Sakro Sawel means “sacred sun” in Proto-Indo-European. On this website I explore the history and practice of the ancient religion of the sun, which was the largest religion for thousands of years across the world.

The Ancient Religion of the Sun
This book details the history of the ancient Religion of the Sun, based on historical, archaeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence. The rediscovery of this lost global religion has the potential to cause one of the biggest shifts in our understanding of history. Essential reading for those wishing to understand ancient mysteries and religion.

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Making Contact with Extraterrestrials Through Other Dimensions
In late 2011 my husband Mark was out in our garden one afternoon and saw an ET craft pass by over our house. He said it was metallic and hovered over silently, beneath the level of the clouds. We believe that we were possibly located in this way first. One week later I woke up suddenly sometime in the early hours of the morning, and then felt myself being pulled out of my body by another being. This is a sensation I am very familiar with, as I have experienced astral projection many times through practicing various techniques to have out-of-body experiences (OBEs) since around 2002 after learning those taught by my husband.However, this was different to the usual feeling of lifting up out of the body experienced in exercises of astral projection [...]
Reestablishing the Feminine in Godhead: The Role of the Mother Goddess in Spirituality
Today, the predominant view of God in the Western world and in many other cultures is as a male.Although supreme deities are sometimes portrayed as having feminine attributes and as being genderless, there has been an obvious bias toward masculinity. This has many consequences, intended or otherwise, in the understanding of the female aspect of creation and women’s place in the world.Looking back through history, is it any wonder that male dominated religions have also created male dominated societies? [...]
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I’m taking a break from making videos to focus on finishing work on our books. At the moment, we’re working on an update to our book Ancient Solstice. We’re also working on a new book that we’ll release sometime this year.
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