This video gives a very simple run down of the basic premise behind my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun.
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I thought it was interesting seeing that the word Gnosis may have actually been derived from Proto-Indo European, perhaps this is where the ancient Greeks had taken it from, as it seems by the ending ‘is’/us? Here are a few links that show this definition:*gno- and where this latter link says:
“Root / lemma: ĝen-2, ĝenǝ-, ĝnē-, ĝnō-
English meaning: to know”
I’ve found that there are terms and names that have been Hellenized over time including names of deities like Osiris, Horus and Isis. Perhaps if the original/root words or language be found, then another piece will help to bring a further understanding of the ancient civilization of the Religion of the Sun, especially since the word is the way by which we communicate and understand the world.
A great video indeed. Surely it should arouse some interest out there on the net.
And what an excellent book! Have received a copy and have started reading it and am enjoying it very much. What a mammoth research task that must have involved to produce it. Many thanks Lara for all your hard work; and also to Mark for his part as well.
Thanks for the massive efforts you have made to produce this Video and your book ,Its wonderful to be able to read and learn more about this amazing information and to put it into practice
Great Video , Thank you for sharing this wonderful information ,Its very inspiring to read your book with all its amazing information about the Ancient Religion..
Sounds very interesting, the similarities that existed in ancient wisdom is astounding great trailer thanks, look forward to reading the book thanks
Thankyou for gathering this information. Many researchers are investigating but not from the point of view of spirituality. I have avidly read your book and continued my own efforts to research the lost civilisation of the sun . Thank you also Mark your in depth understanding of the spiritual path makes inroads to information not understood by mainstream research so accessible and practical.
Thanks Lara, nice video and outstanding information in the book.
Hi Lara,
What an amazing book! Not long after I finally received it through a friend, I deep dove through it without letting go and it has captivated me until the end.
What stands out for me about this book is that you have an exceptional sense of putting together important related pieces of information and conveying such a powerful message within the context of the Ancient Religion of the Sun. I also love the way it’s built up, where ancient texts get a prominent role, like the The Stanzas of Dzyan, which I have never heard of, preparing the reader in their understanding of the Religion and Civilisation of the Sun.
It’s my personal opinion that I can feel the level of responsibility that goes with this book and which represents the content you have amalgamated and it feels you have made some serious steps to present it in this way. This sense is also strengthened in the way you respond to people on YouTube below your videos. There is such an incredible strength and self-confidence in the way you do it, that it is also an easily overlooked source of knowledge. I just cannot wait until someone throws you a lazy disproval, challenging you to reveal some deeper secret knowledge! :)
I had the privilege to visit some ancient sites in Bolivia recently with new gained friends from the work and what is said in your promotional video is spot on! If you want to know the truth, a huge factor is to uncover the secrets that the local people hold as hidden information about our ancient past through parables, stories and myths, confirming what we know about the Ancient Religion of the Sun. I had first hand experience with local people telling me extremely interesting facts about many facets described in your book! Doing the research myself and uncovering truth first hand, is extremely motivating!
I can only wonder about your new books and video’s coming up and the amount of new things we will learn about our true past.
One point you mention is actually something that has also pleasantly surprised me multiple times I must admit.
That the information in Mark and Lara’s research is not just a theory that’s placed upon our past and is nice to believe. Neither something that, even though true in information, wasn’t known to peoples of the past, apart from a few major monuments or something. Nor is it even the case of me -or anyone- searching with a ‘confirmation-bias cherry-picking’ view to want to find connections to the religion of the sun. No! :-) Because I’ve seen that when you yourself start looking into things, sacred sites not researched in this context, or seeing and reading about archaeological finds unknown to others, places people haven’t even looked— you might have some ‘wow’ moments (like me) in finding out that this knowledge is really there!
For me there was never a question as to the key principles that Mark has presented, rather I was surprised at how many ancient cultures did indeed know of this knowledge (sometimes in very specific form) and how prevalently it is reflected in their remnants.
A great video – so many striking architectural and religious similarities that I was not aware of!
Thank you Lara for sharing the fruits of your research. Really amazing history.
Great video once again.
It’s very inspiring to see all the efforts you make to disseminate this amazing information about the ancient religion of the sun.
Great promo video! I really hope this book reaches far and wide, it’s message is so needed at this time in history. The cracks in society are becoming more and more dangerous, people can feel the lie that they’re entrapped in, but so often it’s simply blamed on politicians and other people of power. I hope more and more people see that in order to take back their real power they need to find their own spiritual light and guidance, and nourish it in others around them. I believe that seeing our lives in the context of our true history and remembering that we are the inheritors of an incredible, beautiful and deeply spiritual heritage will help this process. There’s so much fear and confusion now it seems to me, the facades of normality are crumbling and people who want to align with the light need too align with each other too. This book really helps that unity. All of a sudden we are part of a global network, part of a thread that stretches back through time to mythical eras, one that unites us with our ancestors. And we’re even reminded, or confronted with the idea, that Divine Beings we thought of as untouchable, or maybe even imaginary, are actually still here, beyond the veil of normal perception, actively supporting us. Thank you so much for the message within your book and this website – it’s a guiding light in the world now.
You made some good points there Ella. I agree that it’s important for people who wish to align with the light to also work alongside each other. I also agree that the new book, along with Mark and Lara’s ongoing work, has really served a valuable role in helping to revive a sense of wonder for the deeper mysteries of life and a yearning to reconnect with the ancient knowledge that inspired our ancestors to go to such lengths to preserve the message of the Religion of the Sun.
It’s also inspiring to know that these ancient deities are not simply confined to history books, but are beyond time, and that we can still connect with and learn from them today, if we make the right efforts.
Great video, Lara. It is amazing what you and Mark have uncovered in your research. There were so many questions that had no answers, which you answered and backed up with real evidence. What is also quite interesting is that many things that you have found out are to a point in line with what the modern science have found through their research of ancient remains. For example that the big part of Europe was populated by people who came from the region of Turkey among other things.
As others have said, this book have also inspired me to connect with the divine and delve deeper into threads that connect us with those ancient cultures.
Really lovely video, a pleasure to watch and take it all in. The point you made about similar cathedrals and statues of Christianity being built around the world in our times is spot on btw – why couldn’t this have happened in ancient times too.
It’s been exciting to learn new pieces of this puzzle from your book, and the scope of what you cover is amazing. I was happy for instance to see you discuss giants and elongated skulls among other things, as there is so much speculation out there but no real answers, and so much in our history doesn’t seem to add up.
Thank you for the mighty research and work that has gone into your book and videos.
Thank you Lara, ‘the story so far’ is certainly amazing, and I am sure has contributed to many rippling Truman Show moments for the audience that you reach. Looking around, life feels so different since uncovering yours and Mark’s work on this subject, and as I continue to delve deeper I feel more and more nourished.
Driving today through the highway, on a very run down industrial area, with transmission towers and all, the beauty of the sunset was majestic, and even too sublime for the scene. And yet the rays still beamed, and the soft colours were not afraid to glow, regardless of the landscape. Your book is the same, offering light and meaning amid a crazy world with a lost and distorted history.
This video I think is the best so far, as it shows so clearly, with images side by side presenting the strong similarities of cultures and figures. I think its so helpful and impactful to see images like that, because the understanding becomes instantaneous.
Thank you, Lara. That’s a beautiful presentation. I’m currently reading the book and I’m very much enjoying it. I can’t imagine how much digging and research it must have taken to find the right pieces of the puzzle!
Such a beautiful video.
I’ve been really enjoying the book and find the subject fascinating. Thank you for the book, these videos, and all your work in getting this message out to people.
Hi Lara,
Great beautifully made video! My compliments to all the peole involved in making this video. It is inspiring to know how much time you have been researching this already and to see all your hard work coming together in such a great way. And even more importantly, it is fantastic to see how many new people you inspire with your work. I have learned so much already from all the video´s and articles you have published. What I also very much appreciate, is the kind and respectful way that you answer people on your YouTube channel. I have learned so many other new things by your answers as well. A copy of your book is still on its way, so I can only wonder how much learning is still waiting for me! :) Thank you for this and I wish you much strenght in inspiring more people with this importnt knowledge on our history.
I agree Bogdan, the way Lara answers some of the Youtube comments is very inspiring. People comment on all kinds of things there really, sometimes even in an unpolite way, but she seems to know how to deal with the different ones very appropriately. What also inspired me from the way she answers is how she is willing to consider, learn from, and appreciate comments from people who have much less understanding of the topic, as long as she feels sincerity behind them, and something new to learn, even if just a small thing.
Nice overview and great production as always. Thanks!
What an excellent video and inspiring promo for the book.
The book is fantastic – I’m really enjoying it.
Thanks for all your work.
Thank you Lara for this beautiful video, it speaks clearly and inspires very much.
The little I have read so far from your book, I have noticed it gives me the same feeling that the “Path of the Religion of the Sun” does, when I read it, which is a book I try to study and has had a strong impact upon me. This is a feeling that motivates me to try to work esoterically, tied with some sense of happiness, but I couldn’t understand why I feel this different sense when I read this book, it was unclear to me, and wondered if this happens only to me.Your video about the being Odin had the same strong impact upon me..
Listening and seeing the last part of your video and incidentally reading the preface of your book the next day, I understood why this happens. These two books uncover the real picture of human history and life as you say, putting together so many lost pieces of it”s huge puzzle, presenting it’s true profound sense and this gives me new goals and reasons to fight for, like something new and hopeful has come into my life.
Thank you and Mark and everyone who supported you on this, very much and profoundly, for your research and hard work, so we can have these books and so profound information today and the opportunity to study and try to practice them, it’s a remarkable strong help.
I feel the same way too Maria. The book is great at kindling something within, to go and seek and find out more.
Thanks for the book Lara, it’s very much appreciated, and this video is a create introduction.
I feel the same Maria – watching the videos and reading the books gives me hope and inspiration, as it fills in the missing gaps in our spiritual history and gives a new incentive to practice the teachings fully, in order to follow the same journey.
Thanks Lara and Mark for making this information available and to everyone else who has contributed towards making it possible.
Hi Maria, you put it very well, this book truly uncovers the real picture of human history – and that in itself also leaves me amazed at what I hadn’t known before, and thirsty for what is really going on (and at what lengths the religion of the sun was preserved to be found again today).
What an awesome video, Lara! I feel it adequately captures the profound discoveries you present in the book. One is made to seriously question the conventional dismissals of these striking similarities between ancient cultures, and one begins to understand that there is real evidence that humanity’s history is far more interesting than many believe… I hope many people out there will find your book and benefit from the research you present!
Another inspiring and well-crafted video presentation!.
Am reading the book and am enthralled.
Thank you!
What a wonderful book trailer!
Thanks for putting that together Lara and every one who supports.
It’s a big topic to take on; I’m looking forward to reading the book.
What a lovely promo! Been watching this video a few times and it just takes you along, the subtle dup-step music also suits, making me eager to dive deeper into the warmth of the religion of the sun.
Nice pendants as well btw Lara. I noticed that while watching videos like this, and other videos, one part of my attention is listening but another part is looking around and processing the visual impressions. Only natural I guess. But sacred symbols, geometry, colours etc. on that subconscious level can have a beneficial impact. Makes me think I could wear such things more.
All this research presented has changed my views of our history so much! and in such a wonderful way. Indeed rethinking it, and learning about our own earth’s story. One that makes ‘much more sense’ and is more close, connected and personal to me (and to any living person.)
Your words of gratitude and thanksgiving at the end feel very heartfelt :-) Makes me see that this little video also marks the happy achievement of completing the task of writing the book, so congratulations again.
Yet the journey is just starting I feel! Hoping many more people will hop on board along the way.
What a beautiful presentation, Lara!
The book is really amazing!
Thank you so much for all your effort.