Wishing you all a very spiritual solstice time!

It’s one of the four most holy days of year for those of us reviving the ancient Religion of the Sun. It’s an important time for reflecting on the meaning of the ancient sites and celebrations connected to this time of year, how this meaning is expressed in nature, and how it relates to our spiritual journey. I’ve done videos about the ancient spiritual meaning of the winter solstice and summer solstice in the religion of the sun.

This solstice brings us to the end of the year, and so I also wish you a happy and peaceful new year holiday. I pray that the Spiritual Sun guide and support us all this coming year, and that we can get a lot done both in our work to uncover the ancient religion of the sun, and in our personal spiritual journeys toward the light.

I want to take this chance to give an update on what Mark and I are working on and our plans. Right now we are working on a bit of an update to our book Ancient Solstice. After that, we’ll be finishing and releasing our next new book (which is largely written). I’ll then make some relatively small additions to my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun. Then after that we’ll be working on yet another new book, but a very small one.

I don’t intend to make any videos during this time, not even clips, as we feel it’s better to just concentrate on the books to get them done sooner. I have to choose between either working on the books or videos, as each need their own focus because they are both very time-consuming.

After this, I’ll then focus on the YouTube channel completely. Although Mark is already working on another book in the pipeline for the future!

That’s our plan for now at least.

Thank you to those of you who have supported us and continue to support us. This would not be possible without you.

Blessed solstice ☀