A Brief Overview

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What is the Religion of the Sun?

The Religion of the Sun is a religion that was widespread in ancient times in which the sun was venerated as the supreme manifestation of the divine.

It was the most widespread religion in ancient times and one of the most powerful influencers on human history. It had a massive and profound influence on ancient religion (including Christianity) and upon the development of civilization.

Sun worship was common among the civilizations of the ancient world. It was practiced:

  • in ancient Egypt
  • by the Indo-Europeans, which include:
    • the Celts and Druids
    • the Vedic practitioners of India
    • the Persians
    • the Hittites
    • the Minoans and Mycenaeans of Greece
    • the Germanic and Slavic peoples
  • among the megalith builders of Europe
  • in Sumer
  • by the Phoenicians
  • by the mound builders and Pueblo people of North America
  • by the Aztec, Maya, and Inca
  • and in many other traditions

Pyramids of similar design can be found across the world, and almost all of them are associated with the worship of the sun (as some of them have not been studied). Image credits: Egypt CC BY 2.0 by Jerome Bon, United States CC-BY-SA-3.0 by Skubasteve834, China public domain, Mexico CC BY-SA 4.0 by Daniel Schwen, Cambodia public domain, Canary Islands CC BY-SA 3.0 by Pedro ximenez, Tahiti public domain, India CC BY-SA 4.0 by MADHURANTHAKAN JAGADEESAN, Mesopotamia public domain, Azores CC BY-SA 4.0 by Torbenbrinker, Italy CC BY-SA 3.0 by Gianf84 at Italian Wikipedia, Mauritius CC BY-SA 4.0 by Uli sh

By studying their beliefs and history, my husband and I realized that the religion of these ancient cultures was influenced by or derived from a common source. That source was the Religion of the Sun, which was spread to different parts of the world thousands of years ago by a sea-faring civilization we call “the Lost Civilization of the Sun.” This religion is the reason why the same style of megaliths—like pyramids and standings stones that are aligned to the sun—are found across many parts of the world, and why the same or similar symbols (particularly those to do with the sun), legends, cultural artefacts, languages, and beliefs can also be found in all the places it spread.

The term “the Religion of the Sun” was first used by my husband and I (Mark and Lara Atwood) in 2016 to describe this religion, which we discovered and are piecing together through our research.

How old is it?

This religion is at least thousands of years old, but could be tens of thousands of years old or more. For example, both ancient Egyptian and Indo-European traditions describe a distant “golden age” when their solar religions were first practiced. Ancient records kept in Egypt state that Egyptian civilization and religion date back as far as 42,000 years ago, and the archeological evidence of Indo-European sun worship dates as far back as 12,000 years ago. Both Egyptian and Indo-European cultures state that their way of life and religion was a legacy handed down to them from a civilization destroyed by a global catastrophe.

Where did it come from?

Quetzalcoatl, the wisdom bringer worshiped by the Aztecs of Mexico, who was described as fair-skinned and bearded, and as arrived from across the ocean.

According to numerous ancient legends (including those of a number of indigenous peoples of the Americas), the Religion of the Sun was first practiced among the people of a now lost civilization that was destroyed by a great flood. This flood likely occurred around 9,700 BC, which is the date that coincides with that given for the destruction of the lost civilization of Atlantis by Plato, and the massive rise in temperatures and sea levels that occurred at the end of the last ice age.

The traditions of numerous indigenous peoples in different parts of the world then record how a number of priests/sages, who survived a great flood, came to teach them the arts of civilization and the Religion of the Sun. I refer to these priests/sages as “the wisdom bringers.” Examples include Viracocha of the Inca, Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs, Masaaw of the Hopi, Manu of India, and Osiris of Egypt. They became worshiped as gods, but the ancient legends about them reveal, they had been real people.

Following this, a global civilization arose which had adopted the Religion of the Sun, and further spread it across the earth – both by land and sea. This civilization appears to have originated from around the region of the Black Sea (the Caucasus and Anatolian region), where the oldest dated megaliths in the world, called Gobekli Tepe, have now been discovered. My husband and I call this culture the Lost Civilization of the Sun.

Although it’s generally believed that ancient people did not have the ability to cross oceans in any significant way before Columbus in 1492, there’s plenty of evidence they did, and that in fact the oceans were busy with migration and trade. Modern expeditions have used reconstructions of ancient ships to prove ancient people could have traversed the oceans, and even solitary rowers have made these ocean crossings in recent times.

Why did they worship the sun?

Most think that sun worship arose out of the instinctual impulse of primitive people to make gods out of those things important to their survival. However, ancient texts clearly describe that the sun was venerated for a much more profound reason, which had to do with the spiritual nature of light. Light was seen as the greatest visible manifestation of the divine. As the sun is the greatest source of light we can see, it was venerated as the outpouring of the divine in the material world, which ultimately had its source in an invisible, supreme creator.

The Religion of the Sun is an ancient spiritual practice. In it the sun and stars are seen as the highest source of light, having higher dimensional aspects where they are connected to the light of consciousness each one carries within, and to the greater light of each one’s higher/inner Being. The path of the sun throughout the year illustrates the inward path someone can take to reunite with their higher Being (their own sacred sun), which is why many ancient peoples ritualistically celebrated the solstices and equinoxes, aligned their sacred sites to the sun, and why their great teachers and major deities experienced their main life events at these times of year and were deified as “sun gods.” This is something my husband discovered, and calls the “Sacred Sun Path Theory.”

Where can I find out more?

While the evidence for the existence of the Religion of the Sun has remained in scattered remnants left behind in various ancient texts, megalithic sites, and symbols, the actual information of how to practice the religion itself in any coherent and meaningful form had become lost over thousands of years of suppression and persecution.

However, we are working to bring this religion back.

I provide a detailed overview of the ancient Religion of the Sun and its history in my book The Ancient Religion of the Sun. My husband provides an overview of its theology in his book The Ancient Path of the Sun, which I helped co-author. I also have a YouTube channel where I present videos about it.

14 to 19 thousand people gathered to watch the summer solstice sunrise at Stonehenge in England in 2005. There is a large and growing return to the ancient remnants of the Religion of the Sun. Photo by Andrew Dunn reproduced under CC BY-SA 2.0


My husband, Mark Atwood

The ancient Religion of the Sun is not something my husband and I set out to find, or heard about from somewhere else. It’s something we discovered unexpectedly.

In 2011, my husband Mark and I began researching the ancient traditions connected with the celebration of the solstices and equinoxes, and releasing web articles explaining their spiritual meaning. We came to realize that a number of ancient people in the distant past had to have understood their deeper meaning at one time, and had sometimes incorporated these meanings into the sacred sites they aligned to the solstices and equinoxes, and into their rituals and celebrations.

We also came to realize that the path of the sun throughout the year actually correlates with the path to self-realization/enlightenment, etc., alluded to in many ancient wisdom traditions. My husband began this path in 1991, which is how he was able to decipher the meaning of so many teachings and symbols of the ancient Religion of the Sun.

In September of 2013 we compiled our web articles on the solstices and equinoxes, and released them as a free eBook (now only available in paperback and titled The Ancient Path of the Sun), explaining within it that there had once been a solar religion practiced across many parts of the world in ancient times, which had given rise to the building of many of the world’s most enigmatic sacred sites, like the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the statues of Easter Island, Stonehenge in England, and countless others.

We began referring to this religion as “the Religion of the Sun”—a term we coined ourselves, but later discovered had been used in a handful of instances over the last few centuries, most notably by Thomas Paine, who was one of the founding fathers of the United States and likely a Freemason. Thomas Paine was the only one to employ it as any kind of formal title—using it to describe the religion that had been practiced from the remotest antiquity before spreading over large parts of the ancient world, and later being preserved in Freemasonry. All other uses (of which I have only found a number that can be counted on one hand) were merely passing and one-off, using it as a descriptive phrase for ancient forms of solar religion—mostly in books dating from over seventy years ago.

By this time I had done a massive amount of research by reading scores of ancient texts from numerous traditions (at least over one hundred from cover to cover) and researching the alignments of large numbers of ancient sites from around the world. Out of this, we included hundreds of excerpts from ancient texts as well as images of ancient sites and symbols in our book as supporting evidence.

Initially I had thought that the many different cultures evidenced as practicing the Religion of the Sun in some form had done so independently of one another. In my research, I had come across many similarities between the symbols of ancient cultures (even though they were never meant to have had any contact with one another), and had put this down to people within these ancient cultures coming upon the same spiritual knowledge through mystical experience and encoding it using the same symbols.

The penny dropped only later, in March 2016, when researching ancient sites on the Internet, I stumbled across the website of Martin Doutre of http://celticnz.co.nz/. In his work, Doutré painstakingly analyzes the measurements used in the building and layout of many ancient sites in different parts of the world, and demonstrates that their builders used the same standard measurement system, and thus were part of or influenced by the same global civilization. Although Doutré does not discuss the Religion of the Sun, he does recognize that the builders of these sites venerated the sun. After reading some of his articles, Mark and I realized that the traces of the ancient Religion of the Sun that we had been researching and studying had originated from the same source in remote times, and had once been the religion of a post ice-age global culture and civilization now lost. Mark and I named this civilization “the Lost Civilization of the Sun.”

Months later, Mark and I released an updated edition of our eBook, which was now in paperback, to include a chapter titled ‘The Lost Civilization of the Sun’ in which we shared our findings on this lost civilization. Since then, I’ve read the works of authors such as Thor Heyerdahl, Graham Hancock, Dr David Frawley, and Gordon Kennedy, whose research has confirmed and added detail to what we had first realized in 2016 about the existence of such a lost civilization.

What I present in my videos is based on our findings and supported by my own ongoing research. I also draw upon the research of other authors who have presented their own findings on lost civilizations, and whose work I admire and acknowledge. I have done so under the title “Sakro Sawel.” This is another term Mark and I put together, this time by looking through online dictionaries of reconstructed Proto-Indo-European words. “Sakro” means sacred, and “Sawel” means sun in the ancient Proto-Indo-European language—we joined these words together to create Sakro Sawel (meaning “sacred sun”), the name for the YouTube Channel and website I use.

It’s important to mention that our research was a journey—we in no way set out with a destination in mind when we first began writing about the solstice back in June of 2011. We had absolutely no idea what we were in for—we instead simply followed the evidence as it led us from one thing to another. We had no idea that a Religion of the Sun, wisdom bringers, or a Lost Civilization of the Sun had ever existed.

Both of us had been schooled in the mainstream, isolationist view of ancient history, and had never had any reason to question it. That’s why our own discoveries each came as major shocks to us. For me, finding out about the Lost Civilization of the Sun particularly was what I call “a Truman Show moment”—as like in the film, when the character that Jim Carrey plays steps out of the false life he had been born into, I felt everything I had ever been taught and believed about ancient history was essentially a façade that had been constructed over reality, much like a Hollywood movie set. While it was a huge shock to discover this information, I also felt incredibly grateful to have been given the opportunity to step out into a new world that made so much more sense, and which revealed the greatest religion in the world, and one of the most courageous and inspiring spiritual missions of all time.

As far as I’m aware, no one else has come to the same conclusions we have, in the way that we have. Although some researchers whom I greatly admire have pieced together the traces of a lost Ice Age civilization, and brought together a lot of information on the wisdom bringers and the influence they had on various cultures, as well as recognized the solar nature of Indo-European religions, and some of the similarities between sun worship in different cultures, I haven’t seen anyone bring it all together to construct a coherent narrative that traces the origin of this religion as far back as possible, tying it in with the wisdom bringers, the legends of Atlantis, and numerous megalithic sites worldwide, as well as revealing the deeper meaning of its symbols and how to practice it. Essentially, we’ve tried to put together the whole package and tell the whole story of the Religion of the Sun, often spending seven days a week writing and researching for many months at a time, without charging anything, as we deeply care about this message and realize how important it is for people to know.

However, there is a difference between our methods of study and those of purely academic researchers. We not only write about the Religion of the Sun and research its evidence throughout history, but first and foremost, we practice it. Many people think you find out about things just by reading, but there is a limit to how much you can find out by reading alone. Ancient mystics discovered their knowledge through experience—one which is inner/metaphysical. The Religion of the Sun is a body of knowledge and a metaphysical practice that is directed toward the transformation of the individual, and thus someone can only truly uncover and understand its practice through practicing it and transforming themselves.

Someone can essentially have the same metaphysical experiences these ancient peoples did, and can thus penetrate into the true meaning of the symbols and writings they left behind, even when they are currently obscured or misunderstood. Since releasing the Sakro Sawel videos, a number of people have come to my YouTube channel after having an experience with the Being who in Nordic/Germanic tradition became known as Odin and Wotan—to some he appeared in a dream; another he led out of a coma. I have also had the great fortune of meeting this Being in an out-of-body experience. This is the Religion of the Sun at work—it’s a living practice, where the traditions of old are not locked
in the past, but are alive as they once were, when the wisest of our ancestors were in touch with the other worlds, and through its practice, we can be too.


The following videos I’ve done give an overview of some of the key background information to the Religion of the Sun.

An overview of the ancient Religion of the Sun.

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About who the wisdom bringers were.

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About the Lost Civilization of the Sun.

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Why people venerated the sun.

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~ Lara Atwood