Wishing you a sacred equinox. These times of year pass unnoticed by most people, but in the ancient world were the most holy of the year. They convey profound truths about creation, and about the journey of consciousness through it. For those of us reviving the ancient Religion of the Sun, it’s a time we can reflect upon its profound meaning, and connect with it in nature. It’s a special time in which we can feel part of the great cycles of the cosmos and its divine workings.

In the Northern Hemisphere, its the spring equinox, when life finally emerges from the darkness of winter. It’s a time of coming back into the light of the divine, after being through chaos and darkness – and the hardship of having to find and make our own light in the darkness.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the autumn/fall equinox, which represents those times we descend into darkness and difficulties in life to acquire knowledge about ourselves and forge virtues.

I’ve made videos on the meaning of the spring equinox and the autumn equinox (with the help of a great team at our publisher) in ancient cultures.

Also, an update on what we’re working on: Mark and I are finishing up a major re-write of our book Ancient Solstice, which has taken the last few months. We hope to have it finished and released in the next couple of months. There’s new information in it, as we’ve learned quite a lot since its first edition; we’ve aimed to make it a very comprehensive guide to the ancient sites and cultures connected to the solstices and equinoxes, and to their deeper, ancient meaning. We hope it’ll be a reference to all those wishing to understanding and reconnect with the lost ancient wisdom of the world.

Thank you to all of you who have supported us over the last few months, and have enabled us to work on this task.

Wishing you a sacred and blessed equinox.