very immersive and distracting that you tend to forget about the state of the world and the suffering that goes on if you don’t look beyond everyday life. It’s far easier to ignore this, let along consider the destruction of all that is around us. In a way, this reminds me of the times of Noah when he was building his ark and people mocked him and were in disbelieve of a catastrophe coming. The same seems to be applicable today.
This video is a good reminder of the times we live in and what is ahead. Many cultures before us knew and wrote about it to warn us and that we have a way out.
Thanks for gathering many resources and creating this wonderful video. There is a lot to reflect on and I’m hoping it will help others to grow in understanding too.
Wow! Thanks very much for this video and for all of the work that went into it. It’s extremely well done.
I have learned/known about these cycles, but it had seemed to me really distant and un-relatable somehow – even though I can clearly see the devastating state of the world right now.
In the past few weeks I too had just started reading Magicians of the Gods by Graham Hancock, where he goes into a lot of the history and evidence for past global cataclysms, and shares accounts from ancient cultures of what happened in those times and writings about how the same thing will happen again.
So I had already been pondering all of this while reading the book, and reading the various accounts is really grounding, and then here comes this amazingly well done video on the topic which goes into even more depth into aspects of this, especially with the spiritual principles behind it.
I too paused the excerpts at the end of the video, and yeah taking all this in, something has really finally clicked for me in understanding, the realness of this taking place, that it has happened, and it will happen again.
The video had excerpts from texts that I hadn’t come across before, and it’s really striking how when it talks about how things will be at the end of the age, it describes how humanity behaves today.
I think it’s really important to fully learn about and understand these principles and these cycles, as to me it helps to understand ourselves and our life in perspective to bigger things and understand how important and precious the time that we do have is. And like you say at the end of the video, how important it is to take advantage of the opportunities we do have to learn, grow, change, and live and follow spiritual principles, while we have the time to do it.
Hi Lara,
Like others have said, it is a very sobering video, but yet I am very thankful that it was made, and thanks to Mark for the guidance in producing it. Listening to you, and seeing how the same message was repeated across the globe by so many different cultures and reading the ancient texts, which could have been written now, is what is really striking and shows the dire state our humanity has fallen into. And what is awaiting it. Also, one the last sentence in the Kolbrin is what really stood out to me as important:
“But come, the day surely will, and in accordance with his nature man will be unprepared.”
It reminded me of a passage in the Mahabharata, a sage asks yudishtera questions by a lake, and one question is:
“What is the greatest wonder?”
“The greatest wonder is that each individual knows that Death is the ultimate truth and yet believes that maybe he is immortal.”
That sense of false security, of ‘in the end, it will be alright’ seems to cloud the true reality that, no it is not, ignorance is not bliss.. It seems so important then to be able to understand those cosmic principles and enact and live by them and remove the darkness within so that consciousness can be truly liberated from the wheel of life.
That quote from the Mahabharata is very appropriate Geraldine. Thanks for sharing it.
Very interesting topic (and great video as always). It’s one thing to be perceiving this all around you and to feel oppressed by it, but then to read it described so clearly in ancient texts and legends is really astonishing (many of those references I’ve not seen before, especially the ones from the Kolbrin — sounds like it’s time to read that text!). Also interesting how widespread the understanding of this issue has been across the continents, and how far removed we seem to be as a society today from recognizing its nature.
Forgot to mention: I really like your dress :)
That symbol reminds me a bit of a symbol found in ancient China from the Neolithic period, c. 3300 – 2000 BC, featuring a sun cross motif that’s very similar to some Slavic sun crosses:
Thank you so much, Lara and Mark!
It is so sad to see us as a Humanity not being able to perceive and understand reality.
Talking for myself, I know I need to make bigger efforts in order to help myself and be prepared to help others; however, I get too easily distracted by virtually anything in life! A post like this one helps me remember more often time is really fleeting and opportunities disappear as easily as they come.
Thanks for the video Lara, it’s a very sobering message and to Mark for providing the impetus for it. I’ve been reading Magicians of the Gods, and the scientific evidence Graham Hancock provides there of the likelihood of further impacts with the remnants of the comet that caused the last great flood, along with all the passages and evidence you have provided from ancient texts and cultures should be a wake up call for everyone. Even knowing the serious nature of this though it’s easy to get caught up in things that don’t matter. The “anxieties of life” as Jesus says in the text quoted at the end of the video.
Hi Erik,
I totally agree with your last two sentences Erik. Sad reality.
I’m about three-quarters through that book now too Erik and I see what you mean. I can’t help but be very thankful though for the main message that Lara highlights in the video – i.e. that there is actually something one can do about all this within oneself and in the way that we live our lives.
Great video Lara (and team) – best one yet!
This is a very serious video Lara.
Thank you, and Mark, for taking the time to bring our attention to the messages from the ancient texts.
To read the texts properly I pressed pause, and was moved by how so many traditions, from all parts of the planet, all have the same message.
To me, your video shows how utter futility in the way that society demands that we live. To me, it shows that we must do better, we must change and finally, how we must prepare ourselves spiritually.
Like your other presentations, there is a lot of information to absorb and reflect upon!
Surely it is difficult to deny so many similarities between so many ancient texts and peoples scattered throughout the world.
I can certainly see so many signs of our degeneration on this earth; from the way that we disrespect Mother Nature to ourselves and others. How is possible that humanity can reach so much depravity? But this is our reality and we must face it to be able to overcome it as what we see externally we also have within, Not an easy reality to accept.
But we are here now in these times for a reason.
Thanks very much for this revealing and informative video. Much to reflect on and take action on.