You can find an FAQ I’ve written about the Religion of the Sun here.
Below are some of the best questions and answers taken from the Sakro Sawel YouTube channel.
Q: Just wondering what religion you are? and what are the I assume altar pieces behind you?
Lara: I practice the Religion of the Sun. To my left is a hand carved wooden solar cross, with a triskele style symbol in the center. To my right is a hand carved statue of Odin/Wotan with the valknut symbol on his chest. Then there is a brass symbol of the sun with 12 rays. There are also 3 candles in handmade wooden holders, along with an incense burner.
“Global civilization” not necessarily people worshiped sun because it is very useful. Isn’t it obviously that we humans tend to make god of everything that is useful to us…???? That doesn’t mean that Europeans sun worshipers influenced the native American sun worshipers or even Asian sun worshipers for that matter.
If it was only venerating the sun that was shared in common, that would be true, but there is far more shared in common in the cases I’m talking about than that – there is a body of esoteric knowledge, symbols, megalith and pyramid building techniques etc. that are shared also. In the cases that I am talking about, the sun was a symbol of a shared ancient religion – the religion of the sun.
Might it be though, that rather than having a common origin, these similarities are better explained as simply stemming from nature itself? That is, these different peoples were all harvesting crops with similar growth cycles, living with the same 4 seasons under the same sun.
When I started researching this, around 7 years ago, I thought the similarities were based on different peoples making the same observations and also tapping into the same spiritual wisdom. Now, through comparing ancient legends, oral histories, shared symbols, ancient sites (which used the same building methods etc.), and more, I can see there is absolutely no way it is can be put down to coincidence or shared observation. In fact, the histories of many different ancient peoples say it’s not – they state that a wisdom bringer accompanied by a number of sages, helpers etc., set out on a mission to spread the religion of the sun throughout the world, along with the knowledge of civilization. Remarkably, their stories correlate, even though they are told by indigenous peoples separated by continents and oceans.
The sun provided for the benefit of northern people but to worship of is plain stupid
Many ancient people were not worshiping the sun itself – they understood that spiritual principles are imbued in the natural world, and that the physical sun was the material manifestation of the central invisible sacred sun. Sun, stars, and fire, were all seen as manifestations of spiritual light, which is why so many offshoots of the ancient religion of the sun, such as the Vedic/Hindu religion, the Druids, the Zoroastrians etc. incorporated these elements so centrally into their ceremonies. It can be hard to comprehend this today, as the spiritual senses that allow the perception of these higher subtle truths have atrophied. It is possible however, to reawaken these perceptions to allow someone to again see the world as many of our ancient ancestors did.
I find this fascinating. If you are correct in what you are presenting, sun worshippers, regardless of where they are on earth, have much in common. But, what caused sun worship to stop? Even if ragnarok happened and most inhabitants of the earth were lost, some survived. It would make sense that surviving peoples would continue as they did previously. Perhaps they would need to learn how to communicate with one another due to language barriers, but would eventually come to realise they had common beliefs and work to rebuild together. Thanks for the info. Do you hope to revive sun worshippers as a way to unite pagans from all cultures?
In answer to your question, here are a couple of statistics. About 84% of the world’s population follows a religion of some kind. Over half of these (around 4.1 billion people) are Christian or Muslim, with Islam being the fastest growing religion in the world. Only 0.01% of the world’s population identify as Neo-Pagan. If you include other religions that descended from the religion of the sun, including the Zoroastrians and Hindus etc. that number goes up to a little over 15%. Considering we’re in the vast minority on earth, it make sense that we understand our common source and unite around it, while still preserving our unique cultural differences. “Sun worship” stopped, as the numbers may tell you, because it was brutally suppressed and wiped out. This here then is an attempt to revive it in a very real sense. If you want to understand a bit more about how the religion of the sun was wiped out, I’d recommend watching my video on ‘The Lost Civilization of the Sun’
Very nice dress, seriously. On another note: germanic religion is said to be syncretic in nature and it is more than a thousand years old. Would a new attempt of creating a “modernized” syncretic spirituality make sense ? I am talking about a more practical spirituality in regard to the very real threats that we face today in Europe and northern America.
Yes, I think it is very needed. In my research, I have found that many ancient religions (but not all), including the Germanic religion, have a very ancient and common root. So in that sense, a syncretic religion already exists if you trace back ancient knowledge far enough. What I am doing, is helping to revive this religion in modern times so that it can be practiced today as it was originally. This has required researching the common branches of this religion i.e. of the Druids, the Norse, the Indo-Aryans (Vedic and Avestan), ancient Egyptian, Guanche, etc., and then tracing them as far back to the original source as possible.
This is all speculation, nothing more.
Perhaps it’s not clear from the video, but I’ve been researching this topic over the last 7 years – also drawing from authors who’ve dedicated their careers to tracing the remnants of different lost civilizations throughout the world. Everything in the video is based upon hard evidence and facts – whether artifacts, oral histories of indigenous peoples, ancient sites, genetic testing, and ancient texts.
Unfortunately “Jesus Christ” was an artifact commissioned by the Flavian emperors and authored by their tame Jew, Josephus. The purpose was to create a kinder, gentler Messiah for the remaining Jews to follow following the horrors of the Maccabean revolt. That these parallels exist was a deliberate necessity, for the prophecies to be fulfilled in order for the Jesus character to be accepted as a Messiah. “Jesus Christ” was a work of fiction, a Roman propaganda creation.
There is a vast body of literature that records discussions between Jesus and the disciples, which was never included in the Bible, and was suppressed by the early Church (and the Romans). It can be found in the ancient texts – the Nag Hammadi Library, Pistis Sophia, the Gospel of Judas and many others. From my research, I’ve seen that Jesus himself was not a creation, but that the image the early Church (along with the Roman government) tried to paint of him was. They did this by persecuting his real followers out of existence, suppressing almost all the texts about him, and combining a few texts that record the events of his life in with the Old Testament and the teachings of Paul (some of which are forgeries). This has made it so that the real Jesus is one that almost hardly anyone knows about.
Good presentation. I only found your channel after someone, or something, spoke to me in a dream. I think more people are waking up. It could be the only way to cease the endless wars.
That’s really interesting a dream led you here. Someone else in the comments ended up here after they dreamt about Odin, and another after Odin led them out of a coma.
Where can i purchase a pendant like the one you are wearing?
Everything I’m wearing – clothes and jewellery, as well as the items behind me, I bought on which is a place where you can buy directly from local artisans and craftspeople. There are a lot of artists in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Russia, who are selling pendants like mine. Just search ‘swastika pendant’ on there for example, and you’ll find lots of them.
I love your videos but these are very outrageous claims. You should provide peer reviewed sources, I can’t just believe whatever someone says. There are hundreds of explanations for the ancient world and its connections/similarities. You have people who claim its all aliens even. I hope im not watching just another collection of conspiracy videos.
I completely understand, and am the same way. I’ve spent years researching this now; it’s just too difficult to go into sources in a short video like this, but everything I talk about is in my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun, which is fully referenced with over 1,300 references. In terms of research, here are a few of my favorite sources: Martin Doutré of, Graham Hancock (his books Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods), Randal Carlson, and the work of Thor Heyerdahl. Of course, there are many others too numerous to name. I also go to the primary sources as much as I can, which are the ancient texts, documented oral histories, and accounts of ancient explorers. I also reference numerous papers and studies on linguistics, genetics, and geology. Some of the evidence, such as the spread of Indo-European languages, is already widely accepted. Dr. David Frawley provides insights into the Vedic evidence for a global religion of the sun, and Richard Cassaro has done a great job of bringing together the evidence for a lost global civilization using images. My main interest in all of this is the actual practice of the ancient religion of the sun, which is what my husband has uncovered, and enabled this research to come together coherently.
Sakro Sawel Thanks for replying. The video is old but you still replied. Most people wouldnt do that.
I’ve reached many of the same conclusions myself during my comparative mythology investigations. The oldest known hakenkreuz (Svastika), an Original Solar representation, was found in Mezine, Ukraine; dated to around 10,000 BCE. It’s an amazing find and adds to the other evidence that our Solar religion is far older than most “academics” give credit. I agree fully that Votan, Quetzalcóatl, Kukulcán, Viracocha, Wotan, Óðinn. WoðanaZ, are the same being.
Sounds like you’ve done some good and solid research. It’s clear that those who search for the truth with an open mind will inevitably arrive to the same place.
This is fascinating. There is indeed a crucial part of human civilization and more specifically, European civilization, that is being kept hidden from us.
Yes, it is a massive part of the history of human civilization, and it is being kept hidden from us.
What do it mean when you dream about Odin?
I personally believe Odin was part of the group of wisdom bringers who set out thousands of years ago to re-initiate civilization after a global catastrophe and reseed spiritual knowledge around the world. This spiritual knowledge was the Religion of the Sun, which is evidenced as being practiced across the world in ancient times. If he has appeared to you in a dream, I would say he has come to you as he did back then, thousands of years ago, to people all over the world – to bring you to the Religion of the Sun.
Sakro Sawel thank you very much for the information and please keep up the good work
This is fantastic , this night l dreamt of a black beautiful Raven, first time in my life. I have been wating for a long time for you and your new video… Writing with my left hand because yesterday me and my family had a fire in our apartment, my family members are ok but mt rigth hand was badly burnt. Maybe you have to sacrifice something to gain knowledge and wisdom
I hope you heal well and soon. I’ve read that Odin was sought especially for healing by peoples in ancient Europe. Perhaps the raven in your dream was there to show you that Odin is watching over you, which may also have been timed to appear the night before you saw this video to further impress this upon you. It is my experience that we do always have to sacrifice something to gain knowledge and wisdom – particularly attachments to material things, base pleasures and pastimes, and our own lower selves.
thank you Sakro Sawel, I have to admit your words made tears from my eyes. Oden Wotan Uotan want me make the connection that my belief is true and to show me that he is there. Thank you
Who are the Seers and Sages watching over us and how would one connect with them? The ones referred to as overlooking humanity.
In my experience, these seers and sages are people through history who walked the path of the sacred sun and attained enlightenment. They continue working to help humanity from higher dimensions – these are the dimensions people visit in near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences (OBEs), and also in dreams. And so it is possible to meet with and speak to these sages during an out-of-body experience or dream. Many ancient mystics knew how to have out-of-body experiences and used them to get spiritual knowledge, and so there are many references to out-of-body experiences in ancient sacred texts.
It’s not about believing in anything. It’s about understanding and knowing that they all existed to bring a revelation of true cosmic principles as revealed in the Religion of the Sun. All religions and religious figures, whether historical or archetypal bring the message of this unified spiritual teaching.
The Religion of the Sun is not a unified spiritual teaching of all religions. I’ve come to see that the Religion of the Sun is something specific, and while it is the origin of many ancient religions and traditions, it is not the origin of them all. Over the last few years I’ve read a lot of ancient and religious texts – some of them cover to cover. I’ve been shocked in many cases as to what is actually in them. In fact, some religious texts expressly state to murder those who practice the religion of the sun. Other traditions have no connection to the religion of the sun at all. Some seemed to have been influenced by it, but degenerated into barbarity, others became watered down over time and introduced other things, or were completely lost. So I specifically trace the religion of the sun throughout history, and it has taken a lot of reading and research to trace it as far back as I can to its root and then to see how it spread, and that’s what I present in these videos. The origin point since the last ice age is the wisdom bringers, like Viracocha, Odin, Svarog, the Apkallu, etc. and it spread further with indo-european civilization. Examples of it include much of the paganism of Europe, ancient Egypt, the Hopi, the Inca and pre-Inca, the Minoans, the Guanche, Vedic/Hinduism, Indo-Aryan religion/Zoroastrianism, and Slavic religion. There have also been other manifestations, like Taoism, Hermeticism, and ancient Gnosticism.
What if the pyramids were built with massive amounts of people chanting to lift the stones by levitation… what if entire highly advanced civilizations were simply more advanced biologically.
I believe the builders of many of the world’s ancient sites were more advanced biologically. The human brain has been devolving/shrinking for at least 8,000 years.
What an incredible period of human history that is today almost unknown. I like the point about how it is almost a vacuum in history – the conventional narrative makes it seem as if there were millennia and millennia of undifferentiated hunter-gatherers and then suddenly the emergence of civilization in just the last few thousand years But the inadequacy of that narrative is being gradually made clear, when sites like Göbekli Tepe, many oral histories and myths, out of place artifacts like a recent 10,000 year old ship petroglyph in Scandinavia, and numerous other indicators show that there is so much more going on in “pre-history” then we’ve been taught. This was a such wonderfully clear and beautifully presented video on the lost civilization and how its roots and branches wind through our human story.
Other evidence for an advanced sea-faring culture having existed in pre-history includes: 1. The Piri Reis map of 1513 that appears to have been constructed from more ancient sources and shows large areas of coastline throughout the world, as they would have been at least 6,000 years ago. 2. The account given by Sanchoniatho, the Phoenician historian who lived around 1,200BC and said that Byblos, Lebanon’s first city, was founded by a divine race who had better ships than they (the Phoenicians are supposedly the first civilization in the world to have sea-faring ships). 3. The early Dynastic Egyptian boat burials of powerful sea-going ships before ancient Egypt was supposed to have had them.
I also found it incredible that some ancient Egyptian ships, discovered at a previously unknown harbour on the Red Sea, showed clear signs of being used in salt water – evidence that they used them for long-distance sea travel and not just to sail up the Nile or for ceremonial purposes.
This is great info. How do you answer to those who say the original god form was female?
Researching into ancient religions, such as that of ancient Egypt, of China, and the Vedic religion, which have their root in the ancient religion of the sun, the original form of god was androgynous and divided into its masculine and feminine aspects in order to create. Everything in nature can only create through the union of male and female. As above, so below.
The indo-european religions exist and sprang up from a very specific context, time period, culture, and set of societal norms – all told, a folk culture. So while metaphysical truths may be present that apply equally to all, would you consider it spiritually healthy to be a practicing shinto Buddhist, when one is not Japanese? Or try to join a native American Indian tribe, while not being ameri-indian? Do you see what I mean? Personally, I think it is spiritually healthier to find the religion of your ethnicity, or ancestors, and dive deep into that collective wisdom that runs through our veins. But religious universalism, that says any religion is for anybody, to me, seems misguided, even if it is coming from a place of concern. Does that make sense? In other words, no – Indo-European paganism- in any form – is not for everybody. Surely, nobody can force anything, and that’s not what I am suggesting. What I am saying is that it is potentially spiritually stunting to argue (not saying you are, ofc – unless ofc, you are lol) that any religion or mythology is for anyone as well. I don’t believe that to be the case, at all. What do you think?
Great question. I would argue that because the ancient religion of the sun is so old, it became localized and expressed through many different cultures across different regions and continents as they developed in isolation from one another. The Indo-European cultures are a great example of this – over thousands of years they branched off just like the Indo-European languages did, forming the Vedic, Slavic, Germanic/Nordic, Celtic, Greek, Thracian, Baltic etc. cultures, and many others lost to time. These cultures came to uniquely express many of the same underlying truths and worldview, and even venerate exactly the same deities under different names, such as Thor/Indra/Perun. Reality will always be what it is whether you are in Japan or Scandinavia – we all live under the same sun. However, different peoples can communicate this reality using their own unique forms of expression, which is usually based on their environment, their ethnic characteristics, and own experience of it. I would recommend to those who are seeking reality, and the practice of the truth, to do so through a culture that is closest and most natural to them. At the end of the day though, I believe the quest for truth is the most important thing of all.
I’m glad I found your channel. That was a very nice, well thought out presentation. I still don’t get human sacrifice though. And where are these enlightened masters now? This world sure needs them.
Thank you. The wisdom bringers were against human sacrifice, and tried to abolish it (as well as animal sacrifice). However, its practice persisted among many people. I would imagine that these enlightened masters, after their deaths, have continued their work in higher dimensions. For example, I just put up a video about out-of-body experiences people have had with Odin. Agreed – this world sure needs them. But they are there – it is us who need to become aware of them.
After my recent deconversion I am a bit gun shy on accepting any sentient force outside myself as even existing or having any thought towards me. So far I’ve only found these types of things to be constructs of the human mind. It is the only place they are known to exist, by me anyways. I don’t know if I have enough time left to reconstruct another “spiritual paradigm.” For now it’s one day at a time in the here and now with the exception of my total preoccupation with matters such as these. Regarding human sacrifice I cannot help but link it to a psychopathic astronomer/priesthood that seems to have emerged everywhere. It’s still functioning today as far as I can tell. It’s interesting how the Mexica Aztec were originally part of 7 tribes dominated by a war god. Where does this stuff come from? smh. Thanks so much for your replies. Peace
I can understand where you’re coming from, and personally think it’s far better to gain experience than it is to construct any kind of paradigm, as that only serves to shut off the ongoing perception of reality. In terms of human sacrifice, unfortunately it appears to have been practiced by peoples in almost every culture at some time. I believe it stems from dark instinctual impulses in the psyche, which is why it cuts across time, and culture. References to it can still be found in mainstream religious texts today, although not associated with astronomy. It reappears whenever people turn to the “dark side,” as there exists a dark side of human nature. I believe it’s why the world is in the state it is today. Peace to you too, and much light.
I appreciate much of your work however I feel it prudent to examine the clear assumption of dualism present in the video. Light cannot exist without the dark and neither was feared or an advent for fear as our animist ancestors who believed in the religion of the Sun did not see the world in duality and this mindset is a recent and modern development which may hinder the growth and re-establishment of an ancient, ethnic, Soul based belief system that has great merit for people in the present. I wish you good fortune, may you fare well. Love of Jörđ and Sunna upon you.x
Thank you, I appreciate you giving your perspective in such a clear and reasonable way. I agree – from my research I have seen that the ancient practitioners of the religion of the sun did not see darkness as something to fear. Rather, fear prevents us from understanding things, and darkness is something very profound and important to understand, as many of their sacred writings reveal. Like you say, they saw darkness as a fundamental part of creation. From reading their texts, I can see how they saw the universe as operating within polarity – of light and dark, male and female, night and day, hot and cold, dry and wet, positive and negative, summer and winter etc., which they encoded in their ancient symbols. They then used their understanding of light and darkness, as well as their understanding of the other properties and laws of creation, in order to walk the path of the sun. Thank you so much for your well wishes. May the Sacred Sun guide and protect you.
That was the most pleasant and constructive exchange I have ever enjoyed on YouTube. Thank you for being so courteous! I look forward to more of your work and if there is any ever way in which I could support you, i.e. such as a Patreon Website or something similar, please let me know!
And for me also; I felt exactly the same way as you. I really feel that having reasoned, open, and friendly discussion and debate is so important for those of us who want to find out about the truth, about our history and everything, and to build something constructive. Then, we can all bring to the table what we have learnt and use it to find the answers, being able to pool our knowledge and cooperate together. Thank you so much for your offer of support. I don’t have a Patreon account yet, even though the videos do cost a bit to put together with the stock photo and video used, just because I want to get to a position where I’m producing more regular videos first. But certainly your constructive comments and energy are so helpful already. You are welcome to stay in touch, and to contact me anytime for any reason.
Fun fact: The moai were created at the behest of redheaded giants, called “The long ears” [because they stretched their ears]. The long ears enthralled a people referred to as “the short ears”. When the Dutch came to explore the Easter islands, they saw the large, pale, redheaded people worshipping at the foot of the moai statues, and they revered them as ancestors. The long ears were eventually overthrown by the short ears.
You’re right. For anyone who’d like to know more about this, I recommend reading The Secret of Easter Island by Thor Heyerdahl. The statues of Easter Island were built by redheaded and fair-skinned people whose legends state their people had come to the island after their original island homeland had been submerged. Some of them were still living on the island when the Dutch, Spanish, and English explorers arrived there in the 1700’s; sketches of these redheaded inhabitants were made by some of these explorers. You can see two of them as the thumbnail on my video about the Lost Civilization of the Sun. These redheads worshiped the sun who they called Ra, just as the sun god was called in ancient Egypt, and were known as peaceful people. Their artifacts also bear striking similarities to those found at Tiwanaku in Bolivia – another ancient site legend states was built by a redheaded fair-skinned peoples, and to the Chachapoya people of Peru, who were described as fair-skinned. Tragically, all but one of the original redheaded inhabitants of Easter Island were genocided out by the later Polynesian tribes – they also disappeared in Central and South America.
This is a wrong it is the migrations of the Aryan folk and their sages. Christianity is the destroyer of Wotan and antivisis, it is against nature.
Agreed, that the Orthodox and Catholic Church played a huge role in the destruction of European pagan faiths. However, in my research I have found there is a clear distinction to be made between Jesus and the Church. The true followers of Jesus’s esoteric teachings were persecuted by the Church in exactly the same way the European pagans were. Scholars clearly state that the theological and scriptural basis for this persecution was taken entirely from the Old Testament, which is a Judaic text. The Orthodox and Catholic Church have little at all to do with the teachings of Jesus. Most of Jesus’s teachings were suppressed and excluded from the Bible (see Pistis Sophia, the Nag Hammadi Library, the Essene Gospel of Peace, and the Gospel of the Kailedy). Instead, most of the Bible is comprised of Judaic texts and the writings of Paul, who never even met Jesus and who taught his own version of Christianity, which unfortunately, became the dominant one. There are many things in Christianity that go against the principles of nature and the cosmos – their exclusion of the feminine aspect of the creator is perhaps the most glaring. Most people are then very surprised to find that in the texts of Jesus that were excluded from the Bible, he talks very clearly about the feminine aspect of the creator, just as pagans do. He calls her the Earthly Mother. Agreed that the Aryans migrated throughout the world, taking their spiritual knowledge with them – this is the precise point I make in my video called ‘The Lost Civilization of the Sun’.
Very interesting and compelling examples of circumstantial evidence. These worldwide beliefs are probably vestiges of our common ancestors spreading out from Eurasia at the end of the Ice Age. Europeans, Mediteraneans, Indians, and Asians are all cousin sub species with differing amounts of Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA and crossover amongst each other. It’s not surprising that their descendent civilizations would mirror each other in many ways. I would hesitate in comparing Asatru and Woden to Jesus, as the original image and records of the semite preacher reforming Judaism have been heavily altered over the millennia to suit new peoples in the conversion process. The Romans altered it first from the Jews, then it shifted again to be palatable to the Germans, then again for the Slavs, then again for Protestants, then again for Africa and Latin America. The “true” image of Jesus relies entirely on how you choose to interpret a very small amount of solely secondary accounts written centuries after his alleged life. Moreso, Christians have been the primary enemies along with Jews in destroying our native European beliefs and peoples in countless crusades and persecutions from the 300’s to the 1500’s CE.
Agreed that Judaeo-Christianity formed the ideological basis for the destruction of native European beliefs. However, I think Judaeo-Christianity is very far from the original message of Jesus. The words of Jesus account for a teeny tiny amount of the Bible, which is mostly comprised of Judaic texts and the later teachings of Paul – something Jesus never condoned. Instead, most of Jesus’s own teachings have been suppressed by orthodox Judaeo-Christianity (and still are today). Most people don’t realize that there is actually a very large body of ancient texts that record the teachings of Jesus, many which have only recently been discovered. All of these texts were banned from the Bible, and were hidden for over 1000 years. They include many first hand accounts of Jesus recorded by the disciples (the texts found are likely copies of the originals) – such as the Nag Hammadi Library, Pistis Sophia, and others. Given these texts are recent discoveries, it is likely there were many other texts like them that were lost and destroyed. It also seems likely Jesus spent his “lost” years studying with spiritual groups, and only entered Jerusalem to complete a mission. I believe Judaeo-Christianity would view Jesus, if he were here today, as a “pagan” and “heretic.”
“Circumstantial evidence” is what largely the christian spread of it’s faith globally has been like a virus spreading among many indigenous peoples that coexisted with out the abrahamic faiths for thousands of years.
I’m certainly not here to defend the Abrahamic faiths. However, I’ve found that there is also evidence for a lot of conflict between many indigenous faiths long before its arrival. For example, the earlier Indo-European inhabitants of New Zealand were massacred by certain Maori tribes (see the YouTube doco ‘Skeletons in the Cupboard’). Likewise, the Indo-Euopean and South American Indian inhabitants of Easter Island were massacred by later Polynesians. The original Indo-European builders of the Nazca Lines were wiped out by an invading tribe known as “the decapitators”. The Aztecs wiped out the original builders of the sites they later occupied, and just about everyone else around them. The Anasazi of the four corners region of the USA who built Chaco Canyon were wiped out by invading tribes. etc. etc.
Lara, I was wondering what would you recommend for anyone who wants to pay attention to the message from all these traditions and sacred texts to do? Is it all about raising our inner level, so we can receive personal guidance (as you’ve mentioned individuals have been warned about these events coming)? Thank you for bringing this message to life! That’s so important for humanity now.
Practicing the religion of the sun fully so that they develop spiritually enough that they can become worthy to reincarnate in the next golden age to continue their development.
Sakro Sawel, I wonder what does “develop spiritually enough” mean here, if you don’t mind?
If you think about the degeneration in society today, how would such a society form the basis of a golden age? Many people believe, particularly in the New Age, that a transition to an age is going to somehow transform everyone, but ancient people realized that if we don’t change ourselves, we can’t expect circumstances to do it for us. In the religion of the sun, “developing spiritually enough” means transforming one’s inner psychological darkness into light to a level needed to meet the standards of being part of a golden age. Some ancient texts symbolize how this requires waging an inner battle against our own weaknesses e.g. our own animosity, cowardice, pride, malice etc. and thus increasing the level of our own consciousness, our inner light.
Thank you. Your response is very helpful.
Not a problem.
Just found your video and website. I was very intrigued. I am an avid reader and researcher of ancient religions and spiritual seeker. My own studies are very much in line with the basis of your book. The most ancient of spiritual practices such as the Persian Magi, the Brahmas, the Chinese, the Druids and even the Essenes appear to come from a single source which seems to be ancient ATL or Hyper-Borea. I wear a Celtic Cross (Solar Cross) which I recognized in your video. I understand it to be symbolic of the Spiritual Sun of the Gnostics, referred to as Ain Sof Aur by the Kabbalists. Very impressed with the video and all the information. Great website. Ordered both the books. Can’t wait!!
So nice to hear from you William. You’re definitely on the right track, and it’s great to hear you’re getting out in the Celtic solar cross, which was one of the most used symbols of the Spiritual Sun in ancient times. I hope you enjoy the books!
Hello Mrs. Atwood,
I’m just asking is there an update to when your second print of your book “The Ancient Religion of the Sun” will be available?
I have already purchase your book “The Ancient Path of the Sun” (from Barnes & Noble) I don’t want to read the second book before the first book. I’ve looked all over for even a used copy of the book “The Ancient Religion of the Sun” and can’t find it anywhere.
Thank you, Albert
Hi Albert,
It was going to be available this month, but as always, things take a bit longer than expected. So it should be available in November. I can email you when it is if you like?
I’m sorry to everyone who’s been waiting on the book for the delay, but this updated edition will definitely be worth the wait.
Mrs. Atwood, I check with your website and Amazon a few times a day to see if the book is available to be pre-ordered or ordered, but thank you for the offer to send me an email to notify me.
Hey Lara, I’ve enjoyed your videos, but I see the questions above are from a certain audience (similar to Robert Sephr) though your replies don’t bolster them. Are you guys neo-nazis or “volkish?”
Hi Jack, I’m glad to hear. The religion of the sun is non-political. Our focus is on ancient religion only, and reviving the spiritual wisdom of the past.
Hi Lara,
I don’t like talking about politics but I think the term “neo-nazi” is such a misleading label and it’s easy to associate the ancient religion with Nazis or the Axis powers of WWII because of symbols like the 卐 and the Rising Sun Flag of Imperial Japan. It seems like that the Fascists of the 20st century knew something about ancient mysteries, but hijacked their symbols and misused them for their own wicked interests. What they promoted and what they did is by no means in accordance with what the ancient spiritual teachings taught, and they should be condemned by all means. I think this could be another important reason to revive the religion of the sun, to reintroduce its true principles and clear up the misunderstandings surrounding some of the misused symbolisms. I’m not sure if the issue with the Nazis and how they had hijacked the symbols of the religion of the sun has been addressed specifically, but I think that is something worth-doing since I think that is one of the most common misunderstandings.
As far as I can tell, the notion of a superior race or nation had never been part of the teachings of the religion of the sun. The Wisdom Bringers reintroduced the religion of the sun worldwide at the beginning of our recorded history worldwide, and there is no sign that they discriminated between races. Although there is evidence to suggest that they were initially brought about by a group of people who appeared to be White or Caucasian in look in many different parts of the world, this religion ultimately came to be accepted by many different cultures and races, each practicing it their own way. There was even a sect of Jewish religion that venerated the sun at some point in history. These are just spiritual practices that has nothing to do with politics, and I’d hope that it remains this way so some crazy dudes could not hijack and misuse its symbolisms again😓 Correct me if I’m wrong about anything, but this is one of the few things that I think we must clarify.
Thanks Emily. The trouble is that for me to comment on any political group is to make a political statement. This is a slippery slope that leads to getting entwined in politics, which is not my field – as all I do is research and practice the ancient religion of the sun. So non-political really means non-political. The way I see it is that essentially any traditions connected to the ancient Religion had died out in Europe at least around 700 years ago. Whatever has happened since politically is simply irrelevant to any discussion of it because it happened so long afterward, and is simply not connected to it. I know far less about the history of Japan. The religion of the sun may have held on longer in Japan in some way, but still died out a long time ago in any way we would recognize it.
Hi Lara,
I understand where you were coming from. It’s just that from what I’ve observed people tend to think of Nazis or Fascism when they see the 卍 symbol or hear the word “Aryan”. And with that comes a lot of conceptions about things like racism, White-supremacy, ultra-nationalism,etc. None of these has anything to do with the religion of the sun. However those symbols have been appropriated by some people where it becomes easy to associate these symbols with them. I think it would be wonderful if the original meanings of those symbols could be understood by more, as their original meanings were not what many today associate them with.
Btw there was one time where I had a dream where I met the Golden Sun Bird and it said to me, “The founders of your civilization never intended to turn your nations against one another.” And within that voice I could feel a sense of sadness. I think it’s rarely the case that spiritual beings show any type of emotions, but in that case it was different. It seems like they are really not happy with where the world is at right now,and after saying that to me the Golden Sun Bird remained silent for a while. But as ancient teachings have foretold, this is a key feature of the Iron Age/Kali Yuga, and as part of the great cycle of existence… I really don’t know if the wicked ones these days would be willing to change what they do by any means, but the best thing we can do is to bring sparks of light upon ourselves and the external world through taking the spiritual path.
If an ancient religion was race-specific or nation-specific,than why was it taught to so many different cultures and races? What could be the reason why ancient cultures far apart as Ancient India and the civilizations of Mesoamerica have similar legends about world ages? Why do Taoists in China and alchemists in Europe who could never had any contact with another believe in similar concepts? What could account for the similarity between Norse and Japanese mythology,like Midgard and Nakatsukuni, Rainbow Bridge and the Floating Bridge of Heaven? These were people of diferent skin colors and cultures and who were unlikely to have had strong contact with one another during ancient times by conventional beliefs,yet they tell similar things. I don’t see how this could be race-specific or culture-specific or specific to any one place or one group of people, because it’s obviously not.
I think one of the problems with localized traditions that split off from the religion of the sun is that they are generally seen as separate traditions with no connections to each other whatsoever, from my own research I have seen some mainstream scholars recognizing the common root of indo-european religions like Hinduism and European peganism, but very few have been able to paint a wider picture which incorporates traditions from both the Near and Far East, as well as indigenous beliefs of people on other continents in both the so-called Old World and New World. If you ask a mainstream researcher he or she will likely tell you that those were separate indigenous beliefs and developed independently from one another. Very few so far have claimed otherwise. I know that Lara may have mentioned this point before many times, but I wonder what would happen if more people could actually see beyond the differences in culture, language and race and see that an ancient spiritual belief that contains timeless and universal truth was once so widespread that there was something more going on than what it may seems like at first glance. And I think that could be a key to look beyond national borders and cultural/racial differences to see the universal truth.
The triskele style symbol that appeared in Lara’s videos reminds me of a symbol known as tomoe(lit. “comma”) in Japan. Tomoe is essentially a comma-like swirl that has appeared in many places in Japan. Its origin is not very clear but there were tomoe-shaped beads known as magatama in prehistoric Japan that were likely used as both accessories and ceremonial objects. The mitsudomoe is a set of three tomoes circumscribed inside a circle, and the mitsudomoe looks very similar to the symbol in Lara’s videos. The mitsudomoe is used in many Shinto shrines, especially in shrines dedicated to Hachiman, who is a god of war and archery. But the mitsudomoe is also used in festivals and rituals related to Amaterasu-ookami, who is the sun goddess and the most important deity in Shintoism. There are so many gods, or kamis in Shintoism that I find it hard to navigate through this pantheon. I’m not even sure if “god” would be the most accurate translation of the Japanese word kami, there are many who say “spirit” is a more accurate translation. I’ve been fascinated with Japan for a very long time and I’d say there is a lot more to it than just anime and sushi, especially the ancient Shinto religion just captivates my imagination because a lot of what they believe are very interesting. I don’t know if I want to share everything I have found so far about Shintoism because I’m still learning about it but I just wanna mention tomoe, and especially the mitsudomoe because the triskele symbol behind Lara in her videos remind me of the mitsudomoe.
An article that talks about Japanese symbols such as the tomoe, mitsudomoe and the magatama:
I might buy some magatama beads, they can be ordered online. Maybe I will use them as ceremonial objects like how people did back in ancient Japan,I’m not sure. I discovered that the tomoe is by no means a unique shape only seen in Japan. The tomoe is similar to the 2 black and white parts that make up the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol(I am Chinese btw) and there are similar symbols found in Europe as well, and they were used by the Celts. I am not sure who were the Celts exactly but some of the symbols they used are really similar to the tomoe of Japan, and the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol.
Hi Emily, thank you for sharing this, its amazing how this correlates to the Indo-European triskelle and also swastika, as I just saw that the Japanese also have something called Yotsudomoe, which means a ‘fourfold tomoe’, and is basically a swastika:
It is also amazing that they even have a 2-fold version (Futatsudomoe): I don’t recall seeing anything like this in Indo-European culture, except of maybe a double spiral.
Hi Lucia,I do know about yotsudomoe, but I’ve never thought about it as a swastika. Now that you’ve mentioned it,I can see where your coming from. I always thought about swastikas in Japan as a symbol that was brought into the country via Buddhism, which in Japan it is known as the manji. Manjis can be seen in many Buddhist temples in Japan, and they do contain spiritual meanings. But the origin of the manji can often be traced back to the place where Buddhism originated, which is India obviously. It is widely accepted that this symbol was first introduced to China from India as Buddhism was spreading from India to China, and from China the religion, along with use of the symbol spreaded into Japan. In the indigenous Shinto religion of Japan though,I haven’t seen or thought of any symbol that bears even the slightest resemblance to the swastika, until you brought up the yotsudomoe. I’ve seen swastikas popping up in parts of the world other than India, but not in Japan. Now it looks like I’ve made the incorrect assumption and there are things which I have missed.
It’s been a while since I’ve last visited this comment section, while Japanese culture is something I’ve always been interested in, my focus of research has actually shifted to its neighboring country China recently, as that is where my own cultural heritage originated, and I am aiming to unlock some of the greatest ancient mysteries here. However, I do still look into Japanese stuff every once in a while. Since I’ve settled down in China, I have been using a Japanese children’s song in my personal ceremonies called Tenohira Wo Taiyou Ni( ) This is a relatively simple song, however the lyrics mentions the sun, us and other living beings, and it signifies the unity of all living beings with the Spiritual Sun in a way in my opinion. When it comes to conducting ceremonies what comes into most people’s minds ancient hymns like the ones in ancient Celtic language, however I don’t think that has to be the case. I feel like any chant or song that better connects one to the Inner Light that is, by its nature, one with all beings in the universe will do the work. I have even written some of my own praises to the Spiritual Sun and they were being chanted at the celebration of Winter Solstice at my basement. Lingling, a girl who has helped me with my research has written some of hers too. We did this all in the modern Chinese language, or Mandarin more particularly because we really don’t know ancient languages very well and it can be hard for us to pronounce the words in them. But we both feel that it has worked for us. I know this may be a controversial thing when it comes to practicing the Religion of The Sun in the modern age, but Lingling and I do believe that we should do it in a way that best connects us to the spiritual world. Since she also has some knowledge of Japanese language the song Tenohira Wo Taiyou Ni is also something that found common grounds on. Anyone who is interested in this song can follow the link provided above and check out this song for themselves.
That’s was so cute to watch, Emily!I like how it mentions not just our connection to the Sun, but also to other living beings as you said, and how it emphasises “being alive”. And how cool you girls are composing your own praises to the Sun! I really think that sincerity and doing things from our heart is what matters when we are trying to connect to the Sun, or doing any spiritual practice for that matter. Many years ago, when I was learning to astral project for example, I used a jingle from a children’s TV broadcast that was popular when I was growing up in Slovakia. Somehow, as I was lying down and trying to project, that melody and its repetitive syllables came to my mind and so I just decided to go with it, and astral projected as a result of it.
Now having said that, Lara did mention that she was going to release some Religion of the Sun-related practices soon, so that should be very inspiring!
Tenohira wo Taiyou ni! :-D
Maybe I should start looking for non-Buddhist swastikas in China too, there the people assume that the swastika came from India as well. But in reality the swastika is much more wide spread throughout the world than a lot of people realize. For some reason in these countries like China and Japan people tend to associate the swastika with Buddhism, and therefore India. They generally don’t believe that the symbol exists within their own native religions.
The meaning of the tomoe symbol: This symbol is ubiquitous on Buddhist and Shinto temples all over Japan. Its name is tomoe, meaning turning or circular, referring to the motion of the earth [mitsu means “three”]. The tomoe is related to the yin yang symbol, and has a similar meaning, representing the play of forces in the cosmos. Visually, the tomoe is made up of interlocked flames resembling tadpoles. . . . A mitsu- tomoe reflects the threefold division of Shinto cosmology, and is said to represent the earth, the heavens, and humankind. The triskele is also thought to represent as it is also believed to the three Celtic worlds; the spiritual world, the present world and the celestial world. It’s a little bit strange why there are so many cultures in the world view many important elements of life to have threefold divisions, like the material world we live in, the human soul, and the spiritual aspect of the universe. The Hindus view the cycle of life as divided into three parts, life, death, and rebirth. There are many trinities that are being believed in by these different cultures. A Greek philosopher(I forgot who) once wrote that there are three parts to a human soul, the first part is defined by the instinctive urge of people to survive and seek for sensual pleasures, the second part the marked by the quest for knowledge, the third part is the spiritual part of the soul, the part that tries to understand the meaning of our existence, and strives to find ultimate enlightenment. I’ve been researching East Asian cultures, primarily Japan and China since my ethnicity is Chinese and Japanese culture is something I’ve been obsessed with for a long time and I’ve been learning Japanese language for that very reason as well and also hopefully to decode some ancient Japanese spiritual texts once I’ve reached an advanced level of proficiency in the language(I’m still far from that now, but I believe I will get to there some day). But recently I’ve decided to change my focus a little bit and looked at some other cultures around the world, since I want to take a break from researching East Asian cultures. I will eventually go back to it but what I found from the many other ancient traditions actually share some similarities with my own culture when it comes to beliefs. For example spiritual enlightenment is often thought by many people as a concept that exists in Eastern religions like Taoism or Hinduism, but actually many brilliant minds in the history of the West also spoke of similar concepts, like the Greek philosopher I’ve mentioned above. The belief in reincarnation in also commonly thought of as a Eastern religion thing, like something that people like Hindus would believe, but the ancient Greeks also had beliefs in reincarnation. This discovery came even as a shock to myself as I was learning about what those ancient cultures believed. I long thought that only Asians believed in reincarnation and spiritual enlightenment and the West have only recently got introduced to these so-called New Age beliefs. But the reality is that what I call the pre-Christian Western world actually held similar beliefs, and there must be have had been some teachers that went around the world and taught these people about the spiritual knowledge. What I cannot figure out though is how exactly did they travel around the world, it’s not like they had the technology to do so as far as we know. Since they had superhuman abilities maybe they were able to fly over the vast terrains and oceans? I’m not sure.
Since I’ve always been somewhat a spiritual person I learned about different religions. I lived in China a few years ago and learned about Buddhism there. Since Sanskrit is one of the languages that Buddhist texts are written in I also took an introductory Sanskrit course. The session was very short and the grammar of the Sanskrit language is really complicated so I don’t remember much about it. But while I was studying it I found that some Sanskrit words are strangely similar to words in English and I came up with a list of words in Sanskrit that I thought are similar to their English counterparts. I asked the person who was teaching it why this was the case but that person couldn’t really explain it since he didn’t know English. The more I looked at those words the more I think they were similar to English, and I cannot find similarities like that when I compare Chinese or Japanese to the English language. The list of words have puzzled me since. Later I heard people speaking about how Sanskrit is similar to Latin and Greek and how those three languages may have shared a common origin, but I haven’t seen anyone talking about the similarities between Sanskrit and English. I don’t know if I’m the first person who suggests that Sanskrit and English may have sprung from a common origin or if that means anything, but I just came across this list of words that I have forgotten about so I thought I wanted to share it.
jara(old age)–geriatrics
a–un,im(a prefix used to negate something)
How interesting to see the Sanscrit side by side English like that. Definitely you can see the similarities. It would be interesting to learn more how this sacred language spread across and influenced the spoken word and communication across the continents. I have been captivated by the connection of Sanscrit to my own native tongue for quite some time now.
For example, the Polish word: ‘oczywiszcze ‘ (pronounced ‘och-yh-veesh-cheh’ which translates to simply meaning ‘of course’ feels like it might have a connection to the Vedas and the God Vishnu.
Perhaps my interpretation is a stretch, but what comes to mind from separating the two parts ‘oczy’ which means ‘eyes’ and ‘wiscze’ which means to yell, but also has associations with ‘holy’ is how similar wiszcze (prounced veeshcheh) sounds like Vishnu, so together… the eyes of Vishnu. Therefore our Polish word ‘of course’, which also refers to mean truth, matter of fact, and reality, feels like it has some kind of link to the Hindu God ‘who is everything and inside everything’.
Hi Olga, just wanted to say that in Slovak we also have a similar word ‘očividne’ (pronounced ‘och-yh-veed-neh’), which means ‘obviously’, with ‘oči’ meaning the eyes and ‘vidne’ or ‘vidno’ meaning clear, visible. So the whole word then means something like ‘its clearly visible for the eyes’ (and therefore obvious ;-)). Not sure about the Vishnu connection in this case though. Unless the word Vishnu has something to do with the meaning ‘to See’ (an all-seeing deity? or over-seeer?).
Hi Lucia,
Now that you’ve mentioned it, it reminds me of the English word “video” which also comes from a Latin root that means “to see”. I wonder just how many languages could be related to each other…
Although you’ve probably found out on your own since you posted this comment, I just wanted to make sure that you know that linguists have shown that Sanskrit and most European languages derive from a common language that is referred to as Proto-Indo-European (PIE). The history of words is called etymology, and there’s a wonderful online etymological dictionary at
The website doesn’t give the Sanskrit equivalent for all related words, but does mention it for many, such as “agni’ and ‘ignite”. “Video” is indeed related to Veda and Vedic. Congratulations on noticing!
I can’t explain why, but your work fascinates me. This is particularly vexing to me as I have never felt any real pull towards religion. However, the concept of Odin and the ancient religion of my ancestors is finally giving me the ‘”pull” that I have always felt was missing. Thank you for showing me this first step on the path.
Not a problem John. So glad to hear.
This is very helpful, I thought I was the only one that thought this way at some points in time. Now, I know i’m not. I try my best to explain to family and friends that there’s something evil happening in this world but no one wants to listen to me or let me try to explain. I want to try and inter the astral plane but I have way to much anger built inside of me that I want to get rid of so i’ll be able to inter without getting triggered by an dark entity because of my anger. My name is Black Rose and I’m looking for people that can help me inter this realm and get more information about what’s going on so that I have a better understanding of these dimensions.
Hi Black Rose, I’ve been practicing and experiencing astral projection for about 17 years now using what I’ve learnt from my husband, whose the most experienced person with astral projection I know of. He’s been practicing it for the last 28 or so years and has written a book all about it. His book is currently unavailable, but will be again in the future. I’ve done a video about one particular astral experience I’ve had here if you’re interested Feel free to ask any questions you might have.
My name is Ray. All my life I’ve felt different. I’ve remembered many dreams. I’ve had many dreams of Galactic Bodies in the night sky, vivid colors I have never seen in this world, visitors, gray people, people who shine like the sun, portals to other dimensions appearing before me, and have heard demonic laughter.
Before you think I am nuts. Let me build credibility. I am 32 years old, married 10 years, two sons. I am a mechanical designer and manage a crew of Package Sorting Conveyor System innovators. I am a homesteader. Carpenter. Sawyer. Mechanic. I have studied Christian Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I am not a crazy weirdo living in his mom’s basement with a thin scraggly beard and beer gut. I’m proud of my health, and take good care of it.
I dream of changing the world. I think about it so much it effects my daily life. Until mid 2018, I had never heard of Asatru, Old Norse religions, etc. I just found your YouTube channel this morning, first I have ever heard of Sun Worship. Until last year, I never thought of pre-christian indo-european religion and culture. I was raised a christian, and just never thought back further than year 0.
Somehow, I have known, my entire life is supposed to be a special journey. I know deep down somehow, that I am supposed to be a leader. Its not narcissism. On the contrary, I am frightened by it, and frightened I may never live up to or find this true calling.
Which is what has led me to this website. I am constantly wondering the internet, and my physical world seeking whatever my true calling is. This story/myth/legend that Odin/Wotan etc, wonders in search of knowledge and is a giver of knowledge speaks to me more than anything ever has.
I haven’t been a follower of Christ in 8 years. Christianity stopped speaking to me around age 20, and by 24 was agnostic. At 19 I traveled to Nigeria to preach the gospel in Muslim dominated north side of Abuja. Long story. Nearly lost my life. I am lucky to be alive. After many epiphany, epiphanies triggered by the events in Nigeria, I have found myself on a perpetual wanderlust for my calling.
If, as you say in your account of your OBE with Odin, Odin is like us, and IF he is real, then maybe I have finally found the origin to my wanderlust. I will for the next several days or weeks, call his names in my lucid dreams.
I give everything my best shot. I am cynical, to be honest. Maybe this is just the nature of being biologically human, and there really isn’t an actual spirit world, but its all in our heads, and handed down through genetics. Or maybe its real, and we can move to another dimension. I just don’t know. But I am ready to find out for myself.
I really like how you’re willing to try things out for yourself. Feel free to let me know how you went with calling Odin, as I may be able to share a few tips. In my experience it can take a lot of persistence, and some inner preparation too. If you’re serious about it though, I’d say he will be watching, even if you feel like you’re trying on your own.
This is a very nice collection of good questions and excellent answers. Thank you Lara for sharing with us the fruits of your hard work and long research.
Thank you for putting this together Lara,
There’s some fantastic feedback under the Youtube videos.
Definitely, there are some gems inside the comments of your youtube videos!
I liked, for example, this when someone asked:
“… it is potentially spiritually stunting to argue (not saying you are, ofc – unless ofc, you are lol) that any religion or mythology is for anyone as well. I don’t believe that to be the case, at all. What do you think?”
You answered:
“I would argue that because the ancient religion of the sun is so old, it became localized and expressed through many different cultures across different regions and continents as they developed in isolation from one another.
The Indo-European cultures are a great example of this – over thousands of years they branched off just like the Indo-European languages did, forming the Vedic, Slavic, Germanic/Nordic, Celtic, Greek, Thracian, Baltic etc. cultures, and many others lost to time. These cultures came to uniquely express many of the same underlying truths and worldview, and even venerate exactly the same deities under different names, such as Thor/Indra/Perun.
Reality will always be what it is whether you are in Japan or Scandinavia – we all live under the same sun. However, different peoples can communicate this reality using their own unique forms of expression, which is usually based on their environment, their ethnic characteristics, and own experience of it.
I would recommend to those who are seeking reality, and the practice of the truth, to do so through a culture that is closest and most natural to them. At the end of the day though, I believe the quest for truth is the most important thing of all.”
I also found that a lot of my questions are answered while reading your latest book “The religion of the Sun”
Thanks Fotis I hadn’t seen that comment. The root connectedness of those different Indo-European traditions is so cool, something I was virtually oblivious to previously. Seeing those similarities more now through Lara and Mark’s work feels wonderful— because those commonalities start to better draw a picture of the universal truth.